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Home Explore 8th Period

8th Period

Published by Anita Kruse, 2020-09-20 20:46:41

Description: 8th Period


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Problem app was Target Audience- made for- Ages 18-40 This app was made to find coupons faster and help you save money. Input that the Description of app app uses process/stores 1. Website info 2. Whole web for best prices info. and etc The app takes information from other 3. Users custom settings websites then compares it with the one you have/ are about to buy then gives you a result of which one will be a better fit or which one is overall better. How the app stores information is if you tell it to or it is something like an account. It will store transactions and things like that.

Addison Dayoc & Sadie Smurr This app is intended This app is for any who has designed to homework. (ages 7- reduce your 18) homework time or help you Ask: Homework App understand you Folders homework. settings Math English History + Tutorial (step Science by step) Lessons Calculator Search Bar: The input that my app Ask is an app that helps uses is the search bar students with their (for questions), homework. It processes the calculator (for math), question that you typed into and a microphone (for the search bar so that it can you to speak into). give you step by step or information on your question. It also stores all your work and questions so you can go back to them.

Kennedy Luevano, Ruth Rodriguez The audience The main problem for our app is the app is designed students or to fix are kids that anyone thats in are not organized school and gets and don't do there a ton of homework right. We homework. think that there is no point of homework if you don't do it correctly. You wouldn't learn anything. Some examples of input that our App uses The app processes are your grade, important dates for school, the information by the school you attend, and a calender of keeping track of your sports and extra activities. All of these your homework per are used to help you know when your week from all the homework is due and how you can information you complete it each day to turn it in on time. give the app in the beginning. It then stores all the information till the end of the semester.

WPG: writin promp generator B Jayn Mickelse an Kell Utter thpcerwooumahmmnTuoschipdneresteiglesvtartneauutcisrpgvgegeweliestpitehwoipthle Welcome to WPG: writing Ttohupinmscecchoouyacremwesprposlealpprmbeeiltstafidiie)v(sntspiawgtutumeyhrpiceopeteshhprwoaolaamenimtnshtepdts prompt generator! Press “start” to begin the question process, click “random” to skip the questions and generate a random prompt Tnhseqeeteuhurudoieepepsrstsiraewogtoiprooiimnatpfwnhanpsiclsaltlawwsgnoreoitrctoihnoadagmt e START paroanimndnasfpsmpowTttrrosoeemhrurvgeeanihiovtaatiiuesoposstnnpofm,rwylaikilllel only RANDOM

Jesse Langford and Samuel miller The targeted audience The app is designed to is men ages 10 to 30. track people chargers This age group loses and lead them to the the most chargers and location of it. loses them the most frequent. Charger Chaser The app inputs the The app stores what charger’s serial is your charger and number, where you its info, the amount of approximately live, and times it has found where you your charger. The approximately are process where you while trying to find your are and finds where charger. the charger is them creates a path to your charger.

By Cristian Gomez and Carter Turner orPceiotyp.le new to a town Pkvenaoocpwaletwioshnoemorerecttioimtygeos don’t on a goT.he input is where you wanna Tyhoeguoaaplikrpeenaaenesddtowsrehtoeorkrenroyeowsutuwwrhaaeunrnent.a

By: Cole Tamplet, Ivan Perez Kids who are in The problem our app school, or are getting will solve is kids bullied and made fun getting bullied and of. not standing up for themselves. It will also allow kids to talk to people about their problems. Some input devices Violence are the mobile keyboard,headset, s Stand up for yourself don't let the bullies push you around but remember don't use physical contact.

Brady Kolle and Toby LaFeir Find My iphone STUFF Labels Stuff Trump Approves The types For ALL Everyone Put in your of inputs People loses things, Dates, Times, are dates, this app will Events, times, and help! whatever. This events app will notify you of upcoming events.

Cian Daley, Drew Matney Students in middle Students get and high school overwhelmed with homework Homework Manager Get Started It will store when ● School District the assignment is ● Due Date due and it will ● Class process how long it ● Name of will take assignment

By Daniel Martinez The Target Audience What it Solves Who the problem effects What the problem is that are kids around the age of there is no notification that 10-18 that are in school. an event is happening and The location doesn’t if a assignment is due. matter as well of the living What the app sloves is that conditions as long they are it will be a managing app telling you events that will in school. happen at school and when Something is your work will be due happening tomorrow!!! LOOK The Target Audience The Input How the app processes is by The input that the app the work you do on the app requires is your school and stores all of the work username and password and access to your mic and you have done and the camera if your want to events that had happened. submit a recording.

By : Aryona Keith and Averi Hughes The input that the The audience that this app app uses are the was specifically made for is user age, storyou people who are wanting to es that prefer, save money. prices that you prefer, and gps This app is designed to help so that the app people who want to save can find the best money efficiently. The issue is price within a mile that many people don’t range. research to try and find the best price, therefore many Price Finder people that are spending too much money on things that Walmart Hollister could be cheaper. Kohls Foot locker The app processes and stores your information buy seeing what HEB Bass Pro the best price is from different stores. The app stores H&M T-Mobile information such as your previous searches and different search stores close by and far away. settings

Ayda Brown & Callie Brown The app help the problem The app will take all you of not knowing when, information to make a what and where event are calendar and find a occuring in your calendar. It will store this community. Like sports information on it’s online events,fairs, and parade. database. From their it will save all calendars made Sharemmunity and saved by you permanently, or until deleted. CREATE CALENDAR FIND A CALENDAR SAVED CALENDARS The Target audience Some inputs are… for this APP is mainly ● Zip Codes for adults, who need to ● Street addresses find out events the need ● City to travel to. Because ● State kids can't drive ● And events

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