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Published by daelimhw, 2022-03-09 05:13:54



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LTA Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone  2-7 Trained Personnel 2-7.1 By ensuring that only competent persons are involved in traffic control.  (1) Appointment of a person with authority to control the progress and to be overall in-charge.  (2) Training of site supervisors who are already conversant with safe methods of work in traffic control. Site supervisors should be appointed to supervise the selection, placement, operation, maintenance, and removal of the traffic control devices; and  (3) Training of workers to be fully conversant with safe methods of placing, operating, maintaining, and removing devices on the road. Under LTA Code of Practice Traffic Control at Work zone Edition 2019 requirements, only trained and competent workers shall involve in traffic related work activities. Traffic controllers needed to attend course on:  BTCC Traffic Control Courses for Workers  BTSC Traffic Control Supervisor Course Always When deploying traffic controllers – proper Approved traffic plan by CAG, ISRC and Tk to be in place. 37

Day Night Reflective safety vest filled with LED lights to increase visibility and ensure safety of motorists and workers working in the nights. Traffic controllers should know the importance of moving traffic through signals and knowledge to display sign boards that is required . Traffic Controller refresher training 38

Drivers: 1) To always have updated Aerodrome map 2) Drivers entering T2E to be escorted 3) Drivers to attend CHANGI ADC Orientation course 4) Drivers on Airside to be escorted always 5) Drivers are not to leave their vehicles unattended 6) Drivers to park their vehicles at approved designated areas strictly 7) Always get a banksman when reversing in workplace 8) Drivers to abide all Changi traffic rules and speed limits at all times. Personnel who are required to drive in the manoeuvring area shall:  possess a valid seasonal Airport Pass from Airport Police Division for access to the airside;  possess a valid Class 3 Driving License issued by the Singapore Traffic Police (TP) or state licensing authority (outside Singapore), or an International Driving Permit equivalent to Class 3.  possess a Category 1 or Category 1R Airfield Driving Permit (ADP) issued by Changi Airport Group (CAG) Airside Driving Centre (ADC). The Category 1 ADP allows drivers to drive in taxiways only. The Category 1R ADP allows drivers to drive in taxiways and live runways. Drivers must have a valid driving pass to enter Airside. 39

Drivers to always comply to CHANGI traffic rules. 40

Scaffold Inspection:  This Training is to educate the workers on how to spot the hazard on unsafe platforms or scaffolds when they are working on it.  At times the tag can be green-safe to use, but the scaffold has been illegally modified.  By knowing what is unsafe and to report immediately to the Scaffold supervisor is part of this training to enhance scaffold and WAH safety. Spot the hazard  missing toe-board  missing handrails  handrails and guard rails are not according to standard levels  cat ladders are not secured  cat ladders are not 1m above the platform  loose platforms and not secured  any other scaffold violation Immediately to inform scaffold supervisor. 41


Scaffold platform not secured Missing Toe-board Scaffold Inspection refresher training 43

Workplace Safety and Health (Construction) Regulations 2007 Personal protective equipment 33.— (1) It shall be the duty of — the employer of any person who carries out any work in a worksite which requires any protection referred to in paragraph (2); or the principal under whose direction any person carries out any work referred to in sub- paragraph (a) in a worksite, to provide and maintain, as far as is reasonably practicable, the appropriate personal protective equipment to the person. (2) The protection referred to in paragraph (1) is as follows:  eye protection.  fall protection.  foot protection.  hand protection.  head protection.  hearing protection; and  respiratory protection. 44

Ear Plug Hand Gloves Body Harness PPE refresher training 45

Excavator Operator  Operator with Valid Licence  Excavation PTW need to apply  Excavator used for lifting - Lifting Plan to be submitted and approved by CAG, ISRC and Takenaka  Excavator used for lifting - Valid-6 Monthly LM certificate  Excavator used for lifting - Valid-6 Monthly LG certificate  Excavator used for lifting - Competent Lifting supervisor/Rigger and Signal man  Excavator monthly inspection records  Excavator operator daily checklist to be inspected  Barricades with signage to prevent unauthorised entry into Excavation areas  Inspection on all lifting gears before lifting / Checker flag and Red-Obstacle Light  R/A, SWP and MOS briefing to all team before start work 46

Excavator operator declaration form. No works are to be done in CHANGI if the above is not complied Excavator Operator refresher training 47

Slip, Trip and Fall Hazards  Slips, trips, and falls can happen in any workplace, and should not be overlooked. They can cause:  Minor injuries such as sprains and strains.  Broken bones due to the impact when trying to break the fall.  Back injuries due to the impact from the fall.  Cuts if the incident occurs near sharp objects.  Head injuries if the person hits the head upon impact.  Burns if the incident occurs near hot surfaces, or if the person is handling hot fluids.  Death in more serious cases. For example, a person may slip and fall off an open side of a building if it is not barricaded. Good Housekeeping to be in focus always during work and after work Bad Housekeeping Good Housekeeping and Storage 48

In the event of any Emergency in the project: 1) Contact number to call 92301900 2) The importance of following the in-house procedure to contact the duty emergency hotline number for any incident/accident on site 24/7 – T2E Project Hotline: 9230 1900 Always call the 24hrs Emergency duty phone 92301900 on any Incident/accident immediately 49

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