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Home Explore IT Fest

IT Fest

Published by Sreeja Anand Manu, 2022-01-11 10:07:18

Description: IT Fest


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Techshara IT-Inter-House Fest

For Grades I to X ● Kindly follow the instructions given grade-wise 2

Grades I, II and II Students can create models on Students can make a Greeting card parts of a computer and speak or draw scenery (using MS Paint/ about it. Tux Paint) 3

Grades IV, V, VI Students can prepare Power Point Students can create any interactive Presentation on Sustainable game using Scratch programming Development Goal 13. Climate Action 4

Grades VII, VIII, IX and X Web page development using HTML, CSS. or APP development using any programming language or Animations

RUBRICS Presentation Creativity Content Organization Total 5M 5M 5M 5M 20M 6

Thankyou For any queries, kindly contact Ms. Sudha(8639948916)

Thankyou For any queries, kindly contact Ms. Sudha(8639948916)

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