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Home Explore Of Diapers & Caskets

Of Diapers & Caskets

Published by jfrancis, 2021-05-31 10:31:57

Description: A magazine which highlights the important aspects of psychological developments of both infancy and old age.


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OF DIAPERS & CASKETS A Guide In Understanding Phases of Infancy and Old Age © Unsplash

DEDICATION To everyone struggling their way through this pandemic

Table of Contents Welcome Overview on Infancy Infancy’s Cognitive Developmental Milestones Germination: A Sprout Leading to the Outside World Foundations of Change Emotional Development of Infants The Miracle Baby of 2002: An Unpublished Memoir Editorial on Infancy Dawning Death: Of Reminiscing Regrets Overview on Old Age Lilies Losing of Covers: The Phase of Withering A Beautiful Ending, I Guess? Emotional Development Of Old Age & Applying Socio-Emotional Selectivity Theory Getting Hooked in a Relationship Yarn Editorial on Old Age Afterword


VERVIEW OVERVIEW Infancy: A New Life and A New Beginning I “In the garden of humanity, every baby is a fresh new flower.” -Debasish Mridha nfancy is often referred to as being a unable to verbally order, demand or show baby and the journey of its development off their feelings, needs, and wants, so they alongside with the nature and influence of the use sounds such as crying (for pain-feeling surroundings. According to CK-12 (2016), in and pooping) and laughing (for happiness its summary section, “infancy is defined as the and comfortability), facial expressions such as first year of life and is the period of most rapid eye contacts (for curiosity and attraction) and growth after birth”. Being stated, infancy could smiling (for happiness), and body movements/ be the age of a person’s life possessing innocence gestures such as legs movement (for excitement) and physical growth that could make an infant and point-finger (for wanting something). possible to adapt to his/her surroundings. Infants are so into their senses and they In Piaget’s Theories, it is possible that an are capable of learning from it. As an infant, infant could be called a ‘little scientist’ due to their five senses are tools for new knowledge the theories that were created among adaptation and discoveries that could help them get what like ‘what will happen if I push something?’ and they want. This way of learning made them able ‘who could be this person that feeds and cares to explore and adapt in their ecosystem along for me?’. Infants would collect ideas and data with their toys, families, and also, others. to support their theory, and if it happens, their As they are known and acknowledged as belief on the theory would be stronger as they infants, they are known for having no capacity keep on doing the same thing every day. Also, to do things for themselves and made older according to Piaget, children understand the people be their support and guidance along world with schemes, psychological structures their infancy stage, and/or as fondly called that organize experience. In other words, babysitting in the nowadays generation. infants regroup objects by how they treat them. In the memory capacity of a newborn For example, infants suck, then objects that can child/infant, we could actually state even be sucked are grouped and/or categorized as without seeing facts but onto experiences, that how it is treated, sucked. infants have less memories of the moments In “The Seven Ages of Man (All the we have for them. They are only capable of World’s a Stage)” of William Shakespeare, it is remembering what they’ve been doing often stated that the first stage of a man’s life is the but not how they did discover doing it. infancy where mewling and puking onto the Infants are a great blessing and should be carrier’s arm wherein it shows the jubilance and cultivated while growing up and building their willingness of a someone for a newborn, a pure thoughts wide and open mind that could help love for the new life in the world. them nourish others and their society. In terms of communication, infants Jeanne Clarisse T. Gonzales


Infancy’s Cognitive Developmental Milestones -Ae Be Kye Magbuhat Since the first few years of a child’s life are cognitive development, especially for a parent, vital for their future success, many parents because doing so provides the foundation for are worried about their child developing the their child’s success in school and later in life. cognitive skills they need at a young age. It was For instance, research shows that children who previously believed that infants are incapable of can distinguish sounds at six months of age are developing coherent ideas and that they would better at acquiring the skills for learning how to remain incapable of comprehension until they read at four and five years of age. learned to talk. Today, it is clear that babies are conscious of their surroundings and are Cognitive milestones mark significant interested in exploring them from the moment advancements in a child’s growth. The they are born. In other words, they have the following information could serve as an aid for ability to learn as soon as they are born. They understanding and identifying infants’ cognitive collect, filter, and interpret information from stages of development. The developmental all around them in order to enhance their vision milestones from birth to 3 months highlight and reasoning skills. But our brain’s ability to the exploration of the basic senses and respond to change decreases as we age, making discovery of the body and environment. the first few years of a child’s life crucial to their Rooting and sucking at the location of a nipple overall growth and career progress. or bottle are examples of their anticipatory The mechanism by which an individual actions. They could also identify the pitch and gains, processes, and learns to use information loudness discrepancies in sounds, and they is known as cognitive development. It includes could concentrate on moving objects, such as processing information, solving problems, faces. They are able to differentiate between organizing intelligence, developing judgment, sweet, salty, bitter, and sour flavors, and the language development, and the ability to way they respond to their surroundings is by remember. It is necessary to assist in an infant’s using their facial expressions. Perceptual skills still develop at the age of 3–6 months, and at

t © Unsplash this stage, infants’ sense of perception begins “You” and express their sense of ownership by to develop. They have the ability to mimic facial using the word “my.” emotions as they pay more attention to other It is essential for parents to participate in people’s facial expressions. They can distinguish quality interactions with their children on a familiar faces and react to recognized noises. daily basis to help them boost their cognitive At 6 to 9 months, they learn to differentiate development. Some of the parenting tips both animate and inanimate objects. They include speaking and responding to the child, use an object’s relative size to figure out and reading them bedtime stories, singing to them assume its distance, and they also seem to be or listening to music with them, expressing love more interested in things that are out of reach. through playing and cuddling with them, and Infants are able to investigate the world around securing their safety. Some of the following them in increasing depth as their physical suggestions may also be useful in assisting abilities improve. As they reach 9 to 12 months, a child’s cognitive growth, the use of various they take an interest in browsing picture books. learning activities to expand their interests, like They make sounds and movements in response introducing books and puzzles and showing and imitate some motions. They are capable of an interest in what they do. Parents could also following simple instructions and understand try to limit their distractions to help them stay the notion of object permanence, wherein an focused and attentive and observing or making object exists even if it is not visible. Children’s suggestions to increase their curiosity. Offering physical, social, and cognitive development them options and encouraging them to make appears to develop more once they become decisions also helps. one year old. Exploration is one way to learn. They can grasp 10–50 words and respond to or imitate some words that they hear. They understand the distinction between “Me” and

Germination: A Sprout Leading to the Outside World -Jeanne Clarisse T. Gonzales Everybody commonly asks, how do infants may or may not have a low birthweight. infants develop physically and turn into While postmature means that babies arrive two or an adult? As time goes by, life gets more interesting more weeks after the estimated due date. But the and it lets us question ourselves regarding the full‐term babies are those who arrive on or shortly processes of who we are, then and now. Once we after their due date. Mostly, the weight of the babies enter the world, the infancy begins and there will goes around with the pounds of 5 1/2 and 10 and 18 be no chances of turning back from the place where and 22 inches long. Pertaining to the gender as part we are unknown. of physical development, male infants are slightly Physically growing as an infant from the heavier and longer than female infants. To discuss very beginning could be familiarized with planting more about the normal physical development of seeds as it develops roots and feeds with water to let infants, it is particularly rapid within the first two it grow. Once we plant something, it means we are years of life. The birth weight of an infant typically responsible for taking care of it. However, plants doubles by 6 months and triples by the infant’s first like infants have their own processes and nature of year of existence. A baby grows between 10 and growing naturally. It also has different phases and 12 inches in both length and height. The infant’s levels, meaning, it is understandable that the late proportions also shift over the first two years. And and advanced physical development does really the proportion of an infant’s head falls from 1/3 exist, not only with infants but in many aspects of of the whole body at birth to 1/4 at age 2 and in life. Being able to see the beauty of the earth and the adulthood, it rises with 1/8. progress of its people are the factors that contribute Many researchers proved that the physical to happiness. With the beginning of infancy, every growth of infants starts with the head, then will seeing, hearing, feeling, and appreciating the focus on other parts of the body. It was more likely environment would be possible. illustrated as sucking comes before sitting, in which Majority of young individuals believe the sitting comes next before walking happens. In fact, beginning of everything is the most important newborn physical development includes fine motor manner in understanding life. Hence, the infancy skills and gross motor skills. Firstly, motor skills stage is a broader and wider topic than we expect it involve head control, sitting, and walking. Secondly, could be. It is not only about physical appearances gross motor skills allows infants into holding a of the newborns but the improvement of how they spoon and pincer grasp.These matters were strongly dealt with the kind of environment they had faced. connected with the human’s motor skills, sensory In addition, we are all born differently so we must parts and reflexes in which infants constantly deal with the changes, either positively or negatively. grow. According to the online site of Cliff Notes, Nowadays, it is normal to deliver premature or post- reflexes are programmed responses to stimuli that mature newborns as long as it has been monitored enable babies to react to their surroundings before by the doctors. To describe, preterm or premature learning has occurred. To illustrate the idea, babies

suck when faced with a nipple, turn their heads the newborns. Second, the proximodistal pattern when their parents sing, clutch at a finger pushed which focuses on the extremities and lower body. into their hand, and startle when introduced to This gives the fact that physical development starts loud noises. Any reflexes, such as blinking, are with the upper part of the body up to the bottom. involuntary. In the same way, motor skills which is Bindler & others (2017) reported that infants also known as behavioral ability improves physical can control their upper part muscles before they development. Thus, infants must learn to engage become able to control their hands and fingers, themselves in motor activities while their bodies and with that, they could only use their hands as a are rapidly changing. whole right after they control the several fingers. Infants as young as one month can already The key lesson here is that height in normal and raise their chins while lying flat on their stomachs. natural state are not the same thing. A lot of About next month, babies will be able to lift their children are significantly longer or shorter than the chests from the same view. Infants will understand set standard, but are nevertheless entirely normal. rattles and sit with assistance in four months. Infants Sometimes, all we need to do is to accept and love will be able to turn over their body by the month of the development that happens to us. It takes time five, and by the month eight, they will be able to sit for us to be grateful, so it is not about what other up without big assistance from adults. Around the people might see, but the gratefulness within our age of ten months, toddlers are able to stand while minds and hearts. hanging onto a material to serve as their support. Thinking about the process of physical Toddlers will be able to raise on their own and growth, it is really amazing as it could be. It was even slowly walk by the age of 14 months. These like a miracle from no nowhere and no one else months are only averages because the patterns of would expect what would happen. Humans grow physical and motor growth vary between children. fast with their natural and well-being but, of course, Based on a number of factors such as heredity, the needs to be taken care of. Infants are blessings from amount of exercise the child engages in, and so above because without it, we are not the person we on. That is how a little one turned into a moving are right now. This stage molds us and makes us part of the society. By just one year, everything is a complete human being as we exist. We cannot in line with the expectation of the outside world, control growth, sometimes it fails and comes late, that it exposes young individuals to spreading out but the majority are positively growing. No matter what they have. Twelve months would be enough how we start to grow as an infant, it is significant to observe the changes in the physical view of an to embrace the fact that we have different phases infant. From the very first month up to the last and biological inheritance. Thus. we should not month, the difference and improvement could be compare ourselves to one another. Infancy is only seen. the beginning. We must appreciate the development There are patterns of growth explained in that happened to us because time will bring us for developmental psychology, and it holds the idea what kind of person we are physically, based on the that the time after birth, physical growth of an developments that naturally come to us. infant is getting faster. The first is, cephalocaudal Bindler reminded us all with this statement, pattern, which focuses on the center and upper “Whenever we provide a typical or average age for body. It explains that infancy is a developmental a developmental milestone, remember that the series of growth. It often happens at the apex, the normal range for passing the milestone is much upper part which is the head. This is connected wider.” with the physical growth and feature distinction that is steadily making their way down from top to bottom parts of the body. This said pattern can be seen in the head, where the top parts; head, eyes and brain, grow faster than any bottom parts of

Foundations of Change -John Vincent C. Caponpon George Bernard Shaw once said, meeting the baby’s growing and developing “life isn’t about finding yourself; psychological needs. In fact, during the first life is about creating yourself.” We, humans, two years of life, the most important factor in a are not new to changes. Ever since we are child’s psychological development is most likely toddlers, we experience changes. We change their interaction with their primary caregiver. physically, emotionally, and we develop skills Based on infants’ perceptions of what is such as crawling and minimal walking, and going on around them, they constantly process even psychologically. However, like babies and information and form new social connections. infants, the quote above does not certainly apply The bond formed between parent and child to everyone. They cannot really find themselves is the first connection of a child’s life, and it at a very young age, and that is when the role builds a foundation for all future development. of the parents takes place. They are the ones As early as three months old, babies already responsible for their children’s psychological show signs of surprise, anxiety, relaxation, and development. excitement in their behavior. By the first year, Psychological development refers to new emotional states such as rage, depression, the growth of a person’s cognitive, mental, and fear also appeared. Babies begin to smile intellectual, social capacities, and functioning at other people, beginning at about two over the course of a typical life period. It is months. Attachments to their mothers and the subject matter of the discipline known as caregivers are developed by about six months. developmental psychology. Infants make rapid These attachments form the basis for healthy progress in both comprehension and memory, emotional and social development throughout which improves their ability to comprehend childhood. and anticipate events in their surroundings. Although these changes are normal The recognition of object permanence— and natural, parents and guardians should be the awareness an external objects exist more responsible since this is one of the most independently of the infant’s perception of important stage of life. Infants will start to them—is a fundamental advancement at this develop things that will serve as the foundation point. of their future versions. Being aware of a baby’s From birth onward, babies depend on psychological state will also have a significant their caregivers, guardians, and parents to meet impact on their development. Life is not about their physical needs, as well as their social and finding yourself; it’s about building yourself; emotional needs. Caregivers play a vital role after all, you might as well help and guide the in providing interaction and communication younger generation.

Emotional Development of Infants -Kimberly Alcancia As previously suggested above, the first two years of life are an incredible time of growth and change, both physically and mentally. Babies experiment with and learn from the environment around them. Beyond the physical, thinking, and language tasks, babies are learning about social and emotional tasks. Babies learn not only how to express and understand their feelings and emotions but also how to understand the feelings of others. Early research led experts to believe that emotions are learned through human interaction, but newer research led experts to believe that some emotions are naturally occurring and instinctual from birth. However, as Bronfenbrenner’s theory suggests, the environmental experiences that babies have as they grow and develop have an impact on their emotional and social development. Babies can feel interest, distress, disgust, and happiness from birth and can communicate these through facial expressions and body posture. Infants begin showing a spontaneous “social smile” around age 2 to 3 months and begin to laugh spontaneously around four months. In addition, between ages 2 and 6 months, infants express other feelings such as anger, sadness, surprise, and fear. Between ages 5 and 6 months, babies begin to exhibit stranger anxiety. They do not like it when other people hold or play with them. They will show this discomfort visibly. Previously, they would smile at anyone and let them hold them. However, during this time, babies are learning not only how to show their own feelings. But also how to notice others’ feelings. Around age four months, infants can begin distinguishing the different emotional expressions of others. Later, around age six months, babies began to mimic the emotions and facial expressions they see in others. At birth, babies treat caregivers more or less interchangeably, unequipped as they are, by and large, to distinguish among people. However, as the months of their first year go by and their perceptual and processing abilities grow, they begin to form a powerful attachment or bond with their primary caregivers. As babies’ attachment to their primary caregivers strengthens, they become more sensitive to the absence of their caregivers. Around age 8 to 10 months, babies start to experience separation anxiety when separated from

their primary caregivers. The intensity of this anxiety During this time, toddlers may exhibit signs of self- varies between individuals and is based on the baby’s consciousness when performing certain tasks or temperament and environment. While some babies attempting new situations in order to gain approval will respond very strongly and heatedly to caregiver from their caregivers. absence by crying and fussing, others will respond By the age of two, toddlers can express a wide in a more subdued fashion through whimpers and range of emotions and are becoming more adept at slight agitation. Babies first frown to express their regulating and coping with them. To get what they displeasure or sadness around the age of 9 months. want, toddlers can even pretend to be upset at this It’s also during this time that babies’ temperaments, age. They know that if they fall and show behaviors or innate personality styles, begin to show. More on of being hurt (even if they aren’t hurt), they will temperament will follow shortly. get attention. However, they will often still become By nine months of age, babies have learned how upset at situations that disrupt their sense of control to express a wide variety of emotions. It becomes or alter their usual routine. Also, around their second readily apparent between ages 9 to 10 months, as birthday, genuine empathy appears. They become babies become highly emotional. They go from capable of recognizing when they’ve hurt someone intense happiness to intense sadness/frustration/ somehow and capable of apologizing. Emotional anger quickly. This emotional lability evens out as development plays a crucial role in a child’s wellbeing babies develop rudimentary strategies for regulating and success in life. For the first six months, babies their emotions around age 11 months. express emotions based on how they feel at the Babies’ understanding of others’ emotions grows moment. Around month 7, babies start to develop as well. Around age 12 months, babies become emotions like fear and anger. From 8-11 months, aware of not only other peoples’ expressions. But babies are more sensitive to approval/disapproval, also their actual emotional states, especially distress. and separation anxiety is likely to peak. By 12 months, They’re beginning to make the connection that babies develop expressive language and can begin to facial expressions match an inside feeling. It’s worth label emotions. A child’s temperament, individual noting that some babies began to exhibit jealousy experiences, and environment will influence their toward the end of their first year, around the age of emotional development. 12 months. In the questions, Are Babies Born with As toddlers move into the end of the second year, Emotions? The answer is Yes! Pinning down exactly they continue to build on the emotional progress what a baby is feeling is difficult; simply because they have already made. Between the ages of 13 and they cannot explain it to us. Still, researchers have 18 months, separation anxiety may subside as object used observation and interpretation to study infant permanence develops, and they understand their emotions, and most agree that babies are born with caretaker isn’t gone even when they can’t see them. the basic emotions of pleasure and distress but not It is also the point during which babies may also an understanding of them. Varied emotions and use transitional objects such as stuffed animals or understanding what they mean evolve as the child’s blankets to soothe and comfort themselves when the memory and cognitive abilities develop and their caretaker is not there. Toddlers usually enter another experiences become more complex. emotionally rocky time between the ages of 15 to How Does Emotion Evolve During Your 18 months. During this time, they may be fretful Baby’s First Year? Babies’ emotions, like every and easily frustrated, and they may throw temper other aspect of development, may not follow this tantrums to express their feelings. Toddlers often timeline accurately. Emotional development may come out of those “Terrible Twos” around age 21 also appear more intense or subdued depending on months and become less fretful and more relaxed. a baby’s temperament or whether his environment

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The Miracle Baby of 2002: An Unpublished Memoir -Francis J B. Papio On the dawn of the 29th of May 2003, I set out towards the residence of the Adlao Family in the province of Batangas. The sky was painted with pastel colors of blue, pink, and violet, yet the terminal where I am standing right now is After a while, do you ever get that feeling already crowded with passengers of sorts. I guess that someone might be watching or staring at you can say we were already packed like sardines. you, but you don’t know who it is or where that As I queued to the booth where we’ll get the person might be? My gut is telling me that. I put tickets for the bus ride, I can’t help but notice my phone down and it didn’t take me long to an elderly couple sitting on a bench. It somehow identify who that person is, and that is the old reminded me of my own grandparents who are man sitting next to me. As it turns out he was not now dancing on their graves, they’re both good the only one staring at me because when I shifted dancers. Anyway, after a few minutes of waiting my body, I also saw the old woman looking at me. in the queue, it was now my turn to buy my ticket. Unlike the old man who’s only looking at I handed a 100 peso-bill to the lady in front of me, the old woman was smiling at me and she me. seemed to be handing something wrapped in a “Sa’n punta mo?” the lady asked. [“Where tissue. Of course, I somehow don’t want to paint are you heading to?”] myself bad in front of strangers; this is why I “Sa Batangas po,” I replied. [“Batangas.”] shyly accepted the gesture of generosity given to She then tore a ticket and handed it to me me. I took my bag beside me and put it inside my alongside the change for my payment. I left the bag after unzipping. booth and searched for the platform where I was Luckily, when I got inside, it was still not supposed to wait for the bus to arrive. On the crowded. I sat in the third row from the front but ticket, it says the bus number, platform, and the was not seated beside the window, which is totally time the bus will be leaving. I guess I should be fine with me. Letting myself sit comfortably on waiting for Bus 245 on Platform E until 6:30. My the bus seat, I placed my bag above my laps. The clock tells me it’s only 6:09 and the bus is nowhere seats are now starting to get filled one by one. to be seen. I glanced once more at the old couple We waited for another ten whole minutes before to see if they were there, and they were still there. the bus engine roared and headed towards the Walking towards them I somehow felt something province of Batangas. In the back of my mind, heavy inside of me and I don’t know what it is. I didn’t actually know how long it would take for Anyway, I sat beside the two and didn’t talk. I the bus to reach Batangas and of course, when I took my phone from my pocket, opened the get down to the terminal, I’ll have to take another games section, chose snake, and played the game. transportation, either a jeepney or a tricycle.

I glanced at my watch, it’s already seven- The vibrations caused by the bus and the thirty and my stomach is starting to growl. I took welcoming heat of the sun made my eyes weigh out the sandwich which was earlier given to me as if rocks were tied to the lashes of my eyes. by the elderly couple. As I unwrap the tissue, I Sooner or later, I found myself dozing while can smell the sweet, fishy scent of tuna and mayo. travelling. Before I let myself succumb to the This is going to be a good day; I can already feel untimely call of siesta in the morning, I tightly it. moments later, the tissue wrapped sandwich clasped my bag close to me. was no longer to be seen from my hands. After neatly folding the tissue, I took out my water I don’t know how it happened but the bottle and started gulping the water slowly since moment I woke up, the person beside me was the road seems to be filled with rocks. staring at me like he wanted to kill me. On the night before I set out to go to the “Mabuti naman, nagising ka pa,” he Adlao Residence, I prepared the things I needed sarcastically remarked. [“It’s a good thing you for this interview: (1) Pen & Paper, (2) Sound woke up.”] Recorder, (3) Interview Questions, (4) Baby Stuff (Toys and Food), & (5) Baby Translator. These I stood as if I were called by my superior are the only things necessary for me to meet who was fuming with anger and made way as if the famous Miracle Baby of 2002. I am actually he were a force to be reckoned with. I bowed and unsure of what the baby is capable of doing apologized for the inconvenience I made. The since there are a lot of hearsays being spread all man didn’t even care to notice me as he went past over the country. Most of my colleagues told me me. I think I should take back what I said when I that the people reporting this kind of stuff are said this is going to be a good day. just spreading fake news. Meanwhile the other half is telling me that the parents are bluffing, It was only the two of us left in the bus, and they are the mastermind of this somewhat- the driver and me. He looked at me through the fiasco happening nationwide. In To be honest, I mirror hanging above the dashboard of the bus. was actually delighted that upon sending a letter He then turned around, rested his arm on the to the parents on the 16th of February 2002, they divider, and spoke to me. immediately sent back an email right after five days which can be considered as an extremely “Bababa ba?” he asked. [“Are you getting rare case of a fast mail considering many factors down?”] which might affect the number of days for the mail to be delivered to the recipient. I nodded as I proceeded to exit the bus. The pastel sky was turned into a bright blue blanket with patches of white clouds. The sun was shining brightly on the great expansive sky and you could feel its warmth covering your body. I peeked at my watch, which now says it’s already eleven minutes past 8.

It was an hour—close to two hours— shook her hand. I looked past Mrs. Adlao and ride. Of course, since I am unfamiliar with the from there I can see the husband of the person province itself, I asked barkers and people of whom I was shaking hands with. Mr. Adlao also sorts where to find the location where the Adlao greeted me with a handshake when he was close family resides. Fortunately, one of the tricycle to me. As we shook, Mr. Adlao kept on tapping drivers knew where the family resides and asked my shoulder upon which I found uncomfortable me if I wanted him to be my ride. I did not spend since I am unaccustomed to such forms of a minute thinking of accepting or rejecting the greetings. proposal of the tricycle driver. As I bent down the extremely low-suspended sidecar, I felt extremely Only a few minutes were spent for uncomfortable, maybe because the ceiling of the greetings, they then asked me to proceed inside sidecar keeps me from sitting comfortably. The their house. Frankly speaking, I was a bit nervous ride which took only twenty minutes to pass felt at first considering how the surrounding felt like an hour due to the noise coming from the unwelcoming due to the look of it. I did not road. come to the Adlao residence to observe the surroundings but to focus on the baby. The tricycle stopped to a halt. It seems like we are here already. When I got off the tricycle, I “Año, kunin mo na si Ysh,” she ordered, was at awe with what I was looking at to the point referring to Mr. Adlao. [“Año, get Ysh.”] where the driver asked me where my payment was. Startled, I began to search for my wallet and “Okay.” Mr. Adlao rushed to a room where paid the driver what he was asking for; the price the door is just a flower-printed blanket. is a bit heavy but at least I got here in one place, and I think that’s what matters most. “Wait lang ha, kuha lang ako ng tubig,” she turned to me. [“Wait, I’ll just go get some water.”] Considering the news of the Miracle Baby of 2002, I, somehow, from the bottom of my He then came out of the room carrying heart, least overestimated where the Adlao Family a baby in his arms. The first time I saw how the came from. If you were to ask me the image Miracle Baby of 2002 looked like, I felt time of the house where the Adlao Family resides, I slowed down. My surroundings felt serene the would definitely answer that their house would moment our eyes met. As a grown-up person, be something of mansion caliber, but it was I didn’t know I could still feel things this way. It somehow dissimilar to what I was thinking. As was a combination of adoration, bewilderment, the sound of the tricycle leaving fade off, I was and vulnerability all at the same time. welcomed by none other than the light of the family. Mrs. Adlao approached me and handed both her hands ready for a shake. In return, I

Mrs. Adlao came into the room carrying a I set up and tested all the necessary glass of water in her hands. I grabbed the water equipment to see if they’re working, which I and gulped it as if we were in a hurry. After know they are considering how I’ve tested them finishing the drink, I then placed the glass on the yesternight and the night before last night and the wooden table in front of me. Excitement filled night before it. I pressed the button on the sound my whole body as I unpack my things. I took recorder and turned the baby translator on. out my pen and paper, sound recorder, interview questions, baby stuff, and the baby translator. “Today is the 29th of May 2002,” I started Mrs. Adlao sat beside her husband, which is just speaking. “I am at the Adlao Residence, here to adjacent to me. interview both the Miracle Baby of 2002 and the parents. Please introduce yourselves.” “Unang-una, gusto ko pong magpasalamat kasi pinayagan niyo po akong mag-interview sa inyo, lalo na “Kami ang pamilya ng Adlao,” Mrs. Adlao kay Baby Yshmael,” I said. spoke. “Ako ay si Cynchia, at ang katabi ko naman ay ang asawa ko na si Añonuevo, tapos ang baby namin, [“First of all, I would like to express my Baby Ysh, short for Yshmael.” gratitude since you allowed me to interview you, and especially Baby Yshmael,” I said.] [“We are the Adlao family,” Mrs. Adlao spoke. “I am Cycnhia, at the one beside me is my “Okay lang ‘yun. Mabuti nga at nagpadala ka husband Añonuevo, and this is our baby, Baby sulat para ipaalam sa’min. Kasi may mga tao na bigla na Ysh, short for Yshmael.”] lang papasok sa amin, tapos i-interview-hin daw nila si Ysh ng biglaan,” Mr. Adlao responded. “I’ll now proceed to ask questions. Mr and Mrs. Adlao, why do you think your son is called [“That’s alright. It’s a good thing you sent the Miracle Baby of 2003?” us a letter to inform and ask us because there are a lot of people who would barge in our property “Sa totoo lang, pati kami nagtataka gawa ng and would ask us if they can interview Ysh right hindi naman rare na case ang nangyari sa anak namin,” of the bat,” Mr. Adlao responded.] he explained. “Gawa ng noong nailuwal na siya, hindi siya umiiyak tapos akala ng doktor ay, ano nga ba ‘yun?” “Okay po. Siguro naman ay wala na kayong mga he looked at Mrs. Adlao. tanong tungkol sa mga naibigay kong tanong na gagamitin dito, ‘di po ba?” I clarified. [“Actually, even we were confused since this is not a rare case, what happened to our [“Okay. I assume you have no questions son, that is,” he explained. “Because when Ysh regarding the questions I will ask for this, right?” was delivered, he was not crying then the doctor I clarified.] thought, what was it again?” he looked at Mrs. Adlao.] “Wala na naman. Maaari ka ng magsimula,” Mrs. Adlao replied. “Neonatal death na raw, kaso pinilit ko silang buhayin tapos ayun, ni-resuscitate naman nila and [“We have no more questions. You can nabuhay si Ysh,” Mrs. Adlao explained. proceed,” Mrs. Adlao replied.]

[“It was declared that it was a neonatal of a baby in need of something. Of course, I tried death for Ysh, however I pleaded with them to to maintain my composure so as to not also be of revive my son then they resuscitated him, and worry to the other adults in the house. Mr. Adlao, they were able to bring him back to us,” Mrs. who was caressing Ysh, cradles him by gently Adlao explained.] rocking his hands up and down. Meanwhile, when the baby started to cry, Mrs. Adlao stood “Are you comfortable now that your son is and went out of the room where we are and took being called the Miracle Baby of 2002?” I asked. a small pacifier, where she is now gently putting it in Ysh’s mouth. “Sa tingin ko, ‘di mo alam kung bakit talaga tinawag na Miracle Baby si Ysh, pero mamaya natin “Pasensiya ka na ha, minsan kasi biglaan na lang ‘yun pag-usapan dahil matatanong mo rin naman siya siyang iiyak, gutom na siguro,” Mr. Adlao apologized. mamaya,” Mr. Adlao said. “Kung ang usapan ay tungkol sa pagiging comfortable, syempre hindi kasi unang [“I’m sorry about this, there are times when una nga, maraming tao ang gustong pumunta rito tapos he would burst out crying, he’s hungry, I think,” iinterviewhin daw nila si Ysh. Kagaya nga ng sinabi ni Mr. Adlao apologized.] Cynchia sayo kanina, mabuti at nagpadala ka ng sulat para naman malaman namin at makapaghanda na rin “Okay lang po. Naiintindihan ko naman ang kami para sa bisita.” sitwasyon niyo,” I assured. [“I think you don’t really know why Ysh [“It’s okay. I understand your situation,” I is called the Miracle Baby, but we’ll talk about assured.] that later, since you’ll ask us regarding that,” Mr. Adlao said. “But if we’re going to talk about “Pasensiya na talaga,” Mr. Adlao apologized being comfortable, of course, we don’t feel once more. comfortable. This is because there are a lot of people wanting to go here and interview Ysh. [“We’re really sorry,” Mr. Adlao apologized Just like what Cynchia told you earlier, it was a once more.] good thing you sent us a letter so that we know someone is coming and so we can prepare.”] “Last question na po ako sa inyong mag-asawa,” I informed them. “Sa totoo, wala naman kaming problema talaga sa mga bisita, basta ipaalam lang nila na dadayo sila rito [“This is my last question for the two of sa amin,” Mrs. Adlao added. you,” I informed them.] [“To be honest, we don’t have a problem Mrs. Adlao nodded as she calmed Ysh. with visitors as long as they let us know that “In your opinion, why do you think your they’ll be coming here,” Mrs. Adlao added.] son, Ysh, is called the Miracle Baby of 2002?” All of a sudden, the conversation between the adults was interrupted with the loud wailing

“Si Ysh,” Mr. Adlao spoke. “Kahit baby [“Okay, I’ll tell you. The reason why we pa lang siya, kakaiba siya sa mga kasing edad niya.” say Ysh is a Miracle baby is because he can He cleared his throat. “Ngayon, iisipin mo, paano understand things that, you know, other kids of nangyari na naiiba si Ysh. Hindi namin alam kung his age would be unable to understand.”] paano nangyari ito, pero noong nag-uusap kami ni Cynchia tungkol sa nawawalang sandok, bigla na lang At this point, I don’t even know what I am umiyak si Ysh tapos tinuro niya gamit yung daliri niya. doing here and why I am here. Everything seems Hindi namin ‘to sinasabi sa mga pumupunta rito ng to be a blur. The recent information which just walang pasabi tapos nagtatanong.” entered my mind made me scratch my head. [“About Ysh,” Mr. Adlao spoke. “Even if “Kung ganon, subukan mong kausapin si Ysh, he is still a baby, he’s quite different from those gamit ‘yang baby traslacion,” Mr. Adlao suggested. who are also within his age bracket.” He cleared his throat. “Now, if you’ll think about it, how is [“If that’s the case, why don’t you try Ysh different from others? We don’t exactly know talking to Ysh using that Baby translacion,” Mr. how this happened, but when Cynchia and I were Adlao suggested.] talking about our missing spatula, Ysh suddenly cried, then he pointed at the direction of the “Translation hindi translacion. Hindi ‘to spatula using his finger. We didn’t actually say this Nazareno,” Mrs. Adlao corrected and kidded at to other people who comes here uninvited then the same time. will do interview.”] [“It’s translation not translacion. We’re not “Klaruhin ko lang po ha, ang inyong dahilan kung talking about the Black Nazarene,” Mrs. Adlao bakit tinatawag na Miracle Baby of 2002 si Ysh ay corrected and kidded at the same time.] dahil natuturo niya kung nasaan ang mga nawawalang bagay?” I asked. The two of them laughed while I only smiled—without teeth, that is. I set up the baby [“I just want to clarify; you believe that the translator, plugged it in the electrical socket, reason behind why Ysh is called the Miracle Baby carefully, and placed it on the table. All of a of 2002 is because he can point to where lost sudden, Ysh wiggled a bit in the hands of Mr. objects are?”] Adlao, signaling he wanted to go down. I assume he can now stand, of course with assistance, that “Hindi naman sa ganun, pero parang ganun na is, now that he’s 1 year old already. As it turns rin,” Mrs. Adlao answered. out, I was correct, despite having no biological children, I am somehow well versed when it [“It’s not exactly like that, but it’s close”] comes to babies and infants considering how my “What?” cousin is very much enthusiastic on having a lot “Ito ha, kaya namin nasabi na Miracle Baby si of kids, and by a lot, I mean a lot a lot like they’re Ysh ay dahil nakakaintindi siya ng mga bagay na, alam aiming for having 9 kids. Anyway, they now have mo ‘yun, hindi maiintindihan agad ng isang regular na 5 kids. I’m straying off the topic, going back. bata,” she said. Quite extraordinarily, Ysh, with the assistance of his father’s hands, was able to reach

the side of the table where the translator was. I “Kumusta ka naman?” I asked. [“How are think he mistakes it for a toy which it is not. He you?”] tilts his head to the extent where it seems like he was inspecting and observing what the object in After glancing at his parents, he then goes front of him is. Of course, I clicked my pen and to look at me. “Okay lang,” he said as he tapped started writing my observations. All of a sudden, the baby translator as it helps us in understanding he gently tapped the translator. I looked at Mr. what he is saying. [“I’m fine.”] and Mrs. Adlao, they were smiling at what was happening. In the back of my mind, I wanted to “Alam mo ba kung ano ang ibig sabihin ng ask the two why they were smiling, but I guess I salitang relationship?” [“Do you know what the should reserve that for later. word relationship means?”] Ysh then looked at me, as if he wanted He didn’t look at his parents this time, he to ask me a question. I clicked my pen and he was busy playing with his foot as he sat on the immediately looked at the pen. After a few floor. Regarding the answer for my inquiry, I seconds, he then again turned his attention back don’t know if it was a yes or a no, but I assume to me. it would be a yes. I reached out to my bag and took a rattle. This way, I would be able to gain “Tanungin mo na siya,” Mrs. Adlao insisted. his attention back to me, and not to his foot. I [“Go and ask him already.”] shook the rattle and he was now focusing on me, well not me literally but on the rattle. This way, I turned the translator on to test. “Anong I would be able to gain his attention back to me, pangalan mo?” I said to Ysh. [“What’s your name?”] and not to his foot. I shook the rattle and he was now focusing on me, well not me literally but on How should I describe what I saw? Let’s the rattle. He looked at me and slowly nodded start with fascinating. Fascinating in a sense that his head twice. It was fascinating to see such a he looked at both his parents as if he were asking spectacle. for permission to answer. On the other hand, however, I can see his parents being enthusiastic “Kilala mo ba ako?” [“Do you know me?”] about this—too enthusiastic, but I don’t mind it This time, he looked at his parents once at all. With the pen in my hand, I clicked it once more before shaking his head in disagreement. more to see if he would react the same or similar The conversation between me and Ysh continued to what happened earlier. Upon hearing the click to the point where our stomach would sound like Ysh then spoke something similar to ‘ish’ which a dying whale. I didn’t know spending time with I guess means his nickname, “Ysh.” a child would be this refreshing and all. I asked him about stuff and he would often nod when “Ano, ayos ba?” Mr. Adlao asked. [“So, isn’t he knew the answer to my question. Of course, I it good?”] didn’t ask him about mathematical and scientific questions, but I bet in the following months or I didn’t even care to answer Mr. Adlao’s years, he’ll be able to answer them once more. inquiry and decided to continue pursuing asking Ysh questions.

The time came when Mrs. Adlao left the room to prepare the food we’ll be eating. At first, I refused their offer to eat with them for lunch, but I guess it was the persuasion and the curse of the dying whale upon which I was obliged to eat with them. When we were eating, more amazing things happened such as Ysh feeding himself, bringing the water bottle to him, and wiping his face using the back of his palms. Such an amazing feat seemed like a normal, regular behavior to the eyes of the parents, but it isn’t to me. When I was about to leave, I wanted to ask something to baby Ysh, something I didn’t ask earlier. After packing up all my things, I asked the parents if I would be able to ask one last question to their son, and they both agreed. “Ysh.” I went close to him, who was being carried by his father in his arms. “One last question, who are you?” It was at this moment where I realized that I shouldn’t have asked the question, but it was still worth it. Ysh didn’t respond with a nod or a shake of the head. He didn’t look at his parents nor did he play with something else. He closed his eyes and, slowly, he began to open it. A fresh wide smile was shown in his face and he placed his hand on my cheeks. The events which transpired on the 29th of May, 2003, where an individual reporter gets a chance to interview a person upon whom the public has profound interest is not something to be easily shared to the public. In this regard, I will not publish this portion of the memoir so as to not further affect and damage the life of the Adlao family. More so, the conversation between Ysh and I would be redacted from this paper so that there will be no more speculations on what really transpired between the four of us there in the small house of the Adlao Family. P.S. To anyone who might be reading this, if in such an event that the case of the Miracle Baby of 2002 would resurface, never ever mention my name as it will draw flak on me and my family and we don’t want that to happen.

Editorial Board Contributors: Alcancia, Kimberly Bautista, Raven Kim B. Caponpon, John Vincent C. De Belen, Prince Jun S. Gonzales, Jeanne Clarisse T. Llegado, Mharinel O. Magbuhat, Ae Be Kye Manguiat, Michelle G. Papio, Francis J B. Villaflor, Rio Marisse F. Illustrators: Caponpon, John Vincent C. De Belen, Prince Jun S. Layout Artist: Papio, Francis J B.

Going Back: An Editorial -Rio Marisse F. Villaflor “Life is a process during which one initially gets The brain growth of a fetus and a newborn is less and less dependent, independent, and then more also rapid. The lower, or subcortical, regions of the and more dependent.”― Mokokoma Mokhonoana. brain mature first. The upper, or frontal areas follow, We may not be aware although the process in human which are in charge of basic life functions such as development is just a cycle, we all came from nothing breathing, thinking, and planning. The majority of further we will be nothing again, we will exist yet, we brain modifications develop during pregnancy and will eventually also stop subsisting. shortly after birth. The neonate’s brain weighs just a Studying human minds always makes my quarter of that of an adult’s at birth. heart flutter, the curiosity about how an infant thinks, Infants’ social lives are centered on the behaves, and what are the drastic modifications they attachments they form with their mothers or other might encounter are always at a high level. primary caregivers. It is through these experiences The time between birth and the learning that infants grow to love, trust, and rely on other of language, which takes one to two years, is people. At about two months, babies tend to grin known as infancy. Infants also encounter different at other individuals, and by six months, they have stages of development such as cognitive, physical, formed bonds with their mothers and caregivers. psychological, socioemotional, and relationship These connections are the foundation for good development. Aside from a series of inherited health. reflexes that assist them in obtaining nourishment Since babies are incapable of surviving by and reacting to danger, some visual patterns appeal themselves, they have exceptional built-in or prewired to newborns more than others, such as the human abilities for survival and adaptation. Reflexes are face and certain sounds, such as the human voice. reflex responses to stimuli that enable infants to They may recognize their mothers by sight after a react to their surroundings before they have learned few months, and they have a remarkable sensitivity something; this behavior tends to be replaced by to voice, rhythmic flow, and individual sounds that unconscious gestures or motor skills after a few days make up human voices. or weeks. These abilities, however, are not acquired Infants (from birth to one year old) and during childhood. Gross motor skills are large body toddlers (from one to two years old) develop rapidly, movements that necessitate the use of large muscles and their bodies undergo significant changes. in the back, legs, and arms. Physical growth refers to the hormonal changes Now that we know the truth about childhood, that occur when children get older. Physical and I came across a quote while browsing the internet that brain improvements, including the improvement piqued my interest. It is from Khan stating, “There’s of reflexes, motor abilities, senses, attitudes, and an infant part in our souls which longs for the lullaby learning, are all relevant factors that influence physical truths of life every night for a tranquil slumber.” development in infancy and toddlerhood. Some of us are still a child, longing for Newborns may make nuanced perceptual something, and some of us still have an unconscious decisions about distance, form, position, and depth. desire for something. Some of us may wish to return Newborns may make nuanced perceptual decisions to our childhood in order to escape the responsibilities about distance, form, position, and depth. They can of adulthood. Some of us may want to deal with only also quickly arrange their experiences by categorizing basic emotions rather than complex ones. We cannot objects and events (e.g., people, furniture, food, change the fact that there is still a child living in our animals) in the same way older people do.) soul; we are just a being that keeps on dreaming.

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Dawning Death: As a child, she was venturesomely feisty Of Reminiscing Regrets and daring. Bold and confrontational. As she grew older, she realized that she was of a free “soul” wandering around the spoils of the earth— something that wants to be devoured by everyone. But as the time being passed by, something struck her. It ate her and her thoughts. She was not the same young girl who had emancipated her freedom from everything. She was not free anymore. Everything changed for Irina Inandan when she saw her husband having a hard time to breathe. It was the first time her body trembled because of fear. She was never scared of anything—she thought nothing scared her. And she was sure of that. Except death. The visit of death terrified her. When she was a child, she noticed how numerous kids her age would scream at the sight of cockroaches and other insects. She was nothing like them. Irina would even hold the cockroaches and make fun of her friends by bringing the insect closer to their faces. Meanwhile, during her high school years, she was almost sure her mother got anxiety and probably got a heart attack watching her teach herself how to drive a scooter. In between the drives, she would fall and get into accidents a lot of times. And her mother would scold her every time. Yet, the bruises and the broken bones never scared her. The adrenaline from learning how to drive a scooter all by herself made her happy. “Masaya. Sobrang saya kasi akala ko hindi ko matututunan ‘yon. Nagalit pa ‘yung tatay ko kasi daig ko pa raw siya.” Irina reminisced. Her father, though strict, is very supportive of all the things she had been doing. She thought that it was because all of them were girls and her father wanted a son to do the “manly” stuff. Tearing up, she stated that it was the time she realized that nothing is ever scary for her. “Sigurado ako noon na malakas ang loob ko sa lahat ng bagay. Mana yata ako sa tatay ko e,” she kidded as she explained that her mom was a nervous wreck. When she got married, she was the happiest

and probably the luckiest wife ever. She married The sun was about to rise that time and she was the man who have showed her efforts, acceptance, already cooking breakfast for her husband and love, and support. And it was all she ever needed. children, who were all still kids. It was another Her husband, Jacinto, never stopped her. And she day for the sun to shine but not another day for never stopped him either in his smoking habit. her husband to live. “Hilig magyosi ni Jack. Sinabihan ko naman “Sobra yung pag-ubo n’ya hanggang sa sumuka s’ya dati na hala sige magyosi ka at iyan ang kamatayan na s’ya ng dugo. Noon lang ako nakaramdam ng takot. mo. Biro lang naman ‘yon at talagang naiinis lang ako Halos mahimatay ako,” Irina said as streams of tears sa kaniya pero hindi ko siya pinigilan kasi nakikita ko formed in her eyes. “Wala akong kinatatakutan e. naman na parang alam mo ‘yun, doon siya masaya e,” Multo, aswang, kahit kamatayan ko. Pero yung nangyari Irina said while remembering the times with her kay Jack, masyadong mabigat. Sa sobrang bigat, hanggang dear husband. “Sino ba ako para pigilan siya? May ngayon pasan ko pa rin,” she continued. sarili naman siyang desisyon sa buhay at isa pa, hindi Irina never knew how a death from naman niya ako pinipigilan sa pagsusugal ko noon.” someone she loves so much would change her Her husband gave her the happiest days of views about life. She had always thought that her life and she wanted to reciprocate all the things even after her death, she would be free and he did for her. She swore in her vow she would nothing would scare her. It was her husband’s support him in everything that he will do—may death that made her realized how much chain is it be big or small. And so, she did. She had always holding her from the pain. thought that never stopping her husband from “Akala ko, ako ang nagsusugal. ‘Yon pala, yung smoking would be for the best. Even before she asawa ko. Matagal na pala niyang isinugal ang buhay met Jack, he was already a smoker and Jack told n’ya sa pagyoyosi.” her that smoking was a kind of a way to release Her biggest regret was not stopping her his stress from the worldly chaos happening in husband from smoking. It was not knowing how his surroundings. much pain he’s in. It was the days she did not At some point in her life, she decided to ask her husband if he were okay or if something smoke too. “Naisip ko noon na magyosi rin.. Pero ang were bothering him. It’s the days she did not hold baho talaga kaya hindi ko na itinuloy at isa pa, baka him longer in every one of their hugs and the maubo lang ako roon.” Imagining herself doing it times she ignored the pain behind his comforting disgusted her and she could not stand the smell smiles. When she though that nothing was scary of smoke. Whenever Jack would smoke, Irina for her, that nothing would ever terrify her, death would scrunch and cover her nose after. But with made known of itself in his husband’s body. every smoke his husband releases, she could feel And she if could, she would’ve wish the relief from her husband and that soothed for longer years with him. But death made it her. She knew her husband had too much on his impossible already. plate and she could never stop him for enjoying Up to this day, she still clearly remembers his own comfort. But what she never expected each one of her days with him. And for every was how much she would regret and blame day, Irina would’ve wanted to turn back time herself for not stopping him. while regretting the things she knew she should It happened during dawn. She remembers have done but didn’t. it clearly. And she still remembers it, achingly. -Michelle G. Manguiat


W OVERVIEW OVERVIE End Chapter of the Golden Age Old age is the infamous term that is Muscle mass begins to shrink and joints are often interconnected to the end life slowly being tacked and inelastic. of one’s person. This period has made a lot of According to some studies of psychology, time and is running out of time, has less energy old people become more sensitive and and soon is running out of energy and, has emotionally weak, and at worst when they are in money and left it with their families. According to a sick position. They are easily hurt by the words numerous studies, old age defines the end and/or they hear and break down on what they’ve been the nearly-end of a person’s lifespan and/ or life lacking in terms of guidance for their son’s and/ expectancy. or daughter’s growth. Their tears are a sign of Many cultures, days, and experiences have pain. passed by and only the reminiscing could think On the other hand, behavioral of old age. This period isn’t just old but also gold. understanding is necessary if facing them. They They’ve been a precious learning of the past that are so caught up in their superiority due to their passes through generations. contribution to the family and society, also in Many believe that is the scariest thing knowledge. So what kept moving, right? It is for that might happen to one’s life and couldn’t be the opportunity to witness the growth of their predicted with a single Jack ‘N Poy or fortune generation. telling on a carnival’s fortune teller, and is not Many have probably believed that old accepted by many but in opposition of the old ages were meant to die at peace without having people. Old people became more satisfied with illnesses, which is definitely untrue. In some their time and accepted that sooner or later, their instances, everyone should think and wish for it life would be taken away by God’s grace. They are but according to Science, old people are prone willing to give up on their lives as they leave the to sickness, diseases and viruses because at this world with peace and memories to those being period, their body began to take off the toughness left. and immunity that made them regret their past Most sufferings had been endured and bad vices that will sooner and then affect their surpassed by everybody, none other like an old- body. Ultimate care for them is essential. aged person by which he/she conquered all the Outgrowing and perspectives are less pains and troubles the world has given. They are important in seeing the difference between an the so-called strong and stern people that have infant and an old man. It was like how you were been fortified by the time and its structure of treated in your infancy, that’s how much you struggles and difficulties. deserve to be treated in old age. In forms of muscular composition and body elasticity, old people are way less on it. “It’s not how old you are. It’s how you are old.” -Jules Renard Jeanne Clarisse T. Gonzales

Lilies -Mharinel O. Llegado December 14, 2004 Today, I got home from a funeral. It was a quiet drive, almost deafening. I was on my way to my room, but I saw a glimpse of my grandpa through the small door opening of my grandparents’ room. My grandpa is sitting in his usual spot- beside their huge glass window, overlooking our garden. As I stood there, I can’t help but wonder if he thinks that grandma will and can come back. He saw her two weeks before today at the hospital, but old age took a toll on him. Their love was the sweetest, but I guess “love can’t conquer everything.” December 01, 2004 It’s been seven months since the doctor explained how cancer has spread throughout my grandma’s colon, the same month that she turned 69 years old. Then, the doctor discussed how a surgery can’t guarantee a 100% success rate - the risks and the possible benefits of the operation. And with hard deliberation, along with multiple consultations with other doctors, my mom, uncles, aunts, as well as my grandma. They have decided to not go through with it. She’s suffering, but that did not stop her from comforting her children. She said, “It’s fine, I had a nice run,” she then gave us a frail laugh. Going back to today, my brother and I aided grandpa to visit her. He tends to get lost and confused with the normal tasks that he usually had no problem doing. He was the best grandpa I could ever wish for and still is. I am not going to lie. The first time I found out about his Alzheimer’s disease, I was scared that he would have a hard time doing the normal things that he usually does before, like buying his favorite newspaper, going fishing with his best friend, taking grandma to her favorite ice cream store around the corner, but more than that, I was frightened that he’d forget about me. However, now, I think I’ve gotten used to how his disease affects him. All I can do is be there and help him, even though he sometimes acts like someone that I don’t know. On the elevator ride, he asked, “Where are we going?” my brother then flashed a smile and replied, “To see grandma.” He seemed lost at first, but then, he gave us a smile that we haven’t seen in a long time, then whispered to himself, “Darling.”

December 13, 2004 I didn’t want to make a eulogy for my grandma. I knew that I won’t be able to deliver it, she knows why. She was always the one to calm me whenever my throat closes because of crying, and with that thought, I decided that everyone needs to hear how she is- was as a person. I couldn’t stop my hand and shoulders from shaking as I tried to describe her, Grandma is smart, sweet, witty, and strict. I remember her competitiveness as we played cards during game nights. And whenever she got us, she always said, “I’ve played this game years before you were born, love, come beat me,” then she gave us a smug look. That confidence did not stop there. She always smiled from ear to ear whenever the game at the table was scrabble, always flaunting how linguistics is part of her passion. And how much her vocabulary had grown throughout the years and was still growing with her age. She’s a bit of everything, honestly. Sometimes, we wake up to her complaining about how we should focus on our studies. Because at her age, even though she wants to learn more, it’ll be physically and mentally difficult for her. Back then, she told us stories of how grandpa and her met. Not excluding small cute details, and when she did forget about a detail or two, she mutters, “It must be good being young.” She went on and said she had no problem with aging, “’s just that I don’t like forgetting how I fell in love with your grandfather.” She really did know her way with words because after that, I saw my grandpa blush. Even though she wasn’t as fast at processing how to list her groceries, she still insisted on doing so. She was very stubborn, but she never failed to be a ray of sunshine to everyone around her... December 14, 2004 (Continuation) Today, I got home from a funeral. It was a quiet drive, almost deafening. I was on my way to my room, but I saw a glimpse of my grandpa through the small door opening of my grandparents’ room. My grandpa is sitting in his usual spot- beside their huge glass window, overlooking our garden. As I stood there, I can’t help but wonder if he thinks that grandma will and can come back. He saw her two weeks before today at the hospital, but old age took a toll on him. Their love was the sweetest, but I guess “love can’t conquer everything.”

Losing of Covers: The Phase of Whitering -Prince Jun S. De Belen Life is surreal. It may be easy for some, moving or not, person or not, time will do its but might be tough for others— role. Everything and everyone will meet an end depending on how they spend their lives. Every while unleashing the unique alteration covering man has an adventure, a never-ending sailing oneself. in the middle of the ocean. There is no way to Life is a journey, as well as a tree. A tree run out of the water but to sail the day after— that when time has come, leaves will fall, branches searching for the right path until reaching the end will fracture and break, roots will remove from of the journey. While on his way, he looks at his the ground, and later on will be buried on the reflection on the crystal-clear ocean, and he can soil—all of it while lacking nutrients inside. Same tell that changes in his physique are noticeable; fate as humans, time will come, and we’ll be gray from his skin, face, and senses. Everything has and old, losing physical appearance while on the been changing. While sailing, he reached an journey... island and rested under the tree. While he looks One of the associated theories regarding at it thoroughly, he realizes a thing. That change this is Dr. August Weismann’s Wear-And-Tear is constant, and even a tree is aging. Therefore, Theory. It generally asserts that the effects of

aging are caused by progressive damage to cells innate part of the biology of humans and that and body systems over time. Essentially, our aging is programmed into our body systems. bodies “wear out” due to use. Once they wear The three main systems that are connected with out, they can no longer function correctly. The aging are the endocrine (hormonal) system, the body can be viewed as a mechanical system or immune system, and our genes. These systems machine that will wear out over time. The wear change over time, and these changes cause the and tear theory of aging may also be referred to as symptoms and signs of aging. According to this simple deterioration theory. In simple terms, the theory, the body is not a machine with specific body wears out after time. In a larger picture, this parts to be built with, unlike the human body, theory reflects entropy, one of the fundamental which continually repairs and replaces cells. laws of chemistry and physics. This law states Technically speaking, a human body could not that all systems tend toward a state of increased “wear out” as long as it can repair and renew itself. entropy or progressive disorganization. Visually, However, the theory argues that aging is about we can find structural changes with age in our evolution rather than biology. In accordance with skin and bones. Even with a good diet, our cells this theory, aging and death are not a result of have a decreased ability to absorb nutrients while wear and tear or exposure but are programmed, aging. natural, and necessary parts of genetics. In short, On the other hand, Programmed Theories we are genetically programmed to age and die. of Aging asserts that aging is an essential and Cellular Theories of Aging contend that

human aging is the result of cellular aging, to read. In fact, corrective glasses aid half of whereby an increasing proportion of cells reach the elderly population from being legally blind. senescence, a terminal stage at which cells cease Hearing also has defects, especially in detecting to divide. The body’s ability to regenerate and high pitched sounds. As a result of their inability respond to injury or stress will be hampered as a to hear well, the elderly may develop suspicion result. It focuses on processes that occur within or even a mild form of paranoia—unfounded individual cells that may lead to the buildup of distrustfulness. However, the sense of taste harmful substances or the deterioration of cells remains relatively intact into old age, despite over a lifetime. difficulty distinguishing taste in blended food. An excerpt from Physical Development: Even so, as people get older, their sense of smell Age 65+ of the book Development Psychology begins to deteriorate. Both of these declines in states that “aging inevitably means physical sensation may be due to medications, as well as decline, some of which may be due to lifestyles, physical changes associated with old age. such as poor diet and lack of exercise, rather Aside from appearance and senses, aging than illness or the aging process. Energy reserves also takes its toll on reproduction and sexuality dwindle, cells decay, and muscle mass decreases. as the reproductive system and organ change. The immune system is no longer as capable as Older women produce less vaginal lubrication, it once was in guarding against disease. Body and the vagina becomes less stretchable because systems and organs, such as the heart and lungs, of reduced levels of female hormones. Older become less efficient. Overall, regardless of men are less able to attain erections and orgasms people’s best hopes and efforts, aging translates than are younger men. It may be due to reduced into decline.” levels of testosterone and fewer secretions from Thus, the context of the word decline the accessory sex glands. Likewise, older men pertains to the changes that occur in motor skills, have less urge to ejaculate, and their refractory senses, and physical appearance of individuals periods, or the waiting time before they can regain as they reach old age. The most noticeable an erection, may last longer. Older women relax dimension is the changes in appearance when because they no longer fear pregnancy, whereas wrinkles appear and the skin becomes less elastic older men’s erections last longer and neither is and thin. Small blood vessels break beneath the as anxious, insecure, or hurried as they may have surface of the skin, warts, skin tags, and age been decades before. spots (liver spots) may form on the body. Hair … As time flies, the tree will be cultivated thins and turns gray as melanin decreases, and by different internal and external forces that will height lessens perhaps by an inch or two as bone result in and out changes while reaching the peak density decreases. Older men may still be seen as of its age. Considering the lack of nutrients, it distinguished, while older women are labeled as will diminish its ability to provide fruit, shelter, grandmotherly, over the hill, and past the prime and other needs of the man. The ties between its of life. root and the soil will soon be void, and the tree’s While physical appearance constantly outer core will modify to the extent that it will changes, loss of sense begins to dull. Aging appear to be weak and soon will die. While losing commonly causes discolor in the eye lenses, its cover after it withers, it is clear that another which also becomes rigid, interfering with the era will come to an end. perception of color and distance and the ability

A Beautiful Ending, I Guess? -Rio Marisse F. Villaflor When I was a child, I always dreamt of becoming an general, an older person’s procedural memory tends to adult. However, after discovering the different scenarios remain stable while working memory declines. that I might encounter growing old, I am now afraid to look and move forward towards adulthood. After all, Many elders lament their inability to recall information we cannot deny that it is a part of human development. as well as they once did. Memory disorders tend to be Even though I am terrified of this, I still need to face this caused by short-term sensory retrieval issues rather than era, including the psychological changes in the elderly. long-term memory mechanisms. That is, older people have much more time remembering names and locations Elders are often associated with words like fragile, from their past than they do learning and recalling new vulnerable, forgetful, weak, and many others. However, knowledge. if there is one word that I could associate with the word “elderly,” it would be “sunset.” They may be on Older individuals learn slower and do worse on the verge of their darkest hour, which is death, and yet activities requiring creativity and memorization than they still choose to shimmer so profoundly. They might younger adults. But what they lack in basic mental tasks, even forget something about the way they lived, but they make up for in intelligence, or expert and realistic they still managed to live at that moment. They still have insight gained from life experience. something to cherish, just like the sun, which is ready to go down. The sun still has chainlike structures, memories Older adults who keep their brains busy and fit that it can still carry around. continue to learn and develop, albeit at a slower pace than their younger counterparts. Patience and empathy People get more dependent on others as they age. (on both the elderly and their loved ones’ parts), memory And because of their increased vulnerability, older adults training, and continuing education are essential for can experience feelings of remorse, embarrassment, or preserving mental skills and quality of life in later life. depression, particularly in communities where the elderly are a burden. As for my conclusion, I am not afraid of growing old; what frightens me most is that I cannot fathom Growing older entails dealing with a slew of the fact that I might grow old alone. I am scared that I psychological, physical, and social problems that come might forget the memories that I have created during my with reaching the end of one’s life. early stages of development. I am worried that I might become weak and clueless about the world that I’m living In old age, the most common issue during this in, I am alarmed that I might forget the people I love, phase of development is cognitive dysfunctions and I am frightened that I might leave them hanging. But because information synthesis, decoding, recording, and I cannot escape this journey since it is a part of life. I retrieval become slower compared to earlier stages of will continue sailing even if it is hard. development. In addition, it can lead to some decreased intellectual function and neurodegenerative diseases Just like the sunset, my old age can be beautiful too. such as Alzheimer’s and dementia. Alzheimer’s syndrome is the most prevalent neurocognitive condition, © Unsplash accounting for 50% to 70% of instances. Memory, visual-spatial capacity, vocabulary, concentration, and executive function are the most common symptoms of neurocognitive disorders (e.g., judgment and problem- solving). Most of these conditions are gradual and progressive. By the time a person exhibits symptoms, the changes in their brain have already taken place. Adult memories tend to deteriorate, then they experience a hard time processing and remembering information. In


Aging is a process of adjusting to continual changes, considerably inevitable changes, and out of our hands as it serves advantages and disadvantages in life. Clear as water, adult’s experiences can affect how they see their lives. The feeling of slowly losing their independence, losing self-esteem, and they may even lose a clear image of who they are at this time in their lives, together with the mental and physical decadency is their dependency. With the presence of dramatic changes, older adults experienced and are reaching the optimum level up to the transition of declination. Their emotional state might be in shock. There can be a point of denial and dissatisfaction in life that could lead to emotional breakdown and several mood changes. Provided that is the case, the application of socioemotional selectivity takes charge. The expectations towards old age about their emotional well-being might be the opposite of the truth, as we consider what they go through along their journey. Socio-emotional selectivity theory emphasizes selective processes underlying improved affect trajectories, while other theories conceptualize emotional–motivational changes as compensatory means to adapt to declining resources with age. Dynamic integration theory posits that diminishing cognitive capacities associated with age makes it more difficult to integrate and accept negative feelings; therefore, older adults increasingly favor affect optimization over affect complexity (Labouvie-Vief, 2003). The life-span theory of control holds that individuals’ capacity to control their environment and achieve their developmental goals declines in older adulthood (Heckhausen & Schulz, 1995; Heckhausen, Wrosch, & Schulz, in press). Consequently, older adults increasingly use secondary control strategies, such as emotion regulation which is aimed at changing the self in order to adjust to a given situation, rather than using primary control strategies that change the situation itself. Learning and practice effects may make older adults more competent at emotional regulation in addition to selective and compensatory changes in emotional preferences and strategies (Blanchard-Fields, 2007; Scheibe & Blanchard- Fields, 2009). Specifically, the long-term experience and practice in dealing with emotional situations should lead older adults to acquire situational, strategic, and procedural knowledge about emotional processes that increase their effectiveness in handling emotional situations. For example, as people age, they may become more knowledgeable about the emotional effects of future events (Scheibe, Mata, & Carstensen, 2009), they might become better at tailoring their emotion–regulatory strategy to contextual demands (Blanchard-Fields, 2007), and their emotion–regulatory processes may be less effortful (Scheibe & Blanchard-Fields). They might acquire their highest form of development cognitively and physically, yet there are theories showcasing fallacies towards the misconception of the emotional state of an older adult. In line with being old is the sensitivity, feeling of burden, declination, and such. There will definitely be changes due to the gradual deterioration of the body and vanishing of non-active neurons inside our brain that could lead to decreased production of hormones responsible for emotion; but, they somehow managed to assemble their acquired knowledge and experiences towards handling certain emotions. However, that is not applicable to all. But one thing is for sure, not of the same background, environment, and understanding the emotional state of one being should be monitored; since emotions are not always reflected with one’s appearance and action.

Getting Hooked in a Relationship Yarn Understanding the Crocheted Ways of Sociability Undeniably, man is a social animal since -Michelle G. Manguiat his inclination makes him so. Their characteristic The most fundamental type of relationship impulse is sociability and their desire to build is the family. It can be based on blood, adoption, relationships—be it romantic or platonic. In much and marriage. It typically incorporates relatives simpler words, a man cannot live alone. All their and family members like parents, grandparents, human characteristics, for instance, to contemplate, kids, and other relatives. Acquaintances, on to probe, to learn a language, to play, and to work the other hand, differ greatly in the family. It is are brought to existence in human culture. It is because they are neither companions nor family acquired gradually through collaboration and members. They can be someone we pass by on further interaction with others. One cannot be an a daily basis or someone who we know through ordinary being in seclusion from any individual. friends. Be that as it may, if acquaintances are His tendency constrains him to live with his treated with deference and care, it can further kindred beings. They cannot stand to live alone mature to a deeper connection in the fullness of ergo, the phrase, no man is an island. time. Friendships, on the other hand, come to a presence eventually. This relationship happens at Having a relationship is vital in everybody’s each stage of our life. As an individual develops life, yet, at some point in time, it can quite turn old, they make new companions. It is an equal into something complicated like the interlocking relationship dependent on two or more people’s of looped stitches in crochet. Relationships are trust, care, and confidence. In addition, it is an built for us to be happy, have someone to share our uncommon natural blessing for people with whom sentiments with, and get to know ourselves better one can share a wide range of resonating emotions. through the connections that we have interlocked Finally, a romantic relationship is based on a strong through needlework. As an individual develops old, feeling of connectivity founded by affection and the relationships can turn into something radically love is called a romantic relationship. It is generally different than what we thought. On the grounds of a relationship based on an undeniable inclination its interconnecting loops, as a connection between of two people being dependent on each other. two individuals dependent on shared preferences, Every individual associates with someone building relationships can be characterized as yarn. every day. It goes about as the base for the And just like crochet, relationships start simple development of connections. Individuals to something that is knotty and convoluted. must focus on the fundamental foundation Extensively, there are four types of relationships: of relationships in order to have a decent family, acquaintances, friendship, and romantic and solid relationship. For any relationship to relationships. prosper and support, one requires respect, love,

communication, and trust that is consolidated in the profound fundamentals of a relationship. Each relationship begins when two individuals interact. Having sound correspondence is critical to share issues and discover an answer for them. Without correspondence, the relationship flops because of questions and questions that may lead to dubitation. Besides, trust is the establishment of any relationship. Every relationship that an individual has constituted assuming the trust is void will undoubtedly cease and diminish. Without anyone in an individual’s life or cutting someone because of doubt and perfidious characteristics is a total confined life that is insufferable for them. The embodiment of the truth of the matter is that man has consistently had a place with society or the like, without which they cannot exist by any means. Society satisfies every one of their requirements and gives security to him. Without a relationship, their life is akin to that of a poor unfortunate being—the only yarn in a basket full of crocheted items. Substantially, sociability molds our personality, beliefs, morals, and our ideals as a whole. While building relationships start off easy, maintaining it is hard work that requires time for it to flourish. Loops after loops are hooked together to form something from scratch that can turn into a thing of immense beauty. A crocheted compendium of interlocked love, trust, respect, and healthy communication. © Unsplash

© “Döden” by Janis Rozentāls Grow Old & Stay Young: An Editorial -Raven Kim N. Bautista

Some of us are afraid of dying, adult is a remarkable scene, because that even forming a mental picture that should be it. of it seems surreal, the smell of soil and image of rotten bodies. Not us According to Tao Porchon-Lynch, realizing death is always within us, a 94-year-old yoga instructor, breath no one knows, the longevity of one is the power behind all things. Your person is just only an expectation. breath doesn’t know how old you are; it Then, if you are in the stage of your doesn’t know what you can’t do. If I’m useful life expectancy, live your life to feeling puzzled or my mind is telling the fullest and do good things while me I’m not capable of something, I taking care of yourself. Reaching the breathe in and believe good things will optimum level of our lives is also happen. As long as there is a reason to reaching the end, or perhaps the new live, live; if you happen to reach the beginning. Would you rather live to point where you don’t see any light of grow old or stay young forever? hope and purpose of existing, find it. All human beings will achieve Ageism is the term used to portray their end. If that is the case, why not discrimination toward an individual or grow old while sensing the feeling of groups based on the length of time being young? “If we are fortunate, that a person has lived during 1969, we live long enough to grow old. If coined by Robert Neil Butler. In other we are doubly fortunate, we live well words, it describes discrimination enough to enjoy growing old. But, like against seniors. From that day onwards so much else about being happy, this ageism continues to flourish up to this depends in part on our attitude. And day, yet it doesn’t mean that before our attitude could be what makes all 1969 they are not experiencing it. The the difference to whether or not aging fact others issued judgment towards is a happy experience.”Harriet Griffey you exceeds and significantly affects an individual’s self-esteem, emotional Living grumpy and drowning well-being, and behavior. Would you yourself in melancholy can make do the same to yourself ? you older; the wrinkles and under- eye circles will define you. You are in Life is a process, and how we the sense of consciousness towards develop throughout our journey; the late adulthood and showing a little phases from infancy up to the last extra care for yourself in the sense of stage. Ironically, we are born helpless happiness is not too much. and rely on others to survive, and we have finally arrived at the end of the In this world full of competitions, cycle and are still experiencing the a living battle of the fittest where the old ways, which stabilizes— life is a strongest will remain standing. Would cycle. That being unfit to the usual in you consider yourself weak and only the sense that feeling young at heart accept that you are too old? There are is out of the older individuals’ league. expected changes during this phase, We are mindful of our contribution to yet that is not a total hindrance for you the world; we did our part as human to continue as the living example for beings, a beautiful legacy. the people’s misconception towards adulthood, that being different from Do you believe that the rival of the expected situation of being an being old is time? But in fact, it is a battle within yourself.

Afterword Change is the only constant thing in this world. All living and nonliving things will change when time has come. Yet, not all changes are progressive. Otherwise, a contradiction which will set us free. An end that is written in our fate the moment we first witnessed the beauty of this world. An edge where we are destined when we reach the peak of our lives. The mere fact that humans are alive, they are growing which implies that there must be changes in every aspect of their life day after day. The change and development that makes up a human such as physical, cognitive, relationship, emotional, and psychological development. While achieving progress in every stage, an individual acts, conquers and learns in every step. Yet, progress will be heading to contradiction when the right time comes. At last, Shakespeare portrays the end, An excerpt from his piece is extended For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness, and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything And now, you’ve just reached a different end, thank you for the patience and efforts for appreciating the efforts of the authors of this book. On behalf of the staff, we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to the people who have inspired us to think out of the box and come up with this edition of Of Diapers & Caskets: A Guide In Understanding Phases of Infancy and Old Age. To Ms. Amina Thalia Germino, our Developmental Psychology Course adviser, to all the members of the group who made extra efforts to make the write ups possible, to the critics and other people who challenged us to produce this brilliant and unexceptional production, to The Almighty God who made us recognize the talents from above, to the readers who appreciates the work. Thank you and God bless. Prince Jun S. De Belen

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