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Home Explore Cognitive Assessments

Cognitive Assessments

Published by Brand Fresh, 2022-01-24 16:18:23

Description: CAYP Psychology


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[" \n0333 242 0824 \nAssessments with \[email protected]","we are proud to offer the most he most \ncomprehensive assessment of your our \nchild\u2019s intellectual and academic abilities, es, \nand psychological wellbeing, in addition ion \nto their day-to-day abilities. We can offer er \nassessments for Children, Adolescents and nd \nYoung People from just a couple of years ears \nold through to 18 years.ears. \nAtAt \nCAYP YP \nPsychologychology \n, , \nOur assessments offer a detailed understanding of anding of \nyour child\u2019s thinking, reasoning and how they are re \ndoing at school and at home, and they can tell us ll us \nmuch more information about their strengths and and \nweaknesses than a test at school or an educational ational \npsychologist's report may do. The outcome of this his \nassessment can help with planning the future of of \nyour child\u2019s overall education, support their ir \nemotional and psychological wellbeing, and eing, and \nidentify exactly where all their intellectual, tual, \nacademic and day-to-day skills are compared to ed to \nother children of their age. These assessments canan \ninform an Education, Health and Care Plan Care Plan \n(EHCP) CP) \nshould it be necessary, or individualised dualised \neducation plans at school. school. \nWhatWhat \ndoes an assessment involvelve \nOur assessments start with conversations about your child\u2019s family and and \nfamily history, your child\u2019s development from birth, and their journey th, and their journey \nthrough education. We will discuss your child\u2019s social skills, independent nt \nliving skills and emotional and psychological development. We will have have \nplenty of opportunity to discuss your concerns. We can also liaise with ise with \nschool and other services including Child and Adolescent Mental Health ntal Health \nServices (CAMHS). If you have any relevant correspondence or reports, we we \ncan review these and incorporate this information into our assessment, ssessment, \nand we can even help you to interpret any previous assessments that your your \nchild has completed. ed. \nAt another appointment, your child will be asked to complete many ny \nage-appropriate puzzles, games, quizzes and pencil-and-paper tasks. sks. \nThese tasks are specifically designed to understand different areas of eas of \nyour child's abilities:ies: \nVerbal Comprehensionehension \nYour child's ability to solve verbal problems, and to s, and to \ntalk and reason about their knowledge and the world ld \naround them. Your child\u2019s ability to express their heir \nunderstanding of common-sense and social rules ules \nwill also be investigated.ed. \nVisual Spatial and Fluid Reasoningeasoning \nYour child's ability to solve practical, hands-on tasks, asks, \nand to solve novel non-verbal problems. This is also so \nan insight into their ability to reason non-verbally bally \nabout abstract concepts such as shapes, patterns, erns, \nsizes and concepts.epts. \ncayp-psychology.comom \n0333 242 0824824 \nwe are pr \noud to \nof \nfer \nt \nc \nom \npr \ne \nhensive \n assessment of y \nc \nhild\u2019 \ns int \nel \nlec \ntual \nand ac \nade \nmic \n abilit \ni \nand p \nsy \nc \nhol \nog \nic \na \nl well \nb \nei \nng \n, i \nn addit \nt \no t \nheir day \n- \nto- \nda \ny \n ab \ni \nli \nt \nies. \n W \ne c \na \nn of \nf \nassessment \ns f \nor \nChildr \ne \nn, Adole \nsc \nent \ns a \nYoung \n Peop \nl \ne f \nr \nom \njust \na c \noup \nl \ne of \n y \nold throug \nh t \no 18 \n y \nCA \nPsy \nOur a \nsse \nssm \nent \ns of \nf \ner a \ndet \nail \ned unde \nr \nst \nyour \nc \nhil \nd\u2019 \ns t \nhinking, \nr \ne \nasoning a \nnd how t \nhey a \ndoi \nng at \nschool \n and at \nhom \ne \n, and t \nhe \ny \n c \nan t \ne \nm uc \nh m \nor \ne \ninf \nor \nmation a \nb \nout \n their \nstr \neng \nt \nhs \nweaknesses t \nhan a test \n at \n sc \nhool or \nan educ \np \nsy \ncholog \nist' \ns r \nep \nort \n may \ndo. The \nout \nc \nom \ne \nof t \nassessm \nent c \nan help with planning \nt \nhe f \nut \nur \ne \nyour \n c \nhild\u2019 \ns over \nall e \nduc \na t \nion, sup \npor \nt \n t \nhe \ne \nm ot \nional a \nnd psy \ncholog \nica \nl w \ne \nllb \nident \nify \nex \nact \nl \ny \n wher \ne \n al \nl thei \nr \n i \nntelle \nc \nac \nademic and day- \nt \no- \nday skills ar \ne \n com \npar \nothe \nr \n chil \ndren \nof t \nheir \n age. \n These \n assessment \ns \nc \ni \nnf \norm \n an Educat \ni \non, Hea \nlt \nh a \nnd \n(EH \nshould it \n b \ne nec \nessar \ny, \nor \n indivi \neducat \nion p \nlans at \ndoes an assessm \nen \nt in \nv o \nOur \nasse \nssm \nents start \n wit \nh conve \nr \nsations a \nb \nout y \nour \nc \nhild\u2019 \ns f \na \nm ily \nf \nam \nily hist \nor \ny, \ny \nour \n c \nhild\u2019 \ns develop \nm e \nnt fr \nom \nb ir \nt \nhr \nough \neducation. \nWe \nwill \ndisc \nuss \nyour \nc \nhild\u2019 \ns \nsoc \nial \nskill \ns, \nindep \nende \nliving \nskills \nand \nemotiona \nl \nand \np \nsy \nc \nhol \nogic \nal \ndevelop \nm \nent. \nW e \nwill \np \nlent \ny of op \np \nor \ntunity \n to disc \nuss y \nour \n c \noncerns. W \ne \n c \nan a \nlso lia \nsc \nhool and ot \nher servic \ne \ns inc \nluding \n Child a \nnd Adole \nscent \n M \ne \nSe \nr \nvices (CAM \nHS). If y \nou ha \nve \n any r \nelevant \n c \nor \nr \nesp \nondenc \ne or \n r \ne p \nor \nts, \nc \nan \nreview \nt \nhese \nand \ninc \nor \np \nor \nat \ne \nt \nhis \ninform \na t \nion \nint \no \nour \na \nand \nwe \nc \nan even help \ny \nou \nt \no interp \nret a \nny p \nr \nevious \nassessm \nent \ns \nt \nha \nt \nc \nhild \nhas \nc \nom \np \nlet \nAt \n a \nnot \nher \nap \npoi \nnt \nm e \nnt \n, \n y \nour \nc \nhild \nwill \nb e \na \nsked \nt \no \nc \nom \np l \nete m \na \nag \ne- \nappropriate puz \nz \nle \ns, g \names, quiz \nz \nes a \nnd p \ne \nnc \nil- \nand- \npaper \n t \na \nThese tasks ar \ne sp \nec \ni f \nic \nally \n desig \nned t \no under \nst \na \nnd dif \nf \ner \nent \n ar \ny \nour \n c \nhild' \ns ab \nilit \nV \ner \nbal Com \npr \nYour \n c \nhild's ab \nilit \ny t \no solve ver \nb \nal \np r \nob \nlem \nt \nal \nk and r \neason \nabout \n t \nheir \n know \nl \nedg \ne and the w \nor \nar \nound t \nhem. Your \n c \nhild\u2019 \ns abil \ni t \ny \n to \nexp \nr \ness t \nunder \nstanding \n of c \nomm \non- \nsense and soc \nial r \nwil \nl \nalso be invest \ni \ng \nat \nVisual Spatial and \nFluid R \nYour \n c \nhild's ab \nilit \ny t \no solve p \nr \nac \nt \nic \nal, hands- \non t \nand t \no solve novel \n non- \nver \nb \nal pr \nob \nl \nem \ns. Thi \ns i \ns al \nan insi \ng \nht \n int \no t \nheir \n abilit \ny t \no r \neason non- \nver \nab \nout ab \nst \nr \nac \nt \n c \nonc \nep \nt \ns suc \nh as shap \nes, pat \nt \nsiz \nes and c \nonc \nc \nayp-psy \ncho \nlogy \n.c \n0333 242 0","Working Memoryory \nYour child's ability to hold verbal and non-verbal bal \ninformation in their mind whilst completing another task.ask. \nProcessing Speedessing Speed \nYour child's speed and accuracy to complete plete \nsimple tasks will be assessed.e assessed. \nReading Skills eading Skills \nYour child's ability to read and to take meaning ng \nfrom what they have read, in addition to their heir \nreading fluency and accuracy. acy. \nWriting Skillsriting Skills \nYour child's ability to spell, the structure of their heir \nhandwriting and the structure of their letters, in addition s, in addition \nto their writing fluency and observations of their motor or \ncontrol, including pen-grip.ip. \nListening SkillsListening Skills \nYour child's ability to listen and to take meaning from what hat \nthey have heard, ranging from single words to short stories. ies. \nNumeracy Skillsy Skills \nYour child's ability to complete mental arithmetic, written en \nmaths problems, and to understand and reason about out \nmathematical concepts.epts. \nFull Scale IQale IQ \nAn overall summary of your child's intelligence (IQ) will be l be \nprovided. This score will provide an overall comparison of arison of \nyour child\u2019s skills to other children of the same age.he same age. \nAdaptive Behavioure Behaviour \nAdaptive behaviours describe the things that children and en and \nyoung people do to function in their everyday life. Your Your \nchild's adaptive behaviour will be assessed across three or ee or \nfour areas depending on their age. age. \nCommunication Skillsation Skills \nHow well they listen and understand, and, \nexpresses themselves through speech, h speech, \nand how they read and write in real-life ife \nsituations.ons. \nDaily Living Skillsving Skills \nHow well they can complete age-appropriate ate \npractical, everyday tasks, such as washing, ashing, \nbrushing teeth, tidying up, stranger-danger, er, \ncrossing roads, understanding money and and \ntime, and keeping safe. safe. \nSocial SkillsSocial Skills \nHow well they manage and understand a and a \nvariety social situations and circumstances, es, \nsuch as developing and maintaining social ial \nrelationships, understanding social ial \nsubtleties and nuance, considering others\u2019 hers\u2019 \nperspectives, playing games, and managing ng \nemotional control, particularly when things hings \ngo wrong or your child is asked to do o do \nsomething that they may not choose to do.o do. \nFor children aged 11 years and older, we will consider their:onsider their: \nFor children up to 10 years \nor older with movement \ndifficulties, we will also \nconsider: \nMotor SkillsMotor Skills \nHow well your child can use the muscles les \nin their hands and fingers for tasks that hat \nrequire precision (fine motor control), ol), \nand for tasks that require whole body hole body \nmovements (gross motor control).ol). \nW \norking M \nem \nYour \n c \nhild's ab \nilit \ny t \no hold ver \nbal and non- \nver \ni \nnf \nor \nm at \ni \non in their \n mind \nw \nhilst \n c \nom \nplet \ni \nng \n anot \nher \n t \nPr \noc \nYour \n c \nhild's sp \need and ac \ncur \nac \ny \n to \nc \nom \nsim \np l \ne \nt \nasks wi \nll b \nR \nYour \n c \nhild's ab \nilit \ny t \no r \nead and \nt \no t \nake \nm \neani \nf r \nom \n what \n they \n have r \nead, in addi \nt \nion t \no t \nr \neadi \nng \n f \nluenc \ny \nand ac \nc \nur \nW \nYour \n c \nhild's ab \nilit \ny t \no spell, t \nhe st \nr \nuc \ntur \ne of \n t \nhandwr \nit \ning and t \nhe str \nuc \nt \nur \ne \nof \n t \nhei \nr \n let \nt \ner \nt \no t \nheir \n wr \nit \ning \n fluenc \ny and ob \nser \nvat \nions of \n t \nheir \n mot \nc \nont \nrol \n, inc \nludi \nng \n p \nen- \ngr \nYour \n c \nhil \nd' \ns ab \nil \nity \n t \no l \nisten and to t \nake meani \nng \n fr \nom \n w \nt \nhey \n have hear \nd, r \nang \ning \n f \nr \nom \n sing \nle wor \nds t \no shor \nt \n st \nor \nNum \ner \nac \nYour \n c \nhil \nd's abili \nt \ny to c \nom \nplete m \nental \n ar \ni t \nhmet \nic \n, writ \nt \nmat \nhs \np r \noblem \ns, \nand \nto \nunder \nstand \nand \nr \neason \nab \nmat \nhem \nat \nic \nal \nc \nonc \nFull Sc \nAn over \nal \nl summar \ny \n of your \n c \nhil \nd' \ns int \nell \nig \nenc \ne (I \nQ \n) wil \npr \novided. Thi \ns sc \nor \ne w \ni l \nl p \nr \novi \nde an over \nall c \nomp \ny \nour \n c \nhil \nd\u2019 \ns skill \ns t \no ot \nher \n c \nhil \ndr \nen of \nt \nA \ndapti \nv \nAdap \nt \nive b \nehavi \nour \ns desc \nribe t \nhe t \nhing \ns that \n chi \nldr \ny \noung \np \neop \nle \ndo \nto \nf \nunct \ni \non \ni \nn \nt \nhei \nr \never \ny \nday \nl \nife. \nc \nhi \nld' \ns adapt \ni \nve b \nehaviour \n will \n b \ne assessed ac \nr \noss t \nhr \nf \nour \n areas de \np \nendi \nng \n on t \nhei \nr \nCom \nmunic \nHow wel \nl t \nhey \n l \ni \nst \nen and under \nst \nex \np r \nesses them \nselves thr \noug \nand how t \nhey \n r \nead \nand w \nr \nit \ne in r \neal- \nl \nsit \nuat \ni \nDail \ny Li \nHow wel \nl t \nhey \n c \nan \nc \nom \nplet \ne ag \ne- \nap \np r \nopr \ni \npr \nac \nt \nic \nal, \never \ny \nday \n t \nasks, such as w \nbr \nushing \n t \neet \nh, \nt i \ndy \ning \n up, st \nr \nang \ner- \ndang \nc r \nossing \n r \noads, under \nst \nanding \n money \nt \nime, and keep \ning \nHow wel \nl t \nhey \n manag \ne and underst \nvar \niet \ny \n social sit \nuat \ni \nons and c \nir \nc \num \nst \nanc \nsuc \nh \nas devel \nopi \nng \n and maint \naining \nsoc \nr \nel \nat \nionships, under \nstanding \n soc \nsubt \nl \net \nies and nuanc \ne, consi \nder \ning \n ot \nper \nsp \nec \nt i \nves, p \nl \nay \ning \n g \nam \nes, and m \nanag \ni \nem \not \ni \nonal \n c \nont \nrol, par \nt i \nc \nular \nl \ny \n when \nt \ng \no wr \nong \n or \n y \nour \n c \nhi \nld i \ns asked t \nsomet \nhi \nng \n t \nhat \n t \nhey \nm ay \nnot \n c \nhoose t \nF \nor childr \nen aged 11 y \nears and o \nlder \n, \n w \ne will c \nFor children up to 10 years \nor older with movement \ndifficulties, we will also \nconsider: \nHow \nwell y \nour \n child c \nan use \n t \nhe musc \nin their \n hands and \nf \ning \ne r \ns \nf \nor \n t \nasks t \nr \neq \nuir \ne p \nr \necision (f \nine m \notor \n c \nontr \nand \nf \nor \n t \nasks t \nhat \nr \neq \nuir \ne \nw \nmove \nm \nent \ns (gr \noss mot \nor \n contr","We can Identify Specific Learning Difficulties, \nLearning Disabilities or Giftedness \nYour child's learning profile can be compared to the profiles \nseen within young people with dyslexia, dyscalculia and other \nspecific learning difficulties, such as dyspraxia. Their performance \ncan also be compared to profiles seen in young people with learning \ndisabilities. Appropriate diagnoses can be made if there is sufficient \nevidence. Similarly, your child's abilities can be compared to \nchildren who are part of gifted or talented programmes. \nUnderstanding of Psychological Wellbeing \nYour child's psychological health will also be discussed. We will aim \nto understand their previous experiences and how they have come \ntogether to explain what is going on. We will consider their current \nemotional wellbeing and may be able to provide day-to-day \nstrategies to help understand and support them. We can also make \nrecommendations as to the best support for your child. \nThe Logistics and Practicalities \nWe offer assessments across the whole week, and they \ntypically take place at one of our clinics. \nThe assessment starts with our initial meeting, which \ntakes an hour. This is our opportunity to consider all of \nyour concerns and to fully understand the context of \nyour child's life and development. \nAt our next meeting, we will start your child's \nface-to-face assessment. This typically takes between \n2-3 hours. This assessment will go at an appropriate \npace for your child and breaks will be taken regularly. \nFor children older than six, we recommend that the \nassessment is completed for your child on their own, \nwhilst you wait in our reception area. We have found \nthat that many children perform better without adults \nwatching what they are doing. \nYou and your child may be asked to complete some \nquestionnaires, which can be done from the comfort of \nyour own home. \nThere is also one further one-hour session to review the \nresults and the report together, without your child. All \nthe results will be explained and clear recommendations \nwill be made. \nVirtual appointments are available. However, the \nassessment tasks have to be completed face-to-face. \nA Detailed Report \nAt the end of the assessment, a personalised and thorough report \nis written. This report will belong to you. This report will be \navailable no more than two weeks after the assessment is \ncompleted, and the findings from the assessment will be shared \nwith you. All of your child\u2019s results will be explained, and clear \nrecommendations will be made. There will also be the opportunity \nfor amendments to be made to the report. \nHow much \nwill it cost \nCAYP \nPsychology \nprides itself on the \nprofessionalism and quality of these \nassessments and we offer this \ngold-standard assessment at \n \u00a31495. \nA deposit is paid to book the assessment. \nFollowing the initial meeting, 50% of the \nbalance is due, with the remaining balance \npaid at the end of our work together. \nAssessments with this level of detail and \nquality require many years of training and \nexperience and are considered to be the \ngold-standard assessment for Children, \nAdolescents and Young People. Clinical \npsychologists are \noften regarded as the \nmost qualified \n profession to complete \nthese assessments. \ \n0333 242 0824 \nhttps:\/\/\/contact.html \nHow much \nwill it cost \nCAYP \nPsychology \nprides itself on the \nprofessionalism and quality of these \nassessments and we offer this \ngold-standard assessment at \n \u00a31800. \nA deposit is paid to book the assessment. \nFollowing the initial meeting, 50% of the \nbalance is due, with the remaining balance \npaid at the end of our work together."]

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