EFFECTIVE RESUME WRITING Copyright © tutorials point.comhttp://www.tutorialspoint.com//effective_resume_writing.htmA resume is a medium for advert ising yourself, it s t he first most means which you use t o presentyourself and t ry t o claim t hat you are t he best choice t o your prospect s employer. Through yourresume you have t o showcase your major asset s like: Qualificat ions Experience Achievement s Capabilit ies, and Qualit iesYou have t o prepare your resume in such a way t hat it gives impression in first look t hat you are aperfect fit for t he job you have applied. An employer hardly t akes 10-15 seconds t o make adecision about your int erview call aft er looking at your resume. If your resume is well writ t en t hendefinit ely you will be in t he short list ed candidat es does not mat t er you have required pot ent ial ornot but you will get a call ot herwise your resume will become a part of eit her recycle bin ordust bin, again it does not mat t er if you are Einst ein or Newt on.The first draft of your resume may not be so impressive because a resume isalways an evolving document which improves over the period of time, so keepmodifying and improving it after its first draft and keep its different versions withyou.Now wit hout complicat ing t he t hings, I will t ake you t hrough st ep by st ep t o creat e a greatresume for you. I'm assuming you have Micorsoft Word t o writ e your resume, so now just followt he following st eps:St ep 1: Address Sect ionThis sect ion will be on t op of your resume giving a det ail about your name, address, phone numberand e-mail address. Keep t his sect ion left aligned and put a bold line below t o t he sect ion t oseparat e it from rest of t he document as follows:JOHN WILLIAMSKondapur, Hyderabad - INDIAContact No: +91 2295103049Email Id: [email protected] you are current ly working t hen you can specify your company name just below t o your name asf ollows :JOHN WILLIAMSIT Tools India Pvt LtdKondapur, Hyderabad - INDIAContact No: +91 2295103049
Email Id: [email protected] ep 2: Summary Sect ionThis sect ion will st art wit h a heading called Summary and followed by list ing down your over-allexperience, achievement s, cert ificat ions and posit ive at t ribut es et c. It is very similar t o a moviet railer where edit or keeps all great scenes from t he movie and aft er wat ching t hat t railer you getexcit ed t o wat ch complet e movie. You will have t o choose at t ract ive & heavy words whiledocument ing t his sect ion.To draft summary sect ion you will have t o t hink a while wit h peaceful mind, jot down great point sabout yourself on a plain paper and check t o make t hem more impressive and effect ive. If t heyare not leaving any impact on t he reader t hen t here is no point in including t hose point s in t hesummary sect ion.If you are a fresh graduat e t hen you should specify about your small but impressive project s youhave done at universit y, highlight your achievement s and project capabilit ies et c.Let 's look at one example which list s down few point s about a t elecom Syst em Soft wareEngineer, in your case t his list can go from 2-3 bullet ed point s t o 8-10 point s. SUMMARY A System Software Engineer graduated from Delhi University and having overall 4 years of extensive experience in developing state-of-the-art software modules for telecom industry specializing with BSS & OSS. Core expertise in rating and billing services related to 2G and 3G, 3G+ technologies including GSM, GPRS, VOIP, WiMax, V-SAT, VAS Services, and Leased Lines with various access technologies. A Software Assocaite Analyst grown System Software Engineer having great experience with all the stages of SDLC including designing, developing, testing and rolling out complex telecom software' s. Exposure in drafting and implementing different processes and have been actively involved in ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications. Result oriented, selft driven, highly motivated, smart and hungry to learn new technologies, methodologies, strategies and processes.St ep 3: Educat ion Det ailBecause you already have given summary of your experience and achievement s, so now let 's st artt elling about our educat ional background. There are many organizat ions who give lot of preferencet o your educat ional background. So it is import ant t o t ell about your academic records. You shouldput your highest degree on t op and t hen lower qualificat ions at lower levels.This is ext remely import ant t o give informat ion about your posit ion, rank, percent age or CPI alongwit h degree or cert ificat ion ot herwise many employers would t hrow your resume in dust bin if youdon't give clear pict ure of your educat ional background. Now let s see one example on how t o puteducat ional records in a resume.
Education Detail B.Tech in Computer Science (2005) from Ambehta University with 8.8 CPI. B.Sc in Mathematics (2002) from Meerut University with 57.20% marks 10+2 with Maths, Stats (1999) from U.P. board with 67.20% marks High School (1997) from U.P. board with 77.20% marks Secured first position in statistics during B.Sc. Gold medalist at 10+2 level due to highest rank in mathematics. If you have done various certifications and trainings then I would recommend to add a separate section for Trainings & Certifications just below to Educational Section.St ep 4: Technical SkillsNext sect ion in your resume will present your Technical Skills. This sect ion will st art wit h t ellingyour major skills on which you have good command. So list down all t he skills first where you arefully confident and t hen keep rest of t he skills at lower levels. Have a look at t he followingexample where candidat e has good command over Pro*C and C but less experienced in Perl so putPro*C and C first and Perl lat er. This is import ant t o not e t hat all t he lines given below are notrequired in all t he cases. If you know only one skill t hen just t ell about t hat skill, for example if youdon't have any experience in any prot ocol t hen don't give t hat line in your resume T echnical Skills Programming Languages: C, Pro*C, C++, JAVA and PERL Operating Systems: Red Hat Linux 9.0, Windows XP and Solaris 2.0 T ools & T echnologies: Front Page-2000, CGI, J2EE, JSP, CORBA Databases: MySQL, Sybase Protocols: SMTP, FTP, PO3, IMAP Others: Socket Programming, Multithreading, SDLC, OOP, UMLSt ep 5: Project s Det ailHere comes real st ory and t his is really import ant t o show your all t he project s, assignment s et c.Reader should underst and what exact ly you have done in past . Here you will put hands onexperience wit h different t ype of project s, people and t ools and t echnologies. You have t o beclear on what was your, organizat ions, year of t he project , roles, responsibilit ies, value add,achievement s et c. on each and every project or posit ion. You should also ment ion about whatwere t he t ools and t echnologies you have used during t hat project .If your experience is not project based t hen you can simply name t his heading as ExperienceDetail and list down all t he experiences eit her in bulet t ed form or in simple & short 2-3
paragraphs.You will st art wit h t he most recent project and cont inue list ing down all t he project s t ill t he oldestone. If you have done only t raining project or t hesis project t hen you can ment ion t hose project salong wit h your Universit y project s in t he same format . Here I will give examples of t wo project s: Projects Detail 1 - Library Informat ion Syst em [Nat ional Library, NY,USA ] Duration: Mar 2005 - Jun 2005 T eam Size: 3 Role Played: Developer and Tester Skills Used: Pro*C, Red Hat Linux, MySQL This system simplifies day to day operation of a library which enables you to maintain library catalogue on electronic media and to keep a record of all the issued books in a particular day. Using this system, a user can generate a report of all the available books for a particular subject or ISBN and a report can be generated for all the issued books for a particular subject or ISBN. 2 - T iny Edit or Implement at ion [Aligarh Universit y, UP, INDIA] Duration: Jan 2005 - Feb 2005 T eam Size: 1 Role Played: Designer, Developer and Tester Skills Used: Java, MySQL and Red Hat Linux This was a small but useful text file editor which enables you to edit any text files available on Linux System. Using this editor user can open new or an existing file in text mode and can update its content and then finally that file can be saved on hard disk.St ep 6: St rengt hsAft er giving a complet e det ail of all t he project s, now you can t ell about your major st rengt hs.Look at t he following examples, may be you don't have all t he st rengt hs so list down onlywhat ever you posses: St r engt hs Good oral, written & presentation skills A high tolerance of stress and enjoys responsibilities Quick learner with good grasping ability Action-oriented and result-focused Lead & work as a team in an organized way
Great time management skillSt ep 6: Ext ra CurricularThis sect ion is opt ional because it is always not necessary t hat you would have been involved insome ext ra curricular act ivit ies same t ime for various roles it s not required t o have any ext racurricular. Some t ime t his sect ion may have lot of weight age specially when your resume readerand you have same curriculum. I'm giving you a simple example t o list down your curricular act ivit ies Extra Curricular Have been a member of University Technical Council Won first prize for debate at inter state level competition Played Cricket at inter state level Mono acting, Singing and ReadingSt ep 7: Personal Det ailThis will be t he last but mandat ory sect ion of your resume but will provide all import antinformat ion about you. A simple and easy example is given here: Extra Curricular Date of Birth: 5th Aug 1983 Sex & Status: Male & Single Nationality: INDIAN Languages Known: English, Hindi, Urdu Passport Number: A09384848 valid till 2018St ep 8: ConclusionNow you are done and you have a great resume in your hand. Let me put all t he sect ions t oget herin a word document t o prepare a final resume. You can download Sample Resume from here andyou can modify t his resume based on your experience, skill et c. In fact resume building is anevolut ionary process and your resume will get bet t er and bet t er over t he period of t ime.I will recommend t o go t hrough t he following t ips t o add lot of value int o your resume. Keep your resume file name short , simple and informat ional. A good resume file name could be like Jo hnWilliams-Resume2013.do cx You can keep a small passport size phot o at t he t op-right corner of t he resume but t his is really not required.
Don't use various unnecessary format t ing in your resume. Keep simple t ext as much as possible in your resume. Have a look at sample resume. You will find many HRs who prefer resume only in simple t ext format . So if you will keep resume format ing simple t hen it would be easy t o format t hat resume in any format . Don't include t oo many phone numbers, email addresses or addresses. Don't prepare t oo big resume. It should be as precise as possible. Always give a summary of t he resume at t he begining. Always give a det ail of roles and responsibilit ies you have t aken during any project . Make sure t he resume is neat , free of t yping errors, and on plain whit e paper. Never give a reason for leaving your previous job, your salary expect at ions, your current job challenges et c, and bet t er t o leave such point s t o be discussed at t he t ime of int erview if required.Hope you enjoyed reading all t he above inst ruct ions and we at t ut orialspoint wish you very all t hebest .
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