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Home Explore UMK International Students Guidebook (1)

UMK International Students Guidebook (1)

Published by En. Mohammad Affiq Bin Kamarul Azlan, 2021-02-01 01:16:27

Description: UMK International Students Guidebook (1)


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About Malaysia is located in Southeast Asia. MALAYSIA Land borders with Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei and maritime borders are shared with Singapore, Philippines, and Vietnam. The capital of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur while Putrajaya is the federal administrative center of the country. Malaysia comprises of 14 states, each state is headed by a sultan 2 or head of the state.

About KELANTAN Tucked away in north-eastern Peninsular Kelantan 3 Malaysia, Kelantan has successfully has a population continued its legacy of keeping alive its of about 1.4 million rich tangible (handicrafts, historical sites of which 95% is Malay while and buildings) and intangible heritage Chinese, Indians and Orang Asli make up (culture, customs and traditions), hence the rest. Kelantanese is renowned for earning the title – Kelantan: The Cradle of its warmth and friendly attitudes, hence Malay Culture. matching its gracious beauty and charm that few can resist. Cultural activities are an integral part of the local daily life of its dwellers, ranging Kelantan is also a state well known for from colorful kites soaring the blue its dynamic entrepreneurship especially skies to the giant drums reverberating among women popularly referred by the precious air of the villages. Shadow most Malaysian in the area of small and puppets and classical theatre mesmerize medium enterprises (SMEs). audiences with endless fun and memories

About UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN Universiti Malaysia Kelantan; the only • ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND BUSINESS autonomous public institution of higher • CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND HERITAGE learning in the state of Kelantan; was • AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRY AND NATURAL established with the core business of RESOURCES entrepreneurship education. Therefore; UMK adopts the philosophies “Entrepreneurial University” and “Entrepreneurship is our thrust”. In the near future, three main fields 4 are given the highest priority:

In the meantime, language and soft skills are also provided to the students. All of the programs are offered to the students with the intention of producing human capital of the highest caliber for the country, who are inculcated with a first-world mindset and entrepreneurship values. It is hoped that the graduates produced will go on to contribute to global prosperity through constant improvements of SME capability and capacity as well as contributing to the development of an entrepreneurial society; with the use of ICT as an enabler. Championing human capital development with entrepreneurial qualities for global prosperity. VISION UMK, being the only full fledge University in the To champion balanced and holistic human capital development ascribed to state of Kelantan, is entrepreneurial distinction for global prosperity. established on the focus of entrepreneurship education. MISSION Its tagline - “Transformative, Entrepreneurial, Excellent” is We provide high quality, relevant academic and training programmes, applicable across all area of research and innovation of high commercial value, effective and efficient studies, as stated below: services that prioritize a conducive environment, as well as fulfill social obligation • Entrepreneurship and Business • Agro-Based Industry OBJECTIVES • Earth Science • Creative Technology and Heritage 1. To provide educational courses and training emphasizing entrepreneurial • Veterinary Medicine traits and soft skills across curriculum. • Hospitality, Tourism And Wellness • Bioengineering And Technology 2. To develop quality human capital that contributes effectively to national • Architecture And Ekistics development and benefits society. 5 3. To enhance staff capability in life- long learning, leadership and management. 4. To develop the capacity and capability of small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) to enhance their competitiveness in generating national wealth. 5. To provide beneficial educational infrastructure and an effective support system as a strong basis in becoming a world-class university. 6. To implement regional development activities in accordance with the Malaysian east coast economic development regional plan (ECER). 7. To practice effective administrative and financial management with high integrity.

UMK has three (3) campuses which are located in Kelantan and a learning centre in Kuala Lumpur. CITY CAMPUS BACHOK CAMPUS It is located in Taman Bendahara, Pengkalan Chepa which • The campus has operated since the 1st of September is: 2006 and located in the District of Bachok which is about: • 10-15 minutes to Kota Bharu (the capital city of • 2 km from the South China Sea Kelantan) • 35 kilometers away from City Campus • 5 minutes to Sultan Ismail Petra Airport; • It consists of three (3) faculties: • The campus is located in a strategic area surrounded • Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage • Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics by: • Faculty of Language Studies and Human • Food Stalls, Development • A 24-Hour McDonald’s Outlet • Launderettes • Book Store • Hyper Market. • A 24-Hour Convenience Store • It houses three (3) faculties: • Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business 6 • Faculty of Tourism, Hospitality and Wellness • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

JELI CAMPUS KUALA LUMPUR LEARNING CENTRE This campus began its operation on the 1st of February Operates as a postgraduate student learning centre and 2012: able to accommodate seminars, lecture sessions and many more. • 90 km from Kota Bharu. • It is surrounded by tropical rainforest and hills. 7 Three (3) faculties are located on this campus, namely: • Faculty of Agro-Based Industry (FIAT) • Faculty of Earth Science (FSB) • Faculty of Bioengineering and Technology (FBKT)

Undergraduate 8

FACULTIES / CENTRES FACULTY OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND BUSINESS Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business PROGRAMS (FKP) is one of the earliest established Course duration: 8 semesters (4 years) faculties at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). FKP was established in accordance • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship with Honours with the vision and mission of the university • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Commerce) with which emphasizes on entrepreneurship and enterprise. The purpose of Faculty Honours of Entrepreneurship and Business is to • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Logistics & Distributive expand the knowledge of entrepreneurship and business which is beneficial to the Trade) with Honours society and the country, especially for • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Retailing) with Honours the development of Small and Medium • Bachelor of Business Administration (Islamic Banking Enterprises (SMEs). and Finance) with Honours • Bachelor of Accounting with Honours OBJECTIVES For further information, please contact: 9 1. To produce graduates with entrepreneurial Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Business, competence, who are ethical, knowledgeable, skillful, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, City Campus, competitive, creative, and innovative, to be able to Pengkalan Chepa, contribute to the development of the nation. 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. 2. To explore and expand the knowledge of Tel : +609-7717127 entrepreneurship and business management through Email : [email protected] teaching, consultancy, information publishing, and Web : service to the nation. 3. To establish smart partnerships with local and foreign organizations that are directly involved in entrepreneurship management and small and medium sized enterprises. 4. To be at the forefront of the development of entrepreneurship and the management of small and medium sized enterprises.

FACULTY OF AGRO BASED INDUSTRY Faculty of Agro Based Industry (FIAT) PROGRAMS was established and upgraded from the Course duration: 8 semesters (4 years) Department of Agro Industry from the previous Faculty of Agro Industry and • Bachelor of Applied Science (Food Security) with Natural Resources. The establishment is Honours based on the university’s strategic planning to split former faculty into two separate • Bachelor of Applied Science (Animal Husbandry entities in the year 2012. This is supported Science) with Honours with an increasing number of students and programs offered in the previous faculty. • Bachelor of Applied Science (Product Development Technology) with Honours • Bachelor of Applied Science (Agrotechnology) with Honours OBJECTIVES 1. To incorporate theoretical applied scientific knowledge with technology as well as entrepreneurial values. 2. To produce undergraduates who excel in agro techno entrepreneurship, who love nature and can strictly protect, appreciate, and value biodiversity. 3. To support high performance goals of faculty with appropriate structures, processes, and resources. 4. To develop professional visionary human capital with the capabilities to contribute to the development of For further Information, please contact: the faculty effectively. Faculty of Agro Based Industry Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, 5. To facilitate the organization of cross-disciplinary Jeli Campus, groups in the key thematic areas of researches such 17600 Jeli, as being a part of East Coast Economic Region (ECER) Kelantan, Malaysia. cluster development. Tel : +609-9477 020 Email : [email protected] 10 Web :

FACULTY OF EARTH SCIENCES Most of Earth resources, environment and hazard issues today are complex and in various forms and are no longer subjected to disciplinary perspectives alone. Inter-disciplinary approaches are crucial, yet such approaches challenge the institutional structures of many universities and research centres. The Faculty of Earth Sciences (FSB) is uniquely placed to lead in these evolving areas. Through the seamless integration of multiple disciplines and with both fundamental and applied perspectives, the faculty will focus on the interplay of managing the Earth natural resources and environmental sciences in fostering environmental sustainability. OBJECTIVES 7. Enhance extramural funding and support for 11 research, teaching, and outreach. 1. Expand the understanding of Earth natural resources and its history, dynamics, environmental changes, PROGRAMS natural resources, hazards, and sustainability Course duration: 8 semesters (4 years) through fundamental scientific research and its integration. • Bachelor of Applied Science (Sustainable Science) with Honours 2. Provide an intellectual, collegial and productive working environment that supports fundamental • Bachelor of Applied Science (Natural Resource research and promotes collaboration. Science) with Honours 3. Build links between the earth sciences and other • Bachelor of Applied Science (Geoscience) with disciplines as required to address increasingly Honours complex problems of compelling intellectual and societal importance. For further information, please contact: 4. Strengthen communication between the University, Faculty of Earth Sciences our Alumni, and the World. Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli Campus, 5. Improve and support analytical and computational 17600 Jeli, facilities (GIS & RS). Kelantan, Malaysia. Tel : +609-9477 341 6. Strengthen education programs within the school by Email : [email protected] providing rigorous and innovative curricular within Web : current and new programs by fostering excellence in teaching and advising and by providing broad-based educational opportunities to students with diverse backgrounds and interests.

FACULTY OF CREATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND HERITAGE Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage OBJECTIVES (FTKW) is one of the earliest faculties 1. To conserve the heritage of Malaysia in line with the instituted since the founding of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK). The establishment country’s values and global aspirations. of the faculty is based on the Ninth Malaysia 2. To transform the value of heritage by creating Plan (RMK-9), which gives priority to the conservation and preservation of our entrepreneurial opportunities through the use of the precious arts and heritage. At the same time, latest technology. it is aimed at realizing the government’s 3. To contribute to the development of the nation’s goal in turning Malaysia to become an workforce in the field of creative industry and international art centre. The purpose of heritage studies in order to make them successful Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage entrepreneurs at the national and international level. is to develop the sector of the National Creative Industry and also called “creative PROGRAMS futures”. Course duration: 8 semesters (4 years) • Bachelor of Creative Technology with Honours • Bachelor of Heritage Studies with Honours For further information, please contact: Faculty of Creative Technology and Heritage, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Bachok Campus, 16300 Bachok, Kelantan, Malaysia. Tel :+609-7797 260 Email : [email protected] 12 Website :

FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FPV), was OBJECTIVES the fourth faculty established at Universiti 1. To produce competent and entrepreneurial veterinary Malaysia Kelantan, with its first cohort of 40 students enrolled in the program in May graduates. 2009. Its establishment was in line with the 2. To produce innovative scientists rigorously engaged Third National Agriculture Policy of Malaysia (1998-2010) and the Third Outline Perspective in scholarly activities. Plan (2001-2010), aimed at strengthening 3. To provide quality professional veterinary services human resources by increasing access to education and training. and outreach. 4. To provide lifelong learning through continuing professional education. PROGRAMS Course duration: 10 semesters (5 years) With a mission to advance animal, human • Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) 13 and environment health through innovative learning experiences in the veterinary For further information, please contact: curriculum, engagement in scholarly Faculty of Veterinary Medicine activities and providing professional Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, services, the faculty is home to more City Campus, than 200 energetic students passionately Pengkalan Chepa, learning to become the future generation of 16100 Kota Bharu, Malaysian veterinarians. Kelantan, Malaysia. Te : +609-7717 279 The curriculum is a five-year program Email : [email protected] of preclinical, paraclinical and clinical Website : academic study and clinical skill training leading to a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree.

FACULTY OF HOSPITALITY, TOURISM AND WELLNESS Faculty of Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness (FHPK) is the sixth faculty established in 2016 in line with the university’s vision and mission, specialized in entrepreneurship education. Hospitality, Tourism and Wellness programs are offered by the faculty intending to provide its fundamental knowledge and also to inculcate entrepreneurial attributes, skills, and talent amongst students. OBJECTIVES PROGRAMS Course duration: 8 semesters (4 years) 1. Become a leader in hotel education, tourism and health management with a strong emphasis on • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Hospitality) With wellness. Honours 2. Become an important player in providing • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Tourism) With Honours knowledgeable and highly skilled human resources • Bachelor of Entrepreneurship (Wellness) With Honours to provide quality services in the areas of hospitality, tourism and health management. 3. To provide experienced and experienced graduate entrepreneurs in the fields of hospitality, tourism and health management. 4. To realize the national development goals by focusing For further information, please contact: on the development of the hospitality and tourism industry which is one of the focus of the National Economic Area (NKEA). 5. To establish a certification system in good health Faculty of Hospitality,Tourism and Wellness and wellness management, it is widely accepted for Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, national and regional use. City Campus, Pengkalan Chepa 16100, Kota Bharu 6. To promote quality research in the areas of Kelantan hospitality, tourism and health management with a Tel : +609-7717157 focus on research that will benefit the industry and Email : [email protected] society. 14 Web :

FACULTY OF BIOENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY Faculty of Bioengineering and Technology (FBKT) was 3. Research and Innovation - Explore the natural 15 officially approved by the Ministry of Higher Education resources and nature in producing high impact (KPT) on 2nd September 2016. The establishment of this research and innovation products to the community faculty is in line with the plans outlined in the UMK through collaborations with universities, government, Directions and Strategic Plan book projected from 2010 industry and the community. to 2020. 4. Entrepreneurship and Socio-Economics - Implement The establishment of this faculty is in line with the a technology-based entrepreneurial culture that challenges of the Malaysian Education Development contributes to the well-being of the community, Plan 2015 to 2025 (Higher Education) or PPPM (PT) which environment and industry. is to deliver 21st century academic programs that emphasize the balance between morals and knowledge 5. Branding for Strategic Alignment - Create distinctive and entrepreneurial attributes while supporting and images and identities that reflect a faculty that is upholding the National Higher Education Strategic Plan relevant, respected, and referred to. (PSPTN) and the 10th Malaysia Plan to produce high quality technical and vocational (TVET) graduates to PROGRAM enhance the skills and marketability of graduates in Course duration: 8 semesters (4 years) Malaysia and ASEAN. • Bachelor of Applied Science (Materials Technology) The planned curriculum emphasizes skills and technical With Honours training as well as the emphasis on basic science theory to strengthen the program, besides elective courses that • Bachelor of Applied Science (Forest Resources support the courses in specialization. FBKT students Technology) With Honours are also exposed to an entrepreneurial elective course program to enable graduates to apply the knowledge • Bachelor of Applied Science (Bioindustrial Technology) they have learned to translate into wealth creation With Honours through economic activity in small and medium sized enterprises. For further information, please contact: OBJECTIVES Faculty Bioengineering and Technology University Malaysia Kelantan 1. Human resources - Provide a trusted workforce Jeli Campus, Jeli, and experts with integrity, technologically skilled, Kelantan professional, quality, which the community refers. Tel : +6099477406 Email : [email protected] 2. Academic and International - Provides quality and Web : relevant programs of study to produce high-skilled and entrepreneurial holistic graduates.

FACULTY OF ARCHITECTURE AND EKISTICS Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics (FAE) PROGRAMS has been proposed to be set up at UMK by Course duration: 8 semesters (4 years) Senate on the 2nd of April 2014 and to the Board of Director on the 30th of June, 2014. It • Bachelor of Science in Architecture with Honours has been approved by Ministry of Education • Bachelor of Interior Architecture with Honours starting the 1st of June 2016 and officially • Bachelor of Landscape Architecture with Honours operated in UMK on the 1st of August 2016. The establishment of this faculty is in line with the National Innovation Strategy’s World Class Innovation Nation, which outlines the culture within the context of the architecture, the creative industry. OBJECTIVES 1. Produce knowledgeable and skilled professionals in built environment. 2. Provides reference center about built environment and heritage. 3. Providing consulting services with industry co- For further information, please contact: operation to ensure research and innovation for lifelong education and community contribution. Faculty of Architecture and Ekistics 4. Work on and practice entrepreneurial characteristics Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, through effective leadership and systematic Bachok Campus, management. 16300 Bachok, Kelantan, Malaysia. Tel : +6097797560 Email : [email protected] 16 Web :

FACULTY OF LANGUAGE STUDIES AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (FBI) Faculty Language Studies and Human Development (FBI) is one of the faculties established during the commencement of UMK. FBI is designed to equip students in terms of language skills and soft skills in line with the vision and mission of the university which emphasizes the development of high-quality human capital. FBI is responsible for providing services that focus on the mastery of language and human capital development which will be of great value to every UMK student. FBI consists of three (3) departments which are Department of Human Sciences, Department of Third Languages, and Department of English Language. FBI operates in three different campuses: UMK Bachok, City Campus and Jeli campus. OBJECTIVES ACADEMIC PROGRAMS 1. To provide services with professional and integrity • Bachelor of Business Communication with English based on competent human resources in a conducive (Honours) environment. • Bachelor of Arabic Language with Entrepreneurship 2. To practice good financial management system and (Honours) generate income sustainably. For further information, please contact: 3. To offer high quality and globally competitive Faculty of Language Studies and Human Development language and human science academic programs and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan activities. 16300 Bachok, Kelantan, Malaysia 4. To produce impactful research and innovation Tel : +609-779 7445/7446 through collaboration with various parties for the Email : [email protected] well-being of the community. Web : 5. To inculcate entrepreneurial culture through academic and non-academic programs in order to elevate the socioeconomic status of the society. 6. To implement good governance that is customer satisfaction oriented. 17

Postgraduate 18

CENTRE FOR POSTGRADUATE STUDIES Initially, the UMK Centre for Postgraduate OBJECTIVES Studies (CPS) was known as a Unit for Research and Postgraduate Studies. 1. To produce entrepreneurial and business graduates In recognition of the importance of that meet the needs of global business community. postgraduate education and academic excellence in UMK, the University has 2. To develop creative, innovative and socially taken a step forward to rebrand its Unit responsible leaders who are capable to face a highly for Research and Postgraduate Studies competitive business environment. to Centre for Postgraduate Studies (CPS). CPS was officially established on 14 April 3. To contribute to the advancement of new high impact 2012, for managing and coordinating all knowledge in the area of entrepreneurship and postgraduate programs offered at UMK. The business through research and innovation activities diversity of postgraduate programs at UMK with high commercial value. can be seen through the fields of research conducted by the faculty members. 4. To develop linkages and collaborations with institutions, industries and communities at national and international levels. For further information, please contact: Centre for Postgraduate Studies, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, City Campus, 16100 Pengkalan Chepa, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. Tel : +609-771 7145 / 7029 Email : [email protected] 19 Website :

MASTER PROGRAMS FACULTIES PROGRAMS DURATION OF STUDIES TUITION FEE FULLTIME Faculty of Master of Entrepreneurship 2 years (Current exchange rates apply) Entrepreneurship (Management/ Finance / Commerce/ Accounting/ and Business Retailing/ Islamic Banking and Finance/ Logistic MYR15,270 / USD3,800 Management and Operation/ Marketing) Faculty of Master in Entrepreneurship (Coursework) 1.5 years MYR 14,620 / USD3,600 Hospitality, Tourism 1.5 years MYR14,620 / USD3,600 and Wellness Master of Islamic Finance (Coursework) 2 years MYR35,000 / USD8,600 2 years MYR 15,270 / USD3,800 Master of Business Administration (Coursework) Master of Entrepreneurship (Health Entrepreneurship/ Hospitality/ Tourism Faculty of Master of Science 2 years MYR16,470 / USD4,000 Agro Based Industry (Animal Husbandry/ Aquaculture/ Food Security/ Agribusiness/ Agronomy/ Pest Management/ Plant Mycology/ Plant Pathology/ Horticulture/ Plant Breeding/ Weed Science/ Post – Harvest Technology/ Soil Science/ Plant Biotechnology/ Animal Nutrition/ Aquaculture Nutrition/ Animal Reproduction and Breeding/ Forage and Fodder Crops Science/ Poultry Science/ Dairy Science and Technology/ Industrial Biotechnology/ Molecular Biotechnology / Agro-Technopreneurship) Faculty of Earth Master of Science 2 years MYR16,470 / USD4,000 Science (Natural Resources Management/ Sustainable Science/ 2 years RM15,270 / USD3,800 Geosciences) 1.5 years RM18,100 / USD4,500 Faculty of Creative Technology and Master of Arts Heritage (Heritage Studies/ Textile and Fashion/ Product Design/ Multimedia/ Visual Communication) Master of Innovation and Design (Coursework) Faculty of Veterinary Master of Science 2 years RM17,670 / USD4,400 Medicine (Pathology/ Nutrition/ Anatomy/ Microbiology/ Parasitology/ Physiology/ Anaesthesiology and Analgesia/ Apidemiology/ Public Health/ Surgery/ Avian Medicine/ Small Animal Medicine/ Radiology and Imaging/ Animal Theriogenology/ Pharmacology and Toxicology/ Forensic Veterinary Pathology/ Equine Medicine/ Virology/ 20 Oncology/ Immunology/ Molecular Biology)

FACULTIES PROGRAMS DURATION OF STUDIES TUITION FEE FULLTIME Faculty of Master of Science 2 years (Current exchange rates apply) Bioengineering and (Bio-Industrial Technology/ Material Technology/ Forest Technology Resources Technology/ Energy Technology) RM16,470 / USD4,000 Faculty of Master of Arts 2 years RM15,270 / USD3,800 Architecture and (Architectural History and Theory) Ekistics Faculty of Language Master of Arts 2 years RM15,270 / USD3,800 Studies and Human (History and Civilization/ Development and Educational Development Values/ Religion and Contemporary/ Philosophy and Social Development/ Language and Education Studies / Communication/ Islamic Studies) 1.5 years RM12,770 / USD3,200 Master of Business Communication (Coursework) 21

DOCTORATE PROGRAMS FACULTIES PROGRAMS DURATION OF STUDIES TUITION FEE FULLTIME Faculty of Doctor of Philosophy 3 years (Current exchange rates apply) Entrepreneurship (Management/ Finance/ Commerce/ Accounting/ and Business Retailing/ Islamic Banking and Finance/ Logistic 3 years RM19,870 / USD4,900 Management and Operation/ Marketing/ Human Resource Management) RM63,750 / USD15,700 Doctor of Business Administration Faculty of Doctor of Philosophy 3 years RM19,870 / USD4,900 3 years RM21,370 / USD5,300 Hospitality, Tourism (Health Entrepreneurship/ Hospitality/ Tourism) 3 years RM21,370 / USD5,300 and Wellness 2 years RM19,870 / USD4,900 3 years RM24,370 / USD6,000 Faculty of Doctor of Philosophy Agro Based Industry (Agro-Entrepreneurship/ Animal Husbandry/ Aquaculture/ Food Security/ Agribusiness/ Agronomy/ Pest Management/ Plant Mycology/ Plant Pathology/ Horticulture/ Plant Breeding/ Weed Science/ Post – Harvest Technology/ Soil Science/ Plant Biotechnology/ Animal Nutrition/ Aquaculture Nutrition/ Animal Reproduction and Breeding/ Forage and Fodder Crops Science/ Poultry Science/ Dairy Science and Technology/ Industrial Biotechnology/ Molecular Biotechnology) Faculty of Earth Doctor of Philosophy Science (Natural Resources Management / Sustainable Science / Geosciences) Faculty of Creative Doctor of Philosophy Technology and (Heritage Studies/ Textile and Fashion/ Product Design/ Heritage Multimedia/ Visual Communication) Faculty of Veterinary Doctor of Philosophy Medicine (Pathology/ Nutrition/ Anatomy/ Microbiology/ Parasitology/ Physiology/ Anaesthesiology and Analgesia/ Apidemiology/ Public Health/ Surgery/ Avian Medicine/ Small Animal Medicine/ Radiology and Imaging/ Animal Theriogenology/ Pharmacology and Toxicology/ Forensic Veterinary Pathology/ Equine Medicine/ Virology/ Oncology/ Immunology/ Molecular Biology) 22

FACULTIES PROGRAMS DURATION OF STUDIES TUITION FEE FULLTIME Faculty of Doctor of Philosophy 3 years (Current exchange rates apply) Bioengineering and (Bio-Industrial Technology / Material Technology / Forest Technology Resources Technology / Energy Technology) 3years RM21,370 / USD5,300 Faculty of Doctor of Philosophy 3 years RM19,870 / USD4,900 Architecture and (Architectural History and Theory) Ekistics RM19,870 / USD4,900 Faculty of Language Doctor of Philosophy Studies and Human (History and Civilization/ Development and Educational Development Values/ Religion and Contemporary/ Philosophy and Social Development/ Language and Education Studies/ Communication ) 23

Facilities 24

RESIDENTIAL SPORTS FACILITIES 25 COLLEGE UMK provides several sports facilities: All junior undergraduates • Gymnasium courts for (first year students) are provided with • Basketball court accommodation in residential colleges in the • Netball court three campuses. Accommodation fee is MYR600 / • Futsal court. USD150 per semester. SECURITY LIBRARY UMK provides tight security measures for 24 hours that UMK provides world class library services that include includes regular patrols to ensure the safety of the locker services, photocopy services, self-check out campus. In addition, students and staff have special terminal and book drop which are needed by the access cards for entrance to any building and office in students. These excellent services include online campus. journals and e-books which are guided by professional librarians. COMPUTER LABORATORY STUDENT HEALTH CENTRE / CLINIC Computer Laboratories are available for students to use based on their needs and requirements. Student Health Centre (Clinic) provides effective medical services to students. This one-stop centre is INTERNET AND WIRELESS FACILITIES equipped with observation and outpatient wards and also medical emergency room. Students can also seek UMK provides free internet and wireless facilities for medical treatment from other panel clinics which have both students and staff to accommodate teaching and been approved by UMK. learning process. AIRPORT The City Campus is situated very near to Sultan Ismail Petra Airport which takes only 10 minutes to reach it. Taxis are easily available from the airport to all parts of Kelantan. BUS SERVICES UMK provides air- conditioned bus service to students. This free service is responsible to bring students from campus to the students’ residence campus or vice versa. Additional bus services are also available for special semester academic programs, final examination and also during the semester break which depends on students’ activities.

Admissions 26

UNDERGRADUATE 27 ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Entry Requirements for Undergraduate Programs A. Qualifications 1. Minimum of 3 principals with A-Level examinations or: 2. International Baccalaureate (IB) (with one sitting); or 3. For countries that have not adopted the UK examination system or the International Baccalaureate (IB), the entry will be considered based on their qualifications recognized by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) B. English Proficiencies 1. TOEFL iBT minimum score 35 or: 2. IELTS minimum Band 4.5 or: 3. MUET minimum Band 2; or 4. Pearson Test of English minimum score of 43; or 5. Cambridge English Qualifications & Tests minimum score of 147

UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATION PROCEDURE • Applicants should complete the application form (UMKA11/Rev.2) at UMK International website: my/v4/international/. • In order to join Semester September intake, please make sure that the application is submitted on or before 30th June (for September intake or 30th October (for February intake; depending on availability) every year. • A processing fee of MYR80 / USD20 is imposed on every submission, payable to: Account Holder Name : UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN Account Number : 553038019271 Bank’s Full Name : MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD (MAYBANK) Swift Code : MBBEMYKL Bank Address : 5493 D & E, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 15200 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia • The completed application form must be PROPERLY SCANNED and EMAILED to [email protected] together with a copy of the following documents: • Original certificates, transcripts, score sheets or school reports from secondary or college or university • attended; • Translated copies of academic certificates (if in other than English or Malay Language); • Bank statement / sponsorship letter • A copy of a passport [all pages in A4 size paper]; • A copy of passport size photograph (45mm high x 35mm wide) white colour background; • English competency certificate • All enclosed academic records and other supporting documents must be certified true copies. 2288

FLOW CHART FOR UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATION PROCEDURE FLOW CHART FOR POSTGRADUATE APPLICATION PROCEDURE START 1. Application should be submitted on or before 30th June (for POSSeTpGtReAmDbUeATrEinPtRaOkGeR)AoMr(B3Y0tRhESOEcAtRoCbHe) r (for February intake; Submit an application & d*eAppepnlicdatiinong ofonr aadvmaiislsaiobniliinttyo) postgraduate program (by supporting document to research) is open throughout the year. 2. T*hAepcploicmatiopnlete mapuspt licatbieon fomramdemusotnblinee propviearly scanned and emdhtoatcpiu:l/m/pteaonmtissn.autsmerkre.nqeudauitr.eimdo.yn:8a0l8@2/.uPmlekas.eedautt.amchyed supporting STATUS incomplete 3. POASpTrGoRcAeDsUsAiTnEgPfReOeGRoAfMM(BYYRC8O0U/RUSESWDO2R0Ki)s imposed on every submission payable to:⮚ Application for admission into postgraduate program (by coursework) should be submitted on or before 30th June (for September intake or 30th October (for February intake; depending on availability) AC⮚COTUhNe TcoNmApleMteEa pplic:aUtioNnIfVorEmRmSuIsTtIbMe pArLopAeYrlySsIAcanKnEedLAanNdTAN Application verification email to [email protected] BANK : MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD (MAYBANK) ACPCROOUCENSTSINNOG FEE : 553038019271 unsuccessful SWIFT CODE : MBBEMYKL1. A processing fee of MYR 50.00 is imposed on every STATUS submission payable to: BANKBAACADNCKDOURNETSNSA ME :::UM5NA4IYV9BE3ARNDSKIT&BI MAENA,KLJAIANYLGSAIBANEKRSEHLUAADLNTTAANN Y AHY A ACCOUNT NO. : M5P5B3EB0TE3R8M0AY1K,91L2572100 Receive Offer Letter : KOTA BHARU Acceptance of Offer SWIFT CODE KELANTAN, MALAYSIABANK ADDRESS : 5493 D & E, JALAN SULTAN YAHYA PETRA,15200 KOTA BHARU KELANTAN, MALAYSIA For⮚fuKtrratinnhdselayrcwtiiornintefsoyliopru)mr fautllinoanm,ep&lepaasssepocrtonnutmabcert:clearly on the Apply For Visa Approval Letter For fUurMtheKr inINfoTrmEaRtiNonA, pTlIeOasNeAcoLntact: Office of the Deputy ViceCentre for Postgraduate Studies, Chancellor (Academic & International) Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Not approved KCUointtyaiCvBaehmarsrpuui,tsK,i e1Ml6a1na0tla0anP,yeMsnaigalakayKslaiean.lCahnetpaan, STATUS Approved TPeel ngkalan: +C60h9e77p1a7145 / 7028 : +609- 771 7162 Apply For Single Entry Visa & : [email protected] arrangement to Malaysia 16100, Kota BharuFax Email KelantanWebsite : MALAYSIA Undergo post medical check- up upon arrival at Malaysia : +6017-374 8966 Failed : [email protected] STATUS Pass Program Registration & Student Pass Application End 2299

FEES List of Fees and Payments for International Students (Undergraduate Program) ITEMS VETERINARY DOCTOR FEES (MYR) SOCIAL SCIENCE SCIENCE A. Non-Recurrent Fees 100.00 Registration Fees 100.00 100.00 300.00 Orientation Week 300.00 300.00 200.00 Medical Check Up 200.00 200.00 300.00 Alumni 300.00 300.00 75.00 Student ID 75.00 75.00 75.00 Student Association 75.00 75.00 1,500.00 Personal Bond 1,500.00 1,500.00 200.00 Earnest Money (Wang Hemat Diri) 200.00 200.00 300.00 Co-Curriculum Fees 300.00 300.00 75.00 Group Insurance 75.00 75.00 3,125.00 Total Non-Recurrent Fees 3,125.00 3,125.00 2,040.00 B. Recurrent Fees (Per Semester) 7,760.00 2,400.00 100.00 Tuition Fees 100.00 100.00 150.00 International Student Fees 150.00 150.00 50.00 Laboratory 50.00 50.00 75.00 Service Charge 100.00 75.00 150.00 Library 150.00 150.00 30.00 Transportation 30.00 30.00 75.00 College Activities 75.00 75.00 45.00 Medical Facilities / Health Fees 45.00 45.00 80.00 Student Welfare Fund 80.00 80.00 2895.00 Computer / ICT Fees 8615.00 3255.00 Total Recurrent Fees (OPTIONAL) 26,285.00 89,275.00 29,165.00 C. English Language Course (10 Semesters) 600.00 TOTAL FEES (8 SEMESTERS) (A + (8 x B) + C) 600.00 600.00 30 D. Student Accommodation (Per Semester)

POSTGRADUATE ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Entry Requirements for Postgraduate Program A. Qualifications B. English Proficiencies MASTERS (BY RESEARCH) • TOEFL iBT minimum score 35 or: • Bachelor’s Degree with Honours (CGPA>2.75) • IELTS minimum Band 5 or: • MUET minimum Band 2 from recognized institutions of higher learning or equivalent qualification as endorsed by the Senate. EXEMPTIONS ON ENGLISH LANGUAGE • Applicants with other qualifications may also REQUIREMENT be considered for admission provided he/she has appropriate research experience and is International students can be exempted from fulfilling able to demonstrate the capacity to undertake the above English competency requirement given the Postgraduate Studies. following conditions PROVIDED supporting documents are furnished: MASTERS (BY COURSEWORK) • Bachelor’s Degree with Honours (CGPA>3.00) If the applicant originates from a country that uses English as the official language; AND / OR from recognized institutions of higher learning or equivalent qualification as endorsed by the Senate. If the applicant has obtained the Bachelor’s or Master’s degree with English as the sole medium of instruction; DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (BY RESEARCH) a letter from the institution’s Registrar as a supporting • Master’s degree from recognized institutions document is required. of higher learning or equivalent qualification as An international applicant who does not fulfil the English endorsed by the Senate. Language requirement will be considered for Conditional • University Senate may permit a candidate with Offer and study in UMK but must register and sit for an outstanding First-Class Bachelor’s Degree either IELTS, TOEFL or MUET and achieve the score as per (CGPA>3.70) for direct entry to PhD after going program standard in Malaysia. through the evaluation process set by the University. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (BY COURSEWORK) • Master’s degree from university recognized by UMK’s Senate with minimum CGPA of 3.00 or equivalent. • Working experience would be an added advantage. 31

POSTGRADUATE APPLICATION PROCEDURE • Application must be applied through Online Application that can be find via • A complete application should consist of: • Certified copy of Identification Card / International Passport; • Certified copy of academic certificates & transcripts (original & translated); • A report of project proposal (for Research structure only); • Report of an academic referee (for Research structure only); • Documentary evidence of the applicant’s ability to cover all related expenses during programs period such as bank guarantee or sponsorship letter for an amount of MYR30,000 / USD7400 (Master) or MYR48,000 / USD11,900 (PhD); • Evidence of English proficiency (if any); • Other relevant documents (if any). • Application must be accompanied with MYR50.00 / USD13 processing fee payable to: Account Holder Name : UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN Account Number : 553038019271 Bank’s Full Name : MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD (MAYBANK) Swift Code : MBBEMYKL Bank Address : 5493 D & E, Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 15200 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia • All enclosed academic records and other supporting documents must be certified true copies. 3322

FLOW CHART FOR POSTGRADUATE POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM (BY RESEARCH) APPLICATION PROCEDURE 1. * Application for admission into postgraduate program (by FLOW CHART FOR UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATIOreNsPeRaOrCcEhD) UisRoEpen throughout the year. START 2. * Application must be made online via my:8082/. Please attached supporting documents as required. Submit an application & POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM (BY COURSEWORK)● Application should be submit on or before 30th June (for supporting document to September intake or 30th October (for February intake; [email protected] 1. deAppenpdliincgaotnioavnaiflaobrilitay)dmission into postgraduate program (by STATUS incomplete ● Temcheoaiculotromsipnelteewtrenoaartpikopnl)icasal@thiouonmufkol.rdemdbum.emusystubebpmroiptetrelydscoannnoedr abnedfore 30th June ● A(pfroocreSsseinpgtfeeemobf MerYRin8t0a.0k0eisoimrp3o0setdhoOn cevteoryber (for February intake; Application verification sudbempisesniodn ipnagyaoblne tao:vailability) STATUS unsuccessful 2. TehmABAeCACaNcCCilKOOotmUUoNNpTTsliNNesAOtweMaEaz:p::aUM5phN5All3iIY@Vc0B3EaA8uRt0NSmi1oKI9Tnk2BI7.AMef1NoAdKLruIAmN.YmGSmyIBAEuKRsEHtLAAbDNeTpArNoperly scanned and Receive Offer Letter SWIFT CODE : MBBEMYKL Acceptance of Offer PROCESSING FEEBANK ADDRESS : 5493 D & E, JALANSULTAN YAHYA PETRA,15200 KOTA BHARU Apply For Visa Approval Letter 1. A processing feeKoELfAMNTYARN5, 0MA/LAUYSSDIA13 is imposed on every Not approved Fsorufburmtheirsisnfioormnaptioany,apblelaesetcoo:ntact: STATUS UMK INTERNATIONAL Deputy of Vice Chancellor Office (Academic & International) Approved ACUCnOivUerNsitTi MNaAlaMysiEa K ela:ntUanNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN Apply For Single Entry Visa & Pengkalan Chepa arrangement to Malaysia BANK 16100, Kota Bharu : MALAYAN BANKING BERHAD (MAYBANK) Kelantan ACMCAOLUAYNSTIANO : 553038019271 SWIFT COD:E+ 60 :17-374 8M96B6BEMYKL BANK ADDR: iEntSerSn ationa:[email protected]&.mEy , JALAN SULTAN YAHYA PETRA,15200 KOTA BHARU KELANTAN, MALAYSIA Kindly write your full name & passport number clearly on the transaction slip) For further information, please contact: Undergo post medical check- Centre for Postgraduate Studies, up upon arrival at Malaysia Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, City Campus, 16100 Pengkalan Chepa, Failed Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. STATUS Pass Program Registration & Tel : +609771 7145 / 7028 3333 Student Pass Application Fax : +609- 771 7162 Email : [email protected] End Website :

Student Pass & Visa 34

All international students are required to have a valid Student Pass and Visa while studying at Malaysia under the laws and regulations of the Government of Malaysia. In order to apply for the student pass, firstly you shall apply Visa Approval Letter (VAL) managed by Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) prior of submission to Malaysia Immigration Department. When VAL application is approved then only you can apply for Single Entry Visa (SEV) from the nearest Malaysian Embassy (certain countries do not require visa). You MUST NOT enter Malaysia before the VAL is issued to you. Please refer to the infographic below for the step by step student pass application: 35

1. Visa Approval Letter (inclusive of insurance) MYR1,969 – MYR2,168 / USD485 – USD534 2. Student Pass & Visa (vary by country) MYR326 – MYR400 / USD80 – USD100 3. Personal Bond (vary by country & refundable) MYR200 – MYR2,000 / USD50 – USD493 Notes: 1. Item no. 1 & 2 to be settled once you are in Malaysia; 2. If you are currently holding a valid Student Pass from other Malaysian institutions, please shorten the duration of the pass before submitting your document to us; 3. Application process normally takes one month and students will receive a Multiple Entry Visa (Student Pass) which will be stamped on your passport. EXTENDING YOUR STUDENT PASS MEDICAL SCREENING Application for pass renewal must be made at least With effect from 1st June 2019, all International Students THREE (3) months before the Student Pass expires; will no longer be required to undergo the Pre-Arrival Medical Screening when applying for a student pass It is student responsibility to maintain your legal status application to Malaysia. However, effective 1st June 2019, at all times while you are in Malaysia. Overstay is a all international students will now be required to submit violation of section 15(1)(c) of the Immigration Act a “Health Declaration Form” for their VAL applications. 1959/63, an offence under section 15(4) of the Act. The Failing to submit the Health Declaration form will result offender can be fined not less than RM10,000 / USD2,500 in incomplete VAL application submission. or face imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or both. You are REQUIRED to attend a Post-Arrival Medical UMK will not be responsible for any offence committed Screening within 7 days from your date of entry into by its students. Those who have overstayed will be Malaysia at the University Clinic / at EMGS’s approved advised to approach the Malaysian Immigration panel of clinics/hospitals by completing Health Department to settle the overstay issue themselves. Examination Report. Medical screening is a health check that consists of a general examination by the examining For further information, please contact UMK doctor, blood and urine tests as well as a chest x-ray International at [email protected] examination. If you are diagnosed with a medical condition that is deemed unsuitable for studies in Malaysia, you will be required to bear the cost of leaving Malaysia and to exit Malaysia before the expiration of your current pass. All cost involved in the examination and report either 36 original report or renewed report of examination shall be borne by the students.

HEALTH DEPENDENT INSURANCE PASS It is compulsory for every student All new students are required to travel as a entering Malaysia to have medical single traveler. Dependent passes application will only insurance. All international students be processed after the student receives their Student Pass. It is must be covered by a locally not possible to apply for dependent passes while you are applying for your purchased medical health insurance Visa Approval Letter (VAL). scheme. UMK International students are covered by Medical Insurance You are allowed to bring your dependents only if you are studying full time providers under EMGS. Please in Malaysia on a course/program that is more than twelve (12) months refer here for the details of the long. Approval of your dependent pass application is at the discretion of benefit offered by the medical the Immigration Department of Malaysia. The University WILL NOT be held insurance providers https:// responsible for any loss or damage if you bring your dependents without University consent. guidelines/insurance.html. All international students of UMK are required to apply for dependent’s pass renewal at least 30 days before pass expiry date. Dependent Pass will be 37 renewed on the same date of as the Student Pass expired.

Travelling to UMK 38

Pre-Departure Checklist of documents or information in hand luggage: 39 Checklist before arrival: 1. Passport with any necessary student visa; 2. Travel/ flight tickets; 1. Accept university offer by sending confirmation 3. Malaysia currency/ traveler’s cheque; and check the date you are expected to register 4. Travel/ personal insurance documents; at UMK; 5. Offer letter from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK); 6. A copy of VAL; 2. Check that your Visa Approval Letter (VAL) is 7. Evidence of your finances (bank statement/ sponsor’s approved and obtain any necessary student visa/ entry clearance; letter); 8. Yellow fever vaccination certificate (if required for 3. Check that you have health insurance coverage for you and your family members if you are your country) bringing along your family. Please take note that 9. Address and phone number of UMK International, it is not possible to apply for dependent passes while you are applying for student’s pass; hotel/ hostel that you have booked or any onward journey itinerary information (cost/ journey route) 4. Prepare original copies (and certifies translation) of relevant certificates and examination result; 5. Make accommodation arrangement; 6. Book your trip. You should try to arrive on the arrival day(s) recommended by the university, 7 days before registration date for post medical check-up; 7. Notify UMK International of your arrival by completing UMK International Students Pre- Arrival Request Form at dDNFW5cDD1ZYrPhe9 and email your flight itinerary to [email protected].

Upon Arrival You may arrive at Kuala Lumpur International Airport only available at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) / Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) (KLIA). Make your way to the ISAC as soon as you arrive terminal depending on your flight carrier. On arrival at at KLIA for any assistance. For further information, KLIA / KLIA2, please take note of the following: please contact ISAC at +603 8776 0974 or email to enqui- [email protected] Disembarkation Card - Complete a disembarkation card and hand it to the immigration officer together with your Immigration Inspection Procedure - After completing the passport and visa. immigration inspection procedure, please take careful note of Malaysia immigration stamp on your passport. Declaration and Prohibited Items - Under the provision The stamp will indicate the last date of allowed stay of the Customs Act 1967, travelers entering Malaysia are in Malaysia. You are REQUIRED to attend a Post-Arriv- required to declare all dutiable or prohibited goods in al Medical Screening within 7 days from your date of their possession. Failure to declare dutiable or prohibited entry into Malaysia at the University Clinic / at EMGS’s goods or making false declaration is an offence. approved panel of clinics/hospitals. You may have to pay extra charges for processing your student pass if you International Student Arrival Centre (ISAC) - EMGS has cannot submit the passport on time. set up an ISAC to help you through your first steps when you arrive in Malaysia. The ISAC will be open every day Upon completion of the Immigration Clearance proce- from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. and will make sure that you dure, please arrange for transportation to Kota Bharu, 40 are fully aware of where to go and what procedures to Kelantan, Malaysia. Our representative will meet you follow to have a smooth arrival. Currently, the ISAC is there!

TRAVELLING TO UMK Travel distance from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu is you remember your bus number, plate number and the about 450 km. Students may follow the instruction below parking location! to make their own transport arrangements to UMK / hotel upon your arrival at KLIA/ KLIA2. There are several If you are from KLIA/KLIA2, you will have to go to options available and you are open to choose the most Terminal Bersepadu Selatan (TBS) located at Bandar suitable way that fits your journey. Tasik Selatan, Kuala Lumpur. Drop off point is at Kota Bharu Bus Terminal. Flight There are many flights from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu such as Malaysia Airlines, AirAsia, Firefly and Malindo. Kelantan’s only airport is the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport (KBR) at Pengkalan Chepa, Kota Bharu. The journey from KLIA/ KLIA2 to KBR takes approximately an hour and it is the fastest and comfortable way to Kota Bharu, Kelantan. It’s only takes less than ten (10) minutes’ drive from Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Pengkalan Chepa, to UMK City Campus. Bus 41 Travel by bus from Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu takes about 9 – 10 hours. The bus fare is around RM 44.00. The bus companies provide comfortable and sleeper modern tourist busses (air-conditioned, WC). During the trip, the bus will make a few stops for few minutes for short refreshment breaks therefore make sure that

TESTIMONIALS “Pursuing an MBA has always been my dream as I aim to “UMK offers conducive learning have broader knowledge related to the inside and outside environment. It is the second public university in Malaysia that offers veterinary medicine of business operations. Universiti Malaysia Kelantan program.” facilitates valuable knowledge and I learn from the real experts. Many of the professors and teaching staff are Sharifo Ali Elmi, Master of Science, Somalia equipped with academic and industrial experiences that make learning fun, relevant and practical. The program “The reason why I chose UMK was due to their strong focus on research, entrepreneurship and high-quality syllabus, assignments, classes, and assessments are education. I joined the university in 2016 to pursue delivered in flexible but effective manners which help my MSc degree and successfully graduated in 2018. in producing top managers. I love the state of Kelantan Right after my graduation I continued my PhD study too for it is socially, culturally and historically unique. here in UMK. Studying at UMK has given me a unique learning experience that shaped who I am today. I have Malaysia, truly Asia, it is worth to study here! ” been also offered a PhD fellowship and supported financially and for that I am so grateful. Additionally, Yoga Rafinika, Master of Business Administration (MBA), studying here in UMK allowed me to learn a different Indonesia culture, interact with people and gain experience. I participated in several events such as GLOBAL “Malaysia is a nice place and Kelantan in particular is AMBASSADOR program, Cultural Night, International attractive in its own way. The people in Kelantan are Students’ Day and City Tour which gave me a truly international experience and allowed me to meet up very kind, friendly and helpful. UMK is a nice university, with local and international students who are studying with good people (the academic, non-academic and the in various universities in Malaysia. ” international staff), I really appreciate their kindness and support in helping me to cope with my study. Above all Ferid Abdulhafiz, PhD in Biotechnology, Ethiopia it is less costly and very much affordable compared to other Universities.” 42 Abubakar Abdulkarim, Master of Veterinary Medicine, Nigeria

CONTACT US For further information or any enquiries, please contact: UMK INTERNATIONAL Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International) Universiti Malaysia Kelantan Pengkalan Chepa 16100, Kota Bharu Kelantan MALAYSIA Tel : +609 7717135 / 7136 / 7139 Email : [email protected] Web: http : // 43




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