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지도교수 Study 학위논문 김민기 졸업연구 박사과정 고건혁A Bayesian Learning Model for Measuring Social In-fluence: New Music Diffusion on Twitter As online sharing of music through social media emerges as a promising mode for diffusion of new music, firms are now interested in identifying individuals who have strong influence on other listeners. However, previous studies on disproportionate social influence have neglected the fact that in real-world social networks, indi- viduals not only occupy certain social positions, but also have heterogeneous social relationships with others. Exploiting coexistence of asymmetric and symmetric rela- tions in the microblogging service Twitter, this study simultaneously examines the effects of network structure such as indegree centrality and dyadic properties of interpersonal relationships, including communication frequency and net-work em- beddedness, on the diffusion of new music. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first empirical research that proposes a new viral marketing strategy that reflects the concur-rent impact of social position and of dyadic relation characteristics on disproportionate peer influence. I develop a model for an individual’s information sharing decision where each Twitter user updates her/his belief about the quality of musicians in a Bayesian learning fashion. Multiple information sources for learning are classified into eight different types of online peers. Utilizing Twitter users’ actual behavior data related to new musicians of the audition reality show, I provide an empirical demonstration of estimating each peer type’s social influence and practical managerial insights based on estimated results. Results of a what-if scenario analy- sis show that the strategy deploying the proposed model outperforms traditional word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing strategies, including hub targeting and random seeding, in its return on investment (ROI). 51

Study 지도교수 학위논문 졸업연구 이지현 박사과정 김선중 A Study on Metadata Structure and Recommenders of Biological Systems to Support Bio-inspired De- sign. Graduate School of Culture Technology Bio-inspired design was introduced as an alternative method to encourage break- through innovations during design projects by stimulating analogical reasoning and thinking of designers. However, the method did not perform as well as research- ers expected because most designers, who are novices in the fields of biology and ecology, cannot infer the proper analogue (i.e. biological system) from nature. To resolve this fundamental problem, a causal model based representation framework for ‘analogical reasoning’ – searching and selecting the biological systems to apply – have been developed. In addition, ontology based repository structures and retrieval systems have been proposed to support ‘analogical thinking’ of designers. Never- theless, these systematic approaches still restrict the candidates and inevitably lose potential biological systems relevant to the design project, due to the ‘physical rela- tion’ biased problem and the ambiguity of the indexing mechanism of both current representation frameworks and retrieval systems. For example, the causality based support system known as a robust representation framework for a single biological system, stores information of a biological system only by its internal ‘physical rela- tions’ and retrieves biological systems only by the physical relevance. However, from the perspective of ecological thinking, the further relatedness of ‘physical, bio- logical, and ecological relations’ composes the holistic concept used to identify an organism in the flow of evolution because the ‘biological and ecological relations’ are also involved in the traits that designers may be interested in. Therefore, the supplementary information for ‘biological and ecological relations’ must be added to index the biological and environmental interactions, and to use the connectivity among entire organisms in the retrieval process. In this research, a causality based holistic representation framework for biological systems and an ‘all-connected’ on- tology based repository and retrieval system are developed to support bio-inspired design. This effort might provide more opportunities in a bio-inspired design pro- cess by adding potential biological systems that might previously not have been considered.52

지도교수 Study 학위논문 남주한 졸업연구 박사과정 김승훈Sonic Control of Audio Feedback and its ArtisticUses according to Environmental Openness Audio feedback, in which sound is generated through the connection of a micro- phone, signal processing components and a loudspeaker, is one of the popular struc- tures used in computer music. Since audio feedback has a circular structure using the output signals as re-input signal, beyond the one-way relationship, it results in unique features and a lot of attempts have been made to take advantage of an audio feedback in music composition and sound arts. This dissertation practically explores audio feedback systems by developing con- trol methods and applications according to environmental openness. Environmental openness, degree of contact with external energy and information, enables develop- ment of various musical applications depending on the structure. Since audio feed- back features nonlinear characteristics, sonic control methods are required to create the feedback-based applications for specific purposes (e.g., performance, composi- tion and exhibition). These are the reasons why this thesis includes control methods as well as artistic uses. By generating sounds using the feedback structure according to environmental openness and presenting control methods for certain sonic prop- erties, we propose creative utilization of feedback systems in the fields of musical interactions while preserving the unique nonlinear characteristics. Classification of these methods also builds a new framework of audio feedback systems regarding sonic control, which would explore a wide range of potential applications. We present several systems in three types of environmental openness: closed, semi- open and open. Closed feedback structure is a typical model of Karplus-Strong algo- rithm and digital waveguide synthesis, and we propose synthesis models and instru- ment software for the Geomungo, a Korean traditional plucked-string instrument, with a time-varying filter for vibrato effects. Semi-open feedback system installed in a specific shape space (e.g., a pipe) generates resonant sounds, and we propose two types of feedback-based pipe interfaces. Open system could generate various timbres depending on the internal and external conditions, and we explore the meth- ods for intentional control of audio feedback through a context-based control and an evolutionary control. 53

Study 지도교수 학위논문 졸업연구 차미영 박사과정 박자람 Analysis of Cultural Values in Online Communica- tion across Countries on the Use of Nonverbal Cues and Content Consumption From the ancient time of, Aristotle and Confucius, people across different cultures have perceived the world in different ways (Nisbett, 2010). Culture influences every aspect of our lives from basic processes of cognition and perception (Ji et al., 2000; Masuda and Nisbett, 2001) to a range of our behavior (Brislin, 2006). Therefore, studying cultural differences and cultural distance is an important key to under- stand human behavior in the analysis of social science or humanities (Baldwin et al., 2006), and the concepts of cultural distance (e.g., Hofstede’s cultural dimension theory and psychic distance) are widely used for quantifying cultural differences. Recently, the advent of Web has fundamentally changed the way individuals are ex- posed to other cultures. Web gives us fruitful opportunities to consume the cultural content from other culture; we are now able to communicate with people across the globe easier than before. However, online communication (e.g, user interaction, online contents co-consumption) is still affected by national-level factors such as language (Ronen et al., 2014), geographical border (Kulshrestha et al., 2012; Park et al., 2015; Platt et al., 2015), economic status (Barnett and Sung, 2005; Platt et al., 2015), religion (Park et al., 2015), and cultural values (Garc ́ıa- Gavilanes et al., 2013, 2014). Such phenomenon motivates this dissertation: my thesis focuses on 1) the impact of cultural difference on online communication in order to provide insights and impli- cations for refining and advancing cross-cultural theories, and 2) a framework for measuring and finding important culture values influencing online communication across cultures. Thanks to the recorded web data containing most of all daily life of people, we are able to analyze large-scale human behavior data naturally generated from all around world. In this dissertation, I first propose a methodology for analyzing the impact of culture on online communication using the large-scale online dataset. Second, I character- ize cultural differences in online communication by focusing on the nonverbal cues in microblogs, Twitter, and video consumption patterns on YouTube. The results demonstrate that the use of representative nonverbal cues, emoticons, and the video co-consumption patterns are related to users’ cultural background. Finally, I design a model for finding the main cultural values related to online communication by rely- ing on Gudykunst’s cultural variability in communication theory, and then figure out the relationship between cultural values and online communication.54

지도교수 Study 학위논문 원광연 졸업연구 박사과정 이상원Verification of the Spatial Design Adequacy for theProspective Occupants’ Amenity and EfficiencyNeeds The best spatial design condition to satisfy the occupancy needs of amenity and ef- ficiency is determined through analyzing the spatial design adequacy (SDA). In this study, the relationship between the space design elements and space on future occu- pants’ perception are analyzed. A series of two experiments were conducted in order to verify the six hypotheses. The findings successfully support the all hypotheses of this study. The findings of experiments demonstrate that the causal relationship between the spatial factors and space is clearly present in the occupants’ perception, reflecting the time-sequential characteristics of the actual experience divided into amenity and efficiency. This result indicates that the correlation between the spatial factors and space of SDA under the occupants’ perception processing elaboration can be a useful guide to predict the occupancy satisfaction of amenity and efficiency in real spaces. 55

Study 지도교수 학위논문 졸업연구 시정곤 박사과정 이지현 The Framework of Systematic Creation Process and Methods for Designing Novel Conceptual Charac- ter’s Appearance Novel conceptual characters appear in games, movies, and other virtual media related to myths, legends, and future worlds. Newly created characters have expanded functionality combining parts of other creatures, artefacts, science, and technology; and using cross- ontological synthesizing methods either consciously or unconsciously. The aim of this study is to propose a systematic process and specific methods that can be used to create novel conceptual characters. Therefore, to find the specific steps and methods required for each stage on the basis of the design process, including analysis, synthesis, and evalu- ation, each stage was systemized by analyzing related studies and conducting case stud- ies, including character design implementation. First, the study in the analysis stage proposes a structure for extracting a character’s ap- pearance components from a narrative for representing character’s appearance. Second, the study in the synthesis step is performed to propose synthetic character generation strategies that can be used to create novel conceptual characters through both the analysis of virtual characters that have appeared in games and movies and the application of con- cept combination strategies used in cognitive psychology and cognitive science. Third, the study in the evaluation stage concerns the evaluation criteria for novel conceptual characters. The evaluation criteria of emergence, practicality, and originality were es- tablished based on creativity studies of novel concept combination and creative design output. In addition, the effectiveness of the structure and methods produced through each step was verified by a comparative t-test analysis of the case study results to design novel conceptual characters. The establishment of a systematic and specific process and methods for designing char- acters have been difficult to organize academically. Therefore, the creation process and methods for designing novel conceptual character’s appearance produced in this study have the meaning that establishes a systematic creation process and evaluation methods for designing all types of characters.56

지도교수 Study 학위논문 노준용 졸업연구 박사과정 최병국Sketch-based Motion Editing for 3D ArticulatedCharacters In this doctoral dissertation, a novel approach for the expressive editing of 3D artic- ulated character motion is presented. The proposed approach solves for the motion given a set of projective constraints that relate the sketch inputs to the unknown 3D poses. This dissertation introduces the concept of sketch space, a contextual geomet- ric representation of sketch targets ―motion properties that are editable via sketch input― that enhances, right on the viewport, different aspects of the motion. The combination of the proposed sketch targets and space allows for seamless editing of a wide range of properties, from simple joint trajectories to local parent-child spati- otemporal relationships and more abstract properties such as coordinated motions. This is made possible by interpreting the user’s input through a new sketch-based optimization engine in a uniform way. In addition, the proposed view-dependent sketch space also serves the purpose of disambiguating the user inputs by visual- izing their range of effect and transparently defining the necessary constraints to set the temporal boundaries for the optimization. 57

Study 지도교수 학위논문 졸업연구 이지현 박사과정 현경훈 Augmenting gestural strokes with dynamics-driven simulations for immersive freeform 3d modeling This research proposes objective measures to evaluate product designs through style quantification. To do that, five tasks were conducted: first, yearly car mod- els were collected. Second, design elements were extracted. Third, a style analysis was conducted through similarity calculation and visual significance identification. Fourth, styling strategy positioning of the yearly car design models was analyzed. Lastly, a genetic algorithm was used to synthesize the car designs that maintain brand’s unique style. From these five tasks, the styling strategy can be quantitatively analyzed and be implemented to automatically synthesize optimized design alterna- tives. In addition, research results and in-depth interviews with professional design- ers from diverse nationalities confirmed the validity of this research. The results of the research open up new possibilities for making more effective strategic design decisions for managerial decisions through quantitative analysis of styling and pro- vide new insights that were not possible to discover before. Based on this research, researchers and designers can empirically analyze the influence of styling on car de- sign industries, the effect of the family look within car brands, visual significance of design elements and the design trend transitions to grope for a more effective design management.58

2016 ANNUAL REPORT Graduate School of Culture Technology

Project학술 활동창작 활동

Project 학술활동 국제저널 An Eulerian approach for constructing a map between sur- faces with different topologies Computer Graphics Forum Hangil Park, Youngjin Cho, Seungbae Bang and Sung-Hee Lee 3D objects of the same kind often have different topologies, and finding correspond- ence between them is important for operations such as morphing, attribute transfer, and shape matching. This paper presents a novel method to find the surface corre- spondence between topologically different surfaces. The method is characterized by deforming the source polygonal mesh to match the target mesh by using the inter- mediate implicit surfaces, and by performing a topological surgery at the appropriate locations on the mesh. In particular, we propose a mathematically well-defined way to detect the topology change of surface by finding the non-degenerate saddle points of the velocity fields that tracks implicit surfaces. We show the effectiveness and possible applications of the proposed method through several experiments.62

Project 학술활동 국제저널Augmenting Environmental Interaction in AudioFeedback SystemsApplied ScienceSeunghun Kim, GrahamWakefield Juhan NamAudio feedback is defined as a positive feedback of acoustic signals where an audioinput and output form a loop, and may be utilized artistically. This article presentsnew context-based controls over audio feedback, leading to the generation of desiredsonic behaviors by enriching the influence of existing acoustic information suchas room response and ambient noise. This ecological approach to audio feedbackemphasizes mutual sonic interaction between signal processing and the acousticenvironment. Mappings from analyses of the received signal to signal-processingparameters are designed to emphasize this specificity as an aesthetic goal. Our feed-back system presents four types of mappings: approximate analyses of room rever-beration to tempo-scale characteristics, ambient noise to amplitude and two differentapproximations of resonances to timbre. These mappings are validated computation-ally and evaluated experimentally in different acoustic conditions. 63

Project 학술활동 국제저널 Data-guided Model Predictive Control Based on Smoothed Contact Dynamics Computer Graphics Forum Daseong Han, Haegwang Eom, Junyong Noh, and Joseph S. Shin (formerly Sung Yong Shin) In this paper, we propose an efficient data-guided method based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) to synthesize a full-body motion. Guided by a reference motion, our method repeatedly plans the full-body motion to produce an optimal control policy for predictive control while sliding the fixed-span window along the time axis. Based on this policy, the method computes the joint torques of a character at every time step. Together with contact forces and external perturbations if there are any, the joint torques are used to update the state of the character. Without including the contact forces in the control vector, our formulation of the trajectory optimi- zation problem enables automatic adjustment of contact timings and positions for balancing in response to environmental changes and external perturbations. For ef- ficiency, we adopt derivative-based trajectory optimization on top of state-of-the-art smoothed contact dynamics. Use of derivatives enables our method to run much faster than the existing sampling-based methods. In order to further accelerate the performance of MPC, we propose efficient numerical differentiation of the system dynamics of a full-body character based on two schemes: data reuse and data inter- polation. The former scheme exploits data dependency to reuse physical quantities of the system dynamics at near-by time points. The latter scheme allows the use of derivatives at sparse sample points to interpolate those at other time points in the window. We further accelerate evaluation of the system dynamics by exploiting the sparsity of physical quantities such as Jacobian matrix resulting from the tree-like structure of the articulated body. Through experiments, we show that the proposed method efficiently can synthesize realistic motions such as locomotion, dancing, gymnastic motions, and martial arts at interactive rates using moderate computing resources.64

Project 학술활동 국제저널Influence of control logic on variation of indoor thermalenvironment for residential buildingsIndoor and Built EnvironmentJin Woo Moon, Ji–Hyun Lee and Sooyoung KimThis study proposes an advanced thermal control method that employs artificial neural network(ANN) models for predictive and adaptive thermal control. Two predictive and adaptive con-trol logic approaches were proposed to simultaneously control indoor temperature and humid-ity as well as predicted mean vote (PMV) in a residential building. Their thermal performancewas analysed and compared with that of non-ANN-based counterparts to evaluate architecturalvariables such as envelope insulation and building orientation. A numerical computer simula-tion method was used for the tests after demonstration of its validity based on comparisonwith results of field measurement. Analysis results revealed that the proposed predictive andadaptive control methods conditioned the indoor temperature, humidity and PMV effectively.The periods during which each thermal factor was in a comfortable range increased, and over-shoots and undershoots out of the targeted comfortable ranges were reduced when using theANN model. The results demonstrate the functionality of the proposed method for variation inarchitectural variables and that the ANN model has the potential to be successfully applied tobuilding thermal controls. 65

Project 학술활동 국제저널 Investigating cultural uniqueness in theme parks through finding relationships between visual integration of visitor traffics and capacity of service facilities International Journal of Architectural Computing Kyung Hoon Hyun, Aram Min, Sun-Joong Kim and Ji-Hyun Lee The goal of the article is to find the relationships between theme park visitor traffics and service facility location along with their capacities. To do that, we analyzed four Disneylands situated in Paris, Tokyo, and the United States (Florida and Califor- nia). By analyzing the visual integration of visitor traffics at each Disneyland and calculating the capacities of service facilities such as the attractions, shops, and res- taurants, we ran through a linear and a geographically weighted regression analysis. Our results indicate that there is a unique relationship between the service facility placements and the amount of predicted traffic flows for each Disneyland.66

Project 학술활동 국제저널Metaphoric Hand Gestures for Orientation-Aware VRObject Manipulation With an Egocentric ViewpointTransactions on Human-Machine SystemsYoungkyoon Jang, Ikbeom Jeon, Tae-Kyun Kim, and Woontack WooWe present a novel natural user interface framework, called Meta-Gesture, for se-lecting and manipulating rotatable virtual reality (VR) objects in egocentric view-point. Meta-Gesture uses the gestures of holding and manipulating the tools of dailyuse. Specifically, the holding gesture is used to summon a virtual object into thepalm, and the manipulating gesture to trigger the function of the summoned virtualtool. Our contributions are broadly threefold: 1) Meta-Gesture is the first to performbare hand-gesture-based orientation-aware selection and manipulation of very small(nail-sized) VR objects, which has become possible by combining a stable 3-D palmpose estimator (publicly available) with the proposed static–dynamic (SD) gestureestimator; 2) the proposed novel SD random forest, as an SD gesture estimator canclassify a 3-D static gesture and its action status hierarchically, in a single classi-fier; and 3) our novel voxel coding scheme, called layered shape pattern, which isconfigured by calculating the fill rate of point clouds (raw source of data) in eachvoxel on the top of the palm pose estimation, allows for dispensing with the needfor preceding hand skeletal tracking or joint classification while defining a gesture.Experimental results show that the proposed method can deliver promising per-formance, even under frequent occlusions, during orientation-aware selection andmanipulation of objects in VR space by wearing head-mounted display with an at-tached egocentric-depth camera (see the supplementary video available at: 67

Project 학술활동 국제저널 Online Real-time Locomotive Motion Transformation Based on Biomechanical Observations Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds Daseong Han, Seokpyo Hong, Junyong Noh, Xiaogang Jin Joseph S. Shin (formerly Sung Yong Shin) In the paper, we present an online real-time method for automatically transforming a basic locomotive motion to a desired motion of the same type, based on biome- chanical results. Given an online request for a motion of a certain type with desired moving speed and turning angle, our method first extracts a basic motion of the same type from a motion graph, and then transforms it to achieve the desired moving speed and turning angle by exploiting the following biomechanical observations: The motion of the center of mass (COM) is controlled only by foot contacts with the ground. The changes of moving speed and direction are accompanied by their respective forward and lateral leaning of the whole body. Turning is accompanied by a series of orientation changes of the upper body segments in a top to bottom sequence from head to pelvis while decreasing moving speed according to the amount of turning. Exploiting these observations, we propose a simple but effective method to add physical and behavioral naturalness to the resulting locomotive motions without preprocessing. Through experiments, we show that our method enables a character to respond agilely to online user commands while efficiently generating walking, jogging, and running motions with a compact motion library. Our method can also deal with certain dynamical motions such as forward roll.68

Project학술활동 국제저널Retargeting Human-Object Interactionto Virtual AvatarsIEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsYeonjoon Kim, Hangil Park, Seungbae Bang, and Sung-Hee LeeRapid advances of AR technologies are realizing a vision in which people in differentlocations can interact seamlessly with each other in a shared space. Recently, there hasbeen considerable research on virtual avatar-based 3D telepresence in which a user wear-ing a head mounted display communicates with the image of a remote person overlaid onthe local space of the user [20, 21]. In this case, the physical space that a user belongs tobecomes the telepresence space: The local space is augmented with the remote person’savatar, which moves in the local space by following the remote person’s motions made inthe remote place. In addition, as envisioned in [13], we can even make a mirrored telep-resence space in the remote space by sending the local user’s avatar to the remote place.If the shapes of the local and remote environments are identical, we can generate theavatar’s motion simply by copying that of the remote user. Otherwise, the avatar’s mo-tion needs to be created by adapting the remote user’s motion to the local environment.In particular, a challenging problem arises when the remote user engages in a physicalinteraction (e.g., contact) with an object. Let us assume that there exists a local objectcorresponding to the remote object. If the two objects have different shapes, how can wetransfer the remote user’s motion to the avatar? For example, let us assume that the twospaces are equipped with chairs with different shapes. When the remote user sits on achair, the avatar in the local space should be able to perform a sitting motion appropriatefor the shape of the local chair.In this paper, we confront the problem of retargeting a motion interacting with an objectto a different object that has a similar but different shape. Such motion retargeting shouldpreserve two features: one is the context of the motion with respect to the object; the otheris the original pose of the human. The difficulty of motion retargeting increases with thedissimilarity of the function and shape of the two objects. For instance, retargeting a sit-ting motion on an office chair to a sofa is easier than it would be to the saddle of a bicycle.We introduce a novel motion retargeting technique for two objects that have similar func-tions and shapes. More specifically, we assume that there is a correspondence betweenthe surfaces of the objects such that for every point on one surface there exists a cor-responding point on the other, and that an arbitrary continuous curve on one surface canbe mapped to a continuous curve on the other. In other words, it is assumed that a continu-ous and bijective map f : S1 →S2 exists between the two surfaces Si. This assumptionallows for a continuous movement of contact points between a user and an object to betransferred to a continuous contact motion on the other object. Then, how can a motionclose to yet not in contact with an object be transferred to the nearby space around theother object? This problem has been more or less overlooked except for a few studies,e.g., [2, 10, 24]. 69

Project 학술활동 국제저널 Rich360: Optimized Spherical Representation from Structured Panoramic Camera Arrays ACM Transaction on Graphics Jungjin Lee, Bumki Kim, Kyehyun Kim, Younghui Kim, Junyong Noh This paper presents Rich360, a novel system for creating and viewing a 360 pano- ramic video obtained from multiple cameras placed on a structured rig. Rich360 provides an as-rich-as-possible 360 viewing experience by effectively resolving two issues that occur in the existing pipeline. First, a deformable spherical projection surface is utilized to minimize the parallax from multiple cameras. The surface is deformed spatio-temporally according to the depth constraints estimated from the overlapping video regions. This enables fast and efficient parallax-free stitching in- dependent of the number of views. Next, a non-uniform spherical ray sampling is performed. The density of the sampling varies depending on the importance of the image region. Finally, for interactive viewing, the nonuniformly sampled video is mapped onto a uniform viewing sphere using a UV map. This approach can preserve the richness of the input videos when the resolution of the final 360 panoramic video is smaller than the overall resolution of the input videos, which is the case for most 360 panoramic videos. We show various results from Rich360 to demonstrate the richness of the output video and the advancement in the stitching results.70

Project 학술활동 국제저널SketchiMo: Sketch-based Motion Editing for Articu-lated CharactersACM Transaction on GraphicsByungkuk Choi, Roger Blanco i Ribera,J. P. Lewis, Yeongho Seol.Seokpyo Hong, Haegwang Eom, Sunjin Jung, Junyong NohWe present SketchiMo, a novel approach for the expressive editing of articulatedcharacter motion. SketchiMo solves for the motion given a set of projective con-straints that relate the sketch inputs to the unknown 3D poses. We introduce theconcept of sketch space, a contextual geometric representation of sketch targets —motion properties that are editable via sketch input— that enhances, right on theviewport, different aspects of the motion. The combination of the proposed sketchtargets and space allows for seamless editing of a wide range of properties, fromsimple joint trajectories to local parent-child spatiotemporal relationships and moreabstract properties such as coordinated motions. This is made possible by interpret-ing the user’s input through a new sketch-based optimization engine in a uniformway. In addition, our view-dependent sketch space also serves the purpose of disam-biguating the user inputs by visualizing their range of effect and transparently defin-ing the necessary constraints to set the temporal boundaries for the optimization. 71

Project 학술활동 국제저널 Sparse feature learning for instrument identifica- tion: Effects of sampling and pooling methods Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Yoonchang Han, Subin Lee, Juhan Nam, and Kyogu Lee Feature learning for music applications has recently received considerable attention from many researchers. This paper reports on the sparse feature learning algorithm for musical instrument identification, and in particular, focuses on the effects of the frame sampling techniques for dictionary learning and the pooling methods for feature aggregation. To this end, two frame sampling techniques are examined that are fixed and proportional random sampling. Furthermore, the effect of using onset frame was analyzed for both of proposed sampling methods. Regarding summari- zation of the feature activation, a standard deviation pooling method is used and compared with the commonly used max- and average-pooling techniques. Using more than 47 000 recordings of 24 instruments from various performers, playing styles, and dynamics, a number of tuning parameters are experimented including the analysis frame size, the dictionary size, and the type of frequency scaling as well as the different sampling and pooling methods. The results show that the combination of proportional sampling and standard deviation pooling achieve the best overall performance of 95.62% while the optimal parameter set varies among the instru- ment classes.72

Project 학술활동 국제저널TunnelSlice: Freehand Subspace Acquisition Usingan Egocentric Tunnel for Wearable Augmented RealityTransactions on Human-Machine SystemsHyeongmook Lee, Seung-Tak Noh, and Woontack WooIn this paper, we propose TunnelSlice, which enables natural acquisition of sub-space in an augmented scene from an egocentric view, even for scenarios involvingambiguous center objects or object occlusion. In wearable augmented reality (AR),approaching a three-dimensional (3-D) region including the objects of interest hasbecome more important than approaching distant objects one by one. However, ex-isting ray-based volumetric selection through a head worn display accompanies dif-ficulties in defining a desired 3-D region due to obstacles by occlusion and depthperception. The proposed TunnelSlice effectively determines a cuboid transform,excluding unnecessary areas of a user-defined tunnel via two-handed pinch-basedprocedural slicing from an egocentric view. Through six scenarios involving cen-tral object status and different occlusion levels, we conducted a user study of Tun-nelSlice. Compared with two existing approaches, TunnelSlice was preferred bythe subjects and showed greater stability for all scenarios, and outperformed theother approaches in a scenario involving strong occlusion without a central object.TunnelSlice is thus expected to serve as a key technology for spatial protocol andinteraction using a subspace in wearable AR. 73

Project 학술활동 국제저널 Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Augmented Human Journal of Virtual Reality Society of Japan Jeongmin Yu, Woontack Woo In this paper, we briefly overview the past and recent research activities in the areas of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Korea. We first briefly sum- marize major VR/ AR research activities for last ten years and then introduce the re- cent research activities laying emphasis on research conducted in the Ubiquitous VR (UVR) Laboratory at KAIST. Finally, we share our vision on ‘UVR and Augmented Human (AH)’ and possible future direction [2]. The VR/AR research in Korea and its trends were not much different with the global trend. In Korea, research in AR/ VR field was initiated in the late 1980s and early 1990s by pioneers including Professors Kwangyun Won (KAIST), Prof. Hyun Seung Yang (KAIST), Profes- sor Myoung-Hee Kim (Ewha Womans University), Dr. Heedong Ko (KIST), etc. Their research results have been shared in HCI Korea conference since 1991. Since mid-90s various VR/AR R&Ds had been actively conducted in many Universi- ties (POSTECH, Kyungpook National University, etc.), Research Institutes (KIST, ETRI, etc.) and Industries (Samsung, Hansaem, etc.). Unfortunately, however, the R&D activities in Industries had fallen into ‘trough of disillusionment’ in the early 2000s and lasted until the mid-2010s since the R&D results could not meet the ex- pectations of the market.74

Project 학술활동 국내학회Gamification Can Affect the Sustainability ofThe Wearable Device for Physical Activity?: User Case StudyHCI 2016Seukwoo Lee, Jaemyung Lee, Sangeun Kum, Young Yim DohRecently, wearable device market is popular worldwide. Among several kinds of it, one area ispedometer-based fitness service and products. Previous studies have mainly focused on explor-ing the technological development of it. However, while gradually increasing the interests inuser’s usage patterns, game and gamification studies have shown positive results to promoteuser engagement of physical activity. The purpose of this study is to see the usability andsustainability on the wearable device for physical activity. We want to observe effectivenessspecially in gamification conditions through user case study. We performed user evaluationsof Fitbit, one of the pedometer-based wearable devices and FitRPG, a gamified service compat-ible with Fitbit. Interview questions consist of usability, usefulness and affect based on HumanComputer Interaction (HCI) elements. We conducted user research for 4 weeks (2 weeks forFitbit condition/2 weeks for FitRPG condition) to ascertain sustainability. After collecting dataand interview answers, we were able to suggest three issues of the gamified service that mayaffect users. 75

Project 학술활동 국내학회 머신러닝 기반 소셜 데이터 모니터링 플랫폼 연구 - 일본 원전 사고 이후의 원자력 관련 담화를 중심으로 - 한국정보과학회 하유이, 최지정, 차미영, 이지연, 김병직, 이동명 2011년 일본 후쿠시마 원자력 발전소 사고 이후 국내 소셜네트워크 서비스에서는 원자력에 관한 다양한 담론이 진행되고 있다. 이 연구에서는 사고 전후 약 4년간 원자력을 언급하는 15만건의 트위터 데이터를 수집하고 핵심 키워드와 의미망을 추출 및 분석하였다. 정보 전파를 관찰하기 위해 원자력 관련 정부의 공식기관, 뉴스 미디어 및 일반 대중의 담론을 TF-IDF 기법과 나이브 베이지안 기반으로 분 석 및 분류하였다. 그 결과 ‘오염’에 관한 토픽을 중심으로 담론이 발전하였으 며, 세가지 언급 주체 간의 중심 토픽의 차이와 상관관계를 확인할 수 있었다. 이 러한 모니터링 플랫폼은 향후 재난 위기 상황 발생 시 효과적인 대중 커뮤니케이 션 체계 구축에 활용될 수 있다.76

Project 학술활동 국내학회Measuring creativity in music via a network analy-sis of codeword transitionsNetSci 2016Doheum Park and Juyong ParkCreativity has long been studied by multidisciplinary scholars but its secretstill remains hidden.The recent advent of datasets for the arts allows us toidentify universal patterns in creative works and understand the signicantfeatures of creativity through computational models. Our work applies thenetwork framework to the classical music MIDI dataset that spans severalcenturies to explore a computational model of creativity and understand theevolution of music. Our model of creativity in music utilizes two concepts,P-creativity and H-creativity, suggested by Boden [1]; P-creativity computeshow novel the piece is with respect to the previous works by the same com-poser, while H-creativity evaluates how novel it is with respect to all theprevious works by all the composers. To calculate the creativity of eachpiece, we build a Markov network of \codeword transitions,” the changes ofsimultaneous pitches, as shown in Fig. 77

Project 학술활동 국내학회 360도 비디오를 위한 몰입형 디스플레이 Korea Computer Graphics Society 2016 서형국, 김재동, 노준용 최근 대표적인 가상현실(Virtual Reality) 콘텐츠중 하나인 360도 비디오는 인터 넷에서 손쉽게 접할 수 있고 심지어 모바일 기기를 이용해 일반 사용자들도 손쉽게 제작 할 수 있게 되었다. 이러한 360도 비디오를 재생할수 있는 시스템은 현재 일 반 모니터, 모바일 기기, 그리고 Head Mounted Display(HMD)등이 있다. 그러나 전 통적인 모니터 디스플레이나 모바일 기기는 충분한 몰입감을 제공하기에 적합하지 않으며, HMD의 경우 훌륭한 몰입감을 제공할 수는 있지만, 기기를 머리에 장착해 야 하는 불편함을 수반한다. 본 연구에서는 360도 비디오를 재생하기 위한 새로운 수단으로 다면 상영 시스템 기반의 몰입형 디스플레이를 제안하고자 한다.78

Project 학술활동 국내학회The Judge-Contestant Network in Competitions:Biases and Clusters from the 17thInternationalChopin Piano CompetitionNetSci 2016Gyuhyeon Jeon and Juyong ParkA common form of competition in culture is one in which a jury grades thecompetitors’ perfor-mances. Unlike in refereed one-on-one sports, it isdicult to gauge the role of subjectivity in the grading which may some-times give rise to a controversy surrounding an outcome. For instance, inthe 17th International Chopin Piano Competition took place in 2015, Frenchjudge Philippe Entremont (abbreviated PE) was accused of baselessly giving alow score to Sung-jin Cho (SC), who went on to win the general competition.We apply the hierarchical clustering method to the jury-contestant scoringnetwork to validate the public’s perception of his unfairness; Our basichypothesis is that if he had been unfair to a specic contestant, a hypotheti-cal absence of the contestant would result in signicantly dierent clusteringfor the jury. In Figure 1 (a) and (b) we show the dendrograms of the judgesbased on cosine similarity. 79

Project 학술활동 국내학회 The Multi-Scale Network Landscape of Collaboration NetSCI 2016 Arram Bae, Doheum Park, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Juyong Park Propelled by the increasing availability of large-scale high-quality data, advanced data modeling and analysis techniques are enabling many novel and signicant scientic understanding of a wide range of complex social, natural, and technological systems. These developments also provide opportunities for studying cultural systems and phenomena which can be said to refer to all- products of human creativity and way of life. An important characteristic of a cultural product is that it does not exist in isolation from others, but forms an intricate web of connections on many levels. In the creation and dissemination of cultural products and artworks in particular, collaboration and communication of ideas play an essential role, which can be captured in the heterogeneous network of the creators and practitioners of art. In this paper we propose novel methods to analyze and uncover meaningful patterns from such a network using the network of western classical musicians con- structed from a large-scale comprehensive Compact Disc recordings data. We characterize the complex patterns in the network landscape of collaboration between musicians across multiple scales ranging from the macroscopic to the mesoscopic and microscopic. On the macroscopic scale we see massive inequal- ity in importance of musicians. On the mesoscopic scale we witness emergence of schools re ecting styles and origins. Finally, on the microscopic scale, we uncover the signicance of individuals that can be buried on other scales. Our work establishes two hallmark properties of culture, the diversity of cultural styles and the individuality of the artists, as representing the cultural landscape on dierent scales.80

Project 학술활동 국내학회XML을 이용한 디지털 건축문화유산 콘텐츠 저작 도구2016년 한국컴퓨터정보학회 동계학술대회이종욱, 이지형, 이지현전문적인 건축 정보가 제공되는 건축문화유산 콘텐츠를 위해서는 콘텐츠에서의 디지털 문화유산은 실재 문화유산의 구조 및 구성을 반영하여야 한다. 즉, 건축문화유산의 구성 요소인 부재를 기반으로 제작된 디지털 문화유산이 콘텐츠에서 제공되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 XML기반의 건축문화유산 정보구조를 정의하고 이를기반으로 한 콘텐츠 저작도구 및 체험 콘텐츠를 소개한다. 81

Project 학술활동 국내학회 공공 인터랙티브 예술 작품 “deBallution” 제작을 위한 기초 프로토타입 디자인 연구 HCI KOREA 2016 오제호, 김소영, 박성일, 남윤태, 시정곤 이번 연구는 미디어 파사드에 대한 공공 인터랙티브 예술 작품 “deBallution” 구현을 위한 프로토타입 제작 기초 디자인을 하는 것이다. “deBallution”의 기 본 콘셉트는 미디어 파사드에서 도시의 풍경을 재현하는 영상이 재생되고 관객들 은 미디어 파사드에 대고 던지는 행동을 계속 수행한다. 이 행동 작용에 의해서 키넥트와 오픈프레임웍스를 사용해서 영상 콘텐츠에 만화경의 이미지가 재생되기 시작하고 점점 주변부로 확장된다. 관객들의 계속된 행동에 의해 미디어 파사드 속 만화경 이미지가 다 채워지면 기존의 도시의 풍경 영상 콘텐츠가 전복되고 관 객들은 정서적 변화를 경험하게 된다. 이번 연구에서는 “deBallution”의 구현 을 위한 프로토타입의 기초 디자인으로 사용자 시나리오 디자인, 그래픽 디자인, 테크니컬 디자인을 제안했다.82

Project 학술활동 국내학회게임 내 가상공간 분류 기준 확립 및 대표 유형 산출한국게임학회 2016 추계학술대회김익환, 이인정, 이지현컴퓨터 기술이 발전함에 따라 게임 속 공간들이 다양한 모습들로 구현되고 있다.공간 유형들의 종류가 다양하고 광범위한 탓에 공학적인 설계 방법론을 구축하고자 하여도 그 영역을 설정하기에는 여태 어려움이 있었다. 이에 본 연구는 이러한 게임 내의 공간들을 분류하는 다섯 가지 기준들을 제시하였으며 해당 분류 기준과 방법에 대한 유효성 평가를 진행하였다. 해당 다섯 가지 분류 기준들은 각각공간의 서술특성, 공간과 동작차원, 서술형태, 협업 정도, 상호교환 정도이다. 무작위 산출한 각각 50개씩의 PC와 콘솔 게임들을 대상으로 해당 기준으로 분류 작업을 진행한 결과, 예외 없이 전량 분석이 가능하였음에 다섯 가지 기준의 유효성을 검증할 수 있었다. 확보된 기준들을 바탕으로 1996년부터 2016년까지 9월까지연도별 가장 주목 받은 게임 총 385개를 다섯 가지 기준들을 토대로 분류하여 그변화 추이를 살펴보았으며, 세가지 대표 유형들의 산출이 가능하였다. 해당 분류방법론은 향후 게임 속 가상경관 설계 방법론을 구축함에 있어 건축 및 조경의 영역에서 활용되고 있는 각종 설계 방법론의 적용이 가능하게끔 유도하는 역할을 수행할 것이며, 근본적으로 게임 공간을 설계하고 구현하는 인원들에게 보다 체계적이고 효율적인 접근을 제공할 것이다. 83

Project 학술활동 국내학회 딥러닝을 활용한 조기 루머 탐지 기법 동계학술대회 권세정 온라인 미디어를 통한 루머의 전파는 빠른 전파력으로 인해 조기 탐지의 필요성 이 지속적으로 야기되는 이슈이다. 이 연구에서는 트위터 API에서 제공하는 초 기 트윗만을 활용했을 때 루머의 탐지가 가능한지를 딥러닝 기법 중 하나인 RNN (Recurrent Neural network)를 통해 확인하였다. 498개의 루머와 494개의 비루머 이벤트들은 초기 트윗과 연관된 사용자 특성 (팔로워 수, 친구수) 및 반응 특성 (favorite 수, 리트윗수)에 기반한 다변량 시계열 자료로서 표현된다. 주요 변수 인 초기 트윗의 개수는 20개에서 시작해 100개까지로 통제하여 실험을 진행하였 으며, 30개의 초기 트윗 (평균 관찰 기간 4 시간)만으로 약 0.77의 F1 점수의 루 머 구분력을 보였다. 이것은 기존의 루머 구분 연구보다 월등히 짧은 시간 및 효 율적인 전처리만으로도 경쟁력 있게 루머를 구분함을 의미한다. 이 연구의 결과 는 향후 보다 빠르고, 효율적인 루머 탐지 시스템 구축을 위한 주요 기반 연구로 서 활용 가능하다.84

Project 학술활동 국내학회비디오 게임 속 가상경관 분류 기준 제시 및 유효성 증명- PC 및 Console 게임을 기준으로 -2016한국조경학회 추계학술대회김익환, 이기쁨, 이지현아동, 청소년들의 온라인 게임 이용이 보편화되면서, 자녀들의 건강한 온라인 게임 이용을 위한 부모의 역할이 강조되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 부모들의 온라인 게임 인식 유형의 특성을 분석하고, 이를 근거로 부모들이 균형 잡힌 온라인 게임인식을 가질 수 있도록 하기 위한 유형별 개입 전략을 제안하였다. 이를 위해 초등학생부터 대학생 자녀를 둔 부모들을 대상으로 온라인 게임에 대한 인식 및 관련 변인을 설문조사를 통해 조사하였고, 총 345명의 자료가 분석되었다. 분석 결과, 온라인 게임 인식 척도를 통해 부모의 온라인 게임 인식은 4유형으로 구분되었고, 각 유형은 자녀의 학업에 미치는 영향, 자녀의 게임 과몰입에 대한 지각,온라인 게임 친숙도 및 인터넷 리터러시 등에서 서로 다른 특성을 보였다. 본 연구에서는 각 유형별 특성에 근거하여 균형 잡힌 온라인 게임 인식 형성을 위한 개선 지점과 구체적인 전략의 예를 제안하였다. 본 연구는 획일화된 정책이 아닌 유형별 특성에 근거한 맞춤형 전략을 제시하였다는데 의의가 있다. 85

Project 학술활동 국내학회 사용자 컨텐츠 기반 데이터를 이용한 소셜 미디어 타겟팅 광고 연구: 패션 브랜드의 인스타그램 네이티브 광고 중심으로 2016 기술경영경제학회 하계학술대회 김희철, 차미영, 김원준 패션 제품에 대한 온라인 소비 및 수요가 급증하는 시대이다. 온라인 매출 성장 률이 급성장하고 있는 패션업계의 변화에 발맞춰 일반적인 다수의 사용자에게 저 비용으로 광고를 노출하는 방법 외에 소셜 미디어 데이터 분석을 이용해 잠재 구 매자에게 전략적인 온라인 광고 설계에 대한 필요성도 함께 증가했다. 기존 이론에서는 온라인 광고가 일반 사용자층이 아닌 온라인 구매자에게 노출됐 을 경우 그 효과가 더 높았으며, 이러한 온라인 구매자들에게 노출된 광고는 그들 의 스타일 인스피레이션이 되어 언젠가 구매로 이어질 가능성이 훨씬 높음을 제시 하고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 광고의 단가를 낮추는 전략이 아닌 브랜드를 직 접 언급하는 잠재 구매자에게 집중 타겟팅하는 전략을 중심으로, 실제 소셜 미디어 데이터를 활용하여 타겟 브랜드와 함께 언급된 브랜드들을 선호하는 온라인 사용 자들에게 집중 타겟팅한 광고가 효율적이라는 가설을 검증하고자 했다. 이를 위해 일반적인 온라인 사용자가 아닌 잠재 온라인 구매 고객에게만 집중적 으로 광고를 노출시키는 타겟팅 광고를 시도해봤다. 구체적으로는 타겟 브랜드와 함께 언급된 다른 주요 브랜드를 선정하여 해당 브랜드에 관심을 표명한 온라인 사 용자 대상으로 광고를 타겟팅했다. 이는 타겟 브랜드에 개인화된 광고 전략을 찾는 시도라고 할 수 있겠다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 타겟 브랜드와 공동으로 언급이 된 브랜드들이 집중 타겟팅에 사용될 경우 광고에 대한 더욱 적극적인 반응을 확인할 수 있었다. 뿐만 아니라 온라인 광고 자체의 실질적인 효능은 단지 웹사이트에서 보이는 광고 집행의 지표를 넘어서는 브랜드 이미지 상승 및 구매 촉진 등 복합적인 지표를 살 펴야 한다는 시사점도 제시할 수 있겠다.86

Project 학술활동 국내학회일상 생활에서 신체 활동을 증진하기 위해게임화와 상징화 전략을 활용한 모바일 게임 디자인 연구HCI 2016이석우, 이주영, 서기슬, 도영임이 논문에서는 일상 생활에서 신체 활동을 증진하기 위해 게임화와 상징화 전략을활용한 모바일 헬스게임 디자인을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위해 디자인 방법론을적용한 프로토타입을 구상 및 설계 하였다. 일상 생활에서 걷기 활동을 증진하기위해, 한국전통 놀이인 땅 따먹기의 상징 구조를 응용한 모바일 헬스 게임을 안드로이드 스마트폰을 사용하여 개발하였다. 6 명의 실험 참가자를 대상으로 파일럿 테스트를 수행하고 포커스 그룹 인터뷰(Focus group interview)를 통해 개발한프로토타입의 만족도와 디자인 시사점을 확인하였다. 연구 결과 개발된 프로토타입을 통해 위치 좌표 인식 방식 알고리즘과 사용자들의 멘탈 모델 차이, 사용자의 행동이 적절한 피드백을 받지 못할 때의 동기 부여 저하, 상징화와 시각적피드백의 중요성, 그리고 경쟁 및 사회적 소통관계의 게임화에 대한 제언 등 4가지 디자인 시사점을 도출하였다. 이를 바탕으로 후속 연구의 필요성을 제시하였다. 87

Project 학술활동 국내학회 행위 맥락에 따른 장소의 감성 분석:워드 임베딩을 이용하여 제43회 정기총회 및 동계학술발표회 (2016, 한국정보과학회) 민세미, 박주용 Case Study of Fashion Brand’s Instagram Hashtag Co-occurrence Analysis NetSci 2016 Heechul Kim, Meeyoung Cha Fit Friends: The Importance of a Supportive Social Network for Persistent Fitness Sharing NetSci 2016 KunwooPark, Ingmar Weber, MeeyoungCha, and ChulLee Identifying popular songs’ success through the lens of their chart dynamics NetSci 2016 Seungkyu Shin and Juyong Park Korea Public Perception on Fukushima Nuclear Accident NetSci 2016 Seung-Hoi Kim, Yu-i Ha, Meeyoung Cha, Jiyon Lee, Byung-Jik Kim, Dong-Myung Lee Nowcasting Commodity Prices using Social Media NetSci 2016 JaewooKim, MeeyoungCha, Jonggun Lee Prominent Features of Rumor Propagation in Online Social Media NetSci 2016 Sejeong Kwon, Meeyoung Cha, Kyomin Jung, Wei Chen, Yajun Wang88

Project학술활동 국제학회“Vernacular Sound”: System for Soundscaping of EverydayObjectsInternational Symposium on Electronic ArtJooYoung Oh, JuYoung Lee, YouJin Lee, KwangYun WonCreating sound in diverse spaces to generate timbre without limitations and enhanceexperience in soundscape has been an essential issue for sound artists. We used con-cept of ‘Vernacular’ as an appropriation for Soundscape of everyday object, allow-ing listener to compete the current sound consuming environment which eliminatesnoise during the process of sound recording. We reviewed previous works on sound-scape, noise art and object used in sound art to enhance the sound space experience.We designed a system for soundscaping, Vernacular Sound, consists of two mainparts: (1) audio effect which computes the sound space of the object and (2) audiovisualization which enables interaction between the listener and the sound space viaKinect. With ‘Vernacular Sound’ system, our purpose is to provide new experienceof listening to sound using everyday objects.A Unified Framework for Remote Collaboration UsingInteractive AR Authoring and Hands TrackingHCII 2016Jeongmin Yu, Jin-u Jeon, Gabyong Park, Hyung-il Kim, Woontack WooIn this paper, we present a unified framework for remote collaboration using interac-tive augmented reality (AR) authoring and hand tracking methods. The proposedframework enables a local user to organize AR digital contents for making a sharedworking environment and collaborate multiple users in the distance. To develop theframework, we combine two core technologies: (i) interactive AR authoring methodutilizing a smart input device for making a shared working space, (ii) hand-augment-ed object interaction method by tracking two hands in egocentric camera view. Weimplement a prototype of the proposed remote collaboration framework for testingits feasibility in an indoor environment. To the end, we expect that our frameworkenables collaboration as feeling a sense of co-presence with remote users in a user’sfriendly AR working space. 89

Project 학술활동 국제학회 All-in-One Mobile Outdoor Augmented Reality Framework for Cutural Heritage Site Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based System Noh-young Park, Eunseok Kim, Jongwon Lee, Woontack Woo In this paper, we propose an all-in-one mobile outdoor augmented reality (AR) framework for a cultural heritage site. The framework was designed to incorporate computer vision-based augmented reality technology and ontology-based data- authoring technology. Through this framework, we clearly explain how to create 3D visual data for camera pose estimation and how to connect AR content with a cultural heritage site. In addition, we suggest a multithreading camera tracking and offer an estimation model for mobile AR application. Finally, we have confirmed the efficiency and reliability of our framework. Through this vision-based AR frame- work, seamless AR application for a cultural heritage site can be made. An Eulerian approach for constructing a map between sur- faces with different topologies Pacific Graphics 2016 Conference Hangil Park, Youngjin Cho, Seungbae Bang, Sung-Hee Lee 3D objects of the same kind often have different topologies, and finding correspond- ence between them is important for operations such as morphing, attribute transfer, and shape matching. This paper presents a novel method to find the surface corre- spondence between topologically different surfaces. The method is characterized by deforming the source polygonal mesh to match the target mesh by using the inter- mediate implicit surfaces, and by performing a topological surgery at the appropriate locations on the mesh. In particular, we propose a mathematically well-defined way to detect the topology change of surface by finding the non-degenerate saddle points of the velocity fields that tracks implicit surfaces. We show the effectiveness and possible applications of the proposed method through several experiments.90

Project 학술활동 국제학회An Intuitive Heritage Education System for LearningArchitectural Structures and Stylesthe 34th eCAADe ConferenceJongwook Lee, Aram Min, Jihyun LeeAlthough national and international attention toward the cultural heritage is on arise, there is a lack of public attention toward cultural heritage sites. One of the mainproblems is the lack of interaction and the visualization of cultural heritage on thesites. Especially Korean historical architectures are structurally complex and are noteasily understood by common people. To improve the public awareness of architec-tural heritages, we propose a model-based diagnosis system to educate the visitorsand tourists. The system is designed to guide the users to model an appropriatearchitecture in accordance with the era, location, and the usage. For the system, webuilt a robust set of cases based on the ontological structure we designed especiallyfor architectural heritage education. It basically enables users to reconstruct build-ings intuitively in six steps from bottom to top. A system evaluation was conductedon the affective, cognitive, operative aspect of the system at a heritage site. Theresults show well in terms of cognitive aspect but was evaluated poorly in terms ofthe operative aspect.An Ontology-Based Augmented Reality Application Explor-ing Contextual Data of Cultural Heritage SitesSignal-Image Technology & Internet-Based SystemHangil Park, Youngjin Cho, Seungbae Bang, Sung-Hee Lee 91

Project 학술활동 국제학회 Characteristics of Non-linguistic Vocalizations as Auditory Emoticons Proceedings of International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 2016 Kyoungsoo Chun, Jinah Kwak, Juhan Nam Non-verbal communication is important part of interpersonal communication. Among others, facial expressions and non-linguistic vocalizations (e.g. laughing or crying) are used as effective means to deliver messages without words or control the strength of messages in words particularly when emotions are involved. These days, in computermediated communication (CMC), emoticons have played such a role in a non-verbal manner. While the text or image-based symbols have been popularly used, their acoustic counterpart, or non-linguistic vocalizations have been rarely handled in the CMC. In this paper, we explore the possibility of using non-linguistic vocalization sounds as an auditory emotion. To this end, we built a dataset of non- linguistic vocalization sounds and surveyed how the sounds are emotionally well- paired with emoticons and what characteristics they have in semantic and acoustic aspects. Specifically, we focused on cuteness, naturalness, childness and gender in semantic aspect, considering general properties of image and text emoticons. In acoustic aspect, we analyzed pitch, energy, onset and length. The results show that, in determining the suitability as an auditory emoticon, different characteristics are important depending on emotion types. However, those recognized as cute and natu- ral, and with relatively high pitch or short length, are generally more appropriate as an auditory emoticon. This semantic and acoustic analysis may be used as a guide for designing auditory emoticons.92

Project 학술활동 국제학회Comparison of Tonality Models in Measuring Chord Se-quence SimilarityProceedings of International Conference onMusic Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 2016Kyoungsoo Chun, Jinah Kwak, Juhan NamThe objective of this study is to examine chord sequence similarity measures andexperimentally assess their relationship with human perception of the similarity. Wepresent five different types of chord sequence similarity measures based on differ-ent tonality models, including 1) tonal dissonance of intervals, 2) circle of fifths, 3)harmonic relations, 4) tonal pitch space, and 5) hierarchy of harmonic stability. Forthe evaluation, we collected 50 chord sequence pairs from US musical copyrightinfringement cases. Also, we surveyed human evaluation to compare it with thecomputational chord sequence similarity. The results show that those based on tonalpitch space and hierarchy of harmonic stability are relatively more correlated withthe human judgement data and a combination of the two similarity measures furtherincreases the correlation. 93

Project 학술활동 국제학회 CULTURAL DIFFERENCE IN COLOUR USAGES FOR BUILDING FAÇADES FOCUSING ON THEME PARK BUILDINGS Conference on Computer-Aided Architecture Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) Eunseok Kim, Junghwa Kim, Woontack Woo The notion of glocalization has become widely spread in various fields, and accord- ingly, it is increasingly more important to take account of indigenous culture charac- teristics in each field. An as-pect of achieving glocalization, globalization with local consideration, is to consider the difference of colour usage between distinct cultures. This study suggests an approach to investigate the colour difference between eastern and western cultures with the case analysis of build-ing façade colours in Disney- land Paris and Tokyo Disneyland. We an-alysed cultural colour usage characteristics and derived tendencies for both Paris and Tokyo Disneyland building façade col- ours. To do this, we use image based k-means clustering algorithm and CIELAB colour space distances to explore colour characteristics. Our analysis indi-cates an overall colour usage tendency that Paris uses more green and bluish colours and Tokyo uses more red and yellowish colours for building façades, based on CIELAB colour space values. The major motivation of this paper was to reflect the atmos- phere and the mood of the space that can be easily felt but not readily expressible into a cultural colour palette. Eventually, by finding the characteristics of perceived colours, we hope to create a colour recommendation system for different cultures based on cultural clues.94

Project 학술활동 국제학회CulturalHeritageAR: An Ontology-based Outdoor ARApplication for Cultural Heritage SitesAsian Workshop on User Interface (AUI 2016)Hayun Kim, Jungwha Kim, Woontack WooIn this paper we present a new and interesting application to enhance the experienceof visitors to cultural heritage sites. The CulturalHeritageAR is an augmented real-ity (AR) application that offers contextual information on POIs based on culturalheritage ontology. By selecting themes and relationships, users of the applicationcan browse not only information on the POI, but also information related to the POIincluding object, event, actor, place, and time.Data-guided Model Predictive Control Based onSmoothed Contact Dynamicsthe 34th eCAADe ConferenceAmartuvshin Narangerel, Ji-Hyun Lee, Rudi StouffsA building façade plays an important role of reducing artificial lighting by introduc-ing natural light into the interior space. A majority of research and current tech-nology heavily focuses on the optimization of window properties such as the size,location, and glazing with the consideration of external shading device as well asthe building wall in order to obtain appropriate natural lit space. In the present work,we propose a 3-dimensional approach that can explore the trade-offs between twoobjectives, daylight performance and electricity generation, by means of paramedicmodeling and multi-objective optimization algorithm. The case study was simulat-ed under the environmental setting of the geographical location of Incheon, Koreawithout any urban context. Using the proposed methods, 50 pareto-front optimalsolutions were derived and investigated based on the achieved daylighting and gen-erated electricity. 95

Project 학술활동 국제학회 Data-guided Model Predictive Control Based on Smoothed Contact Dynamics The 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI 2015) Daseong Han, Haegwang Eom, Junyong Noh, Joseph S. Shin (formerly Sung Yong Shin) In this paper, we propose an efficient data-guided method based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) to synthesize a full-body motion. Guided by a reference motion, our method repeatedly plans the full-body motion to produce an optimal control policy for predictive control while sliding the fixed-span window along the time axis. Based on this policy, the method computes the joint torques of a character at every time step. Together with contact forces and external perturbations if there are any, the joint torques are used to update the state of the character. Without including the con- tact forces in the control vector, our formulation of the trajectory optimization prob- lem enables automatic adjustment of contact timings and positions for balancing in response to environmental changes and external perturbations. For efficiency, we adopt derivative-based trajectory optimization on top of state-of-the-art smoothed contact dynamics. Use of derivatives enables our method to run much faster than the existing sampling-based methods. In order to further accelerate the performance of MPC, we propose efficient numerical differentiation of the system dynamics of a full-body character based on two schemes: data reuse and data interpolation. The former scheme exploits data dependency to reuse physical quantities of the system dynamics at near-by time points. The latter scheme allows the use of derivatives at sparse sample points to interpolate those at other time points in the window. We further accelerate evaluation of the system dynamics by exploiting the sparsity of physical quantities such as Jacobian matrix resulting from the tree-like structure of the articulated body. Through experiments, we show that the proposed method ef- ficiently can synthesize realistic motions such as locomotion, dancing, gymnastic motions, and martial arts at interactive rates using moderate computing resources.96

Project학술활동 국제학회“DreamHouse”: NUI-based Photo-realistic AR AuthoringSystem for Interior DesignAugmented Human International Conference (AHIC) 2016Jinwoo Park, Sung Sil Kim, Hyerim Park, Woontack WooThis paper proposes a system which enables users to have enhanced interior deign-ing and authoring tool through augmented reality (AR). The proposed system, whichwe refer to as DreamHouse, focuses on providing natural user interaction and re-alistic AR experience by enabling following features: 1) allowing users to utilizebare-hand interaction with an attached egocentric RGB-D camera when trying tomake detail adjustments to virtual objects’ size, location and orientation, 2) render-ing every virtual object in consideration of an environment and lighting conditions,creating photo-realistic scenes to help users to have immersive and realistic interiordesigning experience. As a result, DreamHouse allows users to freely and easilyinteract in physical space with virtual objects using bare hands and gives immersiveand realistic AR authoring experience to users through photo-realistic rendering.Efficient 3D Hand Tracking in Articulation Subspaces forthe Manipulation of Virtual ObjectsComputer Graphics International 2016 (CGI 2016)Gabyong Park, Antonis Argyros, Woontack WooWe propose an efficient method for model-based 3D tracking of hand articulationsobserved from an egocentric viewpoint that aims at supporting the manipulationof virtual objects. Previous modelbased approaches optimize non-convex objectivefunctions defined in the 26 Degrees of Freedom (DoFs) space of possible hand ar-ticulations. In our work, we decompose this space into six articulation subspaces(6 DoFs for the palm and 4 DoFs for each finger). We also label each finger with aGaussian model that is propagated between successive image frames. As confirmedby a number of experiments, this divide-and-conquer approach tracks hand articula-tions more accurately than existing model-based approaches. At the same time, realtime performance is achieved without the need of GPGPU processing. Additionalexperiments show that the proposed approach is preferable for supporting the ac-curate manipulation of virtual objects in VR/AR scenarios. 97

Project 학술활동 국제학회 FINDING THE OPTIMAL DESIGN CREATIVITY IN CAR DESIGN FEATURES AGAINST BRAND STYLES International Conference on Design Creativity (ICDC) S. An, D.A. Min, J. Lee Automobile designers strive to create novel and distinctive designs without sacri- ficing the car’s inner brand style. Both novelty and brand styles are known to be paramount to realizing market success, but this balancing depends on the intuition of designers and managers, which poses uncertainty for companies. Such uncertainty inhibits the ability or willingness of designers and managers to make creative de- signs as a barrier to potential creative designs. Therefore, we aim to support design- ers and managers to achieve optimal creativity without violating brand identity by providing the quantitative reasoning on brand styles. In this study, we decomposed car designs into design features and identified the visual significance of design fea- tures on maintaining brand styles. Results show that the particular design features with higher visual significance must be kept for brand recognition while others have greater design freedom for innovative designs. Hand Contact between Remote Users through Virtual Avatars The 29th International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA) Jihye Oh, Youjin Lee, Yeonjoon Kim, Taeil Jin, Sukwon Lee, Sung-Hee Lee We present an avatar animation technique for a telepresence system that allows for the hand contact, especially handshaking, between remote users. The key idea is that, while the avatar follows the remote user’s motion normally, it modifies the mo- tion to create and maintain hand contact with the local user when the two users try to engage hand contact. To this end, we develop the support vector machine (SVM)- based classifiers to recognize the users’ intention for contact interaction, and online motion generation method to create realistic image sequence of an avatar to realize the continuous contact with the user. A user study has been conducted to verify the effect of our method on the social telepresence.98

Project 학술활동 국제학회HoloStation: Augmented Visualization and PresentationSIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Symposium on VisualizationMinju Kim, Jungjin Lee, Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, Kwangyun WohnAs much as stories need to be told, images need to be presented. Although visualiza-tions are meant to be self-explanatory, often enhancing their expressive power byincorporating a certain degree of interactivity, visualized images today often fail toencourage the active engagement of the user/audience. In many cases, interactiveinterventions by a human presenter have the potential to drastically improve theengagement with visualization. Rather than just showing the content, the presenterthen enhances information delivery, e.g., by providing the context of the visuali-zation. In this paper, we propose a novel concept called augmented presentationin which the human presenter occupies the same physical space as the visualizedinformation, thereby presenting and interacting with the visualized images seam-lessly. Depending on the level of engagement the presenter’s role may vary: from asimple storyteller to an augmented presenter who may be regarded as a part of thevisualized entity. To further the development of the new idea of augmented pres-entation, we have designed, implemented, and user-tested a visualization systemnamed HoloStation. The presenter is placed between two projection screens: thefront one is half-mirrored and the rear one is a conventional wall screen. The 3Dstereoscopic images are rendered to appear in-between, thereby creating a coherent3D visualization space filled with digital information and the human presenter. Wehave conducted a controlled experiment to investigate the subjective level of immer-sion and engagement of the audience with HoloStation compared to the traditionalpresentation. Our results suggest that our new form of augmented presentation hasa potential not only to enhance the quality of information presentation but also toenrich the user experience on visualizations. 99

Project 학술활동 국제학회 MELODY EXTRACTION ON VOCAL SEGMENTS USING MULTI-COLUMN DEEP NEURAL NETWORKS The International Society for Music Information Retrieval Sangeun Kum, Changheun Oh, Juhan Nam Singing melody extraction is a task that tracks pitch contour of singing voice in polyphonic music. While the majority of melody extraction algorithms are based on computing a saliency function of pitch candidates or separating the melody source from the mixture, data-driven approaches based on classification have been rarely explored. In this paper, we present a classification-based approach for melody ex- traction on vocal segments using multi-column deep neural networks. In the pro- posed model, each of neural networks is trained to predict a pitch label of singing voice from spectrogram, but their outputs have different pitch resolutions. The final melody contour is inferred by combining the outputs of the networks and post-pro- cessing it with a hidden Markov model. In order to take advantage of the data-driven approach, we also augment training data by pitch-shifting the audio content and modifying the pitch label accordingly. We use the RWC ataset and vocal tracks of the MedleyDB dataset for training the model and evaluate it on the ADC 2004, MIREX 2005 and MIR-1k datasets. Through several settings of experiments, we show incremental improvements of the melody prediction. Lastly, we compare our best result to those of previous state-of-the-arts.100

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