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Home Explore 1234


Published by quynhhoak6666, 2022-02-22 08:41:33

Description: 1234


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Trường THPT Hiệp Hòa số1 TÔI LÀ AI ?


Trang I.Giới thiệu bản thân 1.Nhóm chúng mình gồm có? 2.Sở thích, khả năng của bản thân 3.Chúng mình đã đạt được những gì trong năm vừa qua 4.Mong muốn, mục tiêu của mỗi người trong thời gian tới II.Giới thiệu về hoàn cảnh gia đình và cộng đồng nơi sinh sống 3



1. Transition Headline Let’s start with the first set of slides

“ Quotations are commonly printed as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader. 7

This is a slide title ❧ Here you have a list of items ❧ And some text ❧ But remember not to overload your slides with content Your audience will listen to you or read the content, but won’t do both. 8

Big concep t Bring the attention of your audience over a key concept using icons or illustrations 9

You can also split your content White Black Is the color of Is the color of milk and fresh ebony and of snow, the color outer space. It produced by the has been the combination of symbolic color of all the colors of elegance, the visible solemnity and spectrum. authority. 10

In two or three columns Yellow Blue Red Is the color Is the colour Is the color of gold, of the clear of blood, and butter and sky and the because of ripe lemons. deep sea. It this it has In the is located historically spectrum of between been visible light, violet and associated yellow is green on the with found optical sacrifice, between spectrum. danger and green and courage. orange. 11

A picture is worth a thousand words A complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image, namely making it possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly. 12

Want big impact? Use big image. 13

Use diagrams to explain your ideas Lorem Ipsum Lorem Lorem Ipsum Ipsum Lorem Lorem Lorem Lorem Ipsum Ipsum Ipsum Ipsum 14

And tables to compare data ABC Yellow 10 20 7 Blue 30 15 10 Orange 5 24 16 15

Maps our offi ce Find more maps at 16


89,526,124$ That’s a lot of money 185,244 users And a lot of users 100% Total success! 18

Our process is easy Lorem 1 Lore Lore m2 m3 Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dolor sit amet, dolor sit amet, consectetur consectetur consectetur adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit. adipiscing elit. Duis sit amet Duis sit amet Duis sit amet odio vel purus odio vel purus odio vel purus bibendum bibendum bibendum luctus. luctus. luctus. 19

Let’s review some concepts Yellow Blue Red Is the color of gold, Is the colour of the Is the color of blood, butter and ripe lemons. clear sky and the deep and because of this it In the spectrum of sea. It is located has historically been visible light, yellow is between violet and associated with found between green green on the optical sacrifice, danger and and orange. spectrum. courage. Blue Yellow Red Is the colourIsotfhtehceolor of gold, Is the color of blood, clear sky anbdutthteerdaenedp ripe lemons. and because of this it sea. It is locaIntetdhe spectrum of has historically been between viovliestibalnedlight, yellow is associated with green on thefooupntdicbaletween green sacrifice, danger and spectrum. and orange. courage. 20

400 0 300 0 200 0 100 0 0 You can insert graphs from Excel or Google Sheets 21

Mobi Show and le explain your web, app or proje software ct projects using these gadget templates. 22

Table Show and t explain your web, app or proje software ct projects using these gadget templates. 23

Deskt Show and op explain your web, app or proje software ct projects using these gadget templates. 24

Thanks! Any questions? You can find me at: @username & [email protected] 25

Credits Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: ❧ Background illustrated by Alex Monge for SlidesCarnival ❧ Presentation template by SlidesCarnival ❧ Photographs by Unsplash 26

Presentation design This presentation uses the following typographies: ❧ Titles: Cormorant Unicase ❧ Body copy: Caladea Download for free at: morant dea You don’t need to keep this slide in your presentation. It’s only here to serve you as a design guide if you need to create new slides or download the fonts to edit the presentation in PowerPoint® 27

2. Extra Resources For Business Plans, Marketing Plans, Project Proposals, Lessons, etc

Timeline Blue is the Red is the Black is the Yellow is the White is the Blue is the colour of the colour of color of milk colour of the clear sky and danger and color of ebony color of gold, and fresh clear sky and the deep sea courage snow the deep sea and of outer butter and space ripe lemons J F MA MJ J A S O N D AE AP AUUUE C OE NB RRY NL G P T VC Yellow is the White is the Blue is the Red is the Black is the Yellow is color of gold, color of milk colour of the colour of butter and and fresh clear sky and danger and color of ebony the color of ripe lemons snow the deep sea courage and of outer gold, butter space and ripe lemons 29

Roadmap Blue is the Red is the Black is the colour of the colour of color of ebony clear sky and danger and and of outer the deep sea courage space 1 3 5 2 4 6 Yellow is the White is the Blue is the color of gold, color of milk colour of the butter and ripe and fresh snow clear sky and the deep sea lemons 30

Gantt chart Week 1 Week 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 0 Task 1 Task 2 ◆ Task 3 Task 4 ◆ Task 5 ◆ Task 6 Task 7 Task 8 31

SWOT Analysis STREN WEAK GTHS NESSE Blue is S the colour Yellow of the is the clear sky and color of the gold, deep sea butter and Black is ripe the color of lemons ebony and of White outer is the space color of milk OPPOR TUNIT and IES fresh snow THREA TS 32

Business Model Canvas Key Partners Key Activities Value Customer Customer Propositions Relationships Segments Insert your Insert your content content Insert your Insert your Insert your content content content Key Resources Channels Insert your Insert your content content Cost Structure Revenue Streams Insert your content Insert your content 33

Funnel AWARENESS Insert your content Insert your content DISCOVERY Insert your content Insert your content EVALUATION Insert your content Insert your content INTENT PURCHAS E LOYAL TY 34

Team Presentation Imani Marcos Ixchel Nils Årud Jackson Galán Valdía JOB TITLE JOB TITLE JOB TITLE JOB TITLE Blue is the Blue is the Blue is the Blue is the colour of the colour of the colour of the colour of the clear sky and the clear sky and the clear sky and the clear sky and the deep sea deep sea deep sea deep sea 35

Competitor Matrix Our company HIGH VALUE 2 Compe titor Com peti tor Competi tor LOW VALUE 1 HIGH VALUE 1 Compe Compe titor titor Competi tor LOW VALUE 2 36

Weekly Planner SUND MOND TUESD WEDN THUR FRIDA SATUR AY AY AY ESDAY SDAY Y DAY 9:00 - Task Task Task Task Task Task Task 9:45 10:0 0 - Task Task Task Task Task Task Task 10:45 11:00 - Task Task Task Task Task Task Task 11:45 12:00 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ - Free Free Free Free Free Free Free 13:15 time time time time time time time 13:30 - Task Task Task Task Task Task Task 14:15 14:30 - Task Task Task Task Task Task Task 15:15 15:30 37 - Task Task Task Task Task Task Task 16:15

SlidesCarnival icons are editable shapes. This means that you can: Resize them without losing quality. Change fill color and opacity. Change line color, width and style. Isn’t that nice? :) Examples: Find more icons at free-resources-icons-and- maps 38

Diagrams and infographics 39

You can also use any emoji as an icon! And of course it resizes without losing quality. How? Follow Google instructions s/730087240156643328 ✋ ❤ and many more... 40

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