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Learning English GUNARHADI DIKTI 2019

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Description: Learning English GUNARHADI DIKTI 2019


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Chapter VI Maladaptive Behavior Children with maladaptive behavior are those who have seriously emotional disturbance and behavioral disorder. These children are usually isolated from their peers because they withdraw from social contacts or behave in an aggressive and hostile way. The manifestation of their behavior is seen in the negative social interaction between the child and the environment. The cause of maladaptive behavior can be a biological disorder, disease, or pathological family relationship and undesirable experiences in school or society. When the result of the cause is mild or moderate the child can be neurotic or psychoneurotic. When it is severe or profound the child is labeled psychotic, schizophrenic, or autistic. Children with mild and moderate maladaptive behavior usually have IQ of the dull normal. Some he children with 39

severe and profound maladaptive behavior fall within the retarded range. That’s why most disturbed children lack in the ability to apply their knowledge and skill to the demand of everyday living. The education for these children can be given in some approaches. Psychoanalytic approach emphasizes on the permissive treatment and little academic achievement. It deals a lot with the individual psychotherapy for the child and parents to resolve the underlying causes of the disturbances Psycho educational approach, on the other hand, pays attention to the causes as well as the academic achievement and learning to cope with the reality of everyday demands. The behavioral approach says that the disturbance and disorders result in the inappropriate learning. So the focus of the approach is on observation and measurement of the maladaptive behaviors, and then teacher sees the consequences of his treatment to change these behaviors. Special education for the maladaptive adolescents and young adults must be highly individualized because they have wide differences in intelligence, behavioral characteristics and achievements. Grammar Focus: Passive Voice Learn this: make – made – made heat – heated – heated 40

This ring is made of gold This water is warm when it is heated Heat can be generated in several ways A. New Words Match the words whit the closest meanings from the list! maladaptive terpisah behavior menarik (diri) disturbance gangguan withdraw menyimpang isolated tingkah laku hostile perwujudan manifestation tidak diinginkan undesirable hasil result neurosa neurotic bertentangan labeled tuntutan autistic rentangan dull dikategorikan range pendiam demands lambat/bodoh lack menerapkan apply perlakuan emphasize menyelesaikan treatment kurang 41

resolve menekankan disorder akibat measurement dengan consequence prestasi adolescent pengukuran achievement penyimpangan B. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list! maladaptive approach peers achievement interaction lack dull disorder demands measurement 1. The children with emotional disturbance are usually isolated from their ________ 2. It is difficult for the handicapped children to cope with the reality of everyday ________ 3. Children with mild and moderate disorders of behavior usually have IQ within ________ 4. When children lack knowledge, they have ________ 5. The disturbed children ________ themselves to their environment. 6. Autistic children get low social ________ in adapting 7. Children with emotional and behavioral disorder are behaviorally ________ 8. Every ________ has different point of view giving treatment to the maladaptive children. 42

9. Hostile is an attitude characterizing a child with behavioral ________ 10. The focus of behavioral approach on the observation and of maladaptive behaviors. C. Say Whether the Statement is True of False! 1. Maladaptation is measured from the degree of deficiency of behavior and emotion. 2. Emotional disturbance is the same as behavioral disorder in term of maladaptive behavior. 3. Maladaptive children usually have below normal intelligence. 4. Autistic children have poor social interaction. 5. There are only two kinds of approaches in treating the maladaptive children. 6. Aggression is not the same as autism. 7. Emotional disturbance is always caused by undesirable experiences. 8. Psychotherapy is the same as psychoanalytic. 9. Special education for maladaptive adolescents must be highly individualized. 10. Parents need special education for their children. D. Choose the best answer from the provided options! 1. Special school for children with maladaptive behavior is a. SLB/A b. SLB/C c. SLB/E 43

2. A child with emotional disturbance is usually ________ a. withdrawn b. strong c. clever 3. A child is called maladaptive when he shows deficiency in ________ a. vision b. hearing c. behavior 4. When a child is behaviorally disordered, he is usually ________ a. friendly b. aggressive c. mentally retarded 5. Below can be the cause of maladaptive behavior, except ________ a. academic achievement b. undesirable experience c. pathological family relationship 6. A child is labeled schizophrenic when the child has maladaptive behavior in ________ a. mild degree b. moderate degree c. severe degree 44

7. Autism is usually characterized by ________ a. introvert feeling b. aggressive behavior c. protective attitude 8. Psychotherapy is the most important thing to treat maladaptive behavior. It is frequently used by ________ a. behaviorist b. psychoanalyst c. psych educationalist 9. Behaviorist believes that maladaptive behavior will result in ________ a. vocation/skill b. underlying cause c. inappropriate learning 10. Special education for the maladaptive adolescents and young adults should better be highly ________ a. vocational b. classical c. individual 45

E. Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 46

Chapter VII Learning Disability Learning disability is the newest category of special education. This term was first coined by Samuel Kirk to describe a condition of children who have learning and behavior problems in spite of their normal or near normal intelligence. At the parents’ meeting in New York 1963, Samuel Kirk proposed this term because of the confusing category for such children. The interest in learning disability evolves as a result of a growing awareness that many children were not receiving needed education services. ;these children did not get special education because they were within normal range of intelligence, so they did not belong to any special category of the existing handicapping condition. The learning disabled children were like to be referred as being minimally brain damage, slow learners or perceptually disabled. 47

National Joint Committee for learning disability, US, defined that learning disability is a generic term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorder manifested by significant difficulties in the learning acquisition. They may get problem of listening, reading, writing or mathematical activities. These disorders are coming from individual of the child and it is presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction. For a handicapped child, learning disability may occur together with the existing condition of his or her handicap, but it is not direct result of these conditions or influences. A learning disabled child is characterized by academic retardation. The child is not achieving up to potential as measured. His or her low achievement is because of the learning problems in one or more specific areas. In the learning process such children may show certain behavior characteristics like distractibility, hyperactivity, disorder of attraction, perceptual disturbance. In addition to his or her behavior deficits, the child may show psychological processing problems; such as perceptual motor impairment, disorder of memory and thinking, and problem to perceive and interpret stimuli. Educational help can be given through learning process, multisensory approach to remedy learning problems, or direct instruction. Behavior modification can also be appropriate for such children using reinforcement and controlled or monitored behavior. In a regular school, a resource room can be provided for them to have special treatment. 48

Grammar Focus: Gerund vs Participle Learn these sentences: Gerund : A racing car is a car used for racing Participle: A moving car is a car which is moving Make three sentences using gerund 1……………………………………………………… 2……………………………………………………… 3……………………………………………………… Make three sentences using participle 1……………………………………………………….. 2……………………………………………………….. 3……………………………………………………….. A. New Words Match the words whit the closest meanings from the list! disability menggambarkan coined mengusulkan describe walaupun inspite bermasalah propose ditemukan confusing kesadaran evolve hasil result membingungkan awareness menerima 49

receive berkembang likely beragam refer nampaknya generic umum heterogeneous kerusakan damage bermula manifest bermakna significant dianggap acquisition muncul reasoning nalar presumed perolehan occur ditandai characterize terganggu distractible terjadi perceive usaha attempt mengamati B. Complete the sentences with the words provided from the list! inspite distractibility proposed disability disability perceptual handicapping stimuli academic interest 50

1. Samuel Kirk ________ is the term learning disability at a parents’ meeting in New York 1963. 2. ________ of the normal or near normal intelligence, a learning disabled child has specific learning problems. 3. The field of learning ________ is considered new because it was coined after the other categories in special education. 4. Mental retardation is not the same as ________ retardation. Mental retardation refers to subnormal intelligence. 5. A learning disabled child may have mathematics problems if he or she has ________ in reasoning. 6. ________ conditions are conditions that need special help in education or everyday life. 7. We need to give responses if some ________ come through our senses. 8. ________ is a behavioral deficit when a child gets problems in perceiving or interpreting the stimuli. 9. Behavioral problems may be manifested by distractibility hyperactivity or ________ disturbances. 10. The ________ in learning disability started as result of growing awareness that some children had to have needed education service. 51

C. Say whether the following statements are True or False! 1. The field of learning disability is not new but it is the newest category in special education. 2. A child with learning disability always has problems only in arithmetic work. 3. The interest in learning disability evolved as a result of a faulty treatment of children with learning problems. 4. Children with learning disability are presumed to have mental retardation. 5. Learning disability is caused by many factors. One of them is organic problems. 6. Learning disability occurs because of the influences of a certain handicapping condition a child may have. 7. A child with learning disability is characterized by mental retardation of mild degree. 8. Behavioral characteristics like distractibility or perceptual problems may be owned by a learning disabled child. 9. To help a child with learning problems, dealing with learning process is appropriately applied in special education. 10. Behavior modification may not be used for treating children with learning disability. These children are not categorized as behaviorally disordered. 52

D. Choose the best option to respond the following statements! 1. A child is categorized as learning disabled since the child has ________ a. behavior problem b. mental retardation c. minimal brain dysfunction 2. A learning disabled child is often translated into ________ a. anak bermasalah b. anak bermalas-malasan c. anak mampu didik 3. Inspite of normal intelligence a learning disabled child may show the following characteristics, except ________ a. behavior disorder b. learning problems c. perseverance/high attention 4. The term learning disability was coined Samuel Kirk to name ________ a. a new category of special education b. children with mental retardation c. confusing behavioral problems 5. Learning disability is defined as a generic term that refers to significant difficulties in learning acquisition. Generic in this definition means ________ a. inherited gen b. publicly understood 53

c. medical prescription 6. Learning disability may occur together with other handicapping conditions. Learning disability and handicapping condition are exactly ________ a. the same b. related c. different 7. Central nervous system disfunction which is always ________ a. organic b. genetic c. generic 8. Academic retardation is retardation because of ________ a. subnormal intelligence b. specific learning problems c. wrong identification 9. Multisensory approach attempts to remedy the child’s learning problems through ________ a. motor b. skills c. senses 10. The best place for children with learning disability is ________ a. special school b. regular school with resource room c. itinerant teacher 54

E Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 55

Chapter VIII Giftedness It is difficult to measure how a child is considered gifted. But generally, gifted children are those who have cognitive superiority, creativity and commitment. This combination superiority, creativity, and commitment makes a certain child positively different from the majority of his age mates. This combination also makes him possible to contribute something valuable to his society. Giftedness is not an absolute and fixed human characteristics. A child who is gifted at one time or in one situation may change in another time. That is why it is difficult to estimate the number of gifted children precisely. It is stated that genetic, biological and environment factors have contributed to a giftedness. Genitic factor is indicated that intelligence factor is inherited from the parents. Biological 57

factor is shown by evidence that nutritional and neurological influence ma partially determine how intellectually competent a child may become. Environment factors will also take part in the child’s intelligence. Different environment will also give different influence. Early identification of gifted children is important because such children have potential to make valuable contribution to the society. There are many methods of identification or screening. Parents or teachers may take part in judging the child’s creative ability, superiority in a certain problem solving. Gifted or brilliant children are common persons. They can have weaknesses, physically, socially, and emotionally. But as a group, brilliant individuals tend to be superior not only in intelligence but also in physique, social attractiveness, achievement, emotional stability or even moral character. These individuals as a group tend to be happy, well liked, stable and less apt to have psychotic and neurotic disorder than average people. Special education for the gifted children is much desired. The programs and practices in the education for them can be special school, special classes, tutoring and enrichment. While the administrative plan for modifying the curriculum includes enrichment in the classroom, use of consultant teacher, resource room, community mentors, independent study, etc. Teachers of gifted children should have characteristics that are desirable for all children and must be 58

particularly intelligent, creative, energetic, enthusiastic and committed to excellence. Grammar Focus: Participial Phrases Learn these: • Active participial phrase - The boiling point is the point at which something boils - Rubber producing country is a country that produces rubber • Passive participial phrase - The examined sample is the sample which is examined - A wind driven pump is a pump which is driven by wind Make three sentences using active participial phrase 1…………………………………………………………... 2…………………………………………………………… 3…………………………………………………………… Make three sentences using passive participial phrase 1…………………………………………………………... 2…………………………………………………………… 3…………………………………………………………... 59

A. New Words Match the words with the closest meanings from the list! gifted daya pikir cognitive dorongan superiority daya cipta creativity berbakat motivation keunggulan age mates mutlak contribute tetap valuable teman sebaya absolute berharga fixed menyumbangkan estimate mampu indicate memperkirakan evidence bukti determine menunjukkan competent menentukan achievement penyimpangan apt prestasi disorder pengayaan enrichment cenderung excellence kehebatan B. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list! age mates identification brilliant intelligence 60

precisely tutoring genetic judging nutritional well liked 1. Good food is also ________ food. 2. A child who is clever has high ________ 3. Gifted or ________ children are common persons. They may have weaknesses. 4. In ________ whether aa child is gifted we need certain measurement. 5. When a certain ability is inherited from the parents, this condition is called ________ factor. 6. Early detection is sometimes called early intervention or early ________ 7. Usually a brilliant child is liked by his classmates. He is ________ 8. Children of the same class are classmates and children off the same age are ________ 9. To know something for sure is to know something ________ 10. A gifted child often needs individual teaching for environment. Thus kind of teaching is called ________ 61

C. Answer True or False. When false, please give the reasons! 1. It is not easy to identify whether or not a child is gifted. 2. A child is gifted when he/she has a high motivation to do something, he is considered gifted. 3. When a child is gifted when he/she can contribute something valuable to his/her society. 4. It is difficult to measure how a child is considered gifted. But it is not difficult to estimate the number of gifted children precisely. 5. Being intellectually competent is not only a matter of genetic factor. 6. In judging the child’s superiority in problem solving we do not only need intelligence test. 7. As a group, gifted individuals tend to have psychotic and neurotic disorder. 8. Some gifted children are highly competent, special education is not necessary. 9. For their education, he gifted children also need consultant teachers. 10. It is not necessary to modify the curriculum for the gifted children. D. Answer the following questions! 1. What makes a gifted child different from his age mates? 2. Why is it difficult to estimate the number of gifted children? 62

3. What factors determine the child’s giftedness? 4. Mention some characteristics of a gifted child! 5. What kind of curriculum do the gifted children need for their education? E. Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 63

Chapter IX Multi-handicap Multi-handicap is a familiar category of disability in special education. This term is to describe an exceptional child who has more than one handicapping condition, such a child may have a combination of two or even more kinds of handicaps. A visually impaired child, for instance, may have hearing impairment or/and mental retardation. A cerebral palsied child can also probably have subnormal intelligence or/and speech defect. In the same way, speech problem and physical disability may take place to a child with severely mental retardation. In our society we still can find a certain severely handicapped child with so many disabilities that he or she can only move his or her mouth and blink the eyes. People often get confused with the terms multi-handicap and severe handicap. It is quite true that multi-handicap and severe handicap. It is quite true that multi-handicap is often 65

associated with severe disability. In fact multi-handicap is measured from the number of handicapping conditions, while severe handicap is indicated by the degree of disability. The confusion is understandable since both of these terms may happen to a child at the same time. More often than not a child with a certain handicap can have additional problems as the accompanying effects of his or her serious disability. Take for an example; a severely physical handicap is often followed by cognitive deficit or speech problem. Severely mental retardation may also influence the sensory dysfunction and/or poor motor coordination skill. The condition of severe multi-handicap is bad, but without any treatment the handicap will develop worse and worse. It is necessary that the child should get help as early as possible. Assessment for further treatments needs to be conducted carefully by a multidisciplinary team to get the whole picture of the child from the whole aspects. The team may consist of physician, psychologist, pediatrician, social worker, therapists, special educationalists and other related professionals. The assessment is then very useful for accurate identification and is very important to decide an appropriate kind of treatment. In the respect of special education and other services, such children may get overall treatment in a residential school. 66

Grammar Focus: Sentence Connectors Learn this: - Liquids possess fluidity in other words, liquids can flow - Glass is a very useful material; however it breaks easily Auxiliary Verb: Used to To express past custom that no longer exist 1. When I was young, I used to play tennis very often. 2. I did not use to get tired when I played tennis. A. New Words Match the words whit the closest meanings from the list! multi dikenal familiar kesulitan disability menggambarkan describe ganda combination gabungan kind terjadi instance misal take place macam severe mengerdip blink parah confused terkait associate mengukur measure bingung 67

indicate ikutan accompanying menunjukkan necessary selanjutnya assessment melaksanakan further penting conduct bidang ilmu discipline penelusuran (penentuan) physician ahli anak pediatrician bertalian related tepat accurate pertimbangan respect dokter anak B. Complete the following statements with the phrases provided in the List! multi-handicap severe handicap handicapping condition cognitive deficit visually impaired sensory dysfunction cerebral palsied motor coordination subnormal intelligence worse and worse overall treatment residential school 1. The term ________ is to describe a child who has more that one disability. 2. ________ are problems that make a person called disabled. 68

3. A child mental retardation has a certain degree of ________ 4. ________ is intelligence below the average or under normal condition. 5. When the disability is so serious someone is entitled to have ________ 6. When someone is ________ he or she is categorized as physically handicapped. 7. The child is ________ because he or she has a certain degree of visual problems. 8. ________ is an institution that is provided with dormitory and other facilities. 9. In a residential school a child can get any kind of treatment. It means the child gets ________ 10. Severely multi-handicapped child often has problems with his or her senses such as hearing or vision. This happens because the child has ________ C. Say whether the following statements are True or False! 1. Multi-handicap is the newest category in special education, so this category does not get a lot of attention from special educationalists. 2. When someone has multi-handicapped, the conditions are never mild. 3. A visually impaired child also may have problem with hearing and cognitive deficit. 69

4. A child with physical handicap has poor motor coordination. This condition is also called multi- handicapped. 5. Someone who can only move his or her mouth and blink the eyes is considered to have severe multi- handicap. 6. Multi-handicapisthesameasseverehandicapbecause they are often associated and interchangeable. 7. More often than not, a child with severe handicap also has secondary problems. 8. Multi-handicap is known from the point of view the number of handicapping condition and the degree of disability. 9. A child with multi-handicaps needs to get clear identification of problem. This effort is important to decide appropriate treatment. 10. In the respect of special education and other services a child with severe multi-handicap can get the treatments in special class of a regular school with a very individual treatment. D. Choose the most appropriate option to complete the following statement! 1. Multi-handicap is a term describe that a child has ________ a. very serious disability b. severe handicapping condition c. more than one category of handicaps 70

2. A hearing impaired child is entitled to be multi- handicapped if he or she has ________ a. speech defect b. cognitive deficit c. total hearing loss 3. A mentally retarded child is often categorized as multi-handicapped when he or she has ________ a. physical problems b. subnormal intelligence c. cognitive deficit 4. A handicapped child who can only move his or her mouth and blink the eyes can possibly be ________ a. mildly handicapped b. multi-handicapped c. cognitively normal 5. A physically handicapped child can be multi- handicapped if he or she has serious problem with ________ a. intelligence b. movement c. scoliosis 6. Multi-handicapping condition is considered to be severe if the problems are ________ a. mild and multiple b. serious and multiple c. multiple and mild 7. An exceptional child is categorized to have severe handicapping condition if he or she has high degree of ________ 71

a. ability b. disability c. intelligence 8. A severe cerebral palsied child usually also has ________ a. poor motor coordination b. scoliosis or bone deformities c. poliomyelitis 9. To get clear identification of a child with multi- handicaps from the whole aspect, assessment is needed to conduct by a. physician and psychologist b. social worker and therapists c. multidisciplinary team 10. Besides accurate identification, assessment is also useful to decide ________ a. appropriate treatment b. the dosage of medication c. the right psychologist 72

E Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 73

Chapter X Mainstreaming (Part I) Mainstreaming or often called integration is the most recent trend in special education. Unlike the segregation, this trend believes that placing an exceptional child in the normal environment will give him/her a great help to improve the ability to lead to normal life. Mainstreaming is considered a means of encouraging the social acceptability or academic performance of exceptional children (Abramson, 1980). Actually the ideas of the terms integration and mainstreaming are similar, but they are somewhat different. Integration refers merely to a placement of handicapped and non-handicapped together. Mainstreaming, on the other hand, is defined as temporal, instructional and social interaction of eligible exceptional children with normal peers (Kaufman,, 1975). The process of mainstreaming 75

includes individual judgment, educational planning and teaching and learning programming. In practice, it also requires clarification of responsibility among regular and special education administration, instructional and supportive personals. Segregation, then, is different from either mainstreaming or integration. As a trend of special education, segregation is in nature against mainstreaming and integration. This trend has attempted to place an exceptional child in a special school. The child is treated as a group of exceptional children of the same disability. This group can, of course, eliminate self-esteem among individuals. It also helps the special educationalists organize the education service more practically. Each of thetrends has strong and weak points.That’s why special educationalists have been arguing about controversial concepts. The controversies may be due to practical operation and the result of the expected success in giving the child an opportunity to live as independent as possible. Apart from these reasons, it seems that mainstreaming or integration has been are being conducted to verify the effectiveness of each of these trends in special education. 76

Grammar Focus: Passive Voice (TO BE + Past Participle Form) Learn this: - They do not like to be disturbed - The man hopes to be introduced to the President Make three sentences using gerund. A. New Words Match the words whit the closest meanings from the list! mainstreaming kecenderungan integration penyatuan segregation membersamakan term pemisahan trend istilah environment kemampuan ability mendorong encourage penampilan acceptable lingkungan performance bisa diterima placement pengajaran temporal teman instruction sementara eligible penempatan peers memenuhi kriteria 77

judgment harga diri clarification penjelasan against mengurangi eliminate bertentangan self-esteem penilaian argue membuktikan controversy terlepas independent ada pendapat verify persengketaan apart mandiri B. Say w hether the f ollowing statement is True or False! 1. To mainstream is exactly the same as to integrate. 2. Segregation is similar with integration. 3. Mainstreaming disturbs the child’s social acceptability. 4. The placement of handicapped and non-handicapped together encourage the child social acceptability. 5. To mainstream an exceptional child needs individual judgment. 6. Mainstreaming is against the segregation. 7. When an exceptional child is treated as a group of handicapped children, it means to segregate from normal peers. 8. In general, exceptional children have no self-esteem at all. 78

9. Integration and segregation are still controversial among special educationalists. 10. Integration or mainstreaming have been developing in some developed countries. C. Choose the best answer from the following options! 1. Mainstreaming has often similar meaning with ________ a. normal peers b. integration c. recent found 2. The final goal of mainstreaming is to help the child improve his/her ability to ________ a. study in regular school b. to be accepted by his/her peers c. to lead to normal life 3. The idea of mainstreaming and integration is ________ a. similar b. very different c. controversial 4. To mainstream an exceptional child must not be ________ a. incidental b. permanent c. temporal 79

5. The process of mainstreaming includes the following requirements except ________ a. individual assessment b. good social interaction c. educational planning 6. This trend has emphasized that exceptional child should go to special school ________ a. integration b. mainstreaming c. segregation 7. The exceptional children have psychological problem. They have ________ a. low esteem b. big pride c. high self confidence 8. Special educationalists are still arguing about good and bad point is of mainstreaming. It means the idea of mainstreaming ________ a. very good b. controversial c. confusing 9. In the long run special education treats the child with disability to be able to ________ a. to get education b. to go to regular school c. to be independent 80

10. To prove the success in helping handicapped children, special educationalists need ________ a. more researches b. support from parents c. help from government D. D. Answer the following questions! 1. What does the trend of integration believe? 2. How can you say that mainstreaming and integration are similar? 3. How can you say that mainstreaming and integration are different? 4. How can you say that integration is against segregation? 5. What consideration can you make when you have to mainstream a child with disability in regular class? 81

E Make a short summary from the above title of the passage ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 82

Chapter XI Mainstreaming (Part II) To mainstream an exceptional child in a certain school setting needs careful assessment. Depending on the individual ability, the child can fit a certain placement. The placements for mainstreaming are in the form of a continuum from the most integrated to the least integrated setting. The continuum ranges from: 1. regular class; 2. regular class with consultation; 3. itinerant teacher; 4. resource teacher; 5. hospital or homebound instruction; 6. self-contained class; 7. special day school; and 8. residential school. 83

A handicapped child with a very mild disability may fit to be placed in a regular school. On the other hand, a child with severe disability may only be possible in residential school in which he or she can get more help. Mainstreaming should cover both social and instructional integration. In fact, instructional benefit is the most critical element. The individual educational plan (IEP) should be designed so that he or she participates in activities with the normal peers, yet does not have to tackle experiences that are too hard. Special efforts must be made to plan the program for the unique needs of the exceptional child, so that he or she can get maximum benefit from being integrated. There must also be systematic intervention efforts to change the attitude of the regular class peers. In addition, it is important to structure the learning situation so that the child can get benefit from placement with the non-handicapped peers. Auxiliary verb: need The meaning of ‘need’is have to He did not need to make such a harsh remarks A. New Words Match the words with the closest meanings from the list! assessment cocok fit tempat least rentangan continuum penjanjagan/penentuan 84

setting paling sedikit itinerant lingkungan rumah resource tempat menetap homebound sumber self-contained keliling residential kelas khusus severe manfaat cover sangat penting benefit menangani critical mencakup tackle parah/berat effort sikap unique tersendiri intervention penelusuran attitude selain itu in addition usaha B. Fill in the blanks with the words from the list! ability fit assessment residential depending instructional placement benefit mild participate 85

1. To place exceptional child in a certain school need careful ________ 2. It’s necessary to know the child’s ________ 3. ________ on the person’s capability a child can be placed in a regular school. 4. When the child has ________ disability, he or she may go to a regular school. 5. On the other hand, when the child has severe problems, he or she may only fit in a ________ school so that he or she can get more help. 6. If the placement does not ________, the child may need more careful assessment. 7. The most critical element of placing a child in the appropriate school is that the child can get from the placement. 8. In fact, the social and ________ advantages are very important in mainstreaming. 9. Individual instructional plan must be made to enable the child to ________ in activities with normal peers. 10. When the child can benefit from the school, it means the child gets the right________. 86

C. Say whether the following statements are True or False. Please give the reasons for the answer false! 1. To integrate a child with disability in a certain school, we need to know the child’s degree of capability. 2. We do not need to have careful assessment when a mildly handicapped child wants to be in a regular class. 3. No matter a child is handicapped or not, everyone should go to regular school. 4. Assessment can be in the form of tests, observation of reports. 5. Residential school is the least integrated setting in mainstreaming. 6. Mainstreaming must cover social and individual interaction of the child with peers. 7. An integrated child should participate in all activities the normal peers do. 8. IEP is short for international educational plan. 9. Special educationalists should pay attention to the unique needs of the exceptional children in school. 10. The best place for the mainstreamed child is when he/ she can get maximum benefit from the placement. 87

D. Choose the best Answer from the provided options! 1. The child almost does not get any more help from the regular or special education teacher. The child fits ________ a. regular class b. regular class with consultation 2. The integrated child still needs help when he or she joins the regular class. a. regular class with consultation b. resource teacher 3. A special education teacher moves from one school to another to give service to an integrated child. a. resource teacher b. itinerant teacher 4. A special education teacher acts as consultant either for the regular teacher, the integrated child, the school policy maker. a. regular class with consultation b. resource teacher 5. Special education teacher provides all instruction in the hospital or the child’s home. a. resource teacher b. homebound instruction 6. The handicapped child gets instruction in a special class of regular class. a. regular class. b. self-contained class c. special day class 88

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