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Home Explore Technology NEWLETTER March 2020 test final

Technology NEWLETTER March 2020 test final

Published by JHORNE, 2020-05-28 16:08:31

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The Office of Technology Administration Xavier University of Louisiana Issue: 1 / Volume 5 / May 2020 Moving Xavier University of Louisiana to a Virtual Environment at Lightning Speed Inside this issue:  Laptop Loaner Program 2  Message from the Vice-President 2  Moving to Digital Learning 3 CORONAVIRUS INFORMATION  Communication 4 University /City / State / National  The Helpdesk 5 #StaySafe #StayInformed  Students / Faculty Telecommuting 6 -7 #KeepTeachingXULA #KeepLearningXULA  Graduation 2020 8 - 9  Congratulations 10 - 11

Xavier’s Loaner Laptop Program Launched Feb. 2020 Technology student employees Jazmine Ross Technology student employee Vaun Passley, and Majesty Masson, tested Self-Service assisted the Help-Desk Team during the Loaner Technologies in the RMC Computer Lab! Program Kickoff! In support of moving students to digital learning, a new Laptop loaner program was launched at Xavier with an initial inventory of 120 Students computers. Once a decision The Office of was made to move the campus Technology worked over- time for 2.5 days installing Virtual Private Network (VPN) software and Jabber to The Laptop Loaner Jabber telephone software on program’s inventory was more than 200 faculty and fully prepared for immediate staff laptops prior to leaving distribution during the Faculty / Xavier’s campus. unforeseen Coronavirus Staff Pandemic National emergency. VPN & Jabber telephone SW installed From the Vice President of Technology: On January 29, 2020 Xavier’s President and leadership team convened for a pre-planning discussion regarding a university emergency plan; i.e. a plan for a global pandemic that could force the university to move to alternate meth- odologies of instruction. A month and a half later, under the Governor’s stay-at-home-order, ITC expanded technology operational and academic support services due to Covid-19. This newsletter discusses how Xavier’s teaching and learning move to virtual as well as business 2 Dr. Mable J. Moore continuity services at lightning speed using technology.

ITC moved to Digital Learning… ….. at Lightning Speed Jabber Unified Telephone Services Cisco’s Jabber to Jabber telephone software was installed on staff laptops to allow Xavi- SPSS Student Software Access er telephone numbers to be answered from anywhere during the Governor’s stay-at- home order. This was extremely helpful in ITC was able to expand access to Xavier student’s statisti- supporting students and academic services. cal analysis software while taking advantage of a reduced cost of service for SPSS software. This software is availa- ble to Xavier students for coursework from any internet browser and using any platform Windows or Mac comput- ers. It is also accessible using mobile devices and tablets. Students, if you need access, please contact your instructor to get information on how to access this service. Access to your Virtual ITC has expanded licensing Private Network (VPN) for greater access to Virtual Adobe Private Networks for those that need more secure access. Creative VPN services were installed on faculty and staff computers to create encrypted communication to allow faculty and staff to access Xavier’s Suite campus networks remotely. *The timeout value Student Access for inactivity using VPN is 30 minutes. Adobe has made access to their Adobe Creative Suite How to sign-up applications available free to for Office 365 all students until July 6, 2020. The offer allows stu- XULA’s Microsoft license entitles all our dents to download, install, and faculty/staff/students access to Office 365, at run the suite on their own no cost, allowing download and installation computer. For access, contact of this tool. education/products/office your instructor. 3

COMMUNICATION USING ZOOM Video, Voice, and interactive Screen Sharing with ZOOM Faculty, Staff, & Students Engaged with ZOOM How to Activate and Access your How to Create a Zoom Zoom Conferencing Account Meeting Due to C-19 and moving to virtual, Xavier expanded its ZOOM campus site licensing to exceed 3000+ simultaneous partic- ipants to reinforce communication, Secure Telecommuting 6 Tips to Deter Zoom-Bombers collaboration, teaching and learning. Students used ZOOM Host and Co-host controls in a meeting for small study groups of four and for tutoring and advising. Fac- Zoom Waiting Room ulty used ZOOM to enhance online learning during course de- Using a Waiting Room with Zoom Rooms livery, and Staff used ZOOM for day to day meetings and confer- XULASafe Mobile App ence calls. XULAgo App ZOOM software features include: Campus security and safety in your FEATURES pocket! A collection of features and  Hosting student forums, tools to help you stay safe. campus public forums Single sign-on, access grades and  Allowing students to have course information, Campus Map, FEATURES small study groups Dining Information, campus di-  Allowing SASO to continue rectory, ITC Helpdesk, XULAGold, Instantly receive important/ emergency notification, virtual walk offering student tutoring emergency Info, News, and more... -home, mobile blue-Light and friend  Conference calls with shared directly from your device! -walk, blue light silent alarm, cam- screen access pus map, chat with a dispatcher, re-  Taping calls for notes and port Crime, GPS Location / share transcription your location with Friends & Family,  Acting as alternative Host to Campus Safety Status and much allow shared screen access more! between participants 4

The Helpdesk...Rely on your technology support and first point of contact! Our Helpdesk is committed to problem solving from first contact to complete problem resolution. The Helpdesk remains a significant technology support unit and has been instrumental in preparing our key stakeholders such as Enrollment Management and Fiscal Services to transition smoothly to our new telecommuting work model. This was achieved by: - Issuing loaner laptops to several staff members upon requests - Installing VPN software for more secure remote access to the university’s networked resources - Installing Cisco Jabber to Jabber software on laptops to support remote telephone services for Xavier telephone calls during C-19 stay-at-home order by the Governor. With patience and caring, the ITC Helpdesk continues to assist users remotely using LogMeIn software, in conjunction with online and over the telephone support. Whenever users forget their passwords or need to gain access to network folders, or are locked out of their user ac- counts, the Helpdesk is available and ready to provide technology support. Helpdesk Ticketing System (ServiceNow) Please submit all service requests via ServiceNow at https://xavierprod.service- If the request is due to a problem, please include when the problem started and any documentation such as screenshots of error messages. Please click on the link below for the online video which walks you through creating a Helpdesk ticket: Additionally, please click on the link below to review one of our top rated articles within ServiceNow, Incident Priority Rules: id=kb_article&sys_id=798f3f02db23e3007b7b3caf9d96195e As stated in the article, it is important for everyone to select the appropriate options! 5

XULA’s STUDENTS & FACULTY TELECOMMUTING Academics at its FINEST! The XULA Community Keturah Dr. Kim Vaz-Deville, Ph.D. Major: Biology Pre-Med Professor of Education and Associate Class: 2023 Dean Department: College of Arts and Sciences Jeremy Ordogne Relaunia Stepter Major - Business, Sales and Marketing Major - Pharmacy Class: 2021 Class: 2023 6

s STUDENTS & FACULTY TELECOMMUTING ... Alia Evans Major: Chemistry Pre- Pharmacy Azaria Jack Biology Pre-Med Class 2023 Anthony Evans, Senior Major: Biology Class 2020 Meija Caldwell: Senior Biology Pre-med Class 2020 Zooming in Action: Dr. John Okogbaa Director, Professional Experience Program (PEP) College of Pharmacy 7





Support the next generation of eXcellence Click Here XAVIER UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA About Xavier University of Louisiana Xavier University of Louisiana, founded in 1925 by Saint Katharine Drexel and the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, is the only Catholic and historically Black higher education institution in North America. The ultimate purpose of the University is to contribute to the promotion of a more just and humane society by preparing its students to assume roles of leadership and service in a global society. Xavier ranks first nationally in the number of African-American undergraduates continuing to complete medical school and is leading the nation in bachelor’s degrees granted to African Americans in the bio- logical and biomedical sciences, the physical sciences, and physics, and in graduation of African- Americans who go on to earn doctorates in the sciences and engineering. OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATION [ITC] Xavier University of Louisiana 1 Drexel Drive New Orleans, Louisiana 70125 12

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