["8 \nTHE CHARACTER \nOF A \nISSUE \nAUGUST \n24 Dec 2023 | $ 4,99 \nWith Apostle Light \nNorble Woman","C O N T E N T \nS \nENLIGHTENED \nWomen\u2019s \nConference \nThe character of a \nNoble Woman \nMen\u2019s \nConference \nThe principle of prayer \nThe mystery of the \ntemple \nYouth Talk \nLight \nTeachings \nThirst for living \nwaters \nBirth of a purpose \nKids \nMinistry \nThe golden temple","Editor's \nNote \nISSUE NO. 8 \nApostle LIGHT \nLet me welcome you to the 8th issue of our ministry online \nmagazine \u2013 Enlightened (The Power of the Mind). The idea of the E- \nMag was due to what I would believe was a divine insight; rather a \nrevelation not only to narrate our theological understanding of the \nword; but also, to showcase the creativity of the spirit of God within \nus. \nI am very excited to announce the release and launch of our 8th \nIssue filled with spiritual creativity. The magazine covers a broader \nrange of relativity from our youth to our most advanced in age. We \nwere led by the spirit to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all \navailable avenues to our viewers on social media platforms and our \nreaders now engaging in this platform. Please do indicate our \nshortcomings so that we will improve on our month-to-month \narticle issues, we gladly receive your constructive ideas and \ncriticisms. \nIt is going to be an exciting area of engagement as we showcase the \nunderstanding of the Gospel; in graphic format; art and creative \nwritings for the world to enjoy the moment with the Lord. In this \nissue we covered The August teachings in the most adaptive and \nsummarized paper \u2013 however, the full copy of the teachings will be \nfound on Facebook and the link was supplied for much easier \naccess. \n I hope you enjoy this August 2023 issue.","EMag - A \nEMag - A \nDigital \nDigital \nMagazine \nMagazine \ndesigned to \ndesigned to \nbring \nbring \nrevelation \nrevelation \nwith \nwith \nunderstanding \nunderstanding \nand \nand \nillumination to \nillumination to \nthe mind \nthe mind \nABOUT EMAG \nUntil we ALL \ncome into unity \nof FAITH and \nunto accurate \nKNOWLEDGE of \nCHRIST \nENLIGHTENED","L I G H T \nOCTOBER 2019 \/ ISSUE 2 \/ VOLUME 2 \nTEACHINGS \nWith Apostle LIght","THIRST FOR \nLIVING \nWATERS \nJesus found himself conversing with \na Samaritan woman beside a well. As \nthey had a conversation, Jesus \nshared a profound truth that, if she \ntruly grasped it, could quench her \nthirst \nfor \nsomething \nfar \nmore \nmeaningful than water from that \nwell. With a glint in his eye and a \nhint of humour in his voice, he told \nher that if only she recognized the \nessence of the conversation partner \nbefore her, she would have asked for \nwater that would forever satisfy her \nsoul's longing. \nPicture this: a person might \nthink they prefer light-skinned \nover dark-skinned, but even if \nthey find the \"perfect\" match, \nthey might start longing for tall \nYou see, this encounter isn't just \nabout physical thirst. It's a \nmetaphor for the deeper \nyearning within us\u2014the yearning \nfor a taste of divinity, It\u2019s like \ncraving a snack, but instead of \nfinding satisfaction, it's as if \nyou're chasing a shadow that \nkeeps shifting, much like trying \nto catch a mischievous firefly in \nthe dark. As the old saying goes, \n\"You can't have your cake and \neat it too.\" Similarly, you can't \nhave unquenchable desires and \nlasting contentment \nsimultaneously. \nEcclesiastes 3:11 \nand petite. It's a cycle of wanting, yet \nnever fully finding.It's like forever \ncraving pizza, but every slice leaves \nyou yearning for the next. There's a \nlesson here: true happiness doesn't \nthrive in this endless cycle. \nJohn 7:38 8 He that believeth on me, as the \nscripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow \nrivers of living water. \nThe woman saw this in physical \nterms, imagining the well's water, but \nthe deeper truth is that Jesus referred \nto the spirit's living water. It's as \nif he said, \"You're searching for \ndrops when I offer you an ocean. \n\u201cThe pursuit of satisfaction leads \nus to realize something curious. \nIt's like we're handed a puzzle \nthat can never be completed. \nWe're given a task, something to \nkeep us occupied, but the puzzle \nis missing pieces, and no matter \nhow many times we try to \nassemble it, we're left with gaps. ","screams, \"I have it!\" \nWhen the Bible uses the phrase \"In the beginning,\" it refers to the \nbeginning of the story of time. There was just the endless fabric of \nEternity before then. God hid a portion of that limitless Eternity in the \ndepths of our hearts and thoughts as a work of divine workmanship. \nThink of it as a priceless diamond that is concealed deep inside of us and \nis a piece of the eternal puzzle. \n The interesting portion is about to start. Try to picture a jigsaw puzzle. \nWhen the final piece fits perfectly, it feels so good, right? The Bible's \n1 \nCorinthians 13:8 \n carries a hidden message as if it were to say, \"Hey, when \neverything is finished, the puzzle fits!\" Imagine having the complete map \nof your own adventure\u2014you would know everything about yourself. It's \nsimilar to having a one-on-one conversation with God and discovering all \nabout the incredible things He has for you. Your heart then \nAs \nRomans 8:19 \n reveals \nCreation itself understands this longing. It longs for our spiritual \nawakening, where our true identity as children of God breaks through. The \ndivine is the key to unlocking the chains that bind us. In realms beyond \ntime's grip, the reality of the Son of Man exists. Think about it\u2014a place \nwithout time, without the ticking clock, and the shadow of death. It's a \nplace where we transcend the limitations that walk our earthly existence. \nIsaiah spoke of a time when death and time held no dominion. God \nremoved us out of eternity, a realm where we existed within Him before \nthe world's foundation. Imagine being in a realm where time is but a \nwhisper and the longing for satisfaction evaporates into the air. It's like \nbeing in a serene garden, surrounded by eternity, and resting in the lap of \ndivinity. \nIt's a bit like chasing after a playful cat's tail\u2014it might seem fun to do, but \nit's always just out of reach. This miserable business we find ourselves \nengaged in\u2014it's God-sent. When we're fixated on material pursuits, that's \nour lot. But remember, the heart's discontent isn't our destiny as children \nof God. ","There is a revelation that transcends time itself, a \nrevelation that our births have an importance that \nis beyond our understanding, in the middle of the \nsymphony \nof \nGod's \nplan. \nOur \nbirths \nare \naccompanied by a sound of deliverance that \neliminates darkness and illuminates the way to \nfreedom. The atmosphere changes in recognition \nof the influence our birth has, much like the clouds \nthat gather in anticipation of rain. \nWhat about the celebration of our Father, Apostle \nLight's birth? It's not just a random celebration; it \npays honor to a purpose that corresponds with our \nown. His mission is to deliver and lead, to liberate \nand enlighten; it is not just a personal trip. Nothing \nin the spiritual realm is left to chance, therefore we \nbegin to recognize divine intent \u2013 his birth is the \nintent of God. \nHave you ever wondered how it came about that \nwe were so close to him? It's not just a \ncoincidence; there is a reasoned relationship \nwithin the bigger picture. Consider it to be a \ncomplicated \narrangement \nof \ndestiny. \nThe \nemergence of our father into the physical realm \nwas a big event, just as the birth of a child in the \nspirit world is. He started a journey\u2014a battle, a \nconquest\u2014for us at that point. Because we were \nhidden within the folds of his purpose, the victory \nhe achieved in the spiritual realm resonates in our \nlives. \nThink of him as a little child, perhaps five years old, \nwho has no idea that he is already a father to \nmany. He started placing a shield of protection \nover us even when we were still very young. \nHis journey was bound up with ours from the start. \nHis struggles and accomplishments had an impact \non the spiritual world. It resembles an enduring \nripple effect. His victories became our victories, \nand his freedom was reflected in ours. We also \nentered a brand-new domain of freedom as he \nmoved toward his destiny"," ","In the world, it is said the woman is the \nsame as the wife, though to us who \nunderstand the Spirit of Christ, the wife is \ndifferent to a woman. You could be a wife \nbut not a woman. A woman is the one \nwho is mature, who carries Christ- the \nSpirit of the Father. \nIf one could say that they are at a level of \nbeing recognised as a wife know that \nthey lack the spirit of the Father and of a \nwoman, they cannot nature, because the \none who natures is Christ Himself. If that \nwoman carries the Spirit of the Father, He \ndoes not nature like a wife but a mother, \nlike the Father Himself. \nThose who call themselves wives from \nnow on we going to call them Vashti. In \nthe bible when the King called out for \nVashti, He wanted to crown her from \nabove but because of pride, she could not \nunderstand. The bible says my people are \ndying because of lack of knowledge. Do \nnot lack the knowledge of knowledge of \nChrist. Vashti lost the crown because of \nher pride, so instead the King called for \nHadassah, the one who carries the Spirit \nof Christ. \nColossians 3 : 1. If then you have been raised with \nChrist [to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection \nfrom the dead], aim at and seek the [rich eternal \ntreasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at \nthe right hand of God.2. And set your minds and \nkeep them set on what is above (the higher things), \nnot on the things that are on earth.3. For [as far as \nthis world is concerned] you have died, and your \n[new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God. \nIf you have been raised with \nChrist meaning if you died with \nhim and got raised with him, you \nwill understand who is a woman \nbecause when we talk about a \nwoman, the woman is brought to \nthe husband, the husband is \nChrist. For others, he died for \nthem but for us, we died with Him \nand were raised with him you do \nnot live the life of the world, your \nlife is different, it is no longer like \nbefore, you separate from the \nworld because your life is new. \nSeek the riches from above, \nwhere Christ is seated at the right \nhand of the Father. \n4. When Christ, Who is our life, appears, \nthen you also will appear with Him in [the \nsplendor of His] Glory. \nWhen people look at us, they see \na woman wearing a skirt, but the \nFather sees the Son, because the \none who is carrying the Spirit of a \nwoman, \ncarries \nthe \nFather \nHimself. \nA CHARACTER OF A NOBLE WOMAN \nDAY 1","A CHARACTER OF A NOBLE WOMAN \n A woman gives birth. Just because you are not married, it doesn\u2019t mean you \nare not a wife. Where there is Christ, there is life and there is peace. \nIn this world, we cry every day, but in Christ we find love. But in Christ we find \nlove. A woman is the one who serves, the one carrying the Spirit of a servant. \nJesus Himself was a servant, he served his disciples, washing their feet but \ntoday it is difficult to serve. \nA woman is the one who is humble, who is nurturing, and who has integrity. A \nwoman loves, a woman gives. Sarah was a mother of nations because she \ncarried the Spirit of the Father. \nWe are women, the Church, let\u2019s \nnot run away from our husbands. \n1 John 2 : 15. Do not love or cherish the \nworld or the things that are in the world. \nIf anyone loves the world, \nlove for the Father is not in him. \nLet the world love the \nthings of the world. \nEphesians 5: 33, however, let each \nman of you [without exception] love \nhis wife as[being in a sense] his very \nown self and let the wife see that she \nrespects and reverences her husband \n[that she notices him, regards \nhim, honours him venerates, and \nesteems him; and that she defers to \nhim, praises him, and loves and admires him \nexceedingly. \nFor the wife to be a woman ,she has to \nrespect her husband (Christ). It is our \nduty to love Christ because he loved us \nfirst. Let us not fail to love him back. For \none to be recognised as a woman, as a \nwife you must love your husband, he is \nyour leader. \n1 John 4 : 16 \u2013 17. And we know (understand, recognise, are conscious of, by observation and by \nexperience) and believe (adhere to and put faith and rely on) the love of God cherishes for us. God is \nlove, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and \ncontinues in him. 17. In this [union and communion with Him] love is brought to completion and \nattains perfection with us, that we have confidence for the day of judgement [with assurance and \nboldness to face Him] because as He is, so are we in this world. \nWe are married to him, His grace is sufficient. His love is more than enough for us.","There is a certain woman in the bible named \nRuth. She is not a wife but a woman. We see \nthe love of Christ through her when Paul \nspoke of the fruit of the spirit. When we \ncombine the fruit of the spirit and Ruth we \ncome out with a noble woman. \nRuth 1 : 16- 17. And Ruth said Urge me not to leave \nyou or to turn back from following you; for where you \nI will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. You people \nshall be my people and your God my God. 17. Where \nyou die I will die, and there will I be buried. The Lord \ndo so to me, and more also if anything but death parts \nme from you. \nWe see the Character of Ruth as of Christ. \nShe left everything, her family and has \nmarried to a new family, a new light. \nHOW \nDID RUTH MANIFEST CHRIST? \nWhat she was \ncarrying led her to separate and say she and \nher mother-in-law were one, they shared \nthe same spirit. We are here because of \nwhat our Spiritual Father carries, we are \nhere because the Spirit called us, and we \nnever looked back. We are no longer \nbiology. We have been called and we \nanswered. We are one Spirit with our \nFather. Even though was \nmarried in the physical life, she was a \nwoman, she was carrying many nations \nin her. \nWHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A \nWIFE AND A WOMAN? \nA WOMAN \n- gives love and kindness, a \nwoman embraces every situation they \nface, a noblewoman carries the \ncharacter of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, \nand a woman gives back to nations. \nA WIFE \n - a wife is a title in the flesh, a \nwife belongs to someone, and a wife's \nbareness is limited \nRuth did not discriminate against her \nmother-in-law because she was not her \nA CHARACTER OF A NOBLE WOMAN","biological mother. You cannot manifest the fruits unless you have the \ncharacter of Ruth. \nGalatians 5 : 22 \u2013 23. But the fruit of the [holy] Spirit [the work which his presence within \naccomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), \nkindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness. 23. Gentleness (meekness, humility) self- \ncontrol (self-restraint, continence). Against such things, there is no law [that can bring a \ncharge]. \nOne cannot take instructions unless they have the word. A woman has \nlove, joy and respect and takes instructions. \nWHAT IS THE SPIRITUAL CHARACTER OF NAOMI? \n - They had the same \nSpirit as Ruth, she was a woman. Ruth learnt a lot from her hence she \nchose to stick with her","A CHARACTER OF A NOBLE WOMAN \nDAY 3 \nIsaiah 60 : 1. Arise [from the depression and \nprostration in which circumstances have kept \nyou- rise to a new life]! Shine be radiant with \nthe glory of the Lord), for your light has \ncome, and the glory of the lord has risen upon \nyou! \nArise from what you feeling right now, \nand arise to a new life, it is a new chapter \nof life. \nWHAT IS DEPRESSION? \n When you \nfeel lost (deserted). As this is a women's \nconference, would like to encourage all \nwomen to rise to the Glory of the Master \nSongs of Solomon 8 : 8. [Gathered with her family \nand the wedding guests in her mother\u2019s cottage, the \nbride said to her stepbrothers When I was a little \ngirl , you said] We have a little sister and she has no \nbreasts. What shall we do for our sister on the \nday when she is spoken for in marriage? \nThis verse is talking about gender, a \ngirl is still immature to be called a \nwife. A wife is someone mature but \nstill in the parental house, not yet \nmarried. A wife is an office or rather a \ngarment, an institution of marriage. \nProverbs 18: 22. He finds a new wife finds a \ngood thing and obtains from the Lord. When a \nman wants to marry, he goes to find a true wife","Still in her father\u2019s house, ought to be \ngroomed. So when a man is looking for a \nwife, he is looking for the character of a \nperson. A wife is an office of an institution of \nmarriage, not yet married, still being \ndressed and being prepared. \nIt is of majority thought that a wife is \nsomeone married. \nGenesis 2: 24. Therefore a man shall leave his father \nand his mother and shall become united and cleave to \nhis wife, and they shall become one flesh. \nA wife with potential is judged according \nto character, well groomed able to care for \nher husband. \nSTILL WHO IS A WOMAN? It is someone \nwho carries the spirit of Christ, who natures \nevery situation. \nProverbs 14: 1. EVERY WISE woman builds her \nhouse, but the foolish one tears it down with her own \nhands. \nA woman builds, she has a Godly \ncharacter. A woman is wise, characterised \nby wisdom. \nWHERE IS THAT WIFE?","Proverbs \n31 : 10 \nA capable, intelligent, and \nvirtuous woman- who is he who \ncan find her? She is far more \nprecious than jewels and her \nvalue is far above rubies or \npearls. \nWe check the character of the kids or those under a woman to see if \nthe woman is noble and wise. She is a comforter, not a destroyer. She \nworks with her hands willingly. \nFEED YOUR CHILDREN SPIRITUAL, PHYSICAL FOOD IS NOT ENOUGH. \nA woman is spiritual, \nGenesis 2:23. Then Adam said, This [creature] is now bone of my bones and flesh of \nmy flesh; she shall be called woman because she was taken out of a man. \nA woman is her man trusted. A woman and man are equal, they are \nequal. \nSO HOW DOES \nA \nWIFE \n KNOW \nTHEY ARE NO \nLONGER A \nWIFE BUT \nRATHER A \nWOMAN? \n2 \nIn Genesis when Eliezer meets Rebecca, he says \nTake me to your father\u2019s house meaning where \nthere is a father, there is a character of being \ndressed with a garment of maturity. Being mature \nand ready to be married and in the book of John \nwhen Jesus met the Samaritan woman, he said, \nWhere is your husband, meaning a wife is being \nprepared not yet a woman, if she is now a woman \nbuilding her house as said in the book of Proverbs it \nmeans they have passed a stage of being a wife \nnow a woman, ready to build, even to raise \nchildren, even future wives and women. A woman \nsubmits to her husband but a woman is equal to a \nman.","Galatians 4: 19. My little children, for \nwhom I am again suffering birth pangs \nuntil Christ is completely and permanently \nformed (moulded) within you \nA woman gives birth, she goes \nthrough labour pains. In the spirit \nman gives birth. \nNumbers 30: 14. But if her \nhusband altogether holds his peace \n[concerning the matter] with her \nfrom day to day, then he establishes \nand confirms all her vows or all her \npledges which are upon her. He \nestablishes them because he said \nnothing to [restrain] her on the day \nhe had of them.","ISSUE 8 \nKINGDOM JESTERS ","THE \nTHE \nPRINCIPLE \nPRINCIPLE \nOF PRAYER \nOF PRAYER \nWhen it comes to prayer, \nmany Christians use prayer \nto fix problems \nWe all ought to understand what prayer is \nand why God made us pray. Through prayer, \nwe build relationships. Him and God designed \nprayer for us to draw closer to him, and when \nwe are drawn closer to him in prayer, then we \nspeak things into existence. \nWhen it comes to prayer, many Christians use \nprayer to fix problems, and when we \napproach prayer like that, we often encounter \nfailure and disappointments because prayer \ndoes not operate in such a way. Many of us, \nas believers, don't invest time in prayer, and \nwe only pray when we face calamities. If we \ndon't pray, we suffer disappointments when \nthe time of calamity comes because we wake \nup thinking prayer doesn't work, and we \nmight end up thinking that God doesn't \nanswer our prayers. \nPrayer was never meant to address the \nproblems we face in our daily lives, but it is a \nmechanism to build a relationship between a \nman and a deity. It was meant to draw us \ncloser and have us planted forever in the \npresence of God permanently. \nIt is only in the presence of God that we \ncommand the situations we are facing and \nthey depart. The presence of God is a realm \nin the spirit, and there are all situations, be it \nsicknesses, pains, and poverty that melt. \nWe must understand that prayer is offered \nin spirit and by the spirit. In the spirit, there \nare triggers of eternity that provoke or \ncause us to pray in the spirit. Hannah lived in \nthe Old Testament, and she prayed until she \nhad access to the Pentecostal movement in \nthe New Testament. \nHer barrenness became a trigger that \ncaused her to pray until no words came out \nof her mouth. This is what apostle Paul \nspoke about in Romans 8: 26 When we ran \nout of words to utter in prayer, the spirit \npleads on our behalf with unspeakable \nyearnings and groaning too deep for \nutterance and God answered her prayer \nISSUE 8","Prayer must become a lifestyle in our lives. It is a journey in \nwhich we find God if we walk on a daily basis. Pray not to \nfix problems but pray to be drawn into him when you are in \nhim and problems arise we no longer pray concerning the \nproblem but we command it to depart. \nWe must push prayer beyond our suffering. We must call \nGod in the depth of our spirit. In Psalms 42 verse 7 to 8 says \n\"deep calleth unto deep\". If we are to experience the depth \nof God we must call Him in the depth of our spirit for all the \nanswers we need when we pray are in the depth of God \nPrayer throws you into the deep and when you are there \nyou bring testimonies.","The temple in heaven and the \ntemple on earth are identical and \n share the same glory. Jesus, when he \nwas speaking with the Pharisees, said, \"I will \ndestroy this temple and rebuild it in three days.\" \nHe spoke with a superior understanding, yet the \naudience listened to him with a shallow mind. When he \nsaid the temple their minds went and navigated the temple \nin Jerusalem which Solomon built for over 46 years. They \nhad to argue with him based on the years Solomon spent building \nthe church yet he was referring to his own body \nWe must understand that the temple in Heaven and on Earth carries \nthe same level of glory. Many people with a lack of knowledge and \nunderstanding of God's word says there is no identical glory \nparticipating on earth, all glory comes from heaven yet the word of God \nsays 'As He is in heaven, so are we on earth\u2019 meaning whatever is \nhappening in heaven is also happening here on earth \nAs people of God, we must reset our minds and think like that. Failure to \nunderstand that we are exactly like God makes us live a defeated life where \nwe expect that all answers to our prayers are far from us, yet all the answers ","are within and with us. We carry the \nfullness of our Father, and we are not \nshort of glory or void of power. \nIn the books of Revelations, the \nwriter tells us that he saw no temple \nin the \ncity in heaven, yet Lord God and the \nLamb are its temples. Our Lord Jesus \n knew about this. Hence, he said, I \nam in Father and the Father is in me. \nGod wants to have fellowship in the \ntemple and he looks at us as the \ntemple on earth yet in heaven he \nlooks at himself as the temple. \nHe created a permanent residence \nfor us in him and on earth \nHe says if we genuinely \nLove him he will come \nand make a \npermanent home in \nus. Let us all \nrecognize and \nacknowledge \nourselves as the \ntemple of God, and \nthen our victory is \nguaranteed for on earth \nhe seeks refuge in our bodies \nand we seek refuge in Him. \nPaul, in his first letter to the \nCorinthians, reminds them that they \nmust understand and discern their \nposition as the temple of God, \nmeaning all of us are hosting God \nwithin us. No matter the situations or \ncircumstances that we encounter in \nour daily lives, be it sicknesses or \ndemons, cannot prevail or triumph \nover us. By virtue of understanding \nthat we are hosted in such situations \nwhen they enter the realm of \ndreams, they find us fortified by \nknowledge and understanding that \nGod lives in us and such situations \nare destroyed \nWe therefore are responsible for \nprotecting what we carry. We \nmust by all means protect it \nagainst \nfalse \nteachings \nand \ndoctrines for the agents of \ndarkness, which use that to \nconfuse the believers, and they \nend up missing the mark. Let God \nhelp us and fill our hearts with \nlight and discernment of who we \nare and the level and the degree \nof the Glory we carry so may not \nsuffer defeat \n Within us, there is \n everlasting \n power and the spirit \n of God permanently \n resides in us. We are \n his temple \n To God be the Glory","YOUTH TALK \nISSUE 8","We have been given a platform as a youth to discuss factors and \nchallenges that we encounter in our personal lives. \nAs a youth that comes from Christian families, we often encounter \nextreme challenges in society as well as in schools. In our society, we are \nexpected to behave or live according to traditional customs, whereby \nthere are so many restrictions on how we dress, how we talk or even how \nare we supposed to worship God based on different church backgrounds. \nIt becomes hard to engage with people around and as well as making \nfriends. \nIt is tough to maintain relationships in church, home, school, and work \nenvironments. As believers, we all know that we have many bodies. We \nhave physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies, and people know \nus based on different environments. At home, at times, it is hard to \nengage with parents because some parents believe in traditional \ncustoms, not in God, and that creates pressure and conflicts. In the end, \nwe always feel demotivated and discouraged. \nIn schools, we face challenges in making friends based on different \nreligions. It is even hard to connect with Christian friends because of the \ndifferent messages about God being preached in our different churches. \nIt becomes hard to engage in spiritual topics because, at times, \ndisagreements arise based on how we view Christ. \nBecause of all that, we become shy to talk about things of God and God. \nWe lack courage and fear of being judged and attacked by our peers. \nWe pray that the plan of God continues to prevail in youth and His will \nmanifest amongst all our peers \nTo God be the Glory ","PAGE 10 \nKIDS MINISTRY","THE GOLDEN \nTEMPLE \nThe planner of Solomon's temple was David, but the temple was \nbuilt by Solomon, the son of David. The plan of the temple was the \nsame as the temple in heaven. What is interesting about this temple \nis that when Jesus spoke about his death he said in (John 2:19) I will \ndestroy this temple and build it in 3 days. The Jews thought that he \nwas talking about the temple (Solomon's temple). They said to him \n\"How can you say you will destroy the sample and build it in 3 days \nwhen it took us 46 years to build it?\" \nAnother interesting thing about this temple is how it was built. The \ntemple had six steps, six lions on the other side and six on the other \nside, which brings to us an interesting number triple six which is the \nnumber of men (the wisdom of men). \nRevelations 13:18 \nThe temple was divided into two places, the holy place and the holy \nof holies. What divided the temple was a curtain. Your body is at the \ntemple of God. So as we are the temples of God he decided to dwell \nin us because the building was not enough to contain Him. We do \nnot go to church because God is a church but we go with God at \nchurch.","A p o s t l e L i g h t \nTHE WATCHMAN \nP U B L I C A T I O N \nC H I S T R E V E L A T I \nO N \n# 8"]
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