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Home Explore Network Components

Network Components

Published by meher.bagga.snc9462, 2022-05-15 13:05:04

Description: Network Components


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Network Components • There are various types of network components to help a hardware work more efficiently. • Every component plays a different role in smooth working of devices. • Let’s now list some of network components (i)NIC 1-NIC stands for network interface card. 2-NIC is a hardware component used to connect a computer with other peripheral devices on a network. 3-Nowadays NIC card is in built in the motherboard.

(ii)Networking Cable 1-It is a twisted pair of cable which consists of 8 wires. 2-It’s crimped on both sides and is used to connect 2 devices together. (iii)Modem 1-Modem stands for Modulator Demodulator. 2-It converts analog signals to digital signals and vica versa. 3-It can be connected with motherboard through ports present on the device.

(iv)Hub 1-It is a device used to connect a computer with other computers or peripheral devices. 2-Broadcasting is a process followed by the device to send data from a device to another.

(v)Switch 1-A switch is similar to a hub. 2-It transmits data directly than using the broadcasting method. 3-The speed of network is increased as a result.

(vi)Router 1-A router connects two types of networks. 2-A router provides best way to deliver messages, as a result it decreases time.

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