VLADIMIR MATIĆ Governor 2018 - 19 Newsletter No 6 – December 15th 2018. PHOTO OF THE MONTH District 2483 and clubs took part in the traditional Charity Bazaar, 9 December 2018
ACTIVITIES IN THE DISTRICT DG Vladimir Matic attended charter anniversary celebration of RC Beograd Skadarlija. DG Vladimir Matic attended traditional Rotary Ball organized by RC Cacak. Before the ball RC Cacak signed a twinning charter with RC Drama and RC Panorama from Greece and RC Yambol from Bulgaria. Meeting of District Leadership Team – the agenda included ADGs` reports on club activities, membership development, contributions to the Rotary Foundation, public image and the young. DG Vladimir Matic and District Interact Committee Chair Sasa Petrovic attended charter celebration of the newly established Interact Club Zajecar and 11th charter anniversary of RC Zajecar. DG Vladimir Matic and members of District Leadership Team at 20th charter anniversary of RC Zrenjanin with over 100 guests from 4 countries, induction of a new member and successful fundraising auction of paintings. At the promotion of a documentary film and autobiographic book of marathon runner Goran Nikolic, organized by DG Vladimir Matic at the full auditorium hall of XIII Belgrade Gymnasium. The students were very impressed by the film and gave Goran Nikolic a big hand of applause. DG Vladimir Matic attended one of a series of very interesting speeches (guest speaker this time was Jovan Kovacic) organized by RC Stari Grad. At this meeting a new club member Samir Shalabi was inducted.
At the second meeting of DG Vladimir Matic with representatives of 7 Rotary clubs from Montenegro. The meeting was also attended by DGE Danilo Ljevnaic, DT Neno Kavaric, ADG Rajko Bujkovic and ADG Danko Bjekovic. The topics of the constructive Rotarian discussion were related to membership development, successful completion of Global Grant hosted by RC Budva, new PHF recognitions, establishment of new Rotaract and Interact clubs and election procedure in the District. On 1 December 2018 RC Budva became 100% PHF club. DG Vladimir Matic and Club President Predrag Milasevic presented 46 PHF awards to club members and sponsors. Congratulations! Secretary of INTER COUNTRY COMMITTEE SERBIA – ROMANIA Srdjan Peric with the delegation of RC Veliko Gradiste led by Charter President Zivoslav Lazic were guests at the reception on the occasion of the National Day of Romania. As expected, a different charter anniversary celebration of Rotary E-Club: panel discussion on environment, Rotarian fellowship and a fundraiser. Best wishes to the vibrant Rotary E-Club of Serbia for their third birthday! DG Vladimir Matic at the traditional sausage making contest organized by RC Sremska Mitrovica. Large number of guests and great atmosphere, as always. District 2483, our Rotarians and Interactors took part in the traditional Charity Bazaar at Belgrade Fair. All proceeds (72,710 dinars) from selling products donated by a large number of Rotarians and friends of Rotary went to the organizer – International Womens` Club of Belgrade and will be used for humanitarian purpose. DG Vladimir Matic, DGE Ljiljana Lainovic i DGN Danilo Ljevnaic attended the traditional joint Assembly of 4 Rotary clubs of Novi Sad held at the auditorium hall of the Gymnasium of Sremski Karlovci. 100,000 dinars raised from participation fees was equally divided and awarded to 4 best students of the Gymnasium. Goran Nikolic, our marathon runner, received the Hero of the Year Award from the Serbian Association of Managers. Congratulations!
The website of our District has a new page – ROTARY IDEAS. There you can find the project of RC Kragujevac “LET`S SAVE THE CYRILLIC’. I invite all clubs doing project of great significance which might be in need of financial support to submit a short summary of the project and a few photographs which will be posted on the website of D2483. CLUB ACTIVITIES: Service and fellowship Silvana Djurasevic, member and Past President 2007/2008 of RC Podgorica was on a visit to Jamia Millia Islamia University in New Delhi. During the visit she attended 19th Annual Charity Ball organized by Club of Delhi Garden City. The ball was held on November 16 at the Canada House, under the auspices of His Excellency Nadir Patel, the High Commissioner for Canada to India. It was a good opportunity to present RC Podgorica and exchange experiences with one of the most eminent Rotary clubs of India. Members of RC Stara Pazova visited RC Uzghorod Skala of Ukraine in the period 16-18 November 2018 to attend the celebration of the successful completion of Global Grant 1747062. RC Stara Pazova is among international clubs from eight countries that supported this Global Grant. The beneficiary of the project was Yasinya Service Center in Ukraine which they also visited. On 20 November 2018 RC Beograd Skadarlija donated a laptop to the Institute for Mother and Child. The value of donation is 40,000 dinars. RC Pirot donated a clavinova to the Music School of Pirot (value of the donation 220,000 dinars). The money had been raised at the humanitarian ball in April. The students and staff organized a concert as a way to say thank you. The project of RC Smederevo - a street clock in the town center was realized with the help of Club friends, twin club RC Kavadarci of Macedonia and the local authorities. The clock has two sides, Swiss mechanism and satellite control. After completing a very successful fundraising for the new equipment in the Children`s ward of Kotor General Hospital, RC Budva started a Global Grant for the equipment for Danilo I General Hospital in Cetinje. At the traditional event of RC Budva, Ladies`night, held on December 1 2018, more than 200 Rotarians of Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary and friends of Rotary were gathered for a good cause. Funds raised at the event amount to over 50,000 Euros and they will be used in the new Global Grant. During the event PHF awards were presented to individual donors and companies who participated in the previous Global Grant, as well as to new donors-members of the Club, which made RC Budva 100% PHF Club, the fourth in District 2483.
Guest speaker at the regular meeting of RC Stara Pazova on Monday, 3 December 2018 was the prominent local lawyer Dragan Djuric. He spoke about the constitutional changes in Serbia. In cooperation with Caritas organization through the program of the prevention of natural disasters RC Stara Pazova raised funds for cleaning of local landfill on the area of 2,000 sq.metres. On 6 Dec, 2018 members of RC Beograd Skadarlija organized a breakfast meeting with the pupils of Anton Skala Primary School for Children with Special Needs and Autism and handed out New Year`s gifts. RC Beograd Skadarlija donated 6 computers to Olga Petrov Primary School in Padinska Skela. RC Beograd Cukarica celebrated 11th anniversary of its charter together with Rotarians from 34 clubs, Rotaractors, Interactors and friends of Rotary. The club presented certificates of appreciation to all clubs that had supported the Global Grant project ~100 for 100~. In the first phase of this Global Grant over 500 computers were provided for 110 schools in 50 towns in District 2483. The club also raised over 4,000 Euros at the auction of paintings. The funds will be used for the club`s projects, primarily for the stipends of best high school and university students. Charter celebration of Rotary E-club of Serbia on its download in Belgrade on 5 Dec, 2018. Panel discussion on environment protection, fundraising sale of New Year`s cards (500 Euro raised) and a nice party afterwards.
The first open meeting and the first public speech at the youngest club in our District – RC Beograd Global. The first guest speaker was, of course, their sponsor club`s member and District Secretary Nikola Bozic. Celebration of 10 years of RC Pancevo Mihajlo Pupin attended by Rotarians from 22 clubs from our District, District 1912 and District 2241. 1,700 Euros was raised and the funds will be used to support the young talents of Pancevo. Basketball tournament – a fundraiser organized by RC Beograd Centar instead of the club`s charter celebration. RC Pancevo and RC Pancevo Mihajlo Pupin raised funds to provide hospital beds for the General Hospital of Pancevo. RC Ruma engaged in landscaping the botanical garden at Agricultural School in Ruma. The firemen from Wales ~have come to their assistance~. RC Bor visiting Rotarian friend from RC E-club Berlin Global and RC Bern Christoffel. 10th birthday of RC Ruma was the opportunity to present the newly founded Rotaract club Ruma.
Dr Dragan Rankov of RC Kikinda, who is holding the record in the number of visits to Rotary International Conventions (11 so far), with DG Vladimir Matic and RC Kikinda Club President Velimir Lipovan at the traditional Ladies`night. It was the opportunity for induction of a new club member. The delegation of RCBeograd Centar attended the celebration of 70 years of RC Ravenna. The event was attended by DG and DRR of District 2072 and a large number of Rotarians. The Rotarian of RC Sremska Mitrovica, RC Smederevo and RC Vranje visited their twin club RC Kavadarci from Macedonia. RC Kavadarci has an excellent cooperation with our District –they supported RC Sremska Mitrovica in the project ~100 for 100~ and RC Smederevo in the street clock project. Association of persons with disabilities ~Pobednik~ came first at the games contest of 2018. Support by RC Beograd Sava. THE ABC`s OF ROTARY From the book by Cliff Dochtermann DISASTER RELIEF PROGRAM When great natural tragedy strikes some area of the world, it is quite possible that within hours the Rotary Disaster Relief program may be at work relieving suffering of hapless victims. Modest Rotary grants of up to US$5,000 may be immediately provided by the RI president to people left homeless by hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, fires and other disasters. Following an initial grant, the Secretariat will customarily issue a call for help, which could be answered by gifts of money, supplies, food, clothing and household items from Rotarians around the world. Usually the process continues for several months as additional assistance is sent to the appropriate clubs and districts in the disaster area. The Rotary Disaster Relief Fund was established by the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation to provide small grants that could be immediately available when a catastrophe strikes. The president of Rotary International may act to meet the immediate needs of food, blankets, shelter and first-aid supplies for disaster victims, working through the district governor in the area of the tragedy. The Disaster Relief Fund is one of the significant ways that gifts to The Rotary Foundation build goodwill and understanding around the world.
CONTENTS Foto meseca 1 Aktivnosti U Distriktu 2 Aktivnosti klubova 4 Abeceda Rotarija 7 Distrikt u brojkama 8 The District in numbers As of 15 December 2018 and according to the database at myrotary.org, in the District 2483 there are 66 clubs and 1,241 Rotarians. Yours in Rotary,
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