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Home Explore CCRG-4-1-2 (1)

CCRG-4-1-2 (1)

Published by mparmeley, 2017-09-06 15:33:51

Description: CCRG-4-1-2 (1)


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Sending Calls to Voicemail (CUE) • If a caller dials a number like extension 6700 and the line is busy (“busy”) or not answered (“noan”) the call will forward to the voicemail pilot (using 6000) on CUE ( voice 600 voipdestination-pattern 6000session protocol sipv2session target ipv4: sip-notifycodec g711ulawno vadtelephony-servicevoicemail 6000ephone-dn 10 dual-linenumber 6700 no-reg primarycall-forward busy 6000call-forward noan 6000 timeout 15dial-peer voice 800 voipincoming called-number 800[0,1]....codec g711ulawno vadephone-dn 20number 8000.... no-reg primarymwi onephone-dn 21number 8001.... no-reg primarymwi off Configuration Reference Guide | [C] 151

Hardware Conferencing • Configure DSP resources for hardware conferencing • Specify max number of conference bridges to be 8 (based on the number of DSP resources installed)sccp local Vlan10sccp ccm identifier 1 priority 1 version 4.1sccpsccp ccm group 1bind interface Vlan10associate ccm 1 priority 1associate profile 1 register MTP_CMEkeepalive retries 5switchback method gracefulvoice class custom-cptone routehub-leavedualtone conferencefrequency 900 900cadence 150 50 150 50voice class custom-cptone routehub-joindualtone conferencefrequency 1200 1200cadence 150 50 150 50dspfarm profile 1 conferencecodec g711ulawcodec g711alawcodec g729ar8codec g729abr8codec g729r8codec g729br8 maximum sessions 8conference-join custom-cptone routehub-joinconference-leave custom-cptone routehub-leaveassociate application SCCPtelephony-servicemax-conferences 8 gain -6sdspfarm conference mute-on 11 mute-off 12sdspfarm units 3sdspfarm tag 1 MTP_CMEconference hardware Configuration Reference Guide | [C] 152

Conferencing: MeetMe • Requires hardware conferencing to be configured first • Configure the Meetme Conference Numbers to be 6999ephone-dn 22 dual-linenumber 6999conference meetmeno huntstopephone-dn 23 dual-linenumber 6999conference meetmepreference 1no huntstopephone-dn 24 dual-linenumber 6999conference meetmepreference 2no huntstopConferencing: Adhoc • Requires hardware conferencing to be configured first • Configure the Ad-hoc conferencing to use directory number 6998ephone-dn 26 dual-linenumber 6998conference ad-hocpreference 1no huntstopephone-dn 27 dual-linenumber 6998conference ad-hocpreference 2no huntstop Configuration Reference Guide | [C] 153

Paging • Enabling Paging using directory number 6001 (ephone-dn 1) • Specify Multicast IP and port number 2000 (SCCP) with Paging feature • Apply Paging group (ephone-dn 1) to all phones that should be paged if someone dials 6001ephone-dn 1number 6001name ROUTEHUB Paging Systempaging ip port 2000ephone 1paging-dn 1ephone 3paging-dn 1Intercom • Configure Intercom connection between Cisco phone1 (ephone 1) and Cisco Phone2 (ephone 2). • Phone 1 will use the Intercom Directory number of A5001. Intercom to Phone 2 will be on button 2 • Phone 2 will use the Intercom Directory number of A5002 . Intercom to Phone 1 will be on button 2ephone-dn 12number A5001 no-reg primarylabel Intercomname Intercomintercom A5002ephone-dn 13number A5002 no-reg primarylabel Intercomname Intercomintercom A5001ephone 1type 7970button 1:10 2:11ephone 3type 7970button 1:10 2:12 Configuration Reference Guide | [C] 154

DHCP on Cisco Interface • Enable interface FE4 to get it’s IP Address via DHCPinterface FastEthernet4ip address dhcp Configuration Reference Guide | [D] 196

Solution/Services: LAN SwitchingRelated: N/A • Enable DHCP snooping on Access Switch for VLANs 10 and 11 • Trust DHCP requests from uplink interface to the Core switch>>ACCESS<<no ip dhcp snooping information optionip dhcp snooping vlan 10-11ip dhcp snoopinginterface GigabitEthernet0/1ip dhcp snooping limit rate 100ip dhcp snooping trust Configuration Reference Guide | [D] 197

Solution/Services: Security: VPNRelated:DMVPN • Configure router on the left (see picture above) as the DMVPN hub router that DMVPN spokes can connect to. • Tunnel Interface IP for Hub router will be • WAN facing interface is FastEthernet4 • Configure static route pointing to the network via (the DMVPN spoke)>> DMVPN HUB <<crypto keyring dmvpnspokes pre-shared-key address key RHGauthcrypto isakmp policy 10encr 3desauthentication pre-sharegroup 2crypto ipsec transform-set ipsec-ts esp-3des esp-md5-hmacmode transportcrypto isakmp profile dmvpn-isakmp keyring dmvpnspokes match identity address ipsec profile dmvpnset security-association lifetime seconds 120set transform-set ipsec-tsset isakmp-profile dmvpn-isakmp Configuration Reference Guide | [D] 198

interface Tunnel0ip address ip redirectsip mtu 1412ip nhrp authentication RHGauthip nhrp map multicast dynamicip nhrp network-id 1ip nhrp holdtime 300ip tcp adjust-mss 1360tunnel source FastEthernet4tunnel mode gre multipointtunnel key 0tunnel protection ipsec profile dmvpnip route • Configure router on the right (see picture above) as the DMVPN spoke router. Other spoke routers would have a similar configuration to this one. • Tunnel Interface IP for Spoke router will be • DMVPN Hub router IP is • WAN facing interface is FastEthernet4 • Configure static route pointing to the network via (the DMVPN spoke)>> DMVPN SPOKE <<crypto isakmp policy 10encr 3desauthentication pre-sharegroup 2crypto isakmp key RHGauth address isakmp xauth timeout 45crypto ipsec transform-set ipsec-ts esp-3des esp-md5-hmacmode transportcrypto ipsec profile dmvpnset security-association lifetime seconds 120set transform-set ipsec-tsinterface Tunnel0ip address ip redirectsip mtu 1412ip nhrp authentication RHGauthip nhrp map multicast dynamicip nhrp map nhrp map multicast nhrp network-id 1ip nhrp holdtime 300ip nhrp nhs Configuration Reference Guide | [D] 199

ip nhrp cache non-authoritativeip tcp adjust-mss 1360tunnel source FastEthernet4tunnel mode gre multipointtunnel key 0tunnel protection ipsec profile dmvpnip route>> MONITOR <<>> DMVPN Hubshow ip nhrpshow ip nhrp multicast>> DMVPN Spokeshow ip nhrp nhsshow ip nhrpshow ip nhrp multicast Configuration Reference Guide | [D] 200

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