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Home Explore Debbie Anderson Media Kit

Debbie Anderson Media Kit

Published by starzcast, 2020-11-09 20:58:16

Description: Debbie Anderson Media Kit


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From Leading Expert Debbie Anderson: How to Use an Oracle Deck in Your Life to Open Doors, Make Decisions from a Place of Alignment with Spirit, and Ensure Ease and Prosperity 3 Steps to Get Maximum Success from Oracle Cards Using Decks to Provide Positive Messages for Children or to Give Your Inner Child Full Expression If you’ve ever used an oracle deck, you know that the perfect message you need to acknowledge right at that moment is always the card you draw. This ancient communication vehicle between spirit and human consciousness has long provided guidance for living in alignment with your heart, your soul, the Universe and the purpose you deeply desire to experience. It’s an unparalleled tool for helping make decisions or pointing the way to personal evolution, happiness and prosperity. Debbie A. Anderson is one of the leading experts in North America on the use of oracle cards. Her four acclaimed gorgeously illustrated Vibrational Energy Decks for adults and children have sold more than 20,000 decks. An internationally known clairvoyant born in England, she experienced spirit-communicating phenomenon from early childhood, saw people who had passed over, knew information about people that she could not have known otherwise, and could see future occurrences. Debbie was told that she was at risk of being institutionalized as psychotic, so she suppressed her gifts. Venturing out gingerly, she started using the Tarot to guide friends, and she realized that it was not just the cards providing guidance, she was using her intuitive skills to augment what was on the card. At the Arthur Findley College in Stansted, Essex UK (which she says was like attending Hogwarts), during her 20s, the began to explore the mediumship side. Eventually, spirit directed Debbie to apply those skills to creating her own decks to help people clear and enhance their personal vibrational energy. In the process, she became aware of how to guide individuals on maximizing their own intuitive skills through the use of oracle cards. Debbie has developed specific steps that enable anyone to get the most success out of any oracle deck, and to heighten their intuitive skills.

Says Debbie: “Each of the 52 cards carry a message in both the imagery and the insightful definitions where they invite you to tap into your intuition to discover with open heart and mind, how to connect to do readings for yourself and others.” She maintains there are actually three easy steps:  Connect to the Question  Connect to the Deck  Connect to the Card Sounds simple, right? But there are nuances that make all the difference! Debbie advises on the optimum ways for cleansing the body first, setting intentions, shuffling the decks, selecting the cards and discerning what the card is telling you. And then how to take action. Debbie also recognized the need for a deck to inspire positive values in children and help them connect to their higher selves. The children’s deck is additionally now used extensively by adults and therapists to help give people of all ages the ability to fully express and connect with their inner child. Debbie, who is now a citizen of Canada, lectures throughout the world on the use of oracle cards and vibrational energy therapy. She also offers readings and spirit communication for clients. Debbie A. Anderson’s four decks (noted below) include instruction videos to guide users.  Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck  Vibrational Earth Children Oracle Deck  I AM Vibrational Affirmation  I AM Sacred Affirmation Deck Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck and Vibrational Earth Children Oracle Decks are also now available on mobile apps. For more information, visit:

Debbie A.Anderson’s Vibrational Energy Decks Each of these includes stunningly rendered 52 cards, and an 80 page guidebook. There are also video introductions available to view.  Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck –Created for adults. This beautifully illustrated deck of 52 cards comes with a detailed guide book that includes interpretations and Five Dimensions of the Vibrational Soul spread layout instructions, to help you discover and unlock the secrets to your vibrational healing energy.  Vibrational Earth Children Oracle Deck –Created for children 8 years and upwards –And for adults using it for for inner child work. The Vibrational Earth Children Oracle Deck offers children from 8 years upwards, the opportunity to discover the connection of positive messages & guidance. The deck offers enchanting images and simple meanings and is non-denominational, providing a positive approach in a caring way. Each card has a message and is ideal for children to use alone or with adult interaction. It is accompanied with a guidebook that provides safe & positive messages for children to learn in an uplifting way.  I AM Vibrational Affirmation Deck –Created for instant gratification linking to the I AM principle! The I AM Vibrational deck consists of 52 positive and affirming cards along with an 80 page guide book to help you connect divinely to who you truly are . . . a vibrational energy being here on earth experiencing your own adventure. This deck is about having fun with your own personal empowerment. Choose a card every day or whenever you need vibrational inspiration.  I AM Sacred Affirmation Deck –Created for instant gratification linking to the sacredness of the self. The I AM Sacred Affirmation deck consists of 52 cards incorporating sacred geometry within the affirmations. This deck is about inviting your intuition to welcome the vibration that you are, and always will be, sacred. The messages offer us a divine opportunity, to connect spiritually to our self. When we tap into what is already within us, our sacred vibration connects to our cellular memory in a creative and empowering way.  Vibrational Energy Oracle and the Vibrational Earth Children Oracle Decks are available as Mobile Apps with a free initial download.

Debbie A, Anderson Biography It was shortly after her parents divorced, when she was 4, and sharing a bed with her mother, that Debbie A. Anderson, saw the ceiling peel back and ethereal beings of brilliant light sit on the edge of the bed. This was the beginning of a childhood and teen years filled with seeing, hearing and doing what others could not: having more visits by spirit beings, seeing people who had passed over, knowledge of the future, obtaining information about people that could only be obtained through her intuitive gifts, healing people with her hands, and more. But when told by her mother it was time to see the psychiatrist, Debbie’s guides painted a picture of her ending up “in a nice white coat (a straight-jacket) in a padded room,” so she suppressed what was really happening and told everyone that she was simply trying to get attention. Nevertheless, in young adulthood and out on her own, she was drawn to Tarot cards, and a community of like-minded people who would meet weekly for meditation, card reading and esoteric exploration. In her 20s Debbie took courses at Arthur Findley College in Stansted, Essex UK (which she says was like attending Hogwarts), and she began to give full reign to her gifts. Encouraged by a friend to attend a past-life regression workshop, she met Chris Lee, who was Canadian, the man who would become her husband. Moving to Canada in 1997, she took a job in the corporate world, but continued to do readings for people on the side. But still reluctant to leave the steady paycheck of corporate life, Debbie got a wake-up call from the Universe after a sequence of injury-causing accidents that make it difficult to work in a traditional job. She knew she was being called to step into her life as a clairvoyant and spirit communicator fully. And part of that was clear direction from her guides to start creating her own oracle decks. She had been traveling with her husband around Canada for his past-life regression workshops and her offering clairvoyant readings, and then in May 2013 when she published her first deck, the Vibrational Oracle Deck, she offered it for sale as they journeyed 13,000 km eastward from British Columbia. The cards were an immediate sellout, and in fact, she has to rush to print an additional 1000. In 2014 she added the Vibrational Earth Children Oracle for youngsters 8 and upward. More recently, she has added the I AM Vibrational and I AM Sacred Affirmation Decks. Today, she has sold more than 20,000 decks and is distributed in Canada, the United States, Australia and New Zealand. She has been doing intuitive spiritual readings for more than 35 years around the world.

On Air Introduction Born in England, Debbie A. Anderson is a natural healer who has worked in the magical sphere of spirituality all of her life. A clairvoyant medium who now lives in Canada, and has been doing intuitive spiritual readings for more than 35 years around the world. Her beautifully designed and acclaimed oracle decks began appearing in 2013. Debbie’s Vibrational Energy (for adults) and Vibrational Earth Children (for inner child & children) are globally distributed and her two new affirmation decks: I AM Vibrational & I AM Sacred, are meeting with equal success. Today Debbie is also one of the leading authorities on how best to use oracle cards for living in alignment with your heart, your soul, the Universe and the purpose you deeply desire to experience. She holds workshops for oracle card reading around the world. Debbie has also developed Vibrational Energy Therapy which she teaches to others and is available as a course online. You can listen in on her weekly reading on YouTube, and connect on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Find out more at

Questions for Debbie Anderson 1. When did you discover you could see spirit? 2. During childhood what were some of the obstacles you had to overcome? 3. Is everyone psychic? 4. How did you come to understand the value of an Oracle Deck? 5. Why is it that the card always seems to be perfect for that moment in one’s life—even if you don’t want to hear it? 6. What are the three steps to maximizing the success of using Oracle Decks? 7. Can you go into more detail on each of these steps? 8. How can someone interpret what they see on the card they have selected? 9. How can people use the Deck for tapping into their own intuition? 10. How can people further help themselves on their spiritual journey? 11. Tell us a little more about Vibrational Energy? 12. How do you stay in the flow with what you do, your work? 13. What was the defining moment that prompted you to create your first deck? 14. What is the difference between an Oracle and Tarot deck? 15. What makes your Deck so unique? 16. Why did you create the Children’s Deck? And how has that evolved for a surprising application for adults? 17. Why did the I AM affirmation Decks emerge and how are they different? 18. And you have introduction and instructional videos with these, yes? And now two of these are available on mobile apps..? Wow, Oracle Decks now on your phone! 19. What is in the works for you, next project? 20. Where can people find out more about you or take a closer look at your Vibrational Energy Deck?

Learn More Vibrational Energy Decks  Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck – 52 cards/80 page guidebook created for adults The video introduction to the Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck can be found at:  Vibrational Earth Children Oracle Deck – 52 cards/80 page guidebook created for children 8 years and upwards – and used for inner child work. children-oracle-deck.html The video introduction to the Vibrational Earth Children Deck can be found at  I AM Vibrational Affirmation Deck – 52 cards/80 page guidebook created for instant gratification linking to the I AM principle. The video introduction to I AM Vibrational Affirmation Deck can be found at:  I AM Sacred Affirmation Deck – 52 cards/80 page guidebook created for instant gratification linking to the sacredness of the self. . The video introduction to I AM SACRED Affirmation Deck can be found at Mobile Apps  Vibrational Energy Oracle and the Vibrational Earth Children Oracle Decks are available as Mobile Apps  There is a limited free download for both decks to play before you pay.  Vibrational Energy Oracle Deck free download: cards-mobile-appiphone- ipad-android/  Vibrational Earth Children Oracle Deck free download: children-oracle-cards-mobile-app-for-iphone-ipad-andandroid-amazon/ Website 

Services Online:  Clairvoyant Readings:  Oracle Card Email Reading:  Spiritual Clarity Session: Social Media:  Facebook Business page:  Facebook Spiritual Development Group:  YouTube Weekly readings:  Instagram:  Twitter:  Pinterest: Video:  How Spirit Speaks | Debbie A. Anderson,

Contact Information Email: [email protected] Website: Phone Number Canada: 519-890-5008 Skype: VibrationalEnergy1

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