เอกสารประกอบการสอนวิชา 722-271 จลุ ชวี วิทยา ภาคเรยี นท่ี 1/2561 อ. ธนุสรา เหล่าเจรญิ สขุ
What are Microbes? A microbe or microorganism is amicroscopic organism that comprises either a single cell (unicellular) cell clusters or multicellular relatively complex organisms 2
Microbiology The study of microorganisms iscalled microbiology Anton van Leeuwenhoek's discovery of microorganisms in 1675, using a microscope of his own design. 3
Leeuwenhoek Leeuwenhoek microscope 4
Father of microbiologyLeeuwenhoek 5
Classification of MicroorganismsMicroorganims are widespread in natureand are beneficial to life, but some cancause serious harm. 6
Classification of Microorganisms The 5 major groups of microorganisms: bacteria algae fungi protozoa and viruses 7
A. Bacteria1. prokaryotic2. unicellular 3. size: 1/1000 the volume of a typicaleukaryotic cell4. 2 groups (discovered in 1970's)a. Archaeobacteria - ancient bacteriab. Eubacteria - true bacteria 8
Prokaryotic cell 9
ArchaeobacteriaOrganisms : Methanogens, Halophiles, Thermophiles, Psychrophiles 10
EubacteriaOrganisms : Bacteria Cyanobacteria(blue-green algae) Actinobacteria 11
A. Bacteria5. some shapes: bacillus (rod), coccus (spherical),spirillum (spiral), vibrio (curved rod)6. motile or nonmotile7. how do they obtain their energy? a. photosynthetic autotrophs - use energy from thesun to produce their own carbohydrates for energy. b. chemosynthetic autotrophs - process inorganicmolecules for energy (ex. sulfur or iron). 12
A. Bacteriac. heterotrophs - depend on outsidesources of organic molecules (ex.carbohydrates or sugars) for energy8. temperature extremes: -20oC to 110oC(that’s really cold & really hot! freezing isOoC and boiling is 100oC) 13
B. Algae1. eukaryotic2. unicellular or multicellular3. size: some microscopic, some macroscopic4. motile or nonmotile5. how do they obtain their energy? photosynthetic autotrophs 14
Eukaryotic cell 15
C. Fungi1. eukaryotic2. unicellular or multicellular (yeasts are unicellular,molds, mushrooms are multicellular)3. nonmotile4. how do they obtain their energy? a. heterotrophs b. Why are they ecologically important? Scavengers;they live off dead matter and thus, decompose it. 16
D. Protozoa1. eukaryotic2. unicellular3. motile or nonmotile4. how do they obtain their energy? Heterotrophs 17
E. Viruses 1. acellular, so not consideredprokaryotic or eukaryotic; obligateintracellular parasites 2. basic structure of a virus - a piece ofnucleic acid (RNA or DNA) enclosed by aprotein coat (capsid); possess no nucleus,organelles, cell membrane, or cytoplasm. 18
E. Viruses 3. size - 1/10 to 1/1000 the size of anordinary bacterial cell. 4. nonmotile 19
Microorganisms diversity Microorganisms live in all parts of the biosphere where there is liquid water, including soil, hot springs, on the ocean floor, high in the atmosphere, and deep inside rocks within the Earth's crust. Most importantly, these organisms are vital to humans and the environment, as they participate in the Earth's element cycles such as the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. 20
Microorganisms diversity Microbes also have an important place in most higher-order multicellular organisms as symbionts they are also exploited by people in biotechnology 21
Microorganisms diversity in traditional food and beverage preparation in modern technologies based on genetic engineering. 22
Microorganisms diversity However, pathogenic microbes areharmful, since they invade and grow withinother organisms causing diseases that killhumans, animals, and plants. 23
Kingdoms of Organisms 24
Microbiology1. Bacteriology : แบคทเี รยี2. Mycology : เช้อื รา ยสี ต์3. Phycology : สาหร่าย4. Virology : ไวรสั5. Protozoology : โปรโตซวั6. Parasitology : โปรโตซวั 25
Microbiology1. Aquatic Microbiology2. Microbiology of milk3. Food Microbiology4. Industrial Microbiology5. Soil Microbiology 26
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