30 25 Example:20 o Cutter diameter 8 mm o Programming mode: incrementalN Example: 0 o Programming mode: absolute o Determine the zero point of the workpiece o Mill the pockets in two runs with twi, subroutines, if you know G27 already.60
G81/81 Boring.With. GOO and GO1 you can execute boringoperations:1. You program with 001 (feed at desired depth of bore2. With rapid traverse you move to the starting point of the boring operation.The procedure is always the same one:- Boring with feed (G01) to length L- Withdrawal by length L with GOO.Therefore these two movements are put to-gether in one G-function (cycle), G81 - Boring Cycle Programming: N.../G81/Z t /F... - Under the Z-address you program the depth of bore. F-address: feed in mm/min The withdrawal is done automatically with GOO. GOO, Application:G81 Through holes with a riot too large depth of bore.
.20Z/G82 - Boring Cycle with Dwell If the depth of bore is reached, the with- drawal with G81 starts immediatel y (rapid• traverse). The bore chip is torn off. - The surface at the base of the hole is nct clean. Therefore the drill bit remains in the programmed position Z.GO1 G04 GOO G82Sequence1. First movement: with feed2. If depth of bore is reached, the drill bit turns without feed 0,5 seconds.Withdrawal in rapid traverse.Programming: /FN.../G82/Z±Application:Blind holes cf medium depth. g _itiVI 4
G83/B3 G83 - Withdrawal Cycle it happens quite often with deep bores that the chips are not flowing out properly. - Therefore you have to withdraw the drill bi.t in order to take away the chips. You can program the operation with G01/GOO/G01/G00 etc. or with various G81 or G82 cycles. The drawing illustrates the principle, that a few cycles are again put together to a new cycle.1. Step Chip discharge 2. Step Chip discharge - 3. Step Chip discharge etc.G 01 G 00 Gal G83
083/B4Programming G83:The final depth of bore and the feed areto be programmed.Procedure:1. Bore at 6 mm depth with feed2. Withdrawal with rapid traverse (6 ram)3. With rapid. traverse 5,5 mm and 6 mm feed4. Go to starting point with rapid traverse5. With rapid traverse 11 mm, with feed 6 mm etc. until you reach the programmed 2.- value.Application: Deeper bores
G811821831B5 Example:Pay attention to the technological data.Use drilling emulsion to protect the drillbit.Bores larger than 10 mm dia, need to berough-drilled.Use 081, 082, G83.
G85 G85 - Reaming Cycle In order to achieve bores with a high surface quality, reaming of bores is necessary. Using standard twist drill you may reach quality 11 to 12. For higher quality standards the bores have to be reamed. By reaming you reach quality 6. G85 is a combination of two G01 'commands. Programming: - Block number - G85 - Z-value - Feed FFeed GO1 Feed Gal G8S Note: • The depth of the bores to be reamed is indicated. in the technical drawing. The bore-length 25 has a tolerance measurement,
G89G 89 - Reaming Cycle with Dwell The sequence is the same as with G85. The reamer bit remains 0,5 seconds in the dead position if the programmed depth . is reached. Sequence GO1 G04 001 G85Infeed with feed atlength Z 0,5 seconds dwell Withdrawal with feed at length Z
Chapter 6 6.1 6.3Tools, tool lengths compensation, 6.5radius compensation of milling cutter 6.7Programming of tools 6.7.Tool lengths compensation (principle) 6.9Working with various tools 6.131. Determining the tool sequence2. Determination of tool data 6.15 6.17-6.21 2.1. Diameter, technological data 2.2. Detecting the tool length differences 6.233. Calculation of tool lengths4. Tool lengths compensation in the 6.25 program sequence 6.27-6.335. Tool lengths correctionsOther cases for programming M06 6.35Connection: Zero-point offset G92Tool lengths compensation M06Milling of chamfersDepth of bore with spiral drillTool data sheetsTool sheets
The Programming of the ToolsTool magazines of industrial NC-machinesare equipped with up to 50 or more tools.The sequence is programmed.Technological data and dimensions have tobe programmed for each individual tool bit.Tools are programmed using the T-addxess.T stands for tool.
Tool Lengths Compensation TO1 T02 T03 i`' mya 1 Target 1 I Actual 1 IC I )411111111 . ._._T__a_=__ •.■.„■,•.\"-A.-,lLai,Ax.V..I.V. gar ...... I 7-TITTIT. -'-.-'.'ar.:. • 111111 .E.., o: _ra EA\" -•;—•\"... um Gila 4 ...,4=a0 074 I Actual It , zPC; r4.l iAct. Position = Targ. Pos. Z, Targ. Info = —HZ Targ. Info = + HZTO1 The computer is given information on the target position or desired position.IM06ID . /S. . . . /Hz = on-o1 I Imagine the coordinate system trans-102 /S. . . /Hz = + . 11021 ferred into the reference plane of theIM06/D tool.T03 /T03 I The target position is described start-[M06/D .... .... /Hz = — . ing from the actual position.
M0611Working with various ToolsDetermining the toot sequenceDetecting the tool dataCompensation of tool lengths T1 T3'or the manufacture of a workpiece you 1. The milling cutters are of differentoften need different tools: drills, va- diameters. These are known'to you.rious milling cutters etc. 2. The tools are of different lengths.The programmer needs to know various These are not known to you. Youdata such as have to measure the lengths and take them into consideration when- Kinds of tools programming. Otherwise you move the- application of different tools, cutter in the air without chip re--. position of tools to each other moval or you run it into a workpiece (crash).
M06/2 U Procedure 1. Determining the tool sequenceFacing with T1 Milling a slot with T2 Milling a T--slot with T3 2. Determination of tool data 2.1. Diameter, technological datar :.d 7 Entering the data'D= 2 1. Stick the tools into the correSpon- ding column. 2. Enter the technological data: d =, Cutter diameter D = Cutter radius F = Speed of feed t = Maximum depth of cut S = Speed easier.
M06/32.2. Detecting the Tool Length Differences (Hz) The differences in tool lengths nave tc be measured. The measurements can be taken using an external presetting de- vice. In. many cases the measuring system within the CNC-machine is taken use of. You can scratch with all tools a refe- rence surface or measure the data using a dial gauge. The difference is called Hz.ProcedureMount Tl reference tool) and scratchreference surface, set dial gauge res-pectively.Detection of data by Detection of data with dialscratching gauge.Scratching only when cut- Set dial gauge when machine ister is turning at stand-still.T1 T2 T3 T4 Set dial gauge to 0. ‘=17.1 Press keyFaI4, the Z-value display is set to 0. : N G XYZ Fd. 00CD,1J 30L0,T0MF 0 t Ts tHZ 0•.1R
M06/4 U Mount 12Scratch surface Touch dial gauge with cutter until it shows 0. d Read value from display. F N G XYZ F! st HZ 0 0003000 D,JK LT M 650 Enter value into tool data sheet. In this way you determine all tool lengths. Pay attention to the signs! 6 sc •+
3. Calculation of Tool Lengths (Tool lengths compensation) Since these data are known you could take the various lengths into consi- deration. This would, however, be quite confusing calculation work and will often lead to mistakes. Calculation of tool length M06 (Tool lengths compensation) (Programming)Format M6N3/M06/D(X)5/S4/Z(Hz)±5/T(F)3The data are entered into the T = tool numberprog ramming sheet. D = milling cutter radius NGX Y S = spindle speed only for your in-(J) (D) (K) (9) formation)faIMMKIINIIIIIIM(M) ZF Hz = difference in tool length IL) (T) (H)•11in11m11EmNIMoImIIImIIIMirImMM1E2111M1MMIEI2=coo 650 131111g1111111'11■M111,ME1.1M11MM•1E1 MiIEi•1I11I11I-11I11-I11 Note: If you writ a number 1,2,3,4 under the F(T) address when programming M06, this automatically means program hold. If there is a 0 under the F(T) address, there will be no hold.
Tool Lengths Compensation in the Program Sequence The first tool (T01) has a H z value = O. N.../M06/D2000/S1300/7,Hz) 0/T01 Manufactu;€1 Tool change T02. N.../M06/D500/S2000/Z(Hz) = 800/T02 [ tart First the tool T02 moves from the ac- tual position to the target position. Then the manufacture itself starts.
Tool Lengths Corrections You have finished the manufacture of a workpiece and find out that the Z- measurement is not correct. - The grogram is correct - The starting position of the cutter is correct. What is the reason? The target value information {H z value) was not correct (wrong, inaccurate measurements, cutter not resharpened).Actual valueTarget value\" TARGET INFORMATION Hz wrong M06/D.../2.../2+ 12.43/T02Reference line Z=1,43 The target information Hz has to be corrected. z K =11 Hzk = Corrected target information Hzk = Hz + correction value Z)4{.11 M06/1),../S.../Z+ 1100/T02
Example of a Correction of the Hz•value You may 1. Measure tool once again 2. Detect the correction value by measuring the workpiece.AZ = -1,35 The Hz information has to be correc- ted by the value. - Imagine the coordinate system trans- ferred to the Z-actual position of the workpiece.AZ = 1,35 - Add the correction value 6, Z to the target information Hz of theHz 2: 15,4 -1,35 =14,05 tool bit. Pay attention: L Z may have t sign. Hzk = Hz + (-G Z) = 15.4 + (- AZ) = 15.4 - 1.35 = 14,05 The value Hzk = 14,05 is corrected in the programming sheet, tool. data sheet and in the memory.
ExampleProgrammed Hz-value (actual informaticn):- 6,25 mmWorkpiece measurements: Actual and tar-get, compare drawing.Correct the Hz-valueHzk = Hz 1- ( t 2)Pay attention to the sign of Z.\ Z.Hzk =ExampleHz of TO1 = 0Hz of T02 = -4,32Workpiece:Actual value TO1 = 10,5 mmActual value T02 = 5,2 mmTarget value TO1 = 10 mmTarget value T02 = 6 mmCorrect the Hz-values of TO1 and T02. TO1 TO2Hzk j
Other Cases for Programming M06Tin. iOAF- illNI GX Y (T)Z F If a G45, G46, G47, G48 or a G72 com (K) (8) mand (cutter radius compensation) is(M) (J) (D) i0Hii.(I-) (H) programmed, in one of the previous blocks a M06 has to be put in, other-io wise the alarm sign will, appear. Ali: Cutter radius information missing The computer needs the cutter radius information D in order to calculate the compensated paths .(G45,G46,G47,G4'• The same applies with the pocket ing cycle G72. Alarm A16 Cutter radius information missing.
Connection: G92 Zero-point offsetM06 Tool lengths compensationM06 G92The Hz-information is an incremental The origin of the coordinate systemtarget information within an indepen- is determined with G92.dent coordinate system.
Milling of ChamfersChamfers are usually milled at an angleof 45°.The size of the chamfer is determinedby the programmed. path and/or by thecutting contour.1. Chamfer size determined by different cutter paths (different distances between cutter axis and workpiece edge)2. Chamfer size determined by different infeed and Z-direction. The cutter path remains unchanged.
Programming a Chamferwith Cutter Path unchanged The contour is milled with a cutter of (;) mm dia. To avoid the necessity to program a new cutter path for chamferring, the angle cutter shall be programmed in direction such that a chamfer lx1 mm is reached. Cutter path. - end mill - Cutter path - angle cutterHow deep has the Angie Cutter to be fed in? The radius of the angle cutter which mills the inside contour of the cham- fer: [-Radius end mill/r Width of chamfer! With a mill. path using a 5 mm shank, dia. '3 mm, the radiJs 3f the angl e ter produces the chamfer ix45°.Angle Mill Width ofcutter path chamfer
Angle cutter, dia. 16 x 4 mm With a 45 0 angle cutter, the cutting ra- dius changes by one mm if the cutter is fed in by 1 mm.ExampleRadius of mill path 5 mm1. Cutter at height 0Distance to workpiece = 1 mm2.. Cutter fed in by 1 mmRadius 5 mm touches edge.3. Cutter fed in by z mm mm)Chamfer. 1x45° is produced.Measure of total depth!Measure until radius mi l pathWidth of chamfer (1 mm) 2 mm
Example Unchanged mill path - Radius end mill: 5,63 mm - Chamfer 0,67 x 0,67 mm With an infeed of 1,63 mm the angle cutter touches the contour. 1+ 0,63= Infeed 1 mm R5 1,63 Infeed 1,63 mm R5,63 ,3 1,63+0,67= Radius- 6,3 mm produces the chamfer con- 2,3 tour.5,63 5,63 mm radius cutter path0,67 mm 0,67 mm width of chamfer 6,30 mm Cutter infeed 1,63 mm (radius touches contour) 0,67 mm (width of chamfer) 2,30 mm total infeed
G81/0The Depth of Bore with Spiral DrillKind holes are dimensioned down to thefiat ground of the bcre.If you want 'co calculate the tool lengthyou either scratch the surface with thepoint of the drill tit or you takemeasurement of the length of •the tool.In order to program the indicated depthof bore you nave to add the length ofthe tool point.tg3O° H - 2H = tg300 x 7dChart 11 (mm)Drill 0.57dia. in mm 1.15 1.73 2 2.30 4 2.89 3.46 6 4.04 4.6/ 8• 10 12 14 16Drill Data for the Tool SheetAlways deduct value H from themeasured data when you enter it.You need not to calculate anymore andcan program the dimensions of thedrawing directly.
Tool Data Sheet T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 d (mm) Cutter dia. Vertical axis system Horizontal axis system ZD= 2 (mm) . . ... ....... Cutter radius +t) F 4, +X (mm/min) Feed speed t 4011.1111111111, S (mm) Max. milting depth HZ (U/min) Spindle speedHZK (mm) Difference measure d D (mm) Corrected difference measure F 1 S Hz Hzic Zero-point of workpiece Zero-point offset (G92) Start position X mm Tool change position Y mm Z mm Drawing no : Denomination: Workpiece material: Program no. Name: Date:
LT • r_ -i\ vi77. ! _ _--. 1.. 1 1 ,t.. v ti 1_ - - !i . -1 _i_ ------ ---. 'i,-(t ./ei,11::•_.._._.. • 1.':.i). • N• 771)
Chapter 7The M-Functions
Mi The M-Functions Miscellaneous or switching functions. MOO - Program Hold If you program MOO in a block, then the program will be interrupted. Continuation of the program: press Ffa1 key. When Do We Program MOO? - Tool change - Take measurements - Switch to hand operation - Carry out corrections etc. M30 - Program End N X (iD) (K,S) F LT)000'120 tel3o In the last block of a program you have to program M30. Otherwise the alarm sign A05 will appear. After M30 the program jumps automati- cally tc NOO. You can start anew. If the ONC interface is mounted, M30 switches off the mair. spindle (M03 is cancelled).
M2 M03 - Milling Spindle on (only with accessory DNC-Interface) The M03 instruction switches on the milling spindle. Switch the milling M 03 spindle on such that the motor has enough time to run up and that you are in position to set the right rpm. Important note M03 Before pushing the start key the main spindle switch has to be set to CNC-position. M05 - Milling Spindle Off (only with accessory DNC-Interface) Format M05 N3/M05 t When do we iTogram 1405? - Before a tool. change - Before taking measurements Note: M30 switches off the milling spindle too M06 switches off the milling spindle if T(F) O.
M3 M06 - Tool Lengths CompensationCompare cnapter \"Tool LengthsCompensation\" M17 - Jump Back into Main Program Compare \"Subroutines\"M99 - Circle ParameterCompare \"Circle Programming\"M08, M09, M20, M21, M23, M26 areas switching functions not yet defined.with. them you could activate peripheri-cal devices (under preparation!)
Chapter 8Input of Program, Corrections, OperationSurvey 8.1What happens when data is put in? 8.2-8.3Input format 8.4Indication on the screen 8.5Input of program 8.6-8.7Operating elements CNC; Program input 8.9Option key hand operation — CNC operation 8.9The word indication 8.10The figure keys, the minus key 8.12The memory keylINPI 8.13The l -31\" key 8.14Thei FWDIkey 8.15ThefREVIkey 8.16The( DELI keyInput of M-values 8.17Take-over of registered values 8.18Inserting and deleting of blocks 8.19Deleting of a registered program 8.20 8.21Program Sequence 8.23Testrun 8.25Single block operation 8.26-8.27Automatic operationInterventions during program flow 8.29— Program stop 8.31-8.33-- Program hold
Input of ProgramCorrectionsOperationThe knobs, displays, symbols, etc. willconfuse you in the beginning.So first put in the very simple programsand check the various function -keys. Inhalf an hour you will be accustomed tothem.
S u ry e y Data Input, Correction, Delete Sequence of ProgramStoring a word Testrun: Inching through the program with NFITTj Single block operationTake over of values 7+ ••--•Correcting a word (first number key) Put inP24v]alu-e 4. Automatic operationM-programming iSTAR1Press gaSearching wordSearching a block Influencing the ProgramFWD riR8C71 TerminationInserting a block [INP1 +IRE A;Aal + riNiq In terruptionDeleting a block + IFWDi + ;DEL] Storing of Program IDeleting a program Compare tape operation RS-232 C operation(DELI + (MP' (first DEL)set program to NOOIINPi + 'TZTV
What happens when Data is put in? We put in GO!. Secretary iinterface element) reports 4. The director instructs the memory to director: operating program (RAM = Random \"Somebody wants G01!\" access memory): , • • _ Nod.1 \"Rememher G011\" Director CPU = Central Processing 5. The memory reports to the director: Unit = Microprocessor) asks his spe- \"0.k,,, I have noted it down!\" cialists: \"Can we execute GOI?\" • 3. The specialists (EPROM = Programmable 6. Director instructs his press-speaker read-only memory) think and inform (output element): the director: \"Show them out there, that we are \"Yes we can1\" clear with GOl. We have everything understood and are ready for further inputs!\"R
Data inputData Input What happens when Data is put in? Digital read-outInterface element Central processing Output element(secretary) unit = Microprocessor (press speaker) (Director) Operating program = Memory = RAM EPROMS (Specialists)
The Block Format or Input Format According to the key number (G-, M--func- tions) you have to put in the required information. The computer will ask these informations. G X F Example: (.1) (0) we—migrimmo_p1111 (M) If you press INP after the G90 input, IM04ErMi5f1t.111I1N1P the indication jumps to the next block. number. N G X Y Z F Example: (M) (4 (0) (K) (S) (L) (T) (H) You have entered the X,Y-values with BEEMIllin00 GOO. After the registration of the Y- 04 value the indication jumps to the next block number. MI IM Why? The computer knows that it can inter- polate only in two planes. After input of X- and Y-values it sets the Z-value automatically to 0 (with incremental programming). G X .Y F Example: (J) (0) (k) (S) (L) (1\") (H) (M) Lloo I1I1I1I.I1IZ 0 If you, however, have programmed the 00 X-value with zero, the computer will ask for a Z-value. N G X Y Z F Example: (M) (X) (S) {J) (0) (L) (T) (H) With absolute programming mode the com- c===p puter asks all three values X,Y,Z. 00 DO C D C=J-------- You have to tell the computer the plane from which it has to start the move- ments.fl A
Indication on the ScreenCNC OPERATION INCR. Mode of operation absolute - incremental:INIGI XI VI z IF! 1. When switching on the CNC-operationCNC OPERATION ABS. the control is in incremental operat-INIGI x I Y i Z IF ing mode. 2. If you program G90 or G92 the screen shows the absolute operating mode. 3. If you program G25 or G27 the display disappears. The computer recognizes this only in the program run.CNC OPERATION ABS.0.01MM1 Mode of operation metric - inch: According to the position of the option NIG' x! Yi Z!Fl switch the metric or inch mode of opera- tion will be indicated. Metric 0,01 mm Inch 0,001\" Vertical or horizontal axis system _L Vertical Horizontal These symbols indicate which axis system is in operation.
30o Input of programStart Example Program end N X V 2 5 (UT (I-s) 0 QO J) (DS (Kt -04 DO 0 --1 30oo 0 02 Mao 0 0 —Zoo() ;41 1. Switch on main switch T1F Control lamp for current supply and lamp for mode of EE 7l•1: operation \"hand-operation\" are on,H/C N G XYZ F 2. Press key h/C o Kg)1NP 0001:000 The control unit is switched 23 /Mb ACC L joD.J K LJ M over to CNC-mode of operataon. 0 mm /mm. On the digital read-out the1NP N G XYZ F CNC OPERATION lamp of address N is on. 00 (NOO) is shown. r 00O 0CD,LJIKDLOT OM NG X Y The screen shows N IL GO 09.1 01 I 1 N G XYZ F CNC OPERATION 3. Press key!INP With INPIyou instruct the com- O 0CD,LJIKDLO;TOM N!GjX1Y puter to register NOO. The • 00L____! address letter jumps to G. : 01! N G XYZ •F CNC OPERATION 4. Put in G-information 00O 0D,J0K L0X M N 00 001-071, N G X YZ F 011 00 shows on the digital read- O 0=000 out. 0,J K LT M CNC OPERATION 5. Press keyIINPl Address in- NG XIV'I ilcation jumps to X. 00 Oa 01
3 0 10 01 0N 0GCXCY ZD0F 0 CNc OPERATION 6. Put in X-value 130001. 30001ii D,J K t:r M 1 :, N00..: O00L99_X91C,!:Y 0N 0G CXYEZO F0 0M CNC OPERATION INP!.7. Press 1NP , D.J K LT •N;G: X ! Y; Display jumps 0 : 001 00; 3000i : to Y. r---.. I . 01[ • ! : 11/41P N G XY Z F CNC OPERATION 0 : CCD S0 0 :: N G X Y 8. Put in y -value 1—.0. DJ K 00i 00 3000i ....0:. 1NP 00 0M Oil i : , • • N GXYZ F 0 CNC OPERATION 0 0 CCD L0X ! N • G , XI Y;zM3 M 9. Press II.NP.! Display jumps D.J K 001 001 30001 OF 1 ZtO . START I LTI 1 ! • . I TART N G XYZ F CNC OPERATION 00CDCJ KDO13O' M iNIG X : V L Z Put in Z-value D. 00! 00 30001 01, _..._0I L_. O ., at: NG XYZ F CN C OPERATION 11. Press 0101. Block NO0 is entered. Block indication 000CD,CJ KDOLTOM N,G: x Y 00i oo. 3000, 0 jumps to N01. L• 12. Enter block NOl ' in the same way. Put in the Mi- nus sign after the num- ber value. NG XYZ F CNC: OPERATION 13, M30 (rogram end) .NIGI X 1 Y! Co 0D.JCKliD3L00X '0 ! 00 001 30001 0! - Put in NO2 - Display is at G. 01 00101 0 - Press key 0 then the M- 03E1 I 1 address is indicated. - Put in the figure value. - Press IINPI. 14. Press keyISTARTI, Display jumps to NO0 (only if M30 is programmed). 15. Press key START the pro- gram runs.
Operating Elements - CNC Program InputOption Key Hand-Operation/CNC-Operation H/C 0N0G0chX. }3YK Z0F00 0F DEL REV FWDBy pressing key H/C the mode of operationchanges from \"hand-operation\" to \"CNC-,operation\".The relative mode of operation is indica-ted by the lamps 2 (CNC-operation) or 0 (hand-operation).To put in a program it has to be switchedto CNC-operation.In the CNC-mode of operation you cannotmove the slides by hand anymore.
The Word IndicationThe lamps and light bars of the wordindication show you which data you canput in.Digital read-out MonitorThe actual words are indicated by The actual words are indicated by alamps light bar. N G XYZ F CNC - OPERATION 0 0 CCD 0 0 N G; X Y 1 00 01Address indication G, M functionIf depends on G or M-functions which addres-ses and/or data are required?E.g. M06M06 requires a D,S,Z,T information.Digital read-out MonitorThe X-indication is also valid for the The address letter D,S,T are indi-D-value, the Y-indication for the S-- cated.value and the F-indication for the T-value if M06 was programmed. OPERATION NG X Y F 1 00 • 01 02 031,4060
The Indication of Addresses D, J, K, L, M on the ScreenCNC OPERATION G25/G27 NLG X! `/H ZIFI The address letter L is indicated. (L = jump address, subroutine address)CNC OPERATION Format MO6INIGI X . Y Addresses - D (milling cutter radius) - S (spindle speed) - T (tool number) axe indicated.NG Format M9900 Addresses - J (start of arc of circle) - K (end of arc of circle) are indicated. Attention: X,Y,F lamps ' are valid for various addresses.
The Figure KeysFr-] H. You use the figure keys in order to en- ter the various values for address letters X,Y,Z,F,G,M,D,T,L,J,K. The entered values appear on the digital read-out and/or on the screen of the mo- nitor. The Minus-Sign Key ID N G XYZ F ° O 0D=,J K00L.J 0 1 9 I NP H/C X,Y,Z values can have a minus or a plus sign. 6 DEL M Pius sign input for X, Y, Z: 2 3 REV 65 Put in figures only. 0 FWD 1,R41j N G XYZ F Minus sign input 1400 0O 0CCKIDLOXOM After input of figures, press EL] key. The minus sign appears as a bar on the H/C digital read-out. M Example: tit X = -1400 Input: Ly4 PEI
The fistiiiKey = Memory Key ]INP! = Abbreviation for. Input LIN = Instruction to the computer to register the entered value. 0N 0G 0X3YZ)0F 0 o 1 D.J K L,T M 8 9 IINP 4 5 6 DEL 1 2 3 REV — 0 -4- I FWD FTAPTDigital read-out Example MonitorN G XYZ F Lamp X lights up. CNC OPERATION , N G _x_ Yr0001:11D00 - Entex value12350 The number K L,T M appears for your information 00I 2350- 23501 only, it is not in the com- 01! puter yet.N G XYZ F00CICI►OO - You press INP. By pressing K M this key, figures are re- gistered; at the same timeL the number 2350 disappears and the light jumps to the718 9I TWP-1 H/C next address letter.dM Note With1INPi you can also jump forward in the block.
The Key Instruction: to jump forward within one block III; INF'4W7 0N 0G0X3YZ00F 0 0 0 700 MD,J K L3 H/C 5 ro 5 aar.. rnrn In. n. 111 'CIART By pressing the key /-10 the program will jump to the next word. The entered value of the next word will appear on the digi- tal read-out- (Permanent function when you keep on press- ing the key)0 .1 A
The FWD Key Instruction: to jump forward block-by-block0 Mw N G XYZ F 0 -5 :s3r, 000137300 ).743 I r,-1] D.J K LT MNEI X y (L) (T) (H) (K) (S)111111E111(J)(D) 1. A given word is displayed. By press- ing the IFWD1 key the program jumps to the next block numher. 2. If a block number is indicated: when pressing the FIE key the program jumps to the next block number. F (L) (H) 3. If you keep the iniD key pressed down, the program will jump block-by-block to the program end.
The 1:1E■ii KeyInstruction: to jump back in program blocky-by-block 7+ 7 8 9j 11NP tzl 4 5 6 DELi/— 1/- r-T-7n 1 2 3 REV 0 FWD .1- Function: 1. A given word is on the display. If you press key iREVI the program jumps to block number N. X (K) (S) (L.) Mill)(J) ;01 2. If block number N is indicated and you press keyiREVI, then the program will jump to the previous block number.N (M) (J) (D) (K) (S) z (l)(T) (HI 3. If you keep the W.Ol key pressed the block number jumps back to NCO (perma- nent function).
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