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Dress Up Day_text_City Kids

Published by kidzbookhub, 2017-11-24 06:25:13

Description: Dress Up Day_text_City Kids


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Dress-up Day Written by Lorraine Wilson Illustrated by Robert Scholten

We had a fancy dress parade at school.

All the kids sat out in the yard.

The children in fancy dress walked around in the middle.

Emily was Little Red Riding Hood

and Chloe was the wolf.

Someone dressed as a monster but I don’t know who it was.

Thomas looked funny. He was a clown with great big eyes and a big red mouth.

Bing and Ethan dressed as “Jack and the Beanstalk” and the cow.

The cow was naughty. She ran away from Jack.

There was a robot made from boxes. His head moved from side to side.

Some of the teachers dressed up too.

Miss Gamboni was a witch.

Two of the mothers and two of the teachers were judges.

Some children won prizes.

I was dressed as a spaceman, but I didn’t win the prize.

Maybe I’ll go as a giant next time.

Dress-up Day: a City Kids story Author: Lorraine Wilson Illustrator: Robert Scholten © 2016 Wellington (Aust) Pty Ltd The moral rights of the creators have been asserted. All rights reserved. This publication (or any part of it) may not be reproduced or transmitted, copied, stored, distributed or otherwise made available by any person or entity in any form (electronic, digital, optical, mechanical) or by any means (photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise) without prior written permission from the publisher. ISBN 978-1-925308-32-7 ebook 2016 Wellington (Aust) Pty Ltd ABN 30 062 365 413 433 Wellington Street Clifton Hill VIC 3068 Design by WorkingType Studio. Love this book? Visit online to find more great titles.

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