BOOK 3TuSTmohrmeey
A cookie,
an ice-cream,
an orange lollipop,
the cupcakes,
the fairy bread,
a chocolate frog,
the soretummy.
KEYWORDS INTRODUCED: anKEYWORDS REVISED: a, theREHEARSE THE BOOK • Read the title of the book and casually discuss the cover illustration with the child. • Read the book to the child, while running your finger smoothly under the text.READ THE BOOK • Supported reading: read the book and have the child read along with you, while running his or her finger smoothly under the text. • Solo reading: encourage the child to read the book alone.REVISE THE BOOK • Keywords: ask the child to find the Keywords on each page of the story. Then have the child identify the Keywords on the grid below. • Books: read through the book often.Can you find the Keywords?tummy the popcorn lollipop ana ice-cream frog
The Sore Tummy: a Keywords for Kids storyAuthor: Judy TuerIllustrations created by: Luke Harris© 2014 Judy TuerThe moral rights of the creators have been asserted.All rights reserved. This publication (or any part of it) may not be reproduced or transmitted,copied, stored, distributed or otherwise made available by any person or entity in any form(electronic, digital, optical, mechanical) or by any means (photocopying, recording, scanning orotherwise) without prior written permission from the publisher.978-1-925096-47-7 ebook 2014Wellington (Aust) Pty LtdABN 30 062 365 413433 Wellington StreetClifton HillVIC 3068Converted to ebook by peek studio web/application/designLove this book? Visit online to find more great titles.
Keywords for Kids is an early learningpackage that targets beginning readersin the first two years of school. Thebooks are complete stories. Theyintroduce and reinforce the 100 mostcommonly used words. Students learnthese words through encountering themrepeatedly in meaningful contexts.
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