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Images Module File

Published by elliecassidy, 2021-01-13 19:23:24

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Images: Module File // Ellie Cassidy


Contents: Drawing Mechanism.......................................4 Drawing Outcomes........................................12 Drawing Enlargements................................14 Work Drawings................................................18 Work Zine .........................................................24 Class and Taste...............................................28 Recording Capital..........................................31 Making Capital...............................................34 Documenting Capital..................................38 Modelling Capital..........................................42 Creating Capital............................................48 Mini Me..............................................................56 Vector Drawing..............................................62 3

Drawing Mechanism Summer Project 4


Initial Research I looked at the provided links of research that were found in the brief doccument and really apprciated the mechanism of Olafur Eliasson. I liked the simplicity of the minimal effort of dropping the ball and everything else being only natural results. This is opposed to perhaps having to maybe hold the drawing device for it to produce such results. It also gave me a strong likening to the idea of using a ball with printing ink as the movement for my mechanism. What is Kinetic ? Kinetic The section of the brief that had me adjective worrisome was reading that i need to “Think Kinetic”. I remembered about relating to or resulting kinetic energy from GCSE physics as from motion. being the amount of work needed to (of a work of art) de- move or accelerate something. The pending on movement thought of having to think scientifically for its effect. to create this was a bit overwhelming but in looking more into the definition of kinetic and applying it to drawing mechanisms i figured as long as i could make it move i was fine. ADA - Karina Smigla-Bobinski After coming to terms with what it means to produce a kinetic machine i thought about some artworks i remeber that invloved movement. ADA was a piece i found really fun when i first looked at it when reseaching interactive design in the past. Looking at it again i understand it’s defined as a ‘kinetic’ sculpture for its use of movement with its hellium balloon and markmaking charcoal. The walls of its enclosed space being its canvas furthered this idea i had about imitating the way my brother and i used to throw bouncy balls down the stairs and watch them ping of the walls. Maybe i could recreate something similar with an ink covered bouncy ball in an enclosed space. 6

Rebecca Horn - Kinetic Sculptures My mind next came to think of Rebecca Horn’s distinctive ‘High Noon’ instillation when i was thinking further of markmaking machines. The instillation featured two rotating shotguns that would fire a blood like red liquid when the two came face to face. The liquid would create stains of splatter across the floor and walls of the instillation. In further researching Horn’s work i found she produced other instillations labeled as ‘Painting Machines’ one being her 1989 piece ‘Dancing Canvases’. Automatically controlled brushes throw paint in the air onto five rotating canvases and aditionally the wall in which it is mounted. Horn’s machines are far too advanced to create anything alike but they certainly strike the title of ‘Be Inventive’ as noted in the project brief so i hope to apply such inventiveness to my own machine. My Ideas: 7

Drawn Ideas Skateboard A rather simple approach not quite as ambitious as i’d like but will certainly create bold distinctive images with the varying brush sizes and their paint strokes Magnets Ball Drop I like this idea quite a lot I think this will be the idea i i envision a bit similar to develop further as it works those moving wires on a most practically and simply lie detector test. Howev- whilst still a rather inentive er using magnets would approach with its arcade require me to purchase game like quality. The some and i’d rather ink covered ball that will approach this using re- produce the drawn lines was sources i already have. inspired by the first machine i researched of Olafur 8 Eliasson’s. This ball and ink are all already accessible to me along with the other materials.

Developed Idea I’ve gone forward with the idea of creating the slot machine-esque idea and using only materials i already have. I think its somehwhat more challenging for me to ask myself to create the machine without sourcing any new materials and hope to evaluate that i can do this successfully. The changes from the initial idea are with creating these angled shaped sides so the wider base gives it some more stability. Additionally the pin ball inspred slats are going to be cylinder cardboard pins instead. I think the weight of the ball dropping on such a flat surface could be too much so these condensed pins will hopefully be a much more stable approach Inspiration I got the idea for the arcade like machine just by seeing a girl post videos about her being at the arcades in Weston to her social media. I found it quite shocking that these machines in which multiple users touch the same shared things were allowed to be open with coronavirus. So I thought quite a novel idea to create my own safe one in Birmingham. 9

Final Mechanism 10

Evaluation When I first read this brief I felt very overwhelmed at the concpet of building a machine. However as I got more into my research I was understanding I dont need to become an engineerwith some motorised mechanics. I instead took the simpler approach of only allowing myself to use materials I had to hand and that worked out particular- ly well. I think my mechanism is a really fun idea that looks good and also produces some wonder- fully printed snail trail looking drawings. In the crit session for them it was suggested that the per- spex panel could be removeable and prints made from the ink left behind of the ball hitting the wall. I really liked this concept but I did’nt really have the resources to make any developments as i’d liked to. 11

Drawing Outcomes 12


Drawing Mechanism Enlargements 14

Englargement 1 Original Enlarged Redrawn with Oil Pastel 15

Englargement 2 Original Enlarged Redrawn with Gel Pen 16

Englargement 3 Original Enlarged Redrawn with Marker Pen 17

Work Drawings Project One 18


Initial Research Reading the brief i want to try Reportage Drawing explore a range of drawing methods as suggested, With the task being to produce a large num- whether this is through varying ber of relativley quick observational drawings I materials used or the process took a look at some reportager drawings who for the drawing. I’ll also try to document their environments quickly. Looking observe sounds and record at the UWE Reportager Award projects these them into drawings. were some artists I liked the most and hoped to draw inspiration from. Chloe Regan Feliks Topolski 20

Jill Gibbon Carly Larsson Work around Bristol With my flat being rather central in Brsitol City Centre 21 i could always observe work just by looking out my window at the endless buildings under construction. As i was under isolation when doing this task most of my work is observed from this window so a lot of my drawings are observing construction sites but also a number of council workers found around the centre keeping the city looking presentable and functionable.

Selection of Drawin 22

ngs I’m happy with how i explored different materials and methods with my drawings; some were done without looking, some with continuous lines, it made for more interesting results. Reflecting on my drawings I should have tried to include more sounds as suggested in the brief. 23

Work Zine 24

Research Five Selected Drawings As the brief sggests to ‘Identify those drawings that respond to the theme ‘work’ in a range of way’ I would select some of my stronger images that share differing responses. The first drawing of the crane takes on a rather fetailed and more complex drawinh where as the next image whilst also being about construction is a lot more loose and lighter. The traffic cone displays where I’ve looked at tools and the environment that work takes place. The next drawing might be my favourite it was drawn blindly and provides a very novel look to a group of workmen. I chose this final drawing as it interprets ‘work’ in a different more personal way than all of the construction drawings i’ve observed. I tried to include more written areas as i saw in the illustratrions of resreched artists and thought it provided some humerous, relatable connotation. Collaborative Zine How do I make a collection of people’s varying drawings The Illustrated Stamp Collectors Assembly into an effective flowing publication? I decided to take Collage Zine a look at Bristol based PIP Illustration’s collaborative stamp zine. For a coherent collection of different ilustrator’s works they printed the zine with only two colours so I think i’ll go forward with a similar approach of using colour to fit the drawings together. Cults of Life #7 “Fear” Additionally I thought of how a collaging paper cut technique could be a rather literal approach to putting together different images. I took a look at how ‘Cults of Life’ zines and how they combine their collection of images. 25

Final Zine 26

Evaluation My research into collabarative zines is what helped me be a lot more confident with this work. Initially I was afraid of creating a jumbled mess of drawing or just a plain powerpoint slide of them. By researching into how others curate a wide selction of works together I could see how I could do this for myself and I decided to do it with colour. My reasons for the colour choces was mostly for the fact that the primary colours plus green are the most standard, neautral approach to brightening up work. I like how I did the colour blocking pages I thonk it worked effectivley to give the zine some structure of this repeated design decision. I did want to try and incoporate the colours on to the cover but couldn’t finf a subtle way. I instead think it works quite nicely with this simple plain cover opening up to these bright block colours. 27

Class and Taste Project Two 28


What is Capital? Initially reading this brief i was a Agony In The Carpark-Grayson Perry little overwhelmed and lost with the phrases of ‘Social Capital’ and ‘Cultural Capital’ as these were new terms to me. It was by watching Grayson Perry’s series ‘All in the Best Possible Taste’ where i understood what these terms meant after seeing them exampled in the people Perry featured in the series by the interests/ tastes/mannerisms they had. Bourdieu’s I realised that cultural capital is something Cultural i’m familar with in the way that we stereotype Capital people. At work we had the typical ‘Solihull Woman’ customer who we would recognise Embodied- as middle class being white with her range rover, small yappy dog, blonde dyed hair accent/manners/behaviour and probably a crushed velvet sofa at home. I now recognise that all these sterotypes Objectified- we associated them with are all features of someones cultural capital. It’s then material possesions understanding that their social capital would include surronding themselves with friends Instituionalized- who also own small yappy dogs to have cheese and wine nights. qualifications like degrees/ job roles/social roles like a mother What is my 21st Century class? Using the BBC’s ‘The Great British Class Calculator’ its revealed that the class group i most closely match is ‘Emergent service workers’. Essentially I am a young student with little money but a cultured social life (well before the global pandemic hit). 30

Recording Capital 31

Recording Capital I was isolating when Broadmead Circus this task took place and BS1 3EA couldn’t attend to take my own photos, Instead i used Google Maps Street View to observe different areas and how they reflect capital. Cabot circus BS1 3JX 32

Park Street/College Green BS1 5SP Bedminster High street/East Street BS3 4HB 33

Making Capital Project Two 34


Research/Process Michael Paul Smith Michael Paul Smith was a modelmaker with great attention to detail. With the limited use of cardboard I think it will be good for me to try to be ambitious with trying to create detail through intricate cutting and layering of my material. Sylvie Reno Sylvie Reno is carboard sculpture artist and useful refernce in how to manipulate cardboard for models. Her use of layering cardboard for depth and detail will be something i’ll try to use. Process To create details on the window frames I layered up individually cut pieces of cardboard as Sylvie Reno does to show greater detail and empathise the fact that this is a 3D model with depth. 36

Final Model Evaluation and Process Creating this model was a lot more tedious than I imagined it to be. It was the specifics of the brief stating to not use pens or added on elements outside of cardboard that proved a challenge for the details. Creating the letters for the signage took patienece and intricacy with a scalpel but I think it made a great outcome for the contrasting cradboard textures. Another advantage of cardboard textures was exposing the corragated side to repliacte the roll down shutter on the shop. It was this feature that drew me to modelling it but also the fact I found it an intersting case in looking at something lablled with great wealth (jewellery) in the lesser wealthy area. 37

Documenting Capital Project Two 38


Research/Process Ways of Seeing-John Berger 1972 It was intersting to read this featured study Dutch Still Life that highlights how the educational factor of cultural capital impacts another section of cultural capital in the ways of taste and interest. Stephanie Gonot Studio Process As my chosen area focused on a jewllers on East Street I wanted to try and highlight the juxstaposition of something of wealth and value (jewllery) in this less wealthy area. However I feel the items I brought into the studio to photograph on the day were not reflective or much appropriate for this. However I think I did alright at trying to achieve some sense of art direction with the blue decor I was able to get together. 40

Final Photo Evaluation and Process I think this is actually one of the projects I struggled with the most, as much as I love photography I dont feel i’m that great at it. I think my images taken in the studio were really poor but in fairness I wasn’t greatly prepared. Upon going home and hvaing another go there was defintley an improvemnet as i was bale to give some pre meditated thought to the concept. Follwing from the jewellers on East St. I looked at combineing the elements of wealth with objects found in what’d be seen as an unwealthy area i.e litter. 41

Modelling Capital Project Two 42


Research/Process Understanding GIFs Reading Popular Mechanics article on the history of GIFs, it seems quite amazing that they were once thought to die. I’m so familiar with seeing GIFs all over the internet and I think this is largley a result of social media’s popularity. Having some experience making some at A Level I think they’re a great format that can be as simple or as complex as you like. Chris Piascik I took a look at typographic gif maker Chris Piascik’s work to draw inspiration for how i coul make my typographic gifs most effective. Piascik’s gifs are relativley simple sometimes playing on a novel feature of the word as seen in the pair of eyes in the o’s of ‘Look’. His other gifs draw their attention by simple block colour changing and moving edges so I think i’ll try to use similar simple and effective techniques. Bob and Roberta Smith Bob and Roberta Smith also known as Patrick Bill produces distinct work of bright painted slogans on wood. Smith is a useful artist to look at for how he produces this type based work. His text is hand rendered and I think needs to be something I consider with my GIFs whether the type be digitally produced or by hand. I think hand rendering letters can fit both higher and lower capital areas in differnt taste. A lower capital area may feature quick cheap hand rendered signs for efficiency where as high capital areas find this hand made like quality to be something of a personal, earnest touch. 44

Location Choices Casino Slots- Shipley’s Bingo- William Hill- Bedminster High Street Bedminster High Street Broadmead Circus Gambling and Class The Jimmy Reid Foundation The Guardian-Mattha Busby Gambling, Status Anxiety In the recording capital task there was and Inter-Generational Social distinct difference between recognising the Mobility: Findings from the Mass areas of a higher capital and lower capital Observation Archive- Emma Casey entirley just through the shops on the street. In the lower capital area of Bedminster there was an abundance of gambling shops so i researched more into the trend between gambling and the working class and how its horribly explotative of the most vulnerable. 45

Final GIFs (stills) Casino Slots Shipley’s Bingo 46

William Hill Evaluation This was the brief I probably felt most confident approaching as I had had experinece with making GIFs a A Level, it was exploring capital through them which would require a bit more thinking. As I looked at my recording capital research there was an abundnace of gambling shops in the lower capital areas so I decided to focus my GIFs around this theme and the shops. The first two GIFs I decided to play around with the concepts of the games: Casino Slots being cascading letters and Shipley’s Bingo being flashing bingo dots. I think they came out quite sucessfully but didn’t translate over my criticism of gambling targeting more vulnerable areas. I decided with the William Hill logo i would add a bevel and emboss effect along with an outer glow and give it this feel of a neon sign. I had the lights flicker on and off with light of the ‘I’ always out. I hoped that this would connote that sterotypical disregareded and careless appearnce of the shop which is exactly the attitude these companies have towards the vulnerable people they target. 47

Creating Capital Project Three 48


Initial Research My first thoughts in approaching the brief were all based around tactile ideas. The two main ideas I had was one being a more conconceptual approach to tactility as ‘Human Intimacy’ and the more literal approach being ‘handwriting’. Handwriting as Currency The Guardian-Rachel Williams Atomik Research British Letter Survey 54% OF BRITS The idea of ‘handwriting’ as currency also delveloped into the idea of ‘Handwritten letters’. HAVE RECEIVED As we are in an age that seems so dependant on LESS THAN 5 HAND digital technoligies, it can seem that physical writing WRITTEN LETTERS IN is become less and less common. Looking at a study THE LAST DECADE also furthered the concept of letters being a new value as many already find them of worth as 7 in 10 people keep letters they recived years ago. 50