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Home Explore Triple_Leadership_Learning_Catalogue Version 5

Triple_Leadership_Learning_Catalogue Version 5

Published by ian.choo, 2020-01-20 03:44:13

Description: Triple_Leadership_Learning_Catalogue Version 5


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Training For Successful Leadership

Your Triple Leadership Journey 01 Our Mission, Vision & Values 02 What are Leadership & Core Competencies? What options do I have? 03 How do I apply for these training?

Our Mission, Vision, Values & Commitment

I. What is TRIPLE, Who are we? 4





Triple Values – #Will Breakers Team Work •We support each other Recognition •We celebrate wins Innovation •We go against the norms Performance • We get the job done Learning and Development •We are stretch ourselves to learn more and take up new roles Elevation • We rise to occasion and overcome any challenges

Build Leadership through… Equipping Leaders with Leadership and Core Skills Building our Leadership Pipeline Manage, Coach and Mentor the Next Generation of Leaders Alignment of Leadership Team Build strong brand advocacy through… Empowering people to live their personal athletic experiences through people, products and programmes.

What are Leadership Competencies?

Lead others to achieve objectives in the most effective way. Provide an inclusive workplace that cultivates workplace relationships and teamwork and foster the development of others. Demonstrate professionalism to set a good example Lead by example at team level. Encourage and Lead by example at organisational level. at peer level. Support others through own initiative guide others to adopt a point of view, make Inspire, motivate and guide others to adopt a and enthuse others through own positive and changes or take action. Provide a team point of view, make changes or take action. energetic approach. environment that facilitates relationships Cultivate an open, cooperative and building, teamwork and the development of collaborative learning culture for the others. organisation. L1-1 L2-1 L2-2 L3-1 L3-2 L3-3 Develop Develop self Develop Team Asian Retail Coaching for Develop Self Self to maintain Leaders Leadership Management to Maintain professional Through Programme Professional competence Capability Competence at managerial Development at Senior level & Coaching Management Level

It’s beyond leading a team or an organisation, it starts with the Self. Demonstrate professionalism to set a good example at peer level. Support others through own initiative and enthuse others through own positive and energetic approach. LDR-L1-1: Develop Self To Maintain Professional Competence Course Objective: Experienced leaders will testify that the most challenging person to manage is yourself. Get to know how you come across to your team, how you make decisions, and how you can do it all more effectively! Got a career goal? Find out how you can achieve that through learning and development. Competencies: Provider: • Communicate effectively SeraphCorp Institute • Lead Team Decision Making • Develop and Maintain Professional Training Duration: Competence 2 days Cost: SG/PR - $93.50 Non-SG/PR - $495

Leaders become great not because of power, but because of their ability to empower. Lead by example at team level. Encourage and guide others to adopt a point of view, make changes or take action. Provide a team environment that facilitates relationships building, teamwork and the development of others. LDR-L2-1: Develop Self to Maintain LDR-L2-2: Develop Team Leaders Through Professional Competence for Managers Capability Development & Coaching Course Objective: Course Objective: Manage Self includes a DiSC profile and other proprietary A fundamental skill that good leaders possess is developing questionnaires designed to help leaders understand what and grooming their team members to be more effective at makes them tick. Leaders will leave the course with better their jobs. Learn how to identify skills gaps and learning needs, self-awareness and with handles to be personally more how to motivate your team members to be lifelong learners, effective. Learners will also receive a one-hour free face-to- and how to facilitate coaching conversations as a manager- face coaching session. coach. Competencies: Provider: Competencies: Provider: • Communicate SeraphCorp Institute • Identify team leaders’ SeraphCorp Institute effectively Training Duration: skill requirements Training Duration: • Influence • Facilitate learning 3 days 3 days decision making opportunities of team • Demonstrate Cost: leaders commitment to SG/PR - $151.30 • Coach team leaders Non-SG/PR - $890 (excl GST) self development Cost: SG/PR - $151.30 Non-SG/PR - $890

If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more and do more, you are a leader. Lead by example at organisational level. Inspire, motivate and guide others to adopt a point of view, make changes or take action. Cultivate an open, cooperative and collaborative learning culture for the organisation. LDR-L3-1: Asian Retail Leaders LDR-L3-2: Coaching for Management LDR-L3-3: Develop Self to Maintain Programme (ARLP) Professional Competence at Senior Management Level Course Objective: Course Objective: Course Objective: Developing retail talent by identifying best Provides managers with the insights, strategies practices in a dynamic retail environment in the and practical skills they need to deliver on Leadership is all about influence and stakeholder Asia-Pacific region with a view to helping retailers employees’ changing priorities and expectations, management. We explore the concept of influence develop effective online and offline retail with the goal of performance excellence. This in detail in this programme. Leaders also learn all strategies. ARLP will give you a comprehensive course will help managers build trusting about emotional intelligence and how to develop learning experience of the modern retail industry relationships with their employees, understand their own Emotional Intelligence using a in Singapore and Shanghai. their needs, take an active role in providing proprietary EI model. meaningful feedback, deal with challenging Competencies: Provider: conversations, and individualize each employee’s Competencies: Provider: SMU development for optimum performance. SeraphCorp • Gain a customer • Communicate Training Competencies: Provider: Training perspective for Duration: Gallup effectively Duration: 4 days • Communicate • Influence 2 days enhanced decision Training Cost: effectively Duration: management and Cost: making SG/PR - • Influence 2 days SG/PR - $248.60 • Build your retail $6,000 organisation Non-SG/PR - Non-SG/PR - management and Cost: $980 (excl GST) strategies for Today $12,000 TBC decision making organisation • Develop own and Tomorrow • Gain perspectives decision making leadership style • Develop own through “New Retail” and capability leadership style during overseas and capability learning journey

What are Core Competencies?

CORE COMPETENCIES are the resources and capabilities that comprise the strategic advantages of a business. These are the four catalysts that will power the speed and quality of execution, enhance collaboration for success and make us daring and different in the market. Innovation Adopt a fresh perspective to combine ideas or information in new ways and make connections between seemingly unrelated fields to create new, different ideas and applications, whilst delivering it effectively through the use of project management tools. Collaboration Work collaboratively and effectively with others to contribute to group efforts to achieve identified objectives through effective communication. Agility Understanding of concepts across multiple disciplines, with the capacity to synthesise the knowledge and insights to guide decisions and foster cooperation. Service Commit to exceeding both internal and external customers’ needs. Proactively identify customer needs and sustain a culture of service excellence within the organisation.

Adopt a fresh perspective to combine ideas or information in new ways and make connections between seemingly unrelated fields to create new, different ideas and applications, whilst delivering it effectively through the use of project management tools and change management. Connect ideas or information from related fields or Connect or combine ideas or information from Create original applications or ideas to reveal new applications to address an immediate issue. unrelated fields or applications to generate possibilities and reshape goals through high level of multiple ideas to bring about a specific outcome. innovativeness. L1-1 L2-1 L2-2 L2-3 L3-1 L3-2 Engage in Innovative Effective Facilitate Design Project Service Problem Project Innovation Thinking Management Management and Lead Bootcamp Professional Innovation Solving and Initiatives Decision Team Making Leaders to Implement Change

Connect ideas or information from related fields or applications to address an immediate issue. INO-L1-1: Engage in Service Innovation Initiatives Course Objective: Participants will undergo the Design Thinking framework, understand key insights, work through idea generation and evaluation as well as rapid prototyping through a series of interactive and fun activities. Learn the importance of framing insights, the desirability-viability-feasibility criteria model and the concept of minimal viable product / service. Competencies: Provider: • Understand the importance of service innovation NTUC Learning Hub • How to generate new service ideas and put into good use Training Duration: of transforming better customer experience • Able to identify and evaluate the potential idea to 2 days Organisational Criteria Cost: SG/PR - $156.40 Non-SG/PR - $556.40

Connect or combine ideas or information from unrelated fields or applications to generate multiple ideas to bring about a specific outcome. INO-L2-1: Innovative Problem Solving INO-L2-2: Effective Project INO-L2-3: Facilitate Innovation and and Decision Making Management Lead Team Leaders to Implement Change Course Objective: Course Objective: Course Objective: This 3-day programme will equip participants with Project management is a critical skill for anyone This course seeks to equip you with the skills to strategies on how to create an environment who needs to lead and manage projects. This help lead change with the right mindset and which fosters a new and innovative approach to course will provide a firm foundation to plan and expectations when faced with change. You will problem solving and decision making. They will manage the entire project management acquire the knowledge to manage change within be exposed to processes, tools and key processes from the initiating stage to the the organisation and emerge as facilitators of takeaways to help them be more effective in this closeout stage. Participants learn to handle change within their organisations. Change will no area. The steps and actions presented are clear challenges including unclear requirements, longer be seen as daunting if it is well managed and practical ones but also ones that can have a unrealistic deadlines, unrealistic budget, frequent and the desired outcomes for businesses can be strong overall positive impact. changes, lack of direct authority, and complex achieved. group dynamics. Competencies: Provider: Competencies: Provider: Competencies: Provider: SIM SQ Centre (part of ODC Training • Provide leadership to • Be able to differentiate MDIS) • Facilitate innovation in Training Duration: Training Duration: create a culture that 3 Days between projects and Training Duration: the workplace 2 Days 3 Days • Manage the supports innovation Cost: ongoing work Cost: SG/PR - $132.60 • Learn to identify all the Cost: implementation of SG/PR - $65 and creative problem Non-SG/PR - SG/PR - $1,097.50 Non-SG/PR - $650 $834.60 people who have a Non-SG/PR - change strategies and solving $1,480 • Facilitating teams to stake in your project – processes • Developing the Change discover and design the ‘stakeholders’ • Recognise elements Agent innovation business • Monitor and evaluate that increase project solutions impact of change success

Create original applications or ideas to reveal new possibilities and reshape goals through high level of innovativeness. INO-L3-1: Design Thinking Bootcamp INO-L3-2: Project Management Professional Course Objective: Course Objective: Design Thinking is a human-centered methodology for Be able to differentiate between projects and ongoing work. innovation. It draws on methods from engineering and design, Learning to identify all the people who have a stake in your combining ideas from arts, tools from social sciences and project – the ‘stakeholders’ and creating a detailed project insights from the business world. The 1-day Design Thinking management plan. bootcamp will enable you to use behavioural insights and discover the human factor in innovation. Competencies: Provider: Competencies: Provider: NUS • Understand and apply concepts • Understand how to execute, SQ Centre Training Duration: of Design Thinking to innovation monitor, control, and close the Training Duration: 1 Day projects project work 5 Days • Understand and use Design Cost: • Learn to manage and motivate Thinking tools SG/PR - $272.85 your team for successful • Carry out prototyping of a Non-SG/PR - $909.50 completion of project proposed innovation concept Cost: SG/PR - $220 Non-SG/PR - $2,200

Work collaboratively and effectively with others to contribute to group efforts to achieve identified objectives through effective communication. Contribute to a positive and cooperative working Facilitate work team activities, provide Establish teams, design and assess tasks to environment by fulfilling own responsibilities and assistance and support needed by team continually improve team effectiveness and cultivate providing support to co-workers to achieve team members and promote ownership and a sense of organisational ownership and a goals. commitment among team members to work cooperative working environment. goals to improve team performance. Overlapping competencies with Agility L1-1 L1-2 L2-1 L2-2 L2-3 L3-1 Build Team Articulate Lead Lead Team Participate Strategic Relationships and Workplace Leaders to in Leadership Communication Discuss Develop Negotiation Ideas and Business Engagement Strategies and Governance Management

Contribute to a positive and cooperative working environment by fulfilling own responsibilities and providing support to co-workers to achieve team goals. COL-L1-1: Build Team Relationships COL-L1-2: Articulate and Discuss Ideas Course Objective: Course Objective: Building effective networks and team relationships to support Equipping you with the knowledge and skills to articulate your organizational and team priorities. Through practical examples ideas fluently, as well as in an interactive and engaging manner to and role play, the participants will be equipped with the essential your target audience. Learning to take into account various skillsets to develop team cohesiveness, as well as managing stakeholder concerns and individual preferences, so as to workplace diversity and be able to manage workplace conflict. communicate effectively to achieve agreement on issues important to your organisations. Competencies: Provider: Competencies: Provider: • Participate in networks ODC • Selecting appropriate NTUC Learning Hub • Develop team cohesiveness • Resolve conflict within the Training Duration: approaches to communicate Training Duration: team 2 Days ideas 2 Days • Ways to encourage responses, Cost: Cost: such as engaging objects to SG/PR - $55 SG/PR - $110.50 Non-SG/PR - $550 explain ideas Non-SG/PR - $695.50 • Logical approach involving opening discussion with own point of view

Contribute to a positive and cooperative working environment by fulfilling own responsibilities and providing support to co-workers to achieve team goals. COL-L2-1: Lead Workplace COL-L2-2: Lead Team Leaders to COL-L2-3: Participate in Negotiation Communication and Engagement develop Business Strategies and Governance Management Course Objective: Course Objective: Course Objective: Building staff ability to communicate in the workplace is This programme aims to equip the learners with the This programme will equip you with the knowledge and a crucial task. A good leader must be able to lead skillsets to lead team leaders in the development of skills to prepare, lead and manage a negotiation communication and engage both internal and external business unit strategies, operational plans and process, and to use a variety of tactics to process customers effectively. This course aims to equip corporate governance management to meet information effectively to negotiate in different participants with the essential skills to lead workplace organizational needs. It also includes providing situations. This course has a strong focus on communications and conduct negotiations to achieve direction and guidance to team leaders through regular negotiation processes in Asia and provides insights organisational goals and win-win outcomes. engagement, modelling of leadership and expected into best practices and pitfalls of negotiation with behaviours. business counterparts in major Asian economies. Competencies: Provider: Competencies: Provider: Competencies: Provider: SQ Centre ODC NTUC Learning • Lead workplace • Facilitate implementation • Components of a negotiation Hub communication by Training Training Duration: Duration: of organisation strategies 2 Days plan Training evaluating and identifying 2 Days • Promote compliance with • Applying communication and Duration: gaps and barriers in 2 Days workplace communication Cost: corporate governance conflict resolution techniques • Develop and communicate SG/PR - $42.50 • Finalising negotiation Cost: plans to implement Non-SG/PR - requirements • Monitoring and evaluating SG/PR - $267.50 • Provide direction and $455.50 communication strategies negotiation outcomes against Non-SG/PR - and mechanisms guidance to team leaders $695.50 objectives Cost: SG/PR - $65 Non-SG/PR - $650

Establish teams, design and assess tasks to continually improve team effectiveness and cultivate a sense of organisational ownership and a cooperative working environment COL-L3-1: Strategic Leadership Course Objective: At the strategic leadership level, leaders are expected to be able to navigate the murky waters of change. In this module, leaders will explore the concept of innovation and how to facilitate innovation in the organisation. We will delve into the disciplines of the Learning Organisation and how to role model and cultivate a culture of learning in teams. Finally, leaders will examine the Balanced Scorecard as a model of performance management. Competencies: Provider: • Facilitate Innovation and Lead Managers to Manage SeraphCorp Institute Change Training Duration: • Monitor Divisional Performance and Develop Reward 2 Days Strategies to Facilitate Achievement of Results Cost: SG/PR - $248.60 Non-SG/PR - $980

Understanding of concepts across multiple disciplines, with the capacity to synthesise the knowledge and insights to guide decisions and foster cooperation. Research and adapt concepts from outside one’s Co-relate material from diverse knowledge bases Synthesise knowledge and insights across disciplinary field of expertise to supplement one’s core to guide decisions and policy making. Participate boundaries to aid strategic decisions and foster knowledge and proficiency. in reflective and trans-disciplinary communities cooperation within and outside of the organisation. within and outside the organisation. Overlapping competencies with Collaboration L1-1 L2-1 L2-2 L2-3 L3-1 Display Lead Lead Team Participate in Strategic Critical Workplace Leaders to Negotiation Leadership Thinking and Communication Analytical Develop Skills and Business Engagement Strategies and Governance Management

Research and adapt concepts from outside one’s field of expertise to supplement one’s core knowledge and proficiency. AGL-L1-1: Display Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills Course Objective: Equipping you with the knowledge and skills to think smarter by applying logical inquiry methodologies to common business problems. Upon completion of this course, you will have developed higher-order thinking processes that result in better problem solving, decision making and creative recommendations to stakeholders. Competencies: Provider: • Understand and Develop Critical Thinking Mindset NTUC Learning Hub • Identifying real business issue or goal using tools • Improve creativity by using out- of-the-box Training Duration: thinking and impossible thinking 2 Days • Influencing and persuading stakeholders Cost: SG/PR - $348.50 Non-SG/PR - $588.50

Commit to exceeding both internal and external customers’ needs. Proactively identify customer needs and sustain a culture of service excellence within the organisation. Exceed customer needs and expectations and handle Anticipate customers’ needs and expectations, Model, lead, train and motivate staff with a focus on service challenges with a positive mindset. and elicit feedback from customers to improve sustaining a culture that encourages commitment to Demonstrate an understanding of the organisation’s service. Build relationships with customers to service excellence and high performance. service vision, mission and values. create and sustain customer loyalty. L1-1 L2-1 L3-1 Role Model the Lead with Champion a Service Vision Service Service Vision Excellence Ethos

Exceed customer needs and expectations and handle service challenges with a positive mindset. Demonstrate an understanding of the organisation’s service vision, mission and values. SVC-L1-1: Role Model the Service Vision Course Objective: This course covers knowledge and application skills in role modelling the service vision of an organisation. It involves demonstrating the characteristics of a role model and promoting a customer-centric culture within the team to achieve service excellence. Competencies: Provider: SQ Centre • Demonstrate the characteristics of a role model that Training Duration: reflect the organisation’s vision, mission and values • Encourage team to deliver service in accordance 2 Days with organisation guidelines Cost: • Promote a customer-centric culture within the SG/PR - $73.10 service environment to achieve service excellence Non-SG/PR - $460.10 • Monitor performance of self and team to ensure consistency with the organisation’s guidelines

Anticipate customers’ needs and expectations, and elicit feedback from customers to improve service. Build relationships with customers to create and sustain customer loyalty. SVC-L2-1: Lead with Service Vision Course Objective: This course covers knowledge and application skills in leading a team to deliver service excellence that is in line with the organisation’s customer-focused strategy. It includes promoting a customer- centric environment and analysing the team’s performance to identify areas of improvement. Competencies: Provider: • Recognise the roles and responsibilities of a leader SQ Centre in operationalising the organisation’s vision, mission Training Duration: and values 2 Days • Promote a customer-centric environment to Cost: influence team to achieve service excellence • Analyse performance of team to identify follow-up SG/PR - $100.30 Non-SG/PR - $631.30 actions for improvement

Model, lead, train and motivate staff with a focus on sustaining a culture that encourages commitment to service excellence and high performance. SVC-L3-1: Champion a Service Excellence Ethos Course Objective: This course covers knowledge and application skills to champion the service excellence ethos in an organisation. It involves the development of a customer-focused strategy that will champion and communicate a service excellence ethos that fosters a customer-centric service culture. Competencies: Provider: • Design a customer-focused strategy that is in line SQ Centre with the organisation’s vision, mission and values Training Duration: • Advocate the service excellence ethos to obtain 2 Days buy-in from internal stakeholders • Evaluate customer-focused strategy to determine Cost: corrective actions SG/PR - $117.30 • Update the customer-focused strategy in line with Non-SG/PR - $738.30 market trends and opportunities

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