Event Sponsors Zajac & Arias, LLC Judy Broudy Harmelin Media Rich Feldman, CPA Chung Do Bitonti Development US Foods Ashley Food Service Sysco Seashore Fruit & Produce Silverstone Bed & Breakfast
Dear Tournament Competitors,On behalf of Germantown Cricket Club, it is our pleasure to welcome you to the 2017 USTANational Men’s Grass Court Championships.Your presence here every summer enhances our rich tradition of grass court tennis, a traditiondating back to the late 1800s. We take great pride in the quality and quantity of tennis playedon our courts. Known around the country for our genuine friendliness and diversity, we havecreated an atmosphere of enthusiasm and camaraderie that enables us to boast being one ofthe most active racquet sports club in the region.We sincerely hope that your experience during the National Grass Court Championships is onethat you will always remember for having played your best, fought your hardest, and felt most athome.Feel free to take a dip in the pool, warm-up in the fitness center, enjoy lunch at our snack bar,join our members for a casual lunch or dinner on the porch, or simply relax in the rocking chairsunder the sycamore tree. We want you to come away with a yearning to come back.Good luck to you all. Have fun and enjoy the moment.Jim ShermanPresidentBoard of GovernorsGermantown Cricket Club
USTA National Grass Court ChampionshipsDear Competitor,Thank you for registering for the USTA National Men's 40, 45 & 50 Grass Court Championships at TheGermantown Cricket Club! I hope you enjoy your stay in Philadelphia and have a sun and fun filled week on thegrass. The tournament week promises to be a busy one. Please take note of the following highlights: Player Practice Saturday, August 19 after 2:00pm • Sunday, August 20 after 2:00pmRequest a practice court by email. Practice courts are first come, first served with more availability during later times. Times will be in one hour intervals, up to four people on a court. Tournament Dinner Tuesday, August 22 • Cocktail hour at 6:30pm, dinner to follow. Tickets for guests are available for $35.00/personPlease read through your player packet carefully and let me know if you have further questions regarding theupcoming week.Wishing you the best of luck during the tournament,Melanie HittingerTournament DirectorZajac & Arias, LLC Special Thanks to Our Sponsors! Harmelin MediaRich Feldman, CPA Bitonti Development Judy Broudy US Foods Chung Do Sysco Stateside Vodka Silverstone Bed Ashley Food Service Seashore Fruit & Breakfast & Produce
USTA National Grass Court ChampionshipsTournament Contact InformationTournament Director: Melanie HittingerTournament Phone: 215-858-0238Tournament Referee: Melissa Jackson, 302-521-2618Tournament Web Page: ID# 350025317Tournament Email: melanie@germantowncricket.orgPlayer RegistrationUpon arrival, please visit the registration desk next to the yellow house to sign in as a GCC guest. Playerregistration will be open during the following times: Saturday, August 19 3:00-6:00pm Sunday, August 20 2:00-5:00pm Monday, August 21 9:00-11:00am Tuesday, August 22 9:00-11:00amClub FacilitiesThroughout the tournament we invite you to make use of all that GCC has to offer. In addition to our 44 tenniscourts (24 grass), we also offer 7 squash courts, swimming pools, fitness center, bowling alley and diningfacilities all located within our historic clubhouse grounds.Club RegulationsPlayers are requested to observe the following policies: Smoking is not permitted on club grounds Cell phone talking use is restricted to the parking lots and cell phone booths within the clubhouse only Only food and beverage purchased at GCC may be consumed on club groundsClub DiningThe dining room and porch are open for lunch Monday through Saturday and Sunday brunch from 11:30-2:00pm. There will be a soup, salad, and sandwich buffet available daily during this time (excluding Sunday).Dinner is served from 6:00-9:00 Tuesday through Saturday.The snack bar in the swimming pool area is open daily from 11:00am onwards and serves a selection ofsandwiches, salads, snacks and beverages.
USTA National Grass Court ChampionshipsCharge AccountsGCC does not accept cash or credit cards in house. Guests to the club may use a guest charge account to makepurchases. This account is linked back to a credit card. Please complete the Credit Card Agreement Form andreturn it to the registration desk upon arrival, scan and email back to me, or fax to 215-438-5086.Tennis Attire & FootwearAll white tennis attire is required. Modest color trim is accepted. This rule applies to socks, hats, warm-ups andany other attire worn on the court. Tennis specific shoes are required. Shoes can be full color, but must have aflat surface and may not have anything protruding from the soles. All players will be subject to a shoe checkprior to each match. Players found to be wearing incorrect footwear risk default from their match.Rules for Play Times of the matches will be set by the referee. Players should report to the referee’s desk 15 minutes prior to their scheduled match time. The schedule of the next day’s play will be available each evening after 8:00pm. It is your responsibility to check with the tournament referee regarding your next match time. This is a USTA/ITF sanctioned tournament. Matches will be played in accordance to ITF rules.Match FormatMain draw matches will be best of three Tiebreak sets. The Coman tie break format will be used. Consolationmatches will feature a 10 point tie break in lieu of a third set.Inclement WeatherIn previous years we haven’t always been treated with the best weather. While we do our best to keep all thematches on grass, occasionally we are forced to move matches to alternate surfaces or indoors in order to keepthe tournament running on schedule. All schedule changes will be posted on the tournament website.In the event of any weather related delays or schedule changes it is your responsibility to find out the time andlocation of your next match. For weather conditions at The Germantown Cricket Club please call 215-848-8777or visit us on the web at
Welcome USTA MEN'S NATIONALGRASS CHAMPIONSHIPSThis week, please enjoy 10% off on allPro Shop merchandise!
Program of EventsSaturday, August 19 Player Registration3:00 - 6:00pm Practice Time (as available)2:00pmSunday, August 20 Player Registration2:00 - 5:00pm Matches begin for 45 and 50 singles3:00pm (Match schedules are listed for the first rounds by the registration desk2:00pm This schedule is subject to change at any time. For official times pleaseMonday, August 21 visit - 11:00am10:00am Practice Time (as available)Tuesday, August 22 Player Registration9:00 - 11:00am Matches begin for 40 singles10:00am Daily matches for 45 and 50 singles5:30pm Player Registration6:30pm Matches begin for 40, 45 and 50 doublesWednesday, August 23 - Daily matches for 40, 45 and 50 singlesFriday, August 25 Complimentary cocktails on the Grass, presented by Stateside Vodka10:00am Tournament banquet held in GCC BallroomSaturday, August 26 -Sunday, August 27 Daily matches for all age divisions, singles and doubles11:30am Daily matches (as required)
2017 Tournament CompetitorsAfsar, Hourad Princeton NJ Fallas, Dario San Pedro CAAlbano, Pablo Newport Coast CA Farber, Gregg White Plains NYAltuna, Esteban Norco CA Fazio, R Bruce Collegeville PAAmerio, Adrian Cheshire CT Feagan, Jamie Orlando FLArmstrong, Alex Pennington NJ Feldman, Richard Plymouth Meeting PABarba, Martin Carlsbad CA Ferman, R New York NYBarth, George Youngstown OH Ferreira, Ellis Bethany Beach DEBeamesderfer, Raymond Philadelphia PA Ferry, Joseph Exton PABennett, Neil Washington DC Fryer, Robert Cornelius NCBlakeslee, Douglas Cheektowaga NY Gifford, Karl Alpharetta GABoettcher, James Havertown PA Grosso, Timothy Chesterfield NJBox, David Oklahoma City OK Grudzinski, Richard North Haledon NJBrady, Michael Huntersville NC Hackett, John Highlands NJBreece, Tom Phoenix AZ Harmelin, Jonathan Villanova PABrown, Keith Philadelphia PA Harrity, Thomas Philadelphia PABurke, Eric Marietta GA Henderson, Zach Charlotte NCBurnett, Jeffrey North Palm Beach FL Hernandez, Al Yardley PACampbell, Bob Lansdale PA Hines, Luis Miami FLCarlson, Andrew Odenton MD Hoey, Frederick Pottstown PACarlsson, Marcio Newport Beach CA Horwitz, Jason Oldsmar FLCarpenter, Robert Monkton MD Hurley, Peter Monmouth Beach NJChapman, Chris Lexington NC James, Peter West Windsor NJChapman, Justin Greensboro NC Jemison, David Lancaster PAChess, Robert Pennington NJ Judge, Marty Jenkintown PAClark, Jeff Lancaster PA Kanetkar, Jayat North Brunswick NJClayton, Chris Devon PA Kearney, Ryan New York NYCollins, Eoin Houston TX King, Richard Berwyn PACramer, Joseph Darien CT Klein, Jonathan Carle Place NYDill, Kenneth Wilmington DE Koeppel, Steven Stuart FLDokken, John Winchester VA Kollmansberger, Mike Brooklyn NYDonadio, William Winter Park FL Kramer, Joe Sewell NJDupree, Marvin Yardley PA Kwon, Young Marlton NJEhrenberg, Michael Pennington NJ Labriola, Robert Waccabuc NYElliot, Lawrence Philadelphia PA Lackey, Thomas Sebring FLFales, Floyd Atlanta GA Layman, Jeffrey Hermitage PA
2017 Tournament CompetitorsLisi, Jason West Chester PA Santos, Paul Jarrettsville MDLittell, David Ardmore PA Sauer, Bryan Wilmington DELoConte, Geoffrey Mamaroneck NY Savran, Steven Wynnewood PAMarshall, David Bethany Beach DE Schiller, Matt Carmel INMassey, Michael Easton CT Schmidt, Richard Orlando FLMast, David Phoenix MD Schnably, Michael Honey Brook PAMather, Ben Philadelphia PA Schroerlucke, Samuel Memphis TNMcColgan, Patrick Columbus OH Scott, Gregory Media PAMcguire, Wade Farmingdale NJ Secada, Marty Dania Beach FLMcNamara, David Delray Beach FL Seneca, Peter Newtown Square PAMichaels, Gregory Laguna Beach CA Skoglund, Fredrik Rockville MDMills, David Media PA Slivocka, Richard Hutchinson KSMitchell, Robert Lancaster PA Sommerfeld, Leet Verona PAMoss, Paul New York NY Soulios, Chris South Bound Brook NJNadebaum, Garry Kerrville TX Stoner, Andrew Cave Creek AZNewton, George Pass Christian MS Svensson, Henrik Bryn Mawr PANistad, Jay Medford NJ Szabo, Istvan Wynnewood PANorton, John Harrisburg PA Tepes, Mark Medford NJNuscher, Robert Severn MD Torrence, Michael Rose Valley PAOberholtzer, Marc Haddonfield NJ Varela, Alejandro Jamaica NYPang, Ryan Mercer Island WA Vebeliunas, Rytas Wilmington DEPastel, Jonathan Greenwich CT Volpe, John Nutley NJPatel, Erik Bradenton FL Waller, Leroy Philadelphia PAPaukstis, Greg Washington DC Walter, Peter Forest Hills NYPeterson, James Parkville MD Wang, James Villanova PAPhillips, Graham New Hope PA Weber, Kevin Limerick PAPope, Timothy Philadelphia PA Wilcox, John Upton MAPurdie, James Atlanta GA Wilks, Jason Stuart FLRaidt, Robert River Forest IL Wolf, Joseph Philadelphia PAReardon, Greg Dunedin FL Yamasato, Felix Greenwich CTRosenblatt, Harris Rockville MD Yevtich, Misha Las Vegas NVRubenstein, Ron Ardmore PA Zajac, Eric Villanova PASanchez, Raul Malvern PA Zuliani, Fernando Newport Beach CASanni, Chris Ambler PA
20 40 Singles 40 Doubles1 Gold Gold Mark Tepes Sanni/Slivocka6 Silver Silver Bull/Pang Chris SanniT Bronze Bronze Ryan Pang Ananiadis/LoomisOUR 45 Doubles 45 Singles GoldN GoldA Oren Motevassel Grover/HernandezM Silver SilverE Garry Nadebaum Wolf/McguireN Bronze Bronze Leonardo Bravo Kim/MotevasselTR 50 Singles 50 DoublesE Gold GoldS Andrew Stoner Cowan/JefferiesU Silver Silver Alumbaugh/Layman Ken White BronzeL BronzeT Young Kwon Whitehead/YoungS
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