How Should you Explain Video ConferencingIf you are one of those who are having a hard timehow to explain video conferencing, you can startby studying the process on your own. You canresearch and get information by browsing theInternet, computer books, and InformationTechnology magazines.Once you have done this, you can explain videoconferencing easier. To make people understandwhat is this new technology and means of virtualcommunication, you must:1. Explain the definition of video conferencing.
By definition, \"video conferencing\" refers to arelatively new means of communicationstechnology that involves voice and video inconnecting users that are the different places.Here, all the parties involved will be talking toeach other face to face 梐 s if they were all inthe same room. People who will videoconferenceneed a personal computer, a web cam, a microphone,and a broadband Internet connection to be able tomake the virtual communication work.Here, the participants or users can hear and seeone another in real time, thus, allowing normalconversations like that those of voicecommunications technology 梠 nly both parties cansee and hear what they people is saying or doingat the same time. A good bandwidth is required forvideo conferencing to work and it's a must thatthe computer has high-fidelity streaming voiceand video to be able to maximize its fullestpotential.
2. Explain the need for video conferencing.To be able encourage people to adapt and acceptthe new technology, it is a must to explain theneed for video conferencing after explaining whatit is and its technicalities. This will make thepeople 梥 pecifically the employees 梤 ealize theneed for it. One of the foremost reasons that youcan point out why you should use videoconferencing is for practicality. Instead ofgoing to meeting physically and travel to places,people can just use video conferencing to explainthat needs explaining.Although telephone calls or emailing would do, itis better to video conferencing because it addsmore impact to the transaction or to the businessat hand. For sales people, this is also beneficialsince they can see the person involved when doinga business, video conferencing will open thedoors to more opportunities and produce more
results. And since your business set up needs alive conversation, the employees shouldunderstand that visual information is an integralfactor of the entire conversation process.3. Show how it works.Although you have explained how it works when youexplained what is video conferencing earlier.Some people might not get the hang of it right away.Aside from verbal explanation, it will be best toshow them how it works and by re-explaining allthe parts of the process. The first that you needto do is to explain is how people from differentplaces can make conversation for a meeting orconference all at the same time.So, what you can do is demonstrate it to them andshow how it works. Set up a video conference withanother person and invite at least five or tenpeople to witness it and participate in theconversation if possible. During the video
conference, show how the visual and audiotransmission of messages are done.You can also show them how the process of sharingdocuments, displaying information in thecomputer or from the whiteboards.
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