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Teachers Book Surah Al-Maun

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Description: Teachers Book Surah Al-Maun


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ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un SURAH 107: AL-MA’UN ‫سورة الماعون‬ SMALL ACTS OF KINDNESS Learning Outcomes: At the end of this Surah, the students will learn: 1. What kindness is. 2. Some examples of kindness in the form of good deeds. 3. Some acts of disobedience that Allah hates and should be avoided. OVERVIEW Al-Ma’un means small acts of kindness. It is a Meccan surah. However, it also contains some Medinan verses. The first three verses of the surah were revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW during his time in Mecca and the remaining verses were revealed in Madinah. This surah is filled with positive messages, especially on the importance of practicing small acts of kindness. Neglecting these small kindnesses is one of the signs of people who do not have Iman. Let us try to discover other important themes in this Surah, verse by verse. Lesson from the Surah We have seen how Allah discusses several examples of the weight of small acts. We might see some small, good actions like treating the orphans nicely are not important or some small bad actions such as praying late as excusable. However, from Allah’s point of view, these acts are very heavy on the scale of deeds. People who truly believe do not belittle all these small acts. Allah then adds that they are always careful with their conduct, even with their smallest acts. TAFSIR CORNER 1. Shaking The Minds Of The Muslims With A Shocking Question “Have you seen him who denies religion?” (1) Allah starts the surah with a shocking question. It is as if Allah is asking: Have you seen those people who do not believe in the Day of Judgment? Do you want to know about the people who already know the truth. Yet still refuse to acknowledge it? Do you know who they are? Do you want to know? 2. Oppressing the Orphans “It is he who derives out the orphans” (2) Allah explains further that they are the ones who are cruel to the orphans. They bully them and call them names. They oppress them and do not give them what they need and should be given.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 1: PUZZLING DEBT Introduction: The focus for the next 3 activities will be on verse 1 and 2. This lesson will be on the term and the concept of “dīn” - meaning debt. What is the importance of learning this term for the children? What are they supposed to internalize or understand from this? How does this increase their iman? Set Induction: In verse 1, Allah asks whether we look at the behaviour of those who deny the dīn. But what is a dīn? And why denying the dīn displeases Allah? Let us play this game. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Identify one of the meanings of dīn, which is debt. 2. Draw a conclusion on the implications of settling and keeping debt. Materials: Sets of puzzles (depending on the number of students). Note: ideally, a group should have a maximum of 5 students. Procedure: 1. Start off the activity by storytelling, introducing to them the concept of debt. 2. Then, to begin the game, divide the students into groups. Each group will get one puzzle set. 3. This is a race, and the groups are given a limited time to complete the puzzle (say, for 5 minutes). 4. Then, set off the race. 5. While the race is going on, the teacher occasionally withdraws some team members from the groups to do other tasks unrelated to the game. 6. While still in the game, the teachers return the withdrawn students to their respective teams, continuing their race. 7. After the time is up, the teacher evaluates the degree of completeness of the puzzles (The team that succeeds in completing the puzzle automatically wins the race). 8. The teacher gathers everyone and reflect on the activity. Lesson: 1. The game is a representation of the concept debt. 2. Completing the puzzle is equivalent to paying off the debt. While failing to complete it is equivalent to failing to pay off the debt. 3. The limited time represents our short life. 4. Our life is a debt that needs to be paid. But to whom do we owe our life? God. 5. This debt can be paid by obeying his commands and prohibitions. 6. This implies that those who disobey Allah are not acknowledging the fact that their life is a debt. 7. And whoever fails to pay their life-debt will not be met with a fortunate fate in the hereafter.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un Assessment: A. Questions related to the concept and implications of debt. Suggestions: 1. What is debt? Ans: it is when we borrow something from others and must return it. 2. What is the implication of paying off debts? Ans: we will no longer owe other people anything. 3. What are the consequences of not paying off debts? Ans: the loaner will pursue us throughout our life to punish us. B. Relate the concept of debt with dīn as religion. Suggestion: 1. Is our life our own or do we owe it to someone? Ans: No. We owe it to God. Because He has created us. 2. How do we pay the life-debt? Ans: by obeying the One who has created us, and by showing kindness to others. 3. What are the benefits of paying this debt? Ans: we will be rewarded in the hereafter. 4. What are the consequences of not paying it? Ans: we will be met with grave punishments in the hereafter.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 2: FALLING ON DEAF EARS Introduction: This lesson will be on the term and concept “takdhīb” that means disobedience. Set Induction: Previously, we have learned about the concept of debt. And recognizing our indebtedness to God is the key to our happiness in the hereafter. But what if someone ignores this indebtedness? What will happen? Let us conduct this experiment to find out. Lesson Outcome: At the end of this lesson, student will be able to: 1. Identify the word “yukadhdhibu” to mean disobeying. 2. Recognize the different shades of disobedience. Materials: 1. Water 2. A jug 3. A tea filters 4. A funnel 5. A bowl 6. A sponge Procedure: Lesson: 1. The water represents God’s commandments. Because water is a life-giving element, therefore God’s commandments are also life changing. 2. If something, say, a plant, avoids from receiving the life-giving property of water, then the thing will be dead. 3. Similarly, when we refuse to obey God, it costs us our life. 5. Some people are totally disobedient like the funnel. Water only goes through it. Not even a single drop remains with it. 6. Meanwhile, some others are like the filter. It only retains a bit of moisture. They are those who strive to be obedient but are met with all kinds of challenges. 7. 6. But the muqarrabūn and the anbiyāʾ, they are like the sponge. They obey Allah without second thoughts. And we aspire to be like them. Assessment: A. Ask about the characteristics of different responses towards God’s commandments. Suggestions: 1. What is an obedient servant like? Ans: A sponge. He absorbs the commandments without second thoughts. 2. What is a disobedient servant like? Ans: A funnel. The commandments pass through him without making him any better. B. Ask about the meaning of “takdhīb”. Suggestion: 1. What is the meaning of “takdhīb”? 2. What is the example of “takdhīb” that we usually see in daily life?

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 3: D.I.Y – FAMILY ‘STICKS’ TOGETHER Introduction: This lesson shifts on the instances of disobedience, one of which is mistreating the orphans. Set Induction: In the previous activity, we have learned about the nature of religion as being indebtedness, and the characteristics of a disobedient servant. But what are some of the actions that exemplify the characteristic? The first one is mistreating the orphans. Let us do an activity to understand why mistreating orphans a form of disobeying Allah is. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Identify mistreating orphans as one of the examples of “yukadhdhibu bi al-dīn”. 2. Find a reason why mistreating orphans is an example of disobedience. Materials: 1. Ice cream popsicle sticks 2. Rubber bands Procedure: 1. Start by asking the students to list down the blessings that they have. Eventually, it should lead to listing having a family as one of the blessings. 2. Ask the students about the importance and advantages of having a family. 3. Give each student a popsicle stick. Ask them to break it. Equate the stick with an orphan who has no family. It is easily broken. 4. Then, give the students some handful of sticks that are tied together with some rubber bands. 5. Again, ask them to break the sticks. These sticks represent those who have a family. 6. Sit together and reflect the lessons Lesson: 1. The sticks represent individuals. One stick is an individual. 2. Alone, the stick could not stand pressure. It easily breaks. 3. However, a handful of sticks is not easy to be broken. In fact, it might even be unbreakable. 4. A person who has a family is like the handful sticks. That person has a support system that helps him to face the world. 5. If he finds the world an unfriendly place, he can always go back to his family and find comfort. 6. An orphan does not have this kind of privilege. When the world is cruel to them, there is no shoulder to cry on. 7. That is why we have to be kind to the orphans. Because we are the only people that they have to count on.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un Assessment: A. Ask the students about the endurance of the sticks. Suggestions: 1. Which group of stick is stronger? 2. How does a handful of sticks withstand pressure more than the single stick? Ans: More sticks enable the pressure to be shared by the individual sticks, making the pressure less burdening. B. Ask about an example of denying the religion. C. Ask about what makes mistreating orphans is a disobedience. Suggestions: 1. What is a behaviour example of denying the religion? Ans: mistreating the orphans. 2. Why is mistreating the orphans equivalent to denying the religion? Ans: because orphans do not have anyone to back them up. Mistreating them displeases Allah. TAFSIR CORNER 3. Withholding from Feeding the Poor “And does not encourage others to feed the needy.” Not only do they refuse to help those that are in need. They also prevent others who would help to feed the poor.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 4: EMPATHY CARDS Introduction: The focus for the next 3 activities will be on verse 2 and 3. This lesson touches on the importance of empathy towards the unfortunate others, especially the orphans. Set Induction: Lesson Outcome: Previously, we have looked at the disadvantages experienced by the orphans and the poor. These people do not have a support system for the hardships that they face in their lives. Therefore, it is we who should be the support system. But how do we support them? First, we must have empathy. But what is empathy? Let us find out! At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Show proper expressions of empathy according to different situations. 2. Describe the meaning of empathy. Materials: Situation cards (accesible from LMS). Procedure: 1. You need to print out a set of Situation Cards which you can print out at the Learning Management System web portal. The situations feature a “he” or a “she” (all children) and are fairly typical situations for kids 5 to 10 years old. 2. The simplest way to play is to cut up the cards then take turns reading them and answering “How would they feel?” To make the game more fun, however, you can use props for your children to explain what the character may be feeling or to give them a selection of choices if they need prompts for their answers. 3. The teacher may continue the discussion to explore how the students can help someone facing that situation. Lesson: 1. Empathy is one way of showing our care and concern towards others. 2. The groups of people who need empathy the most are the orphans and the poor. 3. Also, the privileges that we enjoy are not entirely ours, because they are a loan from God. 4. In the loan, there are also the rights of others. 5. Hence, we need to give others their due rights. 6. This is one of the ways in which we pay our debt to Allah, and one of the ways to show obedience to Him. Assessment: A. Ask about the meaning of empathy and the ways to express it. Suggestions: 1. What is empathy? Ans: It is when we put ourselves in other people’s shoes. 2. How do we show that we care? Ans: By showing concern and sharing our privileges with them. B. Ask about the relevance and rationale of empathy. Suggestions: 1. Why is empathy important for others? 2. How is empathy towards others related to our religiosity?

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 5: FLOWERS OF HOPE Introduction: In this lesson, the empathy then is to be manifested through sharing our privileges with those who are unfortunate. Set Induction: In the previous activity, we have learned about empathy. We have to show empathy towards others who are not as unfortunate as us. But how can we show empathy? Let us make an activity to understand this. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to initiate an initiative to help the unfortunate groups. Materials: 1. Coloured paper 2. Scissors 3. Glue 4. Green straws 5. Clear tape (or patterned, for some added fun) Procedure: 1. Ask your students to find an orphan (a child age below 15) amongst their relatives, neighbours or friends at school. 2. Make some flowers - First cut a few circles out of yellow paper. You will need one circle for each flower. 3. Cut strips of coloured paper. Depending on your circle size, different lengths (and widths) of paper strips will work. 4. Glue the ends of paper strips together, making a paper loop. You will need quite a few (the number depends on the size of the flower you are making). 5. Glue the loops onto one side of the paper circle. We started by sticking 4 at a 90° angle, then another 4 in between and another 8 in between those. 6. Once you are happy with how full your paper flower craft is looking, apply some glue onto the green paper straw and press it in the middle of the flower on the side you glued the ‘petals’. 7. Secure with clear tape. Your paper flower craft is complete. 8. Ask the kids to give their flowers to the orphans or friends that they have chosen. Lesson: 1. This activity is related to the second verse of surah al-Māʿūn. In the verse, Allah asks us to be nice to the orphans and care for them. 2. All Muslims are protectors of one another. So, when we find those in need, we should strive to help them and treat them kindly. 3. The least form of hope that we can give to others is hope. Assessment: Ask about the things that we can do to demonstrate empathy.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 6: CREATIVE COOKING Introduction: This lesson is expanded to another unfortunate group, which is the poor, and how to show empathy and support towards these two groups of people – the orphans and the poor. Set Induction: Previously, we have looked at the first misdeed that the deniers of the religion. They mistreat the orphans. In verse 3, Allah mentions another behaviour of these people. This second behaviour is mistreating the poor. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Identify the second behaviour of those who deny the religion. 2. Initiate an initiative to help the unfortunate groups. Materials: 1. 1 cup full cream milk. 2. 1/3 cup Nutella. 3. Popsicle moulds 4. (Option to change to another food if you do not have access to a freezer). Procedure: 1. First, pour the milk and Nutella in a blender and blend until thoroughly combined. 2. Pour into popsicle moulds. 3. Place the mould in the freezer for 1 hour. 4. Then, serve to your family and friends 5. If you are lucky to meet any poor people, please do not forget to share with them what you have. Cheers! Lesson: 1. The poor people are similar to the orphans. 2. These people are not able to work their way out of poverty. 3. Therefore, it is the society that should do something for them. Assessment: Same as Lesson 3.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un TAFSIR CORNER 4. Curse Towards the People Who Pray “Woe to the worshippers” Then Allah curses the people who perform their Salah. But what kind of people are these people? Why do they pray, but are still cursed? Allah is urging us to think. 5. Heedless Prayers “but are heedless of their prayers” Allah then gives an answer. In summary, these are the people who pray, yet they perform their Salah without khusyu’. And they purposely pray late. And they make their worldly life more important than their prayers. 6. Showing off piety “who put on a show of piety” Allah then adds that they also pray because they want people to see them performing the prayers. They want people to think that they are the people who are very close to Allah while in reality they are only showing off. 7. Stingy in Acts of Kindness “but refuse to give even the smallest help to others” And these people, although they pray, they are nonetheless stingy. They do not want to do good deeds, not even the smallest ones. LESSON 7: PINCHES OF KINDNESS Introduction: The activities after this will be focusing on verse 3 to verse 7. This lesson will be focusing on verse 3, exploring on the effects of small kindness to the unfortunate groups. Set Induction: In the previous activity, we have looked at the instances in which we can act out small kindness towards the needy groups. But do our small acts have any effects on the well-being of these groups? Let us conduct an experiment. Lesson Outcome: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to describe the effects of accumulated small acts of kindness.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un Materials: 1. A transparent glass jug 2. Water 3. A raw egg 4. Salt 5. A spoon Procedure: 1. Pour water into a transparent glass jug until it is ¾ full. 2. Put a raw egg in the water. Observe what happens. 3. Next, put a spoon of table salt in the jug. 4. Add more and more until the egg gradually floats. Lesson: 1. The egg represents the unfortunate groups. 2. Water represents life. And salt represents the kindness that we put into life. 3. When there is no kindness, the orphans and the poor sink to the bottom part of life, where they are left unloved, uncared for, and unheard. 4. However, when we do acts of kindness to them, they will float to be of equal standings with everyone else. 5. Individually, we cannot help these groups. Just as only a spoon of salt does nothing. 6. However, when we collaborate as a society, we can change and improve many things, including the well-being of these people. 7. Just as after some spoons of salt, the egg floats gracefully.. Assessment: A. Ask about the effects of salt to the water and the egg. Suggestions: 1. What does the salt do to the water? Ans: salt increases the density of water. 2. Why does the egg float? Ans: because the egg is now less dense than the water. B. Ask about the effects of accumulated kindness and relate it with the activity Suggestions: 1. If only a few people help the poor and the orphans, can they come out of their misfortune? Ans: No. Because individually we can only help so much. 2. What if the whole society helps these groups, will they succeed? How so? Ans: Yes. Because if everyone helps the poor and the orphans, the many small acts can accumulate to become big 3. Can you explain the relation of the activity with the accumulated kindness?

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 8: PRAYER IS THE WAY Introduction: This lesson focuses on verse 4-6, exploring the concept of ṣalāh (prayer). Set Induction: Previously, we have learned about verse 3 as describing the second behaviour of those who deny the religion of Islam. Today, we will learn about the third attitude of these deniers. They do not perform their prayers wholeheartedly. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson students will be able to explain the consequence of a heedless prayer. Materials: Some toothpicks Procedure: 1. Ask the students to slip the toothpick between three fingers: the index, the middle, and the ring finger. 2. The toothpick must be above the middle finger and under the index and the ring finger. 3. Firstly, ask the students to try and break the toothpick however they can. 4. Then, without bending their fingers and closing their knuckles, ask them to do the same. Can they still do it? 5. Ask them which method would be the right method to break the toothpicks. Lesson: 1. The toothpick represents our prayer. And the breaking of the toothpick represents the acceptance of Allah. 2. If we break the toothpick with the right way, then it will break. 3. Similarly, if our prayer is performed perfectly, then it will be accepted by Allah. 4. Otherwise, insisting on breaking the toothpick with an inefficient way produces nothing. 5. Similarly, if we insist on performing our prayers heedlessly, then our prayer will not be accepted by Allah. 6. And whoever whose prayer is not accepted; he will not enter Paradise. And he will not succeed in this world either.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un Assessment: 1. What makes it easy or hard to break the toothpicks? Ans: The shape of the fingers. When the fingers are straight, they cannot produce much force to exert on the toothpicks. 2. Which method should be the right one? Ans: Bending the fingers and closing the knuckle. 3. If we perform our prayers with our way, would it be accepted? Ans: No. Because Allah wants us to perform prayers according to His way. 4. Can we perform the fajr prayer in 4 rakaat? Ans: No. Because fajr prayer is performed only in 2 rakaat. 5. What will happen to us if we do not perform the prayer wholeheartedly?

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 9: TAKE ONE,...AND ACTION! Introduction: This lesson will explore the concept of small kindness. Set Induction: Previously, we have looked at the practice of prayers. People who perform their prayers heedlessly will be considered as those who deny the religion of Islam. On top of that, they mistreat the orphans and the poor. So, how do we exclude ourselves from being included in this type of people? We need to do kindness and good deeds. How? Let us play something. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson students will be able to: 1. Give examples of small kindness (al-Māʿūn). 2. Perform the acts of kindness. Materials: 1. Ballot paper 2. Pen 3. A glass of water (half-filled) Procedure: 1. The teacher asks the students to write down a few small acts of kindness on the ballot paper. 2. For example, “Hug one of your friends”, “Say thank you to your teacher”, “Apologies to someone you hurt”, etc. 3. Put the ballot papers in the box. 4. All the students must sit and form a big circle and the teacher will be in the center of the circle. 5. One of the students will hold the glass of water. When the music starts, the student who is holding the glass will start to pass it around until the music stops. The glass must be passed around carefully without the water spilling out. 6. The student who is holding the glass when the music stops is required to take out one ballot paper from inside the box and act out the small act of kindness. Lesson: 1. This activity is related to verse 7. 2. Small acts of kindness are easy to be practiced. 3. These acts do not even cost us anything. Assessment: 1. Ask the students to give examples of small kindness (al-Māʿūn). 2. Ask the students to perform the acts of kindness.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 10: KIND WATER BEADS Set Induction: In the previous lesson, we learned about some of the examples of kindness that we can do. But how do these small acts make the difference? Let us make an experiment to understand this. Lesson Outcome: At the end of this lesson, student will be able to see the visual representation of the effects of kindness. p/s See is not measurable, can change to relate the activity and the practicality of life. Materials: 1. Water beads. 2. A cup of water. Procedure: 1. First, prepare the cup of water. 2. Then, put the beads into the cup. 3. Watch the beads grow. Lesson: 1. Kindness is analogous to water. It makes good things grow. 2. Good things are analogous to the beads. They can increase in number and size. 3. When we feed kindness into the things that we do, even if they are small, goodness will grow. 4. And just like the beads, the growth is invisible. But it is there. 5. And everything will be made visible in the hereafter. Assessment: 1. What makes the beads grow? Ans: water. 2. How does water make the beads grow? Ans: the beads absorb water. 1. How can we increase good things? Ans: we increase doing kind acts. 2. How does kindness make good things increase? Ans: because only good people do good things. And kindness is an instance of a good thing.

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 11: MUSLIM UNITED Set Induction: Last time, we have looked at how kindness increases good things. But what are other things that kindness can offer? Kindness can also make us be united. It makes us stronger together. How is that so? Let us make a craft to understand this. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson students will be able to relate the importance of kindness in the unity of a society. Materials: 1. Craft paper. 2. Pencil. 3. Scissors. Procedure: 1. First, prepare a piece of paper. 2. Then, fold the paper according to the steps given in the picture inside the Student Book. 3. Next, draw the shape of half a human on the paper. 4. Cut the image according to the drawn lines. 5. Once done, spread the paper and see the results. Lesson: 1. In the past, the disbelievers used to be united. 2. However, their unity was not based on kindness. 3. As a result, only rich and powerful people were united. And they only took care of themselves. 4. Meanwhile, when the Prophet ruled Makkah and Madinah, he made sure that everyone is united based on kindness. 5. As a result, no one is left behind. And everyone is happy. If a unity is based on something false, it is only a matter of time before something else divides them. 6. However, if we are united based on truth and kindness, we will always be stronger together and live a happy life. Assessment: 1. What is kindness? Ans: sharing our privileges with others. 2. How does kindness make us united? Ans: it makes us trust each other and quick to help others. Because others will also help us without hesitation 3. What is the difference between Muslim unity and the unity of the disbelievers? Ans: Lesson 6-7

ILQ | Teacher’s Book Al-Ma’un LESSON 12: JOURNAL Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson students will be able to illustrate the lesson journey in a journal. Materials: 1. Papers 2. Colour pencils 3. Optional: Paper decorations Procedure: 1. Give the students a few pieces of paper printed with pictures of people praying, orphanage, poor people, and let them paste the images on another piece of plain paper. 2. They can also draw extra pictures themselves of what they have been learning throughout the month about surah Al-Ma’un. 3. They may decorate their papers as they wish! The teacher will check their journal once a month. Lesson: Repetition and self-directed learning are part of effective learning. The students can revise what they have learnt throughout the months by writing down the lessons. END OF LESSON PLAN

Teachers Book Surah Al-Maun

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