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Home Explore Story Book Surah Al-Layl

Story Book Surah Al-Layl

Published by cs2.ilq2020, 2021-09-17 03:57:39

Description: Story Book Surah Al-Layl


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92 ‫ﺳﻮرة اﻟﻠﻴﻞ‬ The Night STORY BOOK

IDEA & CONCEPT BY PUBLISHER Cordoba Leadership Center Sdn. Bhd. iLuvQuran WRITERS AND RESEARCHERS Muhammad Yusra bin Ahmad Hulaimi Adam Affiq bin Yaakop Nurul Adilah binti Abdullah Syamilah Heng binti Kamal Koh EDITORS ILLUSTRATOR & DESIGNER Nur Zahirah binti M Sukran Faiz bin Sahri Faizal bin Razali Amiratussaadah binti Mohd Nasarudin DISTRIBUTOR Cordoba Leadership Center Copyright© 2021 Cordoba Leadership Center Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permission Coordinator,” at the address below : iLuvQuran No. 23-1, Jalan Dataran Wangsa 1, Wilayah Dataran Wangsa, Wangsa Melawati, 53300 Kuala Lumpur

‫ورسۃسوارلوۃرۃاشلابمللليدسل‬‎‫س‬‎ TThheeMMeeaanniinnggooffTthe Surah The Night 4

‫سورسۃورالۃ الشليملس‬‎ ‎ 92 Verse 4 Various Efforts 12

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 4 ٤ ‫إِ َّن َس ۡع َي ُك ۡم لَ َش َّت ٰى‬ Indeed your efforts are diverse. Let's Read Together Humans’ actions are just as diverse as His creations. Some are good and some are bad. Good people sometimes do bad things, while bad people sometimes do good things. Some people want to please Allah but eventually invite Allah’s anger. While others want to be happy but they tread on a path that leads to misery. So, what kind of deeds will bring both reward and happiness? Dictionary Diverse : Various, very different. Tread : Walk. Misery : Feeling distressed, in hardship. 13

‫‪‎ ‎ 92 Verse 5 & 6‬سورسۃورالۃ الشليملس‬ ‫‪Giving‬‬ ‫‪14‬‬

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 5 & 6 ٥ ‫َفأَ َّما َم ۡن أَ ۡع َط ٰى َوٱ َّت َق ٰى‬ As for him who gives and is pious, ٦ ‫َو َص َّد َق بِٱلۡحُ ۡس َن ٰى‬ and believes in goodness. Let's Read Together Firstly, giving away wealth to those who need it. Secondly, having taqwa, which is to obey Allah’s commands and to avoid transgressing His prohibitions. Thirdly, believing in the truth – that Allah is one and Prophet Muhammad is His Messenger. All of these are good deeds. So, what will be the outcome of these deeds? Dictionary Prohibition : Things that are forbidden and against the rule. Outcome : Result, effect. 15

‫‪‎ ‎ 92‬سورسۃورالۃ الشليملس‬ ‫‪Verse 7‬‬ ‫‪Ease‬‬ ‫‪16‬‬

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 7 ٧‫َف َس ُن َي ِّس ُر ُهۥ لِ ۡل ُي ۡس َر ٰى‬ We will ease his way towards ease. Let's Read Together The outcome is ease. What does it mean? First, Allah will ease us in matters of Islam. Second, He will make life easy for us. Third, He will ease our way to Heaven. And Allah will make us happy throughout our lives in this world and the next. Such is the guarantee for people who do good. What about the other kind of deeds? Dictionary Guarantee: Promise 17

‫‪‎ ‎ 92 Verse 8&9‬سورسۃورالۃ الشليملس‬ ‫‪Stingy‬‬ ‫‪18‬‬

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 8 & 9 ٨‫َوأَ َّما َم ۢن َبِخ َل َوٱ ۡس َت ۡغ َن ٰى‬ But as for him who is stingy and complacent, ٩‫َو َك َّذ َب بِٱلۡحُ ۡس َن ٰى‬ And denies goodness. Let's Read Together The other kind of deed is being stingy and snobbish with wealth. And also to deny the truth and good efforts. These are all bad deeds. What is the outcome of these behaviours? Dictionary Snobbish : arrogant and proud, feeling that you are better than other people. 19

‫‪‎ ‎ 92 Verse 10 & 11‬سورسۃورالۃ الشليملس‬ ‫‪Misery‬‬ ‫‪20‬‬

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 10 & 11 ١٠‫فَ َس ُن َي ِّس ُر ُهۥ لِ ۡل ُع ۡس َر ٰى‬ We will ease his way towards difficulty. ١١=‫َو َما ُي ۡغنِى َع ۡن ُه َمالُ ُه ٓۥ إِ َذا تَ َر َّد ى‬ And his money will not help him when he falls. Let's Read Together A person with these behaviours will face difficulties. Allah will make his life suffering and make it easy for him to fall into Hell. Can he get away if he had enough money? Yes, he might pay for treatment or bribe his way out. But that will only happen in this world. Money is not the currency of the Hereafter. It will have no use there. Can he also buy guidance with money? Dictionary Suffering : Feeling of pain and unhappiness. Bribe : paying someone to do something in a dishonest way, or to persuade people with money. Currency : a system or quality in use for everyone generally. 21

‫‪‎ ‎ 92 Verse 12&13‬سورسۃورالۃ الشليملس‬ ‫‪Hidayah‬‬ ‫‪22‬‬

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 12 & 13 ١٢‫إِ َّن َعلَ ۡي َنا لَ ۡل ُه َد ٰى‬ It is upon Us to guide. ١٣‫َوِإ َّن لَ َنا لَ ۡل َـٔا ِخ َرةَ َوٱل ۡ ُأول َ ٰى‬ Indeed to Us belong the next life and the present. Let's Read Together No, he cannot buy it. Guidance belongs to Allah alone. All the wealth in this world belongs to Him too. Even the whole universe in this life and everything in the Hereafter is Allah’s. So only He can give us the most valuable thing which is guidance for the Hereafter, and also good well-being in this world. Dictionary Guidance : Help and advice on how to face problems, direction towards a solution. 23

‫‪‎ ‎ 92 Verses 14-16‬سورسۃورالۃ الشليملس‬ ‫‪Wicked‬‬ ‫‪24‬‬

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verses 14-16 ١٤‫فَأَن َذ ۡرتُ ُك ۡم نَا ًرا تَ َل َّظ ٰى‬ So I have warned you about the blazing fire. ١٥‫ٱل ۡ َأ ۡش َقى‬ َّ ٓ‫يَ ۡص َلىٰ َها‬ َ ‫إِلا‬ ‫لا‬ None will burn in it except the very wicked, ١٦‫َوتَ َول َّ ٰى‬ ‫َك َّذ َب‬ َّ ‫ٱل ِذى‬ Who denies and turns away. Let's Read Together Allah reminds us of Hell so that we take seriously about His words before. The heat in Hellfire is unbearable, its fires are towering high, its punishments are deadly. Only the most wicked person will enter it. But what did the wicked person do? The wicked person ignores when he is given reminders. Dictionary Unbearable : Too painful for you to experience it. Deadly : Extremely and completely dangerous. Wicked : Morally bad, harmful to others. 25

‫سورۃ الليل‬‎ 92 Verse 17-20 Pious 26

Verse & Translation Verse 17-20 ١٧‫َو َس ُي َج َّن ُب َها ٱل ۡ َأ ۡت َقى‬ The most pious one will be kept away from it, ١٨‫َيتَ َزك َّ ٰى‬ ‫َمالَ ُهۥ‬ ‫يُ ۡؤت ِى‬ َّ ‫ٱل ِذى‬ who gives his money to purify himself, ١٩‫َو َما ل ِ َأ َح ٍد ِعن َدهُۥ ِمن ّنِ ۡع َم ٍة ُتۡج َز ٰٓى‬ not to return a favour to anyone, ٢٠‫ٱل ۡ َأعۡل َ ٰى‬ ِ‫َر ّبِه‬ ِ‫َو ۡجه‬ ‫ٱبۡتِ َغآ َء‬ َّ ‫إِلا‬ But only for the sake of his Lord, the Most High. Let's Read Together People who are protected from the Hellfire are the most pious ones. One who spends money on those in need and asks for nothing in return. He only wants to please Allah. He knows that Allah wants him to be kind and compassionate to other people. So he did it out of love of Allah and love of others with sincerity. 27

‫‪‎ ‎ 92 Verse 21‬سورسۃورالۃ الشليملس‬ ‫‪Satisfied‬‬ ‫‪28‬‬

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 21 ٢١‫َولَ َس ۡو َف يَ ۡر َض ٰى‬ And he will be satisfied. Let's Read Together And their hope will not be in vain. Allah will accept their deeds and He will bestow them with His acceptance. Whoever is accepted by Allah will never live a life of misery. They will be utterly satisfied. Dictionary Vain : Useless, fail or no result. Bestow : Give present. Satisfied : Happy and please when we get something we want. 29

Summary Surah al-Layl tells us that: If there is a contrast between night and day, male and female, then there is also a big difference between good and evil. Continuing from Surah al-Shams, it further tells us about the two ways of life: the good way and the evil way and the consequences of both ways. Synonyms Pious = Righteous; Religious; Virtuous Promise = Pledge; Guarantee; Assure; Oath Hidayah = Guidance; Gift; Advice 30

Antonyms ‫ال ُأ ۡن َثى‬ ََ ‫الذكر‬ Female Male ‫ال ُع ۡس َرى‬ ‫ال ُي ۡس َرى‬ َ ُ ۡDifficulty Ease ‫ٱلأولى‬ ‫الآ ِخ َرة‬ Former/The first Latter/The next Lessons 1. If we want something, then we have to work hard to get it. If we are afraid of something, then we should work hard to stay away from its causes. 2. Everything that helps us in this world does not necessarily help us in the Hereafter. So, we have to rely fully upon Allah and deeds that can save us in the next life. 3. Be sincere in all actions especially when dealing with other people. Help others and do work for the sake of Allah SWT is the best Muslim character. 31

Icons The Night Covers The Bright Day Pairs Various Efforts Ease Pious Misery Wicked 32

‫سسووررۃۃ االلبلليدل‬‎‎ Mind Map 92/114 ‫سورۃ الليل‬‎ It is a The Night Meccan Surah. Name Main of Surah: Objective of the al-Layl means the Surah: night. It is a pair for the The Surah highlights the Surah before, al-Shams characteristics of people which means the Sun. which are generous and Themes of the stingy. Surah: 33 Ayah 1-3: Allah’s oath upon His creations that are created in pairs. Ayah 4-11: Three efforts of a Mu’min and three of a Kafir. Ayah 12-19: Characteristics of those who will enter the Fire. Ayah 20-21: Characteristics of those who are saved from the Fire.

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