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Story Book Al-Kawthar

Published by cs2.ilq2020, 2021-07-15 03:42:12

Description: Story Book Al-Kawthar


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108 ‫ﺳﻮرة اﻟﻜﻮﺛﺮ‬ Abundance STORY BOOK

IDEA & CONCEPT BY PUBLISHER Cordoba Leadership Center Sdn. Bhd. iLuvQuran WRITERS AND RESEARCHERS Muhammad Yusra bin Ahmad Hulaimi $GDP$ϒTELQ<DDNRS Marwah binti Saari Nurul Adilah binti Abdullah EDITORS ILLUSTRATORS & Amiratussaadah binti Mohd Nasarudin DESIGNERS Faizal bin Razali Syamilah Heng binti Kamal Koh Inda Hayati Samsi $LV\\DKELQWL$KPDG6KDULϑ Nur Zahirah binti M Sukran Faiz bin Sahri DISTRIBUTOR Cordoba Leadership Center Sdn. Bhd. Copyright© 2021 Cordoba Leadership Center Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permission Coordinator,” at the address below : iLuvQuran No. 23-1, Jalan Dataran Wangsa 1, Wilayah Dataran Wangsa, Wangsa Melawati, 53300 Kuala Lumpur

The Meaning of the Surah Abundance 2

All Verses űj žńj ŋğ ɉ‹Ŵj ZŠ Ƨh û ŋğ ɉ‹jĬğ ‹ƈ ɯŋh hľźl ŭh lů‹ūh ZŠ Ŷh lžśh ȭl h=mĵȫğ j? ̃ŋû Ņh ûŵ‹bh ūh jɅk ŋh jɉŮj k ŕh hŦ ̄Щi hФƕû ϖh û ϓ‹źh Ÿi ūh Ĵh jŵĵőh `ğ j? 3

108:1 Gift 4

Verse V&eTrsreanslation 1 ̂ŋh hľźû ŭh ůû ‹ūh ZŠ Ŷh žû śh ȭû h=Įğŵj? We have certainly given you al-Kawthar. Let's Read Together The Prophet said that the river is whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. On the day of Judgment, believers will drink from it to quench their thirst while waiting for their turn to be judged. However, some will not be allowed to drink from it because they have disobeyed Allah in this world¹. ¹ Sunan al-Nasa'i, Book 11, Hadith number 904. 5

108:2 PSraaycerrifiacned 6

Verse V&eTrsreanslation 2 ̃ŋû Ņh ûŵ‹bh ūh jɅk ŋh jɉŮj k ŕh Ŧh So pray to your Lord and sacrifice to Him. Let's Read Together Allah commands the Prophet and us to perform prayers and sacrifice animals. These two actions are performed to show our obedience to Allah. And only those who obey Allah will be allowed to drink from al-Kawthar. 7

108:3 Rahmah 8

Verse V&eTrsreanslation 3 ɱЩi hФƕû ϖh û ϓ‹źh Ÿi ūh Ĵh jŵĵőh `ğ j? Surely, he who hates you is the one cut off (from God's blessings). Let's Read Together Prophet Muhammad will never be forgotten, the true believers love and honor him. Meanwhile, the people who hate him will be cut off from all the good things in the world and the hereafter. 9

Summary Rewards are abundant for those who obey Allah and love the Prophet and follow his messages and teachings. Islam will always prevail until the end of time, the name of the Prophet will always be mentioned and honored, and Muslims will always be under the protection of Allah. This protection is al-Kawthar. Characters & Icons of Surah Gift Prayer & Rahmah Sacrifice 10

Glossary Abundance : Plenty Qurban : Sacrificing animals to feed the poor. Rahmah : Allah's grace & mercy. Moral Values 1. We must have faith in the help of Allah. 2. We must strive to be qualified to drink from al-Kawthar by performing prayers and sacrificing animals. 3. The name of the Prophet lives on in prayers, salawat, poems, stories, songs etc. Therefore, we can participate in enliving his name by performing all of the above and practicing his Sunnah. 11

Notes 12

Story Book Al-Kawthar

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