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Home Explore Tafseer al-Takathur

Tafseer al-Takathur

Published by cs2.ilq2020, 2020-10-28 04:53:37

Description: Tafseer al-Takathur


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OVERVIEW SURAH ICON OF THE SURAH: two punching gloves facing each other, symbolizing rivalry. INTRODUCTION: Surah al-Takāthur is a Meccan surah. “al-Takāthur” means “competing in accumulating wealth”. This surah addresses those who are too busy gathering wealth and showing it off to others. These acts, without them knowing, will one day destroy themselves. This punishment that has been promised will not only be inflicted in the hereafter, but also in this life. The difference is, in this world, the punishment will be experienced unknowingly, while in the hereafter, they will surely realise the punishment that day have brought upon themselves. Also, in this surah, it talks about levels of certainty towards Allah’s promise. First is the certainty of knowledge (ʿIlm al-yaqīn) which has been conveyed by the Prophets and Messengers about the hereafter. Second, is the certainty of vision (ʿayn al-yaqīn) of a situation (that has been previously told while living in dunyā) that we will face in the hereafter. Last, there is the absolute certainty (ḥaqq al-yaqīn) of the consequences of their acts in the hereafter. 1) Over Abundance as a Distraction. “Abundance distracts you” Allah opens the surah with a bold statement. Wealth has totally led those who heedlessly gather it towards a strayed path. Furthermore, Allah uses the word “Takāthur” which does not literally translate to wealth, but excessive wealth. Excessive abundance can mean anything from excessive eating, sleeping, and spending money and so on. They do this for a worldly purpose, that is, to make people feel amazed with them. 2) They are Distracted until They Die. “Until you visit the graveyards.” This activity of excessive enjoyment of worldly pleasures distracts them from being attentive towards what is coming, which is the life after death. Worse, even at the moment of their death, their hearts are still attached to the world.

3) The Truth Will Be Revealed. “Indeed, you will know!” Allah declares forcefully that the truth will be made known to those who are still heedless about the consequences. 4) A Reaffirmation of What Is Coming. “Certainly, you will know!” This verse means that people will know the truth of Allah's promise at the moment of death. The repetition in these verses can be viewed as emphasizing that people cannot evade the outcome of their actions. 5) Knowledge of Certainty. “If you knew with knowledge of certainty.” The first level of uncovering is through description. Allah has described to those who are so attached to this world that bad consequences are awaiting. This knowledge is revealed while living in dunyā and will be emphasized when in the grave and the hereafter. Some of their coming punishment in hell will be given from the moment they are laid in their grave. They are not yet in hell but they are a step closer to it. 6) Seeing Hell. “You will surely see the Hellfire” This verse emphasizes the indication that people will see Hellfire before entering it. 7) The Eyes of Certainty. “Then you will see it with the eye of certainty.” This verse is an indication that they will know their fate with certainty when they enter into it (hell or heaven). 8) The Absolute Certainty. “Then, on that Day, you will be questioned about the delight you have indulged in.” People will be questioned about what they have done with the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon them while on earth, everything will be accounted for. They will face the promise that has been told and in this phase, there is no longer doubt of what is to come. They cannot deny the truth anymore.

SUMMARY: Al-Takāthur relates to al-ʿAṣr in that it gives a typical example of how man has been wasting his life by hoarding wealth and thinking that this is the highest achievement to be proud of. Al-Takāthur also relates to al-Humazah in that people who are arrogant with their wealth will naturally backbite other people.

Tafseer al-Takathur

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