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Teachers Book Al Mutaffifin

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Description: 83 TB AL MUTAFFIFIN BI


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SURAH 83: AL-MUTAFFIFIN ‫سورة المطففين‬ THE DEFRAUDING SURAH OVERVIEW Surah al-Mutaffifin is the last surah that was revealed in the Makkan period, which resulted in some scholars thinking that it is from the Medinan period. Based on the sequence of revelation, it was revealed after Surah al-Inshiqaq. In the Quran, however, it comes before al-Inshiqaq. Even so, the coherence between the two surahs portrays Allah’s wisdom even when the sequence of revelation is in reverse. “al-Mutaffifin” means those who cheat in any form of business - whether in trade or otherwise. The term is taken from the first verse of the surah. The theme of the surah pertains to the hereafter. In the first six verses, humans are scolded for regularly practising fraud in their trades. When they demand their rights from others, they do so uncompromisingly. They do not want even a single ounce of their rights compromised. But when other people demand the same from them, they try as hard as they can to slack off. They would provide something less than the value paid to them. The reason why they find no problem at all in practising such immoral acts is that they do not believe in the hereafter. Until people realize that they will be brought before God and be questioned, it is impossible for them to be honest in their daily transactions. They may have been honest in other aspects of their life, but when things apparently go south for them, they resort to dishonesty. True and lasting honesty can only arise when people fear God sincerely. Because they would not think of honesty as a policy, but as a moral obligation. And, hence, they would not opt for honesty only when it benefits them.

So, after explaining the relationship between human behaviour and their belief, Allah explains the records that keep all the deeds of these frauds and cheaters in the blacklist of Hell (Sijjin). Whoever whose names are registered therein will be punished in Hell. Meanwhile, good people’s deeds are recorded in the name list of Heaven (Illiyyin) the registrars of which are the noble angels. In conclusion, the believers are given good news and the disbelievers are reminded of their gruesome fate in the hereafter. Good begets rewards and evil begets punishments. Surah al-Mutaffifin is related to Surah al-Insyiqaq as a commentary on the books that will be given to everyone - who are the keepers of the books, how are its contents recorded, and what are the contents therein. Surah al-Insyiqaq then continues the explanation on how the books will be handed to their owners and the implications therewith. On the other hand, this surah is related to Surah al-Infitar by giving a detailed picture of who are the registrars and keepers of the books (kiraman katibin). It also describes the hereafter, the event of reckoning, and replies to some of the rebellious claims made by the disbelievers.

TAFSEER & ACTIVITY WEEK 1 1. The Mishaps of the Mutaffifin. “Woe to the cheaters.” Originally, the word “mutaffifin” comes from the word “tatfif”, to refer to something petty in Arabic. In the Quran, however, it refers to the fraudulent behaviours of the disbelievers. This relates the two by giving a value, or a lack thereof, to the cheating disbelievers. In other words, they are considered worthless. And Allah promises them with “wayl”, which is a grave misfortune. 2. Greedy in Trade. “Those who, when they take a measure from people, they take in full.” Who are these frauds? They are those who, when demanding their rights, are uncompromising. They bully others just so that their rights will be fulfilled to the maximum. They do not want to tolerate even a little. They are not even being reasonable in doing it. They just love to trouble others into fulfilling their whims. For example, when buying with a big note, they would demand that the change for that note be returned even when it will not, in any way, make them poor. 3. Miserliness in Weighing. “But when they measure for others, they cheat.” On the other hand, when they have to fulfil the rights of others, they would slack off. For example, when selling, they would weigh the products sneakily. They do not want the buyers to know the actual weight of the product so that they can sell less at a higher price. Or they would use a broken balance and other forms of cheating. But their lies are not even big. The word “yukhsirun” means to cheat on small scales. When they slack off, they do not do it clearly such that the buyer might have noticed it. But even if the buyers noticed it, they could not bring it up as a big matter because the deception is too small to make a fuss with. In the end, the buyers just have to suppress their anger. It is because of these kinds of deception that Allah steps in as the avenger.

4. Denying Resurrection. “Do they not know that they will be resurrected?” Then, Allah raises a question whether they realize or not that they will be resurrected one day. This verse is unearthing something more fundamental than just small-scale scams. These people trick others because they do not believe in the hereafter. But is the relation between the two? Small scams are different from big lies because big lies are easier to be caught redhanded. Small scams, on the other hand, are done by those who are usually afraid of getting caught. So, when they did it the first time, they would do it experimentally. When their experiments succeeded, they would try it again, out of a conviction that no one will know and he will not get caught. Then, they would do it more regularly. This is where they become negligent of the fact that they are being watched by Allah and soon they will be questioned after they die. 5. The Big Day. “For the Big Day?” That is the Day of Resurrection where the whole of mankind will be summoned from their graves to be held accountable. This is the day where Allah will make important decisions pertaining to the fate of all of mankind. The word “azim” means something firm and sturdy. It refers to the day where no one is able to escape its decree. And this is described in Surah al-Infitar. 6. Standing Before God. “The Day when mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds?” Everyone, whether the cheaters or the cheated on, all of them will be brought before Allah. So, not a single person whose rights have been compromised will be left unavenged. Every victim will be avenged by God.

7. Records of Bad Deeds. “Not at all. The record of the wicked is in \"Sijjin\".” Indeed, not at all. What they thought of is wrong in thinking that the day will not come. They can trick their own hearts all they want, but the threat will surely arrive. And the threat is guaranteed when the angels of “kiraman katibin” have already recorded all the scams and deceptions that they have done. Their names are already registered as the residents of Hell. The title given to the people who do the bad deeds are called the “fujjar”. It refers to those who do bad deeds without thinking twice and do not feel any guilt. In fact, they take pride in what they do. 8. Prison for the Wicked. “But how can you know what Sijjin is?” Then, Allah asks whether they are able to know the “Sinjjin” or not. The word “sijn” means prison, but “sijjin” is a prison far more dangerous than any ordinary prison. 9. It is A Thick Book. “It is a book of records.” Then Allah explains what “sijjin” is. It is a book that records all the names that will surely reside in Hell. “Marqum” means writing that is engraved on something such that the writing cannot be deleted forever. It is like a scar on the skin. Therefore, those who do bad deeds and take pride in them shall be registered in the book of “Sijjin”.

LESSON 1: A FAIR SCALES (verses 1-3) Introduction: This activity is related with the beginning of the surah, the fraudulent behaviours of the disbelievers. Set Induction: In verses 1-3, Allah rebukes those who fraud in business. How do they fraud? They reduce the weight of sales in scales, and greedy in buying goods or merchandise. What do the scales look like? Let’s do an activity to understand the fraud and the importance of being fair. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Complete the activity by understand the concept of scales in trading. 2. Comprehend frauding in scales is a sinful act by the disbelievers who do not believe in hereafter. Materials: - cloth hanger - thread - hard paper / small box - scissors - various objects Instructions: 1. Tie a thread at both ends of the clothes hanger. 2. Cut and fold the hard paper into a container, and tie it at the ends of the thread. 3. Find a place to hang the hanger. 4. Create an activity to keep the hanger balanced. Lessons: - Balance is one of the characteristics of justice. - We must be fair in all our daily activities, not just in business. - We must always fulfill the rights of others, and not be too insistent in claiming our rights. Lesson Assessment: 1. What happen when you put heavier object inside one of the box? 2. Have you ever experience the fraudulent while buying things or in your daily activities? What is your action? 3. Allah said fraudulent is the act of disbelievers who do not believe in hereafter. Why is that?

LESSON 2: NAMES CARVING (VERSE 9 & 20) Introduction: After explaining fraud is the biggest sin in scales and warn us to avoid it, Allah mentioned that all of our deeds, good or bad will be written on His side. Set Induction: In these two verses, Allah mentions the names of those who will be the resident of heaven or hell. Their names have been engraved in a book that will never be deleted forever. Let's do an activity to understand what is the form of the engraved note is. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Finish the activity successfully by engraved a beautiful design of what they wishing for. 2. Identify there are two books of records and it will determine our fate in hereafter. Materials: - bar of soap - pencil - A4 paper - scissors - butter knife - paper clip - paintbrush Instructions: 1. Apply the soap outline on the paper. 2. Then, draw a shape in the outer line of the soap on the paper. 3. Cut out the sketch. Mount the sketch on the soap. 4. Use a wooden pencil to engrave the outline of your sketch on the soap. 5. Cut off the excess portion of the soap using a plastic butter knife. And the soap dust brush uses a paint brush. 6. Use paper clips to carve finer parts. 7. Finally, engrave the design of the inside of your soap using a wooden pencil. 8. Refer: ( Lessons: - The word \"marqum\" means a record that will never be erased, as if the irremovable carving on a stone. - Therefore, we must always be fair and pious, and avoid from frauding. - If we behaving well, our names will be engraved in the list of the residents of heaven. - If not, our names will be engraved into the list of the hell residents.

- And once our name is engraved, a place to live will be assured. - Therefore, those who are guaranteed being place in heaven will not be thrown into hell and those who are threatened with hellfire will no longer be saved. Lesson Assessment: 1. What is the meaning of “marqum”? 2. All of us want to Heaven residents. How are we going to be assured our place to live in the hereafter? What should we do? 3. What are the names of book of records?

TAFSEER & ACTIVITY WEEK 2 10. A Great Mishap for the Deniers. “Woe on that Day to the deniers.” These are the people who cheat in transactions. 11. The Day of Judgment Denials. “Those who deny the Day of Reckoning.” And these people deny the reality of the Day of Resurrection, the day where debts will all be settled justly. 12. Staunch Sinners. “But none denies it except the sinful aggressor!” These people transgress all the boundaries set by Allah. And they transgress it by purpose and arrogantly. And they are also staunch sinners (athim). This is related to verse 4 where they frequented deceptions that their hearts have turned black. At this point, the word denial (takdhib) has been repeated thrice, which shows the intensity of Allah’s displeasure and their stubbornness to remain in transgression. 13. The Deniers of Al-Quran. “When Our revelations are recited to him, he says, “Those are only tales of the ancients!” Their stubbornness makes them deny, and even ridicule, the Quran as mere folklore and legend, stories told to scare children. 14. Impure Heart. “Indeed! Their hearts have become corroded by what they used to earn.” In reality, they do not have any excuse to deny the Quran. What makes them believe what they believe is their dirty hearts, which have been corroded by sins. As a result, something true appears to them as false and ridiculous.

15. Prevented from Mercy. “Indeed! On that Day, they will be walled from their Lord.” These people will not get to see Allah, because they have closed their hearts with sins. So, on that Day, they will be excluded from Allah’s mercy. Also, they could not see Allah because their eyes will be fixed onto something. 16. Residents of Hell. “Then they will roast in Hell.” “Then it will be said: This is what you used to deny.\" That something is the fiery Hell that awaits them. They will not only enter it but also reside in it for eternity. They used to deny the punishments promised for them. And now, the very punishments that they deny will torment them forever. 17. Records of Good Deeds. “Know, indeed, that the record of the righteous is in “Illiyin”.” At the same time, for the good people and the believers, their records are registered in the “Illiyyin”. This word comes from the term “alwun” which means something high and noble. Some scholars think that this word refers to the angels who are close to Allah and they preserve the books for the believers. And it can also refer to the high place in Heaven, prepared as a residence for the believers. 18. High Place. “But how can you know what Illiyin is?” Then Allah asks provocative, whether humans can know about the “Illiyyin” by themselves or not.

LESSON 3: RAHEEQ MAKHTUM, DRINK OF HEAVEN (VERSE 25 & 26) Introduction: After Allah glorifies the book of deeds of the good people and He glorifies their position, then Allah also explains that they are in the blessings of heaven. Set Induction: In verses 25 and 26, God describes the reward that will be given to those who successfully enter the heaven. The reward comes in the form of a drink specifically for the inhabitants of heaven. What does the drink look and taste like? Let's do an activity to imagine the deliciousness of the drink. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Complete the activity by making the drink and taste it then describe the taste. 2. Describing the blessing in heaven; - resting on a soft couch. - has a radiant and glowing face. - given to drink with raheeq makhtum, whose container is sealed. 3. Understand that we need to strive to be members of heaven in order to taste all the blessings that are in it. Materials: - A bottle of honey - Musk perfume - lemon - ice - Opaque bottle Instructions: 1. Mix water, honey and lemon to make honey lemon juice. Then, place the ice. 2. Then, fill an opaque bottle with the water mixture. Close tightly. 3. After that, apply musk perfume on the bottle. 4. During activity time, invite students one by one to taste the water without first informing them of its contents.

Lessons: - Those who enter heaven will be served with favors specific to them only, and will not be shared with others. - They are given a drink (pure wine) that is not mixed with anything that can ruin it. Its container is sealed with musk and no one can open it except the believers. The end of the taste is the smell of musk. - To obtain such, let those who wish to grab it race; that is, immediately obey God by following all His commands and stay away from His prohibitions. - This means that the act of racing should be directed to things that can lead to heaven rather than hell. Lesson Assessment: 1. What is raheeq makhtum? 2. Have you ever had a delicious drink? How does it taste? 3. Which blessing and reward of heaven that you dreamed of?

TAFSEER & ACTIVITY WEEK 3 19. Books of Records. “It is [also] a book of records.” This verse then answers the question raised earlier. This is a book that records all the good deeds of the believers, just like its counterpart that records the bad deeds of the disbelievers. The records are engraved on the pages of the book, unremovable. 20. Angels as Witnesses. “Witnessed by [the angels] who are brought near [to God].” These books are only available for the eyes of those who are close to Allah. Who are they? They are a specific group of angels. They ensure that the books are well-preserved and free from alterations. Some opinions also refer to the martyrs who died in the path of jihad. Immediately after they die, they enter Heaven. And when the Day of Judgment comes, they are summoned back to witness the books of their deeds that have been kept well. At that point, they will know that the deeds that they performed in this life belong to the deeds of the righteous. And that Allah’s promises are true and fulfilled. Hence, they become more satisfied and grateful for the rewards given to them. 21. Enjoying the Rewards. “Indeed, the righteous will be amid bliss.” The word “na’im” is the name of a level in Heaven, where its residents will be surrounded only with blessings. Everywhere they look, they will only see blessings. Everything in their excites them. 22. Beautiful Scenery. “On thrones, looking on.” They are enjoying the view in Heaven without having to move and trouble themselves. Allah has prepared for them a throne, a high sitting place. Whenever they sit on the throne, they are

able to see the whole panorama of Heaven without having to move. And they get to see all the blessings that Allah has provided for them. 23. Radiant Faces. “You will recognize on their faces the radiance of bliss.” And the faces of the residents of Heaven could be identified by their faces that radiate light. 24. Exclusive Drinks. “They will be given to drink a sealed wine.” Then, while they are enjoying the view, they will be served a drink. “Yusqawna” means to be served with a drink. This means that they do not have to make an effort to get it. They do not have to get up, get the glass, pour the drink, and lift the glass and anything. There are servants that will do it for them. “Rahiq” means wine, but this type of wine does not intoxicate. And it is clear and fragrant. The word “misk” means fragrant. And the bottle from which the drink is poured is sealed, which means that the bottle is never spoiled by anything. It is preserved well and is opened only for them. 25. Fragrant Seal. “Whose seal is musk—this is what competitors should compete for;” Not only that, even the bottle itself sells nice. The smell is not so strong but not so weak. It smells just nice to excite their taste. When the wine goes past through their throat, it will make even the throat smells nice. And this is contrary to the wines of this world where it makes the drinker’s breath smells bad. And then Allah declares that all of these are the blessings are the real blessings worth of competition. So, humans should only compete for Heaven and not the world. 26. Mixture of Tasnim. “Its mixture is of Tasnim.” “Tasnim” means something which comes from a high place. Therefore, tasnim can be understood to mean a spring that is placed at a high spot.

27. Exclusive Spring. “A spring from which those brought near drink.” Among the early Muslims, most of them were slaves and poor people. They were looked down upon and were despised. Therefore, they were a group of people who did not get to enjoy the blessings of the dunya. When they wanted to have a drink, they could only afford to drink from the well. They did not get to taste sweet drinks and nice meals. Hence, the blessings mentioned to exist in Heaven are a kind of motivation intended for them, so that they can remain patient for just a little while more. LESSON 5: RACE TO HEAVEN (VERSE 26) Introduction: Allah declares that all of these blessings are the real blessings worthy of competition. Set Induction: In verse 26, Allah encourages those who desire the blessings of heaven to race to obtain them. Let’s prove our seriousness in the pursuit of such favors by playing a game. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Complete the game and be able to drop all the coins into each space in their egg carton. 2. Conclude that we must race to get into heaven as it is really worth fighting for. Materials: - 2 egg cartons - coins Instructions: 1. To start the game, start by marking two lines: the start line and the U-turn line. 2. Divide the students into several teams. 3. Place an egg carton (lid open) in the center of the row, one for each team. 4. Next, place a bowl containing enough coins for each player. 5. The first player from each team starts the game by racing to the bowl and taking one coin.

6. Then, they ran to their team’s egg carton and, from waist height, dropped a coin into one of the carton compartments. 7. The game ends when one team has managed to drop all the coins into each space in their egg cartons. Lessons: - Whoever races to pursue the blessings offered by Allah, then he will get it. - This is because Allah has promised His blessing to anyone who earnestly strives to obtain it. Lesson Assessment: 1. Have you ever joined a race before? 2. We have to race to pursue the blessings offered by Allah. What is your action to get the blessings? LESSON 6: THE MEMBERS OF HEAVEN LAUGH (VERSE 34) Introduction: After the members of heaven have recalled their fate in this world, they look at the situations in Hell, wherein the disbelievers are being tormented. Set Induction: In verse 34, the believers are described as laughing because they are comforted by the blessings that God has bestowed on them. It shows that they are in a very pleasant and entertaining state. How was the situation so much fun and entertaining? Let's play a game. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Finish the game by hold their laughing without being caught. 2. Understanding being such patience will be rewarded with a paradise that is very full of blessings.

Materials: - All students Instructions: Let’s explore some ideas for a class activity: 1. Partner Funny Faces: Pair your students together and instruct them to take turns making funny faces at one another. 2. The ‘Copy My Laugh’ Game: Have all the class attendees stand in a close circle. The teacher can start off with a laugh that will then be copied by the next person, and so on. The goofier, the funnier! 3. No Smile Game: Again, pair off your kiddos and have them see who can withhold from smiling the longest – sure to make all the kids laugh pretty quickly. 4. ‘Funniest Thing that Ever Happened to Me’ Stories: Your class can sit in a circle and take turns telling the funniest event in their lives to date. If I ask my 68-year old father to retell the time he hit his brother in the head because he thought he was a stranger in the middle of the night, he would cry with laughter in the re-telling. That’s the point here: laughter is contagious. Lessons: - We must be patient with the trials of the world, both the trials of life and the trials that come from human evil deeds. - This is because such patience will be rewarded with a paradise that is very full of blessings. - The blessings are so comforting, that we will never remember the hardships we went through in the world before. Lesson Assessment: 1. Have you ever been laughed at? How do you feel? 2. Is it funny laughing at someone else’s weaknesses? What do you think? 3. We must be patient when being tested. How long can you hold your patience?

TAFSEER & ACTIVITY WEEK 4 28. Laughed at the Believers. “Those who committed crimes used to laugh at those who believed.” And while they are enjoying the blessings in Heaven, the believers begin to recall their experience in this world. They were laughed at by the disbelievers and were thought of as crazy people for believing in the legends of the Quran. 29. A Degrading Stare. “And when they passed by them, they would wink at one another.” When the disbelievers were around the believers, they would always signal one another in a mocking fashion. They were mocking the believers. 30. Wicked Family. “And when they went back to their families, they would go back exulting” But they were not satisfied yet. When they got home, they would continue to make fun of the Muslims with their family, telling them how they did it proudly. 31. Accusing the Believers of Madness. “And if they saw them, they would say: These people are lost!” And they would say to each other about the Muslims that they are actually lost, meaning crazy. They are busying themselves with life after death, a life that, to the disbelievers, will never come. 32. Not Dispatched As Guardian. “Yet they were not sent as guardians over them!” This verse can be understood in the sense that the disbelievers claimed that the Muslims have lost their way. Ironically, however, they still spent most of their times poking their noses around the matters of the Muslims. So, if Muslims are really lost, then why did they involve themselves with matters that did not concern them?

33. The Disbelievers Laughed at the Muslims. “But on that Day, those who believed will laugh at the unbelievers.” After they have recalled their fate in this world, they look at the situations in Hell, wherein the disbelievers are being tormented. And then they laugh thinking that it is ironically funny that once the disbelievers thought they are so tough. Turns out, it is clear on that day that they are actually helpless. How the tables have turned. 34. Watching in the Heaven. “On luxurious furnishings, looking on.” And then they watch the situations of the disbelievers from Heaven. If in this world they were oppressed, and the disbelievers were watching them. Now, they are watching the disbelievers being punished. The difference, however, is that in this world, the disbelievers were watching from not that more comfortable place, because even they had to stand under the sun. But now the Muslims do not have to share in the discomfort. They can just watch from afar and enjoy the blessings in Heaven. 35. The Retribution of Unbelievers. “Have the unbelievers been repaid for what they used to do?\" Then the residents of Heaven ask one another: “Hasn’t the situation changed now? Haven’t the disbelievers received their punishments now? And hasn’t our fate become better now? And don’t all of these ultimately prove that God’s promises are true?” The answer to all of the questions is, indeed, yes. SUMMARY Surah al-Mutaffifin scolds those who cheat even with a small cheat. They refuse to believe in the hereafter. And it also describes two types of deeds, two types of people in the hereafter, and the two types of retribution that they will receive. And while the disbelievers suffer from never ending regrets, the believers enjoy their rewards among themselves. And they continue to be grateful to God.

LESSON 7: KEYWORDS Introduction: This lesson focuses on the general themes and lessons of the surah. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to familiarize themselves with the new terms in surah al-mutaffifin. Materials: Arabic Keywords Translations New keywords the defrauders / the cheaters mutaffifin who take full measure yastawfun yukhsirun miserliness yawmin azim the big day ( day of fujjar judgment) the wicked sijjin a book of hell residents kitabun marqum a book of records mukadhdhibin the deniers yawm al-din judgment day mu’tadin athim the sinful aggressor

asatir al-awwalin ‫َم ْح ُجوبُون‬ tales of the ancients mahjubun ‫أَ ْب َرار‬ abrar sealed off illiyyun ‫ُمقَ َّربُون‬ the righteous muqarrabun nadratun na’im a book of heaven residents rahiq makhtum those nearest ˹to Allah˺ (angels) the radiance of bliss a sealed of pure wine Procedure: You may use your own ideas to do this exercise. For example, like: Wordwall / Anagram/ Word Puzzle etc. LESSON 8: JOURNAL OF SURAH AL-MUTAFFIFIN Set Induction: Let us write a journal to record all the lessons learned, so that the lessons will remain in our hearts. Lesson Outcome: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to recap the lesson in Surah al-Mutaffifin. Materials: Journal Procedure: 1. Update the activities of surah al-Mutaffifin in the journal. 2. Write down the lessons that you have learned in the verses.

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