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Home Explore Lesson Plan Surah Al-Qadr

Lesson Plan Surah Al-Qadr

Published by cs2.ilq2020, 2021-04-01 04:40:17

Description: Lesson Plan Surah Al-Qadr


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WEEK 1 INTRODUCTION In the first week, the themes that will be focused on are introducing the technical meanings of the word “qadr” and how they explain the significance of the night. Related to the night is the sign of the night which is indicated by the sighting of the moon and the time it signifies. Therefore, activity Day 1 introduces the night. Next, activity Day 2 teaches the phases of the moon and its importance in identifying the coming of laylatul Qadr. On Day3, the activity teaches the signs of the night and how to detect them. ACTIVITY 1: KNOWING AL-QADR LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Students are able to explain about: ● The night of al-Qadr ● Name of Al-Qadr ● Shades of meanings Al-Qadr ● Significance of Al Qadr 2. Students will be able to memorize all the meanings of the term “al-Qadr” approximately correctly. 3. Students will be able to recognize the month in which the night occurs. SET INDUCTION What do you usually do at night? Sleeping, right? Do you think everyone is asleep at night? Of course, right? But do you know that there is a night in which everything is awake? And we, too, are encouraged to be awake and worship Allah? It is the night of “al-Qadr”. What is this night? Let us explore! MATERIALS INSTRUCTION LESSONS In the last 10 days of Ramadan you should increase your worship, prayers, duʿā & reading the Quran because the rewards are immense! Allah will forgive all of your sins. Regarding the timing of Laylatul Qadr, it comes most likely on the 26th or 27th night of Ramadan or in any one of the last ten days. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. What can you tell about: ● The night of al-Qadr? ● Name of al-Qadr 2. What is the meaning of the term al-Qadr? 3. Significance of al-Qadr based on its different meanings. 4. In which month the al-Qadr happen?

ACTIVITY 2: FACES OF THE MOON LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Students will be able to differentiate about the phases of the moon correctly. 2. Students will be able to relate between the phases of the moon and the months of the year calendar. SET INDUCTION Last week, we already learn and know about Laylatul Qadr. But, as we know and see, moon has many different shapes. Sometimes, we cannot see moon at all. Sometimes, we can see the full moon. Is the any relationship between moon and the month of the year calendar? How do we recognize the shapes of different moon? MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. A lightbulb. 1. You will be needing a dark room. 2. A small white ball. 2. Switch on the lightbulb at the center of the room. 3. A dark room. 4. A chart of the moon phases. This will represent the sun. 3. Position yourself as the Earth by holding the small LESSONS white ball between you and the lightbulb. The small white ball represents the moon. 4. Now, rotate your body anti-clockwise slowly. 5. While you are rotating, compare the light-shadow proportion that you see on the small white ball with the moon phase’s chart. 6. Recognize the different phases of the moon. And identify in which phase a new month begins. 7. Also, identify which phase represents the last 10 days of Ramadan. The moon is the measurement by which we measure and identify the coming of a new month. And this is also the method by which we identify the coming of Ramadan – a month in which Laylatul Qadr happens. Therefore, knowing the phases of the moon is important for us to know when Laylatul Qadr will come. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. Ask the students to identify the phases of the moon. 2. Ask the students to identify in which part of a month does a phase of the moon represent (e.g.: a crescent moon represents the early and last part of the month). Suggestion: 1. Draw and label the phases of the moon. 2. Based on the phases of the moon, what does the moon look like in the different point of the month? ● Beginning of a month. ● Middle of a month. ● End of a month.

ACTIVITY 3: MOON SIGHTING BINOCULARS LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Students will be able to identify the phase of the moon that signifies the nearness of Laylatul Qadr correctly. 2. Students will be able to create a pair of binoculars and its use step-by-step. SET INDUCTION How can you know that the night of al-Qadr is just around the corner? By looking at the phase of the moon. And how can you look at the far about? away moon? By using a pair of binoculars. Let us make our own binoculars to look at the moon. INSTRUCTION MATERIALS 1. Toilet paper rolls. 1. Ask the students to decorate the toilet paper rolls 2. Red and black markers. with markers. 3. Hole-puncher. 4. Hot glue. 2. Now punch holes on both sides of the tube. 5. String. 3. Stick both the tubes together using hot glue. 4. Thread the string through the holes. It’s ready! LESSONS Surah al-Qadr narrates the special features of the month of Ramadan. Before the coming of Ramadan, we need to look at the first moon sighting of the month to be sure of its beginning. Also, we can use the binoculars to keep an eye on the night of al-Qadr if it comes. So, let's have a look at the moon! LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. Show the students a chart on the phases of the moon. Ask them to identify in which stage of the phase does Laylatul Qadr occur. 2. Ask them to make a replica of binoculars. Suggestion: 1. Based on this chart, which stage does Laylatul Qadr regularly take place? 2. What is a pair of binoculars? And how do we use it?

WEEK 2 INTRODUCTION In week 2, the focus will be on the situations and environments of the Night of “al-Qadr”. In Day 1, the activity visualizes the situation described in verse 4. The angels come down to Earth like rain. They come in an uncountable number and they come in big batches. Activity Day 2 touches on the event of the revelation of the Quran. It recalls the first time in which the Quran was revealed, which was in the cave of Hira’. And finally, Day 3 concludes all of the information about the night of al-Qadr by pointing to the significance of the night. Spiritually, it is the night where all sorts of goodness are set in place. Meanwhile, religiously, it signifies the coming of a very important celebration in the Islamic calendar. It is the celebration of Eid al-Fiṭr. ACTIVITY 1: ANGELS IN THE RAIN LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Students will be able to picture the visual representation of the situation in which the angels come down to the Earth in batches. 2. Students will be able to understand the process of the phenomenon of rain with the correct sequence. SET INDUCTION Now that we have learned about when and why the night of Laylatul Qadr takes place every year, let us explore the what. What are some of the events that take place at that night? One of the things that take place is the coming down of batches of angels to this world. What is the situation like? Let us conduct an experiment. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Glass jar. 1. Pour two inches of hot water into the canning jar. 2. A ceramic plate (for covering the jar). 2. Cover the jar with a ceramic plate face up. 3. Hot water. 3. Wait 3 minutes to continue to the next step. 4. Ice cubes. 4. Put ice cubes on the plate. 5. Observe your homemade water cycle. LESSONS In verse 4, Allah says that the angels come down to Earth to honour the blessed night. The angels are so many, they even exceed the number of raindrops. In a hadith, it is said that every drop of rain is brought down to Earth by a specific angel. This activity is to give a picture on how unaccountably numerous are the angels. And how blessed is the night that all the angels that exist come down to Earth, leaving all of their respective tasks with the permission of Allah. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. Ask the students to make an experiment on the process of rain. Along the way, ask them to explain how rain occurs.

Suggestion: 1. Describe the situations when the angels come down? What happens? 2. Based on the experiment, can you tell the process of the phenomenon of rain? ACTIVITY 2: THE NIGHT AT HIRA’ LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Students will be able to generate the value of the night. 2. Students will be able to express the situation of the night in art form. 3. Students will be able to label the characters that were involved during the night of Al-Qadr. SET INDUCTION In the first verse of the surah, Allah says that the Quran was revealed in the night of “al-Qadr”. Which means that the night that the Quran was revealed was the first Laylatul Qadr ever. What was that night like? Who were the characters that were involved in that extremely special event? Let us find out. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. A shoe box. 1. At the beginning of the class, ask the students to 2. Black colour papers. recall the lessons of Day 1: Week 1. 3. Glue. 4. Star stickers. 2. This is a demonstrative activity. The teacher 5. Plasticines. demonstrates and tells the stories of how the first 6. Water colours. revelation came down. 7. Paint brushes. 3. While doing so, the teacher assigns students to LESSONS depict the situations of the story using the materials provided. 4. Wrap the shoe box with a black colour paper and glue on some start stickers. This box resembles the black and silent night during the revelation night, as well as the night of Laylatul qadr. 5. Inside the box, use clays to form the cave of ḥirāʾ and its surroundings. 6. Additional creativity is very much allowed and welcomed. Al-Quran was revealed to the prophet during Laylatul Qadr. Every year in Ramadhan, Allah simulates the event on the same night. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. Ask the students to make a shoebox art and craft based on the story told about the night. 2. Ask the students to include in the art and craft the characters that are involved in the event. Suggestion: 1. What value can we take from the night of Laylatul Qadr? 2. Based on the activity, what can you tell about the situation of the night? 3. Name the character that involved during that night.

ACTIVITY 3: TIN PUNCH LANTERN LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Students will be able to state about the month of Shawwal and the celebration that is in it. 2. Students will be able to relate the relationship between Laylatul Qadr and the celebration of Eidul Fiṭr. SET INDUCTION When Laylatul Qadr has come, then what? Why is Laylatul Qadr important? On one side, it signals the closing of the month of Ramadan. On the other hand, it is signalling the coming of a new month, and a new celebration. What is it? It is the month of Shawwal. And we celebrate Eidul Fiṭr this month. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Pie tin. 1. Cut out the design and tape on the pie tin. 2. An Eid or Ramadan design that fits into the tin. 2. Ask the students to poke holes by following the 3. Paper piercer or push pin. 4. Battery operated candle. pattern. Make sure the holes are spaced evenly. 5. Sticky tape. 3. Make a hole at the top of the pie tin and thread a LESSONS string or ribbon through it. 4. Affix the battery-operated candle to the inside of the pie tin and hang it. Surah Al Qadr is associated with the month of Ramadan because it narrates about Laylatul qadr. So, as an effort to celebrate Ramadhan's arrival, let's do this craft! Also, the coming of Laylatul Qadr implies that the celebration of Eidul Fiṭr is coming near. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. Ask the students about the months of Islam, specifically the positions of Ramadan and Shawwal. 2. Ask the students about the special values of the two celebrations. Suggestion: 1. In the twelfth month, what month do you feel happy to be in it? Where you meet all your family? 2. What is the common feeling that Muslim feels in the night of Laylatul Qadr and Eidul Fiṭr? 3. What are the values of this celebration?

WEEK 3 INTRODUCTION In week 3, we are going to explore some other meanings of the term “al-Qadr”. One of the meanings of the term is accumulative good. It is a good that multiplies itself countlessly. When someone does ibadah at that night, his deeds will be multiplied to exceed even the worth of a thousand months and more. In other words, it has a domino effect on all our future endeavours. This is the theme of Day 2 activity. And this first theme entails the second theme, which is the pervading goodness of the night. That night, nothing bad is destined to happen. Instead, only good things will fill the night. And this will be the theme of Day 3 activity. ACTIVITY 1: GAME – DOMINO EFFECT LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Students will be able to state one of the meanings of the term “al-Qadr”. 2. Students will be able to explain the meaning of accumulative good. 3. Students will be able to generate the concept of accumulation through the domino activity. SET INDUCTION Do you know the word “al-Qadr” actually has many meanings. One of it is explained by verse 3. This verse explains that the goodness that pervades this night will have a ripple effect for more than a thousand months. How can that happen? Let us make a simple activity to understand this. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Block domino 1. Ask the students to place blocks of domino side 2. Small ball by side. There can be many shapes, for example 3 3. Ruler, eraser and pencil. small ‘A’s in one big ‘A’. LESSONS 2. Use a Ball as the starter. 3. Rulers, erasers and pencils as the DIY track for the ball to roll. The Domino Effect states that when you make a small change and effort to something it will activate a chain of reactions and cause big shifts in other aspects as well. Just like Laylatul Qadr, although we do a small good deed, it brings the blessings of a 1000 months. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. Ask the students about one of the meanings of “al-Qadr”. One of the meanings is “accumulated good”. Suggestion: 1. In your understanding, what is the meaning of accumulative good? 2. Based on the Domino activity, what can you understand with ‘accumulated good’? 3. What is one of the meaning of the al-Qadr?

ACTIVITY 2: GAME – ‘GOOD VIBE CARD’ LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Students will be able to explain one of the meanings of the term “al-Qadr”, “pervading goodness”. 2. Students will be able to nurture the importance of doing and being good in themselves. SET INDUCTION Another meaning of the word “al-Qadr” is pervading goodness. This goodness is so intense that no bad things can have any appearance at all. This is explained by verse 5. During that night, goodness fills the night up until the first morning light appears. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Medium hard paper 1. Teacher prepares the activity for the students by 2. Scissor cutting a paper into the size of a credit card 3. Color pen (85mm x 53mm). LESSONS 2. Teacher needs to know the special strengths and positive characteristics of each student and write it on each card. 3. Give the card to the students randomly. Each student must get one card. 4. Ask them to find their friend who has the special strengths and positive characteristics shown on the card. 5. Teacher concludes the activity with the encouragement to do good things every day to everyone. This activity focuses on knowing positive characteristics and spreading love. It reflects the things that happen during Laylatul Qadr. The angels descend to earth and pray for the people who perform ibadah at that night. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. Ask the students to list the good that they can find in others. 2. Ask the students about how they feel when their goodness is being mentioned and acknowledged by others. Suggestion: 1. One of the terms of al-Qadr is ‘pervading goodness’. What can you tell about this meaning? 2. Why is being good is important for us and our surroundings?

WEEK 4 INTRODUCTION In this week, we are going to touch on the morning aspect of Laylatul Qadr and the Quran as being the topic of the surah. This will be the activity of Day 1. Day 2 focuses on the sunnah that were practiced by the Prophet in the morning. And on Day 3, the activity focuses on making a journal of Surah al-Qadr. ACTIVITY 1: PRAYING TIME LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: 1. Identify different phases of morning time. 2. Pair the different words used in the Quran to describe morning time to the phases of morning time. SET INDUCTION In the last verse, Allah says that the goodness that fills the night of Laylatul Qadr will be extended until morning. Do you know that in the Quran, there are many verses that talk about night and day? Furthermore, even in talking about the morning time, there are many words that are used to describe different phases of morning. So, at what kind of morning does the Laylatul Qadr end? Let us take a look. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. A pen (or anything straight and long). 1. Get the ball rolling by asking about the total hour 2. A torchlight. a day has (24 hours). LESSONS 2. Then, ask the students about the division of the 24 hours: “How many hours is the daytime? And how many hours is the night time?” (12 hours each). 3. Next, ask the students about the morning hours: “How many hours does a morning time have? From what time to what time?” (From 12 am to 12 pm). 4. Now, introduce to the students about the different words to describe morning time in the Quran: saḥr, ṣubḥ, fajr, ḍuḥā. 5. While introducing the terms, the teacher can demonstrate the phases of morning time with the torchlight and the pen. 6. Lastly, ask the student about which word does the surah use to refer to morning. 1. Saḥr refers to the time before ṣubḥ. It is usually the time where we have our saḥūr for ṣawm. At this time, the sky is still dark and is not different from night time. It starts usually at 4 am and ends at 5.30 am. 2. Saḥr means fascinating. It is called by that name because it is the time where our hearts are at its most peaceful state. That is why in these hours we do qiyam al-layl. 3. Ṣubḥ is the time for morning prayer. It usually starts at 5.30 am and ends at nearly 7 am.

4. At this time, we can already see some red linings at the sky. This signals the coming of day time. The sun is about to come up. 5. Ṣubḥ means emerging. It refers to the sun slightly emerging from afar to brighten the whole world. 6. Fajr is the time where the sun introduces itself. At this time, the sky is half dark half bright. It usually starts at 7 am and ends at 7.30 am. 7. Fajr means splitting. It is called so because at this time, the sun is splitting the darkness of the night with its radiant light. 8. Ḍuḥā is the time when the sun is already up, but it is not yet hot. And it is the time where people are already starting to get to work. It usually starts at 8 until near to 12 pm. 9. Ḍuḥā means soothing light. It refers to the soft light that the sun radiates in the morning. 10. In the surah, Allah uses the word “fajr”, which refers to the 3rd stage of morning. This means that the blessings and security that Allah promises are being extended more than the usual time. LESSON ASSESSMENT Students need answer the questions during the game. Formative: 1. Step 1-5. Summative: 1. Step 6.

ACTIVITY 2: MORNING SUNNAH LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to list down the morning sunnah of the Prophet. SET INDUCTION Do you know that the Prophet was the most active in the morning? Even in the morning, he usually did many things. What are the things that the Prophet used to do? Let us find out! MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. A pen. 6. Based on the previous activity, divide the paper 2. A paper. into four parts: saḥar, ṣubḥ, fajr, and ḍuḥā. LESSONS 7. In each part, ask them what are the things that the Prophet usually did in his life. 8. The teacher can refer to this link for guidance: ( sunnah-routine/) 1. There are many verses and hadith that describe the morning time as a blessed time. 2. For example, there is a hadith where the Prophet prayed for goodness to those who are active in the morning. 3. Sakhr ibn al-Ghamidi reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “O Allah, bless my nation in their early morning.” 4. Therefore, to benefit the most from the morning time, we should copy the Prophet in his morning acts. LESSON ASSESSMENT Formative: 1. Ask the students to try and fill all the sections that correspond to the phases of morning with the sunnah of the Prophet. Summative: 1. Ask the students to list down the sunnah of the Prophet in the fajr phase. 1.

ACTIVITY 3: JOURNAL OF SURAH AL-QADR LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, student will be able to: SET INDUCTION Teacher recall all the lesson about surah Al-Qadr. To remember the lesson and revise it, let us put it in a beautiful journal! MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Printed pictures. (From online portals). 1. Provide the students with pieces of printed paper 2. Pencils colours. pictures. 3. Optional: Paper decorations & stickers. 2. Let them paste the images on their exercise LESSONS books/pieces of plain paper. 3. They also can draw extra pictures of what they have been learning throughout the month about surah Al-Qadr. Students can revise what they have learned throughout the lessons from surah Al-Qadr.

Lesson Plan Surah Al-Qadr

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