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Home Explore Al-Ikhlas


Published by cs2.ilq2020, 2020-10-22 16:11:07

Description: Al-Ikhlas


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Al-Ikhlas Surah THE SINCERITY 112/114 THEME Allah is One, with \"Ikhlas\" literally no heir or rival. means sincerity or purity. This title shows we must be sincere in glorifying Allah. This surah is also called Surah At-Tauhid, from 'Ahad' in the first verse.

1 God MAKKIYYAH VERSE 1: 4ThiVs EsuRraSh EhaSs SUMMARY Allah's Oneness. Allah's Oneness is VERSE 2: absolute and we must Allah's Perfection. glorify and worship Him alone. VERSE 3: Allah's eternity - begets not, nor was he begotten. VERSE 4: There is no rival to Allah, exalted is He.


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