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Home Explore Lessons Plan Surah Al-Ghashiyah

Lessons Plan Surah Al-Ghashiyah

Published by cs2.ilq2020, 2021-04-01 04:42:31

Description: Lessons Plan Surah Al-Ghashiyah


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WEEK 1 INTRODUCTION This week focuses on the themes found in verse 2-7 and verse 8-10, which are on the two groups of people that can be identified on the Day of Judgment. These two groups are represented by their faces, that is frowning faces and bright faces. The frowning faces are the residents of Hell, whereas the bright faces are the residents of Heaven. Day 1 touches on the science of cactus, which will be the only dish served for the residents of Hell. The next day, Day 2 explores the blessings that will be rewarded to the residents of Heaven, one of which are dream houses. ACTIVITY 1: THORNY FLOWER (VERSE 6): EXPERIMENT. LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Identify the punishment for the residents of Hell based on verse 2-7. 2. Understand the science behind cactus. SET INDUCTION In verse 6, it is told that the disbelievers will be served nothing in Hell. However, there is only one type of food that will be served to them, that is the plant of ḍarīʿ. Do you know? Cacti can survive the heat of the desert with very limited water resource. Let’s conduct an experiment to understand the ability of cacti to conserve water. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Tissue paper. 1. Prepare a tray with water. 2. Waxed paper. 2. Lay down some tissue papers on the tray 3. Paper clips. 4. Tray. to make it mildly wet. 5. Water. 3. Then, roll up another sheet of tissue paper and wet it. Clip it with a paper clip so that it remains rolled up. 4. Next, roll another tissue paper and cover it with a wax paper. Clip it. 5. Put these two rolled up tissue papers onto the tray. Leave the tissue papers in an open space for several hours. 6. Come back to see the result of the experiment and observe the difference between the water quantity in both of the rolls.

LESSONS 1. The roll with the wax paper will take a longer time to dry up compared to the roll without the wax paper. 2. This is because the wax paper prevents the water from being absorbed by the tissue paper outside of it and evaporated. 3. Similarly, the wax layers that are found on the cactus skin prevent the water inside the cactus from being evaporated by the heat from the sun. This allows it to not lose much water. 4. In this world, cactus can only be eaten by camels. This is because only camels have the type of mouth needed to chew and swallow the thorny cactus. 5. We must always ask for protection from being thrown into Hell, so that we do not have to consume this thorny and harmful plant. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. How many groups are there mentioned in surah al-Ghāshiyah? 2. What are the groups? 3. What verse refers to the residents of Hell? 4. Which verse refers to the residents of Heaven? 5. What are the punishments received by the residents of Hell based on verse 2-7? 6. Explain how cacti can live in the harsh environment of the desert.

ACTIVITY 2: LUXURIOUS CONDOMINIUM (VERSE 10): DIY. LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Identify the form of reward given to the residents of Heaven. 2. Understand the concept of the centre of gravity and its application in engineering. SET INDUCTION In verse 10, Allah prepares a high-place residence for those who believed. Let us do an activity to picture our high-placed dream house. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Toothpicks. 1. Instruct the students to build a building as 2. Marshmallows. high as possible. LESSONS 2. The building must have stability and durability. 3. Students are given an unlimited supply of toothpicks and marshmallows. 4. The shape of the building depends on the creativity of the students. 5. To make the activity more interesting, divide the students into groups. 6. The group that succeeds in constructing the building wins. 1. The centre of gravity is important in influencing the stability of a building. 2. The lower the centre of gravity of a building, the more balanced it is. 3. In this world, a tall building is an advanced achievement. This is because the building can still be stable even though it is sky-scraping. 4. And tall buildings have always been something to be amazed at. 5. Therefore, in the hereafter, Allah makes it as one of the blessings for the residents of Heaven. 6. In a tall house, the residents are free from any forms of nuisance and threat. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. Instruct the students to build a tall building. 2. Students who are able to build a stable building show understanding of the concept.

WEEK 2 INTRODUCTION In this week, focus will be given to verse 10-16 and verse 12. Verse 10-16 is an additional attention given by surah al-Ghashiyah to the residents of Heaven. This shows the more vocal attention given to them. Meanwhile, verse 12 is a continuation to the theme of heavenly rewards. Day 1 explores the characteristics of the houses that will be rewarded to the believers. Whereas Day 2 conducts an activity to explore the rivers mentioned as the exterior design for the said houses. ACTIVITY 1: DREAM HOUSE (AYAT 10-16): GAME. LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify the features of the houses mentioned in surah al-Ghāshiyah. SET INDUCTION In verse 10-16, Allah gives some descriptions on the interior designs of the dream houses. Let us play a game to imagine the interior design of our dream houses. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Chair. 1. Arrange some chairs to form a circle. 2. Students. 2. The number of chairs must be one lesser than the number of students. 3. Choose a student to stand in the middle. 4. The student needs to say: “mail call for those who have…!” (mention any furniture). 5. Whoever has the furniture at their homes must get up from their chairs and exchange them with others who also have the same furniture. 6. The “caller” must at the same time must get a chair from other students who leave their chairs. 7. Whoever loses his/her chair must become the next caller.

8. Refer: Mail Call. ( mA) LESSONS 1. People identify themselves with what they own. 2. Hence, people always decorate their homes according to their taste to make it different from others. 3. However, in this world, not everyone gets the chance to do so. Poor people do not get such opportunities. 4. In fact, some people do not even have homes. 5. Meanwhile, in Heaven, everyone will be given their own dream houses. 6. They will be rewarded for the sweat and toil that they have to go through for the sake of Allah. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. What furniture do you have at home? 2. What are the furniture that can be found in heaven based on surah al-Ghāshiyah? 3. Does your house have the furniture mentioned in surah al-Ghāshiyah?

ACTIVITY 2: RIVERS IN HEAVEN (VERSE 12): EXPERIMENT. LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Identify the decorations in heaven mentioned in verse 12. 2. Understand the concept of water pressure. SET INDUCTION In verse 12, Allah describes one of the decorations that is provided for the houses in heaven. One of the decorations provided are flowing rivers and beautiful fountains. Did you know? Even in this world, humans always decorate their houses with landscape fountains and artificial rivers. So, how do fountains work? Let’s find out! MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Plastic bottle. 1. Attach the rubber hose to the bottle with a 2. Water-proof tapes. water-proof tape. 3. A small screwdriver. 4. Rubber hose. 2. Then, drill a number of holes in the top and sides of the bottle. LESSONS 3. Depending on how you want your sprinkler to shoot will depend on where you place the holes. 4. If the students wanted water to spurt everywhere so choose to drill holes in all directions. 5. Attach the other end of the hose to a water pipe and turn it on. Enjoy the view! 6. Refer; ( fun/) 1. One of the decorations of the houses in heaven are rivers and fountains. 2. Fountains work based on the concept of water pressure. 3. When the pressure in the bottle rises up due to the fast-flowing water, water will try to find an exit from the bottle. 4. And water will come out from the drilled holes, because those are the only exits available for it. 5. Because water is flowing very fast, it defies gravity and spurts everywhere. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. What are the decorations found in heaven based on verse 12? 2. How do fountains work?

WEEK 3 INTRODUCTION This week continues with the theme of reflection. Day 1 reflects on the creation of camels. And Day 2 reflects on the creation of the Earth and the mountains. ACTIVITY 1: MIRACULOUS CAMELS (VERSE 17): CRAFTS. LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Understand the specialities of camels based on verse 17. 2. Understand the role of camels as an object of reflection. SET INDUCTION In verse 17, Allah commands us to reflect on the creation of camels. Let us try to copy the creation of camels. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Cloth pegs. 1. Cut an egg carton to make a pair of humps. 2. Egg cartons. 2. Clip two cloth pegs at each longer side of 3. Water colour (brown). 4. Googly eyes. the carton. 5. Scissors. 3. Cut a carboard to make the head of the 6. Cardboards. camel. And then glue it to the carton. Finally, paint the camel brown (or any colour of your choice, for that matter).

LESSONS 1. Camels are one of the most magnificent animals created. 2. It can live in the hostile environment of the desert. 3. However, even with its might, camels have never disobeyed its master. 4. It executes everything that is expected from it, even if the expectations can harm it. 5. Therefore, we have to emulate camels in its obedience towards Allah, who is our Master. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. What advantages that a camel has as compared to other animals? 2. Why are camels mentioned in surah al-Ghāshiyah?

ACTIVITY 2: THE PEGS OF THE EARTH (VERSE 18): EXPERIMENT. LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, students will be able to: 1. Understand the message of verse 18. 2. Explain the science behind the creation of mountains and the surface of the Earth. SET INDUCTION Aside from camels, Allah also asks us to reflect on the creation of the mountains. In verse 18, Allah asks us to do precisely that. What can we understand by reflecting on the creation of mountains? Let us do an activity to understand this. MATERIALS INSTRUCTION 1. Clothes. 1. Prepare some clothes. And layer them on 2. Two blocks of wood. top of one another. 2. By using two blocks of wood, push the clothes inward from opposite sides. 3. Observe and explain the phenomenon. LESSONS 1. In surah al-Naml, Allah explains the creation of the mountains. 2. Humans see and think that the mountains are rigid structures and will not move forever. 3. In reality, mountains move just like waves move on the surface of the oceans. But the motions are extremely slow that it cannot be perceived by the naked eyes. 4. Mountains are just like the clothes used in this experiment. 5. With pressure, the clothes form peaks and valleys. This is actually how mountains are formed.

6. In this verse, Allah wants to touch on the nature of mountains as being fluid. That one day, the mountains will perish and float like cottons as mentioned in surah al-Qāriʿah. LESSON ASSESSMENT 1. What is the message in verse 18? 2. How are mountains formed?

WEEK 4 INTRODUCTION This week focuses on the overall lesson of surah al-Ghāshiyah. ACTIVITY 1: KEYWORDS: ANAGRAM LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, students will be able to be familiar with the keywords in surah al- Ghāshiyah. SET INDUCTION MATERIALS INSTRUCTION Key terms: 1. Al-Ghāshiyah. 2. Khushʿ. 3. Nar. 4. Ḍarīʿ. 5. Na’imah. 6. Radiah. 7. Jannah. 8. Surur. 9. Ibil. 10. Samaa’. 11. Jibal. 12. Ardh. 13. Mudhakkir. 14. Iyab. 15. Hisab. LESSONS LESSON ASSESSMENT

ACTIVITY 2: JOURNAL OF SURAH AL-GHASHIYAH LESSON OUTCOME At the end of the lesson, students will be able to record all the lesson relating to surah al- Ghashiyah in a journal SET INDUCTION MATERIALS INSTRUCTION Journal 1. Update on surah al-Ghāshiyah in your LESSONS journal. LESSON ASSESSMENT 2. Write down the important things that you have learned in every verse. 3. Write down the overall lessons that you got from this surah.

Lessons Plan Surah Al-Ghashiyah

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