101 ﺳﻮرۃ اﻟﻘﺎرﻋﺔ The Shocking Event STORY BOOK
IDEA & CONCEPT BY PUBLISHER Cordoba Leadership Center Sdn. Bhd. iLuvQuran WRITERS AND RESEARCHERS Muhammad Yusra bin Ahmad Hulaimi Adam Affiq bin Yaakop Nurul Adilah binti Abdullah Syamilah Heng binti Kamal Koh EDITORS ILLUSTRATOR & DESIGNER Nur Zahirah binti M Sukran Faiz bin Sahri Faizal bin Razali Amiratussaadah binti Mohd Nasarudin DISTRIBUTOR Cordoba Leadership Center Copyright© 2021 Cordoba Leadership Center Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permission Coordinator,” at the address below : iLuvQuran No. 23-1, Jalan Dataran Wangsa 1, Wilayah Dataran Wangsa, Wangsa Melawati, 53300 Kuala Lumpur www.iluvquran.com
ورسسۃواورلرۃۃ اشاللبمقلادرسعةس TThheeMMeeaanniinnggooffTthe Surah The Shocking Event 4
سسوسروۃرورۃاۃلالالشقبالمردعةس The Complete Surah ِمۡسِب ٱلَّلِ ٱل َّر ۡ َح ٰـ ِن ٱل َّر ِحي ِم 2 ٱلۡ َقارِ َع ُة َما ٱ َولۡ ََمقآا أرَِ َۡدع َُرةىٰ َك1 3 ٱلۡ َقارِ َع ُة َما يَ ۡو َم يَ ُكو ُن ٱل َّنا ُس َكٱلۡ َف َرا ِش ٱلۡ َم ۡب ُثو ِث 4 َوتَ ُك َفوأَ َُّمناٱ َملۡ ِجنَبا َثُلُقلَ َك ۡٱتلۡعِ َم ۡهَوِٰنزِيٱلُنۡ َُهمنۥ ُفوِ6ش 5 أَ ۡدَخَفَرَُّفهىٰ َو َۡتفك ِىََمم َاوٰ ِعزِيهِي َيَُنشۡهُه ٍةۥَّ 0را1نَ8اِضٌرَفَيأٍُة َُّمح ُاهۥِمَ 7ي ٌَهۢةا1وِ َيٌ 1ة 9 َوأَ َّما َم ۡن َو َمآ 5
سورۃ القارعة 101 Verse 1 Shocking 6
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 1 ١ ٱلۡ َقارِ َع ُة The Shocking Event! Let's Read Together Allah announces about al-Qari'ah, The Shocking Event. It is called so because when it happens, humans will be in utter shock and surprise. 7
سورۃ القارعة 101 Verse 2&3 What Is It? 8
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 2&3 ٢ َما ٱلۡ َقارِ َع ُة What is The Shocking Event? ٣ َو َمآ أَ ۡد َرىٰ َك َما ٱلۡ َقارِ َع ُة What will make you know what The Shocking Event is? Let's Read Together Allah asks us about al-Qari’ah in a way that challenges our imagination. Can you imagine what al-Qari’ah is? We can’t know about it unless if we are told by Allah. Because this event is not accessible by the human mind. 9
سورۃ القارعة 101 Verse 4 Moths 10
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 4 َكٱلۡ َف َرا ِش٤يَ ۡو َم يَ ُكٱولۡ َُمن ۡب ُٱثلوَّنا ِثُس On that day people will be like scattered moths. Let's Read Together Allah gives the first description of that day. On that day, humans will be like moths. They will scatter here and there with no purpose, just like when moths fly around a fire. 11
سورۃ القارعة 101 Verse 5 Mountains 12
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 5 ٥ َوتَ ُكو ُن ٱلۡ ِج َبا ُل َكٱلۡعِ ۡه ِن ٱلۡ َمن ُفو ِش And the mountains will be like carded wool. Let's Read Together The second thing that will happen on that day is that mountains will be destroyed easily like carded wools. Do you know what it's like? Carded wools are wools that are pulled and stretched apart. So, can you imagine mountains being destroyed in that manner? 13
سورۃ القارعة 101 Verse 6 Heavy Scale 14
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 6 ٦ َفأَ َّما َمن َث ُقلَ ۡت َم َوٰزِي ُن ُهۥ The one whose good deeds are heavy on the scales, Let's Read Together Then, after everything is destroyed, what happens? Allah tells us that after that our deeds will be weighed on a scale. Some people will have their good deeds weighed heavy. And what rewards await them? 15
101سسوروۃرۃالالشقامرعةس Verse 7 Happy 16
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 7 ٧َف ُه َو ف ِى ِعي َش ٍة َّرا ِض َي ٍة He will live a happy life. Let's Read Together They will be the most privileged. Because Allah promises them a pleasant life, brimming with happiness and is free from misery. Dictionary Privilege : Lucky, having special rights. Brimming : Full of. 17
101 Verse 8سسوروۃرۃالالشقامرعةس Light Scale 18
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 8 ٨َوأَ َّما َم ۡن َخ َّف ۡت َم َوٰزِي ُن ُهۥ But the one whose good deeds are light on the scales, Let's Read Together But there will also be other people whose good deeds are weighed light, making them insufficient. So, what is the fate of these people? Dictionary Insufficient : Not enough. 19
101 Verse 9سسوروۃرۃالالشقامرعةس The Pit of Hell 20
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 9 ٩َفأُ ُّم ُهۥ َهاوِ َي ٌة His home is a bottomless pit. Let's Read Together These people will have to do with a grave misfortune. They will live in the bottom-most pit of Hell. It is Hell's deepest hole. What is there that is so frightening about it? Dictionary Grave : Serious, awful & terrible. Misfortune : Misery, difficulty. 21
سورۃ القارعة 101 Verse 10 Do You Know? 22
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 10 ١٠ َو َمآ أَ ۡد َرىٰ َك َما هِ َي ۡه Do you know what it is? Let's Read Together Making it scarier, Allah asks us whether we know what it is and whether we can imagine what is it like being in it. Can you guess what is in there? 23
سورۃ القارعة 101 Verses 11 Hot Fire 24
VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verses 11 ١١نَا ٌر َحا ِم َيُۢة A blazing fire. Let's Read Together The pit is the hottest place in Hell. Its fires are blazing intensely. And the people who live there are always covered by its flames. Isn't it scary? 25
Summary The day of al-Qari’ah is very terrifying. It is the day when everything that we know will be destroyed and our deeds will be weighed. Some people are happy and some are miserable. It all depends on the weight of our good deeds. Arabic Vocabularies َث ُق َل Heavy َخ َّف Lightweight َم َوازِين Scale, weight 26
Synonyms Shocking : Frightening, Horrifying Mountains : Peak, Summit Scale : Measure, Weight Lessons 1. We can only know what will happen in the Hereafter if Allah tells us. 2. Everyone will experience that day. So we must prepare ourselves with good deeds in the hope that we will be saved by Allah's mercy. 3. Doing good things in this world will make us happy here and in the Hereafter. 27
Icons Shocking What Is It? Moths Mountains Heavy Scale Happy Light Scale The Pit of Hell 28
سسورورۃۃالالقبالردعة Mind Map 101/114 سورۃ القارعة It is a The Shocking Meccan Event Surah. Name Main of Surah: Objective of the Allah mentions Surah: al-Qari’ah To explain the outcomes of the human choices shockingly and suddenly mentioned in in the first Ayah. Surah al-Zalzalah & al- ‘Adiyat. Themes of the Surah: Ayah 1-3: Introducing al-Qari’ah. Ayah 4-5: What happens on the Final Day. Ayah 6-11: What happens after humans are resurrected. 29
سورۃ القارعة Notes 30
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