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Home Explore Tafseer al-Qadr

Tafseer al-Qadr

Published by cs2.ilq2020, 2020-10-27 12:40:28

Description: Tafseer al-Qadr


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Teachers Book (Al-Qadr) Overview. Al-Qadr is a Meccan surah. It was revealed as an answer to the restless companions of the Prophet when they heard that there was once a man from the Bani Israel who spent a thousand months of his life only worshipping Allah. The companions were restless because Islam came to them when most of them were already at an old age. Consequently, they did not have as much time as the Israelite man to do worship. As a result, Allah then revealed this surah as a consolation for their concern by offering them a special night which has a value that exceeds even a thousand months. In addition, this surah also describes the event in which the Quran was first revealed to the Prophet. It is a night that is full of divine ‘presence’ and has a universal significance. ‘al-Qadr’ literally means ‘power’, ‘value’, ‘measurement’ and ‘limit’. If all of these meanings are understood simultaneously, ‘al-Qadr’ then refers to a night where Allah exercises His power in determining the limit and value of goodness. And this goodness is related to all aspects of the human life throughout the whole year. The measurement and value of sustenance (rizq), mercy (raḥmah), bounty (niʿmah), happiness (saʿādah) and many other aspects will be determined at that night. The night is said to be more valuable than a thousand months because it is the night the direction of a person’s life will be greatly influenced. The night is also extremely special such that angels are given a permission to have a leave from their assigned tasks and come down to Earth to honour the night. All of them will be on Earth until not even a single corner of the world will be left unoccupied by the angels. And this blessedness continues until the sun comes up. 1. A Night. “Indeed, ˹it is˺ We ˹Who˺ sent this ˹Quran˺ down on the Night of Glory.” Allah begins the surah with the pronoun “We”. This is to exhibit the kind of power He has. It is with this power that He sent down the Quran on that very special night. Also, Allah uses the word “anzalnā” which signifies repetition. Which means that this night takes place recurringly every year. 2. Allah Asks About the Night. “And what will make you realize what the Night of Glory is?” Then, Allah asks about the night rhetorically. Of course, no one knows the answer except for Allah. This is to show that the majesty that fills the night is beyond human imagination. Only

Allah is the rightful narrator who can correctly describe the night. The subsequent verses, therefore, are His explanations. 3. The Value of the Night. “The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months.” He then begins to describe the night. It is a night that is more special and more valuable than a thousand months. But why a thousand months? Generally, the ummah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w can only live up to 70 years. Whoever lives more than this age is considered a gift from Allah. So, a thousand months is more than 70 years, which indicates the period that already extends beyond the normal human lifespan. Therefore, humans really have a limited time in worshipping Allah. That said, the significance of this night is life-changing. It is a night where a person could get more blessings than his lifespan could have offered him. We might have lived only for some decades, but the rewards that we gain could have been multiplied as if we have lived for hundreds of years. 4. The Angels Come Down to Earth. “That night the angels and the ˹holy˺ spirit1 descend, by the permission of their Lord, for every ˹decreed˺ matter.” In addition, this is a night where all angels come down to Earth, including the chief of all angels, Jibril. All of them are originally tasked with their respective responsibilities. However, at that night, each and every one of them are given a leave by Allah to relieve themselves from the tasks and come down to Earth. And the number of angels that come down to Earth is countless. They even exceed the number of sand grains that are at beaches and at the bottom of oceans. This is an example of Allah’s power. Because when the angels are on their leave, then who will replace them in performing their jobs? Who will take care of the matters of the whole universe? None other than Allah the Almighty! He handles them singlehandedly. 5. The Prolonged Tranquillity. “It is all peace until the break of dawn.” And this night is full with peace. It is because it is the night where Allah’s decrees (decisions) only touch on good things. Not a single decree is issued on bad things, misfortune and suffering. The only decisions that are made are related only to happiness and wellbeing. And this

goodness will continue not only until dawn, but also until the time where the sun already splits the darkness of the night. Conclusion: Laylatul al-Qadr is a night where Allah revealed the Quran and gifted it to mankind. It is also a night that takes place annually where all angels will come down to Earth, escorting Jibril to bring glad tidings to all of mankind.

Tafseer al-Qadr

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