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Home Explore Story Book Surah Ad-Dhuha

Story Book Surah Ad-Dhuha

Published by cs2.ilq2020, 2021-11-09 04:09:02

Description: Ad dhuha SB b&w


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IDEA & CONCEPT BY PUBLISHER Cordoba Leadership Center Sdn. Bhd. iLuvQuran WRITERS AND RESEARCHERS Muhammad Yusra bin Ahmad Hulaimi Adam Affiq bin Yaakop Nurul Adilah binti Abdullah Syamilah Heng binti Kamal Koh EDITORS ILLUSTRATOR & DESIGNER Nur Zahirah binti M Sukran Faiz bin Sahri Faizal bin Razali Amiratussaadah binti Mohd Nasarudin DISTRIBUTOR Cordoba Leadership Center Copyright© 2021 Cordoba Leadership Center Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. This publication is protected by copyright and permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permission Coordinator,” at the address below : iLuvQuran No. 23-1, Jalan Dataran Wangsa 1, Wilayah Dataran Wangsa, Wangsa Melawati, 53300 Kuala Lumpur ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 1 27/10/2021 8:07:36 PM

‫وسرسۃوروارلةۃالاشلبمضلحدسى‬‎‫س‬‎ The Meaning of The Surah The Morning Light 2 27/10/2021 8:07:38 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 2

‫‪‎ ‎‬سسوسوررۃوةرااۃللالشبضلمحدىس‬ ‫‪3‬‬ ‫‪The Complete Surah‬‬ ‫‪27/10/2021 8:07:40 PM‬‬ ‫ِمۡسِب ٱلَّلِ ٱل َّر ۡ َح ٰـ ِن ٱل َّر ِحي ِم‬ ‫َوٱل ُّض َح ٰى ‪َ 1‬وٱلَّ ۡي ِل إِ َذا َس َج ٰى ‪2‬‬ ‫َما َو َّد َع َك َر ّبُ َك َو َما قَل َ ٰى ‪3‬‬ ‫َولَ ۡل َـٔا ِخ َرةُ َخ ۡي ٌر لَّ َك ِم َن ٱل ۡ ُأول َ ٰى ‪4‬‬ ‫َولَ َس ۡو َف ُي ۡع ِطي َك َر ّبُ َك َفتَ ۡر َض ى ‪5‬‬ ‫َألََََفوو ۡأمَََوو َّم َََججايِجََٱددلۡۡد َََيكك َتكِيعََيَ َآمضتِئآِليلًّفًَ ًملَاااا َفَف َفأََتَهَـٔ ۡاقَۡغد ََهوَن ٍٰٰۡرىىٰى‪6879‬‬ ‫َوأََو ّأََماَّمابِنٱِل ۡع ََّمسآةِئِ َ َرل ّبِ َف َلَكافَ َت َۡنح َهِّد ۡر ۡث‪1110‬‬ ‫‪ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 3‬‬

‫سسورورۃةالالشضمحىس‬‎ 93 Verse 1 Morning Light 4 27/10/2021 8:07:43 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 4

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 1 ١ ‫َوٱل ُّض َح ٰى‬ By the morning light. Let's Read Together Allah begins the surah with an oath on the morning light. The morning light is known to have a strong shine. Its light is very strong such that it splits the darkness of night the moment it enters into the scene. And it is also energizing for all living beings. Dictionary Energizing: supply energy to become active. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 5 5 27/10/2021 8:07:44 PM

‫سسورورۃةالالشضمحىس‬‎ 93 Verse 2 Dark Night 6 27/10/2021 8:07:45 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 6

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 2 ٢ ‫َوٱلَّ ۡي ِل إِ َذا َس َج ٰى‬ And the night as it settles. Let's Read Together Then, He proceeds with taking an oath on the stillness of the dark night. The dark night can be scary. But being exposed to strong sunlight for too long can be exhausting. So, the darkness of the night provides a still and calm environment. And every living being needs this kind of environment to rest. Dictionary Stillness: no movement and sound. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 7 7 27/10/2021 8:07:45 PM

‫سسورورۃةالالشضمحىس‬‎ 93 Verse 3 Farewell 8 27/10/2021 8:07:46 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 8

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 3 ٣ ‫َما َو َّد َع َك َر ّبُ َك َو َما قَل َ ٰى‬ Your Lord did not abandon you, nor did He forget. Let's Read Together The oaths that Allah takes above are to make a point, that He never neglected the Prophet according to the claims of the disbelievers. In fact, the reason that He paused the Revelation was to give some rest to the Prophet and the Muslims before new Revelations are sent down. This is because the Revelation is light the morning sun – although it can be energizing, being exposed to it continuously for a long time can be exhausting. Dictionary Neglect: To not pay attention and not taking proper care of someone. Pause: a temporary stop. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 9 9 27/10/2021 8:07:46 PM

‫ سورة الضحى‬93 Verse 4 Akhirat 10 27/10/2021 8:07:48 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 10

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 4 ٤ ‫َولَ ۡل َـٔا ِخ َر ُة َخ ۡي ٌر لَّ َك ِم َن ٱل ۡ ُأول َ ٰى‬ The Hereafter is better for you than the First. Let's Read Together After that, Allah promises the Prophet something better. He guarantees that the hardships that they were facing then are temporary. In the end, everything will be much easier and better. Islam will succeed. And the believers will go to Heaven. What kind of victory shall Islam enjoy? What will they get in Heaven that is better than this world? ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 11 11 27/10/2021 8:07:49 PM

‫سسورورۃةالالشضمحىس‬‎ 93 Verse 5 Gift 12 27/10/2021 8:07:50 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 12

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 5 ٥ ‫َولَ َس ۡو َف ُي ۡع ِطي َك َر ُّب َك َفتَ ۡر َض ى‬ And your Lord will give you, and you will be satisfied. Let's Read Together Hearing this promise, the Prophet might have no idea what kind of goodness that Allah will give them. But anything good is always a surprise. So, Allah did not tell the Prophet what kind of rewards they will get, but the rewards will surely satisfy them beyond complaint. And they did not have to worry. But, are Allah’s promises true? Dictionary Complaint: a reason for feeling unsatisfied. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 13 13 27/10/2021 8:07:50 PM

‫ سورة الضحى‬93 Verse 6 Orphans 14 27/10/2021 8:07:51 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 14

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 6 ٦ ‫َألَ ۡم َيِج ۡد َك يَتِي ًما فَ َـٔا َو ٰى‬ Did He not find you orphaned, and sheltered you? Let's Read Together To convince the Prophet more, Allah mentions all the good things that He has done for the him. These are proofs that He has never abandoned the Prophet, leaving him all by himself. The first goodness that He has provided was shelter. The Prophet was an orphan. But he never lived a difficult life, because he was always taken care of by his grandfather and uncles. He even got to marry a wealthy woman. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 15 15 27/10/2021 8:07:51 PM

‫ سورة الضحى‬93 Verse 7 Seeking 16 27/10/2021 8:07:51 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 16

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 7 ٧‫َو َو َج َد َك َضآل ًّا َف َه َد ٍ ٰى‬ And found you wandering, and guided you? Let's Read Together The second gift was guidance. Back then, the Prophet was already concerned with the bad condition of his people. But he was clueless. He did not know how to correct the bad behaviors of the people of Makkah. Then, Allah gave him guidance, sent down to him Revelation, and made him a Prophet. This is also a proof that Allah never abandoned him. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 17 17 27/10/2021 8:07:52 PM

‫سسورورۃةالالشضمحىس‬‎ 93 Verse 8 Wealthy 18 27/10/2021 8:07:52 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 18

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 8 ٨- ‫َو َو َج َد َك عَآئِلًا َفأَ ۡغ َن ٰى‬ And found you in need, and enriched you? Let's Read Together The third gift was independence. Allah made him free from depending on worldly wealth. Allah made him feel enough with His love. It is impossible for someone to be loved, yet abandoned. Therefore, this is also a proof that the Prophet was never left alone. Dictionary Independence: to be able to stand on one’s feet. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 19 19 27/10/2021 8:07:53 PM

‫سسورورۃةالالشضمحىس‬‎ 93 Verse 9 Compassion Towards Orphans 27/10/2021 8:07:53 PM 20 ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 20

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 9 ٩ ‫َفأَ َّما ٱلۡ َيتِي َم َفلَا َت ۡق َه ۡر‬ Therefore, do not mistreat the orphan. Let's Read Together After the Prophet was consoled, Allah proceeds with some new commandments. The first is about how to treat orphans. Because Allah has honored the Prophet with a good life when he was an orphan, therefore he must do the same with other orphans. And because we are his ummah, therefore, we too must do the same with orphans. We must treat them with respect and kindness, just as Allah had done the same with the Prophet. Dictionary Consoled: Comfort someone from sadness and grief. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 21 21 27/10/2021 8:07:53 PM

‫ سورة الضحى‬93 Verse 10 Mistreatment 22 27/10/2021 8:07:54 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 22

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verse 10 ١٠ ‫َوأَ َّما ٱل َّسآئِ َل فَلَا َت ۡن َه ۡر‬ As for the seeker, don’t scold. Let's Read Together The second commandment is about the people who are asking for help. There are two types of people who are asking for help. The first is the poor, who do not have the ability to provide for themselves. So, if we do not have anything to give, at least we must not treat them harshly. We must reply with kind words. The second type of people are those who are seeking Islam. These are people who are interested in Islam but do not know what and who to ask. Sometimes, they show bad attitude, so we must be patient with them and reply kindly. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 23 23 27/10/2021 8:07:54 PM

‫سسورورۃةالالشضمحىس‬‎ 93 Verses 11 Dakwah 24 27/10/2021 8:07:55 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 24

VVeerrssee&&TTrraannsslalatitoionn Verses 11 ١١ ‫َوأَ َّما بِنِ ۡع َمةِ َر ّبِ َك فَ َح ِّد ۡث‬ But spread the news of the blessings of your Lord. Let's Read Together In general, no matter with whoever we interact with, we must be the bringer of news of Allah’s blessings. To do so, there are three ways we can do it. First, we must share the privileges that Allah has bestowed upon us like wealth, health, having good people around us and many others. Secondly, we must remind people that all these blessings that we share are ultimately from Allah. Thirdly, along with the reminder, we must also share with them about Islam. Dictionary Privilege: Special right or advantage ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 25 25 27/10/2021 8:07:55 PM

Summary Surah al-Duha was revealed to comfort the Prophet from his sadness. It reminds him of all the blessings that Allah has provided him with. And it instructs him to do the same with all the other people who are less fortunate. Arabic Vocabularies ‫عَا ِل‬ ‫= َساِل‬Person who is needy and poor Person who asks for something, beggar ‫تَ ۡر َضى‬ Pleased and satisfied 26 27/10/2021 8:07:56 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 26

Synonyms Abandon = Neglect, forsaken Pause = Halt, stop Privilege = Advantage, benefit, honour. Lessons 1. We must always believe in the help of Allah. 2. We must treat orphans well. 3. We must proactively share about Islam with everyone. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 27 27 27/10/2021 8:07:57 PM

s Icons The Morning Light Dark Night Farewell Akhirat Gifts Seeking TowCaormdspaOsrspiohnans Dakwah 28 27/10/2021 8:08:01 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 28

‫سسوروةرۃالالبضلحدى‬‎ Mind Map ‫سورة الضحى‬ 93/114 The Morning It is a Light Meccan Surah. Name Main of Surah: Objective of the Al-Dhuha is mentioned Surah: in verse 1, meaning the To console Prophet morning light. Muhammad SAW and to Themes motivate him towards of the Surah: greater challenges in Ayah 1-3: spreading Islam to Allah’s oath that He cares the people. about the Prophet. 29 Ayah 4-5: Look what we will give you in the Hereafter Ayah 6-8: Look what we have given you in the past. Ayah 9-11: So use the present time to do deeds. ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 29 27/10/2021 8:08:02 PM

‫سورة الضحى‬ Notes 30 27/10/2021 8:08:03 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 30

‫سورة الضحى‬ Notes ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 31 31 27/10/2021 8:08:03 PM

‫سورة الضحى‬ Notes 32 27/10/2021 8:08:03 PM ad dhuha sb bnw.indd 32

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