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Home Explore A Poem Across América

A Poem Across América

Published by Steve Smith, 2022-10-30 21:47:05

Description: A Poem Across América


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A Poem Across América As we discover new ways of being in light of the remarkable life-altering changes that have confronted us this past year, how do we put words to what has happened? This poem-in-the -making seeks to do just that and we invite you to help us compose it. Our project called, A Poem Across America, was conceived by a small group of friends who shared many a Sunday afternoon together weathering the ‘Covid Storm’. Our reading, writing & exploring poetry provided immeasurable comfort for us as we struggled with personal, family, community and global challenges while also attempting to answer questions and define ideas regarding this time in our lives. Immersing ourselves in “the wilderness of poetry” has helped us find words to respond to the darkness and the light of 2020-2021. Some questions for example; Who did you help & who helped you? How did your relationship change towards yourself, others & the natural world? What part of ‘normal’ do you not want back? What is the most profound thing you noticed this year? Do you think we as a nation & as a species will learn from this? How has ‘bearing witness to the suffering of others’ transformed you? Now as spring arrives & life slowly returns to ‘near-normal’, we have begun the process of reclaiming our lives...but unknowns remain with so many unanswered questions. Perhaps you do not want to reclaim the way you were living and have found something new. Poet, Naomi Shihab- Nye’s phrase, “Live your life as a poem”, encourages us to move through our days noting the beauty of the everyday as well as the pain. And poetry, like song, can be written in many different ways about anything at all. The famous Beat poet, Lawrence Ferlinghetti once said of poetry, “Poetry is a street singer who rescues alley cats of love”. Now the fun part... reaching out to our friends & families & folks we meet along the way, we invite you to send us one or two lines, written in your own words, that speak to your heartfelt experience. We will then carefully weave together as many of the contributions as we can into a poem that we plan to publish online & as a chapbook. Due to the number of submissions that we are anticipating, we kindly ask that you limit your words to one or two lines only. By participating in our project, A Poem Across America, you understand that your lines may be published.

You may email your words directly to [email protected] or send by mail to A Poem Across America POBox 541 Tesuque, NM 87574. Please include your name & state of residence if you wish to be acknowledged in our publication. So now, to get our poem rolling, we’ll begin by sharing a few lines of our own; Time to whisper to our children, See the deer in the meadow see how they lift their eyes to our quiet voices and listen. A year of the best & worst of times / Fear and loss / Reflection reconnection and resetting ...and from somewhere deep down in our wokeness came a gladness like a mighty plowshare of hands & hearts and the seeds of redemption were made good “once again cavort in unregulated touch and amusement dance in each other’s breath outside the shadow of death”

Introverted April 03, 2021 I found out I am VERY introverted, and do not mind being alone. I have missed my friends, have made enemies, I love my dog, Merlin.

Warp and weft March 31, 2021 I am at once a wretched warp yearning for a weft…all the lovely colored threads a tangle in a heap. no shuttle no design no weaving no tapestry Mary Sharp-Davis New Mexico

When we Stress May 19, 2021 When we stress, we regress, so step back as far as you need to see the big picture. Robin Tawney, Albuquerque, NM

Impermanence Haiku June 05, 2021 The impermanence No cars, just mountain lions Roaring quiet time

Pain June 07, 2021 We made our pain pretty. We baked ourselves hole. - Linda Neale

Tender Souls June 12, 2021 \"... And all my feet wanted was a firm land to step on... a soft grassfield to play on. But on the roads ahead, these tender soles kept finding debris and ashes instead.\" Dulce Valverde Santa Fe, NM

Mirror of Darkness June 12, 2021 sun a glance of fire across the crow’s black back mirror of darkness, shatter us with light - Marci Nelligan

June 17, 2021 “Finding joy amidst the suffering-profound love of nature. Quarantined at home...yurt dwellers dream.” - Reuben Neale La Puebla, NM

Merciless Appetite of Grief July 11, 2021 Her last breath ended my understanding of normal six months before the rest of the world would come to taste the merciless appetite of grief. - Gayelan Tietje-Ulrich

The Pandemic Loomed July 12, 2021 The pandemic loomed within us, coiled like a serpent around our collective mind

Aging Wallflower July 17, 2021 As an aging wallflower I watch this dance of death...still signing every petition, praying every prayer, singing every song. Hilary Young Los Angeles

I shed a tear July 20, 2021 I shed a tear Into the Bay, It’s surface viscous Flat and grey. And this I wish But cannot see A way to heal Humanity. I promise though All I can do To be a better me For you.

Lonely... July 20, 2021 Lonely, lonely, lonely, and more lonely--Oh! Let me be a firefly signaling in the forever night! Virginia Bell and Ruth Kravitz

Pandemic - Apocalyptic July 21, 2021 Virus turns pandemic as we take shelter in our homes, Dry lightening turns to fierce wildfire as we flee our homes leaving dishes unwashed in the sink. Pandemic becomes apocalyptic as we sift through the ashes of what was and find our way through the myriad plagues of 2020, we search and find goodness as we mourn the stories lost in the debris. Lindsay Wasserman Boulder Creek, CA

Who I Am July 26, 2021 Pandemic reminded me of Who I Am: easy being alone, cautious, ever a witness, unafraid, grateful. Islene Runningdeer

White People, my people August 03, 2021 White People, my people: it’s time to become the new ancestors, to reach beyond the familiar and build our ways to interdependence and healing. We can’t turn our backs on each other, on communities of color or on our children. Racism is real and it impacts all humans - but differently. White people invented racism and it’s our responsibility to dismantle it. Let’s reach for journeys equal parts joy and accountability.

Glad to Keep Breathing October 19, 2021 \"nothing assured, not even another season of maples, I breathed, just glad to keep breathing.\" - William Heyen Brockport, NY

Great Winnowing October 20, 2021 Suddenly to be falling/like the birds/the bees/part of the world’s great winnowing - Alice Edwards, from Erie, PA.

Whirling Particles October 21, 2021 Whirling particles swim in space investigate our bodies decide to stay or not - Diane Moser-Washington State

Fields of Gray Cement February 27, 2022 Fields of gray cement mottled with patches of green. Restricted in the straitjacket of infrastructural schemes.

A Tender Heart April 03, 2022 We are experiencing a life we never knew existed Carry on, live with all its uncertainty Go deeply quiet and feel the fragility with a tender heart Andy Vershire, VT

Ovid April 03, 2022 How has Ovid changed my life? Actually I’ve never read him but I heard he was a great philosopher - Suzanne Lupien

Winter Sorrow April 03, 2022 in winter sorrow no can touch your beautiful face Lauren

True April 03, 2022 I see less in-person friends & those I work with. I appreciate the communication technology but miss direct contact & touch yet there are connections happening around the world and apart—both are happening & true - Mark

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