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Home Explore Methology 2 merg

Methology 2 merg

Published by phasatangpate312201, 2020-02-13 22:24:19

Description: Methology 2 merg


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3. Stages of presenting grammar Activity 1: these are the steps for presenting grammar. They are in the wrong order a. Drill (pronunciation) ………………………………………… b. Introduce the situation (meaning) ………………………………………… c. Check understanding / give more ………………………………………….. examples (check meaning) ………………………………………… d. Introduce the new language (model ………………………………………….. pronunciation) e. Write on the board (form) Work in small groups. Put them in the correct order. Think about the demonstration to help you. Discus the order as a whole class. Activity 2: Discuss the question: Do these steps follow the same steps as presenting vocabulary? The 5 steps of presenting grammar The 5 steps of presenting vocabulary (In thedemonstration) 1………………………………………… _……………………………………….. 2………………………………………… _…………………………………………. 3………………………………………… _…………………………………………. 4………………………………………… _……..…………………………………. 5………………………………………… _………………………………………… 46

The order of the steps may vary, especially checking meaning (you could to this before and/or after drilling, before and/or after board work). The important things to remember when presenting new language are: 1. Teach meaning, form and pronunciation. 2. Model the new languages before you drill it. (Elicit it before you model if you can). 3. Make sure students write the new language in their notebooks. 47

Unit 5 Presenting grammar (Continued) 4. presenting grammar using a situation When we teach new vocabulary we should use: Pictures and flashcards. Mime and gestures. Real objects. For presenting grammar, we need more information to mark the meaning clearer so we use: situation or contexts Work in groups. Think about presentation of ‘going to’ again. How did your teacher the situation? Mate the stages below with the description of how to do it. Stage HOW TO DO IT 1. Introduce the A. show how the language is used in sentences situation write the structure clearly – students copy. 2. Introduce the new B. Ask concept questions, translate – make sure language. the students understand. 3. Check C. Focus on difficult sounds, practise saying whole understanding / sentences using the new structure. Do choral, give more individual or open pairs, and closed pair drills. examples D. show/draw pictures, ask questions, involve the 4. Drill students. Tell a story, use reading / listening text. Pronunciation E. Ask questions, use the situation to make the 5. Blackboard- meaning clear for the students. Draw timelines (for Spelling/form use of tenses). Elicit the new language If you can. Model it language – say it with natural pronunciation 2 or 3 times. 48

Check answers as a whole class. You many want to speak in Lao. Conclusion Work in small groups and discuss the question below. Your teacher will monitor and listen to your ideas while the students do this activity. Presentations Using a Situation 1. What is a situational presentation? 2. Why is it a good idea to present meaning though pictures / mime / examples and not just though translation? 3. Is it OK to check understanding though translation? 4. Why are pictures of people really useful teaching aids? 5. Can we drill pronunciation of whole structures? How ? Feedback as a whole class. 5. Revision of presenting grammar Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. But be careful, not all the words are used in the answers (some words are used more than once). mime check understanding boring example drilling form interesting individuals form/spelling concept questions hitting Ss translation realia class pronunciation meaning form understand 1. The four main things in a good presentation are teach , , and 6. Three ways of demonstrating meaning VISSUALLY are pictures, 49

And . 2. Whent presenting structures, choose examples that are easy for students to So that them meaning is clear. For example: a) The fan is too high to touch. b) Amphone is taller than viengxamay. 3. Two ways of checking understanding are and asking 4. is one way of checking understanding, but it shouldn’t be use for giving meaning. 5. You teach pronunciationn by the students. 6. You should drill your students both as a whole and as 7. Whenever possible do a CLOSED BOOK presentation, using an example / sitution that is for the students as well as easy for them to understand. 8. You should check that students understand the and drill the Before you write the new language on the board. 9. Give more than one of the new language in the sentence to help make the meaning clear: a) She’s been waiting for one hour. b) He’s been waiting for nearly half an hour. 10. Finally, you must always write new language clearly of the board, so the students can learn the correct and Go on! You can do it 50

Unit 5 Presenting grammar (Continued) 6. Micro- teaching All students need to be able to see a copy of ELSS 1 A. Look at ELSS 1, Unit 22, Lesson 1. Take 5 minutes to read it carefully. Work as a whole class to prepare a situational presentation using this material. Your teacher will write the plan on the board. Here is a checklist to help you plan. Checklist for planning a situational presentation. 1. Decide what new language you are going to present. 2. Decide what your presentation or context is (who is speaking? Who to? What about? Where are they? etc) 3. Decide how you will involve students when introducing the situation. (What pictures will you need? What questions will you ask?) 4. Decide what sentence you will drill first. 5. Decide how you will try to elicit it. 6. Decide how you will model it. 7. Decide what drills you will do and in what order. 8. Decide how and when you will check meaning. 9. Decide what you will write on the board and how you will show form. 10. Decide how you will give students more practice of the new language. B. Work in groups to prepare situational presentation. Your teacher will tell you which material from ELSS 1 look at.  Unit 13, Lesson 3 (past tense)  Unit 6, Lesson 2 (singular and plural)  Unit 10,Lesson 1 (adverbs of frequency)  Unit 16, Lesson 1 (present continuous, and page 97) 51

Prepare DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS of how to do your presentation and prepare the materials you will use for teaching it. Use the checklist to help you prepare. Your teacher will monitor and help each group (30-40 minutes). Choose one member of each group to teach their presentation to the whole class. After each presentation, give feedback to each teacher. Use the observation question below. Read them in English or Lao, you decide! Observation questions 1. What were the new languages being taught? 2. Introducing the situation (meaning)? Was the situation clear? Did the teacher involve the students in the introduction of the situation? How? 3. Introducing the new language (pronunciation): Did the teacher elicit or give the new languages? Did the teacher model the new language in complete sentences? Was the teacher’s pronunciation natural? 4. Drilling (pronunciation): Did the teacher drill the new language in complete sentences? What drills did the teacher do? 5. Checking understanding (meaning) Did the teacherchecking understanding? How? 6. Board work (form): Did the teacher write complete sentence with the new languages on the board? Did the teacher show the form the new languages clearly? 7. If you taught the same presentation, how would you do it differently? 52

Observation Questions 1.ຽຎັຌຫງຄັ ຅ໃ ຄສຬຌ “the new languages”? 2. ກາຌສຬຌ຃ວາມໝາງ(meaning)ຂຬຄ຃າສຍັ ຿ຈງກາຌເຆຽໄ ຫຈກາຌຉໃ າຄໂຆໃ ວງຽພໃ ຬຼື ເຫຌໄ ກັ ອຼຌຽຂາ຺ໄ ເ຅:  ຽຫຈກາຌ຋ໃ ຌາມາສະຽໜເຫ຃ໄ ວາມໝາງຂຬຄ຃າສຍັ ເໝໃ ຌຌັໄ ຅ະ຾຅ຄໄ ຈຍໃ )  ຃ແູ ຈເໄ ຫຌໄ ກັ ອຼຌມສໃ ວຌອໃ ວມຽຂາ຺ໄ ເຌຽຫຈກາຌຉໃ າຄໂຽພໃ ຬຼື ຆໃ ວງເຫແໄ ຈ຃ໄ ວາມໝາງຂຬຄ຃າສຍັ ເໝໃ ຋ໃ ສຬຌຢໃ ູຌຌັໄ ຈວໄ ງວ຋ິ ເຈ? 3. ກາຌສຬຌຬຬກສຼຄ(pronunciation):  ຃ູແຈສໄ ຬຌຬຬກສຼຄຂຬຄ຃າສຍັ ຍໃ ?  ຃ສູ ຬຌກາຌຬຬກສຼຄ຃າສຍັ ເໝໃ ຽຂາ຺ໄ ເຌກາຌສາໄ ຄຎະ຿ຫງກຍໃ ?  ກາຌຬຬກສຼຄຂຬຄ຃ູຽຎັຌ຾ຍຍ຋າມະຆາຈຍໃ ) (ຍໃແວ ຾ລະ ຍໃ ຆາໄ ຽກຌແຎ)? 4. ຃ູຽຝິກຬຬກສຼຄ(pronunciation):  ຃ຽູ ຝິກຬຬກສຼຄຂຬຄ຃າສຍັ ເໝໃ ຽຂາ຺ໄ ຎະ຿ຫງກຍໃ )  ຃ແູ ຈຽໄ ຝິກກາຌຝັຌສຼຄຈວໄ ງວ຋ິ ເຈ) 5. ກາຌກວຈ຃ຌຼື ຃ວາມຽຂາ຺ໄ ເ຅຃ວາມໝາງຂຬຄ຃າສຍັ ເໝໃ ຋ໃ ຃ແູ ຈສໄ ຬຌ(meaning):  ຃ແູ ຈກໄ ວຈ຃ຌຼື ຃ວາມຽຂາ຺ໄ ເ຅຃າສຍັ ເໝໃ ຋ໃ ສຬຌຍໃ ? ຈວໄ ງວ຋ິ ເຈ? 6. ກາຌຂຼຌ຃າສຍັ ເໝໃ ເສໃ ກະຈາຌ (form):  ຃ແູ ຈສໄ າໄ ຄຎະ຿ຫງກ຿ຈງກາຌເຆ຃ໄ າສຍັ ເໝໃ ຋ໃ ສຬຌຌຌັໄ ເສໃ ກະຈາຌຍໃ ?  ຃ແູ ຈຬໄ ະ຋ຍິ າງກາຌຌາເຆ຃ໄ າສຍັ ເໝໃ ຽຂາ຺ໄ ເຌກາຌສາໄ ຄຎະ຿ຫງກຌຌັໄ ຅ະ຾຅ຄໄ ຈຍໃ ? 7. ຊາໄ ຫາກຽ຅າ຺ໄ ແຈສໄ ຬຌ (New language) ຃ກຼື ຍັ ຾ຌວຌ,ໄ ຽ຅າ຺ໄ ຅ະສຬຌຈວໄ ງວ຋ິ ເຈ? 53

Unit 6 Teaching games Time 4: hours Objective: students will be able to ຅ຈຸ ຎະສຄ຺ : ເຫຌໄ ກັ ອຼຌສາມາຈ  Think about when and how to use games in the classroom. To practice 9 games.  ຃າຌຄຽຊຄິ ວໃ າເຌຫຬໄ ຄອຼຌຽມໃ ຬຼື ເຈ຃ວາຌເຆຽໄ ກມ, ເຆຈໄ ວໄ ງວ຋ິ ເຈ ຾ລະ ຝກຆຬໄ ມຫົຌິໄ ຽກມ 9 ຽກມ. 1. Introduction Most students enjoy playing game in English class, but are games useful for learning English? Why / Why not? Discuss in pairs. Activity Work in groups. Discuss the statements in the table below and tic the correct column depending on whether you agree or disagree. Agree Disagree 1. Games are a waste of time, students can’t learnvery much just by playing. 2. It is OK to play a game for the whole lesson if it practices English. 3. We can play games at any stage of a lesson. 4. I can’t play games with my students because it is too noisy and the other teacher complain. 5. You should play a game in every lesson. 6. You need a lot of materials / resources to play games. Feedback as a whole class. Remember there is not just one correct answer. 54

Different teachers have different styles. See the answer key at the back of the book. Make note of any ideas you think are important. 2. Demonstration of games  Your teacher will demonstrate some games that can be used the classroom. Instructions for the teacher for or demonstrations are in the Demonstrations section at the back of the book. You will see 5demonstrations. Demonstration 1: Chinese Whispers Demonstration 2: YES/NO Demonstration 3: Spelling Demonstration 4: Counting Duck Demonstration 5: Kim’s Game Feedback 1. What language did you practise? 2. What other language could we practise with this game? 3. Was this game very noisy? 4. Could you play this game in your classroom? 5. How would you organise it? Discuss these questions after each demonstration. 3. Game for advanced learners When we play games we should think about the student’s English abilities. Games should be appropriate for your students’ level of English and age. Games could relate to your previous lesson as a review activity. 55

Your teacher will demonstrate some games that are appropriate for more advanced learners. Demonstration 1: Take about it. Demonstration 2: vocabulary definition game. Demonstration 3: Everybody who……… Instruction for the teacher are in the Demonstrations section at the back of the book. Feedback Discuss these questions after each demonstration. FEEDBACK QUESTIONS 1. What language did we practise? 2. What other language could we practice with this game? 3. Was this game very noisy? 4. Could you play this game in you classroom? 5. How would you organise? (How many groups? etc. 4. Revision Work in pairs. Answer the following question to see what you can remember about this unit. 1. a. Are games useful for learning English? Why? b. Should we play a game in every lesson? Why or Why not? 2. Are these sentences true or false? a. Games are a waste of time, students can’t learn very much just by playing? b. You can’t play games at any stage of a lesson. c. When you play games, you do not have to think about the students’ English abilities. Feedback as a whole class. 56

References - English teaching methodology student’s book 2, 3 year 2009 Written by Ms Bounseng KHOUNPHON Mr Khamphaeng LATXAVONG Mr Khamphouvong VIMALAVONG Ms Khamwen SITHILATH Ms Bounleuan PHETSAMONE Edited by Mr Somphay SENGVILAYSACK Mr Mek DALAVONG 57

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