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Gr 2 - Empowering Grammar - FINAL PDF - 2021

Published by dhanashri khedekar, 2021-12-03 02:36:38

Description: Gr 2 - Empowering Grammar - FINAL PDF - 2021


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Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub DEGRESS OF ADJECTIVES With more than 2 syllables, use the word more/most before the word. Sr. No. Positive Comparative Superlative 1 beautiful more beautiful most beautiful LEARNER’S HUB2 carefulmore careful most careful 3 dangerous more dangerous most dangerous 4 difficult more difficult most difficult 5 expensive more expensive most expensive 6 foolish more foolish most foolish 7 intelligent more intelligent most intelligent 8 interesting more interesting most interesting 9 terrible more terrible most terrible 10 tired more tired most tired If the word is irregular than memorize the adjectives. Sr. No. Positive Comparative Superlative 1 bad worse worst 2 good better best 3 many more most 4 little less least Gr. 2 101

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub DEGRESS OF ADJECTIVES Complete the comparative and superlative adjective chart below. Positive Adjectives Comparative Superlative Adjectives Adjectives large larger largest nice LEARNER’S HUB harder oldest sweet uglier shortest fast slower highest angry more comfortable best brave worst long more famous many more sincere 102 easiest Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub DEGRESS OF ADJECTIVES Some adjectives end in -er and -est. These adjectives compare nouns. Add -er to one-syllable adjectives that compare two things. • Example: The black cat is smaller than the orange cat. Add -est to one-syllable adjectives that compare three or more things. • Example: Of the three cats, the black one is the smallest. LEARNER’S HUB Underline the correct adjective given in the brackets and fill in the blank. 1. Martin is ____________ than Mary. (old, older, oldest) 2. That is a very _______________ car. (small, smaller, smallest) 3. Mount Everest is the _____________mountain in the world. (high, higher, highest) 4. This is the ___________ blanket in the house. (warm, warmer, warmest) 5. Maria is _____________ than Jan right now. (happy, happier, happiest) 6. That was the ___________ ice cream sundae I’ve ever eaten. (big, bigger, biggest) 7. Katrina ran even _____________ than I did. (fast, faster, fastest) 8. January is the ______________ month of the year. (cold, colder, coldest) 9. That is a very ______________ fishing pole. (long, longer, longest) 10. Mr. Jones is the ___________ teacher in the school. (nice, nicer, nicest) Gr. 2 103

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub DEGRESS OF ADJECTIVES To complete each sentence, add -er, -est, more or most to the adjective in brackets and write them in the blank. • Examples: Henry was taller than Francis. (tall) Today was more pleasant than yesterday. (pleasant) 1. A knife is ________________ than a butter knife. (sharp) LEARNER’S HUB2. David is the ___________________ player on the team. (fast) 3. My drawing is _____________________ than yours. (colorful) 4. I think the book we read today is ________________ than the one we read yesterday. (interesting) 5. Krisha’s _______________ brother coloured on the walls. (young) 6. This week’s temperatures are _____________ than last week’s. (warm) 7. That was the _________________ test I’ve ever taken. (difficult) 8. Isn’t he the ________________ little boy we have met? (nice) 9. That was an _______________ homework assignment. (easy) 10. Do you think an eagle is _______________ than an owl? (slow) 11. Robert’s arms are _________________ than John’s. (long) 12. Joe has the _________________ feet of anyone in his family. (big) 13. February is the ______________ month of the year. (short) 14. Those two cakes are tasty, but this one is the __________. (tasty) 104 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub DEGRESS OF ADJECTIVES Some adjectives compare by adding the words more and most. • Examples: Use the word more with adjectives that compare two things. Use the word most with adjectives that compare three or more things. LEARNER’S HUB Underline the correct words given in the bracket and fill in the blank. 1. This is the _____________________________ chicken I’ve ever eaten. (more delicious, most delicious) 2. Football is the ____________________________ sport of all. (more exciting, most exciting) 3. The weather is _____________________________ today than yesterday. (more beautiful, most beautiful) 4. Penny is _____________________________ than her sister. (more excited, most excited) 5. That is the __________________________ worksheet we have been assigned this week. (more difficult, most difficult) 6. Basketball is ____________________________ sport than fishing. (more physical, most physical) 7. Winter is the _______________________________ season of all. (more wonderful, most wonderful) 8. Bobby is ______________________________________ child than Jimmy. (more well-behaved, most well-behaved) 9. Ted wanted _________________ vegetables on his plate. (most, more) 10. Jane is the __________________ girl in the class. (more famous, most famous) Gr. 2 105

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub DEGRESS OF ADJECTIVES LEARNER’S HUBChange the word in the bracket to its correct adjective degree and fill in the blank. • Example: My flashlight is brighter than yours. (bright) 1. This room is _____________ than that one. (clean) 2. My bedroom is the _______________ in the house. (clean) 3. The red car in the garden is the _____________ car in the parking lot. (beautiful) 2. That tree is ____________ than the small tree across the road. (tall) 3. My eyes are ________________ than my brother’s eyes. (big) 4. My brother is the ______________ in the family. (young) 5. He climbed the tree _______________ than his brother. (quick) 6. The branch is _______________ than the house. (high) 7. He was the _________________ player in the team. (young) 8. Your blanket is __________________ than mine. (soft) 9. My blanket is the ________________ of all. (soft) 10. Whale is ________________ than a dolphin. (large) 11. Did you know whales are the ________________ water mammals? (large) 12. My grandmother is the ________________ person in my family. (wise) 13. That is the ____________ joke I have ever heard! (funny) 14. Tom’s writing is good, but Anna’s writing is even ___________ (neat). 106 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ADVERBS TYPES OF ADVERBS Adverbs of MannerLEARNER’S HUBAdverbs of Place Adverbs of Time words which tell us words which tell us words which tell us the manner in which where the action is when the action is action takes place. taking place. taking place. Example Example Example 1. Ram swims 1. I will go for a walk swiftly/well. 1. Reena was playing outside. later. 2. Shyam spoke softly/politely. 2. He took the box 2. He went for a walk inside. yesterday. Adverbs of Manner. Adverbs of Time. Adverbs of manner explains ‘How’ an action happens. Adverbs of time explains ‘WHEN’ an action happens. how When Adverbs of Place. Adverbs of place explains ‘WHERE’ an action happens. Gr. 2 Where 107

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ADVERBS An adverb is a word that describes an action verb. Adverbs tell how, when, or where an action happens. • Example: She quickly typed an e-mail. The word quickly describes how she typed. Since typed is a verb, the word quickly is an adverb. Adverbs of Manner : An adverb can describe how an action happens. It answers the question “how”. • Example : Sujata spoke softly. (how did Sujata speak) Answer is - softly Adverbs of Place : An adverb can describe where an action happens. It answers the question “where”. • Example : She took the box inside. (where did she take the box) Answer is - inside Adverbs of Time: An adverb can describe when an action happens. It answers the question “when”. • Example : We went to the store yesterday? (When did we go?) Answer is - yesterday LEARNER’S HUB Underline the correct words given in the brackets. 1. The fat duck ate a fish. The word fat describes (the duck / the fish). Duck is a (noun / verb). Fat is an (adjective / adverb). 2. The boy yells louder than anyone else. 108 The word louder describes (how the boy yells / the boy). The word yells is a (noun / verb). louder is an (adjective / adverb). Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ADVERBS 3. We drank the hot soup.LEARNER’S HUB The word hot describes (the soup / how we drank the soup ). The word soup is a (noun / verb). hot is an (adjective / adverb). 4. Grandpa walked slowly to the garage. The word slowly describes (grandpa / how grandpa walked). The word walked is a (noun / verb). slowly is an (adjective / adverb). 5. Maria patiently waited her turn. The word patiently describes (how Maria waited / Maria). The word waited is a (noun / verb). patiently is an (adjective / adverb). 6. A red fire truck zoomed down the street. The word red describes (the firetruck / how fast the firetruck was going). The word fire truck is a (noun / verb). red is an (adjective / adverb). 7. A horse galloped swiftly in the field. The word swiftly describes ( how the horse galloped / about the horse) The word galloped is a (verb /noun) swiftly is an (adjective /adverb) Gr. 2 109

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ADVERBS Find the adverb in each sentence and underline it. Write the word verb and adverb column. Sr. Sentence Verb Adverb No. 1 He slept soundly. slept soundly LEARNER’S HUB2 Tom is standing outside. 3 The driver turned sharply to the left. 4 The sun is shining brightly. 5 I will take a walk later. 6 The bus moved slowly. 7 Meg regularly cooks for the family. He looked carefully for his book but he 8 didn’t find it. 9 The door closed suddenly. 10 Mita searched the book everywhere. 11 The dog snores loudly. I carefully glued the last piece onto the 12 puzzle. 13 Francis played on the beach yesterday. 14 I will visit my friend tomorrow. 110 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ADVERBS Fill in the blank lines with the adverb that best fits each sentence. Use the adverbs in the word box below. An adverb is a word that describes an action verb. playfully carefully sincerely slowly happily LEARNER’S HUBquicklypatientlyloudlyquietly safely 1. Sarah skipped ________________ down the street to see her friend. 2. The team ran ________________ towards the finish line to win the race. 3. The librarian told the kids to read their books ________________. 4. The cat chased the ball around ________________. 5. Dan waited ________________ for his turn to hit the ball. 6. The turtle walked ______________ and couldn’t keep up with the rabbit. 7. Sharon chose the answers for her test ________________ so she would pass. 8. Mike saw there were no cars coming so he could cross the street ________________. 9. The kids shouted ________________ as they played in gym class. 10. We say the pledge of allegiance ________________ because we love our country. Gr. 2 111

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ADVERBS Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs form the help box given below neatly carefully beautifully loudly brightly bravely gracefully slowly quickly merrily quietly early 1. My sister sings ______________.LEARNER’S HUB 2. I had to shout ______________ in the class. 3. Tony climbed the tree as ______________ as a monkey. Gr. 2 4. There were no clouds, and the sun shone ______________. 5. The children played ______________ in the park. 6. The soldiers fought ______________ in the battlefield. 7. My brother writes ______________ the book. 8. My friend danced ______________ on the stage. 9. The man ______________ opened the door. 10. Mona arrived ______________ for her riding lesson. 11. Melanie ______________ took the eggs out of the fridge. 12. Freddy tiptoed ______________ up the stairs. 112

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub PRONOUNS A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun. Pronouns are used so that we do not repeat nouns again and again. Pronouns may be singular or plural. ➢ Pronouns replace nouns and act like nouns. ➢ Pronouns must not have nouns after them. LEARNER’S HUB Types of Pronouns Personal Possessive Reflexive Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns I - me mine myself he - him his yourself she - her hers himeslf herself you yours ourselves we - us ours themselves they - them theirs itself it Gr. 2 113

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub PERSONAL PRONOUNS A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. • Example: John is a postman. John carries a blue bag. new sentence: John is a post man. He carries a blue bag. The word he is a pronoun that takes the place of the word John. LEARNER’S HUB Some common pronouns include I he she it we they me him her you our them Circle the pronouns in the sentences below. Some sentences have more than one pronoun. 1. She went to the store with Angela. 2. Six of us had to squeeze in the tiny car. 3. Every Thursday, Kenny goes to D-Mart with them. 4. At the store, the cashier gave her some change. 5. When the sun rises, he leaves for work. 6. I enjoyed watching them play football on the playground. 7. Have you hung the painting on the wall yet? 8. If I eat all of these vegetables, mother will let me watch television. 9. We played with the puppy, then fed her a biscuit. 10. Have you seen the sandcastle we built? Gr. 2 114

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub PERSONAL PRONOUNS LEARNER’S HUBRewrite each sentence. Change the bold word or words to pronoun. 1) Look at Paul. Paul is sleeping. Wake Paul up. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2) Lila is a pretty girl. Lila is ten years old. Everyone likes Lila. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3) Teacher spoke to Tom and Mary. The teacher asked Tom and Mary to attend school regularly. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4) Mom and dad went for shopping. Mom and dad bought a new dinning set. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5) Meera is good girl. I like Meera because Meera works hard. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6) My friends and I are going to the beach. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7) The farmer brought the cows around. Later farmer fixed the fence. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 8) Uncle Jerry sent me a package from France while uncle Jerry was on vacation. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Gr. 2 115

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub PERSONAL PRONOUNS 9) Mrs. Brown is our math teacher. Mrs. Brown gave us homework. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 10) Adam and Carol were playing with kittens. Adam and Carol fed milk to the kittens ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 11) Jack is absent today. Jack is ill. Give this book to Jack. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 12) Rita likes stories very much. Rita reads the stories daily. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ LEARNER’S HUB 116 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Possessive pronouns are used to show that something or someone belongs to someone. • Example: Tim bought a new laptop computer. The computer is his. The possessive pronoun his is referring to a laptop computer that belongs to Tim. LEARNER’S HUBUse a possessive pronoun from the box below to complete each sentence. You can use the word more than once. mine yours his hers its ours theirs 1. I bought a new video game. It is ____________. 2. The jacket belongs to David. The jacket is ____________. 3. The cats belong to Lisa and Sheela. The cats were ____________. 4. This telephone number belongs to Betty. It is ____________. 5. You and I live in this house. The house is ____________. 6. My dog is bigger than your dog. The larger dog is ____________. 7. You go to Maple School. The school is ____________. 8. Ted’s baseball is over here. The baseball is ____________. 9. That skateboard belongs to Jan. The skateboard is ____________. 10.You want the last slice of pizza. The last slice is ____________. 11. Mom and dad’s car is in the driveway. The car in the driveway is ____________. 12. My brother and I bought tickets. The tickets are ____________. Gr. 2 117

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS Choose the right possessive pronoun. mine yours his hers its ours theirs LEARNER’S HUB1. I have a new book. It is _________________. 2. She has a new cat. It is _________________. 3. They have new pillows. It is _________________. 4. We have new shoes. They are _________________. 5. He has a new car. It is _________________. 6. You have a new toy. It is _________________. 7. The dog has a new bone. It is _________________. 8. The book belongs to her. It is _________________. 9. The coat belongs to me. It is _________________. 10. The chair belongs to Mary. It is _________________. 118 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS A reflexive pronoun reflects back to the subject. Reflexive pronouns end with -self (singular) – selves (plural) Use the reflexive pronouns in the help box to complete the sentences. You can use the word more than once. myself yourself herself himself LEARNER’S HUBitself ourselves yourselves themselves 1. George and Mary did the project all by ___________________. 2. I wrote a letter by ___________________. 3. Adam hurt ___________________ while playing hockey. 4. The calculator will turn off ______________ when it is not being used. 5. Make sure you clean ___________________ up before the party starts. 6. Julie dusted _________________ off before she got back on the horse. 7. We are painting our house all by ___________________. 8. Do you boys think you can handle this all by ___________________? 9. The boys are wearing their clothes ________________. 10. Gita ______________ did the work within an hour. 11. Montu is always looking at ________________ in the mirror. 12. Although the players were tired they had to carry their kit all by ____________. 119 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub CONJUNCTIONS A conjunction is a word that is used to combine short sentences into one longer sentence. The three most common conjunctions are and, but, or two short sentences: Joe wanted to go skateboarding with his friends. It was raining outside. LEARNER’S HUB one long sentence: Joe wanted to go skateboarding with his friends, but it was raining outside. 120 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub CONJUNCTIONS Choose the word from the help box. You may use one conjunction more than once to complete each sentence. and but or so because 1. It was very warm ______________ she took of her coat. LEARNER’S HUB 2. Anie has an egg ______________ sandwich in her lunch box. 3. Linda ______________ Jennifer are sisters. 4. I cannot go inside the hall ______________ I do not have a ticket. 5. Sean wanted to learn to play the guitar, ______________ his mother wanted him to learn piano. 6. Greg studied for his spelling test, ____________ he still didn’t get an A grade. 7. He fell ______________ the floor was slippery. 8. When I grow up, I think I would like to be an electrician ___________ a plumber. 9. It rained heavily last night ______________ the roads are muddy today. 10. George was going to clean the house, ______________ he’s too tired. Gr. 2 121

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub CONJUNCTIONS LEARNER’S HUBCombine each pair of sentences with the conjunction given in the bracket to make a new sentence. 1. The bird made a nest. The bird laid an egg. (and) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 2. My mom sits down. My mom watches TV. (and) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 3. Dad used a hammer. Dad used a drill. (and) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 4. My pet goat will eat almost anything. It likes vegetables best. (but) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 5. Some kids were afraid to dive into the pool. I wasn’t afraid. (but) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 6. We could go to the playground. We could go to the movie. (or) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 7. Matthew went to the beach. Matthew learned to surf. (and) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 8. Mary wanted to drive to the store. Her car wouldn’t start. (but) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 9. Do you want pancakes for breakfast? Do you want eggs for breakfast? (or) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 10. I need to bring a pencil to school. I need to bring a ruler to school (and) _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 122 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub CONJUNCTIONS Join the following sentences with the help of conjunctions given in theLEARNER’S HUB bracket. 1. The sunflower is yellow in colour. The lily is white in colour. (and) _________________________________________________________ 2. Is that Dev’s mother. Is that your mother? (or) _________________________________________________________ 3. Father took granny to the doctor. She was not well. (because) _________________________________________________________ 4. He is rich. He is not happy. (but) _________________________________________________________ 5. He was afraid of being late. He ran. (so) _________________________________________________________ 6. Jack works hard. He wants to win the first prize. (because) _________________________________________________________ 7. You must run. You will miss the train. (or) _________________________________________________________ 8. She sings sweetly. She sings softly. (and) _________________________________________________________ 9. He is thin. His brother is fat. (but) _________________________________________________________ 10. Is Mary your friend? Is Mary your cousin? (or) _________________________________________________________ 11. I spoke to her. She did not answer. (but) _________________________________________________________ 12. She must work hard. She will fail in the examination. (or) _________________________________________________________ Gr. 2 123

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub SUBJECT AND PREDICATE The subject of a sentence tells who or what the sentence is about. • Example: The green grapes grew on the vine. The predicate of a sentence tells what the subject does or is. • Example: The green grapes grew on the vine. LEARNER’S HUB 124 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub SUBJECT AND PREDICATE Choose a subject from the box to complete each sentence. A big spider My mother A buzzing bee My wardrobe LEARNER’S HUBMy note bookThe plants A swarm of bees The eye doctor A grey dolphin The space alien 1. _____________________________ looked for nectar in the flower. 2. _____________________________ has lots of clothes in it. 3. _____________________________ checked my vision. 4. _____________________________ need soil, water and sunlight. 5. _____________________________ landed the UFO. 6. _____________________________ jumped in the sea. 7. _____________________ was upset because I broke her favourite vase. 8. ______________________ is filled with stories that I wrote. 9. ______________________ spun a web in the doorway. 10. ______________________ was buzzing around the hive. 125 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub SUBJECT AND PREDICATE Choose a predicate from the box to complete each sentence. watered the flowers. barked all night long. drove me to school. crows every morning. blew in the wind. ate a spider. cut the boy’s hair. fixed the sink. slept in her crib. flew the airplane. LEARNER’S HUB 1. The gardener _________________________________________________. 2. The pilot _____________________________________________________ . 3. The little puppy _______________________________________________ . 4. The barber ___________________________________________________ . 5. Jame’s baby sister ____________________________________________ . 6. The flag _____________________________________________________ . 7. The lizard ____________________________________________________ . 8. The plumber _________________________________________________ . 9. The bus driver ________________________________________________ . 10. The old yellow rooster _________________________________________ . 126 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub SUBJECT AND PREDICATE LEARNER’S HUBDivide the following sentences into subject and predicate. 1. She sang a sweet song. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ 2. The boys are swimming. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ 3. These mangoes have a delicious smell. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ 4. The farmer sows rice and wheat. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ 5. The baker bakes the bread. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ 6. The fisherman caught a huge fish. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ Gr. 2 127

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub SUBJECT AND PREDICATE 7. The naughty boy broke the flower vase. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ 8. The peon opened the gate. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ 9. My sister went to school yesterday. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ 10. The grocer sells tea and sugar. Subject - ___________________________________________________________ Predicate - _________________________________________________________ LEARNER’S HUB 128 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub CONTRACTIONS Contractions are a short way of writing two words. Use an apostrophe ( ‘ ) to take the place of a missing letter or letters. • Example: is not - isn’t he will - he’ll LEARNER’S HUB Gr. 2 129

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub CONTRACTIONS Write the contraction for the following words. • Example: I am - I’m would not - wouldn’t Sr. Word Answer Sr. Word Answer No No 1 I am 16 is not LEARNER’S HUB 2 you are 17 had not 3 we are 18 do not 4 he is 19 did not 5 it is 20 could not 6 she has 21 should not 7 I have 22 would not 8 we have 23 were not 9 they have 24 I will not 10 I will 25 we will not 11 we will 26 they will not 12 he will 27 have not 13 I would 28 must not 14 we would 29 does not 15 she would 30 can not 130 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub CONTRACTIONS Fill in the blanks with contractions for the following words given in brackets. 1. __________ going to play in the park. (he is) 2. __________ finished eating their dinner. (they have) LEARNER’S HUB 3. They __________ not coming to the party. (are not) 4. __________ a sunny day. (it is) 5. __________ have fun at the show. (we will) 6. She __________ like my idea. (did not) 7. You __________ skip your meals. (should not) 8. __________ one of the best teams in our school (we are) 9. Jane __________ like to play in the park. (does not) 10. __________ let us in the meeting after some time. (they will) 11. __________ one of my best friends. (she is) 12. I __________ (would not) be surprised if we __________ (did not) win the game. 13. __________ attend my birthday party as they are out of town. (they will not) 14. She __________ present in the class yesterday. (was not) 15. I __________ hear you . (could not) 131 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub POSSESSIVE NOUNS Possessive nouns show who or what owns something. Singular nouns are made possessive by adding an apostrophe ( ‘ ) and then -s. • Example: The boy’s kite flew high in the sky. Plural possessives are formed by adding an apostrophe ( ‘ ) after the -s. LEARNER’S HUB• Example:The girls’ kite flew high in the sky. The ships’ flags were waving in the wind. When a plural noun does not end with -s, add an apostrophe ( ‘ ) and then write -s. • Example: The men’s truck was dirty. The children’s toys were scattered all over the floor. The women’s softball team won first place. Fill in the blank with possessive form of the noun given in the brackets. • Example: The puppy’s toy squeaks. (puppy) 1.This is _________________ homework. (Matthew) 2.The _____________ pants are black. (boy) 3.That _____________ feathers are yellow. (bird) 4.This is _________________ jacket. (Sarah) 5. _____________ dog toy is noisy. (Jason) 6. My _______________book report is fantastic. (friend) 7. Are these _________________ spectacles? (grandma) 8. The ______________ stall is clean now. (horse) 9. ____________ uniform needs to be washed. (Bob) 10. The _______________ rattle is pink. (baby) Gr. 2 132

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub POSSESSIVE NOUNS Write the Plural possessive form of each word in the brackets to complete the sentence. 1. Those men’s hats were red. (men) 2. The _____________ purses are beautiful. (women) LEARNER’S HUB3. ________________ room is full of toys. (children) 4. The water was filled with the _________________ nets. (fishermen) 5. Everyone knew the forest was the _______________ territory. (wolves) 6. The _______________ bedroom is painted blue. (boys) 7. The ________________dress is very beautiful. (princess) 8. The _______________ role was very short. (actress) 9. The ______________ cots were in perfect rows at the hospital. (babies) 10. The ____________________ wings were very large. (airplanes) 11. The ___________________ wife is at home. (doctors) 12. The __________________ shirts are dirty. (painters) 13. The _____________ tyres are huge and black. (cars) Gr. 2 133

Empowering Vocabulary

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ITS OR IT’S It’s - is a contraction for It is or It has. (contraction) Example : It’s (It is) a beautiful day today! Example : It’s (It has) been a long trip. Its - is used when something belongs to or is associated with something. (possesive noun) Example : The dog ate its bone. (The bone belongs to the dog) LEARNER’S HUB Fill in the blanks with its or it’s in each sentence. 1. The chicken sat on _________ egg until it hatched. 2. Dad doesn’t think _________ a good idea to play outside today. 3. The mother cat and _________ kittens are taking a long nap. 4. Our school is very proud of _________ students’ hard work. 5. The dog licked _________ lips when it saw the big, juicy bone. 6. My teacher said that _________ important to read every day. 7. __________ Summer and the sun is shining. 8. The kitten has stripes on _______ back. Gr. 2 135

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub THERE, THEIR, THEY’RE they’re - a contraction for the words they are Example : They’re going to the airport. their - something that belongs to people Example : We rode in their car. there - a place Example : The box is over there. LEARNER’S HUB Fill in the blanks with their, they’re, or there in each sentence. 1. Nathan ate dinner at ________________ house. 2. Imani said ________________ coming over tonight. 3. Olivia set up the computer over ________________. 4. ________________ are four squirrels in the yard. 5. ________________ always late! 6. The house over ________________ is made of stones. 7.____________ going to win the match. 8. Amy and Ben took __________ puppy to the park. 136 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub TO, TOO OR TWO To - The preposition ‘to’ refers to a place, direction, or position. To - The word ‘to’ is used as an infinitive. Example: The boy went to the store to buy groceries. Too - The adverb ‘too’ means also, very, extremely, or additionally. Example: I am too tired now. LEARNER’S HUB Two - ‘Two’refers to the number 2. Example: I have two pet cats. Fill in the blanks with to, too, or two in each sentence. 1. Kate and Jan went _________ a football game. 2. James said, “I ate _________ much ice cream.” 3. Please pick up _________ litres of milk from the store. 4. We will all go _________ the beach on Sunday. 5. Grandma bought me _________ birthday presents. 6. You have _________ many toys in your bedroom. 7. Will we have cake and ice cream _________? 8. I have ___________ feed my dog. Gr. 2 137

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub YOU’RE AND YOUR You’re - is a contraction for the words you are. Example : You’re dancing gracefully. Your - is a word to describe something that belongs to you. Example : Your house is simple and comfortable. LEARNER’S HUB Fill in the blanks with your or you’re in each sentence. 1. May I borrow _________ baseball mitt? 2. _________ my best friend. 3. Is _________ homework finished? 4. I think _________ the best grandpa in the whole world. 5. _________ going to have a great time here. 6. After dinner, _________ going to help clear the table. 7. Where is __________ sister? 8. __________ such a great friend. 138 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub HOMOPHONES Homophones are words that have the same sound, but have different spelling and different meanings. Fill in the blank with the correct homophone to complete each sentence. 1. I would like _________ have a fresh oatmeal cookie. (to / two) LEARNER’S HUB2. Jane ___________ a prize in the race. (one / won) 3. I won the basketball game __________ only four points. (by / buy) 4. Have you read the story about the Tortoise and the ___________ ? (hair / Hare) 5. Please make sure you _____________ a coat when you go outside. (wear / where) 6. The wind ____________ the newspaper right out of my hands. (blue / blew) 7. Maggie will ____________ a story in her notebook. (write / right) 8. I received three letters in the ____________ (mail / male) 9. I shall _______________ you after school. (meat / meet) 10. We could spot a herd of ___________ in the forest. (dear / deer) 11.The dog wagged its ____________ when I gave it a bone. (tail / tale) 12. Last____________ my grandmother was admitted in the hospital. (week / weak) 13. He ___________ his new bike on the bumpy ___________. (rode / road) 14. I do not like to eat ____________ for dinner. (meat / meet) 15. There is summer __________ in the store. (sale / sail) 139 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub HOMOPHONES Fill in the blank with the correct homophone in the given pair of sentences. our / hour 1. He likes to swim in _____________ pool when he comes to visit us. 2. We will leave for the party in an _____________ LEARNER’S HUB no / know 1. She didn’t ______________ it was going to rain today. 2. My mother said, “ ____________ , you cannot go to the store alone.” threw /through 1. She ________________ the football over the fence. 2. Don’t go ________________ that door! new/knew 1. I got a brand _____________ pair of roller blades for my birthday. 2. He _____________ how to spell all the words on his spelling test. one/won 1. I can’t believe we ______________ the state championship game! 2. Grandpa only wants ______________ slice of pizza. by / buy 1. My mother is going to _____________ me some new shoes. 2. The bus driver stopped ________ the bus stop to pick up the students. 140 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub HOMOPHONES wear / where , hole/whole 1. My cousin likes to ____________ jeans with a _____________ in them. 2. Do you know ____________ Tina put the ____________ box of cereal? hear/here 1. Come over _______________ so I can take your picture. 2. Did you _______________ the exciting news? LEARNER’S HUB herd /heard 1. Sasha _____________a strange noise in the room. 2. A ____________ of giraffes were wallking in the open grasslands of Africa. flea / flee 1. The ____________ sitting on the dog made the dog scratch. 2. When the fire started we decided to ___________ quickly. plain / plane 1. The cake is made from ___________flour. 2. The ___________ took off from the runway. rain / rein 1. We have a lot of _________ during monsoon. 2. He slapped the horse with the ______and the horse neighed loudly. Gr. 2 141

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub SYNONYMS Circle the correct synonyms for the bold words given. 1. Will you permit her to use your allow tidy bike? 2. My bedroom is always tidy. neat cold 3. That was a foolish thing to doLEARNER’S HUBsensible stupid 4. The dogs tracked the smell of scent jumper the thief. knock scare square round 5. I tried not to frighten the baby rabbit. 6. This is a circular shape. 7. What is the cost of that bike price colour 8. Mum is going to mend my flat fix mix tyre. start edge end 9. What time are we going to pony begin the trip? above 10. David lived on the border of present the forest. Gr. 2 11. Papa gave me a lovely gift for my birthday. 142

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub SYNONYMS Synonyms are words with the same or almost the same meaning. Circle the synonym for the bold word given in each sentence. 1. The dog was angry at the happy mad excited strangers. LEARNER’S HUB2. We took a stroll throughwalkrun sleep the forest trails. 3. The wealthy man had a skip rich mad shiny new car. 4. My mother told me to tidy neat dirty clean my room. 5. The clothes are still damp wet stuck dry as it has been raining. 6. My father is going to halt sell fix mend my flat tyre. 7. The cat was always joyful angry happy upset at meal time. 8. The diamond necklace pretty ugly silly was beautiful. 9. We felt miserable to be sad happy friendly inside on a rainy day. 10. There was a large rock stone bike mud on the foot path. 11. Ben is a new student in child boy pupil our class. 143 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub SYNONYMS Circle the correct synonyms for the bold words given below. 1. The rich man lived in a very large house. a) old b) sad c) wealthy d) friendly 2. Jack completed his homework. a) hid b) finished c) erased d) delayed LEARNER’S HUB 3. Jessica was scared of the dark. a) tired b) courageous c) brave d) afraid 4. Seema looked through the window. a) pushed b) leaned c) glanced d) broke 5. His uncle brought a birthday gift wrapped in a red paper. a) present b) furry c) carried d) simple 6. The girls talked all the way home. a) chattered b) slept c) froze d) sang 7. Sam is still feeling ill. a) sick b) happy c) joyful d) nasty 8. This insect is very tiny. a) huge b) small c) enormous d) dull. 9. There were beautiful flowers in the garden. a) ugly b) innocent c) pretty d) damp 10. Max made a/an mistake in the math test. a) error b) easy c) fail d) difficult 11. Alice is a brilliant student. a) sick b) bright c) average d) older 12. You need to mix the eggs and the flour. a) blend b) make c) cook d) bake 144 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ANTONYMS Fill in the blank with the correct antonyms for the bold words given in the sentence. white fast heavy large tame sweet dirty bald LEARNER’S HUBweakshallow old lost 1. The mouse is small but the whale is___________ 2. The snail is slow but the hare is _________ 3. The lion is wild but the sheep is ___________ 4. The feather is light but the rock is ___________ 5. The lemon is bitter but the sugar is ____________ 6. The coal is black but the snow is _________ 7. My shirt is clean but hers is __________ 8. David is young but Jimmy is __________ 9. Fiona found the purse yesterday which was ________. 10. A person who is strong is not ___________ 11. If a river is deep it is not _____________. 12. Mr. Smith is hairy but Mr. Jones is _____________. 145 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ANTONYMS Antonyms are words with opposite meaning. LEARNER’S HUBFill in the blank with antonyms for the words given in bold. 1. Children grow up to be ______________. 2. Men are tall but children are ______________. 3. This light is dull but that one is ______________. 4. A person who is not strong is ______________. 5. This door is open but that one is ______________. 6. This line is crooked but that one is _____________. 7. The watch has been found but the bag is _____________. 8. The ugly duckling grew up into a _____________ swan. 9. The bark of a tree is rough but the leaves are _____________. 10. When we cross the road we look right and then _____________. 11. Mrs.Shah is a vegetarian but Mr. Shah is a _____________. 12. This restaurant is expensive but the food stall across the road is _____________. 13. The baby pool is shallow but the pool for the adult is _____________. 14. The knife is sharp, but the scissors are _____________. 15. The lion is a wild animal, but the horse is a _____________ animal. 146 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub ANTONYMS Write the antonyms for the underlined words and re- write the sentences.LEARNER’S HUB 1. My teacher gives me difficult homework. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 2. Sam hates travelling. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. I reached late to school. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. The woman opened the door. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. I like cold coffee. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. Mohan is a short boy. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 7. The boy ran down the stairs. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 8. Seema seems to be happy. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9. The baby was crying. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 10. The white bucket is full. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Gr. 2 147

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub SYNONYMS - ANTONYMS Write a synonym and an antonym for each word. Use the words from the word box. laugh false difficult moist ill different healthy full LEARNER’S HUBeasycowardly sob factual similar dry famished daring construct rich destroy poor 1. true Synonym Antonym ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 2. damp ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 3. cry ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 4. alike ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 5. build ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 6. hard ____________________ 7. sick ____________________ 8. wealthy ____________________ 9. hungry ____________________ 10. brave ____________________ 148 Gr. 2

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub PROOF READING OF PARAGRAPHS There are six spelling errors in the paragraph. Underline the errors and rewrite the paragraph in the below lines correctly. I ate an aple for my dinner today. I liek to eat lotz of food eech day becors it keaps me healthy. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ LEARNER’S HUB There are seven spelling errors in the paragraph. Underline the errors and rewrite the paragraph in the below lines correctly. When I was small I loved a book caled “Where the Wild Things Are”. Now I chooose my own books from the libary. Yesteday I got a book about repptiles. It was’nt a storey book. It had an indecks and lots of information. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Gr. 2 149

Date: ______________ Learner‛s Hub PROOF READING OF PARAGRAPHS Proof read and rewrite the paragraph by inserting capital letters, comma, question mark and contract the word in bold. Why does not a hair cut hurt? it hurts when your finger or toe or skin is cut. That is because they are all quite alive. Do you know that your hair is not alive. haircuts do not hurt because your hair is made out of protein called keratin. It is the same thing found in your fingernails. the actual hair is dead but the root is not. the root of your hair is what is inside your skin in tiny holes called follicles. This is the part of your hair that is alive and growing. so if you pull out your hair by the root it hurts _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ LEARNER’S HUB Incorrect homophones have been used in this story. Rewrite the story using the correct words for the words given in bold. The cowboy tied his hoarse to the tree and went inside the shop to by sum cheep food. When he returned he jumped on his horse, grabbed the rains and road towards the heard of cattle that had bean waiting for him on the plane. _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 150 Gr. 2

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