F.Sc Statistics GuessPapers 2nd Year(Updated)F.Sc ics fa 2nd year statistics guess papershort & long questions Guess Papers F.Sc. (2nd Year) StatisticsChapter 10: Example: 1,5,8,12,13,17,18. Exercise: 10.1 Q: 2,4, (c), 5 (b)6,7. Ex: 10.2 Q: 1(a), 3,5,6,8,10(a), 12, 14, 16,17.Chapter (11): Example: 3, 6,8,12 Exercise: 11.2 Q: 4(a), 5,6,7. Ex: 11.3 Q:3(b) Ex: 11.4 Q: 2,3,7.Chapter (12): Example 3,4,6,16. Ex: 12.1 Q: 2,4. Ex: 12.2 Q: 36(a),9,11,12. Ex: 12.3 Q: 1(a),2(c) Ex: 12.4 Q: 3,5. Ex: 12.5 Q:2Chapter(13): Example 6,18,20,27. Ex: 13.2 Q: 3,6,9,1.1,12. Ex: 13.3 Q:1(b),3,4,5. Ex: 13.4: Q:4,6 Ex: 13.5 Q:2(b),4 Ex: 13.6:Q:1(b),3,(c),4(a).Chapter(14): Example: 2,7,8,9,10 Ex: 14.1 Q:2,4 (b), 7,8(a),9(c),10,11,12,13.Chapter(15): Example: 5,9. Ex: 15.1 Q: 2,3,4,5, 7(a),8. Ex: 15.2Q:1,2(b),4. Ex: 15.3 Q: 3,4.Chapter(16): Example: 4,6,9,10. Ex: 16.1 Q:3(C), 5,9, 12,13. Important Short & Long Questions(1) Define normal distribution? (2) Define the properties of normaldistribution? (3) Define standard normal random variables? (4) Writethe basic aims of sampling. (5) What is sampling and its advantages?
Define parameter and statistics? (7) Define sampling frame andsampling design? (8) Define probability sampling and non probabilitysampling, and its types? (9). Define sampling error and non samplingerror? (10) Define sampling with and without replacement. (11) Definesimple random sampling? (12) Define stratified random sampling? (13)Define accuracy and precision? (14) Define statistical inference and itstypes? (15) Define estimate, estimator and estimation? (16) Definepoint estimate and interval estimate?(17) Define bias and unbiasedness? (18) Is an estimator a randomvariable? Why are or why not? (19) Define confidence interval andconfidence limit? (20) Define level of confidence? (21) Define simpleand composite hypothesis? (22) Define critical region and non criticalregion? (23) Define type I error and type 2 error? (24) Define I tail and2 tail test? (25) Define level of signficance and power of test? (26)Define test of significant? (27) Define simple and multiple regression?(28) Define regressor and regressand? (29) Define regressioncoefficient? (30) Define scatter diagram? (31) Define properties of leastsquare regression line? (32) Define correlation and coefficient ofcorrelation? (33) Define properties of correlation of coefficient? (34)Define positive, negative correlation? (35) Define zero correlation. (36)Define variable and attributes? (37) Define between positive andnegative attributes? (38) Define class and class frequency? (39) Defineultimate class frequency? (40) Define coefficient of association? (41).What is Yates correction for continuity in chi square? (42) Definemultinomial population? (43) Define rank correlation? (44) Define timeseries and analysis of time series. And its types? (45) What is meant bycomponent of time series? (46) Define histogram and historigrain? (47)Define signal and noise? (48) Define secular trend and irregularvariable? (49) Define computer an types? (50) Define digital, analogand super computer? (51) Define software and hardware? (52) DefineCPU and ALU and control unit? (53) Define input and output devices?(54) Define softcopy, hardcopy, assembler, interpreter? (55) Defineinput and output devices. (56) Define motherboard. (57) In a normaldistribution Qı = 163 and Q3 = 171.094. Find standard deviation. (58)
Write equation of normal distribution with mean 20 and standarddeviation 5. (59) Given n = 64, X = 42.7, o= 8 and Zari = 1.645. Findthe confidence interval for population mean (u). (60) Given y = 6, 8, 10and X = 0, 1, 2. Find regression coefficient of Y on X. (61) Given j = 45–10x. Find î. When x = 3, 4 (62) Given bxy = 0.82, rxy = 0.97. find bux.(63) Given j = 128 + 4x and x = -3, -2, 0, 1, 2, 3, . Find Ey (64) Whatwould be the value of rxy if ryx = 0.87? (65) Given S12 = 1.43, SZ =5.21, n; = 10, ng = 10 find Sp. (66) Given byx = -1.40, bxy=-0.62, findrxy and ryx. (67) If y = 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, x=2,-1, 0, , 2 and ỹ = 20 + 2xcompute Z(y – î). (68) Given n = 64, X = 60, o = 10 and Z. = 2.33. Findthe +. confidence interval for u. (69) If n=25, X = 3, $= 2 and p = 2.Find the value of t. (70) Give by = -1.4, rxy = – 0.87. find bux. (71)Given rxy = 0.75, Sy = 5, (x – x)(y-7) = 15n. find Sx. (72) Given d2 = 99,n = 11. Find rank correlation co-efficient. : (73) For N = 120, n= 30 ando = 4. Find S.E( X ). (74) What decision can be made if Q = 0 or Q=-1?(75) If a = 130, b=3.956, then estimate Y for X = 12 (76) If y=41, howwill you discuss it?F.SC 2nd YearComputer ScienceGuess PaperGuess papers for 2nd year preengineering/medical ics fsc
Guess COMPUTER 2nd Year SHORT QUESTIONSChapter-1: (1) What is field (2) What is different between data andinformation (3) What is data manipulation (4) What is data dictionary(5) Define the term direct file (6) Write down the two disadvantages ofdatabase system. (7) What is a file (8) What is DBMS (9) What is meantby data independence (10) What is program file. (11) Backup andrecovery. (12) Query language (13) Data manipulationChapter-2: (1) What is the purpose of using views. (2) What do youknow about primary key (3) Define candidate/ternate key. What isdifference between primary key and foreign key. (4) What is the usageof index in FMS and DBMS. (5) Who is a database administrator(6)Who is data administrator (7) define view (8) List different types ofkey (9) Define entity. (10) Relation is formed in database.Chapter-3: (1) Why is requirement analysis conducted (2) Define anattribute . Give an example. (3) define modality (4) What is ER diagram(5) What is meant by database integrity (6) What do you mean bylogical & physical database design:(7) Cardinality of a relation. (8)What is integrity constraint? (9) File organization.Chapter-4: (1) What is referential integrity (2) What is meant byredundancy (3) What is meant by integrity (4) Define insertionanomaly. (5) What is transitive dependency (6) What is synonym (7)What is functional dependency. (8) Database anomalies. (9)Determinant.Chapter-5: (1) What is imeant by RDBMS. (2) What is Query (3) What isa form (3) What is report (4) What is the use of MS Excess (5) What isRDBMS.Chapter-6: (1) What is table. (2) What is meant by degree of a relation?(3) What is the use of input mask (4) What is sorting and filtering? (5)What is query .(6) What is select query. (7) Field property?Chapter-7: (I) What is tabular form (2) What is columnar forms (3)What is a command button (4) What is a sub-form (5) What is report
(6) What is the main difference between form and report. (7). What isa switchboard (8) What is combo box and check boxes. (9) What is aform & report.Chapter-8: (1) What is a programming language (2) Who is aprogrammer. (3) What is a compiler and assembler (4) What ispreprocessor directive (5) What is main function used in C programs(6) Define the term bug and debug. (7) What is syntax and logicalerror (8) Cancellation error. (9) Delimiters (10) Liow does a compilerwork?Chapter-9: (1) What is an identifier? Give some examples of identifier.(2) Which things are specified in variable declaration (3) What is avariable declaration (4) What is variable initialization (5) What arelogical operator (6) What is the data type of an expression (7) Why arecomments used in C program (8) What is difference between declaringand defining a variable (9) What is constant (10) What is the use ofincrement and decrement operator (11) How does an arithmeticunderflow and overflow. (12) Range and Precision? (13) Relationaloperators. (14) Comments added on multiple lines?Chapter 10: (1) List some important functions for input (2) Definestandard output (3) What is the sue of field width specifiers in Clanguage (4) What are escape sequences name four escape characterprovided by C. (5) What is the used of “getch” function (6) . What isthe use of getche function (7) What is “scanf” function (8) what isformat specifier in c language. (9) Describe the use of ampersand (&)in scanf function.Chapter-11: (1) What are the basic control structures for writingprograms. (2)What is “if’ statement (3) What is “switch statement (4)What is conditional operator. (5) What is if-else” or “if-else-if”statement.Chapter-12: (1) What is loop (2) What is “While” loop (3) What is do-while loop (4) What is differences between while and do-while loops(5) What is nested loop (6) What is for loop.
Chapter 13: (1) What is function (2) different types of functions (3)function declaration/function prototypes/ function signature &function definition? (4)What is local variable?Chapter-14: (1)What is stream text and binary streams. (2)What isstring How declared and initialized in C language. (3) What is text file? Guess Papers F.Sc. (2nd) LONG QUESTIONSChapter (1): (1) Define . data processing. What, activities are involvedin data processing? Discuss in detail. (2) Define database system. Whatare four major components of database systems? Write in detail. (3)Define database model. Describe different types of databases model.(4) What is DBMS and its objectives & features of DBMSChapter (2): (1) What is a Key? Describe different types of keys used indatabases. (2) Differentiate between fixed-length field and variable-length field. (3) How the data is stored and retrieved in FileManagement system.Chapter (3): (1)What is data modeling? What are the ingredients ofdata modeling? (2) Explain the concept of cardinality and modalitywith example.(3) Briefly explain the database design process with thehelp of a diagram. (4) Briefly describe basic data distributionstrategies. ? (5) What is ER-diagramChapter (4): (1) What is data integrity? What are two types of dataintegrity? (2) What is normalization (3) What is database anomalies?Discuss insertion, deletion and modification.Chapter (5): (1)What is an IDE? (2)Describe the database window inMicrosoft Access. (3) What is database object? Discuss the databaseobjects used to store and retrieve data?(4) What is RDBMS.Chapter (6): (1)Explain the procedure for creating table in Access. (2)Define primary key what is the procedure of applying 29. primary keyin MS. Access. (3) Explain the concept of referential integrity. (4) Whatis query ? discuss its uses and advantages & discuss different types ofqueries. (5) Data types in MS assess.Chapter 7: (1) What is a form? Explain its uses and advantages. (2)Discuss different types of forms in MS Access (3)Explain the procedure
for creating form in design view. (4) What are list boxes and ComboBoxes? Explain the procedure of adding these objects to a form.(5)What are check boxes and option buttons? Explain the procedure ofadding these objects to a form.Chapter 8: (1) What is program and programming language? Discusstwo main categories of programming languages. (2) Write someadvantages or characteristics of C language. (3) What necessary stepsare taken to prepare a C program for execution? Explain with diagram.(4) While writing a C program, how many types of errors can occur?Discuss briefly. Which one is the most difficult to locate and remove?Justify your answer. (5) Basic structure of c program.Chapter (9): (1) What is identifier? Discuss the two types of identifiersin C? (2) What is a variable declaration? Explain with example. (3)What is constant? Explain different types of constants. (4) What is datatype? Different categories of data types in C. language. (5) Describethe concept of overflow and underflow with examples. Describedifferent problems that may occur while working with floating pointnumbers.Chapter (10): (1) Explain the working of “Printf” function. (2) What areescape sequences? Why are they used? (3) Explain the working of“Scanf” function. (4) Explain “getche” function. (5) Explain theworking of “gets” function. 6. Explain clrscr” function.Chapter (11): (1) What is control structure briefly describe the basiccontrol structures for writing programs. (2)What is “if” statement or ifstatement with one alternative? Explain its working, (3) Explain “if-else” statement or if statement with two alternatives. (3) Multiple “if-else-if” statements or “if’ statement with multiple alternative. (4) Whatis ‘nested if’ statement explain working.Chapter (12): (1) What is loop or while” loop explain its working (2)What is “do-while” loop (3)What is “for” loop (4) nested loop Explainits working (All program from “Loop’).
Important GuessPaper of BiologyF.Sc 2nd YearChapterwiseLatest Guess Paper of Fsc Biology 12th ClassInter Part 2 100% Guess BIOLOGY F.SC 2nd YearChapter (15): Osmoregulation in different environments, excretion inplants, dialysis, Liver, formation and concentrators of urine.thermoregulation in mammals.Chapter (16): Significance of secondary growth, Plant movements, ·Exoskeleton, Skull, Vertebral column, sliding Filament Model.Chapter (17): Plant hormones, Types of Receptors, Nerve Impulse,Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, Adrenal Gland, Learning Behaviour.Chapter (18): Male & Female reproductive System, Femalereproductive Cycle.Chapter (19): Meristem, Growth Correlation. Embryonic induction,Aging.Chapter (20): Experiment of Hershey & Chase/Meselson-Stahl, DNAReplication process, Transcription, Genetic code, Translation.
Chapter (22): Law of Segregation, Independent assortment, Test cross,multiple alleles, Rh Blood groups, Sex determination, Colour blindness.Incomplete dominance, Diabeties.Chapter (24): Evidences of evolution, Evolution from Prokaryote toEukaryote, Darwinism, Hard Weinberg theorem and factors.Chapter (25): Succession, symbiosis, Nzcycle.Chapter (27): Wild life, fossil fuel, deforestation, Air pollution & itseffects, Eutrophication. Most Important Short Questions1)Define Homeostasis? 2)Define anhydrobiosis with an example?3)What is meant by Lithotripsy? 4)What are various characters ofProfundal zone of lake? 5)What are food web and its contribution inecosystem? 6)Difference between chlorosis and. etiolation?7)Differentiate between tetanus, and muscle tatany? 8)Differentiatebetween Osmoconformers and osmoregulators? 9) How muscle fatigueis produced? 10) What is ecdysis? 11) What is tendon? 12)What is gallin plants? 13) How does nicotine affect the body? 14) Differentiatebetween ureotelic and uricotelic animals. 15) What is pyrexia and whatare it’s causes? 16) Explain deamination? 17)What is protonephridium?18) What are jutamedullary nephrons? 19) Define turgor pressure?What is it’s importance? 20) What are auxius? How do they affect plantmovement? 21) What are . Meristems?22) What are adaptations in plants to high temperature? 23)Differentiate between hinje joint and ball and socket joint? 24)Definevernatlization? 25) Explain after birth in human female? 26) What isrole of placenta in maintaining pregnancy in human female? 27)Différentiate between growth and development? 28)Define growthcorrelation? 29) What is ovaviviparous animals? 30) Define apoptosis?31) Define cir-cadian rhythm? 32) What are cranial and spinal nerves?33) What is imprinting? 34) What is tissue culturing? 35) Howperitoneal dialysis is carried out? 36) What is parasympathetic nervous
system? 37) What is role of phytochrom in flowering in long day andshort day plants? 38) Differentiate between Ligament and tendon? 39)What are transgenic animals? 40)What is food chain and food web? 41)Explain green house effect? 42) Define demography? 43) Explain soildepletion? 44)What is taiga? 45) What are plankton? What are its kind?46) Define ecological niche? 47) What are biome. Give names of someof the major biomes of the world? 48) What are vestigial organs?49)What is coelom? 50) Define regeneration? 51) Define teratology?52)What are identical twins? 53) How seed is formed? 54) Defineembryonic induction? 55) What is hensen’s node? 56) Differentiatebetween heterochromatin and euchromatin? 57) What is transcription?58)Define codon? 59) What is anticodon?60) What is gene pool? 61) What is malignant cancer (Tumor)? 62)Explain natural selection? 63) What hydrothermal vents? 64) What iselctrophoresis? 65) What is function of RNA polymerase intranscription? 66) What is’ semi-conservative replication? 67) Definesex linked traits? 68)Define epistasis? 69) Define sex-influenced trait?70) What is product rule? 71) What is hardy Weinberg theorem? 72)What are vectors? 73) What is SRY gene? 74). Differentiate betweendominant and recessive trait? 75) What is meant by cell cycle?76)Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis? 77) What is mitoticapparatus? 78)What is necrosis? 79) Define crossing over? 80) What istest cross? 81) What are restriction enzyme? 82) What is MODY?
Updated EnglishGuess Paper for FSc2nd YearImportant questions free notes, past yearpapers for intermediate part 2 Intermediate (Part – II) Important Short Questions Book-II (Part-I) The Dying Sun How and when did life originate? Why is the universe so frightening as compared to the Earth? What is the difference planets and stars & how did they come into existence? What happened when a wandering star came near the sun? How is a space beyond Milky Way? What conditions are necessary for life? What are the temperate belts? Using the scientific Method Why eating the variety of foods is important for health? What were the methods of preservation of food in the past? What were the sanitary conditions in the cities, a hundred years ago?
How has science added to the life of people? What is meant by superstitions? Describe some superstitions of the past? How has scientific method improved our attitude & helped in control of diseases? What dangerous diseases prevailed in the past? Why we are less fearful than our ancestors? How we are more critical than them? Why Boys Fail in College How does financial pressure lead to the failure of the students? What place should be given to sports in colleges? What is meant by nervous habits? How do nervous habit lead to the failure? How does mistaken ambition lead to the failure of the students ? How does bad health lead to the failure of the students? What is the role of the college dean? Who are lazy bluffers? How they should be treated? Give reasons for the failure of boys & What are two categories of failing students? End of Term Why was Friday morning rose-coloured for the writer? How did the writer feel about summer vacation and how did he spend them? What were writer’s wishes that couldn’t be fulfilled? What were the things the writer long for but couldn’t get them? How did he feel on monday morning? Why did David like holidays? What were unexpected respites & the occasional holidays? What was David’s general attitude about school life?
Was he depressed or not? How did we writer buy his first bicycle? What did the writer do with his pocket money? On Destroying Books Why could the writer not burn the unwanted books? What were fears in the mind of the writer when he was about to throw sack into the river? What sort of books were presented to the soldiers by the public? Why should bad books be destroyed? Did the writer come to have a feeling for the books after throwing them into the river? Why did the writer want to destroy books? Give the names of books thrown into the river by the writer? How did the writer get rid of useless books? What is a scaffold? The Man Who was a Hospital How did Jerome examine his pulse & what was its beat rate What was the prescription given to the writer by the doctor? Why did the writer go to the British Museum? Why did the writer call himself a doctor? Describe writers visit to the chemist’s shop? What did the chemist do with the prescription? How did Jerome suspect that his lever was out of order My Financial Career Why did the writer withdraw all his money from the bank? How was the writer holding his money? What were the mistakes the writer commit in the bank? What was the reaction of the bank official when the writer left the bank?
Where did the writer keep his money after his misadventure in the bank? What does rattle the writer and why? What was the condition of clerk when Leacock gave him a cheque? China’s Way to Progress How does China rely on its own resources? What are social security benefits given to the Chinese workers/women? What is economic decentralization? Describe Chinese agriculture system. OR What is the system of communes? Write a note on Chinese women. What does Mao se about the human beings? How has the world changed its behaviour towards China? Hunger and Population Describe some major famines of the past. What is the main reason of population increase today? How do famine occur? OR What are the causes of famines? What is meant by birth-rate and death-rate and how do they effect the population of a country? What are the main features of the “under-developed countries”? Why is birth rate not so high in the more advanced countries? The Jewel of the world Describe Abdul Rehman’s dramatic escape? How did Abdul Rehman deal with the governor appointed by the Abbasid Caliph? What did Abdul Rehman do to beautify his capital? Who was Al-Hakam and how did the promote learning in Spain? How did Abdul Rehman III strengthen his state?
How was Ummayid’s treated by the Abbasid’s? Write a note on the Mosque of Cordova? Why was Cordova called Jewel of the World? Describe the industrial progress made in the Muslim Spain. My First Year At Harrow Why did Churchil not do well in the examination? How did Churchil perform in his entrance examination? How did Churchil do his Latin Paper? Who was Mr. Sommerwell and how did he teach English? How did the Knowledge of English help churchil in his future life? Why does Churchil prefer English to Letin and Greek? Why was Churchil placed in the lowest division? Who was Mr. Weldone? How he showed his discernment in entrance exam? What subjects were liked by the Examiners? Hitch-Hiking Across the Sahara Give brief introduction of Robert Christopher. What had Christopher foster mother to do with Chirstopher’s desire to see the distant places? What happened to three English travelers who attempted to cross the desert? Give an account of the little town, named El-Golea. How is El-Golea different from In-Saleh? Who was Prof. Claude Balanguernon? How did Christopher save himself at Abbangarit? Describe the Journey through land of Thirst and Death? Why did Christopher kill the camel? How did the writer and party save themselves from a sand storm? How did Christopher get seat in the weapon carrier
Describe journey to the land of thirst and death. Write a note on a journey to Kidal. What is Timbuktu? Alexander Fleming Describe Fleming early life. What are antiseptics and what is the antiseptic method? What is the chief defect? How did Fleming discover lysozyme? Briefly describe how Fleming discovered penicillin. Describe penicillin as a wonder drug and its discovery Describe personality of Alexander Fleming? What do you know about Oxford Team? OR Write a note on the concentration of Penicillin. Describe Fleming’s opinion about Detroit Laboratories. Louis Pastuer What is the method of making vaccine? What did Huxley say about Pasteur’s work on brewing? What did Pasteur do to revive silkworm industry in France? Describe Pasteur early life. Give some instances of Pasteur patriotism? Prove that Pasteur was more a patriot than a scientist. What is meant by spontancous generation and how did Pasteur prove that it is not a fact? What happened to Pasteur on his wedding day? Describe the Rabbies (hydrophobia) disease and how did Pastcur discover its treatment? How did Pasteur discover the treatment of Anthrax? What did Pasteur discover about puerperal fever? What is Anthrax and how did Pasteur treat it?
Mustafa Kamal How many railways were present in Turkey in 1919? What changes did Mustafa Kamal bring in the field of education? Describe Mustafa Kamal’s education reforms. Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Anatolia? Write a note on Mustafa Kamal’s activities in Anatolia? How did Mehmet-IV try to regain Anatolia? Describe the Greek’s attack and their defeat. Why did Mehmet order Mustafa Kamal to return to Constantinople? What was Mustafa Kamal’s reply when he was ordered to return to Istambul? Describe the reforms introduced by Mustafa Kamal with reference to the industrial and economic development. What did Mustafa Kamal do at social, educational and cultural fronts? Write a brief note on Mustafa Kamal as a great nation builder (founder of modern Turkey or reformer). What does Mustafa Kamal say about Human Rights? What terms and conditions were offered by the Allies? Goodbye Mr.Chips What were Katherine’s views about Chips’ profession? Describe Katherine’s tragic death. Who was chips’ doctor and what did he say about chips’ health? What advice did Dr. Merivale give to Mrs. Wickett about Chips’ health? When did Chips retire and what was given to him on his retirement? What change did Katherine’s marriage bring about in Chips’ life and work? How did Chips entertain his guests at Mrs. Wickett’s house? What were Chips’ views about the women of nineties?
What did feel in the company of women? What news about Grayson’s father reached? What was the contribution of Brookfield for England during war? What kind of people Brookfield supply? What is the most interesting incident of the novel? How did Chips and Katherine come across? What were Chips’ activities after retirement? Describe Katherine physical grace. What were Katherine’s ideas/views about women? What was Rissole? Why did not write down his recollections (memories) in form of a book? What did Weatherby advise Chips. Write a few sentences about Chips’ farewell speech. How did chips treat colley? Who was the first student who Chips punished? What was the April foolery chips faced? What kind of April foolery did boys play upon Chips? What were Chips’ feelings on the death of his wife? What was Chips’ will? Describe the quarrel between Ralston and chips. What allegations did Ralston put on Chips? What were Ralston objections against Chips? What was the financial condition of Mr. Chips after retirement? What was will of Chips? Describe Chips last meeting with linford. Who was Oglive? What did he do? Describe briefly Chips’ last memories before death. What was the last vision of dying chips? How did Chips criticise rationing system?
Write a note on Chips’ humour. What change did Katherine’s marriage bring about in chips’ life and work? When and why did chips become the Acting head of Brookfield for the first and second time? Sum up the equalities of chips as a teacher. What kind of teacher was Chips? How was Chips’ room decorated? How did Brookfield celebrate the end of war? How was Chips a great Jester? Describe the inadequacy of Chips’ qualification. Who was Max Staefal? Who was Collingwood? Describe the tragic death of Mrs. Chips. What request did Chatteris make to Chips and why? What did Chips say to Cartwright in the end? Who were called Stink Merchants? Write a note on the character of Ralston. Who was Sir John Rivers? Important Idioms / Pharasal Verbs (1) A white elephant. (2) Leave in the lurch (3) Break down (4) Break out. (5) Beat about the bush. (6) Catch at a straw. (7) Cry over split milk. (8) Die in harness. (9) A man of straw. (10) Hope against hope (11) A dark horse (12) Out of question. (13) Up to the mark. (14) Deal in (15) At large. (16) Bring about (17) A child’s play. (18) Pass away. (19) A broken reed. (20) Bring up (21) Put off (22) Call in (23) Look forward (24) To take fancy to (25) Take after (26) Carry the day (27) A laughing stock. (28) Burning question. (29) All in all (30) Back up (31) Break into (32) At the eleventh hour. (33)All and sundry (34) Part and parcel (35) Better half. (36)Break the ice. (37) Red tape. (38) Give up (39) Tell upon (40) Give and take. (41) In full swing. (42) To take a
fancy to (43) To catch red handed. (44) under a cloud. (45) Burn the midnight oil. (46) At home in (47) A wild goose chase (49) Ups and downs (50) Look into (51)End in smoke. (52) Above board. (53) Back out. (54) To get into hot water. (55) Break down. (56) Bring out. (57)French Leave. (58) Null and void. (59) Face the music. (60) Work out. (61) Call out. (62) By and large. (63) ‘Hard and fast. (64) Let down (65) Royal road. (66) A rolling stone. (67)Give up. (68) to be taken aback. (69) Put out. (70) Bad blood. (71) To end in smoke. (72) To nip in the bud. (73) for good. (74) Cut off. (75) turn over. (76) Bag and baggage. (77) Inblack and white. (78) I n a fix. (79) to cut a sorry figure. (80) A maiden speech. (81) In cold blood. (82) Turn off. (83) To leave in the lurch. (84) to give vent to. (85) Call off (86) Make away with (87) To get rid of. (88) Turn up. (89.) by fits and starts. (90) Carry the day. (91) come off: (92) By hook or by crook (93) By hook or by crook. (94) Few and far between. (95) Tooth and nail. (96) Bread and better, (97) turn down. (98) Set out (99) turn over a new leaf. (100) Cast down. Important Essays Democracy & Elections Science, a boon or bane My Favourite book / Personality Why I love Pakistan? Corruption Pleasures of College life First Day at College Mobile Phones Computer & Internet Women place in Society Translation From Urdu to English Past Indefinite, Past Perfect, Present Perfect and Future Indefinite Tense
Physics Guess PaperFSc 12th ClassDownloadinter 2nd year physics important questionsand answers2nd Year Physics Important Long Questions Define electrostatics and how is it applied in xerography? Unit 12 State & explain Ohm’s law. Unit 13 What is potentiometer? Explain its principle & working. Unit 13 State Ampere’s law and apply it to find the magnetic field due to current carrying solenoid. Unit 14 Derive the relation of force on a moving charge in a constant magnetic field. Unit 14 Describe the principle, construction and working of a galvanometer. How it is converted into (i) ammeter (ii) voltmeter. Unit 14 State and drive Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. Unit 15 Derive an expression for the energy stored in an inductor. Define energy density, Unit 15 What is transformer? Describe its principle, construction and theory Unit 15 Write the effect of capacitor only in A.C circuit. Define reactance and write a expression for reactance of capacitor. Unit 16 Define impedance. Discuss alternating current through R-L series circuit. Unit 16
Draw and explain RLC series circuit. Write the properties of the series resonance. Unit 16 Define strain. Find out strain energy in deformed materials. How can it be determined from the force extension graph? Unit 17 Explain energy band theory on the basis of this theory categorize the kinds of solids. Unit 17 What is rectification? Explain full wave rectification by bridge rectifier? Unit 18 What is transistor? How transistor us used as an amplifier? Unit 18 What is operational amplifier? Find the gain op-amp as non- inverting amplifier? Unit 18 State the special theory of relativity with postulates and explain the results. Unit 19 Write a note on Compton’s effect. Also derive Einstein equation. Unit 19 State and explain Heisenberg’s Uncertainity principle. Unit 19 Compute the shortest wavelength radiation in the Balmer series. What value of “n” must be used? Unit 20 Calculate the longest wavelength radiation for the paschen series? Unit 20 Write the postulates of Bohr’s atomic model. Also write de-Broglie’s interpretation of Bohr’s orbit. Unit 20 What is mass spectrograph? How is it used to find the mass of isotopes? Unit 21 Explain the principle, construction and working of Geiger Muller counter. Unit 21 What is nuclear fission? Explain fission chain reaction and the controlled reaction in the reactor. Unit 21Important Short Questions of Physics 2ndYear Chapter Wise Unit 12 Define electric force and electrostatics.
Electric lines of force never cross one another. Why? Suppose that you follow an electric field line due to a positive point charge. Do electric field and potential increase or decrease? Is E necessarily zero inside a charge rubber balloon if balloon is spherical and assumer charge in uniformly distributed over the surface? Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential or of low potential? Convert 1 joule into electron volt. How can you identify that which plate of a capacitor is positively charged? Describe the force or forces on a positive point charge when placed b/w parallel plates (a) With similar and equal charges (b) With opposite and equal charge Unit 13 Define conventional current and electronic Current What are the difficulties in testing whether the filament of a lighted bulb obeys Ohm’s law? Why does the resistance of a conductor rise with temperature? Do bends in wire affect the electrical resistance? Explain. Is the filament resistance lower or higher in a 500w 220v light bulb then in 100W 220V bulb? Describe a circuit which will give a continuously varying potential. Explain why the terminal potential difference of battery decreases when the current drawn form it is increased? State Kirchhoff’s rule. What is Wheatstone bridge? Sketch its circuit diagram. Unit 14 If a charged particle moves in a straight line through some region of space can you say that magnetic field in the region is zero?
Describe the change in magnetic field inside of solenoid carrying a steady current if length of solenoid is doubled but number of turns remains the same. Why does the picture on a TV. screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the Screen How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical element? What is meant by Lorentz force? Define galvanometer and cathode ray oscilloscope. Name main parts of CRO. What is Sweep generator? What should be the orientation of current carrying loop in a magnetic field so that torque acting upon it is (i) maximum (ii)minimum Define current sensitivity of a galvanometer. Why the resistance of an ammeter should be very low? Why a voltmeter should have very high resistance? Unit 15 Define induced emf and induced current Does the induced emf always act to decrease the magnetic flux through a circuit? In a certain region the earth’s magnetic field point vertically down, when a plane flies due to north, which wingtip is positively charged? Show that fand have the same unit. Verify that an Ohm times faraday is equivalent to second. Name the factors upon which the self inductance depends? What is difference b/w motor and generator? Can a D.C motor be turned into a D.C. generator? What changes are required to be done? Can a step up transformer increase the power level? Explain.
Does the induced emf in a circuit depend on the resistance of the circuit? Does the induced current depend as the resistance of the circuit? Write down the methods to improve the efficiency of transformer. Unit 16 A sinusoidal current rms(effective) value of 10A. What is the maximum peak value? How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected to a 50 Hz source? How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of a capacitor? In an R-L circuit with current lead ot lag the voltage. Explain by vector diagram. What is choke? What is its main use? Explain the condition under which electromagnetic waves are produced from a source. What is meant by AM and F.M? Unit 17 Distinguish b/w crystalline and amorphous solids. Define stress and strain. Define elasticity and plasticity of the material. Define UTS and fracture stress. What is meant by strain energy? Distinguish b/w intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductors? Define super conductors. Give two uses. What is hysteresis loss? How is it used in the construction of transformer? Unit 18 Why charge carries are not present in depletion region? What is the effect of forward and reverse biasing of a diode on the width of depletion region? What is net charge on N-type and P-type substances?
The anode of a diode is 0.2 V positive with respect to its cathode. Is it forward biased? Write four applications of photo diode. Why a photo diode is operated in reverse biased state? Why is the base current in a transistor very small? Write down the truth table of exclusive OR gate? Unit 19 Give postulates of special theory of relativity. As a solid is heated and being to glow. Why does it first appear red? Which has the power energy quanta? Radio waves or X-Rays Will bright light eject more electrons from a metal surface than dimmer light of the same colour. Why do we not observe a Compton effect with visible light? Can pair production take place in vacuum? What advantages an electron microscope has over an optical microscope? Will bright light eject more electrons from a metal surface than dimmer light of the same colour? When light shines on a surface, is momentum transferred to the metal surface? Which photon blue or red has greater energy and greater momentum? Unit 20 Write down the postulates of Bohr’s theory. Is energy converted when an atom emits a photon of light? What is meant by stimulated emission? Can X-ray be reflected, refracted, difracted and polarized just like any any other wave? Explain? What are the advantages of laser over ordinary light? What do we mean when we say that atom is excited? Unit 21
What are isotopes? Give two examples. Why are heavy nuclei unstable? If you swallow on a-source and B source, which would be more dangerous? A particle which produces more ionization is less penetrating. Why? What is background radiation? What is critical mass? What factors make a fusion reaction difficult to achieve? How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer? Name the basic sources of nature.Important FSc Physics Numerical Class 1212.4 15.3 16.9 19.1012.10 15.6 17.1 20.712.12 15.11 17.3 21.213.1 15.15 17.5 21.613.5 16.3 18.1 21.1014.5 16.6 19.2Important FSc Physics Examples Part 212.4 14.1 16.1 19.1
13.1 14.4 16.2 19.913.2 14.5 17.1 21.113.3 14.6 18.1 21.313.4Inter F.Sc 2nd yearMath Guess Paper2nd year mathematics guess paper multanboardMath Guess Paper – Short Questions 2ndYearChapter 1Exercise 1.1 = Q:1(i), Q:2(i,ii,iii)Exercise 1.2 = Q:1Exercise 1.3 = Q:2,5Exercise 1.4 = Q:1,2,4Chapter 2Exercise 2.1 = Q:1(i,ii), Q:2Exercise 2.2 = Q:1, Q:2Exercise 2.3 = Q:1(i,ii,iv)
Exercise 2.4 = Q:1,2,3,4Exercise 2.5 = Q:1,2Exercise 2.6 = Q:1,2Exercise 2.7 = Q:1Chapter 3Exercise 3.1 = Q:1,3,6Exercise 3.2 = Q:1,2,9Exercise 3.3 = Q:1,2,3Chapter 4Exercise 4.1 = Q:1,2,3Exercise 4.2 = Q:1,2,3,5Exercise 4.4 = Q:1,2,3Chapter 5Exercise 5.1 = Q:1,2Exercise 5.2 = Q:1,2Exercise 5.4 = Q:3Chapter 6Exercise 6.1 = Q:1,2Exercise 6.2 = Q:1,2,3,7Exercise 6.3 = Q:1,2,3,4,5Chapter 7Exercise 7.1 = Q:1(i,ii,vii), Q:2(i,ii), Q:3(i,ii), Q:4(i,ii), Q:5(i,ii,iv)Exercise 7.2 = Q:1,2,3Exercise 7.3 = Q:3,4,5,6,11,12Math Guess Paper – Long Questions 2nd YearChapter 1Exercise 1.1 = Q:3Exercise 1.2 = Q:3,5,6Exercise 1.3 = Q:3,4,5Exercise 1.4 = Q:4,5,7,8Examples 1,2 of each exerciseChapter 2Exercise 2.1 = Q:3,5,8
Exercise 2.2 = Q:3,5 , Example:1,2Exercise 2.3 = Q:2,5,6,7,9 , Example:3,4Exercise 2.6 = Q:2,3,8,12Exercise 2.7 = Q:2,3,5,11,12 , Example 1,4Exercise 2.8 = Q:1,2,5,9Chapter 3Exercise 3.1 = Q:7,9Exercise 3.4 =QQ:1(i,ii,v) Q:2(i,ii,v,vi,viii,ix)Exercise 3.5 = Q:1,4,6Exercise 3.6 = Q:1(i,ii,v,vi), Q:2(i,ii) , Example: 2.4Chapter 4Exercise 4.1 = Q:7,8Exercise 4.2 = Q:4,5,6,9Exercise 4.3 = Q:3,6,8Exercise 4.4 = Q:4,6,7,9 , Examples: 1st from every exerciseChapter 5Exercise 5.2 = Q:3Exercise 5.3 = Q:1,3Exercise 5.4 = Q:1,2Exercise 5.5 = Q:1,4,5Chapater 6Exercise 6.1 = Q:5Exercise 6.2 = Q:5,6,8,13 , Example:1,2,3,4Exercise 6.3 = Q:6,7Chapter 7Exercise 7.2 = Q:4,5,9,10Exercise 7.3 = Q:7,9Exercise 7.4 = Q:11,19,20,18,21,23,8Exercise 7.5 = Q:1,2,3,4,5,6
Urdu Guess PaperF.Sc 2nd Year (AllBoards)12th Class urdu important poems, Ghazals,Khalasy, Mazmoon, KhutootPoemsHamd = Stanzas: 4,5,6Naat = Stanzas: 2,5,6,7Khuda Sarsabz Rakhy = Stanzas:5Islami Masawat = Stanzas:1,4Aadmi = Stanzas:2,5Nojwano Say Khitab = Stanzas:1,3,5Aik Kohistani Safar Ka Doran = Stanzas: 5Tughaiur = Stanzas:6GhazalsDard 1 = Stanzas:2,3,5,6Dard 2 = Stanzas:1,2,3Mushafi 1 = Stanzas:2,3,5Mushafi 2 = Stanzas:1,4Ghalib 1 = Stanzas:1,2,4Ghalib 2 = Stanzas:5Allami Iqbal = Stanzas:3,5,6Nasir Kazmi = Stanzas:1,3,4,5
Asbaq Ke TashreehSabaq Ka Khalasa Munaqib Umar Bin Abdul Aziz Nawab Mohsin Mulk Akbari Ke Hamaqaten Pahli Fateh Dastak Qurtaba Ka Qazi Ayub AbbasiNazam Ka Khalas Hamd Khuda Sarsabz Rakhy is Chaman ko Islami Masawat Suragh Rah ro Aadmi
Mazmoon Rahmatul-lil-alameen (saw) , Meri Pasendeeda Shaksiat , Looh Bhi To Qalam Bhe Tou Tera Wujood Alkitab , Mohsin Insaniat Mera Pasandeeda Shair , Allama Iqbal , Shair Mashriq , Hakim ul Ummat , Mufakr Pakistan Aik Hon Harm ki Paspani Ka Liey , Aitehad Alam E Islam Taleem E Niswan Ke Zarorat Aur Ahmiat Hamari Qoomi Zooban Dahshatgardi Aik Nasoor Islam aik Mukammal Zabta e Hayat Manshiat Aik Laanat Waqt Ke Pabandi Hub Watan Aur Iskay TuqazyKhutoot Bhai Ka Naam Cigeratte Noshi Tark Karny Ka liey Ustaad Ka Naam Shandar Kamyabi Ka Liey Walid Ka Naam Hostel Ke Shab o Roz Say Agah Karne Ka Liey Walida Ka Naam Taleemi Karkardgi Ka Haal Ka Bary Me Bhai ka Na Ham Nisabi Sargarmioun Ka Liey Dost Ka Naam Books Udhar Mangwany Ka Liey
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