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Home Explore 50yr Journal 2019

50yr Journal 2019

Published by ECBA Executive Director, 2020-09-30 07:45:30

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Essex County Bar Association Annual Fifty Year Dinner 2019 Annual Dinner honoring our Fifty Year Members & Presentation of the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award October 28, 2019 Nanina’s in the Park - Belleville, NJ

Program 5:30pm – 6:30pm Cocktail Hour 6:30 pm – 7:00 pm Dinner Served 7:00 pm Recognition Program Presentations to the Class of 1969 Presentation of the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Remarks by Philip F. McGovern, Jr., Esq. 8:30 pm Dessert


FIFTY YEAR MEMBERS 2019 Marc E. Berson, Esq. Honorable Richard C. Camp (Ret.) William C. Carey, Esq. Henry J. Catenacci, Esq. Honorable R. Benjamin Cohen (Ret.) Francis W. Donahue, Esq. Mark L. Fleder, Esq. Thomas V. Hildner, Esq. Lawrence S. Horn, Esq. Charles S. Lorber, Esq. Honorable Donald J. Volkert, Jr. (Ret.) Richard Slavitt, Esq. Kenneth F. Kunzman, Esq. 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient

Marc E. Berson J.D., Rutgers School of Law Marc E. Berson is a dedicated and established entrepreneur, lawyer, and philanthropist with a focus in real estate development and operating manu- facturing and service businesses. He has been Chairman of The Fidelco Group and of the Fidelco Realty Group since founded in 1981. Under Mr. Berson's direction, Fidelco has been an active investor not only in new construction but also in properties which require rehabilitation, repositioning and/or environmental remediation. Berson has invested in a wide-range of properties in urban areas, including in his birthplace and the center of his civic and philanthropic endeavors—Newark, N.J. Matching the passion he brings to his work at Fidelco, Berson is also dedicated to serving the community through his involvement in numerous nonprofit and community organizations, especially in Newark. For over 16 years, Berson had been Chairman of Newark Beth Israel Medical Center and the Chil- dren’s Hospital of New Jersey and is currently its Chairman Emeritus. He is a founding mem- ber the NJPAC Board of Trustees and a member of its Executive Committee. He also co- founded over 22 years ago and is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Opportunity Project, Inc, a not-for-profit organization aiding in the rehabilitation and empowerment of people with brain injuries. He lives in Millburn, N.J. with his wife and has three children and six grandchil- dren. Honorable Richard C. Camp (Ret.) J. D., Seton Hall School of Law Judge Richard C. Camp has had an illustrious and distinguished career. Upon his graduation from Seton Hall School of Law, he worked as a Deputy Attorney. Thereafter, he worked in private practice for twenty years, specializing in Family and Civil Litigation as well as commercial zoning. He also served as a Municipal Court Prosecutor for the township of Verona. In 1992, he was sworn in as an Essex County Superior Court Judge. While he served in the Criminal Division most of his time was devoted to the Family Division. Judge Camp has always been highly involved with the Bench and Bar, having worked closely with the Administrative Office of the Courts on the Judicial Commit- tees on Salary and Pensions and the Judicial Code of Conduct. He was elected a Fellow of The American Bar Association and was recently selected as one of the 36 New Jersey Members to the National Academy of Distinguished Neutrals. Judge Camp concentrates his practice in mediation and arbitration, complex case manage- ment, special master matters and settlement conferences in Family Chancery and Civil Law.

William C. Carey J.D., Seton Hall School of Law Mr. Carey was one of the initial partners in his firm. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and of the American Bar Foundation. In 2001, he was honored by the Trial Attorneys of New Jersey for distinguished service in the cause of justice. Carey has been a Certified Civil Trial Attorneys of New Jersey since the designation was intro- duced in 1982. He has extensive litigation experience and has concentrated his practice in the areas of product liability and insurance defense. Carey served as President of the Essex County Bar Association in 1990 and as President of the Trial Attorneys of New Jersey in 1991. Carey’s wife, Diane, also celebrates the 50th anniversary of having been their sole support. They met when Bill was 16 and she was 15 when he was picking up her cousin (Martha Stewart) for a dance at his school. Diane was his date at every dance thereafter. They married 54 years ago and supported him throughout law school. Carey might perhaps also be remembered as a writer, performer and direc- tor of the infamous Bon Ton Revue, the ECBA’s annual musical comedy. (Some of his costumes must go unmentioned.) Henry J. Catenacci J.D., Notre Dame Law School Hank Catenacci has more than 30 years of experience advising on first-party insurance coverage and subrogation matters. Prac- ticing in courts throughout the United States, both state and feder- al, Catenacci has handled numerous multi-million dollar insurance coverage cases on behalf of insurers and also provides consulting services to numerous clients with respect to insurance procedures and policies. He successfully defended several high profile Y2K remediation claims, as well as many complex commercial property insurance cases arising out of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Superstorm Sandy, and other catastrophes and large losses over the past several years. Catenacci shared with us often his career intersected with his fellow honorees. His first legal employment was as a law clerk during the summer of 1968 at Connell Foley, where Mark Fleder, was also a law clerk. Ken Kunzman, who is receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award, was a young lawyer at that time. Tom Hildner, was a partner of his at Podvey Meanor for over 40 years and was also a fellow undergrad- uate student at Notre Dame where they lived in the same dorm. Larry Horn was an Assistant United States Attorney when he was a clerk for Judge Shaw in the USDC in New Jersey. Finally, Bill Carey and Catenacci spent several years together par- ticipating in the long running BonTon variety show.

Honorable R. Benjamin Cohen (Ret.) J.D., Rutgers School of Law First appointed to the bench in 1981, Judge Cohen served with distinction for over 23 years, including as the Presiding Judge of the Chancery Division. One of only eight judges in the State authorized to review wiretap applications and presiding over more than 200 criminal jury trials and 50 termination of parental rights cases, Judge Cohen has made an indelible contribu- tion to the jurisprudence of this state. Since his retirement from the bench, Judge Cohen has concentrated on mediation and arbitration, first with the firm of Wilentz Goldman & Spitzer and currently with the firm of Parker Ibrahim & Berg. Prior to his service on the bench, Judge Cohen with the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office and with the New Jersey Casino Control Commission. Judge Cohan has and continues to be a dedicated member of the legal community, serving as member of serval legal organizations, including as the first Chairman of the ECBAs newly formed Committee on Professionalism. Recognized widely for his contributions, Judge Cohen was inducted in the Columbia High School Hall of Fame, has received the Samuel S. Saiber Professional Achievement Award and serves as the President of the Maplewood Memorial Li- brary Foundation, among many other honors. Francis W. Donahue J.D., Seton Hall Law School Mr. Donahue began his legal career by serving a clerkship with the Honorable Morris Hartman, in the Family Part of the Chancery Division in Essex County. Donahue was first employed by Rubin Dolgoff & Sussman, where half his time was spent on family and the other half on civil, criminal and worker’s comp cases. He remained friendly with Harold Dolgoff until his untimely death at a very young age. In 1973, he joined Skoloff & Wolfe, where he remained for 23 years, until he left to found his own firm, together with Stephanie Hagan and Phyllis Klein. He has been involved in 20 reported decisions, some of which include prudential arguments before the State Supreme Court, including Crews v. Crews, Moriarty v. Bradt and In the Matter of the Adoption of a Child by J.E.V. and D.G.V. Donahue, with Gary Skoloff, tried the Matter of Baby M., cross-examining 19 adverse expert witnesses. He was so successful in representing Joe Piscopo on the issue of Celebrity Good Will, that Joe wanted the record sealed because the value was so low. Donahue is most proud of his role a co-founder and first President of the first American Inn of Court Family Law Inn, now named the Barry I. Croland Family Law American Inn of Court and his receipt of the Saul Tischler Award from the New Jersey State Bar Association Family Law Section for lifetime contributions to the advancement of Family Law in the State of New Jersey.

Mark L. Fleder J.D., Rutgers School of Law Mr. Mark Fleder brings decades of construction litigation experi- ence to bear in a full range of construction disputes. Through his extensive relationships with architects, engineers, accountants and others, Fleder has developed a comprehensive knowledge of the complex technical details involved in this area of law. His expertise extends to matters involving compli- cated insurance and defense problems stemming from construction and OSHA claims and defenses. Fleder leaves a lasting impression on jurisprudence, through his involvement in representation of a contractor against the State of New Jersey in the NJ Supreme Court case that abolished Sovereign Immunity in contract cases and of an engineering firm in a case that changed New Jersey law to hold design profes- sionals liable directly to contractors for malpractice claims. Fleder began his career as a law secretary to the Honorable Joseph H. Stamler and as a legal assistant to Administrative Director of the Courts for a special confidential assignment for the Governor. He then began his career in private practice. Fleder is a prolific lecturer in New Jersey and nationally, as well as a mentor to the next generation of attorneys. Thomas V. Hildner J.D., University of Virginia Law School An alumnus of the University of Notre Dame and the University of Virginia Law School, Mr. Hildner began practicing law in New Jersey after spending two years as an officer in the United States Army Military Police Corps, serving on Okinawa and on Johnson Atoll, 750 miles southwest of Hawaii, which then had a population of 1,000 men, no women and 10,000 birds. Influenced by the civil disturbances which occurred in Newark and other cities, he wanted to represent inner city clients. He became a staff attorney with the Newark Legal Services Project. Mr. Hildner went on to run the Seton Hall Law School’s Legal Services Clinic and to teach a course in Poverty Law. In 1973, he went into private practice, ultimately working with fellow honoree Hank Catenacci as partners with the former firm Podvey Meanor and in 2016 he joined Mandelbaum Salsburg. Mr. Hildner’s career in law has been that of a generalist. Tom has served as a mentor for many young attorneys, and doing so has been among the most satisfying aspects of his career. He enjoys participating in the New Jersey Civil War Roundtable’s Legal Forum. He served many years as a trustee of Partners for Women and Justice. ToMr. Hildner and his wife Barbara, an English Professor at New Jersey City University, live in Short Hills. They have two daughters, Laura, an attorney, and Jennifer, and a son, Christopher. Jennifer is with us tonight.

Lawrence S. Horn J.D., New York University School of Law Lawrence S. Horn is Chair of the Firm’s Business Crimes and Tax Litigation Practice Groups. He was an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey from 1971-1978 where he specialized in tax fraud prosecutions. Since 1979, his practice has con- sisted of defending individuals and companies who are the focus of federal white collar criminal investigations with a special emphasis on criminal tax investigations and prosecutions, domestic voluntary disclosures and the Offshore Voluntary Dis- closure Program (OVDP). Horn is a frequent lecturer at national seminars and institutes concerning tax fraud and white collar crime defense issues as well as a prolific writer. Among other articles, he is the author of \"The Tax Man Cometh\" published in The Champi- on, the magazine of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Horn is a past Chairperson of a number of subcommittees of the Committee on Civil and Criminal Tax Penalties of the Section of Taxation of the American Bar Association. He is also a Fellow of the American College of Tax Counsel. Horn has been regularly recognized, including as the 2016 Professional Lawyer of the Year by the Association of the Federal Bar and the New Jersey Commission on Professionalism. Charles S. Lorber J.D., Rutgers School of Law Charles Lorber is formerly the Chief Operating Officer of Mandel- baum Salsburg as well as a former member of the Executive Board. He has extensive experience as a planning board and zoning board attorney and with real estate related issues. Lorber has tried dozens of civil matters including Shareholder disputes, complex corporate disputes, contract disputes and real estate and land use matters. He has tried personal injury cases and obtained verdicts in excess of $1 million, including one resulting in an award of $13.5 million to his client following 2 months of trial time. Prior to joining his current firm, Lorber spent a decade at the Essex County Public Defender’s Office, as the First Assistant Public Defender. During his tenure, he tried more than 100 criminal cases (20 homicides), including the landmark decision, State v. Kelly, which established “Battered Women’s Syndrome” as a defense to homicide. Lorber has been the Zoning Board of Adjustment attorney in Lincoln Park for over 40 years and formerly was the Municipal Prosecutor of Mt. Olive Township for 11 years. He has also served as a member of the Supreme Court of New Jersey District Fee Arbitration Committee and as a member of the District V-C Ethics Committee. He is a past member of the Board of Trustees of Congregation Agudath Israel in Caldwell, New Jersey and is a former officer of the Essex County Running Club.

Richard Slavitt J.D., Seton Hall School of Law Richard Slavitt began his long and respected career as the Law Sec- retary to Honorary Francis West. Hayden, Judge of the Superior Court. Thereafter, Slavitt joined the Essex County Prosecutor Gen- eral’s Office where he served with distinction. During his tenure with the Prosecutor General’s Office he was the Director, Bureau of Nar- cotics and a member of the Essex County Organized Crime Strike Force. Slavitt entered private practice by founding his own firm, Slavitt & Slavitt, thereafter creating the firm Slavitt, Hochberg, Slavitt & Simon. Slavitt was with the firm Mandel- baum Salsburg prior to his retirement. Slavitt also served as the Municipal Attorney for the Township of Livingston. Although Slavitt was experienced in a number of practice areas, he concentrated his practice in family law, with great distinction. Slavitt’s deep dedication to the practice of family law, his efforts to show by example how to advocate, as well as his proper demeanor, courtesy, courtroom etiquette and professionalism in this very special area of practice was honored and recognized by the Essex County Bar Association with its Family Law Attorney Achievement Award. Slavitt served the legal community as a member of the District Ethics Committee and his community in numerous chari- table and service roles. Honorable Donald J. Volkert, Jr. (Ret.) J.D., Ohio Northern University School of Law Judge Donald J. Volkert, Jr., was appointed to the Superior Court in 1992, sitting as a Superior Court judge for 22 years. He began his judicial career in the Criminal Division in Essex County. During his tenure in Essex, he served as the Presiding Judge of the Family, Criminal and General Equity Divisions. He served as chair of the statewide Confer- ence of Family Presiding Judges where he was instrumental in establishing the first Comprehensive Judicial Orientation Program (CJOP). While as the Presiding Judge in Criminal, he presided over hundreds of jury trials including two death penalty cases. Judge Volkert has dedicated himself to the profession through his service on nu- merous State and local bar association committees, the Judicial Council, various other court committees and as a Master in the Seton Hall Law School Inn of Court. He is a frequent lecturer and highly regarded mediator and arbitrator. Prior to his appointment, the judge was an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey where he served as Chief of the Civil Division from 1975- 1982, an instructor in the U.S. Attorney General's Advocacy Institute in Washing- ton, D.C., and by appointment as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney until 1984. He also was in private practice prior for many years.

2019 LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT KENNETH F. KUNZMAN, ESQ. CONNELL FOLEY, LLP LL.B., Fordham School of Law B.A., College of the Holy Cross Kenneth F. Kunzman, a stalwart of the Essex County and New Jersey legal communities for nearly 60 years, represents the highest ideals of integrity, professionalism and zealous advoca- cy. Mr. Kunzman has been a partner in Connell Foley since 1968 and has been responsible for a variety of areas of law. In particular, he focuses on corporate transactions, and trusts and estates, working closely with Anthony F. Vitiello, Chair of Connell Foley’s Taxation and Estate Planning group. He has served as counsel to certain family trusts for over 30 years. He was Chair- man of the Connell Foley Executive Committee from 1995 to 2002. For 11 years, Mr. Kunzman was directly responsible for a real estate development project in the cities of Jersey City and Ba- yonne, creating waterfront property and erecting a container port. More recently, Mr. Kunzman has represented various cor- porate entities in mergers and acquisition contracts, real estate development and trials. Mr. Kunzman has been listed in Best Lawyers in America for over 10 years for civil litigation and in New Jersey Super Lawyers since that publication’s inception. Additionally, Mr. Kunzman serves as Chairman and Trustee of the Corella A. and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation of Princeton, New Jersey, which provides scholarships for needy students of 26 colleges based upon community service.

He is Trustee Emeritus of Caldwell College, former Trustee of St. Peter’s Prep and Co-Chairman Emeritus of Seton Hall Uni- versity Pirate Blue Fund. Mr. Kunzman served as Captain, U.S. Air Force from 1962-1965. Mr. Kunzman serves as a member of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee of the Scholarship Fund for Inner City Children and is the former Chairman of the Essex Legal Services Foundation, where he continues to serve as a Trus- tee. He further commits himself to the community by serving as a Life Fellow, American Bar Foundation; Member, Knights of Malta; Grand Marshal, St. Patrick’s Day Parade, West Or- ange (2010); Member, American Bar Association; Member, Essex County Bar Association; Member, Federal Bar Associa- tion; Member, New Jersey State Bar Association and as a Member of the Historical Society of the United States Supreme Court. We are honored to present our 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award on Mr. Kunzman. It is, however, only the most recent of numerous honors and awards bestowed on Mr. Kunzman. His dedication and long service to the legal and greater community include: Lifetime Achievement Award, New Jersey Alliance for Action (2019), Archbishop Gerety Award, Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children (2019), New Jersey's Irish American Lead- ers, Insider NJ (2018, 2019), Commercial Litigation Legends of Prep Award, St. Peter's Prep (2001, Fordham University Law School Distinguished Alumnus Award (2000), St. Thomas More Medal for Integrity in the Law, Seton Hall University School of Law (1997), the Seton Hall University Athletic Hall of Fame (Honorary) (2004) and the Medal of Service, Archdio- cese of Newark (2003), Ellis Island Medal (1995) and the Douglas S. Eakeley Award for legal service to the poor (2010). Congratulations Mr. Kunzman and thank you for your service.

CONGRATULATIONS TO TOM HILDNER AND HANK CATENACCI AND TO ALL THE HONOREES. YOUR GUIDANCE TO ME AS A YOUNG LAWYER WAS INVALUABLE! -JACK VOYNICK Andrew J. Renda, Jr., Esq. & John S. Voynick, Esq. 33 Years of Representing the Seriously Injured. Renda & Voynick, Esqs. 912 Pompton Avenue, B2 Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

proudly supports The Essex County Bar Association’s 50 Year Dinner And congratulates this year’s honorees, Including our dear friend and colleague William C. Carey Class of 1969 1300 MOUNT KEMBLE AVENUE, P.O. BOX 2075 MORRISTOWN, NEW JERSEY 07962-2075 TEL: (973) 993-8100 FAX: (973) 425-0161 WWW.MDMC-LAW.COM

1969 The year 1969 rivals 1968 as one of the most tumul- tuous years in history. On July 20th one of mans crowning achievements occurred when American Astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the Moon. Armstrong Neil Armstrong took a piece of fabric from the left wing of the Wright Brothers' 1903 Flyer to the moon aboard the lunar module Eagle. Six years earlier, San Francisco Giants manager Alvin Dark, said of Hall of Fame pitcher, Gaylord Perry, jokingly, \"They'll put a man on the moon before he hits a home run.\" Sure enough, on July 20th, Perry hit his first career home run, just an hour after Apollo 11 landed on the moon. Richard Nixon was sworn in as the 37th President of the United States while the opposition to the war continued to increase with more and more attending anti war demonstrations and demanding that the US withdrew from Vietnam. Political scandals continue with the involvement of Ted Kennedy (Democrat) in the drunk driving 'Chappaquiddick' incident resulting in the death of Mary Jo Ko- pechne. Charles Manson and his “Helter Kelter” teachings drove his “family” to com- mit several vicious murders. Popular culture including television and music reflected the American peoples’s politi- cal and social views toward the war and policies. The music came from groups in- cluding the Doors, Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin and the Beatles. For two days in Au- gust , the most famous music festival of modern times \"WOODSTOCK\" took place on a New York Farm with more than 400,000 avid music fans attending to see the Who, Jimi Hendrix, Crosby Stills Nash and Young and others.. Fashions reflected the anti war sentiment with military jackets adorned with peace signs, and other trends including long unkempt wild hair showed the feelings of anti establishment felt by the youth. “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” Neil Armstrong In 1969:  Laugh-In ran a \"News of the Future\" sketch in which they accurately predicted the year the Berlin Wall would fall and Ronald Reagan being president in 1988.  Bill Cosby won a man of the year award and jokingly suggested re-naming the award \"the nice guy as far as we know\" award.  NY Jets won Super Bowl III  NY Mets won the World Series  Time’s People of the Year were “Middle Americans”  Fred Rogers addresses a Senate Committee for six minutes to secure $20 mil- lion dollars in funding and ultimately the launch of “Sesame Street”.  Average Cost of new house $15,550.00  Average Cost New Car $3,270.00  Average Income per year $8,550.00  Toyota Corona $1,950.00  Average Monthly Rent $135.00  Loaf of bread $ . 23  Gas per Gallon 35 cents

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Connell Foley proudly joins in recognizing our partners Kenneth F. Kunzman Recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award Members of the Class of 1969 Mark L. Fleder Henry J. Catenacci As a firm founded on the pillars of teamwork, service and loyalty, Connell Foley, LLP is proud to recognize the ongoing commitments of our lawyers and of those who have dedicated themselves to the legal profession for 50 years. NEW JERSEY NEW YORK PENNSYLVANIA WWW.CONNELLFOLEY.COM