Logistics National Industrial Skill Standard (NISS)
NOU –Network Operating Utilization Railway Transport Service Sector Port and Warehouse Operation Service Sector specific expertise Container Yard Service Sector Transport Operation Service Sector
Railway Transport Service Sector Charter railway transportation Loading and unloading wagon Trucking service Stuffing and un-stuffing service Scope of service
Port and Warehouse Operation Service Sector Stevedoring cargo service. General cargo warehouse service Bonded warehouse service Packing and re-packing service Scope of service
Container Yard Service Sector Container depot service Container maintenance service Fumigation container service Stuffing and un-stuffing container service Scope of service
Transport Operation Service Sector Container trucking service Bulk cargo trucking service Distributor trucking service Parking service Scope of service
Seamless Operation Model Factory Site Loading Factory Site on Container wagon Laden or empty Container Laden or empty Container Loading Laden Container Laden Container Loading on Container wagon on Container wagon Loading Container Yard Site Container feeder on trailer Stevedoring Port Operation Factory transfer on road
North and Northeast Routes of Services HENG CHAT THANALANG Station Station KAENGKHOI BANG PHRA MAP TA PHUT Junction Station BURI RUM Station Station BAAN LAMCHABANG CHUK SAMET PASHE Station Station Junction BANG NAM PRIAO Station LADKABANG Station
Southern Routes of Services THANALANG Station BANG PHRA Station BANG NAM PRIAO Station LAMCHABANG Station BANG SEA LADKABANG Junction Station HAT YAI Station
Coordination Business Development
Alliances Strategies
Management Review Process 1) Business plan 7) Review 2) Approval Business Plan of business plan 6) Supervise, 3) Resource follow up Management performance. 5) Follow the 4) Schedule plan.
EVOLUTION TIMELINE – PLATFORM Activity Plan JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUE JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC System Requirements Determine the Need analysis system requirements. System Design and Design and Modelling in formulation of data analysis.. analysis framework Explore the Data collection work area to collect data... Data information Information and analysis process Technology Process Management review Submit measurement process
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