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Home Explore Open Arms

Open Arms

Published by, 2015-12-09 13:27:46

Description: Which direction are you running?

Keywords: Jesus,love,acceptance,forgiveness,trust,repentance


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Open Arms

☺Copyright free. Freely share as you are led. To God be all the glory.Adapted from a radio illustration.

When a little child falls down and scrapes both knees,what is usually the first reaction?What was yours ?Yes, probably tears.Whether we cried from physical pain, distress, concernfor soiled garments, all three, or others, the tears werereal, and comfort was needed.

The cure?—Running to an adult for consolation.But what about their reaction?It makes a world of difference.One response is that of folded arms.

The little one cowers, looking up into angry eyes thatshow disapproval and a mouth spewing harshness:”Don’t come crying to me. It’s not my fault you fell.Didn’t I tell you not to run on the sidewalk? And youexpect comfort ? Forget it.”As he walks away, the child is left to cry – alone.Hopefully, that exaggerated example is uncommon.

The child was likely wishing to be whisked up off thehard concrete into soothing arms, hoping to be heldand rocked till sobs reduced to whimpers, as the “bigperson” brushed away the child's tears (and his own).

Reassuring words of comfort were needed:”It’s okay. I'm not mad. You didn’t mean to fall, I know.Do your knees hurt? We’ll put bandages on themwhen we get home; it will soon be all better. And wecan get those stains out of your clothes too, don’t youworry. I do wish you would have listened, though. Itruly wasn’t trying to steal your fun each time I warnedyou about that sidewalk. I just didn’t want you to falland suffer like this. Come on, I'll take you home.”

As grown ups (little kids in grown-up bodies), what isour reaction now if we fall, morally ? Yes, we probablystill cry. Whether the falls result in physical pain, fear,shame, or just a bruised ego, we still long for comfort.We want to run to our heavenly Father; but we’re oftenafraid that He will react sternly and angrily, crossing hisarms in disgust then scolding us and walking away.Thankfully, God is not like that.

He is so much more tender and gracious than even themost caring of humans. Our Abba Father’s love for usis deeper than that of any mortal, and His forgivenessis incomparable. His promise is true: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”Yes, indeed, He longs for the garments of His childrento be “without spot or wrinkle.” But during the character-cleansing process on life's journey, He is so patient.

God will never shun us, even if our falling is from failingto listen. Christ our Savior has “open arms” ever willingto forgive us and accept us.Having walked this sinful planet, Jesus knows ourevery struggle, our pains, our weaknesses; and Hecounts every tear, lovingly brushing each one awaywhile His own tears flow. He gives us warnings andwise guidelines so we won’t stumble, fall, and sufferneedless pain and sorrow.

But when we do, He’s there to whisk us up and providethe comfort He knows we need. Let’s let Him.He also knows how to remove all our guilty stains.Let’s let Him.Our heavenly Father longs to take us Home wherethings will soon be “all better.” Let’s let Him.His arms are waiting. Which direction are you running?

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