MISSION HILLS EnCompass the Lifestyle APRIL 2021 localumbrellamedia.com Maximize Your Home Value with Compass Concierge • UPDATED ELECTRICAL • STRATEGIC STAGING Your Real • Estate Expert in Mission Hills UPDATED FLOORING Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 1 Gina Barnes REALTOR® | DRE# 01075249 619.347.4415 [email protected]
Mission Hills Buyer’s Needs Buyer 1 is looking for: Buyer 2 is looking for: Room for ADU or preexisting guest house. Pool or room for a pool and a guesthouse. Canyon or bay view. Price 3M | 4 Bed | 4 Bath 4,000+ SF Price 2.2M | 3+ Bed | 3 + Bath. | 2,500 + Buyer 3 is looking for: Buyer 4 is looking for: Move-in ready. House with a yard. Preferably a Price 1.6M | 3 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,300+ SF Spanish or Craftsman. Price 1.5M | 3+ bed | 2 bath | 1,300+ SF Historically low inventory creates a selling opportunity. Call us today to find out the current value of your home. Gina Barnes REALTOR® | DRE# 01075249 [email protected] kengina.com | Cell: 619.347.4415 Page 2 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
41West Featured Listings Unit #201 | $1,170,000 | See pages 20 & 21 Unit #701 | $2,399,000 | See pages 22 & 23 Unit #703 | $2,999,000 | See pages 12 & 13 Unit #802 | $2,755,000 | See pages 18 & 19 kengina.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 3
A Research Tood Provided by the Greater San Diego Association of REALTORS® MISSIOBNANH9KIL2EL1RS0S,3HHILILLLCREST,MMMIIISSSMMMMSSSAAAAIIIRRRRMOOOKKKKAEEEERNNNTTTTKERRRR**TEEEEHHHDDeePPPPRttOOOOaa999IIIEccLLLPRRRRhh222eeOTTTTLLLdd111RhhSSS000||||Toomm,,,|OOOO333eeFssCCCCHHHEooTTTTnnBllOOOOyyIIIRLLLUBBBBEEEEALLLRRRRRCCCY222200002RRR222200000EEE21SSSTTT * Deta*Dcehteadchheodmhoems eosnolynly * Detached homes only MMMMMeeeeedddd%%%diiiiaaaa%ppiCCCannnnprrChhhneerSSSSaaavvehSaaaaiinnnvaooallllegeeegginuuolsessseeegssusePPPPsfffyyrrrrrrrPeeofooYiiiirccccraammmeoieeeecrramer $$$111,,5,55077551,,,000000 % pCrheavinogues fyreoamr +++$$+3118884,,05500%77...00055%%%,,000000 previous year +80.0% SSaaSllaeelssesttootoLLiiLssittstPPPrriiccrieece%%% 999766.9..99%%% Sales to List Price % 96.9% Sales to List Price % MARKENNTeeRwwELLPiiOssttRiinnTggss| MISSION HILLS, HILLCREST%%%%ppCCCNNrrChhheeNeeaaavvhwweiinnnaoowgggnLLuueeegiiLsssseittfffsyyiirrrnnteeofooirggnaammmossgrrms % pCprheraveinvogiuoesusfyreoYamerar 92103previous year 96.9% OCTOBE33R11 2020 -22--3-31333115...111%%%% -3.1% AAvveerraaggee DDaayyss oonn MMaarrkkeett 2244 AAAvveevrreaarggaeegeDDDaayyassysoo*nnoDenMMtaMaachrraekkrdeekttheotmes only 3121219944 1-1$--11-9999991,....555557%%%%5,000 HHoommeess SSoolldd -2+18.04.%0% Med%%%%%ia%pppppCCCCCnprrrrrHHChhhhheeeeerHSaaaaaoovvvvvehaoiiiiinnnnnmmvaooooolmgegggginuuuuuoeeseeeeegsssssesuePssfffffyyyyySSrrrrrreeeeeofooooooSYircaaaaammmmmelloodderrrrramldr Information provided by the San Diego Associaton of Realtors as of February 5, 2021. This information has not be verified by the broker. All information should be independently reviewed and verified for accuracy. Properties represent a complation of listings from various brokerages. Sales to List Price % 96.9%Page 4 | Mission HillsshIIhIsnnnMhhaafffoaovovoogeeuurrrammmllbbzddiaaaenebbttteeeiiieoeoonn| nnnDiillnnieipsppsddcttrrreeeeeooomdpdpvvvbeeiiioodddennrrreeedds2sdddeoeo0nbn2bblldd0ttyyyllyybbttthhhyryreeeeeMMvvSSSiieeeeaaawrwrnnncceeeeDDDddrriiieGeeGaagggnnrroooodduuAAAvvppeessssssRRrroiooieeffiicccaeaeiiillddaaaEEtttfifiissooooottanarnnrttaaoeooeccfffococRRRuuffeeerKrKaaaaaeeclclltttllyyoloolee..rrrrrPsPssWWrraaaoosssipipllooolleeiiaafffrrmJmJJttuuuiieennnsssseeeRRrree2e22eaapp000lltrt2r22yeye000ssLL...eeaaTTTnnJJhhhototiiiaallsssllaacciiin.nn.oofffomoomrrrppmmmiillaaaaatttttiiiiiooooonnnnnhhhooaaaffssslliisnsnnttoooiinntttggbbbsseeeffeeerroonnnmmvvveeevvrrraaiiifffririieeeiiooddduubbbssyyybbtrttrhhhooeeekkeebbbrrrarraoooggkkkeeeeessrrr...aaAAAnndldlllll iiimmnnnfffaaoooyyrrrmmmoorraaatmttmiiioooaannnyy nnoott
Gina Barnes has developed a small but dedicated team to assist her in giving her clients superb service and to make sure no important detail falls through the cracks. Gina designs and personally implements an ‘action plan’ for each of her clients, which is supported by a team assistant, a business development member, a buyer specialist and professional affiliated services. kengina.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 5
3410 Jackdaw Street San Diego, CA 92103 3+ Bed + ADU | 2.5 Bath | 2,968 SF | $1,785,000 Gina Barnes REALTOR® | DRE# 01075249 619.347.4415 [email protected] Page 6 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
Located in a quiet enclave of custom homes, the modern property is where quality meets sophistication. Not only do you get a single family home with 2362 square feet, but also a detached ADU that’s a cool, hip loft with 600 sq. feet. This property offers high appeal to those who appreciate style, sophistication and quality. The chef’s kitchen features high- end appliances and an open connection to the dining and living area. The main home has 3 bedrooms with an exquisite master suite and a den. This well designed floor plan is functional and livable. The decorative elements will catch your eye at every turn. The spacious rear patio is accessed through the den and seamlessly blends the outdoor into the indoor. This home just may check all the boxes. STORAGE, 2 CAR GARAGE, PRIVACY, QUIET, QUALITY, FUNCTIONAL, CHEFS KITCHEN, MATER RETRETE, EXQUISITE BATH, DETACHED LOFT AND EVERY ATTENTION TO DETAIL. The artsy loft is hip and functional. This fully permitted loft is ideal for a guest house, family member or an income producing unit. With 600 square feet of unique space the potential income is approx. $2000. Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 7
AAggaaaannppssddiimmbbtthheepptteellwweehheessooeeoommnnlluueetttthhiiyyooeeoonnuuhhttoowwoommaabbeennrriittyyddoogguuee tthhhhaaeevvee Get access to competitive rates and dedicated support from Ginedtusatcrcye-lsesatdoincgomlenpdeetirtsiv, ewritahtetsheanedxcdluesdiviceaotepdtiosunptpoogret tfruopm itnodsuixstrmyo-lnetahdsinogf yleonudrelorsa, nwpitahytmheenetxscflurosnivtedopwthioenntyooguesteullpyour thoomsixe mwoitnhthasCoofmyopuarssloaagnepnat.yments fronted when you sell your home with a Compass agent. Learn more at cLoemarpnamsso.croema/t bridge-loan-services compass.com/bridge-loan-services Compass is a real estate broker licensed by the State of California operating under multiple entities. License Numbers 01991628, 1527235, 1527365, CNN11aoo33nnlooor55ellmyy66ssa77ttpaadaa44annytt22eesdd,,lsmmi11sii44ssiteese44ccnnda33oott.77mmriiN66ssepp11aomm,,iilll11fieeaa99endddds99atee77ffanrr00taaooc77essmmi55ab,,ttlooss11roo99oottr33kuuhhe55lrreeeccr33gee55aaliass99cccl,,eccdda11nuuee99dsrree66aaevmm11dcci00cyyee22ebdd77ooyp,,ffrr11rtee88oaahll44viinneaai22yydbbS99eddlltee88adee77t.bbss,,eccEuu1188rrqottii66ppufiiss99ttaCii66oosslauu00nnHlbb77ifooo,,ojjeeu11rrr88ccsnmm66ittina66eettgoo77aao77Osseep11uu,,rrperrrr11reepoo55ammorr22tss77riee,,nt22uoonng00nttmm55ssuit,,iinss((y11iiss.dnn00iiooecc7799rllnnuu00ssmdd,,00iiuccnn99lhhggt,, aai11pss22nnlqq77egguu22eee44aassn66rreetii77nnit..ffiAAooeppsoorrllllii.ttccmmaaLeeggiaa,,ceeccettee))oon..rrnnsTTiiaaeddhhlliiiittNiissiissoouiinniissmnn,,nnttbsseeooaaennttllrddeesiinnee,, 0ttddooee1rr9nnffoowwdd9rree1iitt6iiddhhnn2ddff8ttoooorr,aarr1mmssww5ooaa2aall7iittllccii2oowwiitt3nnii5ppttaahh,rrlloooo1pp5uupp2uuttee7rrrrnnpp3ttooooyy6ttss5iieecc, ssee.. already listed. No financial or legal advice provided. Equal Housing Opportunity. Page 8 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
Launch your listing twice with Compass Coming Soon Compass Coming Soon is a powerful pre-marketing strategy used to generate buzz and gather valuable insights when selling your home. List as a Compass Coming Soon today to price confidently and maximize early interest from buyers. Increase exposure Coming Soon Compass Coming Soon listings are the Interested in learning more? first homes consumers see when they visit compass.com. Alongside prominent Talk to your agent about listing your placement on our homepage, these home as a Compass Coming Soon. homes are promoted in both notional and regional marketing campaigns at no extra cost to you. Generate buzz Compass Coming Soon allows you to bring your home to market sooner with differentiated print, digital, and social media marketing materials designed to pique buyers' interest. When it's ready to go live on the MLS, you'll have the opportunity to launch your listing for the second time, attracting even more attention. Study the market Take advantage of the pre-marketing period by previewing your home to a curated audience as a Compass Coming Soon. It's the perfect time to assess pricing and gather buyer feedback without accumulating days on market. Compass is a real estate broker licensed by the State of California operating under multiple entities. License Numbers 01991628, 1527235, 1527365, 1356742, 1443761, 1997075, 1935359, 1961027, 1842987, 1869607, 1866771, 1527205, 1079009, 1272467. All material is intended for informational purposes only and is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale, or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to the accuracy of any description or measurements (including square footage). This is not intended to solicit property already listed. No financial or legal advice provided. Equal Housing Opportunity. Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 9
Introducing 41West in Bankers Hill Page 10 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
Introducing the new look of luxury in San Diego’s prized Bankers Hill neighborhood. This curated collection of residences at 41West exemplifies the passionate life that is Southern California, with a nod to the easy living feel that is uniquely San Diego. Careful consideration was given to create a product grand in scale, yet smartly crafted for today’s active lifestyle. Each facet of the building has been carefully vetted to provide its residents an ideal urban lifestyle. kengina.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 11
The Palms 2604 5th Avenue | Unit 703 2 Bed + Office | 2.5 Bath | 2,325 SF | $2,999,000 Breathtaking, Refreshing, Serene; presenting The Palms Residence! This delicious cocktail of el- egance and luxury greets your entrance with jaw dropping vistas over the harbor and ocean pan- orama! The home flaunts an open concept like no other. Retract the west NanaWall and welcome the expansive terrace into everyday living. Enjoy the stunning kitchen presentation coupled with gallery halls, formal entry foyer, sumptuous bedroom suites and walls of windows. Page 12 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
kengina.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 13
Pending - West Terrace 2604 5th Avenue | Unit 305 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,422 SF | $1,149,000 The West Terrace Residence is everything living in the heart of the city is all about. Its panorama over the treetops to surrounding urban life and landscape is a constant reminder of why San Diego IS America’s Finest City! The floorplan is smartly crafted, offering maximum continuous entertain- ment space as the extensive terrace seamlessly blends outdoor and indoor, via the NanaWall. The western exposure drenches the home with a constant abundance of natural light. Page 14 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
PENDING kengina.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 15
Pending - Park@Maple 2604 5th Avenue | Unit 402 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,352 SF | $1,049,000 The Park@Maple Residence pays homage to the iconic crossroads of the 41West location. This floorplan accentuates the outdoor experience with an expanded terrace spanning the living areas and the master suite, while taking advantage of eastern views toward Balboa Park. Here you will find that luxury living can still be smart and functional. An ideal kitchen layout against the west wall combines with a well-placed island to maximize the home’s overall aesthetics and livability. Page 16 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
PENDING kengina.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 17
The Tower 2604 5th Avenue | Unit 802 2 Bed + Office | 2.5 Bath | 2,287 SF | $2,755,000 Introducing The Tower Residence. A truly regal offering befitting the stately and timeless architec- ture of the California Tower. The elevation and corner exposure project sit down views from San Diego’s majestic mountains and Balboa Park’s Prado complex; to stunning harbor and Point Loma sunsets! Featuring a Chef’s dream kitchen and some of the largest walkout terraces in all of Bank- ers Hill, this floorplan caters to exceptional flexibility for enhancements and customization. Page 18 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
kengina.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 19
Urban Elements 2604 5th Avenue | Unit 201 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 1,718 SF | $1,170,000 Welcome Home to 41West’s Urban Elements Residence. A true celebration of beauty and sophisti- cation, rooted in an ideal dedicated to form and function with equal measure. This home features a split bedroom floorplan affording maximum flexibility and privacy. The stunning terrace and eastern views through the window greenery offer a tranquil retreat from the bustling city beyond. Tucked away in the master suite is a hidden escape perfect for office, yoga or meditation retreat. Page 20 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
kengina.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 21
The Uptown 2604 5th Avenue | Unit 701 2 Bed + Office | 2.5 Bath | 2,247 SF | $2,399,000 Sitting at the crossroads of style and sophistication, we present The Uptown Residence. Per its namesake, a striking architectural delight greets your arrival. Soaring ceilings in concert with grand open living provide a modernistic aesthetic with layout flexibility. The striking terrace with 5thAv- enue views from the Harbor to Hillcrest stuns its guests with a wraparound view to SeaWorld and La Jolla. Dramatic kitchen, flex space and walls of glass complete this extravagant picture! Page 22 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
kengina.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 23
3629 Front Street 4 Units | SOLD $2,575,000 Located in one of San Diego’s most sought-after neighborhoods, this Bankers Hill property boasts many unique features including fireplaces and built-ins. The top-floor unit has a beautiful chef’s kitchen and the others have updated kitchens and baths. Ideal for short or long-term rental, you’ll enjoy the income potential and lifestyle afforded at this property overlooking a canyon and on a cul de sac with lovely grounds and 4 storage garages. Designated historical with Mills Act in progress. Page 24 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
Lewis Fay Gift Concierge is our main focus that whereby we help customers remotely shop and put together gift bundles on budget, wrap and deliver. Our gift Selections revolve around entertaining. Essentials for elevated everyday living. Lewis Fay is an employee owned company. A collective of sorts and these are the businesses that are helping pay the rent. Oliver & Rose Cooking Classes featuring local chefs, meal prep kits and subscription boxes. Design Inplace Award winning kitchen design, interior design, rugs, lighting and furniture. TammySpencerDesigns Local artisan jewelry that evokes the feeling of traveling. Snake Oil Cocktail. Local handcrafted Mixers fir mocktails and Cocktails. Life’s Concierge A service for all of life’s tasks, business and otherwise. MHYC- Community Gatherings A Local Community Club resource for connecting people through Art and Education. Book clubs, Cooking, Health and Wellness. Women-Owned Collective 1620 West Lewis St. | San Diego | 619.298.7983 www.lewisfay.com Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 25
WHERSEOFLDOOWESERhSobpleoom, Mission Hills Garden Club hosts 23rd Annual Garden Walk 2021 Saturday, May 8, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Where: Walking garden tour of Mission been significantly updated, offering sur- Hills, pick up maps and ticket purchase at prises and ideas for novice and experienced Mission Hills Nursery, 1525 Fort Stockton Dr. gardeners. While two of the gardens are on beginning at 10:00 am Purchase tickets (with clearly visible large lots, others’ expanses specified start times) ($30) at www.mission- are hidden from street view. hillsgardenclub.org Visitors will enjoy intimate spaces and unique plant specimens in all the gardens. in 1997, is a non-profit, community service Knowing that many school youth have been organization dedicated to educate, engage, learning at home, this year’s Garden Walk beautify, and give back. Proceeds from the will include a scavenger hunt with a prize annual Garden Walk support community for all youth finding the treasures in the improvement projects including the Gecko gardens. Garden at Grant Elementary School, restora- tion of Allen Canyon, plantings at Pioneer Admission is free for children 10 and under, Park and Presidio Park, as well as scholar- however strollers are not allowed in the ships to students studying agriculture and gardens. The Garden Walk is designed related fields. For more information: www. to be a leisurely two-mile stroll through missionhillsgardenclub.org Mission Hills, known for its variety of home and garden styles. To assure safety again this year, participants will select a time slot for starting the walk, with a limited number of individuals in any one garden at a time. Guests should plan to wear face masks and use social distancing. Participants will pick up their map at Mission Hills Nursery, 1525 Proceeds from the annual garden walk sup- Fort Stockton Dr., on the day of the walk at port community improvement projects such their selected start time. Tickets should be as the Gecko Garden at Grant Elementary, purchased in advance ($30) at www.mission- restoration of Allen Canyon, Pioneer Park, hillsgardenclub.org. There is no guarantee and Presidio Park, and scholarships to stu- tickets will be available the day of the walk. dents studying agriculture and related fields. The Mission Hills Garden Club, established The theme, incorporating a phrase attrib- uted to Lady Bird Johnson, is fitting to the beginning of emergence from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Just as trees and plants are beginning to blossom, so too the community is feeling more hopeful. Five of the nine gardens included in this year’s walk have never been included in a garden walk, and several favorites from past years have Page 26 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 27
FIND THE WORDS RELATED TO EASTER IN THE PUZZLE BELOW. © 2018 Crosswordsite.com Ltd. Angel Die Holy Lord Sleep April Easter Hymn Mary Spear Bells Egg Joy Palm Thirty Bible Faith Kiss Rise Three Bonnets Gall Lamb Rite Tomb Bunny Gift Lent Roman Cross God Life Sin Page 28 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
COLORING PAGE HAPPY EASTER! Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 29
The Flower FieldsTAKE YOURSELF OUT OF THE ORDINARY The Flower Fields in Carlsbad, CA will be open from March 1 through May 9, 2021. 9 am – 6 pm daily For over sixty years, Mother Nature has transformed the rolling hills of North San Diego County into one of the most spectacular and coordi- nated displays of natural color and beauty anywhere in the world. The nearly fifty acres of Giant Tecolote Ranunculus flowers that make up The Flower Fields at Carlsbad Ranch® in Carlsbad, California, are in bloom for approximately six to eight weeks each year – from early March through early May – literally bringing the famous fields back to life. This annual burst of color, which has become part of the area’s local heri- tage, also is one of nature’s official ways of announcing the arrival of spring here in Southern California. For More Information, Please Visit https://www.theflowerfields.com/visitor-information/ The Flower Fields are an alcohol and tobacco-free environment, smoking and alcoholic beverages are not permitted onsite. No Pets, Bicycles, or drones are permitted. The Flower Fields History Today, the fields are a direct result of over 85 years of floral cultiva- tion that began when Luther Gage, an early settler, and grower, settled in the area in the early 1920’s. Mr. Gage introduced Ranun- culus seeds and began growing them in his fields next to Frank Frazee’s small vegetable farm in South Oceanside. This started a business called, “Luther Gage Giant Tecolote Ranunculus bulbs”. The name “Tecolote” came from the owls that nested on his property. Page 30 | Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020
READY, SET…REFRESH! Quick Tips to Revitalize Your Most-Used Spaces Have the cold winter months left your home Labels & liners: Add a new level of organiza- Banish bathroom battles: From towels to feeling a bit dirty, drab or disorganized? Are tion and personalization to cabinets, drawers toiletries, bathrooms collect a lot of “stuff.” you feeling the urge to purge? Then it’s time and even wire racks with shelf liners. Available Keep the daily-use items and purge the rest. If for some spring cleaning. With a few simple in a variety of colors and patterns, they offer you have limited shower space, use a suction tips and tricks, your home—and mood—can be a smooth top and grip bottom for easy sliding shower basket or shower caddy to hold sham- refreshed and revitalized. of items. Plus, the smooth surface catches poo and soaps. Add an over-the-tank toilet pa- messes and spills, making clean-up a breeze. per holder to store extra bath tissue and keep For the biggest payoff for your efforts, focus Next, create custom labels for organizer bins it out of the way. Just like the kitchen, utilize spring cleaning in the areas of the home that with chalkboard or dry erase adhesives from small baskets or HEXA in-drawer organizers are used most: the kitchen and bathroom. Duck brand. For wire racks, add shelf liner to to keep everything from makeup to medicine the bottom to hold items in place. easily accessible and in the right place. Clear kitchen clutter: According to research from the Mayo Clinic, de-cluttering can have a Get savvy at the sink: Next, move to one of Conquer cluttery cords: Conquer cords and significant positive effect on your mental health the germiest areas of the kitchen: the sink. To countertop clutter by utilizing vertical spaces. and well-being. keep this area neat and clean, add an orga- Add shelves to walls to hold towels or smaller nizer (such as Spectrum HEXA Sink Organizer, items, and add over-the-cabinet accessory To start your refresh, toss anything that’s which has a built-in soap pump) to keep all baskets to the insides of cabinet doors. These expired or no longer being used. Use a wall- cleaning essentials—sponges and brushes— easy-to-install organizers keep items like your mount spice rack to free up shelf space and upright and dry and help resist the growth of blow dryer, straightener and curling iron out of keep ingredients within easy reach. Add sanity bacteria. Excess water is captured in the base, sight, but within arm’s reach, for a faster morn- to the silverware drawer by giving all gadgets which can be easily removed and wiped clean. ing routine. their own spaces with Spectrum HEXA In- Finally, place a raised mat in your sink basin Drawer Organizers. HEXA organizers feature to encourage air and water flow for faster For more unique organizational products, a unique, six-sided honeycomb base design drying, and to provide extra cushion for fragile visit www.spectrumdiversified.com and fol- that offers a sturdy foundation while allowing glassware. low the conversation at #LiveLifeOrganized. crumbs to fall through its base away from clean (StatePoint) utensils. Simply, “lift and sift” to clean drawers. Mission Hills Magazine | December 2020 | Page 31
SPRING CLEANING CHECKLIST Gina Barnes 619.347.4415 | DRE 01075249 [email protected] kengina.com Compass RE is a licensed real estate broker and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside of the realm of real estate brokerage.
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