Serving Del Sur COMMUNITY HUB WHERE HOMES ARE SOLD & COMMUNITIES CONNECT May 2018Mom Deserves MORE this MOTHER’S DAY! What’s Inside? Da Mole Report PG 11 Huddle Up with Coach Kevin PG 19 Massage Heights Retreat Lobby Character and Ethics Film FestivalIt used to be that residents of 92127 had to go a longway to experience a first class day spa…not anymore! PG 15Thankfully, Massage Heights opened in the 4S RanchCommons Town Center a couple of years ago; offering Let’supscale customized therapeutic massages and facials at Connect!reasonable prices. 858-771-0311 Read the story on page 3. Editor@ @ShayRealtorsGet the Community Hub delivered right to your inbox - every week!Visit and never miss out on important local news.SIGN UP NOW FOR THE COMMUNITY HUB eWEEKLY!
2 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COM 4S Commons Town Center 4S RANCH/DEL SUR 10413 Craftsman Way, Suite 100 | San Diego, CA 92127 858.304.2400
3COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018 COVER STORYMom Deserves MORE this MOTHER’S DAY!It used to be that residents of Owners: Todd and Rena Bell and all of 92127.” BioActive Peel92127 had to go a long way to these treatments were once The spa has an elegant, soothing book appointments; we ask ques-experience a first class day spa... thought only for the elite, now ambiance, and the equipment is tions to help understand what younot anymore! Thankfully, Massage anyone – busy parents, weekend top-of-the-line. Todd said, “Even want to achieve. Then we matchHeights opened in the 4S Ranch warriors, business leaders, sports our linens are supplied by the you with a licensed therapist thatCommons Town Center a cou- enthusiasts, school athletes, or company that takes care of the we believe will best meet yourple of years ago; offering upscale teachers – can reap the benefits Ritz-Carlton hotels.” The massage needs.”customized therapeutic mas- of regular therapeutic massage,”. therapists and estheticians are all Rena concluded, “We want tosages and facials at reasonable Rena added, “We are on a mission highly trained and licensed, and be a retreat for all, and we areprices. Local entrepreneurs, and to make quality massage therapy Todd stated, “They are of the skill excited about the response to ourmulti business owners Todd & and facial services an affordable, level that you would find in the opening so far. We are growing toRena Bell, are pleased to provide regular part of the active lifestyle finest resort spas in our region- continue to meet the needs of thistop-quality spa treatments to of everyone in 4S Ranch, Del Sur, we are proud to bring this quality great community.”people from all across our 92127 team to the community.”region! With different therapy optionsThis MOTHER’S DAY…treat Mom offered, the custom massagesto an amazing experience at your include Swedish, couples,local Upscale and affordable sports, deep tissue, reflex-Day Spa….Massage Heights 4S ology, and prenatal. As forRanch/Del Sur. Conveniently facials, you can choose fromlocated in the 4S COMMONS full European, anti-aging, clearTOWN CENTER next to Point skin/skin brightening, ultra-calm-Loma Credit Union, and across ing, and the Dermalogica® biofrom Panera. Several special active peel, and yes even thepackages and Gift Card options highest quality DIAMOND TIPare available for Mom this year, Microdermabrasion treatmentsalong with fantastic Graduation are available. In addition to ourGift Ideas. Drop by the Spa, or standard customized massages,go online to check out all the new you can receive hot stone therapy,offerings! reviving foot scrubs, and special“Massage Heights has changed face massages.the way people think about mas- Membership Programs providesage and facial services. Though discounted rates and upgrades. Todd proclaimed, “We don’t just Couples Room Deep Tissue MassageSend Mom to Massage Heights 4S Ranch for A Memorable Day! Massage Heights 4S Ranch/Del Sur Owners: Todd and Rena Bell Years in Position: 3 Year of Establishment: 2015 Address: 10413 Craftsman Way Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92127 Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 858-304-2400 The Premiere provider of affordable customized therapeutic massage and facial services, with a soothing, upscale spa-like setting.
4 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COMLucky to be Living in Santaluz: Ann LachenbruchA By Jeanne Rawdin would include a round of golf, or maybe nn Lachenbruch feels lucky tennis with friends and family. Week- to be living in Santaluz. She ends usually include soccer in my fami- and her family have lived ly, so watching my son play is always there for two years now. Ann fun. I love the beach, and nothing issays, “I like the serenity and safety of better than taking my dog to Del MarSantaluz. There are miles of walk- and watching her run free and play ining trails and a real sense of commu- the surf.” nity. There is a beautiful dog park.” Ann says she stays connected to the She also likes the safety aspect of San- community by participating in the manytaluz. “The community has an Emer- community events and club events (atgency Preparedness Plan that keeps res- the Santaluz Club). “There is a socialidents informed and brings us together calendar and many fitness classes toin the event of a disaster.” choose from,” she explains. “The option to become a member of the Santaluz Ann is an investor by profession, and Club opens doors to many social oppor-she has two sons who attend Del Norte tunities and gives you access to the ame-High School. nities of club life. Santaluz life can be as peaceful or adventurous as someone de- When asked to describe her ideal sires.”weekend, she said “My ideal weekendPrincipal Profile: Sal Embry,Monterey Ridge ElementaryS By Jeanne Rawdin Embry says the school is built on I taught at Sunset Hills Elementary Road Elementary. I have two daugh- al Embry is the proud principal strong character, confidence, and for seven years, and then taught at ters -- ages 25 and 22. The oldest one of Monterey Ridge Elementary competence. He says the school is Black Mountain Middle School for will be starting medical school in May, School in 4S Ranch. He has been committed to creating a culture of two years. After that, I was hired as and my youngest will graduate from principal at Monterey Ridge for success by building the knowledge and Assistant Principal at Meadowbrook Cal State San Marcos in May.four years. The school opened its doors skills to ensure college, career, and life Middle school and after one year be-in 2006 as the 23rd elementary school readiness for every student. came principal of Midland Elementa- How do you see your role as prin-in the Poway Unified School District as ry. So I am now in my twentieth year cipal?part of the master-planned community Tell me about your professional as principal, and have been at Mid-of 4S Ranch. The school has grown background. land, Sundance, Painted Rock, and I see my role as a leader and facili-each year due to the growth of the 4S now Monterey Ridge. tator. I work with my staff to identifycommunity, and now has a student best practices and future trends thatpopulation of 1,130 students. What sets your school apart from will benefit our students and then others? work with our foundation to make The school is designed so that stu- sure we have the resources to makedents can work in six small learning The teachers are incredibly innova- our goals become reality.communities housed in “villages.” tive and they continually look for waysEach village houses six to seven class- to improve the educational experience What are you most proud of at therooms which center around a family for the students. Also, our Foundation school?room. Each classroom is equipped provides amazing support. By collab-with high-speed internet access, wire- orating with them and our teaching I think I would have to say theless technology, DocuCams, and Pro- staff, we have reached a technology ra- overall quality of the teaching staff. methean boards. In addition to class- tio of one to one for grades 3 – 5 and There is not a single teacher that Irooms, each village contains student two to one for grades TK-2. Addition- would hesitate to put my own childand adult restrooms, an office space ally, they provide science materials, into their classroom. for staff as well as a “common” or software, and teaching materials. The“family” area where students are able Foundation also funds two PE teach- How connected is your school toto work on computers, receive small ers, one Art teacher, and one Garden the community?group instruction, or work with vol- teacher.unteers from the community. I feel like we work very well with Do you live in the area? our community. The parents at My family and I live in Rancho Ber- Monterey Ridge have very high ex- nardo. My wife is a teacher at Garden pectations of their children, and through various community forums we use their input to help guide our work.
5COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018Monarch TV Program, 4S RanchMonterey Ridge ElementaryMBy Jeanne Rawdin staff interviews, and features on the Einspar and Melissa Currey, lead the multiple subject teaching credentials. TV in 4S Ranch? You school library and fifth-grade orches- program. Patti says the students get a Melissa has a Masters in Education, bet. MTV is operating tra band. lot out of the process. “The kids defi- with an emphasis in educational tech- out of Monterey Ridge nitely have the opportunity to partici- nology. She oversees the final editing. Elementary School, but it’s Students from grades three, four, pate in something very different,” ex- Patti has her Masters in Education innot the one you’re thinking about. This and five participate in the program. plains Patti, “and see how video Crosscultural Teaching with a special-is Monarch TV, the school community’s And for every show, a new group of stu- production works from start to finish. ization in educational technology. Shenews video program for students, about dents gets a turn. This year, more than Many students find that they enjoy is also a national board-certified teach-students, and by students. eighty students will be involved in the writing, filming, and editing more than er and the GATE coordinator at the production of a show. speaking on camera, or vice versa. The school. The news video program airs every kids also have the opportunity to seesix weeks, and the production process The program has been active since how all of the pieces of this puzzle have Melissa says her passion for the pro-is very similar to what would happen in Monterey Ridge Elementary opened, to get done in order to have a finished gram is fueled by how the students re-a professional TV newsroom. The stu- which was 2006. It’s a challenge to stay product. Many students feel a sense of act. “The passion to continue MTVdent production team comes up with up to date with equipment and technol- pride about the school community they here stems from having the technology,topics for each edition, then they break ogy, but the program has the support of are growing up in, and others are pas- student interest, and dedication to seedown into smaller groups to brain- the school administration and the sionate about sending positive PSAs to it through,” she says. “Being able tostorm and narrow the focus. After that, school’s foundation. So the group has their peers in all grades, hoping to have provide students the opportunity tothey choose their interviews and shoot the iPads, tripods, and microphones to their voices heard and make a differ- lead the way and get excited about me-their segments. The students do all the get the job done show after show. ence.” dia production in school is also a driv-script-writing themselves, and then ing force behind our desire to provideedit the video for airing. Each Monarch TV program is Patti’s and Melissa’s classrooms are this opportunity. Finally, we both feel broadcast in classrooms on campus. next door to each other, which makes it that MTV is a positive experience with Some of the topics covered recent- Then the youtube link is sent to the easier to collaborate on ideas and man- positive messages for participants andly include anti-bullying, recycling, school community through email for age the process. Both teachers have for the audience who views it.” their viewing pleasure. Two fourth-grade teachers, Patti Monterey Ridge elementary students involved in video production for Monarch TV program
6 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COM LMSikPoeEnNReeDya!l53 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK! 53 $ $BUY ANY DOZEN, GET THREE REGULAR DONUTS OR BAGELS FREE. EXPIRES 05/31/18 M TFHIRVEEE (Limit 2 dozen per visit.) *must present this 4S Ranch Village Center coupon to redeem. 16621 Dove Canyon Rd Not valid with any San Diego, CA 92127 other discount. One10550 Craftsman Way ste 183 *MUST PRESENT THIS COUPON TO REDEEM. (858) 385-7900 coupon per transac- San Diego, CA 92127 NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER DISCOUNT. $ $tion/customer. ONE COUPON PER TRANSACTION/CUSTOMER. REDEEM LIKE CASH! BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU.3 TTHHRREEEE DDOOLLLLAARRSS(858) 312-5500 EXPIRES 05/31/18 33 $3 VALUE DISCOUNT FOR ANY PURCHASE OF $25 OR MOREREDEEM LIKE CASH! BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU. F.A.Q VISIT LUMBUCKS.COM$ FREE Mole Bucks Ad $ $ $3 Piece Garlic Knots (Minimum 12 issue agreement) with any purchase EXPIRES 05/31/18 Contact [email protected] *must present this *4S Ranch *must present this coupon to redeem. Carmel Mt. Ranch coupon to redeem. Not valid with any Not valid with any other discount. One locations other discount. One$ coupon per transac- coupon per transac- tion/customer. $ $ tion/customer. $REDEEM LIKE CASH! BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU. Free ad! REDEEM LIKE CASH! BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU. FREE ITEM WITH PURCHASE Info: VISIT LOCALUMBRELLAMEDIA.COM/MOLEBUCKS Info: VISIT LOCALUMBRELLAMEDIA.COM/MOLEBUCKS$ $100 Off $ 5 5$5.00 off Any Purchase of $20.00 or more Any Display Ad (Minimum 12 month agreement) EXPIRES 05/31/18 Contact [email protected] *must present this $ *4S Ranch *must present this $ coupon to redeem. Carmel Mt. Ranch coupon to redeem. Not valid with any Not valid with any other discount. One locations other discount. One$ coupon per transac- coupon per transac- tion/customer. $ tion/customer.REDEEM LIKE CASH! BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU. $100 OFF REDEEM LIKE CASH! BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU. FIVE DOLLARS OFF Info: VISIT LOCALUMBRELLAMEDIA.COM/MOLEBUCKS Info: VISIT LOCALUMBRELLAMEDIA.COM/MOLEBUCKS$ YOUR BUSINESS HERE! $ $ A FREE DEEP CLEANING OF YOUR HOME $ WITH A SIGNED LISTING AGREEMENT. (A $500 VALUE) SHAY REALTORS EXPIRES 05/31/18 *must present this 10550 Craftsman Way, Ste 184 coupon to redeem.CONTACT [email protected] FOR MORE INFO San Diego, CA 92127 Not valid with any (858) 449-7355 other discount. One [email protected] coupon per transac-$ JUST LIKE CASH $ tion/customer.REDEEM LIKE CASH! BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU. Info: VISIT LOCALUMBRELLAMEDIA.COM/MOLEBUCKS $ $500 VALUE $ REDEEM LIKE CASH! BRING THIS COUPON WITH YOU. Info: VISIT LOCALUMBRELLAMEDIA.COM/MOLEBUCKS Brad (619) 300-1732 [email protected] @LocalUmbrella
7COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018Agent David Flores Embraces Family ValuesS By Jeanne Rawdin David makes it a point to go the ex- hand walk every potential buyer with voted family man. He enjoys cooking hay Realtors Senior Agent David tra mile for his clients. For example, their agent through the home to dis- for his two daughters and friends and Flores understands family values. on a recent listing in the gated commu- cuss those details. As a result, he set a family. On the weekends, you can often That’s one of the reasons he was nity of The Lakes, he spoke with the record sale in that community at $2.1 find David on the beach enjoying the drawn to working at Shay Realtors. owners at length to learn every detail million. sun and surf and cooking up a carneHe recalls, “I interviewed with two other about the house. He then proceeded to asada feast!real estate firms, but after meeting Ray David lives in 4S Ranch and is a de-Shay, I knew this was where I belonged.Shay is a small company, but a leader inthe local market. I love its family-firstphilosophy and involvement with thecommunity.” As a single father of twogirls -- Kiana (age 14) and Mikaila (age11), David understands how importantcommunity values are in raising a family. David believes in a strong work ethic.“I want people to know this is how I runmy business. I’m out there hustling allday. If they give me their listing, I’m go-ing to find a buyer.” David was born in Southern Califor-nia and grew up learning about thehousing industry from his father, abuilding contractor. He earned his de-gree in Architecture from High Tech In-stitute in Arizona. He also worked as amortgage loan officer for three years.He has a real eye for construction detailas well as building knowledge. Thisunique combination of experience andeducation gives him a well-earned edgein the real estate business. He’s been atShay Realtors for four years now, andhas been recognized with many awardsand accolades, such as the Five StarAward for three years in a row. The first thing you notice about Da-vid when you meet him is his warm,welcoming smile. David is known forhis genuine dedication to his clients’needs. “I always want my client to walkaway happy. I’m in this business for thelong haul, and I take into considerationat all times that this is the biggest pur-chase or sale of someone’s life.”Kumusta po kababayan! Ako po si Louise Peralta Edu, tunay na Pilipina, at inyo pong Real Estate Agent.Pinagtitibay ko ang integridad, pagsusumikap, mataas na nal na track record at mataas na etikal na pamantayan,pangarap para sa inyo, at numero unong serbisyo sa kundi pati na rin sa pagiging isang tapat, masipag nabawat detalye ng inyong transaksyon sa real estate. Ako ahente ng real estate para sa matagumpay na tran-po ay lumaki sa Rancho Penasquitos at nakakaalam ng saksyon ng aking mga kliyente.lahat ng bagay na dapat malaman tungkol sa pamumu-hay ng North County. Ako po ay nagtrabaho sa bawat Kapag ako ay hindi nagtatrabaho para sa aking mgaaspeto ng real estate mula sa kumakatawan sa mga ma- kliyente, ako po ay maaaring makita na bilang isangmimili, nagbebenta, pati na rin ang mga namumuhunan supporter sa mga sport activities ng aking mga anak,sa residential market. na sila Annalise at Amelia. Ako po at ng aking asawa na si Anthony, ay nakakarelaks mula sa amin pang Marahil namamangha, ang karamihan dahil ang araw araw na trabaho sa pamamagitan ng panonoodpropesyon ko ay hindi lang ginugol sa real estate, pero ng magandang cine, makasaysayang dokumentaryopati na rin sa disenyo ng damit at kasuutan (fashion & at mamasyal sa mga national parks sa California kasa-costume design). Sa propesyon ng real estate, nilinang ko ma ang aming mga anak!ang aking kakayahan na tunay na makinig sa mga pan-gangailangan ng aking mga kliyente, at pagkatapos ang Louise P. Edukanilang mga pangarap sa katotohanan. Nakuha ko ang Realtor, Shay Realtors | CalBre #02037276aking B.S. degree sa Marketing mula sa San Francisco 858-735-5104 | [email protected] University at binuksan ko ang aking sariling nego-syo sa marketing. Ako po ay lubos na iginagalang sa 10550 Craftsman Way San Diego, CA 92127North County, hindi lamang para sa kanilang propesyo- Louise Edu, Realtor® at Shay Realtors
8 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COM PENDING ACTIVE 17435 Caminito Caldo San Diego, CA 92127 18880 Caminito Cantilena Unit 62 San Diego, CA 92128This well-loved 3 BD / 2.5 BA / 1,548 sq.ft. detached home Pride of ownership is evident in every detail of this loving-boasts westerly views of Lake Hodges. Located in the ly cared for 2 BD / 1.5 BA / 1,100 sq.ft. condo that is locatedgated community of Vista Del Lago, this meticulously in the desirable Westwood community. This light &maintained home boasts cherry wood flooring, spacious bright, single-story, end unit condo is loaded with custommaster bedroom with private en suite, large loft, & conven- touches! Natural light floods this home through largeient upstairs laundry room. Easy access to I-15 highway. windows. You will love the updated kitchen with SSThe community amenities include pools, spas, gym, recre- appliances, custom tile backsplash and butcher blockation center w/security guard, BBQ area, tennis & basket- countertops, as well as laminate wood flooring that flowsball courts, and playgrounds. throughout this home. Large L shaped, fenced patio that includes a direct access gate to greenbelt. Located close Asking to I-15, Westwood Elementary, as well as a stone’s throw away from the Westwood Club that boasts a large pool, $639,000 playground, work out room, basketball, and tennis courts! - $659,000 Asking $378,888Real Estate Expert Call Louise Edu at Real Estate Expert Call Ray Shay LOUISE EDU 858.735.5104 RAY SHAY for more for more details! details at 858.449.4970 PENDING! in Carmel Valley! 3887 PELL PLACE UNIT 327 SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 Real Estate Expert This charming 4 BD / 2 BA / 1,594 sq.ft. home in National City would make a fantastic starter RAY SHAY home! This home boasts wood floors, freshly painted interior and exterior, new landscaping, large private backyard, newer dual pane windows, and a rolling privacy gate. It has a great floor plan! Don't miss out on this great opportunity! Listed at $578,888 Call Ray Shay for more details at 858.449.4970. PENDING Meticulously maintained home located in Del Sur! This lovely 3 BD + loft / 3.5 BA / 2,949 sq.ft. is loaded with designer touches! You will enjoy entertaining in the large gourmet 8278 Chandler Hill Ct. kitchen with granite countertops, large island, & wine refrigerator. The loft area has its own San Diego, CA 92127 en suite as well as walk-in closet & can easily be converted to a 4th bedroom. Tall hedges Asking $998,888 provide the privacy you desire while enjoying time outdoors. This is so much more than a - home, it is a lifestyle!Real Estate Expert Call Ray Shay for more RAY SHAY details at 858.449.4970RAY SHAY FINDING OR SELLING A HOME?NEED A COMPETIVE EDGE CONTACT SHAYARNDEAASKLTABOORUTSOAFFTMA8R5K8ET-4HO4M9E-7OP3P5O5RTUNITIES.
9COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018JUST SOLD! 17664 Alva Rd San Diego, CA 92127 Real Estatee EExxppeerrtt Sold for $1,030,000 LNOICUKISWEAELDLU This highly upgraded 4BD / 3BA / 3,114 sq. ft. home in North 4S Ranch features a 1st floor Master bedroom w/ private retreat, a 1st floor guest bedroom w/ full bath, a chef's kitchen w/ granite counter tops & SS appliances, a saltwater pool/spa, swim up bar, water slide, built in BBQ as well as a California room w/ fireplace & outdoor TV that will convey. You will love the picturesque mountain views from this home's private observation deck! Fully paid solar & whole house fan will keep your utility costs down! Call Louise Edu at 858.735.5104 to see how she can sell your home FAST and for TOP DOLLAR! 1910 N Ave. (National City) Real Estate Expert Sold for $505,000 Monica Powell This charming 4 BD / 2 BA / 1,594 sq.ft. home in National City would make a fantastic starter home! This home boasts wood floors, freshly painted interior and exterior, new landscaping, large private back- yard, newer dual pane windows, and a rolling privacy gate. It has a great floor plan! Call Monica Powell at 858.829.6805 to see how she can sell your home FAST and for TOP DOLLAR! Real Estate Expert 16950 Blue Shadows Ln, San Diego CA 92127 RAY SHAY Sold for $1,380,000 Ray Shay brought in the buyer for this stunning, designer owned 3 BD /2.5 BA / 3,034 sq.ft. Crosby Villa! This home boasts luxury upgrades and exceptional golf course views. The spa- cious master suite is conveniently located on the main level. With rich hardwood flooring, Carrara & granite countertops, 3 fireplaces, gourmet kitchen with Thermador appliances, two sub-zero wine fridges, this home has it all! If you want to see what terms Ray Shay can negotiate for you, contact him direct- ly at 858.449.4970. *This home was listed by Nellie High of Willis Allen Real Estate* Real Estate Expert 10488 Hollingsworth Way #193 San Diego, CA 92127 DAVID FLORES SOLD FOR $620,000 David Flores brought in the buyer for this beautiful turnkey 3 BD / 2.5 BA / 1,428 sq.ft. townhome in the heart of 4S Ranch. This two-story home boasts hardwood flooring on the main floor wish lush Berber carpet upstairs. Invisible screen doors, plantation shutters, and lovely courtyard with build-in BBQ are just a few of this home’s stunning features! If you are looking to buy or sell your home, call David Flores directly at 858.733.2019 to discuss how he can help you! *This home was listed by Tu Nguyen of Century 21 United Brokers* Real Estate Expert 13995 Hickory St. Poway, CA RAY SHAY SOLD FOR $975,000 Ray Shay brought in the buyer for this updated 4 BD / 3 BA / 3,102 sq.ft home in Poway. This Polo Model in Rancho Arbolitos boasts a large lot with generous, gated RV parking, updated kitchen, as well as a bedroom with full bath conveniently located on the main level. The versatile bonus room provides opportunities for rec room, home theater, office, or additional bedroom. If you are thinking of buying or selling, contact Ray Shay to see what he can do for you at 858.449.7355. *This home was listed by Doug Wealch of Berkshire Hathaway HomeService*YOUR HOUSE COULD BE HERE NEXT!
10 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COM Nguyễn Tuấn Tú vô ngành địa óc năm 2002, trong khi đang làm cho đội cảnh sát San Diego. Tú Tu Nguyen, Realtor® at Shay Realtors đã tốt nghiệp bằng đại học bốn năm về ngành Criminal Justice tại trường National University, và hơn 28 năm phục vụ cho cộng đồng thành phố San Diego. Hiện tại Tú là cấp bậc trung sĩ về ngành điều tra. Tương lai, sau khi về hưu Tú vẫn tiếp tục ngành địa óc. Tú rất là hãnh diện về sự giúp đỡ và phục vụ nhiệt tình cho khách hàng. Mọi dịch vụ liên quan đến ngành địa óc xin quý vị liên lạc với Nguyễn Tuấn Tú (6198895777). Thân ái Nguyễn Tuấn Tú Tu Nguyen Realtor®, Shay Realtors | CalBRE#01358370 619.889.5777 | [email protected] We are ready to take your reservation 10550 Craftsman Way #184, 92127 Get Your BBQ Grill COMMUNITY HUB FEATURESProfessionally Cleaned! TWO LOCATIONS F R O N T We clean GREEN! All our products are non-toxic, biodegradable and caustic-free. AUTOMATIC BILLING MULTIPLE HI-SPEED INTERNET APPLE TV Remove Grease & Risk of Fire WORKSPACE OPTIONSRemove Harmfu l Carcinogens - Extend the Life Visit Today of You r Grill - Prevent Fu tu re Corrosion Keep Rodents & Insects Away 501C Designated Organizations get free space at the Hub. Local business? We have great deals for you, too. call today 858.284.0654 Visit us at
DA MOLE REPORT 11COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018Da Mole is a popular guy and has a large group of sources that provides intel for his weekly Mole Report. He has been around these partslong before Santaluz, 4S Ranch, Del Sur and even the Crosby were built. He never said exactly when he and his buddy “Guido” escapedfrom New Jersey, but we became friends about fifteen years ago and have been supporting the community together ever since. Hi Boss! I’ve got some hot tips for yous guyz today! My sources have really outdone them- selves this time! My satellites have uncovered that Waypoint Public Del Sur is hostin’ a Mother-Daughter DIY workshop on Sunday, May 6 at 3pm – 5pm. Da cost is $50 for one Mother-Daughter pair, and each additional daughter is an extra $20. All da supplies necessary will be provided. Da suggested age is 7 years old and up, but da spots are limited so please RSVP soon to [email protected]. Lookin’ for a great deal on movie tickets? Then check out Cinepolis Del Mar! For a limited time, Mondays – Thursdays, all shows from 3:30pm – 5:30pm will be discounted! Premium and traditional tickets will be $7 and luxury tickets will be $10. For more informa- tion, please go to . Lastly, if yous guyz are lookin’ for some fun summer workshops, Color Me Mine in 4S Ranch has opened registration for their summer classes! My sources have confirmed that this year, Color Me Mine has added a new class called Mystical Creatures Camp! It will be held on June 25-28 from 11am – 2pm. Campers ages 6-12 years old will be taught fun ceramic painting techniques such as splat- terin’, spongin’, stampin’, shadin’, and maskin’ all while creatin’ cool items like a unicorn plate, a mermaid mug, or a dragon themed bedroom sign, etc. To enroll, please call 858- 312-5500.Da Mole is Out! Sign up at GET DA MOLE REPORT IN YOUR INBOX EVERY WEEK HAVE A LOCAL STORY TO SHARE? Email Da Mole at [email protected] BONUS - If we pick your hot tip for Da Mole report, you get a $20 gift card to Napizza! Ya boss!
12 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COMBROKER’S CORNER Are you just interested or are you fully committed? Real Estate Expert we are looking for. will also be offering Saturday morning as well RAY SHAY I ask myself, “Is this person, or company, the as Tuesday evening classes at our Community By Ray Shay Hub® where you can learn more about these im- best in the business? Are they interested in pro-There is just something about seeing a per- viding the best possible services to our clients? portant subjects. son, an organization, or a sports team Are they totally committed to performing the Lastly, we have really made a concen- being “ALL IN.” I am not a fan of the New best job possible?” This leads to trated effort to bring additional lan- England Patriots, (Yep, still a Charger fan!) the culture of Shay Realtors, guage skills to Shay Realtors. Withbut there is no doubt that each year the Patriots are which I am personally very many international buyers andcommitted to winning. Without pause, year after proud of, and the services sellers, we recognized we needyear, they are pushing that huge stack of chips of we provide to our clients, to offer more resources toexperience, dedication, and commitment to their and the community we support our changingsystem where it belongs--onto the center of the live and serve in. America field. They are taking In addition to English,a stand and are committed to Everyone recognizes we now have full time Re-doing their very best to win. it is a tight housing altors that speak and write market. To some of you, Vietnamese, as well as Ko- It’s interesting to be “all it will be surprising to rean. We are still in need ofin!” It’s not a gamble, but rath- hear that the market is several language speakerser an investment in yourself and your customer. just starting to show including Spanish, Manda-When we are bringing on additional agents, sup- hints of slowing in the rin, Cantonese, Japane-port staff, or developing preferred business associ- $800,000+ price range. se, German, Tagalog and Farsi.ates, being totally committed is specifically what With the average sale price in If you speak any of these lan- 92127 being about $900,000, guages and are a full time experi- yes, that slowing market is right in your backyard. enced Realtor with a great track record, please contact me on my cell phone at If you want to capitalize on the last few 858.449.4970. years of growth, you better give us a call or your Don’t forget, if you are looking for a Realtor® be own real estate professional, before inventory sure to ask them if they are interested in helping swells and prices adjust accordingly. If the interest you or are they “all in?” It is what makes the in- rates continue to rise as predicted which in effect vestment in professional representation worth it! limits the number of people available to buy homes at a certain price point. We’re already see- RAY SHAY 10550 Craftsman Way ing some buyers being priced out of the market Suite 184 with the raising interest rates. [email protected] CA BRE #01354548 San Diego, CA 92127 Over the next year, you will continue too see Mobile: 858-449-4970 many improvements at Shay Realtors and the ser- vices we provide to both you and our community. We continually add to our level of services to keep our “all in” commitment to you. This is the first month that the Community Hub® newspaper will begin to feature multiple lenders that will share their ex- pertise with you. We are opening doors to information that you will find helpful whether you are selling your home yourself or de- cide to employ the services of a real estate profes- sional. Our lenders will be sharing some valuable in- formation that is both timely and informative. WeWHERE HOMES ARE SOLD & COMMUNITIES CONNECTWe are more than a real estate company. We are a real estate community.Learn more about our (very) unique culture at
13COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018 LENDER’S CORNERwww.primelending.comHow To Finance AndCreate Your Dream HomeBy Michael C. Francisco – Senior Loan Originator of Prime Lending – NMLS#159895 Kids tearing your house apart? Have you been Cash-Out Refinance binge watching WAY too many home renova- Have you been living in your current home for a tion TV shows? If so, you’re not alone. In while? If so, you may have been building equity fact, 76% of Americans are pining for a (value) in your home all this time. What can you much-needed home makeover. Whether your do with all of that fancy equity? Take advantage of house is starting to give off a Munster’s mansion it with a cash-out refinance, of course! With a vibe, or your inner home designer is struggling cash-out refinance, you can tap into your home’s to escape, know this — you deserve a beautiful equity and free up cash for anything you want — home. especially home improvements! But, you may be wondering, “Don’t home reno- vations cost an arm, a leg, and possibly other ad- account and you’ll have an extra $600 by the end How does it work? ditional appendages?” The truth is, with a little of the year. planning and preparation, you could be well on Go out to eat less. Here’s a quick example: your way to financing your dream home. On average, Americans go out to eat about 4 Imagine you owe $100,000 on a $200,000 home Here are some simple tips to pay for renovations times per week, resulting in roughly $232 in din- and want to spend $10,000 on a home renovation. that can turn your house into a home you love. ing expenses each month. Cut out 2 visits to your Well, you can refinance your original mortgage Traditional Savings favorite BBQ place each week, and you could save for $110,000, and pull out the difference ($10,000) From new clothing to household items, food about $1400 per year. in cash with a cash-out refinance. purchases and other expenses that are un- Cancel your gym membership. planned, the average person spends $450 on im- Has it been months since you abandoned your Government Home Renovation Programs pulse purchases each month (or $5400 per year)! New Year’s resolution to get that summer bod? As you can tell, we spend a TON of money with- Well, no judgment here! But if you’re still paying Not quite ready to part ways with your monthly out even realizing it, and it’s easy to see where a for that pricy monthly gym membership, you’re spending vices? Don’t have much home equity to little savings can go a long way toward your goal doing yourself (and your home) a severe injus- tap into yet? Believe it or not, the federal govern- of fixing up your home. tice. Save yourself $60 per month ($720 per year) ment can give you a hand with your home renova- Here’s how to save for your home renovation: and start taking your dogs out for a relaxing walk tion costs. For example, a FHA 203(k) loan allows Try automatic savings. at the nearby park. They’ll appreciate it, and so borrowers to combine the cost of home repairs Nowadays, there are apps and bank programs will your wallet. and improvements into their mortgage. that can help you save by automatically transfer- ring a portion of your monthly earnings into This is especially great for homeowners who your savings account. Auto-send $50 (aka your have limited finances, and offers benefits, in- weekly Starbucks bill) a month into your savings cluding:Michael C. Francisco • Low refinancing interest rates • Less paperworkSenior Loan Originator • Fewer individual payments from combining costs into a single [email protected] #159895 4747 Executive Drive All loans subject to credit approval. Rates and fees subject to change. This is not a commitmentMobile: 858-335-1852 Suite 520 to lend.PrimeLending, a PlainsCapital Company (NMLS: 13649), is a wholly owned subsidiary ofEFax 866-908-3923 San Diego, CA 92121 PlainsCapital Bank, a Texas-chartered bank, and is an exempt lender in the following states: Alaska, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota Exemption No. MN-OX-20304774, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Nebraska, Nevada Exempt Co. Reg. No. 732, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas - 1st Liens, Utah Residential 1st Mortgage Notification UDFI-RFMN2015, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
14 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COM DEL SURRED WINE WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR HOME IS WORTH?Inviting your 4S Ranch neighbors more studies on how wine could pre- over for a glass of red wine is tak- vent oral diseases should be done. ing on a new meaning. INSTANT AND ACCURATE HOME VALUE Red wine is full of antioxi- This is great news for people whodants and has long been associated responsibly drink no more than onewith an increase in HDL cholesterol, glass of red wine (alcoholic orwhich can protect against artery non-alcoholic). It important to notedamage and therefore may reduce that there is also research linking al-the risk of heart disease. Del Sur cohol to cancer, as well as an in-Ranch Dental is in the business of creased risk of dementia. Del Surhealth, and particularly interested in Ranch Dental will always cautionthe relationship between disease in that alcohol is safe only when con-your mouth and the effects on your sumed in moderation, if at all.heart. We need to pay attention towhy red wine is so important! Periodontitis (gum disease) af- fects about half of adults over thirty. You may have seen friends or People with periodontal disease arenews agencies recently mention that nearly twice as likely to develop car-red wine prevents tooth decay and diovascular disease and it is a majorgum disease. Well, this is true. A new cause of tooth loss in Americanstudy published by the Journal of adults. Without treatment, gum dis-Agriculture and Food Chemistry in ease can also lead to bone and gumFebruary 2018 states that polyphe- loss. While red wine may not be con-nol, a micronutrient, reduces the sidered a treatment for gum disease,ability of bad bacteria known to it looks like very moderate consump-cause dental plaque, cavities, and tion may improve your health.gum disease to adhere to teeth andgums. Keep in mind that other drinks – such as coffee, green tea, black tea, Polyphenols are natural compounds cider, orange, and lemon juice – asthat are a good source of antioxidants. well as food – such as blueberries,You can get polyphenols from different raspberries, kiwis, black grapes,types of foods, including blueberries, cherries, and beans – also containcherries, dark chocolate, and grapes. polyphenols.Red wine is abundant in polyphenols,and therefore is a noted source of anti- We have a mission to make Sanoxidants. Diego the #1 healthiest city in the U.S. This is no ordinary mission, but Previous research on polyphenols we are not an ordinary dental team.and the impact on the heart and dis- We offer free consultations and lookease prevention have mostly concen- forward to providing you with ongo-trated on gut bacteria and not on the ing information about your health.bacteria inside the mouth. Spanish 858-538-8300researchers examined oral bacteriaresponsible for tooth decay and cavi- Our articles are not intended toties by sticking to teeth and gums. substitute professional medical ad-They found that the wine polyphenols vice, diagnosis, or treatment. Alwayswere better at deterring bacteria from contact us with questions or seek thesticking to cells, similar to those in- advice of a qualified health providerside our mouths. The authors say the regarding your medical condition.findings provide strong evidence, andThis month Ray Shay talks about the bull market and READ MOREprovides some insight for your next possible move in PAGE 12his popular column, THE BROKER’S CORNER.
15COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018Character and Ethics Film Festival in its Tenth Year By Jeanne RawdinThe Poway Unified School administrators, and staff to be part of lives, there are countless opportunities 2017 Winners: District is putting on its 10th several three-day Character Develop- to engage children in moral conversa- dren, and other family members. Par- Annual Character and Ethics ment Seminars over a five-year period. tion. ents who honor each other, who share Film Festival on May 16 at the Mr. Bender explains, “I wanted to give • Refuse to cover for your children or responsibilities, and resolve differencesPoway Center for the Performing Arts. something back to my community that I make excuses for their inappropriate in peaceful ways communicate a power-Students were asked to create a 30-sec- believe would make an important and behavior. Shielding children and ful message of respect. Respect begetsond to 4-minute videos showing real-life lasting impact.” In response, the Super- youth from the logical consequences respect...and children notice.situations that make a difference in the intendent, on behalf of PUSD, thanked of their actions fails to teach them per- • Don’t provide your children access toworld. The festival is open to all students Dave Bender for his generous donation sonal responsibility. It also under- alcohol or drugs. Model appropriatein the Poway Unified School District. that enabled the Poway School district mines social customs and laws by giv- behavior. Nowhere is the parents’ per- to implement this character education ing them the impression that they are sonal example more critical than in Students write, direct, and film the program that benefits students, staff, somehow exempt from the regulations this area, and the family is the mostvideo, although parents are allowed to and community. that govern others’ behavior. powerful influence on whether or nothelp with technical issues. Winners will • Show respect for your spouse, your chil- a young person will become a sub-be determined on content, creativity, In 2002, Poway Unified School Dis- stance abuser.and technology. Winners will be an- trict was awarded a four-year Federalnounced at the festival on May 16. Research Grant Fund for Improvement PRIZES FOR Create a 30-second to 4-minute video about of Education, titled “Every Citizen Hon- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL real-life situations that make a difference in The idea of having such a festival oring Others” (ECHO). It was imple-started in 2008 and was tied to the Char- mented in seven schools, K-12, and in- MIDDLE SCHOOL the world.acter Counts initiative that Poway Uni- cluded five control schools as well. It was AND Open to PUSD students in TK-12.fied School District has embraced. The committed to the principle that safeannouncement of the film festival ties in schools and strong character are essen- HIGH SCHOOL Videos are due Friday, Marchwith Character Counts Week and the Six tial elements of educational success. 16, 2018.Pillars of Character identified by the dis- Character education was fully integrat- Special Thank You to:trict, which are trustworthiness, respect, ed into school curriculum, climate, and Submit Vimeo or YouTube URL link toresponsibility, fairness, caring, and citi- culture and continues to be an integral Poway Unified School [email protected]. Or send CD tozenship. The Six Pillars of Charac- program throughout the district. District Foundation April Egaran, PUSD, 15250 Avenue of Science, Santer have become part of the languageamong students and staff throughout all Helpful Tips for Parents AND Diego, 92128.PUSD schools, and students are encour- Below are helpful tips for parents toaged and recognized for showing good help children learn to be trustworthy, re- Partners in Education Here are the RULES!character. Most schools have banners, spectful, responsible, fair, caring, and a Program Students write, direct, and film the video (Parents may assist withmurals, and posters displayed on their good citizen from Parents, Kids andcampuses. Some schools have named Character: 21 Strategies to Help Your technology).their halls after the pillars, such as “Car- Children Develop Character , by Dr. Hel- Obtain written permission from all students who are involved &ing Court” and “Responsibility Road.” en R. LeGette. submit the form on page 2. • Be clear about your values. Tell your Format as high quality AVI or Quicktime files. Students have four to five months to children where you stand on import- Do not use copyrighted material, music.develop their concept, write the script, ant issues. Good character is taughtvideotape or animate it, and edit it. For and caught. If we want children to in- ALSO:elementary students, this usually means ternalize the virtues that we value, we Winners will be determined on content, creativity , anda class project completed outside of class need to teach them what we believe technology.time. For middle school students, it is and why. In the daily living of our Submitting the video indicates agreement with the rules andmost likely a small group project. For permission to use your name and entry on PUSD Website.high schoolers, it is typically a project View winning videos from previous years at http://involving one to two students. WinningVideosCharacterandEthicsFilmFestival.pdf Character Counts is a nationwide ONE PRIZE PER WINNING ENTRYcharacter education program adminis- Prize awarded to teacher if a class project.tered by Josephson Institute and theCenter for Youth Ethics. Michael Jo-sephson, founder and president of thenonprofit Josephson Institute, presentedhis program to government officials,business leaders, educators, sports pro-fessionals, and other business and mili-tary sectors. Character Counts is sup-ported not only by Poway UnifiedSchool District, but also by the PalomarCouncil PTA, which has a CharacterCounts chairperson at every school. The implementation of CharacterCounts in PUSD began in 2003 with agenerous donation from David Bender,a member of the community. His dona-tion of $930,000 allowed many teachers,
16 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COM Beloved Teacher Remembered HORSES AND THEIR HEROES for Her Dedication to Annual Open House at Horses of Tir Na Nog Students San Diego’s longest-operating equine sanctuarySaturday, April 28 and Sunday, April 29 DBy Jeanne Rawdin the grieving process. And students10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. el Norte High School has also had a chance to remember Mrs.26930 Old Hwy. 80; Guatay, CA 91931 suffered the loss of a long- Martiarena in another way. In Mrs. time teacher who was well Lauren Ruggiero’s classroom, stu-Local heroes, including first responders, will be attending loved and respected by dents could contribute to a scrap-This is a family-friendly event students as well as staff. Mrs. Amaya book in Mrs. Martiarena’s name bySilent Auction and T-shirt sales Martiarena – who was a Spanish writing notes and cards and provid-Youngsters and the young at heart are invited to dress as their favorite hero! teacher at Del Norte High – passed ing photos. away last week. R.S.V.P to [email protected] Amaya Martiarena is survived by Mrs. Martiarena was a member her mother, Cathy, and her siblings, of the World Languages Team, and Manuel and Angel, as well as her she also taught Spanish at Meadow- two children. Memorial services brook Middle School. Counselors will be held Saturday, April 21, at 3 were on hand at Del Norte High for pm at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Cath- students who were going through olic Church. The address is 13541 Stoney Creek Road in San Diego.SATURDAYS 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM COFFEE WITH THE EXPERTS at the Community Hub TOP 10 MISTAKES HOME HOW TO STAGE YOUR HOME BUYERS FREQUENTLY MAKE TO SELL FOR TOP DOLLAR 5/12/2018 5/26/2018 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Ray Shay Ray Shay Owner | Broker Shay Realtors Owner | Broker Shay [email protected] (858)449.4970 [email protected] (858)449.49704S ComRSmVoPntsoTLAeoadrwnifnnroamC@oeuSnr Thtreuasrtye|dR1Ee0xpa5el5rtts0owrhCsil.recaeonftmjosyminogara nP8iz5Wza8aa-n4yd4S#9al1a-8d74l3u,n5c95h2. 127
17COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018Give a Pint,Save a Life!ShaySponsoringIts First BloodDrive in JuneS By Jeanne Rawdin SAVING LIVES LIVING WELL hay Realty is sponsoring its very first Blood Drive in partnership with the American Red Cross on 34t&hMAanrnruoawl RCeoguinsttyryoDf Sriavne DLoiecgaotioBnlosod June 11. The blood drive will take place at the Shay office on 10550 Craftsman Way, Suite 184 East Region Live Well Center County of San Diego HHSA (Lemon Grove)*on Monday, June 11 from 11 am – 5 pm. If you want to Tuesday, April 3 from 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Thursday, April 12 from 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.make an appointment in advance, visit redcrossblood. 367 N. Magnolia Ave, Ste 101, El Cajon 92020 7065 Broadway, Lemon Grove 91945org, or call 1-800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767). You can Fallbrook Community Centeralso use the Blood Donor App and enter sponsor code County Administration Center* Thursday, April 12 from 12:30 - 5:30 p.m.shay. However, there’s no appointment necessary – you Wednesday, April 4 from 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 341 Heald Ln, Fallbrook 92028can just walk right in! County of San Diego, Public Works* 1600 Pacific Hwy, San Diego 92101 Friday, April 13 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. If you’ve never given blood before, there are a few County of San Diego HHSA North Central* 11970 Singer Ln, Spring Valley 91978things to keep in mind. Wednesday April 4 from 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. County of San Diego HHSA, Superior Court Getting Ready 7947 Mission Center Ct, San Diego 92108 Monday, April 16 from 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Be sure to hydrate on the day of your donation, and 330 W. Broadway, San Diego 92101wear something comfortable. Maintain a healthy level Juvenile Probation Center*or iron in your diet in the weeks before you come. And Thursday, April 5 from 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. County of San Diego HHSA, South Region - NC-FRC*bring a list of medications you are taking. Make sure 2901 Meadow Lark Dr, San Diego 92123 Wednesday, April 18 from 9 a.m. - 2:30 have you ID. And bring a friend so you can enjoythe experience together. County of San Diego EMS* 401 Mile of Cars Way, Ste 203, National City 91950 The Donation Process Thursday, April 5 from 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. County of San Diego HHSA The Red Cross staff with sign you in and go over ba- 6255 Mission Gorge Rd, San Diego 92120 James R. Mills Building**sic information. If you have a donor card, be sure tobring it with you. Then you’ll answer some questions County of San Diego HHSA Wednesday, April 18 from 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.about your health history and places you have traveled. North Central Family Resource Center (Not Open to the Public)Staff members will check you temperature, pulse, blood Wednesday, April 11 from 1 - 3:30 p.m.pressure, and hemoglobin level through a sample of North Inland Live Well Center*blood. 5055 Ruffin Rd, San Diego 92123 Thursday, April 19 from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Then an area on your arm is cleansed and a brand Health and Human Services Agency 619 W Mission Ave, Escondido 92025new sterile needed is inserted for the blood draw. Don’t Wednesday, April 11 from 8:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.worry, it feels like a quick pinch and it’s over in seconds. County Operations Center*The actual blood draw takes about 8-10 minutes. Once 690 Oxford St, Chula Vista 91911 Friday, April 20 from 9 a.m. - 2:30 reach the pint level, a staff member will take out the County of San Diego HHSA at Symitar 5560 Overland Ave, San Diego 92123needle and put a bandage on your arm. Wednesday, April 11 from 8:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. County of San Diego HHSA, PHS Admin - Rosecrans* Refreshments! Tuesday, April 24 from 10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. After donating, you should have a snack and some- 8985 Balboa Ave, San Diego 92123 3851 Rosecrans St, San Diego 92101thing to drink in the refreshment area. You can leave County of San Diego HHSA *Includes Be the Match Marrow Registrythe site after 10-15 minutes and continue with your **All sites are Open to the Public except Millsnormal daily activities. with J.F. Duffy-Sheriff Headquarters The plasma from your donation is replaced with- Wednesday, April 11 from 9 a.m. - 2:30 about 24 hours. Red cells need about four to sixweeks for complete replacement. That’s why at least 9621 Ridgehaven, San Diego 92123eight weeks are required between whole blood dona- County of San Diegotions. Blood types do differ between ethnic groups. About Housing & Community Development Services57 percent of the Latino population is type O, which is Thursday, April 12 from 9 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.the blood type in greatest demand. 51 percent of Afri- 3989 Ruffin Rd, San Diego 92123can Americans have type O, and only about 45 percentof Caucasians have type O. As certain population Schedule Your Appointment at continue to increase, so does the need for typeO blood. It’s critical that more Latino and Afri-can-American donors give blood regularly to ensurethat patient needs can be met. After you donate, your blood is delivered to a RedCross blood component laboratory where it is pro-cessed into several components (e.g., red blood cells,plasma, platelets and/or cryoprecipitate). A singleblood donation may help up to three different people.So give a pint!
18 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COM A Cop’s Life: By Ray Shay *The following true stories about the men and women of the San Diego Police Department may not be appropriate for younger readers. All rights reserved and this material cannot be reproduced without written authorization.*Mental Focus and the “Chair Run.\"The deep throated and how I was going to fix them. After all, cops fix Great Santini” yelling really does not affect me. Iwhirring sound of problems and they were my responsibility. I knew guess my dad did me a favor. I walked out of mythe small motors they had the skills, but had just lost their mental Lt’s office feeling like Goose or Maverick, “wellspinning the over- focus. that didn’t go so well.” But, I knew in my heart, Ihead emergency That is when I told each of them to grab their Mi- had done the right thing.lights resonated ramar College issued desk chairs, they had beeninside the San Diego Police Department’s patrol sitting on and fall into formation. I told them we Since that date so many years ago, I sometimescar while the red and blue emergency lights were all going on a, “chair run.” As luck would reflect on the final remediation night tacticalsplashed rhythmically across the darkened si- have it as we began jogging up to the college shotgun shoot that followed where each of my re-louhette holding a handgun. grinder I looked to my right and saw my San Di- cruits passed. The 115th SDPD Academy. was aThe recruit police officer stepped from the vehi- ego Police Academy Lieutenant standing outside great class, just like the others. Such young, bravecle and fired his department issued Remington his office smoking a cigarette next to the Miramar and caring men and women that were committed870 shotgun again and again as the roar of sound College President. Both men’s mouth hung slight- to serving a cause greater than themselves. Godand the explosions of white light washed over ly open as they stared at the strange sight of an bless them all.him illuminating his uniform, face and restrict- academy recruits class in PT gear starting to runing his pupils as he tried to focus on the deadly carrying their chairs SDPDthreat. above their heads. JoinUnfortunately, too many of the the red hot metal I can laugh now, but us!projectiles struck the dark soil of the contain- looking back at thatment hill without first passing through the thin moment in time I just Contact the Recruiting Unitbrown and black paper silouhette that made up recall thinking “sh..” , San Diego Police Depart-the target on the police range. By the end of the but it was too late, I ment Attention: Recruitingnighttime shotgun tactical shoot, I was speaking instructed a formersoftly with my disappointed and nervous group Marine recruit to step 1401 Broadway, MS 769of about 28 Police Recruits. Almost a dozen of out and call cadence. As he ran alongside the two San Diego, CA 92101-5729them had failed to obtain a passing score. rows of police cadets he pumped his chair above Phone: (619) 531-COPS (2677)Under the pressure of the situation with their his head into the early morning mist as he yelled Fax: (619) 515-2795peers and supervisors looking on, and their own at the top of his lungs, “chair run, everyday, oh Email:desire to ultimately wear a gold badge, they had yeah, here we go...” [email protected] to mentally manage their emotions and as When we reached the grinder, we lined up all 28what happens sometimes when people see fail- chairs in a straight line about ten feet apart and for, they lose their confidence and fail as well. the next forty-five minutes, we all practiced theThese recruits were like fam- tactical shotgun shoot without a single shotgun orily to me because we had police car. Grown men and women in runningbeen through so much to- shorts and t-shirts pretended to have shotguns,gether. But law enforcement opened imaginary car doors, worked on breath-standards are not flexible. If ing, sight picture and confronted the imaginaryany of the recruits were to threat. We practiced and practiced, and we all en-fail the upcoming single re- visioned passing the test.mediation firearms test, they Once we were back in formation and I dismissedwould be fired. As they should be. Where life and them to hit the showers I was not surprised whendeath hangs in the balance there is no place for a fellow SDPD Training Officer said, “LT wantsmediocrity. you in his office.” I knew the ass chewing wasThe next morning as I walked into my Police coming and my Lt’s veins really did stick out in hisAcademy classroom, the future police officers all neck when he yelled at me wondering why I tooksnapped to attention and yelled out, “Sir, good his chairs with me on a physical training run?morning sir!” I stared at them for a few moments Growing up in a big family with our dad who wasthinking of their failures the previous evening a naval aviator and a tall, burly version of “The
19COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018Huddle Up with Coach Kevin \"Daddy Ball” byKevinHolmesPreferential treatment bestowed off- often accept the task of coaching be- I recently partnered with a coach whose fessionals carry these traits as part ofspring from their parent/coach, is a cause they were once athletes and realize child was without a doubt the best on their DNA but it takes patience to bal-widespread epidemic infecting teams the opportunity inher- ance the art of parent coaching. Clearly,daily. Infiltrating all sport genres and ently affords special the team. He, unlike I’m not a fan of Daddy Ball. Proof mygenders, (primarily pre-teen grade lev- memories. However, most, used his daughter point of view is probably correct; I’veels), this credo is a malignant metaphor some parents purpose to make the team better coached my own kids to 13 champion-for the term we all know and don’t love, is less admirable, plac- and in the end we won ships in multiple sports at every adoles-called “Daddy Ball.” Many who practice ing their kid in promi- the championship with cent grade level without using it. Look, Ithis believe they are endowed the in- nent positions they’ve contributions from ev- get it, you want the best for your off-alienable rite because frankly, they’re yet to earn. This fos- ery player. That is how spring, we all do. But if you take on thetaking time to coach when other dads ters a sense of entitle- you win! Now my phi- responsibility of coaching kids otherare not. ment and promotes a losophy of equal oppor- than your own, you must consider theJustifying extra playing time as one of false sense of security tunity, isn’t without its well being of those players who look tothe perks is another counter argument which frequently own set of shortcomings you for guidance and direction. If youcoming in close second to their kid be- backfires. Sure, there and criticisms. As a par- brush off that duty then frankly you’reing the best on the team. Yes, its won- are isolated instances ent/coach you can fall on not a good coach. As cute as the termderful when your child can be an exten- when you can rely on the opposite side of the Daddy Ball may sound, it actually rep-sion of your coaching. Who better than one player to domi- spectrum (being extra resents selfish behavior that promotesthose who look like and want to be like nate but most often hard on your kids). Chil- flawlessly demonstrating techniques opposing teams will shut down that in- dren innately strive to My position on partisanship was notand plays. Unfortunately, mini-me’s fre- dividual through double teams, pitch perform to the expectations of their par- written to offend, insult or in anywayquently exceed the scope of aiding prac- arounds or flat out deny that player an ents especially when they are the coach. call out individuals who practice thistices. This mismanagement style takes opportunity to make an impact. This causes a noticeable disconnect methodology. But hopefully enlighten-center stage in games when everyone’s when game situations don’t go as ing, to those coaches (you know whofocused on the action. Relying on one or Naysayers would argue that if their child planned. Coaching your kid requires a you are) who have not seen the error intwo individuals limit the development is indeed the best, the term Daddy Ball delicate blend of teaching moments, dis- their ways. Needing just a subtle nudgeof other players adding undo pressure, is a false narrative, cop out and the infer- cipline and yes, manipulation to achieve in the direction towards fairness, en-especially down the stretch when team ence of “special treatment” an inaccu- success. I believe this so strongly I’ve riching the lives of ALL players, not justchemistry is needed. Dependence, be- rate portrayal. In some limited cases that curtailed coaching my son and daugh- the ones they go home with. What par-comes a crutch, fostering emotions of argument may hold true but organized ter, allowing them to play for others. I ent doesn’t fantasize on the prospect ofanimosity and resentment. These issues sports are about building character, pride myself in the ability to individual- molding a future superstar? Dream oneventually morph into character flaws, teamwork and fair play. We all want the ly and collectively instruct players to dreamer, but note that even if they beatthat produce long term affects if not ex- best for our kids and beam with pride make each one the best they can be. I the less than 1% odds, they’ll still needtinguished. when they perform well. But to ONLY truly feel it’s a gift from God and respect to be grounded and humble. Daddy BallDaddy Ball is unequivocally the nadir of give your child the opportunity to be the ability to do so. should be restricted to children playingnepotism, taking root at the start of a successful is an unfair practice, nega- As much as we need coaches I often say with their parents privately, never at thechild’s athletic journey. Moms and dads tively impacting youth sports and be- its not for everyone—you truly have to expense of the TEAM. yond. be unselfish and committed. Teachers, parents, counselors and many other pro-
20 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COMCounty Kicks Off Mosquito Prevention ProgramS By Jeanne Rawdin defects. ed positive for West Nile virus, but it did not prove fatal pring is here and it’s time to take a good look out- West Nile virus is spread by native Culex mosqui- in either case. The year before, however, 22 people test- side. Do you have standing water in your pool, ed positive for West Nile virus and two people died. In or maybe in a flower pot or two? With mosquito toes after they bite an infected bird or animal. Zika is 2017, 20 San Diego residents returning home from season just around the corner, the County of San spread by two species of Aedes mosquitoes found in travel tested positive for the Zika virus, down from 83Diego is asking all residents to dump out any stagnant San Diego in 2014 and 2015, but only if they first bite an the year before.water on their property to protect themselves. infected person. This could happen if someone travels abroad, and comes home unknowingly infected with But public health officials say it’s still important to Standing water is the ideal breeding ground for the virus. take precautions this year to ensure those numbers re-mosquitoes that can carry potentially deadly viruses main the West Nile virus and the Zika virus. Last year, only two San Diego County residents test- County Supervisor Greg Cox and Vector ControlEcologist Chris Conlan kicked off the prevention pro-gram at the Olivewood Gardens and Learning Centerin National City April 3rd. Cox said, “The most import-ant message we want to get out today is that you canhelp prevent these diseases. All you have to do to helpfight mosquitoes and disease is follow the County’s‘Prevent, Protect, Report’ mantra.” The mantra urges residents to prevent mosquitobreeding by dumping standing water, protect them-selves by wearing insect repellent and proper clothing,and report any mosquito activity or dead birds to Coun-ty Vector Control. Mosquitoes can breed in the smallest amounts ofwater, so be sure to check everything in your yard – in-cluding toys, old tires, stopped-up rain gutters, tarps,tree holes, or even bottle caps. Most people who get infected by the West Nile virusand the Zika virus don’t show any symptoms. With theWest Nile virus, about 20 percent of people experiencemild, flu-like symptoms such as chills, fever, headaches,muscle weakness or nausea, which disappear in a fewdays. But one percent of those bitten by a mosquitowith West Nile develop encephalitis, a serious inflam-mation of the brain which can cause paralyzing neuro-logical effects. With the Zika virus, pregnant womanwho become infected can have babies with severe birth 16776 Bernardo Center Dr, Ste #108, San Diego, CA. 92128 • 858-487-6400, • Fax : 858-487-6407 www.LegendsEscrow.comYour Guide Through the Escrow ProcessSaving you time, Legends Escrow is a dedicated team of seasoned and experienced professionals. With Call ussaving you money today’s state of the art technology, our team provides you peace of mind on your before you selland giving you escrow transaction and we promise to surpass your expectations with each and every so we can helppeace of mind transaction. Committed to a higher standard of excellence. Legends Escrow a with understanding Division of Chicago Title has a foundation of ethics and integrity. the process We pride ourselves on the level of service we offer, putting the interest of our clients first… today, tomorrow, always.
21COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018Boys & Girls Clubsof Greater San Diego SelectsAryana Pizaaro of 4S Ranchto Go to National ConferenceBBy Jeanne Rawdin the After School Program at a team effort. We’re excited that encourage creative growth ism, presence, and exhibition oys & Girls Clubs of the Club. Surrounded by her join her on her journey to the and develop self-esteem. I’m of mastery and skill. This is a Greater San Diego peers, staff leaders, and her National Conference!” blessed to work with Aryana at second nomination for (BGCGSD) “Club grandfather, Pizarro listened the Club; I already know how Pizarro who also performed Kid” Aryana Pizaaro with excitement as Clark con- Pizarro will join other talented she is and it warms in the 2017 BGCA Nationalhas been selected to partici- gratulated her. youth performers from my heart to know that she’s Conference in Texas. pate at the 2018 Boys & Girls around the nation and work taking her talent to a biggerClubs of America National “I can’t think of a better closely with talent profession- stage for others to see.” The 2018 Boys & GirlsConference for the second year candidate for this event!” BG- als to choreograph a group Clubs of American Nationalin a row. Jim Clark, President CGSD’s Bosque Leanio ex- performance for the confer- Pizarro was one of the only Conference will be held onand CEO of Boys & Girls Clubs plained, “Aryana is dedicated ence. nine entries selected from May 1-4 in San Diego, Cali-of America, made the official to her talent and enjoys shar- over 130 audition videos. fornia.announcement with a surprise ing it with others. She’s also a “It’s just so overwhelming!” Each audition video wentphone call to Pizarro during great example of what a Club Branch Manager Ruth Cassy through multiple rounds of To learn more about the Kid should be - caring, re- shared after the phone call. judging, with each entry be- Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater spectful, and making success “It’s important for our Club ing reviewed for professional- San Diego, visit www. Kids to receive opportunities
22 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COM 17APRIL 2018 | AMP ARYI L 22001 81 8Tick the box HMowayl1osnt giscaandayyou This is time for Give your bike List all of the DhfLMoeiomarotelsaooptoxhktrlpmiooocturnovnaeepidegntpgharayhwdieyrnoti.ce.anguiGlnparktoeeo, rson each day go owfictheoleubtrwataiotcnhing the annual a tune up and a pWNwdatehooiloohfldifrpfuontatephlhlkyerwdeeePoittennntsoofhrte,ely1rieevtneo8hdtaaghou9ercisenin8fchey?ftaytlihtioinrohesisustsuet make a nutritiouswhen you arToVun?dHtohwe wmoarnldy. cleaning to make owned those pets.have completed celebration of sure it’s in good meal and get a20 minutes of Obonoektsracdoiutilodnyiosu books for young running order for National Pet good night’s sleep.reading. Children rteoasdeicfreytolyu hgaanvge uap people and the Weekwho develop a TbVaskfoert aoffeflwowdaeyrss? joy of reading. the summer. Cinco de Mayolove of reading on a neighbor’swill become better TurdnoOorfkfnToVb. and National Book National Bikestudents and build Week Montha better future. Read MonthIt’s Family Movie Pretend you are a Show your HlsetottasMtowecrtrhtaihnmoBkagoeanhlwnakanyvicyutaefhororsuydtoehrodeus This is a great day fowfHLaDaaiffenoaImvAauaytdtvro’hridoscgserlnaekksuiyagat,mrarectyreolGlepolseaaaaoouotsltohrnnsroqeeefegstcunxeDesataea.sncturc’ockhcpdikesluaaer,pyy!. Look at old photosNight! Pop some tDouorygouuidhea.vWe bhoeoreks tyenoaiDcucehoaefpsrooprhmroaeecwbtihramotienthugaeclrhl efaoternaltlhtihsewyedeok.? CrwcBytfolobooaeenadoounrvassaamtotnheemybycakr.aeaooruleiscPtennruwpshynslaaa1hofeodCsoinc9eefnfpahnk1ltwdhyyreih.6iteaoanehtho.vshrugiafyesert stoinnNgigaahtltioM!onnoganlthDuck with your mom orpopcorn and enjoy wyoouu’lvdeyoouutgtarokwe na? thoerysidsoterfotor dyaoyu.. National School dad. Ask them toa movie at home. Covnitsaitcotryaoruorulnibdrary Maybe they will written? yaonudrsheoemifeytouwcna?n Nurse Day tell you stories Family do something about your baby Movie Night donate them. niNcae tfioornyaolu! and toddler days. Teacher’s Day National Photo MonthWrite down all the Put your thumbs Make trail mix. naesnGruTwTannrrchEiieyifFsrvinalaaisreosnrtnayrdtows1hbnsoam,a9qceeyugrir0rueyrsrri6tasacishseoekpoaSitsefeenhl,adastgenhsd, ,es: Have you read baMunWihyandotadaortBorrkeveauleioereweitarnmfferenlleyschpsylauoof,arawiosepuunbtsrerthetorraceoduaewptognlrsemgnoumaydicec.teaknhWsbeiegodthhou?ott fpraoPeCssopsoarmiuplntdrCfviohteepetemtrteitchahhertctioehoetoacenloniienlufgdunnulfaetiahplesersmnytomewoetoeoroaiyDn.oofsltfrwoysopSaupf.utaraoenaeayn-atrlt.pkdeways your mom is in your armpits Stir nuts, dried or orange tidbits. The Night at the npMwoInlflut.ionesrraegntuofarmostr.iomGDnaaylspecial. See if you aLnedarpnreatbeonudtttohe fruit, pretzels, Museum by Milancan turn the words flaNpatyuoruerEwxipnlgosre. Trenc? Check itinto a poem DCbtcaehiNoltnuitncaecbkrteoteiafoonLpnngpiakDaarteeiulancryaieaa.- raisins, and out at your libraryor song. chocolate chips this week.Mother’s together.Day National Chocolate International Chip Day Salad MonthSPetutuopnangloobvsetsaacnled ThhdprQioohtsaWhlwyuiiCterdmehsnraaibeotoenyanies.fraeptcVdNdwheowoiidoleoacweoawmnrtbyordndrprswuaotsiueatts.frehbn.iinstaleigtc In today’s CUDrweohatjiteulemaspcaoiynhmignigjcatschttkerisp. Explore different Renew your In today’s gcoouforsreaiwn aylokuarnd National Poetry newspaper, letters of the career choices family’s plans for newspaper, check bpaicckkyuaprdtraasnhdin Month see how many today. Learn a what you should WtabFlaahmkenritstdafncthoeaooiiphdectefbdripfleocaeetdewetheurro1anmntdeehtt9oeyneetomst5odhltorhtvi0keoifunoacni.rretl.evepogTyosaailmmsseahrcttesehcyeohas.eanodt.tueycooumr pneetieghabgoairnhsotod professions or alphabet. Easy? do if approached jobs you can find Now try doing Tlhitetlseeoafrewthhaetfiitrstall yoorujroifnrieanpdasrkfor mentioned. Is jumping jacks tfarkueitssttooarcipheienvien by a stranger. tchleeafnas-utepstptriomjeec.t. there mention of a a NCahtAiiolrdnbraoerlnMD’saisyDsainyg cawlirkeheearttoyyoopuuurwwsurooeu?tled. while saying the bowl and enjoy! alphabet in National Victoria Day reverse order! Strawberry MonthPlan a family day. This is a day of Tick the box Look for the beauty There’s an old saying: “April Go for a hike, on each day in nature. Take note showers bring May flowers.”hDarvaewaambaigracthoolonrful remembrance to How many of each kind of flowerbforoagrdt-ogdaamyeodr asye,e if honor those who wLhoeonkyonuline to of puffy clouds, can you find on this page? fhinadveocuot mwphleentethde tall trees, beautifulorycolueacnanthoebastetircve died serving the p2u0blmicipnouotel sneoaf rest Make a poster pond. country. reaydoinugo. flowers, and draw attention to the amazing flying, dangers of smoking. National Memorial Day who develop aFrog Month love of reading walking, or World No will become better crawling critters. Tobacco Day students and build a better future.ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE CONTACT [email protected]
23COMMUNITYHUB.COM May 2018The leatherback Lay down someis the largest sea plastic and make aturtle. It can grow batch of newspaperto be about 6 feet clay. Make some cool(1.8 meters) long things out of the clay.and weigh asmuch as 1,400 1. Flatten five pieces of Make Somepounds (637 clay into palm leaf shapes. Newspaperkilograms). Clay!How much is Mold and make hard as1,400 pounds? rock pulptures with clayAdd up the made from newspaper pulp.numbers on eachof the animals. 2. Roll out a small piece 1. First make some 2. Cover with warm water.The animals with of clay for a trunk. newspaper pulp. Fill Let soak overnight. Draineven sums weigh Push in one end of a a large bowl with little away excess water in theabout 1,400 pencil to indent. squares of newspaper. morning.pounds. The Make the pieces aboutothers weigh less. 3. Attach leaves to trunk. 2 inches square. Let dry. Paint and glueStandards Link: Math/Number Sense: Calculate sums. on pencil top.TURTLES Find the words by looking up, 3. To make the clay, squeeze 4. Use the clay to makeRIDLEY down, backwards, forwards, the pulp to remove excess a pulpture. OnceBREEDING water. Add 2 tablespoons dry, your creationJAPAN sideways and diagonally. of dry wallpaper paste to can be sanded,OCEAN one cup of damp pulp. Add painted and sealed.OLIVE S SE I CEP STO a couple drops of clove oilBEACHES E S E L I MY L C U to make your clay smellTITANIC HSRTRE J ELT good. Mix well with yourSCUTES CEV I LOAE E S hands until it is pliable.KEELS AL FDSNPKDESPECIES E T I C I NAT I TFIRM B R E E D I NGMUMILES F U RMA R I N E CMARINE LTK J S ELACS Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. Advertising! If you’re looking for something to buy, you’ll find all sorts of sweet stuff in the newspaper ads. Did you know that the words in a newspaper ad are called copy? Pictures in an ad are called art. Put an ad together using the copy and art below. Cut out the copy and art and paste them on another piece of paper to create your ad. Major league pitchers throw a Gravity is always pulling Expires 6/30/18 baseball nearly 100 miles per a baseball downward once it’s hour, giving a batter a fraction of thrown. Pitchers grip the ball in a second to swing at the pitch. different ways to create spin. Air But pitchers use the science of traveling above the ball is forced aerodynamics to make the ball downward by the spin, and the even harder to hit. air below it creates lift.Can you hit a home run? It’s easy! Just find the item in each base and on Distance from pitcher’s mound to home plate: Word Search ANSWERShome plate in your newspaper. Complete all four and it’s a home run! 60 feet, 6 inches ADVERTISES S E I CE P S TOFind the words by looking up, A story During the last 15 feet of the ball’s journey, it begins COMPANIESE S E L I MY L C Udown, backwards, forwards, or photo to curve downward or sometimes to the left or right, PRODUCTSHSRTRE J ELT involving depending on the type of pitch. The batter must begin CRAFTEDC EV I LOAE E S sideways and diagonally. animals. swinging before the ball begins to curve. It’s not OPINIONAL F D S N P KDE easy to be a big league hitter! POPULARE T I C I NAT I TPDFYTS EBS S DISCUSSB R E E D I N GMUO I ACUT S EDS A story A story FAMILYF U RMA R I N E CP S TARB I EOTor photo or photo CRUISEL TK J S E LAC SU C TWAN T S P Cinvolving involving FACTS LUOCAF R I I Uweather. baseball. WANT AS R P AE EUND RELY R SMR L F VR I OHow many The name of Have a STAR F OCYAKDCOR times can a city with a friend give BEST C E Y L I MA F N P it a try. Who BUYyou make it baseball scored the Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identicalaround the team. most runs? words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. bases?Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information.
24 May 2018 SHAYREALTORS.COM IT’S A GOOD LIFE IN DEL SUR As the current data reflects, it continues to be a seller’s market in Del Sur. The graphs shown below high- light the supply of inventory as well as pending sales. If you would like to learn how this information impacts the value of your home, please give us a call at 858-449-7355. All conversations are confidential. RESIDENTIAL - Sold 15.1%LP Number of Properties: 9Num MLS # Statu Styl FllAdd ZipArea Be Tot COEDat LotSFA EstSF DOM PrcSqft SP PrcSqft 1 1800080 s e ds B e px 1,689 4 2 38 3 3 SOLD ATT 15937 Parkview RANCHO 3 3/29 $678,978 $402.00 $700,200 $414.56 4 Loop BERNARDO /2018 5 15474 Bristol Ridge (92127) 6 1800106 SOLD DET Ter RANCHO 3 3 4/10 1,711 5 $775,000 $452.95 $806,000 $471.07 7 26 15689 Concord BERNARDO /2018 8 Ridge Ter (92127) 9 1800124 SOLD DET 15682 Via RANCHO 3 3 4/16 2,703 1,961 13 $825,000 $420.70 $825,000 $420.70 28 Montecristo BERNARDO /2018Avg 15686 Beltaire Ln (92127)Min 1800053 SOLD DET RANCHO 4 3 4/4 5,513 2,460 5 $889,800 $361.71 $940,000 $382.11Max 74 15622 Tanner BERNARDO /2018Med Ridge Rd (92127) 1800076 SOLD DET 8168 Auberge Cir RANCHO 3 4 3/29 8,223 3,296 24 $1,298,000 $393.81 $1,298,000 $393.81 37 BERNARDO /2018 8225 Artesian Road (92127) 1800106 SOLD DET RANCHO 5 6 4/6 12,479 4,124 16 $1,598,900 $387.71 $1,545,000 $374.64 54 14780 Valle Del Sur BERNARDO /2018 Court (92127) 1800178 SOLD DET RANCHO 3 3 4/6 2,923 2 $1,600,000 $547.38 $1,600,000 $547.38 00 BERNARDO /2018 (92127) 1700625 SOLD DET RANCHO 3 3 3/27 109,771 3,335 96 $1,900,000 $569.72 $1,800,000 $539.73 94 BERNARDO /2018 (92127) 1800139 SOLD DET RANCHO 5 6 4/4 15,294 6,868 7 $2,495,900 $363.41 $2,100,000 $305.77 12 BERNARDO /2018 (92127) 33 25663 3151 19 $1,340,175 $433.27 $1,290,467 $427.75 33 1689 2 56 2703 6868 96 $678,978 $361.71 $700,200 $305.77 33 10977 2923 7 $2,495,900 $569.72 $2,100,000 $547.38 1 $1,298,000 $402.00 $1,298,000 $414.56 10351This statistical information is provided by Sandicor. Information is believed to be reliable but not guaranteed. These homes have been sold fromFebruary 14, 2018 to March 28, 2018 by a variety of agents and brokerages. If your property is currently listed, this is NOT meant as a solicitation. VISIT US AT THE 4S COMMONS TOWN CENTER 10550 Craftsman Way #184, 92127 TALK TO OUR LOCAL EXPERTS RAY SHAY CalBRE# 01354548 [email protected] 858-449-7355
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