MISSION HILLS NEWS PRESORT STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE Your Neighborhood Source - Serving local communities, kids, & causes throughout Southern California. PAID SAN DIEGO, CALocalUmbrella.com EDDM RETAIL Local Postal Customer Vol. 26 No. 11 November 2017 WHAT’S INSIDE… Small Business Saturday When you shop at locally owned, independent businesses more money is kept in the community because local businesses often purchase from other local businesses, service providers and farms. PG. 6 San Diego’s Largest Annual Older Adult Tech Fair On Nov 11 On November 11th, 2017 San Diego OASIS will host the largest annual Technology Fair for older adults 50 and over in San Diego. PG. 20 Cool Stuff from Storage “Unshelved: Cool Stuff from Storage” opens Nov.18 at the San Diego Natural History Museum and features gor- geous natural history specimens never before on display. PG. 21 CONTACT US EDITORIAL/LETTERS [email protected] ADVERTISING Kat Haney [email protected]
2 NOVEMBER 2017Lucky Dogs BY JEANNE RAWDIN North Park resident Jessica Wall is bred St. Bernard. The all-volunteer Cindy Simmons, Volunteer Man- old yellow lab for half a year. It was More, the group has 300 active vol-26 years old and works as a medical group was founded in 2011 with the ager for Labs and More, says what’s a pure-bred but it was deaf, rescued unteers and 100 foster families will-chemist and personal trainer. sole purpose of helping the dogs that surprising is that dogs with special from Mexico. “When we got Wesley, ing to keep the dogs until they’reAlthough she loves her work, she has other rescue groups didn’t want to needs or conditions often get adopt- he weighed only 45 pounds. We adopted.another passion that fuels a fire in help. They’ve placed more than ed easily. “Somebody falls in love nursed him back to 80 pounds, andher belly – volunteering as a foster 6,000 dogs in loving homes. Last with the dog and wants to take care a sweet lady from Anaheim took him One thing’s for sure – there’s anparent for a dog rescue group called year alone, they placed more than of it.” home.” endless supply of dogs that areLabs and More. Jessica explains, “I 1,700 animals. neglected or abused so the need isoriginally started fostering because I Most of the dogs spend their time Doug says it’s hard to see the constant. Cindy says, “We can’t savewas interested in getting a second dog Labs and More takes senior dogs, in a boarding facility in Valley Center human neglect. “People somehow them all. But we have an opportu-to tame my wild pup and had no idea dogs with medical issues, mothers during the week or in foster care can’t control their own lives so they nity to save as many as we can.where to start. “ Since then, she’s with puppies who need to be bottle- homes of volunteers until they’re take it out on animals. Animals are Watching them get rehabilitatedtaken in more than ten foster dogs fed, even dogs with broken legs or adopted. defenseless. If I can make that better, physically and emotionally bringsand her passion just keeps on grow- bad hips. They take dogs that have that’s what matters.” tears to my eyes.”ing. been literally dumped on the street. Doug Ashbrook is a foster parent They get a lot of dogs from high-kill and Treasurer/Executive Board The Styn Family was considering Labs and More relies on fundrais- The thing that sets Labs and More shelters in Southern California, espe- Member of Labs and More. He fos- adopting a lab mix named Bailey ers and donations to operate. Theirapart from other dog rescue groups cially shelters in the high desert. ters dogs for one week or up to a year. that day. Says older son, Caleb, “Bai- next fundraiser is called the Howl-is that they love diversity. As its name They usually have 60 dogs up for “I love the satisfaction of taking care ley is very well trained and very cute O-Ween MUTT RUN on Octoberimplies, the group definitely has labs adoption on any given weekend, of dogs and finding them a home. and friendly. His owner said she was 28th. Go to Labsandmore.org forand lab mixes, but it also has boxers, ranging in age from 8 weeks to 10 I’m trying to make a difference in nice around other dogs and kids.” more information.shepherds, huskies, and even a pure- years old. how humans discard these animals.” According to Debbie Cummings, Doug recalls fostering a ten-year- the Volunteer Director for Labs and
3NOVEMBER 2017Archetypes of Good vs. Evil Explored in Student Art ShowPlatt College partners with San Diego Repertory Theatre for 20-piece exhibition In partnership with San Diego Repertory hero versus villain,” she explains. “The stu- Art by Jessie MezaTheatre, Platt College San Diego School of dents’ work reflects that and ties in themat-Multimedia Design is pleased to present ically with the stage production of Hand toArchetypes: Good vs. Evil, a collection of God.”graphic design, acrylic paintings, and inksketches created by students, alumnae, and Platt College students were invited to cre-instructors of the local college. The theme ate artwork that explores archetypes of goodof the show works in concert with the cur- and evil as well as the concept of duality asrent production, Hand to God, a dark com- a universal theme in life. The featured piecesedy about a teen whose church puppet min- are digital media and graphic design pro-istry quickly turns from whimsical to jects that combine traditional methods withderanged. the latest computer technology. Through innovative expression, students use their “One of the reasons this play was such a artwork to delve deeper into the significancehit on Broadway is that it explores complex and symbolism of this age-old conflict thatmoral issues with a disarmingly comedic is explored in our production.touch,” says Platt College President, MegLeiker. “We are delighted that our students “Platt College’s mission is to transformhave this hands-on learning opportunity to natural talents and aptitudes into strengths,work with one of San Diego’s leading pro- skills, personal assets, and experience,”fessional arts organizations. It is one of the explains Leiker. “We train and prepare stu-many ways we prepare students to succeed dents both in traditional and state-of-the-in their careers after they graduate.” art multimedia design and academic sub- jects within a supportive environment to Nicole Lewis, Head Librarian at Platt Col- foster creativity, originality, and new ideas,lege, who co-curated the show with Marley while building solid technical skills.” TheHealy, Audience Engagement Curator at the college, which has been in San Diego forLyceum Theatre, agrees. “Participating in more than 30 years, emphasize independentthis project provides practical experience thinking and a strong foundation in prob-for a career in media arts,” says Lewis.“The lem solving skills to fulfill the needs of anstudents must use their creativity while evolving digital world and a growing,meeting the project guidelines and client diverse, and demanding job market.expectations.” Healy says the students didnot disappoint. “Good storytelling often To see more Platt College student artwork,highlights the conflict between two oppos- visit the Student Gallery at platt.edu/gallerying forces: light and dark, chaos and order, Dante’s Inferno by Sam Ream Galactic Deity by Naomi RodriguezYOUR OWN WEBSITE NOW! ite value package in town! ONLY $399 + $60/Month* Reach More Customers! Custom Design Website Search-Optimized (SEO) Mobile-Ready Design Social Media FriendlyD Y! We Manage all updates!̭͗Ŝȵʀɜ͗×ʘȪ͗6ʀɤɰȵȨ͗=ȵȨźǾȪ͗ʘ͗˓͇Ŝǀźɜ͗
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4 | NOVEMBER 2017Pairing Halloween Candy w/ San Diego Beers Words Alive and #GivingTuesday are a new way of link- ing individuals and causes to strengthen communities. Living the Gummy Bear flavors of raspberry (red), orange (orange), strawberry (green), pineapple As we drift slowly into fall, with the Words Alive programs in full swing inHOPPY (clear) and lemon (yellow) perfectly compli- over 130 classrooms across San Diego County, we begin to turn our atten- ment the tropical bitterness in the IPA. Also, tion to the holidays. America’s ability to shop and spend has given signifi-LIFE the dry finish of the IPA helps cut the jelly- cant attention to the “shopping” days immediately following Thanksgiving: like consistency of the Gummy Bears. Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. We would like towith Beau Schmitt introduce you to one more day after the Thanksgiving holiday that helps our communities – #GivingTuesday.Skittles + Three Berry Beatitude Almond Joy + Cocomotive Coconut Porter Defined with social media’s ever present hash tag, #GivingTuesday is aMixed Fermentation Sour 8.3%, Thorn Street Brewery, North Park global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organi- zations, businesses, and communities in all 50 states and around the world.4.5%, Council Brewing Company, Kearny Mesa When the sweet coconut in Almond Joy com- This year, #GivingTuesday falls on November 28th and harnesses the bines with the rich chocolaty malts & toasted collective power of a unique blend of partners to transform how peopleThe sweet-then-sour flavor transformation is coconut in Cocomotive, it will take you on a think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. It inspiresa mantra for many popular candies, but not magical, island-style journey. Then, Cocomo- people to take collective action to improve their communities, give back toSkittles. Original Skittles are simply sweet and tive’s dry coffee bitterness cuts the fat of the the charities and causes they believe in, and help create a better world.fruity. Three Berry Beatitude is a mixed fer- mouth-watering milk chocolate and almonds, #GivingTuesday demonstrates how every act of generosity counts, and thatmentation sour that is moderately sour, tart leaving you with a dry, clean finish. they mean even more when we give together.and refreshing. Follow a handful of Skittleswith a sip of Three Berry Beatitude and you’ll Words Alive works together with more than 500 volunteers, donors,create a whole new candy-like experience. teachers, administrators, and families, who know what collaborating andPucker up for this great pairing. coming together means to make reading matter for thousands of children and young people every day. It is in this spirit of collaboration that #Giv- Kit Kat Bar + Hello Darkness ingTuesday was born. #GivingTuesday is a new way of linking individuals Oatmeal Stout on Nitro and causes to strengthen communities. 6%, 32 North Brewing Company, Miramar Words Alive is close to completing its initial 1,000-day Read-for-Life Biting into Kit Kat’s sweet chocolate covered campaign, with a little more than $100,000 left to raise, and we’d like to do wafers only gets better when it’s followed a sip that by the end of the year. This fall, we encourage our community, in the of Hello Darkness. This creamy and chocolatey spirit of #GivingTuesday and the entire giving season, to consider joining stout has a medium body with a sweet, coffee together and make a contribution, to consider becoming a volunteer, to finish. It’s the beer version of a mocha. Blend- consider becoming a partner with Words Alive and ensure that every child ing Kit Kat’s wafer with Hello Darkness’s has the opportunity to live and thrive in a literacy-rich environment. chocolaty finish will leave your kid wondering where all his candy went. We hope you keep an eye out for the growing presence of #GivingTuesday and heed the call to action that will change the way we spend around the holidays. Let’s all take a moment to celebrate a time dedicated to giving back.Sour Patch Kids + Raspberry BlushBerliner Weisse4%, Mikkeller Brewing Company, MiramarSour Patch Kids, now with the little blue dude,provide a mouthful of juicy tartness. Theirstrong flavors of lime (green), lemon (yellow),orange (orange), raspberry (red) & blue rasp-berry (blue) require a strong beer counterpart.Mikkeller’s Berliner Weisse pairs perfectly. LikeSour Patch Kids, Raspberry Blush starts offsoft and light on the palate and ends with adry, sensationally tart finish. And RaspberryBlush has notes of coffee to finalize the sophis-tication of this pairing. Candy Corn + “Garbage Can” Pail Ale About Words Alive Under the Kitchen Sink, Your Place Founded in 1999, Words Alive is a nonprofit organization that helps under- served, low-income, at-risk children, teens and families discover how books and Candy Corn is gross. It doesn’t pair with any- reading can add meaning to their lives. Words Alive engages its program partici- thing. Please throw it all away in your garbage pants in developing a connection to reading with innovative programs and pail. initiatives with the goal of creating lifelong readers and learners. For more information about Words Alive, its programs, volunteer opportunities and Drink Local, sponsorship opportunities, visit www.wordsalive.org. Beau [email protected] Bears +Mission Accomplished IPA6.3%, Breakwater Brewing Company, OceansideMission Accomplished IPA has huge tropicaland citrus notes of pineapple and mango. The
5NOVEMBER 2017 |WINNIE’S “Core Electric has been advertising with Local Umbrella Media Newspapers for over a year now. We are stillPICKS! amazed at the high volume of calls we receive weekly from our ad in their publications. We at Core Electric believe that by being accurate, authentic and well organized Local Umbrella Media has established a strong following with local readers. We are especially grateful to the staff at Local Umbrella for always making sure our ads go out on time and even offering intuitive suggestions on design. Their assistance with our advertising has exceeded our expectations and certainly beats our experience with the other advertisers we've used in the past. (On- line advertising specifically)TASHI AND THE MONK – 2014 documen- RANDOM HARVEST - (1942) I know that We at Core Electric aretary: Lobsang Phuntsok leaves the U.S. and I've mentioned this movie before, but maybe it's looking forward to advertis-returns to the roots of his training by His Holi- time to cry again. An injured WWI veteran falls ing with Local Umbrellaness the Dalai Lama. His purpose is to set up a in love with a dancehall girl. How was she to Media for years to come.school, Jhamstse Gatsai Children's Community, know that he had amnesia? They marry, have a Cheers !”in northeastern India. You will experience the child, and then one day he goes to the city. Thisrebuilding of hope within the lives of unwanted perfect life may soon crumble, and you will find – Craig E.children and especiall yourself talking to the TV. I did. Have the tissues Owner Core Electric next to you. You will need them. Yes, I did too. IfTHE VOICE OF THE MOON - (1990) Fed- you need a double-header of tears, you can also LOOK FOR US IN YOURerico Fellini's last film was released to mixed watch Imitation of Life. The one from 1959 made MAILBOX EACH MONTH!reviews. Now released in a restored form, the me cry more than the one from 1934.movie is worth a second look. It is an homage to Reaching over 50,000 homes in 16 Sansome of Fellini's great movies over his 50 year THE BIG SICK - (2017) Cultures clash as an Diego area communities – and growing!career as an Italian filmmaker. Roberto Benigni all-American girl marries a comedian from Pak- Low priced advertising options to reachis a former mental patient meeting an assortment istan. Her parents are not thrilled with her choice. your community – or our entire network!of odd characters and possibly his own true love. Are any parents ever pleased with the man who marries their princess? Anyway, something bad Local community informationTO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. - (1985) My film happens that will bring all of them together. You SHOP / EAT / SPEND LOCAL!fans know that I love action films from Bronson may think you know how it's going to end. Maybeto Eastwood. I would be neglectful if I did not it does, but the journey their will bring a few tearsmention William Friedkin's movie about coun- and a warm fuzzy feeling to you. Enjoy this movie.terfeiters being pursued by the Secret Service.The pulsating film score was written and record- HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE - 2016)ed in only two weeks by Wang Chung. It is one In this quirky comedy directed by Taika Waitit, aof my favorites. I hope that you like it, as well. delinquent teen placed in a foster home escapes to the bush country with an odd foster uncle. ATHE DRIVER - (1978) Starring Ryan O'Neal - national manhunt begins to find the two. DuringNow that I'm in an action movie mood, I must their adventure, the mismatched duo scatter ashesrecommend one of my all-time Winnie's Picks, of a loved one, fight off a wild boar, and meetby director Walter Hill. If you like action movies, people even stranger than them. This is a greatcar chases, tricky women, and obsessed detec- movie that the whole family will love. It may eventives, then this is your movie. There's also a great remind you of some people that you know.storyline that will keep you wondering about theoutcome. Isabelle Adjani is the beautiful femme Winnie Hanford of Ken Video celebrated her 90thfatale that may be smarter than everyone. Birthday recently, and her love of good movies - and sharing her favorites with us - is as strong ever. LOW RATES CONTACT US For More INFO: [email protected]
6 | NOVEMBER 2017 Saturday, November 25, 2017 is Small Business Saturday® By Jon Wesley Ewell Every year after the craziness of the annual, no-holds-barred,Black Friday chaos there is something much better – Small Busi-ness Saturday. This is the day when lively consumers can (and should) focus onsupporting their local businesses. In reality, every day is for smallbusinesses. Local Umbrella Media’s primary mission is the sup-port of local communities and this includes supporting smallbusinesses whenever we spend money. We encourage you to start in your local neighborhood andcontinue throughout your local city and county. Hopefully we willall do this every day of the year, especially during the Holidays. THERE ARE OTHER THINGS WE CAN ALL DO TO HELP OUR COMMUNITIES AND LOCAL BUSINESSES BESIDES ONLY SHOPPING: 1. Make a commitment to refer other businesses and community services to your friends through word-of- mouth, and on social media. 2. Volunteer. There are many places that can always use volunteers. 3. Give to the needy. This is something else we should strive to do every day and not just when it’s a national holiday. Giving to people or animals in need is one of the best things we can do. Check with your local community for places accepting volunteers or donation. 4. Donate goods. Go through your storage space and “shop” for items that can be donated. Check local neigh- borhood sites like Nextdoor® for people and business owners who help others and accept donated items. 5. Consider local restaurants for dining in and also for delivery. If you don’t plan on cooking a holiday meal check with your favorite local restaurant for delivery or takeout specials. Many of them offer something and you could make a difference in them being able to provide for their families and friends. As much as we love the ease and convenience of shopping through Amazon and other e-commerce websites, there is almost always a local alternative. Let’s challenge ourselves to search for opportunities to spend locally in our com- munity Check out some Small Business Saturday® resources on our website at: www.localumbrellamedia.com/small-business-saturday/
7NOVEMBER 2017 |TEN REASONS TO SHOP LOCAL AND SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY1. Significantly More President, National Histor-Money Re-circulates In ic Preservation Trust,San Diego County. When “When people go on vaca-you shop at locally owned, tion they generally seek outindependent businesses destinations that offermore money is kept in the them the sense of beingcommunity because local someplace, not just any-businesses often purchase place.”from other local business-es, service providers and 4. Environmental Impact 7. Local Business Owners of small businesses is thefarms. Buying locally helps Is Reduced. Local busi- Invest In Our Communi- best way to ensure innova-grow other businesses as nesses make more local ty. Local businesses are tion and lower prices overwell as our region’s tax purchases requiring less owned by people who: Live the long-term.base. transportation and usually in this community; are less set up shop in town centers likely to leave; and are 10. A growing body of2. Non Profits Receive rather than on the fringe. more invested in the com- economic research showsGreater Support. This generally means con- munity’s future. that in an increasinglyNon-Profits often receive tributing less to sprawl, homogenized world,greater support from local congestion, habitat loss, 8. Put Your Taxes To entrepreneurs and skilledbusiness owners, some- resource depletion and Good Use. Local business- workers are more likelytimes as much as 350% pollution. es in city and town centers to invest and settle inmore money, than they do require comparatively little communities that pre-from non-locally owned 5. Most New Jobs Are infrastructure investments, serve their one-of-a-kindbusinesses. Provided By Local Busi- add more to our tax base businesses and distinctive nesses. Small local busi- and make more efficient character. Continued on next page >3. Unique Businesses Are nesses are the largest em- use of public services.An Integral Part Of Our ployers nationally. 9. Competition And Di- More about Shopping Local at:Distinctive Character. The versity Leads To More Localumbrellamedia.com/unique character of the 6. Customer Service Is Consumer Choices. A shop-localPioneer Valley is what Often Better. Local busi- marketplace of thousandsbrought us here and will nesses often hire peoplekeep us here. Our tourism with more specific productbusinesses also benefit, expertise and they invest inbecause our place doesn’t their employees for betterlook like everyplace. Ac- customer service.cording to Richard Moe,
9NOVEMBER 2017 |By Bart Mendoza November 24 The Creation Factory Music News: Levi Dean & The Americats Late 1960’s inspired, Los Angeles based, psychedelic beat rockers, The Creation Formed in 2014, Levi Dean and The Americats have Factory play the Soda Bar on November 24, alongside Los Sweepers and the won- become a local club favorite with their own brand of Amer- derfully named group, The Allyrgic Reaction. This is keyboard driven garage rock icana, tinged with folk, blues, country and rock ‘n’ roll. The at its best, the sort you might hear in movies of the era during the obligatory band is currently hard at work on their second album, with “freak out” party scene. There is enough groove and thumping bass lines in the producer Andrew Nast at Audio Design Studios, tentatively bands beats, as heard in their new single, “You Got It,” to get even the most jaded set for spring 2018 release. Performing at the Holding Com- listener up and dancing. Fans of sixties rock will love every second of this band’s pany on November 29, The Americats started in October musical time warp. sodabarmusic.com 2014, shortly after frontman Levi Dean arrived in San Diego. “I grew up in Virginia, Dean explained.“I loved growing upThe Creation Facotry Photo by Leland Bobbe December 3 L.A.M.F. there, however I became restless as I got older and at age 20Walter Lure I followed the pull westward.” He arrived in California after While it didn’t make much of a splash when issued in 1977, there can be little doubt stops in Tennessee, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Ore- that the album, “L.A.M.F.,” by The Heartbreakers, has gone on to become one of gon. “I took a piece from everywhere I have been and each the most influential discs of that decade. Not to be confused with Tom Petty’s place has influenced my songwriting and musicianship,” he combo, The Johnny Thunders fronted quartet’s mix of punk and rock ‘n’ roll cool said. “At the same time, being so transient brought its own is timeless, inspiring legions of musicians in its wake. On December 3, The Belly challenges, but I was able to secure a permanent job in San Up Tavern will host a special concert in honor of “L.A.M.F.”’s 40th anniversary, fea- Diego in January 2014 as a Park Ranger and have been dig- turing an all-star band performing the album in its entirety. On hand will be original ging roots here ever since.” Heartbreaker Walter Lure with Mike Ness (Social Distortion), Glen Matlock (Sex Pistols) and Clem Burke (Blondie) plus special guests. For anyone who enjoys hard Deans Love of Americana stems from his childhood in the driving rock and roll this show is practically mandatory. bellyup.com South.“I was exposed to the deep roots of traditional Amer- ican folk music of the region,” he recalled. “My style is influ-Michael head & The Country Rockin Rebels December 13 Ocean Beach Farmer’s Market enced by a diverse group of musicians and songwriters includ- ing my family, Hank Williams Sr., Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Located at the intersection of Bacon and Newport,just a block from the beach, there The Band, Led Zeppelin, and David Grisman,” Dean said. is no doubt that the Ocean Beach Farmer’s Market is one of the area’s best places to “The first album I ever bought with my own money was catch sets from a cross section of San Diego’s music community. On December 13, Hank Williams Sr.'s ‘Greatest Hits’ album when I was fifteen. the market will prsent their annual Holiday Show, hosted by Michael Head of the At that point I had never heard someone who could accurately band Country Rockin’Rebels. The line-up was still being confirmed at press time, but portray his feeling through songs like he could. I was hooked past years have seen many of the area’s top performers stop by for a seasonal tune or when I heard the lyric about being heart broken and jumping two. More importantly, the event will also double as a drop off point for toys or in the river. His songs really spoke to me because, like most canned food items, which will be distributed to needy families in time for the holidays. teenagers, I was filled with emotional angst.” oceanbeachsandiego.com/attractions/annual-events/farmers-market-wednesdays At the Holding Company, the band plans to preview tunesThe Gargoyles December 15 The Gargoyles from their forthcoming disc, alongside covers by the likes of Hank Williams and Robert Johnson.“We are planning for a Ron Silva brings his latest band, The Gargoyles to The Manhattan Bar on December high energy show at the THC and we are certain you will 15, on a bill that also features acclaimed indie pop quartet, Mittens. Mixing covers want to hop out of your seat and dance,” Dean said. and originals, the quintet includes bassist Chris Davies (The Penetrators) and guitarist Eric Bacher (The Tell Tale Hearts), keyboardist Derick Hugunin and The music biz is tougher than ever – what motivates Dean drummer Richard 'T-Bone' Larson, with Silva’s gritty vocals at the forefront. Silva to keep going?“I feel compelled to live out my life's purpose,” is a legend, known for his work in such groups as The Crawdaddys and Nashville he said good naturedly. “Birthing a new song is the greatest Ramblers and his new combo keeps the quality just as high, turning in a terrific, feeling in the world, and to witness that song having a positive danceable mix of R&B, sixties garage and rock ‘n’ roll. manhattanbar91910.com impact on someone is pretty cool too.” December 15 Holiday Hangover Short Takes The tenth annual “Holiday Hangover” concert, celebrating the music of the 1980’s, Mod inspired indie rockers, The Bassics, will release their will take place at the House of Blues on December 15. The show will feature four debut album, Every Day Life, on January 20… meanwhile, tribute bands including Strangelove-The Depeche Mode Experience, the Cured, The Event, the acclaimed 1980’s mod quartet has reunited Smiths tribute group, Still Ill and David Bowie doppelgangers, Electric Duke. All to co-headline The Purple Weekend Music Festival in Leon, are great at what they do, but the night belongs to Strangelove, currently one of Spain on December 8. In addition to the reunion concert, the most popular tribute acts in the U.S., regularly filling venues of up to 8,000. Bickerton Records will be issuing a deluxe, 10” vinyl only, The reason for their popularity is easy to see: They are virtually an exact replica collection of vintage demos in early 2018… Celtic group, of their namesake British quartet. If you missed out on seeing Depeche Mode in Brogue Wave, featuring violinist Patric Petrie, will be per- Chula Vista last month, this concert is the next best thing. houseofblues.com forming alongside The Offspring and Buzzcocks, as part of the Flogging Molly hosted “Salty Dog Cruise,” sailing fromStrangelove Key West to the Bahamas, April 20 – 23… Beatlesfair 2018 will take place on March 31 at Queen Bee Arts Center. Guests December 19 Ariel Levine announced so far include Fab Four impersonators, Britain’s Finest, The Baja Bugs, Dave Humphries with Zak Nilsson On December 19, the Casbah will host the album release show for Ariel Levine’s (son of Harry) and author John Borack… singer Victoria excellent new album,“Let The Machine Get It”. Released on December 8, the album Roze is wrapping up studio work on her third album,“Bag- shows that Levine is a charismatic mix of Berlin era Bowie, Bryan Ferry and David gage Claim”, due out in January…KUSI-TV meteorologist Byrne, with songs that are adventurous, sometime quirky, but always melodic. A Dave Scott has released a new jazz album,“One Big Beautiful gifted producer and multi-instrumentalist, Levine’s songs, such as the album’s first World.”The acclaimed singer / trombonist is joined by guests single, \"Sunshine Part II: On My Color TV\" are radio ready, slotting well amongst including guitarist Peter Sprague, Hip Hop Artist Ayesha both todays hits, as well as the songs of his musical heroes. bellyup.com Scott and the Martin Luther King Community Choir of San Diego.Ariel levine
10 NOVEMBER 2017 The Innocent Bystanders to Release First-Ever EP “Attractive Nuisance” Adams Ave News Bay Park Connection A local band of lawyers and do-gooders that play everywhere in San College Area Connection Diego--from dive bars to Petco Park-to release album of original music Hillcrest News IB Connection Ken-Tal News Mission Hills News North Park News Serra Mesa Connection South Park News Local Umbrella Media - your neighborhood source - Group Publisher On Wednesday, November 1, 2017, San Diego's Mixtape on November 24, 8PM London time, Please get in touch with guitarist and band Brad Weber The Innocent Bystanders-known for their live 11AM PST. Umbrella Media, which publishes manager Steve Semeraro at info@theinnocent- performances through the county-will release neighborhood papers throughout the city, will bystanders.com/619-446-9257 for guest list, inter- [email protected] their first-ever original music, a 4-song EP entitled run a feature story on the band. views, or promo copies of The Attractive Nui- “Attractive Nuisance,” via Spotify, Apple Music sance EP. Associate Publisher and other streaming services. Physical media and The bandmates represent three generations- website: Kat Haney downloads will be available on a “pay-what-you- Boomers, Gen X, and Millennial-and came of age want model” through the independent music site in every corner of the USA before migrating to theinnocentbystanders.com [email protected] Bandcamp. San Diego. All but one has been trained as a lawyer. Four have taught law. They are do-good- Facebook: Editor An album-release performance is scheduled at ers-serving on prominent non-profit boards and John Wesley Ewell The Merrow in Hillcrest, 1271 University Ave., at actively volunteering for social causes. The band facebook.com/innocentbystandersband/ [email protected] 9pm on Friday, November 10, 2017. regularly volunteers to perform at charity benefits throughout the city. Instagram: Art Director Two of the songs on the EP, “Gotta Get Outta Chris Baker Here” and “Highways” are being premiered by Here is a link to an \"electronic press kit,\" includ- bit.ly/The-Innocent-Bystanders-Insta- [email protected] the international music blogs Velvety (Spain) and ing streamable and downloadable links to all songs Concert Crap (US), respectively. And music from on the EP, pictures, art, video, and reviews: thein- gram Writers/Columnists the EP will be played on Soho Radio’s Mono Loco nocentbystanders.com/ epk/ Bart Mendoza bit.ly/BystandersYouTube Delle Willett Jen Coburn Soundcloud: Sara Wacker Nina Ruud soundcloud.com/you/tracks Beau Schmidt Leo Christopher Shelby, Shelby's Gardens Lisa Howe Photography Manny Cruz Sande Lollis Jim Childers Media Consultant Tom Shess Marketing/Advertising Brad Weber [email protected] Kat Haney [email protected] Sales Associate Tina Canavan [email protected] Social Media & Web Design Tina Canavan [email protected] Chairman/CEO Bob Page [email protected] Associate Publisher Rebecca Page [email protected] Letters/Opinion PiecesLocal Umbrella Media encourage letters to theeditor and guest editorials.Please address corre-spondence to [email protected]. Pleaseinclude a phone number, address and name forverification purposes; no anonymous letters willbe printed.We reserve the right to edit letters andeditorials for brevity and accuracy. Story ideas/Press ReleasesDo you have an idea for an article you wouldlike to see covered in this newspaper? We wel-come your ideas, calendar item listings andpress releases. For breaking news, please callus at (619) 287-1865.For breaking news, please call us at (619) 287-1865. For all other news items, please [email protected]. PO Box 3679, Ran-cho Santa Fe, CA 92067 (858) 461-4484The entire contents of this newspaper is copy-righted, 2017, by REP Publishing, Inc. Repro-duction in whole or part is prohibited withoutprior written consent.All rights reserved.
12 NOVEMBER 2017 COVER STORYMISSION HILLS FAMILY OWNED FOOTWEAR ETC. OFFERING TO DONATE SHOES...Continued from Page 1 The company has stayed true to was intolerable. Since wearing the they offer. This extensive training is A recent ad for the Footwear etc. Fall/Winter catalog.that initial concept, offering styles Vionics I bought at your store, I have very helpful in finding the right shoethat are, in some cases, only found in NO pain whatsoever! Amazing!” for the right lifestyle and need. Re- sure look (Athletic leisure), as an ex-their thirteen stores. They travel the And yet another customer points out becca points out that over the last ample, is very popular. “world to find the top brands in Eu- the additional service that will keep five years or so, the comfort shoe in-rope and other countries other than him coming back. “They have a dustry has “blown up,” and now In addition to the company’s excep-China to find the most up-to-date computerized machine you stand on they’ve expanded to keep up with tional customer service, it has a gen-technology in comfort features. Its which shows how you pronate and the trend of more fashionable shoes. erous rewards program that helpstop brands include Vionic, Mephisto, why you might have foot problems. She says, “Following suit with the create loyal customers. For everyClarks, New Balance, Rockport, industry, our buyer fills our stores three-hundred dollars someoneEcco, Taos, Merrell, Olukai, Pikoli- Footwear etc. also offers gait analy- with shoes that have the comfort spends, they receive twenty dollarsnos, Birkenstock, Dansko, Earth, sis, and all staff members are trained features, while looking fashionable back in rewards. Customers are alsoSamuel Hubbard and Naot. In addi- on common foot ailments and all the and staying on trend. The Ath-lei- rewarded for birthdays and specialtion to its thirteen stores, the compa- features and benefits of the products double-point days and Black Fridayny also has a website (www.foot- deals.wearetc.com) that offers free shippingand very reasonable return policies. The company does more than sell Rebecca’s father-in-law recently re-tired and now Rebecca’s husband,Andrew, is the new CEO. He and hisbrother, Mike Baranov, CMO, nowrun the company together. Rebeccais proud of those longstanding fami-ly ties. “Our uncle, Jacob Monarch,does all the IT and HR. Our aunt,Sue Ferrari, is the office manager.They have both been with the com-pany for more than twenty years.They are part of our extended Foot-wear etc. family.” The company describes itself as“old-fashioned” when it comes to theway they treat their customers. It’salways looked beyond just style toauthentic comfort for their clients. Itbegan with a true concern for theshoe-buyer and whatever issues theyhad with their feet – to match themwith the best footwear.Rebecca start-ed out as a “medical liaison,” as sheputs it. “I would speak with local po-diatrists, chiropractors, and orthope-dic doctors about the products thatwe offered. Our relationships werebuilt so deeply that they referred pa-tients to us daily. We became an ex-tension of their care, offering prod-ucts they needed after surgery, orjust to keep going about their dailylives. We have over-the-counter or-thotics and other health productsdoctors need for their patients. I alsoused to work in the stores and helpedpeople pick shoes that made themfeel better. It was very satisfying.” The customers of Footwear etc.keep coming back because of thatdedicated service. One loyal cus-tomer describes it this way. “Thegreatest shoes and service I have everreceived. I will definitely be comingback!” Another customer says, “Yoursite was highly recommended. I hadsevere plantar fasciitis. Every step
13NOVEMBER 2017footwear to their loyal customers. For every pair Naot Helm - a popular, zip up boot by Naot that is new for fall. It comes in 3 colors.They also donate shoes to help the tried on, they Encinitas store front in the Trader Joe’s parking lot. 123 N. El Camino Real. Encinitas.homeless and less fortunate. Foot- will donate 1wear etc. is partnering up with an Is- pair and forraeli shoe manufacturer called Naot every Naoton November 10 through 12 in Enci- purchased,nitas, Mission Hills, Rancho Bernar- they will do-do, and University City). Here’s the nate 2.deal: For every pair tried on, theywill donate 1 pair and for every Naot Don’t miss the special event on Friday, November 10 through Sun-purchased, they will donate 2. All the day, November 12 in Encinitas, Mission Hills, Rancho Bernardo,donated shoes go to Interfaith Com- and University City. For more information about Footwear etc.munity Services in Escondido, a and location info, visit their website:group that helps people in need tostabilize and improve their lives www.footwearetc.comthrough comprehensive programs. Rebecca Monarch knows that whatthey’re selling is much more thanjust shoes. They’re selling peace ofmind, comfort, and daily therapy forthe shoe-wearer. “The one-on-oneservice and the level of respect thatwe feel for our customers is few andfar between. Feet are our foundation,and they can affect our knees, hips,back, etc. If we don’t have the properfootwear, so many other things cango wrong in our bodies. Being ableto really help people is somethingspecial.”
14 NOVEMBER 2017 Pilates • Yoga • Barre NEWS FROM The Dr. A Brad Truax Award and Truax Spin • Zumba awards are given annually to individuals cur- Holiday Hours: The Center will be rently contributing to HIV efforts in San Diego6 Classes for $20! closed Friday, Nov. 10 and Saturday, County, with outstanding achievements in one Nov. 11 for Veterans Day. Regular hours or more of the following areas: HIV Education, New Members Only resume at 9am on Monday, Nov. 13. Prevention and/or Counseling and Testing; HIV Care, Treatment and/or Support Serviceswww.beyondpilates.com #2MILLION for persons living with HIV/AIDS; Planning, The Center has been given the chance to raise Advocacy or Policy Development related toAttend any of our four locations: HIV education, prevention, counseling and #2Million for Our Center – and we’ve got until testing, care, treatment and/or support services.Beyond Pilates Kensington Beyond Pilates Hillcrest Dec. 31st to do it. And we need you. The awards will be presented at a reception 4085 Adams Avenue 423 University Avenue honoring all nominees on World AIDS Day, 619.644.1399 619.457.0217 Thanks to an extremely generous matching Friday, December 1, 2017. Nominations can opportunity, every Center donation during our be completed online at:Beyond Pilates La Mesa Beyond Pilates Santee end-of-year fundraising campaign will be www.surveymonkey.com/r/Truax2017. 6195 Lake Murray Blvd 9721 Mission Gorge Road matched at a 4:1 ratio, up to 2 million dollars. 619.644.1399 619.457.0217 Saturday, Dec. 9, 5-8pm, Home For This means your Center contributions have a greater impact than ever before. Because of The Holidays this 4-to-1 match, your $20 gift becomes a $100 Join us as we gather to celebrate the diverse gift to The Center.Your $100 donation becomes a $500 donation to The Center, and so on. cultures & traditions within the San Diego LGBT Community! Family friendly and free to Please help us raise #2Million for Our Center all. Come to dance. Learn something new. And by giving as large a gift as you are able today at meet your community! For more information thecentersd.org/2million. Thank you! contact Sarah Merk-Benitez at [email protected] or 619-692- Thursday, Nov. 9, 6-8pm, LGBT Veterans 2077 X214. Wall of Honor 2017 Induction Ceremony COMMUNITY EVENTS vwoh2017Join us for The Benjamin F. Dillingham, III & Bridget Wilson LGBT Veter- Nov. 3-9, Digital Gym Screening: ans Wall of Honor 2017 Induction Ceremony on Thursday, Nov. 9 from 6-8 pm at The Cen- \"Etiqueta no rigurosa (No Dress Code ter. The evening will include a brief program with celebration of military colors, the National Required)\" Anthem, announcement of inductees, and A same-sex couple in Mexicali is followed as remarks from honorees in attendance. Light refreshments will be served. For more infor- they fight for the right to be married and become mation or to RSVP, please contact Ben agents of change in the process. Use code Cartwright at [email protected] or \"DGCCP\" at checkout for discount. Purchase 619.692.2077 x106. tickets here: https://digitalgym.org/etiqueta-no- rigurosa. Thursday, Nov. 9, 6-8pm, LGBT Vet- erans Wall of Honor 2017 Induction The Ruby Slipper at Pardon My Ceremony French Join us for The Benjamin F. Dillingham, III Pardon My French is now open on Mondays & Bridget Wilson LGBT Veterans Wall of Honor 2017 Induction Ceremony on Thursday, for dinner. Join us for Center Mondays as Stoli Nov. 9 from 6-8 pm at The Center. The evening presents The Ruby Slipper: Every Monday 100% will include a brief program with celebration of the sales of The Ruby Slipper Cocktail will be of military colors, the National Anthem, donated to The Center! Visit pardonmyfrench- announcement of inductees, and remarks from barandkitchen.com/ for more information. honorees in attendance. Light refreshments will be served. For more information or to RSVP, Through Nov. 12, Cygnet Theatre Pre- please contact Ben Cartwright at [email protected] or 619.692.2077 sents The Legend of Georgia Mcbride x106. He's young, he's broke, he's just found out his wife is going to have a baby, and now Casey has lost his gig as an Elvis impersonator. When his club brings in a drag act led by Miss Tracy Mills, Casey is given the opportunity to trade one sequined outfit for another. This music-filled comedy celebrates finding your voice and singing your own song. Dr. A. Brad Truax Awards Call for Nominations
15NOVEMBER 2017Um,no. 1040 University Ave. Suite B205, San Diego 619-269-9770 lunchboxwax.com
16 | NOVEMBER 2017 A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats: The Power of Sportsmanship, Sponsorship, and Mentorship By Alison Lily Aragon, Grants & Communications Specialist at Pro Kids | The First Tee of San Diego.I t isn’t an anomaly to be a girl Gaby a PGA Junior League team. PGA playing golf these days. Recent Junior League teams transform the headlines indicate there is still individual sport of golf into some- awe at a girl’s ability to play to thing much more team-focused, aswin alongside boys on the course, it will be when members go on tobut a field packed with girls ready to compete in high school, college or atcompete is nothing new here at Pro professional levels.Kids | The First Tee of San Diego. In2017, our membership was 58 per- This is not a student’s only pathcent female, with a special afternoon to professional success; Pro Kidscarved out specifically for girl’s golf intertwined in the City Heights andlessons and a strong Girl’s Mentor- Oceanside community ecosystems,ing Committee at both City Heights provides introductions to local busi-and Oceanside locations. These are ness leaders, from Gabriel Carinijust a few of the activities and events owner of Carini Heating and Air, tofocused on academic growth, as well Callaway Golf, who joined togetheras providing experiences for young with TaylorMade in 2012 to createwomen that are enriching, fun, andthey range from tea time, practicing ContinuedPilates, hiking, to providing scholar-ships for our older girls as they headon to college (This past year, 29 ofour 48 scholars were Women, andsome of our most dedicated femalescholars play golf for CSU San Mar-cos, Stanford, and Northwestern). Pro Kids uses golf as a gateway to Girls mentoring with Girls, Inc. in Oceanside Gabriel Carini, President, Carini Heating and Airlearning many valuable life skillsthat kids carry into successful adult-hood, to actively shape their ownfuture on and off the course. Kidsexperience golf in a different kind ofatmosphere here, with group classesthat have incentivized levels forgrowth, friendly monthly scrambles,and the opportunity for our middle-school aged youth to compete onPro Kids members at end of the month Halloween tournament
17NOVEMBER 2017 |the beautiful Pro Kids Academy. have access to out on the course. 2016). Having corporate volunteers at Pro Kids, taking place DecemberThe Academy is a special learn- But friendships are only one reason like Microsoft out on the course has 3rd, the Carini Team has committeding and golf facility where over 70 sports like golf empower girls for life lasting impact beyond a few hours; countless hours to the organizationkids attend more than three times and leadership—“golf is the perfect the act of showing up informs our and strategy of the tournament, asa week during the school year to platform for girls to build character, kids that their community is valu- well as their own contacts and re-keep their reading, math, and overall leadership skills and core values like able to San Diego at large, and offers sources who have really stepped-upacademics strong - while learning perseverance, confidence and judg- them a space to start talking to adults this year to support our girls.new golf techniques through the ment.” (The First Tee, 2017). These about career opportunities they mayunique SMASH lab programming skills are paramount to setting goals have never known about otherwise. We all face ups and downs un-that teaches golf and STEM concepts for the future, and staying focused knowingly throughout life, butat the same time. These leaders in during the overwhelming middle In this fast-paced virtual world, having people to call on for guidanceservice and entrepreneurial spirit act and high school years. Research by showing up in person is more than and support is not promised for all.as more than just sponsors of Pro Michigan State University’s Insti- half the battle. We value partners Whether they know it or not; spon-Kids programs—they are also men- tute for the Study of Youth Sports, who stand beside our kids, learn- sors, donors, staff, and volunteers aretors for kids so they may understand estimates, “approximately 70% of ing with them on and off the course. all vital support systems in our proall the opportunities available out in children in the U.S. are dropping out Carini Heating and Air was recently kids’ lives. We do the best we can tothe world. of organized sports before the age recognized as the 2017 Community teach our members how to navigate of 13, which is particularly alarm- Partner of the Year by Pro Kids for on the course of life, where bunkers Sponsors play a particularly ing for women because studies have their dedication on service in the and water hazards are more unex-unique role at the Carini Women’s shown that girls who play sports are community and focus on giving back pected than they are on the links.Golf Tournament. The inviting more likely to graduate from college, to youth, particularly the girls here at Claire Shipman, television journalistatmosphere encourages an afternoon find a job, and be employed in male- Pro Kids. As the title sponsor for the and co-author of The Confidenceof sisterhood women don’t always dominated industries” (Fortune, Carini Women’s Golf Tournament Code summaries the lasting lessons of golf best; “something happens when girls play sports — they em- body the experience of not just of winning, but the critical experience of losing. It’s that process of carrying on and clearing hurdles that really builds confidence. It’s an incredibly useful proving ground for business and leadership.” Kalena, Level 4 If you are considering a way for your business to give back atJennifer, Sade, Pro Kids member the end of 2017, or want to ac- tivate your individual or family giving through service, men- torship, or sponsorship, please consider joining Pro Kids | The First Tee of San Diego for our Carini Women’s Golf Tourna- ment Sunday, December 3rd, 2017. We have completely sold out of foursomes for the event, but we do have $25 brunch-only tickets available if you would like to join in on the fun. We have sponsorships avail- able for our brunch and happy hour portions of the day, please email Alison at aaragon@ prokidsonline.org or call 619- 582-7884 if you are interested in getting involved. Your atten- dance, time, and commitment to our girls provides them with the opportunity to mentors and experiences that will shape their future. Funds raised from the Women’s Tournament go di- rectly to the Pro Kids Academy, young women and girl’s involve- ment in the Pro Kids Golf & Life Skills Program, and Girl’s Mentoring Committee.
18 | NOVEMBER 2017KIDS’ KORNER: THANKSGIVING TURKEY CONTESTSend us your best Turkey and beentered to win $25 from Ike'sPlace! We have some great win-ners from last month's PumpkinCarving Contest, this month it'syour chance to WIN!!!It can be a drawing. It can bepainted. It can be craftedtogether. Have FUN and it is upto you!Submit entries [email protected]
Coffee Break 19NOVEMBER 2017 | Crossword and monthly horoscope brought to you by your friends at: DOWN 1.Descend Mt. Snow (619) 280-9500 • tiredynamicssandiego.com 2.Cackler 3.Small insect Your monthly 4.Stag’s mate 5.Bard Horoscope 6.Sunrise direction 7.Newspaper pieceAries 8.Take steps 9.HealthyGet energized and enthusiastic at the October 5 full moon. 10.TrademarkAttract a new friend or lover who is willing to make a minor 11.ArgumentVDFULƮFHRUJRRXWRIKLVRUKHUZD\IRU\RXUEHQHƮWDQG 16.Managedpleasure. 19.Billiard stick 21.Not quite closedTaurus 22.Paddy crop 23.Least<RXPD\IHHOOLNHWKHUHVDEVROXWHO\QRZKHUHWRWXUQ5HDOLW\ 24.Dated dittyLVDVFDU\WKLQJWRIDFH7KHODVWWKLQJ\RXZDQWWRGRLVEH 26.Louisiana swampVHULRXV%XW\RXUHƮQGLQJLWGLƱFXOWWRJHWVDWLVIDFWLRQIURP 28.Ballpoint, e.g.\RXUIDQWDV\ZRUOG<RXIHHODVWURQJVHQVHRIGXW\WRRWKHU 29.____ out (barely makes)people and places. 30.Fender flaw 32.SubtractsGemini 35.Between Feb. and Apr. 38.Sports facilityYou have a strong sense of self. You take charge of 39.Lady’s shoeVLWXDWLRQVLQVWHDGRIOHWWLQJWKHPWDNHFKDUJHRI\RX7KLVLV 40.AdriftRQHRIWKRVHGD\VZKHQ\RXPD\IHHODIHZJURZLQJSDLQV 42.Go away!as shifting personalities clash with comfortable behavior 43.Care forpatterns. 45.“____ Done Him Wrong” 47.Pension-plan abbr.Cancer 48.Assortment 49.Explosive letters<RXPD\IHHOOLNHDPHGLDWRUEHWZHHQWZRFDPSVRU\RX 50.____ saucePD\EHWKHRQHLQDVWUXJJOHWKDWQHHGVPHGLDWLRQ)DFWVFRXOGJHWWZLVWHGLQDOOGLUHFWLRQVGHSHQGLQJRQZKRV ACROSSdelivering them. 1. Herringlike fish 52. 2,000 pounds HappyLeo Solving! 5. Garden vegetable 53. Western resort%HFDUHIXODERXWWDNLQJHYHU\WKLQJDVDSHUVRQDORƬHQVH ANSWERS$VORQJDV\RXUHDEOHWRPDLQWDLQDKHDOWK\SHUVSHFWLYHRQ 8. Cobblers’ tools 54. Meat spreadWKHVLWXDWLRQ\RXFDQPRYHIRUZDUGZLWKHDVH 12. Game of chance 55. Clump of turfVirgo 13. Rowboat paddle 56. Lawyer’s abbr.'LƱFXOWWHQVLRQPD\EHIUXVWUDWLQJIRU\RXWRKDQGOHYouPD\ZRQGHUZK\HYHU\RQHFDQWMXVWJHWDORQJ<RXPD\ 14. Dice or minceƮQGWKDWWKHEHVW\RXFDQGRLVWDNHDVWHSDZD\IURPWKHƮUH 15. Bank paymentLibra 17. Cato’s clothing7HQVLRQPD\DULVHDPRQJIULHQGVZKHQVRPHRQHVXGGHQO\ 18. Space under a rooffeels like an ignored third wheel. People tend to pair up. DoZKDW\RXFDQWRVWD\RQWRSLFVWRZKLFKHYHU\RQHFDQ 20. FortuneFRQWULEXWHHTXDOO\ 21. Fire crimeScorpio 25. Sugar unit<RXUOLYHO\LPDJLQDWLYHVSLULWLVLQWXQHZLWKWKHFROOHFtive.6RPHRQHFRXOGWU\WREXUVW\RXUEXEEOHVREHFDUHIXO 27. Jack’s companion'RQWORVHVLJKWRI\RXUJRDOV 28. DelightedSagittarius 31. Citric ____-XVWZKHQ\RXVORZGRZQVLPSOLI\DQGSODQWKLQJVstart toSLFNXSDJDLQ<RXULPDJLQDWLRQVWDUWVWRư\7KHODVWWKLQJ 32. Letter after cee\RXUDUWLVWLFPLQGZDQWVWRGRLVVORZGRZQ 33. Oxen teamCapricorn 34. Exercise program<RXUVHQVHRISOD\PLJKWJHW\RXLQWRWURXEOH,WPD\EHGLƱFXOWIRU\RXWRNQRZKRZIDUWRSXVKDVLWXDWLRQ0DNH 36. Bird of ill ____VXUH\RXDOVRVHHWKHQHHGWRVHWWOHGRZQDQGJHWVHULRXV 37. Hat’s placeAquarius 38. VisitorYRXUHRIWHQDELJIDQRIGRLQJWKLQJVWKHROGIDVKLRQHGZD\(YHQWKRXJKSHRSOHPD\ODXJKDW\RX\RXWHQGWRLQVLVW 39. Light tapWKDWWKHROGZD\LVWKHEHVWZD\ 41. CorrodedPisces 44. Purposes%HFDUHIXODERXWJRLQJRYHUERDUGZLWK\RXUVDUFDVPSomeSHRSOHWDNH\RXUFRPPHQWVVHULRXVO\1RWHYHU\RQH 46. Lab workersXQGHUVWDQGV\RXUKXPRU7KLVFRXOGPDNHFRPPXQLFDWLRQunclear at times. 51. Netting
20 | NOVEMBER 2017San Diego’s Largest Annual Older Adult Tech Fair On Nov 11The “Get Connected” Tech Fair will host hundreds of adults 50+ at Oasis’ new Lifelong Learning andWellness Centers at Grossmont Center Mall On November 11th, 2017 San 619-881-6262 818 Birmingham Drive, CardiffDiego OASIS will host the largestannual Technology Fair for older WHEN: 9:40 AMadults 50 and over in San Diego. November 11, 2017 Carmel Valley Park and Ride | 12791 10:00AM – 3:00PM Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego Between 2010 and 2030, the elder- FREE EVENT with lunch includedly population will double in the 10:00 AMUnited States, with an even higher WHERE: Arrive San Diego Oasis | 5500percentage here in San Diego. This San Diego Oasis at Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesayear’s Tech Fair will address the Grossmont Centerneeds of a growing older adult com- 5500 Grossmont Center Drive 3:15 PMmunity in a rapidly changing digital La Mesa, CA 91942 Depart San Diego Oasis for Returnworld. 619-881-6262 Trip Across from Barnes & Noble FROM NORTH COUNTY The Oasis Tech Fair will offer INLANDhands-on learning about everything San Diego Oasis is piloting atechnology at their new Lifelong new idea: Transportation! 9:00 AMLearning and Wellness Centers at San Diego Oasis | Escondido SeniorGrossmont Center Mall. San Diego’s We would like to offer our North Center | 210 Park Avenue, Escondi-booming 50+ population will have County members the opportunity dothe opportunity to take part in free to join us for the Technology FairTech Talk sessions, 40-minutes each. on November 11, by providing free 9:30 AMSome interesting topics include: round-trip transportation from sev- Rancho Bernardo Park and Ride | eral locations throughout North 12862 Rancho Penasquitos Blvd,Cyber Fraud Briefing pre- County. San Diegosented by assistant District RSVP is required by Monday, About San Diego OASIS November 6 San Diego OASIS, a 501c3 award-Attorney: winning nonprofit organization,How to Outsmart Personal Infor- To ensure a seat on the bus, you serves San Diego County residentsmation Thieves will need to RSVP for the pick-up ages 50 and over promoting suc- location closest to you. Call David cessful aging through LifelongWhat is Fake News and How Beevers at (760) 796-6020 or email Learning, Healthy Living, and Com- [email protected]. Space is munity Service. We offer over 1700to Detect it: limited, be sure to RSVP soon! classes in art, finance, history, exer-Online News: How to be your own cise and wellness, disease manage-investigative reporter, presented by Transportation Logistics ment, language, computer training,Tom Karlo, KPBS General Manager Pick-up times will vary based on travel activities annually, and inter- generational volunteer opportuni-Artificial Intelligence and location, but will begin around 9:00 ties pairing our members with San AM, with the return trip dropping Diego County elementary schoolVoice Activated Technologies you back to your original destina- children to encourage improved lit- In addition, Oasis will have the tion by approximately 4:00 PM. eracy, and increased self-esteem. Go to sandiegooasis.org for more infor-very popular Ask the Expert area for FROM NORTH COUNTY mation.any questions about technology and COASTALwill be featuring two electric vehicles 9:00 AMoutside the event, presented by Oceanside Transit Center | 235 S.SDG&E. Tremont Street, Oceanside This year it the will be located in 9:20 AMthe newly opened San Diego Oasis Birmingham Park and Ride | 794-location at Grossmont Center Mall.Event is free, but registration isrequired. Go to www.sandiegooa-sis.org class #80 to register or call
21NOVEMBER 2017 | Gorgeous birds from The Nat’s Birds and Mammals collection. (Photo by Pablo Mason)Cool Stuff to the museum. The entry is dominated by a amassed a collection of more than 8 million the root of scientific discovery Museum col-From Storage giant sperm whale jaw that demonstrates the specimens. Although the institution focuses its lections help inform present and future scien- sheer size of this remarkable mammal.Visitors research efforts primarily on Southern Cali- tists, students, and museum visitors about evo- will also see an impressive display of specimens fornia and Baja California, through its history, lution, implications of climate change, and howNatural History Museum’s from all over the world: brilliant gems and it has acquired specimens from all over the to protect the unique biodiversity and natural minerals, an emperor penguin, massive bats, a world. resources in the region. In addition to theirstorage spaces take center 20- foot long anaconda skin, pinned bugs and The specimens in the museum’s holdings, tremendous scientific value, specimens are also insects, a wall of skulls, and a variety of vintage which are meticulously preserved and cata- displayed in exhibitions, such as Unshelved,stage in new exhibition taxidermied birds. The specimens chosen for logued, are curated by several departments that and are used by the Education Department to this exhibition demonstrate the museum’s long comprise the Biodiversity Research Center of more clearly and definitively illustrate lessons history of collecting and the magnificent diver- the Californias (BRCC). Research departments being taught at the Museum Unshelved is“Unshelved: Cool Stuff from Storage”opens sity of life on Planet Earth. and collections include Birds and Mammals, located on Level 2 of the museum and isNov. 18 at the San Diego Natural History “Most visitors don’t get to see our treasure Botany, Entomology, Herpetology, Marine included with general admission.Museum and features gorgeous natural history trove — rows upon rows of shelves, drawers, Invertebrates, Mineralogy, Paleontology, and To help celebrate the grand opening ofspecimens never before on display. and crates holding millions of plant and animal the Research Library. Unshelved, The Nat has planned the followingThe building looks bigger from the outside specimens collected over the past 143 years,” “The Nat has been building a collection of public programs:than inside because it holds 8 million speci- said Judy Gradwohl, president and CEO of the natural history specimens for more than 140mens in storage areas underground and behind San Diego Natural History Museum. “A look years,” said Dr. Michael Wall, vice president of • Unshelved Family Daygallery walls. The museum is giving visitors a behind the scenes in our storage areas is like a science and conservation at the Natural History Saturday, Nov. 18, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.rare peek behind the scenes when they open cross-section of the diversity of nature itself. It Museum.“It’s high time we create an exhibition (included with paid admission)the exhibit, which is included with paid admis- is beautiful, strange, and fascinating, and we’re that is solely dedicated to telling that story. Unshelved brings the back of house to the • NATtalk: What’s In Our Drawerssion and will remain on view for two years. giving visitors a glimpse into that world.”As visitors enter Unshelved, they will feel as The Nat was established by a small group of front. Its quirkiness is sure to dazzle our visitors Tuesday, Nov. 21, 7 p.m.though they have been given an all-access pass citizen scientists in 1874, and since then has and prompt them to ask questions, which is at (extra ticket required).A drawer of beetles from The Nat’s Entomology Department shows the beauty of bio- Owls in the museum’s holdings lined up for inclusion in Unshelved. Curator of Birds and Mammals Phil Unitt holds one ofdiversity. (Photo by Pablo Mason) (Photo by Michael Field, San Diego Natural History Museum) the 50,000 bird specimens in one of The Nat’s many research collection rooms. (Photo by John Talbott, San Diego Natural History Museum)
22 NOVEMBER 2017We donate $1 to our local food bank forevery oil change through December 2017!Thank you for helping us Drive Out Hunger.• 1 IN 6 AMERICANS STRUGGLES WITH NOT HAVING ENOUGH TO EAT.• YOUR OIL CHANGE FEEDS UP TO FOUR PEOPLE.San Diego - Point Loma3846 Camino Del Rio W. | 619-296-2166midassandiegoca.comOIL CHANGE PLUS29 10$ 99 $ OFF PLUS DISPOSAL FEE OR HIGH MILEAGE OR • Oil and filter change • Courtesy CheckSYNTHETIC BLEND FULL SYNTHETIC including visual brake check, battery, air filter, fluid, belts, and hoses • 4 wheel tire rotationMost Vehicles. Up to 5 quarts of oil. Discount off regular retail price. Not valid with other offers. Valid at participatinglocation(s). No cash value. Charge for additional parts and services if needed. Disposal fees extra, where permitted. Taxand Shop fee extra, up to 15% based on non-discounted retail price, not to exceed $35.00,where permitted. Fees may be higher in HI/AK. Other oils and specialty filters extra. TPMS *OC1545USOTH*reset not included. Tire rotation at time of service. Expires: 10-31-17
NOVEMBER LISTINGSNEW LISTING! 3606 1st Ave #305 COMING SOON 1850 W Montecito, San Diego, CA 92103 2 Bd | 2 Bth | 912 SqFt 4 Bd | 3 Bth | 2,786 SqFt. | 400 SqFt Guest HouseThis affordable condo is ideally located in Bankers Hill. Walking distance to Balboa Park This North Mission Hills Craftsman is located on a quiet tree lined street. This lot hasand numerous eateries in Hillcrest. 3rd floor unit with South facing balcony, French alley access and features a 1-bedroom guest house with kitchen, bath and its own out-doors from living room & master bedroom to balcony, walk-in closet, stacked door area. The main house features 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, lower level bedroom, anwasher/dryer and secure underground parking. Nice floor-plan with separation be- upper office area, family room, open to kitchen, formal dining room and great accesstween the bedrooms, open kitchen to the dining/living room. Bankers Hill is all about to the yard and side patio that features a built-in BBQ and outdoor fireplace. Enjoy thislocation so if affordability and location are high on your list, look no further. sun filled classic with ideal floor-plan. The detached unit is self-contained with its own kitchen and bath. The unit is ideal for a family member, or as a rental. Listing Price $459,000 Pending Listing Price $1,575,000645 Front St. Unit 2005, San Diego, CA 921010 COMING SOON 4418 Malvern Ct, San Diego, CA 92120 2 Bd + Den | 3.5 Bth | 2,000+ SqFt. | 2 Parking Spots Renaissance Building | 3 Bd + optional | 2.5 Bth | 2,628 SqFt. | 11,400 SqFt. LotPlease call Gina Barnes for more information 619-347-4415. This home has classic craftsman like features; a touch of Mission Hills in Del Cerro. PENDING – Multiple Offers PENDING – Multiple Offers Listing Price $995,000 Listing Price $995,000
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