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Home Explore Healthy HOME Magazine - July 2021

Healthy HOME Magazine - July 2021

Published by Local Umbrella Media, 2021-07-07 21:06:59

Description: Realtor Ray Shay brings you inspirational healthy home ideas, tips and information in our JULY 2021 issue of Healthy HOME Magazine.


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HEALTHY HOMEL I V E J O Y F U L L Y Playtime While Adulting: 4 Ways You Benefit 92127

H E A L T H YHOMEL I V E J O Y F U L L Y Welcome to HealthyHOME Magazine & The time of year we have all been waiting for is finally here, so let the summertime fun begin! wellness RE™ From pool days and neighborhood BBQs to family VOL.2 ISSUE 9 vacations, this season is all about connecting with ourselves and others through activity. Summer Fun I want to share a new magazine with you that is all FOUNDER & EDITOR about creating a Healthy HOME™! Whether it be packing for a trip, cooking a delicious meal or Sheila Alston refreshing your living space, this magazine brings you tons of insightful tips to make living healthy an easy COPY EDITORS way of life. Catie Hofmeister This magazine gives me the chance to stay in touch Dana Grizzél with all of the people I've had the pleasure to work with over the years. My hope is that it helps, inspires GRAPHIC DESIGN or brings you joy in some way. Sheila Alston It's a pleasure to send you this magazine, PUBLISHER Enjoy! Brad Weber Local Umbrella Media CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Angie Wegener Amanda Klecker Cassy West Heather Christo Kate Hamblet Leonard Steinberg Michelle Ifversen Ror Alexander Woody Fincham SOCIAL MEDIA Catie Hofmeister Shirley Pedrera

Healthy HOME is a local edition of wellness RE™ THE MAGAZINE THAT EXPLORES WELLNESS IN REAL ESTATE editor's notes Summer Fun Summer is officially here, so we are ready to embrace the fun times and memories! This month's issue of Healthy HOME™ is all about making the most of your summer, whether this looks like spending time with family and friends, taking on new projects, or just getting more active. As you read through this month's issue, remember that creating connections with people, places and ideas is key to building healthier homes and communities! We will be introducing our upcoming wellness summit, taking place later this month, to share with you knowledge and experience of wellness experts from around the world. Key takeaways: We can declutter our spaces and minds for easier breathing and better flow of energy throughout our homes. We take care of our bodies and minds by working healthy physical activity into our lives. We can make fitness more than a fad, but rather a transformative lifestyle. We create functional spaces in and around our home while being mindful of the summer season we're entering. We use color to enhance the way we cook, eat, exercise and live mindfully. You deserve to live in a healthy home environment that supports you and your family, provides you comfort and brings you joy each day. And this magazine is dedicated to helping you do that. Enjoy! sheila alston editor & founder of WellnessRE Magazine™ & Healthy HOME Local Editions Together, we will make the world a healthier place, one home at a time.

Healthy HOME | page 04

PLAYTIME WHILE ADULTING: 4 WAYS YOU BENEFIT by Kristy W. Gilbraith, MBA, BSN, RN If you're feeling less than inspired, Stress Buster: Enhances Youth: despite spring being upon us, you may need to pencil playtime into your There's nothing like laughter to Play, laughter, and fun keep schedule. Fun is synonymous with play, help melt stress away and ease us feeling and looking young. but it's easy to forget to make time for the perpetual mounting tension According to Mayo Clinic, play the things we enjoy, and the pandemic of simply existing in a world helps strengthen bones, certainly hasn't helped; however, what with broad demands. Play is a muscles, lungs, the heart and we gain through play, especially when simple equation for laughter reduces obesity, diabetes, and #adulting, far outweighs the perceived and fun. As a result, endorphins high cholesterol (Mayo Clinic, inconvenience of not having time. are released to help enhance 2020). mood and improve overall As adults, our days are typically filled wellness. Improves with meeting other people's needs, be Relationships: it at work or home. Even on the Stimulates Creativity weekends, it's not unusual to find and Imagination: Play brings people together schedules overrun by little league by fostering intimacy, games and gymnastics or running Play stokes the inner creative developing social awareness, errands on behalf of a loved one. genius in all of us. Not only does and enhancing Nonetheless, there must be time play allow one to feel free to communication, both verbal carved out for you to enjoy life, live a color outside of the lines, but it and non-verbal. little, and laugh a lot, right? Play is an also helps even the most rigid easy way to achieve this. Some of the adult think outside of the box benefits of play include: when addressing challenges. Healthy HOME | page 06

What's great about play is it can be Blooming! A Healthy Home by done solo or with someone else. The Design PODCAST is dedicated to easiest way to implement play into uncovering all the elements that your life is to identify what play is to lead to a healthy home. You will you. Is it painting by numbers while learn new ways to create an listening to Rod Stewart, creating environment that supports your something with Legos, or playing health and happiness so you and Words with Friends while waiting for your family will bloom and grow! your child to finish practice? Perhaps it's karaoke, beach volleyball, or Top Golf with a few of your closest who are not a COVID-19 risk. Whatever you choose, ensure you make time regularly to fit playtime into your schedule and commit to following through. by Kristy W. Gilbraith Kristy W. Gilbraith is a licensed registered nurse and nursepreneur. As a freelance writer, Kristy specializes in health, wellness, and lifestyle-focused topics. She also has a knack for relatable humor and engaging readers in a meaningful way. Healthy HOME | page 07

Healthy HOME | page 08

What makes a home \"healthy\"? by Cassy West What defines a healthy home? A healthy home can be defined in many ways. First, emotional health is by far the most important factor to a healthy home. Without emotional support, love and acceptance, a healthy home cannot exist. So before delving deeper into what a physically healthy home is, understand that nothing is as important as emotional health, wherever we live. Healthy HOME | page 09

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) A few general examples for creating or maintaining a healthy home: defines a healthy home as a place or structure that is designed, built and AIR maintained to support our health and well-being. We spend at least half of The most chronic problem with unhealthy homes is air quality. If air every day inside our homes. A healthy, quality is jeopardized, good health will decline. Moisture, high-humidity, safe and accessible home supports our leaking roofs and wet basements can all contribute to mold growth. basic needs and protects us from illness Maintaining humidity levels between 30%-50% at all times is best for a and injury. healthy home. Our communities, neighborhoods, towns and cities are more prone to storm surges and flooding, which puts our homes at risk of The National Wellness Institute lists six developing serious mold problems. areas, or dimensions, defining wellness: emotional, occupational, physical, The term \"sick building syndrome\" (SBS) is used to describe situations in spiritual, social and intellectual. Wellness which building occupants experience acute health and comfort side is holistic, encompassing lifestyle, mental effects that appear to be linked to time spent inside. Usually the cause and spiritual well-being, and the can not be identified. Sore throat, asthma, headache, chronic breathing environment in all aspects of our life and issues can be the symptoms. Symptoms can be mild or severe. In our home. contrast, the term \"building related illness\" (BRI) is used when symptoms of diagnosable illness are identified and can be attributed directly to An unhealthy home is connected to poor airborne building contaminants. health. If our home harbors mold, lead paint or radon, our health is directly TIP: To filter some of the air in your house invest in some beautiful affected. Even old upholstery, fabric houseplants. NASA recommends a list here and recommends at least treatments or wallpaper that has lingering one houseplant per 100 square feet. Houseplants are an affordable and cigarette smoke or mildew can pose easy way to clean your air. Plants can be easy to take care of, depending serious health problems for humans, on sunlight and watering habits, so research before you buy. For especially the elderly and children. example, a Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum 'Mauna Loa') and English Ivy (Hedera helix) are easy to maintain and do not need a lot of sun. Symptoms from an unhealthy home can Succulents are also a nice choice. A local nursery, garden center or box range from subtle symptoms such as; store have a variety of house plants to choose from. mild asthma, headaches and fatigue to more acute symptoms like nausea, acute respiratory symptoms, or even long-term health issues like cancers or lower IQs. Unhealthy homes can be older, poorly maintained structures, or an unhealthy home can be found in brand-new construction due to finishes, formaldehyde, glues and other VOCs. Learn more at the EPA website on indoor air quality. What we use to build our homes is just as important as what we use to furnish our homes. Inexpensive furniture, vinyl window blinds, synthetic fabrics, carpeting, lighting fixtures and children’s toys can be made with toxic materials from other areas of the world where there is little regulation. With use, these items can break down and create toxic dust and particles that can be ingested and inhaled. Be mindful of what you are purchasing and where it comes from. Using sustainable, eco-friendly materials and products — even re-used or re- purposed items in some cases can make a large difference in our health. Healthy HOME | page 10

KEEP IT CLEAN A healthy home is also free of clutter, dust and dirt, so keep an organized and clean home at all times. Use all-natural cleaners and essential oils and make sure the filter on the vacuum cleaner and HVAC system is replaced or cleaned regularly. Even the rubber seal around the dishwasher and oven should be in good working order as not to release moisture or fumes. A healthy home must be free of clutter and debris on the inside as well as the outside. Clutter not only harbors mold and dust but it also attracts pests, rodents and dust mites. LIGHTING Another important factor for a healthy home is proper and adequate lighting. Researchers are discovering that LEDs could be dangerous to our overall health. LEDs, which have become popular because they are energy-efficient, emit primarily blue light and are devoid of infrared light (sunlight) that is imperative to our DNA. According to ANSES using LEDs can be harmful to our vision. Long-term effects are linked to the onset of molecular degeneration. LEDs lack the counterbalancing healing and regenerative near-infrared frequencies that our eyes and bodies need on a daily basis. Specifically, blue light in the evening reduces melatonin production in your pineal gland, therefore making us less likely to fall asleep or sleep deeply throughout the night. TIP: Reduce exposure to LED light after 8pm. If watching television or working on a computer, wear protective blue light blocking glasses. Adjust your settings on your TV by making the screen warmer and less bright at night. Download flux on your computer where the screen will adjust according to time of day. Also, bedroom lamps should have, at the most, a 40-watt incandescent bulb. No LEDs of any kind in the bedroom — this includes TVs (multiple studies cite negative effects from any technology in a bedroom). If a family room or kitchen is where you spend the most time then add a dimmer to your recessed lights and dim the lights at night. This is so crucial for a deep night’s sleep and we know good sleep leads to lower stress and healthier bodyweight. Healthy HOME | page 11

ACOUSTICS NUTRITION & EXERCISE Acoustics are typically not considered when planning or Everyone knows that eating organic, whole food makes a designing a healthy home. People complain of terrible difference in our health. There are a million websites and acoustics when in public, specifically restaurants, where books educating us on the benefits of eating well and loud noises distract or impair a customer to the point exercising every day to keep our body, brain and gut in where it is uncomfortable. For decades there has been tip-top shape. What is the point of trying to do one without a tendency to put carpeting on second floors or in the other — to eat well but live in an unhealthy bedrooms to help with acoustics. But carpeting, with environment or vice versa? Taking care of ourselves is the exception of natural fibers like wool or jute, can give more than eating a proper diet or spending a fortune on off volatile organic compounds (VOCs), or trap moisture expensive furniture and clothing. Take a holistic approach and dust, as mentioned earlier. Also, newer constructed to planning or designing a healthy home. homes have higher ceilings and tile floors and when combined together can magnify sounds to TIP: Be mindful of everything you bring into the home. uncomfortable levels. These days everyone wants Avoid unhealthy processed food, impulsive purchases open-floor plans, or open-concept living, which does from that local yard sale or home goods store, but most not take into account the lack of quiet areas. When we importantly, be grateful, patient and loving to those entertain larger groups or spend time with family, we around you. Spend quality time with a friend or loved one. experience loud noise that is uncomfortable, distracting Adopt a pet. Meditate. Limit social media and the news at and irritating for some people. Living like this day in and all hours of the day. If a healthy home is maintained, both day out can cause long-term hearing problems, and physically and emotionally, a healthy home is a happy one. can test relationships within families. It is exceptionally difficult for older people to hear conversations in a loud, open space. For a healthy, comfortable home, there are a few things to keep in mind; mix a variety of elements, the right products and furniture to aid in healthy acoustics. TIP: When designing or decorating a space use a variety of different textures. Wood, for example, is an excellent sound absorber. We are seeing a lot of natural woods in interior design, not just in flooring, but in shelving, paneling (shiplap) and architectural beams. Even with a painted surface, white shiplap and bead board help reduce sound. Brick, textured wallpaper (e.g. grasscloth), area rugs, artwork of different sizes and materials (think canvas), and lastly, furniture, can all assist in reducing sound around the house. Also, plants, like a green living wall or vertical garden will help with sound and can also be a lovely, creative and healthy way to decorate a home (see photo). Cassy West Cassy helps clients find and create healthier more Design Well to Live Well comfortable homes through her expertise in eco-friendly Eco Friendly Interior design and GREEN living. She has been a LEED v4 Green Designer & Wellness Real Associate, a Fitwel Ambassador since 2017 and she Estate Agent in holds the GREEN Designation through the National Massachusetts Association of Realtors. Reach her directly at [email protected] Healthy HOME | page 12

Using Your Space to Encourage healthy Movement It is so amazing how the layout of our space can transform the way we move and feel. If you find yourself feeling lethargic, drained or unmotivated when you get home, it might be time to refresh your space. When space is utilized effectively, you will feel more energized and breathe easier. It can be difficult to find the time and motivation to work out, but following these small tips can help boost your movement mindfulness. Check out these 5 tips for using your space to encourage healthier movement: Healthy HOME | page 13

1. Designated Workout Room: 3. Hide Exercise Equipment in Living Spaces: Perhaps your home is like mine in the sense that it has its own designated space for exercise If you don’t have a designated workout space, and workouts. This has always been an you can absolutely still make exercise a priority. important part of our homes, and it remains You can utilize baskets and sleek storage one of the necessities for our lifestyle. If you do cabinets and shelves to stash a few hand have a space to designate as a workout space, weights, indoor shoes and resistance bands. it’s a great way to encourage regular workouts and regular exercise. You can even roll up a yoga mat and keep it behind the couch to pull out any time you You can create a space that makes you feel need. With workout gear right next to you, you REALLY great and a space that makes you want can do some exercises while you watch TV or to spend time in it. Choosing a paint color on some stretching while you’re catching the the wall to enhance whatever kind of exercise morning news and weather. Either way, it’s a you choose is key. If you focus on yoga, you good way to encourage movement if this is a might want a more peaceful color like a blue, goal of yours. green or purple. If cardio and weight training are your jam, you may want a more invigorating color like a peach or a yellow tone. Also, make sure your space has the freshest air possible to enhance your exercising. You can purchase an air filter for your room as well as keep the room’s dust levels down with regular cleaning. 2. Running & Walking Shoes by the Door: Come spring, summer and fall I take a lot of my exercise outdoors. In Minnesota we have to take advantage of those nice weather days and get our bodies outside. What makes it easiest to encourage a morning run or an afternoon hike is having my shoes, earbuds and armband RIGHT by the door. I have my shoes out in a tray as a signal that I plan to get outside today and either go for a walk, hike or run. I have a decorative bowl that I keep my gear in that goes with me too — things like my earbuds and armband. If you have a dog you exercise with, keep its leash with your things, too. This way you’ll be encouraged to just grab your gear and go, rather than make excuses that it’s too much prep to get outside. Healthy HOME | page 14

4. Work for Your laundry 5. Standing Work Areas: Have you ever carried a laundry basket full of Sitting during the day can be one of the biggest clothes up and down two flights of stairs? If contributors to health problems. Often we let you have, you can appreciate it when I say, ourselves sit for long periods of time during the day. IT’S A WORKOUT! Having your laundry away Why not change this with a standing desk or from living spaces can actually be a countertop desk in your kitchen? You can use an beneficial tactic to getting in a bit more anti-fatigue mat underneath your feet to make it movement during the day. more appealing to stand. Hauling a laundry hamper down the stairs Being able to do all the tasks you normally do and carrying clean laundry up the stairs can sitting, while standing up, can reduce the time you get your heart rate going and can help get are sedentary by quite a bit. some movement if you’ve been sitting during the day. If you have a basement laundry Mindfully following these 5 simple practices room, embrace it and use it to keep moving! will help you be create spaces that support healthy movement! I think our homes are definitely more than just a space to live and sleep. They’re a space that can truly support and benefit just about any area of our life. But knowing just how to create a space that coincides with your health goals is the key to creating a healthy home. Amanda helps homeowners learn how to create a Amanda Klecker, Certified Building Biology Healthy House for their families. Download your Free Advocate & Certified Professional Inspector eBook to show you how! Healthy HOME | page 15

7 Ways to Digi Detox & Declutter Your Life by Ror Alexander By now I’m sure you’re aware that all of this social media and attachment to technology isn’t good for us. You know that you don’t need your phone in bed, in the washroom, in your hand when in a 3-minute line up. You know you don’t need 3 – 10 screens of apps, and a desktop piled with files and folders. You know that all that mindless scrolling is a waste of time, you know you will live if you are ‘bored’ for 10 minutes. You know you don’t need the 24 – 7 connections to the digital world and everyone who demands their 30 seconds of your time. But here’s the thing… I've listed my Top 7 ways to start to digital detox and digital declutter your life starting right now. At the end, I You’re still doing it! also added a one-month lifestyle challenge for you. And I will tell you this: if you can't do this challenge, you have a Now, I could go into the studies. The studies on problem. If the idea of this challenge causes you anxiety, depression. The studies on anxiety. The studies on lack then you have an even bigger problem. But let’s get to of passion. The studies on wasted hours. The lost that challenge in a bit. potentials. The studies on the way we compare ourselves to FB friends, strangers, and IG or YouTube “stars” but I’m not going to. You know them. You know it’s a shit situation. You just have ignored it. You haven’t let it register yet. You’ve heard it but you don’t HEAR it. So, I can't help you much if this is where you are at… Hopefully, however, I’m wrong. Maybe you have heard it. Maybe you do grasp the issues. Maybe you do understand the ills that our digital clutter and digital addiction is causing, but maybe you just don’t know where to start to digital detox — where to begin to take your time and life back. This is where I can help you. HWe aelltl nh ey sHs ROEM |E p| apgaeg4e21 6

1. Silence the Distractions About 15 years ago there was pretty much three ways to get a hold of us; snail mail, on the phone, and sticking your head out a window yelling at you. Now we have literally dozens of apps that people can message us on. Messenger, IG, WhatsApp, Zoom, Skype, SMS, and if you travel a lot, you probably have regional popular apps like Line, WeChat, or Viber, and I’m sure many more I don’t know about. Own a business? You probably get DMs from your business pages, too. Then you may have social dating apps; Tinder, Tantan, POF, Badoo, and whatever else the cool kids are using. Or maybe it’s a YouTube subscription ping saying “hey check out this new Avengers spoiler video right now!!!! You may miss something that really has no real bearing on your life” (and yes, I’m a huge comic movie fan). Well these all have one thing in common: they love to call to you. They love to get your attention, and demand you to respond right away. They distract you. They get in the way. How many times are you speaking to a real live person, face to face, and that little ding pulls you away? Even writing this blog, I could get at least 2 – 5 dings in the hour it takes me to write this. TURN THEM OFF. It’s okay. They can wait. If it’s an emergency, they can call you. On your iPhone you can also set up a Do Not Disturb option where only important CALLS will come through. If your house is burning down, I promise you are not going to get a text saying, “hey man, house is on fire.” They will call you, I swear they will. Ask yourself, “why do I feel the need to get these messages so fast?” Is it because it makes you feel important? Well you’re not that important. Sorry. Does it make you feel ‘busy?’ Then get busy for real. Is it because you feel you need to respond right away to not be rude? It’s not rude, it’s life. They can wait. WHealthy HOME | page 17

2. Organize phone apps into folders 6. Create a Spam and Club List Email folder One of the easiest ways to start to open apps less is by simply placing them into a folder. Even that ONE extra step By now everyone has an email offer, newsletter, update will dramatically decrease your app opening. This is email, etc. Why let those arrive in your personal inbox? particularly true if you’re actively trying to decrease it. The That should be for personal and maybe work emails. habit of having the app open with just one touch is hard to This simple solution is just making a new junk email break, but if you place the app into a folder, and then even folder. I have one, and I only check it if I’m in the mood, slide that folder onto a new screen, you will catch yourself so if I see a notification of say '5 new emails,' I know it's before you open it. Trust me it helps. just email list stuff. And there’s no pressing reason to open it. I literally named this email “junk,\" even though I 3. Delete apps on your phone that do often sign up for semi-interesting email lists — you can use on your computer or downloading a free PDF book, or webinar, etc. you don’t use 7. Finally, you can just GO Facebook is a great example of this. Facebook was WITHOUT YOUR PHONE FOR A originally a desktop program that became an app, so the WHILE interface is better on a computer, and can be done on there. Apps like IG were born on the phone. So start with Like I said at the beginning, it wasn’t that long ago that the apps that are computer based, and get them off your we didn’t have smartphones and IG and SMS and phone. I have found this helps to cut down on at least WhatsApp and Facebook. Try turning off your phone, facebook as you access your computer a lot less. and leaving it at home. Which now brings me to my challenge… The other thing you can do is delete all apps you really don’t need. I am not even an app person, and I deleted Starting this week, choose ONE day a week where THREE just this week. you turn off the phone, iPad, laptop, and whatever other technology that demands active interaction. 4. Organize the desktop clutter Just turn it off. Done and done. If you feel the need, post a status update a few days ahead telling Is your laptop screen an ocean of files? Screen clutter has everyone you’re beginning a regular weekly Digital the same anxiety-promoting issues as physical clutter on Detox Day. Now here is the key: make sure you have your desk or home. Organize files within folders, and even something to do that day. Plan an outing (with an batch folders into folders. Try to get that desktop screen old digital camera if you want pics), have a book to clean and tidy, just like your phone. read, or a project to tackle. Have someone to do something with. Don’t just sit there getting bored, 5. Delete email clutter and turning back to your phone. Try this for ONE MONTH. That’s only 4 days from 30. You can do it. For this step I have TWO suggestions. The first one is to organize and delete emails. You must know someone, by Ror Alexander maybe yourself, who opens their email and it says Healthy Living Expert something like 1,750 emails! Really, you need to keep over Internationally known 1,700 emails? No you don’t. Almost every two weeks I go Integrative Fitness and Health through all dead emails (conversations that are over) and Coach delete them. I think my inbox has 24 messages right now. Host of the Healthy by Design Podcast and Second, organize older important emails into folders. I have YouTube Channel. a folder for receipts, travel details, and other important categories — maybe Important Conversations you may need again, or proof of conversation. Just take the time to organize your emails, and you may actually not mind opening your emails.

8 Sustainable Building Products SO GOOD they will surprise you Healthy Materials for Your Renovation by Kate Hamblet Summer's here and it's time to relax and enjoy the good weather. It's also time to start planning your Fall or winter renovation project! Now, more than ever, it's important to give yourself plenty of time to plan your future renovation. Contractors and building materials are hard to come by, and you need to plan accordingly for the long wait times for materials to come in. It's also important to give yourself plenty of time to properly design your project and get all the details right on paper before you start construction. If you want guidance with this, check out Designed For Wellness. Following are some of my favorite healthy and sustainable building products for your renovation project. Healthy HOME | page 19

Kährs Engineered Wood Flooring Generally, when selecting products, the most natural ones are going to be the healthiest for you and the best for the planet. For example, solid wood furniture and flooring is usually the healthiest and most earth-friendly compared to something made of composite wood. But solid wood doesn't always make sense, especially when you live in a humid climate. Solid wood will expand and contract with the humidity levels, which can be a big problem when installing wood flooring. When you don't want to risk solid wood flooring issues, but you really want wood floors, there is a solution — a very specific type of engineered wood flooring. I typically don't recommend engineered wood flooring because it usually contains formaldehyde, which is a major health concern. But Kährs is different. Kährs engineered wood is made of three solid pieces of wood, glued together with formaldehyde-free adhesive. It is dimensionally stable, has a durable top coat, and looks gorgeous. And it's easy to install! If you're handy, you can do it yourself — no nailing or gluing required. Healthy HOME | page 20 Photo credit: Kährs Flooring

Marmoleum Click Photo credit: Marmoleum Click Flooring Photo credit: Havelock Wool Insulation Linoleum is one of my favorite flooring materials. Natural product made of linseed oil and other natural materials, pressed onto jute, and attached to cork backing. This product clicks together so no glues or fasteners are needed. Linoleum is a great alternative to wood for many rooms, like bedrooms. It is made of natural materials like linseed oil. It’s naturally antimicrobial and antistatic, making it easy to clean and safe for kids playing on the floor. Havelock Wool Insulation That's right, sheep's wool insulation is here America! And it's an absolutely amazing insulation material. There's something quite wonderful about being able to use natural materials to keep you feeling comfortable in your home. I love wool insulation because it's natural — no chemicals are added to it; it won't soak up water so mold issues are less of a concern; it's soft and won't leave you feeling scratched or itchy after installation and it has a small carbon footprint. AFM Safecoat products Benjamin Moore Eco-Spec® AFM Safecoat makes pretty much all the liquid This is my favorite paint. It doesn't smell, it goes on so products you'd need in a renovation. AFM makes nicely, and it comes with an important health and healthy paints and stains, sealants and caulks, sustainability certification. Eco Spec® is their “greenest” adhesives, and plenty more. interior premium paint, it now replaces their Natura line which I absolutely loved. I love this company because they exist to make healthy indoor building products and have been \"With zero VOCs and zero emissions, Eco Spec® is the doing it well for over 30 years. perfect choice when an environmentally responsible paint is required and is tinted with Benjamin Moore's proprietary Gennex® zero VOC colorant system.\" Healthy HOME | page 21

IKEA Cabinets Photo Credit: IKEA If you are working with a budget for your healthy kitchen renovation (which, let's be honest, most of us are) IKEA might prove to be a wonderful surprise option for you. I love IKEA! A lot. Beyond making affordable, functional furniture, they strive to protect the planet and human health. And I'm happy to support a company that can do all of those things. I installed IKEA cabinets in my healthy home renovation, and they worked beautifully. Like most IKEA items, they are super unpleasant to put together, but once installed I didn't have a single issue with them. There was no smell, they held up exceptionally well, and they looked great. My one-year-old daughter was a fantastic product tester, constantly testing the durability of the sliding base cabinets by climbing inside them — opening and closing, opening and closing, opening and closing all the drawers. Solid cabinets would be considered the healthiest since they're solid wood, no glues etc., but there are two big issues with solid wood cabinets: 1) solid wood swells and shrinks. If you live in a humid climate this could be a problem. 2) They are very expensive. If you want to avoid solid wood with something more stable in humidity, you can go with cabinets made of soy- based plywood. Purebond plywood by Columbia Forest Products is formaldehyde-free and a good option for cabinet construction — but it is also expensive. Healthy HOME | page 22

Zola Windows If you haven't heard of tilt and turn windows yet, it's time to check them out! This is a standard window type in Europe, but still pretty uncommon to see in the US. Tilt and turn windows can open along the vertical hinge, like a door or a casement window, or they can tilt from the bottom (like a hopper window). The benefit of these windows is that they provide exceptional air sealing when closed and fantastic ventilation when open. Zola offers a few different material types like aluminum and uPVC, but I prefer the clad wood windows. They're beautiful and planet friendly. In fact \"Zola has supplied more US Passive House projects than any other window manufacturer. Zola created the first Passive House window—ZNC™—to be certified by both PHIUS and PHI, and has led the North American high performance window industry since the inception of the Passive House movement here.\" Accoya Acetylated Wood Decking If a new deck is in your future, using natural wood rather than treated lumber or composite decking is the best option. One very cool product is Accoya Acetylated Wood. Acetylated basically means pickled. This wood decking is rot and insect resistant, and won't give you splinters! The decking is made of sustainably grown and harvested softwood trees. This is not hardwood being mined from rainforests, yet the decking is more durable than any of the hardwoods coming from the rainforest because they won't warp over time. Accoya also makes siding and other thermally stable wood products. Kate helps health-conscious families create homes that by Kate Hamblet support and promote health, happiness and longevity. The Wellness Architect You'll find her at Balanced Architecture Healthy HOME | page 23

RECIPE OF THE MONTH Summer and Cocktails go together like peanut butter scan QR code for recipes and jelly. Am I right? Hot, sweaty evenings and cold, alcohol-fueled drinks are a symphony of happiness around here. I don’t drink every night (don’t worry!), but when I do and it’s summer time, the bevy of cold, fruity, seasonal cocktails available is so exciting! Here are my top ten Summer Cocktails, which are perfect for your Summer Happy Hours! Click HERE for the recipes. Heather Christo is a classically trained turned Allergen-Free celebrity chef who makes eating healthy a delicious way of life. 2017 James Beard Award Nominee for her amazing cookbook PURE DELICIOUS

BOOSTING FITNESS THE EASY WAY Get more out of your workouts and feel better fast by Michelle Ifversen HOW BIOPHILIC DESIGN Healthy HOME | page 25 CAN HELP IMPROVE YOUR FITNESS AND WELL BEING “Health is created and lived by people within the settings of their everyday life; where they learn, work, play, and love” — world health organization, healthy cities program When you can't be in nature, working out in a building that has nature inspired elements helps boost your well being and your fitness level to new heights. Matt Aspiotis Morley, Founder & Director of Biofilico and BioFit, commissioned the first scientific study into what is termed as “indoor green exercise”. Conducted by the UKActive Research Institute and University of Essex Green Exercise Group, it ran over four weeks at the Biofit pop-up gym in London with a total of 118 participants taking a natural fitness session. .

Each responded to a ‘before and after’ WellnessRE | page 43 questionnaire, with the following results: - 75% felt less stressed after their session - 80% reported feeling more connected to nature - 87% found an improvement in positive mood state - An average enjoyment level of 91/100 When designing fitness projects, lean towards sourcing natural interior design elements such as sustainable materials, air-purifying plants, aromatherapy that simulates the forest, natural textures and colors as well as plant, canvas sandbags, natural fiber battle ropes, slam balls, clubbells, skipping ropes and cork yoga mats complete the functional fitness equipment list. GO PLAY OUTSIDE- BENEFITS OF WORKING OUT IN NATURE Working out while experiencing nature – or \"green exercise\" – has added benefits compared with even exercising indoors or in urban “built” environments, according to research. Benefits include: improved immune function, lower blood pressure after exercise and potentially more restful sleep at night to enhanced mood and lower levels of perceived exertion, says Mike Rogerson, a researcher on the Green Exercise Research Team at the University of Essex – where the term green exercise was coined in 2003 – in England. By changing how a gym or spa looks and feels, we can thus increase client satisfaction and boost overall enjoyment whilst ensuring happier, healthier members who feel connected to nature. Healthy HOME | page 26

Here are some ideas to get out there and get the by Michelle Ifversen most from your green workouts. Environmental Wellness Director, DesignWell Studios Go for a walk or a run in the forest, or nearby park Go for a bike ride in your neighborhood or nearby trails (make Michelle, an environmental sure they are not under transmission power lines) wellness designer helps her Purchase an eco friendly yoga mat and put some plants in your clients increase their well- room being and home value by Bring your workout outside - lift weights or do yoga in the garden eliminating toxins and Turn off your phone when working out introducing more design Go for a swim in a lake or ocean features that mimic nature. Play volleyball outside on the grass or the sand Lastly, notice the sounds and sights around your when you are out in nature, breathe in deep and give yourself a reward for a job well done! If you need more design inspiration for your indoor or outdoor space, schedule a free consult with Michelle or go to for more information. Sources: Biofilico, BioFit, US News Health Report Healthy HOME | page 27


CAMPING Finding a way to get the family outdoors to ORGANIZED connect to nature can be so great for so many reasons. An improved sense of well-being, deeper connections with your family and memories that will last a lifetime. But preparing for camping can be a bit overwhelming and can sometimes zap the fun out the anticipation for your trip! Do you have an upcoming trip and are looking for ways to make packing for camping easier? Having your camping gear organized will alleviate so much of the stress of packing. A designated spot in your garage with labeled bins for easy grab and go is a good start. Seems like a simple thing, but try these few tips for camping gear organization and see how much better you feel. Now you can sit back, relax and enjoy s'more fun outdoors with those you love! Use clear bins to see stored items and label Have a bin with flashlights, lanterns, headlamps and batteries for backup. A designated bin with sheets, blankets and towels Storage container with cooking utensils, cooking supplies and matches Emergency kit with all supplies you might need Angie helps families de-stress their home so they can by Angie Wegener focus on what’s important and enjoy the things that Residential Organizational matter most. Click here for more organizational tips! Specialist Healthy HOME | page 30

HEALTHY wellness RE ™ HOMEL I V E J O Y F U L L Y Pro AGENTS FOR CHANGE AT YOUR SERVICE REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS THAT HAVE YOUR WELLNESS IN MIND No two agents are alike, and while every agent may strive to offer you great customer service, knowledge and support during your real estate journey, these agents have taken an extra step to show their clients they care about more than just the transaction. We are on this mission to bring health + home together and do this by educating our clients so they know what to look for in a healthy home, highlight wellness features in listings and teach them how they can create a more comfortable and healthier living environment for their families.

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