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Published by Local Umbrella Media, 2017-11-16 21:25:34

Description: SCH_4SRanch_South

Keywords: 4S Ranch Saniego,Shay Realtors


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Serving 4S Ranch South COMMUNITY HUBWHERE HOMES ARE SOLD & COMMUNITIES CONNECT November 2017THE 8TH ANNUAL THANKSGIVING MORNING RUN By Ray Shay As many of you get ready to What’srun our Annual Thanksgiving Inside?Day morning, 5K Thank YouRun in 4S Ranch for the eighth Shop Local - Smalltime, you already know the sto- Business Saturdayry of Helen and Jimmy Mok. Abeautiful love story with a heart PG 2wrenching ending. Jimmy andHelen Mok’s love and her tragicdeath were the inspiration be-hind the Thank You Run .TM Jimmy and Helen had fivebeautiful children and theiryoungest daughter is Theresa Cops Life - The Vegas Tragedy PG 8Jimmy and Helen Mok. bravery and love of family was nosed with ALS, Helen passed mom. The “Closet” reminds us Dog Parks - immeasurable. We all knew that away in a family residence in all of how Helen would always Community BenefitsMok Shay. In March of 2007, Jimmy and her entire family Denville, New Jersey, surround- have little items to give her chil-Helen fell at a family event. Her would have carried Helen for a ed by Jimmy and her daughters dren and friends from her PG 10family soon received the heart hundred miles, if it would have Theresa, Diana and their sons downstairs closet to remindbreaking news that she had helped. Billy, Dennis, Johnny, and their them how much she loved each Let’sAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis extended family. of them. Connect!or ALS. Commonly referred to Unfortunately, ALS has noas, Lou Gehrig’s Disease. known cure. A close neighbor When you suffer such a deep We hope you all come out or 858-771-0311 told me it was the cruelest disease loss you look for ways to make it donate to the Thank You RunTM. Editor@ Helen and Jimmy moved in there is. I doubted her words, un- a positive. That is where each ofwith us in Ivy Gate for most of til we saw first hand how ALS robs you come in. The Thank You On Thanksgiving morning we ShayRealtors.comthe final year of her life. This ex- a person of the use of any muscles RunTM is not a money maker for can toast to what we lost and ShayRealtors.comperience forever changed all of while the person’s brain, (which is an individual, as ALL the pro- what we’re thankful for at theus. Helen’s and Jimmy’s grace, not a muscle) stays sharp as a tack. ceeds are returned to our com- Karl Strauss Beer Garden im- @ShayRealtors They know exactly where they are munity through Helen’s Closet mediately following the 5K and what they are facing. and the 4S Ranch Del Sur Foun- walk/run. See you Thanksgiv- dation. ing morning. Sign up at Than- Within 18 months of being diag- Helen’s Closet is Theresa’s non profit that was named after her Continue to page 3 for details about the race… Get the Community Hub delivered right to your inbox - every week! Visit and never miss out on important local news. SIGN UP NOW FOR THE COMMUNITY HUB eWEEKLY!

2COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2017 IS SMALL BUSINESS SATURDAY® By Jon Wesley EwellEvery year after the craziness of the annual, no-holds-barred, Black Fridaychaos there is something much better – Small Business Saturday.This is the day when lively consumers can (and should) focus on supportingtheir local businesses. In reality, every day is for small businesses. Local Um-brella Media’s primary mission is the support of local communities and thisincludes supporting small businesses whenever we spend money. We encour-age you to start in your local neighborhood and continue throughout yourlocal city and county. Hopefully we will all do this every day of the year, espe-cially during the Holidays. There are other things we can all do to help our communities and local businesses besides only shopping: 1. Make a commitment to refer other businesses and community ser- vices to your friends through word-of-mouth, and on social media. 2. Volunteer. There are many places that can always use volunteers. 3. Give to the needy. This is something else we should strive to do every day and not just when it’s a national holiday. Giving to people or ani- mals in need is one of the best things we can do. Check with your local community for places accepting volunteers or donation. 4. Donate goods. Go through your storage space and “shop” for items that can be donated. Check local neighborhood sites like Nextdoor® for people and business owners who help others and accept donated items. 5. Consider local restaurants for dining in and also for delivery. If you don’t plan on cooking a holiday meal check with your favorite local restaurant for delivery or takeout specials. Many of them offer some- thing and you could make a difference in them being able to provide for their families and friends. As much as we love the ease and convenience of shopping through Am- azon and other e-commerce websites, there is almost always a local al- ternative. Let’s challenge ourselves to search for opportunities to spend locally in our community. Check out some Small Business Saturday® resources on our website at: month Ray Shay shares his best advice for READ MOREbuying and selling with low real estate inventory PAGE 12in his popular column, THE BROKER’S CORNER.

3 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COM THE 8TH ANNUAL THANKSGIVING MORNING RUNEvent Schedule:5K Run Start: 7:30amKids 1K Fun Run (8 & under): 8:45amDon’t miss our Post-Race Family Festivalwith something for everyone!Registration Fees:5K Run Early Bird: $30After August 18th: $35CURRENT: $40After November 2nd: $45Race Day: $50Kids Run: $20Race Day: $25Location:4S Ranch Community Park16118 4S Ranch PkwySan Diego, CA 92127**Please Note: The Kids Run is limited to children ages 8 andunder and is a 1K loop within 4S Ranch Community Park. Wewill provide timing chips for 5K runners but the kid’s run is forfun and will not be chip timed. All runners (including the kidsrun) will receive medals. All registrations are non-refundableand non-transferable. Race times may be adjusted as neededbased on the discretion of the Race Director.Participants Receive:Official Thank You Run Race ShirtCustom Finisher’s Medal (to be released soon)Chip Timing (5K run only)Post Race Beer (21+ w/ valid ID)Thank you RPM Mortgage! A special thanks to Chad Baker and RPM Mortgage for being the lead sponsor at our annual Thank You Run. We appreciate your continued connection to the community! Visit for more information.


5 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COM Orthodontics for Children and Adults 858-756-6878 Complimentary Consultations

6COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017Da Mole Report:I’d like to send out a big “Da Mole welcome” to all my new readers from da new Community Hub® monthlynewspaper. I live in 92127 and have a large network of satellites and sources to brin’ yous guyz all da latestnews that’s happenin’ in our local area! You may have seen me ridin’ around town with my best friend, Guido,on our Vespas searchin’ out da latest scoop.Some of you may know me from my weekly column in da e-Weekly. If you haven’t seen this electronic news-letter, please feel free to sign up at sources have uncovered that on Black Friday, November 24,Waypoint Public in Del Sur will be hostin’ a Black Friday Brunch!After loadin’ up your car with all your holiday deals, head overto Waypoint Public from 9am -3pm. They will be offerin’ special$15 bottomless mimosas for da weary shoppers. They even havea special area for da kiddos to hang out and play.On November 26 from 5pm-7:30pm, da Village at Pacific High-lands Ranch will be sponsorin’ a Tree Lighting Event. My satel-lites have uncovered that they will have live music from StevenYbarra Music, FREE photos with Santa & Mrs. Clause, hot choc-olate from Breakfast Republic, and cookies from Panera Bread.Brin’ your family and friends to get into da holiday spirit!! Can’t make it on November 26? Then head over to Del Sur Town Center on Saturday, December 9 from 1pm – 4pm for their Hol- iday Celebration! My sources are reportin’ that they too will have Santa on hand for FREE photos as well as a real snow play area, refreshments, and giveaways from da local retailers. Yous guyz don’t want to miss out on these great holiday events!My next scoop is for all my ice skatin’ friends out there. Youmight want to check out da ice skatin’ rink at da Village at Pacif-ic Highlands! My sources have uncovered that it will be open onDecember 7 and December 8 from 2pm to 9pm. Da admissionis an unwrapped gift that will be donated to Rady’s Children’sHospital-San Diego OR a receipt of a $20 purchase from anytenant within da shopping center. Do yous guyz have kiddos who would like to have breakfast with Santa? Then head over to da Bernardo Winery December 18 – 23 from 9:30am – Noon for a delicious hot breakfast, special up-close encounters with Wild Wonders animal friends, face-paintin’ cookie and ornament makin’ and more! Mom and dad, sit back and enjoy a mimosa while da kiddos enjoy all of da entertainment and Santa himself! Tickets are available through Da Mole is Out!

7 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COMTEN REASONS TO SHOP LOCAL AND SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL COMMUNITY1. Significantly More tion Trust, “When peopleMoney Re-circulates In go on vacation they gener-San Diego County. When ally seek out destinationsyou shop at locally owned, that offer them the sense ofindependent businesses being someplace, not justmore money is kept in the anyplace.”community because localbusinesses often purchase 4. Environmental Impactfrom other local business- Is Reduced. Local busi-es, service providers and nesses make more localfarms. Buying locally helps purchases requiring lessgrow other businesses as transportation and usuallywell as our region’s tax base. set up shop in town centers rather than on the fringe.2. Non Profits Receive This generally means con-Greater Support. tributing less to sprawl,Non-Profits often receive congestion, habitat loss, re- ty. Local businesses are tion and lower prices overgreater support from local source depletion and pollu- owned by people who: Live the owners, some- tion. in this community; are less 10. A growing body oftimes as much as 350% 5. Most New Jobs Are Pro- likely to leave; and are more economic research showsmore money, than they do vided By Local Businesses. invested in the communi- that in an increasingly ho-from non-locally owned Small local businesses are ty’s future. mogenized world, entre-businesses. the largest employers na- 8. Put Your Taxes To Good preneurs and skilled tionally. Use. Local businesses in workers are more likely to3. Unique Businesses Are 6. Customer Service Is Of- city and town centers re- invest and settle in com-An Integral Part Of Our ten Better. Local businesses quire comparatively little munities that preserveDistinctive Character. The often hire people with more infrastructure investments, their one-of-a-kind busi-unique character of the specific product expertise add more to our tax base nesses and distinctive92127 Communities is what and they invest in their em- and make more efficient use character.brought us here and will ployees for better customer of public services.keep us here. Our tourism service. 9. Competition And Di- More about Shopping Local at:businesses also benefit, be- 7. Local Business Owners versity Leads To More our place doesn’t look Invest In Our Communi- Consumer Choices. A shop-locallike everyplace. According marketplace of thousandsto Richard Moe, President, of small businesses is theNational Historic Preserva- best way to ensure innova-

8COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017A COP’S LIFE — REACTING TO THE VEGAS MASSACRE By Ray ShayIn the early morning hours fol-lowing the Las Vegas Massacre,my phone rang as it often doeswhen tragedy strikes. It was theNews Director for ABC Channel10 News. He asked if I would comeinto the station. It’s not often that a Real Estate tion Kevlar body armor was During those early years, the thing that each and every on dutyBroker is called to speak on televi- heavy, hot and bulky. I recall the San Diego Police Department had and off duty police officer and for-sion about SWAT Tactical Opera- paltry Smith and Wesson 38 cali- the uninspiring and recruiting mer military person knew in Lastions and the challenges Police ber six inch revolver I had on my defeating title of having the high- Vegas that tragic evening.Officers face, but I have learned gun belt. Yes, it was a six shooter. I est mortality rate of any metro-people frequently want to talk really am that old. politan police department in these That not a single person in theabout my prior life as a SWAT great United States of America. crowd was wearing the level ofCommanding Officer and cop, Outside the metal perimeter ballistic body armor that wouldversus that as an owner of a local fence of Central Division was a Seeing such sacrifice for a cause even slow down the bullets thatreal estate company. much poorer community then it greater then yourself always hum- the cowardly madman was firing is today. Our nights patrolling Lo- bled me and forever changed me into them. Despite knowing the I honestly loved each and every gan Heights and Downtown San as a person. Despite the toll we dangers, so many citizens andday I was a San Diego Police Offi- Diego were filled with waring suffered as a community and a emergency responders bravelycer. Just as much I love being a stream gang drive by shootings, police family, I never lost my faith carried on their duties by caringdad to three great sons and my pimps, hustlers, PCP users and in the goodness of people. for the wounded, covering theircurrent form of employment at heroin dealers. We always had to loved ones and showed yet againShay Realtors. We just provide a watch each other’s back, because A few minutes before we went the American spirit that is thedifferent type of service to our it felt like we really were in the live at Channel 10 News, I was backbone of our wild west. asked by the news anchors Kim- berly Hunt and Steve Atkinson When I think of Las Vegas, New- I still recall in the early 80’s when In the previous eighteen months, what I else I thought about the town, Connecticut or the manyI attended my first graveyard shift three of my fellow San Diego Po- tactical situation in Las Vegas. man made or natural disastersline-up as a rookie cop. I found lice Officers had been gunned that have struck our country, mymyself sitting in a poorly decorat- down simply because they wore I had two thoughts. The first I heart goes out to the victims anded upstairs, rectangular confer- the same tan uniform as me and told them. It was that over the the citizen heroes that came toence room located where Seaport had a gold badge on their chests. days to come America would hear their aid. I will always be proud toVillage is now. My early genera- Since that day, SDPD personnel of incredible acts of bravery by be an American and yes I will al- has stood solemnly at attention both law enforcement and regular ways stand when our flag is un- another ten times as taps were citizens placed in an unfair and furled with my hand over my played and we buried more of our deadly situation. heart when we honor our great so very young fellow police offi- country and those brave warriors cers and watched helplessly as a The second thought I kept to and citizens that passed before us. wife, husband, mother or father myself, in order to avoid publica- and their children sat in silence as tion on the Local or National the Chief of a Police handed them News media. From the moment I a crisply folded American flag as a heard the first audio of the shoot- symbol of their sacrifice. ing, I knew immediately the same

9 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COM 9NOVEMBER 2017 |By Bart Mendoza November 24 The Creation Factory Music News: Levi Dean & The Americats Late 1960’s inspired, Los Angeles based, psychedelic beat rockers, The Creation Formed in 2014, Levi Dean and The Americats have Factory play the Soda Bar on November 24, alongside Los Sweepers and the won- become a local club favorite with their own brand of Amer- derfully named group, The Allyrgic Reaction. This is keyboard driven garage rock icana, tinged with folk, blues, country and rock ‘n’ roll. The at its best, the sort you might hear in movies of the era during the obligatory band is currently hard at work on their second album, with “freak out” party scene. There is enough groove and thumping bass lines in the producer Andrew Nast at Audio Design Studios, tentatively bands beats, as heard in their new single, “You Got It,” to get even the most jaded set for spring 2018 release. Performing at the Holding Com- listener up and dancing. Fans of sixties rock will love every second of this band’s pany on November 29, The Americats started in October musical time warp. 2014, shortly after frontman Levi Dean arrived in San Diego. “I grew up in Virginia, Dean explained.“I loved growing upThe Creation Facotry Photo by Leland Bobbe December 3 L.A.M.F. there, however I became restless as I got older and at age 20Walter Lure I followed the pull westward.” He arrived in California after While it didn’t make much of a splash when issued in 1977, there can be little doubt stops in Tennessee, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Ore- that the album, “L.A.M.F.,” by The Heartbreakers, has gone on to become one of gon. “I took a piece from everywhere I have been and each the most influential discs of that decade. Not to be confused with Tom Petty’s place has influenced my songwriting and musicianship,” he combo, The Johnny Thunders fronted quartet’s mix of punk and rock ‘n’ roll cool said. “At the same time, being so transient brought its own is timeless, inspiring legions of musicians in its wake. On December 3, The Belly challenges, but I was able to secure a permanent job in San Up Tavern will host a special concert in honor of “L.A.M.F.”’s 40th anniversary, fea- Diego in January 2014 as a Park Ranger and have been dig- turing an all-star band performing the album in its entirety. On hand will be original ging roots here ever since.” Heartbreaker Walter Lure with Mike Ness (Social Distortion), Glen Matlock (Sex Pistols) and Clem Burke (Blondie) plus special guests. For anyone who enjoys hard Deans Love of Americana stems from his childhood in the driving rock and roll this show is practically mandatory. South.“I was exposed to the deep roots of traditional Amer- ican folk music of the region,” he recalled. “My style is influ-Michael head & The Country Rockin Rebels December 13 Ocean Beach Farmer’s Market enced by a diverse group of musicians and songwriters includ- ing my family, Hank Williams Sr., Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Located at the intersection of Bacon and Newport,just a block from the beach, there The Band, Led Zeppelin, and David Grisman,” Dean said. is no doubt that the Ocean Beach Farmer’s Market is one of the area’s best places to “The first album I ever bought with my own money was catch sets from a cross section of San Diego’s music community. On December 13, Hank Williams Sr.'s ‘Greatest Hits’ album when I was fifteen. the market will prsent their annual Holiday Show, hosted by Michael Head of the At that point I had never heard someone who could accurately band Country Rockin’Rebels. The line-up was still being confirmed at press time, but portray his feeling through songs like he could. I was hooked past years have seen many of the area’s top performers stop by for a seasonal tune or when I heard the lyric about being heart broken and jumping two. More importantly, the event will also double as a drop off point for toys or in the river. His songs really spoke to me because, like most canned food items, which will be distributed to needy families in time for the holidays. teenagers, I was filled with emotional angst.” At the Holding Company, the band plans to preview tunesThe Gargoyles December 15 The Gargoyles from their forthcoming disc, alongside covers by the likes of Hank Williams and Robert Johnson.“We are planning for a Ron Silva brings his latest band, The Gargoyles to The Manhattan Bar on December high energy show at the THC and we are certain you will 15, on a bill that also features acclaimed indie pop quartet, Mittens. Mixing covers want to hop out of your seat and dance,” Dean said. and originals, the quintet includes bassist Chris Davies (The Penetrators) and guitarist Eric Bacher (The Tell Tale Hearts), keyboardist Derick Hugunin and The music biz is tougher than ever – what motivates Dean drummer Richard 'T-Bone' Larson, with Silva’s gritty vocals at the forefront. Silva to keep going?“I feel compelled to live out my life's purpose,” is a legend, known for his work in such groups as The Crawdaddys and Nashville he said good naturedly. “Birthing a new song is the greatest Ramblers and his new combo keeps the quality just as high, turning in a terrific, feeling in the world, and to witness that song having a positive danceable mix of R&B, sixties garage and rock ‘n’ roll. impact on someone is pretty cool too.” December 15 Holiday Hangover Short Takes The tenth annual “Holiday Hangover” concert, celebrating the music of the 1980’s, Mod inspired indie rockers, The Bassics, will release their will take place at the House of Blues on December 15. The show will feature four debut album, Every Day Life, on January 20… meanwhile, tribute bands including Strangelove-The Depeche Mode Experience, the Cured, The Event, the acclaimed 1980’s mod quartet has reunited Smiths tribute group, Still Ill and David Bowie doppelgangers, Electric Duke. All to co-headline The Purple Weekend Music Festival in Leon, are great at what they do, but the night belongs to Strangelove, currently one of Spain on December 8. In addition to the reunion concert, the most popular tribute acts in the U.S., regularly filling venues of up to 8,000. Bickerton Records will be issuing a deluxe, 10” vinyl only, The reason for their popularity is easy to see: They are virtually an exact replica collection of vintage demos in early 2018… Celtic group, of their namesake British quartet. If you missed out on seeing Depeche Mode in Brogue Wave, featuring violinist Patric Petrie, will be per- Chula Vista last month, this concert is the next best thing. forming alongside The Offspring and Buzzcocks, as part of the Flogging Molly hosted “Salty Dog Cruise,” sailing fromStrangelove Key West to the Bahamas, April 20 – 23… Beatlesfair 2018 will take place on March 31 at Queen Bee Arts Center. Guests December 19 Ariel Levine announced so far include Fab Four impersonators, Britain’s Finest, The Baja Bugs, Dave Humphries with Zak Nilsson On December 19, the Casbah will host the album release show for Ariel Levine’s (son of Harry) and author John Borack… singer Victoria excellent new album,“Let The Machine Get It”. Released on December 8, the album Roze is wrapping up studio work on her third album,“Bag- shows that Levine is a charismatic mix of Berlin era Bowie, Bryan Ferry and David gage Claim”, due out in January…KUSI-TV meteorologist Byrne, with songs that are adventurous, sometime quirky, but always melodic. A Dave Scott has released a new jazz album,“One Big Beautiful gifted producer and multi-instrumentalist, Levine’s songs, such as the album’s first World.”The acclaimed singer / trombonist is joined by guests single, \"Sunshine Part II: On My Color TV\" are radio ready, slotting well amongst including guitarist Peter Sprague, Hip Hop Artist Ayesha both todays hits, as well as the songs of his musical heroes. Scott and the Martin Luther King Community Choir of San Diego.Ariel levine

10COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017BENEFITS OF DOG PARKS IN COMMUNITIESAccording to recent studies, over parks? committees are seeing dog parks which will benefit society as well.a third of all U.S. households have Dog parks can act as a gathering as a way to let dogs run free with- With a dog park, you’ll haveone or more dogs. Armed with out penalty to pet owners or dam-this fact, community parks and spot for pet parents. They bring age to private property. Dog parks healthier pets and people to im-recreation departments are be- their pets to the park to get exer- also promote safety because the prove the quality of life in yourcoming more likely to include cise and socialize with other pets. pet owners are not walking on town or neighborhood. Keepdog parks than facilities such as Dog owners do the same thing. busy streets. these benefits in mind as you plansplash play areas or golf courses. While the dogs are playing, com- the future of your park’s facilities.When making plans for your munity members are more likely Public dog parks allow dogs toparks, it’s important to weigh the to form relationships, participate get ample off-leash exercise andbenefits of community dog parks in conversation and exchange social activity with other dogs.and the positive effect they can community information such as When dogs get the adequatehave for your community or events, doctors, and veterinarians. physical and mental exercise theyneighborhood as a whole. As leash laws continue to become need, humans are able to notice aWhat are the benefits of dog increasingly restrictive, many decrease in the level of trouble- community public leadership some behavior from their dogs Sources: a house for Fido! Are you a dog lover? We are too!! Call Shay Realtors for our exclusive list of the top houses for sale for dog owners. Yards, parks & more! BEST HOUSES FOR DOG OWNERS- GET THE LIST!

11 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COMTRAVELING STORIES ANNOUNCES STORYTENT TOUR WITH MICROSOFT,COMICKAZE, AND WAYPOINT PUBLIC FOR #GIVINGTUESDAY ON NOV. 28 Traveling Stories is promoting Park from 5pm to 7pm (3794 30th Attendees who donate $1 or more launch its year-end fundraisingreading on Giving Tuesday by St, San Diego, CA 92104). Way- to Traveling Stories will be entered campaign on Giving Tuesday withtaking its StoryTent program on point Public will donate a per- into a drawing for prizes. The the goal of raising $50,000 by thetour across San Diego. This Super centage of sales between 5-7pm to event is free and everyone is wel- end of 2017.StoryTent Tour will take place Traveling Stories. come to attend. More informationTuesday, November 28th with is available online at To learn more or to contribute,stops at Comickaze comic store in Traveling Stories team members visit the campaign webpage atLiberty Station, the Microsoft will be dressed as superheroes and Press is welcome at each stop or in Fashion Valley, and Way- giving away “reading is my super- for coverage before the event.point Public in North Park. It’s power” bracelets and general in-free and open to the public. At- formation about the organization. Giving Tuesday is the “Black Fri-tendees who donate $1 or more at Kids will have the opportunity to day” of charitable giving and takesany of the stops will be entered read and earn prizes at each stop. place the Tuesday after Thanks-into a drawing for giveaways! giving. Traveling Stories will Traveling Stories is a San Di- travelingstories.orgego-based nonprofit organizationthat helps kids fall in love withreading by the 4th grade. Found-ed in 2010, Traveling Stories setsup StoryTent programs at farmersmarkets and provides one-on-onereading support to kids 12 andunder. With three programs aweek, Traveling Stories is helpingover 3,000 kids a year become bet-ter readers. “We’re helping thousands of lo- StSouTropyueTrre ntcal kids but there are so manyfamilies in San Diego who’ve nev-er heard of our free StoryTentprograms,” said Emily Moberly,Traveling Stories’ Founder. “Weorganized this Super StoryTentTour on Giving Tuesday to get theword out about Traveling Storieswhile celebrating philanthropy.” Companies are helping out byopening their businesses for thetour and donating prizes for thegiveaways or a percentage of salesto Traveling Stories.Super StoryTent Tour Schedule:Stop 1: Comickaze in Liberty Sta- StoryTent &tion from 10am to 12pm (2750 giveaways atHistoric Decatur Rd #101, San Di- every stop!ego, CA 92106). Refreshmentswill be available for purchase witha percentage going to TravelingStories.Stop 2: The Microsoft Store inFashion Valley from 2pm to 4pm(7007 Friars Rd #860, San Diego,CA 92108). Microsoft will be giv-ing away a copy of Office 365 Per-sonal.Stop 3: Waypoint Public in North

12COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017Brokers Corner Our Tight Housing Market By Ray Shay The word on the street is that it for our clients while working with sively on the MLS. This gives you is a great time to become a real es- a strong lending company like the opportunity to see more offReal Estate Expert tate agent because homes are sell- RPM Mortgage to help ensure the market listings and homes prior RAY SHAY ing very quickly. The actual truth buyer’s finances are in order leads to going on the MLS. Give us a call is that it is a great time to be an to a successful home sale. and we will tell you about them.  experienced real estate profes- Sincerely,  sional with a team of employees The other part of the equation is Ray Shay  that can carefully guide our clients finding the right “move up” or Broker and Owner of Shay Real- so they can successfully navigate “move down” property for our cli- tors  this extremely tight housing mar- ents. We have many clients that ket. have more home then they need now that their children have gone As an example, we recently put a off to college and they are looking house on the market in 4S Ranch to capture tax free proceeds in this and within 72 hours we had elev- hot housing market. en offers. Each offer has its own strengths and weakness. To have We have several trademarked the skills to elevate the price, de- strategies that help you find your velop the terms that are the best next home without relying exclu-“How’s The Real Estate Market In San Diego?” By Chad Baker NMLS #329451 A seller’s market means the sellers with other buyers? Let’s say you’ve want. Three bedrooms. A newly Mortgage Experthold all the good cards. Home val- been shopping for a home for the renovated kitchen. Wood floors CHAD BAKERues are going up, sellers are getting past few months and it seems sell- and even an extra area you can usethe original list price they’re asking ers aren’t really into negotiating. as an office. You ask the price andfor, and overall the real estate mar- The homes in the area where you you decide that, while it is on theket is on a tear. When you’re com- want to live don’t stay on the mar- high side, you’re going to make apeting with others, especially in a ket for very long and the “Sold” full price offer. You sign the salesseller’s market, it’s a lot more than signs seem to pop up just a little too contract and walk out the door,just making an offer. There are oth- quickly. only to walk past two other peopleer considerations that must be ad- who want to look at this newly list-dressed. You need to understand Yet one weekend as you’re driving ed property as well.where the seller is coming from, around the neighborhood you seenot just the final number. someone planting a “For Sale” sign You go home that night and think in the front yard. You quickly pull you’ve finally found your home in So when you’re the buyer, what in and talk to the agent a bit who the area where you want to live andcan you do when you’re competing gives you the low-down on the while the sales price wasn’t exactly home and invites you in to take a what you wanted it’s close. And as closer look. It has everything you Continued on page 13 Did you know Chad Baker shares dozens of articles each month on his blog? Visit his site and get the information you need to make an informed home purchase. Read more at

13 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COM“How’s The Real Estate Market In San Diego?” Continued from page 12you fall asleep you begin dreaming the buyer’s financing not go two years of federal income taxes if approved, and in some situations,about new furniture, decorations through, the sellers have to put the you’re self-employed. Your bank enabling you to compete with cash.and new landscaping for the home. home back on the market and start statements will be sent to the lender the process all over again. That can to show you have sufficient funds to There is no cost to this program, The next morning, you get a call also be a red flag for future buyers close. When all someone needs is a and in most situations we alreadyfrom the agent you met. Your offer when a home is taken off the mar- property, the sellers are confident have the documentation that wewas declined. The home went to ket then put back on. there will be no problems. After all, need to submit your loan into thesomeone else. So what do you most sellers also have another Advanced Approval…? Is there something wrong with property they’ve made an offer on the property? and need to sell their existing home Benefits of Advance Approval® Sweetening The Offer for funds needed to buy the new • Waive financing contingencies Okay, so what happened? You The inspector found some struc- one. upfront tural damage? To avoid such unex- • Submit an offer to purchase withmade a full price offer and you were pected events, sellers want to see There are other things you can do a 15 day close of escrowturned down! You call the agent the buyers have already applied for that can help your standing with • Compete with cash offersagain and ask what the property financing and have been approved. the sellers but none more than hav-sold for and the agent tells you it All that’s needed is a property. ing your financing already lined up. And we are so confident you willwas $5,000 below yours. But the In fact, most real estate agents won’t close escrow on time, we will waiveagent has other properties you The Pre-Approval even let you in their car unless our loan origination fee if we can-might be interested in. When competing with others for you’ve already spoken with a lender not close the transaction in 15 days a property, if you already have your and further still won’t make an offer once your loan has been Advanced You offered more and lost. Why? financing lined up along with a let- on your behalf without a pre-ap- Approved There is zero cost or ob- When you’re competing with oth- ter from a lender that proves it, proval letter attached. If you know ligation associated with the pro-ers, especially in a seller’s market, you’re already a step ahead of your you’re in a seller’s market, the gramit’s a lot more than just making an competitors. That’s probably why pre-approval is your secret weapon. Turn Your Home-Ownershipoffer. There are other consider- you lost the last home even when Dreams Into A Reality!ations that must be addressed. You your offer was $2,000 higher than Our offer acceptance strategiesneed to understand where the seller the winning bid. You didn’t have a are designed to tip the scales in Contact San Diego Purchaseis coming from, not just the final pre-approval from a mortgage your favor. We provide property Loans today and let our team of ex-number. company. Sellers might accept an and offer-specific pre-approval let- perts leverage the power of RPM’s For example, when an offer is ac- offer $2,000 lower on a home listing ters and will oftentimes personally Advance Approval to help you pur-cepted by the seller, the home goes for $400,000 if there is an assurance reach out to the listing agent by chase the home of your dreams.into a “Pending” status which the buyers will have no problems phone on submission of your offermeans there is an accepted offer getting their loan approved as they to proactively represent your abilityand the buyers are arranging fi- only need a property. to qualify and perform on yournancing. Should the buyers not get Your pre-approval validates your purchase approval from their lender after financial position, employmentsubmitting the sales contract and history and credit. When you first No More Missed Opportunities:loan application, the home goes submit a loan application there will Introducing RPM’s Advance Ap-back on the market. The time frame be no specific property listed but proval®of making an offer to getting a loan the lender processes the applicationapplication approved can be two or as if you did. Your credit report will RPM’s new Advance Approval®even three weeks long. That’s how be pulled and credit scores record- goesbeyond a pre-approval andlong the seller has temporarily tak- ed. You will provide your most re- uses speed to make your offer moreen the home off the market. Should cent pay check stubs and W2s or attractive by underwriting your loan up-front, allowing you to shop for a home with your loan already 4S Ranch South Community HubGet the Community Hub delivered right to your inbox - every week!Visit and never miss out on important local news.SIGN UP NOW FOR THE COMMUNITY HUB eWEEKLY!

14COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017HUDDLE UP WITH COACH KEVIN “SPORTS CULTURE IN THE SOUTHLAND” By Kevin HolmesRecreational sports have engulfed the clinics and private lessons to permeate adaily lives of families everywhere and schedule that would rival the itinerary ofthat reality holds true in our very own a politician running for 4S Ranch and it’s similarlythriving neighbors; Del Sur and Santa Excess in anything is usually not goodLuz reflect this current cultural land- but we parents are mindful of the conse-scape. Without question we are ex- quences of leaving kids to their owntremely active and we should be—living “de”vices. That’s right, exposure to thein the almost perfect climate of San Di- unknowns of social media and theego the crown jewel of Southern Califor- World Wide Web is every parents night-nia. With the exception of adequate mare. Growing up, I wasn’t privy tofield space to accommodate our growth, these new age forms of entertainment,(I’ll tackle this quagmire in a future edi- fun was created through initiative andtorial), we are still second to none in imagination. Now kids often stay home“best neighborhoods to raise a family.” to play on tablets, smartphones and vid- eo games all day with minimal move- Plain and simple, our lives revolve ment or interaction with the outsidearound the sports schedules of our world. The consequence of inactivityhouseholds youngest occupants. That’s could be more than numbness of onesright, now more than ever, the athletic limbs but diminished social skills, obesi-ambitions of our children dominate our ty and the temptations of peer to day. Wait, did I say our kids ambi-tions? Let’s not forget those parents who Playing on a team can build character,live vicariously through their offspring trust and invoke an understanding ofto relive pipe-dreams, I mean high hopes tolerance and respect. As a parent andof one day becoming a professional ath- coach I often feel my own families sportslete. Well that day has come and long activities rise to the level of insanity. Mygone and now we try to provide the best wife and I strive to maintain a balance;life for our mini-me’s. Regimented by giving our kids time to relax, reflect andpractices and games, leaving little time enjoy a good book. That doesn’t changeto just play catch, our daily grind is more the fact this very weekend my 11 yearabout kids wearing the right cleats and old son and 8 year old daughter have agrabbing a stylized water bottle than if combined seven playoff games!they ate all their lunch. Most embracethe activities that give them a sense ofpurpose, not that the rigors of schoolwork isn’t enough. We tirelessly pressureourselves to ensure our bundles of joyexperience a well-rounded existence andthat starts and stops with sports. Exercise is not a big priority in the cur-rent curriculum of schools. Which isone of the reasons soccer clubs, travelball teams and organized athletics thrivein general. Even fringe sports like la-crosse, hockey and volleyball have founda place in the mainstream and hearts ofmany who’ve abandon the ever popular,overpopulated “traditional” sports. Nomatter what recreation your child gravi-tates toward there are plenty of leagues,WHERE HOMES ARE SOLD & COMMUNITIES CONNECTWe are more than a real estate company. We are a real estate community.Learn more about our (very) unique culture at

15 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COM

16COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017 Girlfriends, Golf, and Gratitude: The Making of the Carini Women’s Golf TournamentO n December 3rd 2017, By Alison Aragon, Grants & Communications Specialist at Pro Kids | The First Tee of San Diego. some of San Diego’s most accomplished womenand future leaders of ourcounty will descend upon ColinaPark Golf Course, home of Pro Kids| The First Tee of San Diego in CityHeights to participate in the secondannual Carini Women’s Golf Tour-nament. The tournament is hostedby Carini Heating and Air, a familyowned and operated heating and airconditioning company serving all ofSan Diego County. The tournamentbenefits the women and girls of ProKids, a local nonprofit operating outof City Heights and Oceanside.Pro Kids challenges underservedyouth to excel in life by promotingcharacter development, life skills,and values through education andthe game of golf. The program wasstarted in 1994 by former San DiegoCharger Ernie Wright in collabora-tion with the small group of dedicat-ed volunteers and golf professionals.The Pro Kids program served as amodel for the PGA’s The First Teeprogram (now an international or-ganization) and continues to operateas an affilate of The First Tee, with Kim Harrington Assistant Golf Professional & Tournament Coordinator with Pro Kid at the Women’s Tournamenta hightened focus on supportingkids throughout their personal and The start of the Women’s Tournament last year approach transforming the most ciation at The Santaluz Club, whichprofessional journey from elementry ment participants and the Pro Kids frustrating sport around into a vi- recently hosted a ‘Home & Home’school to college. The Women of players who participate in each of brant, welcoming event for beginners with the young women of Pro Kids |the Carini Women’s Golf Advisory the event foursomes. and pros alike? By remembering golf The First Tee San Diego in June.Council are the new-age of dedi- is a game best played with friends.cated philanthropists and volunteers So how did the women of the Ca- No one knows this better than Advi- Marcela started volunteering withfocused on a particularly unique rini Women’s Golf Advisory Council sory Council Chairsperson Marcela the Girls Mentoring Committeeneed; welcoming women and girls Smith, who learned the game after at Pro Kids | The First Tee of Santo the sport and supporting their in- her best friend Jane insisted she take Diego a year ago, and is impressedvolvement in Pro Kids’ golf and life a few lessons. with the variety of rewarding ex-skills program through mentorship. periences avaiable to ultimately Marcela started playing golf after help kids get into college and live Working together to raise funds productive lives. She is an advocatefor the second annual ladies-only for women in golf, playing what shetournament, the Carini Women’s calls “girlfriend golf ” as often asAdvisory Council is made up of possible with her friends. Marcela’sa diverse group of accomplished zest for life and passion for the gamewomen committed to the task of runs through the planning andelevating and encouraging fellow execution of the Carini Women’swomen through the game of golf. Golf Tournament, which will proveThe mission of the yearly tourna- to be even more lively this year withment is to raise money for Pro Kids’ a jazz band and champagne brunch.initiatives benefiting girls and young Marcela recently launched her ownwomen; and to help make the event blog Girlfriends Guide to Golfan enjoyable experience for tourna- where she helps women learn about golf etiquette, the rules of golf, and personal style on and off the course. Without leading ladies like Mar- cela, Pro Kids | The First Tee of San Diego would not have the dynamic young women’s programming it has today. retiring from the escro/title insur- If you are interested in joining ance industry and has loved it ever since. She served on the board of Big the female-run fun this Decem- Brothers Big Sisters of North County, ber, please visit www.cariniwo- and knows the value of mentors to learn more and role models for young women. about the tournament and how Marcela is involved in the leadership you can get involved.Marcela and Jane of the Santaluz Women’s Golf Asso-

17 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COM Advisory Council The Carini Women’s Golf Tournament at Pro Kids | The First Tee of San Diego is honored to have an Advisory Council comprised of a variety of accomplished and committed women from all over San Diego County. The Council helps support and guide the mission of this yearly event, to raise money for Pro Kid’s initiatives benefiting programs for girls and young women; and to help make the event a fun and enjoyable experience for the tournament participants and the Pro Kids play- ers who participate in each of the event foursomes. We are grateful to have the following individuals on our Advisory Council: MARCELA SMITH SHARI SEVERSON VIVIAN SAYWARDGolf Club Affiliation - The Santaluz Club Golf Club Affiliation – The Bridges Golf Club Affiliation – The Crosby Chairperson - Advisory Council UDOKA NWANNA VICTORIA WRIGHT SUE WAGGENERGolf Club Affiliation - ClubCorp, Golf Club Affiliation – The Crosby Golf Club Affiliation – Del Mar University Club NANCY LINDSAY MARSHA DRESSEL JENNIE RUSSGolf Club Affiliation – Country Club Golf Club Affiliation – Morgan Run Golf Club Affiliation – Balboa Park of Rancho Bernardo

18 | NOVEMBER 2017 18COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017KIDS’ KORNER: THANKSGIVING TURKEY CONTESTSend us your best Turkey and beentered to win $25 from Ike'sPlace! We have some great win-ners from last month's PumpkinCarving Contest, this month it'syour chance to WIN!!!It can be a drawing. It can bepainted. It can be craftedtogether. Have FUN and it is upto you!Submit entries [email protected]

19 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COM Crossword and monthly horoscope Coffee Break brought to you by your friends at: DOWN 1.Descend Mt. Snow (619) 280-9500 • 2.Cackler 3.Small insect Your monthly 4.Stag’s mate 5.Bard Horoscope 6.Sunrise direction 7.Newspaper pieceAries 8.Take steps 9.HealthyGet energized and enthusiastic at the October 5 full moon. 10.TrademarkAttract a new friend or lover who is willing to make a minor 11.Argumentsacrifice or go out of his or her way for your benefit and 16.Managedpleasure. 19.Billiard stick 21.Not quite closedTaurus 22.Paddy crop 23.LeastYou may feel like there's absolutely nowhere to turn. Reality 24.Dated dittyis a scary thing to face. The last thing you want to do is be 26.Louisiana swampserious. But you're finding it difficult to get satisfaction from 28.Ballpoint, e.g.your fantasy world. You feel a strong sense of duty to other 29.____ out (barely makes)people and places. 30.Fender flaw 32.SubtractsGemini 35.Between Feb. and Apr. 38.Sports facilityYou have a strong sense of self. You take charge of 39.Lady’s shoesituations instead of letting them take charge of you. This is 40.Adriftone of those days when you may feel a few growing pains 42.Go away!as shifting personalities clash with comfortable behavior 43.Care forpatterns. 45.“____ Done Him Wrong” 47.Pension-plan abbr.Cancer 48.Assortment 49.Explosive lettersYou may feel like a mediator between two camps, or you 50.____ saucemay be the one in a struggle that needs mediation. Factscould get twisted in all directions depending on who's ACROSSdelivering them. 1. Herringlike fish 5. Garden vegetable 52. 2,000 pounds HappyLeo 8. Cobblers’ tools 53. Western resort Solving! 12. Game of chance 54. Meat spreadBe careful about taking everything as a personal offense. 13. Rowboat paddle 55. Clump of turf ANSWERSAs long as you're able to maintain a healthy perspective on 14. Dice or mince 56. Lawyer’s abbr.the situation, you can move forward with ease. 15. Bank paymentVirgo 17. Cato’s clothing 18. Space under a roofDifficult tension may be frustrating for you to handle. You 20. Fortunemay wonder why everyone can't just get along. You may 21. Fire crimefind that the best you can do is take a step away from the 25. Sugar unitfire. 27. Jack’s companion 28. DelightedLibra 31. Citric ____ 32. Letter after ceeTension may arise among friends when someone suddenly 33. Oxen teamfeels like an ignored third wheel. People tend to pair up. Do 34. Exercise programwhat you can to stay on topics to which everyone can 36. Bird of ill ____contribute equally. 37. Hat’s place 38. VisitorScorpio 39. Light tap 41. CorrodedYour lively, imaginative spirit is in tune with the collective. 44. PurposesSomeone could try to burst your bubble, so be careful. 46. Lab workersDon't lose sight of your goals. 51. NettingSagittariusJust when you slow down, simplify, and plan, things start topick up again. Your imagination starts to fly. The last thingyour artistic mind wants to do is slow down.CapricornYour sense of play might get you into trouble. It may bedifficult for you to know how far to push a situation. Makesure you also see the need to settle down and get serious.AquariusYou're often a big fan of doing things the old-fashioned way.Even though people may laugh at you, you tend to insistthat the old way is the best way.PiscesBe careful about going overboard with your sarcasm. Somepeople take your comments seriously. Not everyoneunderstands your humor. This could make communicationunclear at times.

20COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017What’s an Off-Market Home?Shop real estate with less competion from other buyers“With real estate inventory still tight in many markets around the coun-try, home buyers need an edge, and that’s where off-market listingscome in. Otherwise known as pocket listings, these are homes that arefor sale but aren’t listed on the multiple listing services. That meansthe real estate agents selling these properties have to do the legworkto find buyers. Some opt for an off-market listing to test the waterswhile others go this route for a more private sales process. Certainhomeowners even think a pocket listing will create an allure that willget them an even higher price than a traditional bidding war.” -By Donna Fuscaldo, Investopedia We have Buyers!Off-Market Homes Available Right Now Want to sell your house? Shay Realtors has a growing list ofGuarded Gated Community, luxury family 2 Story home, 5 BD/ 5.5 BA/5,000+ sqft, 4 car attached garage, pool w/ outdoor kitchen, solar, buyers.custom upgrades, entertainers dream, stunning mountain views. Single family detached home in 4SVery private 2-story home in Rancho Bernardo, 5 BD/ 3 BA/ 2400+ Ranch/Del Sur/Carmel Valley forsqft, large private lot with pool & hot tub, paid solar, highly upgraded $1,000,000.and move in ready, synthetic grass with low maintenance landscap- Must have(s):ing. Move-in Ready 4+ BedroomsGated community, single level, 4 BD/ 4.5 BA/ 3800+ sqft, entertainer’s 3 Bathroomsbackyard, view, quiet neighborhood Open Kitchen w/ islandView home on the southside of 4S Ranch, 4 BD/ 3.5 BA/ 2800+ sqft, Within walking distance to parks andpool, panoramic view schoolsFor more details on these homes or if you are interested in learning Single family or attached townhome inmore about the benefits of selling your home privately and off-market, Del Sur for less than $800,000please contact Ray Shay at 858.449.7355 for a confidential discus-sion. 3 bedroom/2 bath home under $700,000 Discover your dream home with Shay Realtors Single family detached home 4 Bed- • Exclusive, off-market home listings room + with Canyon View up to • Private home showings for pre-qualified buyers $1,400,000 • Less competition from the open market • More flexibility on contingent offers Single family detached in 4S/ Del Sur • Creativity for terms of sale with 5 bedroom/ 4 bath up to $1,100,000 Single family detached home in 4S Ranch with 4 beds (1 bed must be on ground level) under $1,000,000 Call 858-771-7355 for more information.Need a competive edge finding or selling a home?Contact Shay Realtors at 858-771-0311 and ask about off market home opportunities.BE THE FIRST TO KNOW ABOUT OFF MARKET HOMES!

21 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COM 21NOVEMBER 2017 | Gorgeous birds from The Nat’s Birds and Mammals collection. (Photo by Pablo Mason)Cool Stuff to the museum. The entry is dominated by a amassed a collection of more than 8 million the root of scientific discovery Museum col-From Storage giant sperm whale jaw that demonstrates the specimens. Although the institution focuses its lections help inform present and future scien- sheer size of this remarkable mammal.Visitors research efforts primarily on Southern Cali- tists, students, and museum visitors about evo- will also see an impressive display of specimens fornia and Baja California, through its history, lution, implications of climate change, and howNatural History Museum’s from all over the world: brilliant gems and it has acquired specimens from all over the to protect the unique biodiversity and natural minerals, an emperor penguin, massive bats, a world. resources in the region. In addition to their 20- foot long anaconda skin, pinned bugs and The specimens in the museum’s holdings, tremendous scientific value, specimens are alsostorage spaces take center insects, a wall of skulls, and a variety of vintage which are meticulously preserved and cata- displayed in exhibitions, such as Unshelved,stage in new exhibition taxidermied birds. The specimens chosen for logued, are curated by several departments that and are used by the Education Department to this exhibition demonstrate the museum’s long comprise the Biodiversity Research Center of more clearly and definitively illustrate lessons history of collecting and the magnificent diver- the Californias (BRCC). Research departments being taught at the Museum Unshelved is“Unshelved: Cool Stuff from Storage”opens sity of life on Planet Earth. and collections include Birds and Mammals, located on Level 2 of the museum and isNov. 18 at the San Diego Natural History “Most visitors don’t get to see our treasure Botany, Entomology, Herpetology, Marine included with general admission.Museum and features gorgeous natural history trove — rows upon rows of shelves, drawers, Invertebrates, Mineralogy, Paleontology, and To help celebrate the grand opening ofspecimens never before on display. and crates holding millions of plant and animal the Research Library. Unshelved, The Nat has planned the followingThe building looks bigger from the outside specimens collected over the past 143 years,” “The Nat has been building a collection of public programs:than inside because it holds 8 million speci- said Judy Gradwohl, president and CEO of the natural history specimens for more than 140mens in storage areas underground and behind San Diego Natural History Museum. “A look years,” said Dr. Michael Wall, vice president of • Unshelved Family Daygallery walls. The museum is giving visitors a behind the scenes in our storage areas is like a science and conservation at the Natural History Saturday, Nov. 18, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.rare peek behind the scenes when they open cross-section of the diversity of nature itself. It Museum.“It’s high time we create an exhibition (included with paid admission)the exhibit, which is included with paid admis- is beautiful, strange, and fascinating, and we’re that is solely dedicated to telling that story. Unshelved brings the back of house to the • NATtalk: What’s In Our Drawerssion and will remain on view for two years. giving visitors a glimpse into that world.”As visitors enter Unshelved, they will feel as The Nat was established by a small group of front. Its quirkiness is sure to dazzle our visitors Tuesday, Nov. 21, 7 p.m.though they have been given an all-access pass citizen scientists in 1874, and since then has and prompt them to ask questions, which is at (extra ticket required).A drawer of beetles from The Nat’s Entomology Department shows the beauty of bio- Owls in the museum’s holdings lined up for inclusion in Unshelved. Curator of Birds and Mammals Phil Unitt holds one ofdiversity. (Photo by Pablo Mason) (Photo by Michael Field, San Diego Natural History Museum) the 50,000 bird specimens in one of The Nat’s many research collection rooms. (Photo by John Talbott, San Diego Natural History Museum)

4 | NOVEMBER 2017 22COMMUNITYHUB.COM November 2017Pairing Halloween Candy w/ San Diego Beers Words Alive and #GivingTuesday are a new way of link- Living the Gummy Bear flavors of raspberry (red), ing individuals and causes to strengthen communities. orange (orange), strawberry (green), pineappleHOPPY (clear) and lemon (yellow) perfectly compli- As we drift slowly into fall, with the Words Alive programs in full swing in ment the tropical bitterness in the IPA. Also, over 130 classrooms across San Diego County, we begin to turn our atten-LIFE the dry finish of the IPA helps cut the jelly- tion to the holidays. America’s ability to shop and spend has given signifi- like consistency of the Gummy Bears. cant attention to the “shopping” days immediately following Thanksgiving:with Beau Schmitt Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. We would like to introduce you to one more day after the Thanksgiving holiday that helpsSkittles + Three Berry Beatitude Almond Joy + our communities – #GivingTuesday.Mixed Fermentation Sour Cocomotive Coconut Porter4.5%, Council Brewing Company, Kearny Mesa 8.3%, Thorn Street Brewery, North Park Defined with social media’s ever present hash tag, #GivingTuesday is a global giving movement that has been built by individuals, families, organi-The sweet-then-sour flavor transformation is When the sweet coconut in Almond Joy com- zations, businesses, and communities in all 50 states and around the world.a mantra for many popular candies, but not bines with the rich chocolaty malts & toasted This year, #GivingTuesday falls on November 28th and harnesses theSkittles. Original Skittles are simply sweet and coconut in Cocomotive, it will take you on a collective power of a unique blend of partners to transform how peoplefruity. Three Berry Beatitude is a mixed fer- magical, island-style journey. Then, Cocomo- think about, talk about, and participate in the giving season. It inspiresmentation sour that is moderately sour, tart tive’s dry coffee bitterness cuts the fat of the people to take collective action to improve their communities, give back toand refreshing. Follow a handful of Skittles mouth-watering milk chocolate and almonds, the charities and causes they believe in, and help create a better world.with a sip of Three Berry Beatitude and you’ll leaving you with a dry, clean finish. #GivingTuesday demonstrates how every act of generosity counts, and thatcreate a whole new candy-like experience. they mean even more when we give together.Pucker up for this great pairing. Words Alive works together with more than 500 volunteers, donors,Sour Patch Kids + Raspberry Blush Kit Kat Bar + Hello Darkness teachers, administrators, and families, who know what collaborating andBerliner Weisse Oatmeal Stout on Nitro coming together means to make reading matter for thousands of children4%, Mikkeller Brewing Company, Miramar 6%, 32 North Brewing Company, Miramar and young people every day. It is in this spirit of collaboration that #Giv- ingTuesday was born. #GivingTuesday is a new way of linking individualsSour Patch Kids, now with the little blue dude, Biting into Kit Kat’s sweet chocolate covered and causes to strengthen communities.provide a mouthful of juicy tartness. Their wafers only gets better when it’s followed a sipstrong flavors of lime (green), lemon (yellow), of Hello Darkness. This creamy and chocolatey Words Alive is close to completing its initial 1,000-day Read-for-Lifeorange (orange), raspberry (red) & blue rasp- stout has a medium body with a sweet, coffee campaign, with a little more than $100,000 left to raise, and we’d like to doberry (blue) require a strong beer counterpart. finish. It’s the beer version of a mocha. Blend- that by the end of the year. This fall, we encourage our community, in theMikkeller’s Berliner Weisse pairs perfectly. Like ing Kit Kat’s wafer with Hello Darkness’s spirit of #GivingTuesday and the entire giving season, to consider joiningSour Patch Kids, Raspberry Blush starts off chocolaty finish will leave your kid wondering together and make a contribution, to consider becoming a volunteer, tosoft and light on the palate and ends with a where all his candy went. consider becoming a partner with Words Alive and ensure that every childdry, sensationally tart finish. And Raspberry has the opportunity to live and thrive in a literacy-rich environment.Blush has notes of coffee to finalize the sophis-tication of this pairing. We hope you keep an eye out for the growing presence of #GivingTuesday and heed the call to action that will change the way we spend around the Candy Corn + “Garbage Can” Pail Ale holidays. Let’s all take a moment to celebrate a time dedicated to giving Under the Kitchen Sink, Your Place back. Candy Corn is gross. It doesn’t pair with any- About Words Alive thing. Please throw it all away in your garbage Founded in 1999, Words Alive is a nonprofit organization that helps under- pail. served, low-income, at-risk children, teens and families discover how books and reading can add meaning to their lives. Words Alive engages its program partici- Drink Local, pants in developing a connection to reading with innovative programs and Beau initiatives with the goal of creating lifelong readers and learners. For more [email protected] information about Words Alive, its programs, volunteer opportunities and sponsorship opportunities, visit Bears +Mission Accomplished IPA6.3%, Breakwater Brewing Company, OceansideMission Accomplished IPA has huge tropicaland citrus notes of pineapple and mango. The

23 November 2017 SHAYREALTORS.COM 5NOVEMBER 2017 | WINNIE’S “Core Electric has been advertising with Local Umbrella Media Newspapers for over a year now. We are still PICKS! amazed at the high volume of calls we receive weekly from our ad in their publications. We at Core Electric believe that by being accurate, authentic and well organized Local Umbrella Media has established a strong following with local readers. We are especially grateful to the staff at Local Umbrella for always making sure our ads go out on time and even offering intuitive suggestions on design. Their assistance with our advertising has exceeded our expectations and certainly beats our experience with the other advertisers we've used in the past. (On- line advertising specifically)TASHI AND THE MONK – 2014 documen- RANDOM HARVEST - (1942) I know that We at Core Electric aretary: Lobsang Phuntsok leaves the U.S. and I've mentioned this movie before, but maybe it's looking forward to advertis-returns to the roots of his training by His Holi- time to cry again. An injured WWI veteran falls ing with Local Umbrellaness the Dalai Lama. His purpose is to set up a in love with a dancehall girl. How was she to Media for years to, Jhamstse Gatsai Children's Community, know that he had amnesia? They marry, have a Cheers !”in northeastern India. You will experience the child, and then one day he goes to the city. This – Craig E.rebuilding of hope within the lives of unwanted perfect life may soon crumble, and you will findchildren and especiall yourself talking to the TV. I did. Have the tissues Owner Core Electric next to you. You will need them. Yes, I did too. IfTHE VOICE OF THE MOON - (1990) Fed- you need a double-header of tears, you can also LOOK FOR US IN YOURerico Fellini's last film was released to mixed watch Imitation of Life. The one from 1959 made MAILBOX EACH MONTH!reviews. Now released in a restored form, the me cry more than the one from is worth a second look. It is an homage to Reaching over 50,000 homes in 16 Sansome of Fellini's great movies over his 50 year THE BIG SICK - (2017) Cultures clash as an Diego area communities – and growing!career as an Italian filmmaker. Roberto Benigni all-American girl marries a comedian from Pak- Low priced advertising options to reachis a former mental patient meeting an assortment istan. Her parents are not thrilled with her choice. your community – or our entire network!of odd characters and possibly his own true love. Are any parents ever pleased with the man who marries their princess? Anyway, something bad Local community informationTO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. - (1985) My film happens that will bring all of them together. You SHOP / EAT / SPEND LOCAL!fans know that I love action films from Bronson may think you know how it's going to end. Maybeto Eastwood. I would be neglectful if I did not it does, but the journey their will bring a few tearsmention William Friedkin's movie about coun- and a warm fuzzy feeling to you. Enjoy this movie.terfeiters being pursued by the Secret Service.The pulsating film score was written and record- HUNT FOR THE WILDERPEOPLE - 2016)ed in only two weeks by Wang Chung. It is one In this quirky comedy directed by Taika Waitit, aof my favorites. I hope that you like it, as well. delinquent teen placed in a foster home escapes to the bush country with an odd foster uncle. ATHE DRIVER - (1978) Starring Ryan O'Neal - national manhunt begins to find the two. DuringNow that I'm in an action movie mood, I must their adventure, the mismatched duo scatter ashesrecommend one of my all-time Winnie's Picks, of a loved one, fight off a wild boar, and meetby director Walter Hill. If you like action movies, people even stranger than them. This is a greatcar chases, tricky women, and obsessed detec- movie that the whole family will love. It may eventives, then this is your movie. There's also a great remind you of some people that you know.storyline that will keep you wondering about theoutcome. Isabelle Adjani is the beautiful femme Winnie Hanford of Ken Video celebrated her 90thfatale that may be smarter than everyone. Birthday recently, and her love of good movies - and sharing her favorites with us - is as strong ever. LOW RATES CONTACT US For More INFO: [email protected]

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