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2 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 3 I’M LOCAL! with KIM BOYKIN OWNER OF DESERT DIAMOND BAR Profiles of Local People by Local Umbrella Media Tell us what are Desert Diamonds? just the serviceman who serves, it is the entire It all started in 2003 when I had my first Dotting the deserts in the Arabian Peninsula family and he wanted to express his gratitude daughter. She was born premature at 3lbs 2oz with a “Nod to the Navy.” and I was forced to quit my job and stay home are quartz stones which glitter like diamonds. Why is jewelry so important? to take care of her. I loved being a stay-at-home These stones, referred to as Desert Diamonds or mom, but I felt something was lacking in my Al Quysumah diamonds, have become popular Jewelry is often sentimental because it comes life. I love being productive and have always as they have a similar appearance to real dia- with a meaning or a story especially if it was wanted to branch off on my own and start monds. given to you by a loved one. A newly engaged something that I could take with me wherever How did this all start? bride to be came to me and asked me to design the Navy sent us. The opportunity to take over a pendant she could gift her mom on the morn- my dad’s jewelry business was a perfect fit. I re- My family was first introduced to Desert ing of her wedding. This customer described her member visiting our jeweler in Thailand when Diamonds in 1980 when we were stationed in mom as a powerful force. She was a single mom, I was a child and I have always been my dad’s Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. For fun, we would go the breadwinner and the two of them did life “go to” when it came to jewelry design. It was a Desert Diamond hunting in the desert outside together. Her mom did everything she could to lot of work in the beginning, a lot of sweat and of Riyadh. We would see these quartz-based make sure she had a full and happy childhood. tears as I started my “word of mouth” business stones sparkle on the dunes at dawn and again We decided to incorporate two Desert Dia- before social media was even on the internet. at dusk. My dad hired a jeweler in Thailand to monds side by side, signifying their bond. The Step by step I have grown quite a following and cut these stones and set them in gold or silver linear elements are their two lives together and my customers are what drive me to provide the settings. Thirty years ago, Desert Diamonds even though she was entering a new chapter of absolute best service. This business is mobile were cut straight from the quartz stone, but her life, their bond would continue side by side as it is all online, I can work it at any hour and over time our jeweler has perfected the “look” of and never be broken. it fits into my busy schedule with two active these stones by crushing the quartz into powder How has your collection changed over the teenagers in the house. form and heat treating them. The end result is years? a high-quality diamond simulant, equal to a D In time, after doing countless trade shows and color and VS1 grade. These stones are impossi- My Desert Diamond Collection has grown presentations, I eventually got the attention of ble to distinguish from carbon diamonds. They and evolved over the years, but the bread and some retailers and was able to get my line in re- are 8.5 on the MOHS scale of hardness and a butter of my business has always been the classic tail stores in both Honolulu and San Diego. The CARBON diamond is 10. Desert Diamonds will Desert Diamond stud. Diamond studs are not turning point for my business was in 2016 when not discolor, crack or become brittle with age. only timeless but can be dressed up or dressed I partnered with Joyus. Joyus is an online store Our jeweler hand cuts each stone with the same down and are great for everyday wear. They are that specializes in apparel, beauty and lifestyle. carbon powder used in cutting real diamonds. subtle enough to match any occasion but ele- This partnership capitulated Desert Diamond They are also cut with the same faceting tech- gant enough to offer your style a refined touch. Bar into mainstream as they have over a million nique as a diamond. The result has a fire, luster Our consistent top sellers have been the Bril- followers. In the end it has been the connec- and brilliance of a real diamond without the liant Cut, Asscher Cut, Cushion Cut, Princess tions I have made with my customers that has HIGH cost of a real diamond. Cut and the Bezel Set. made this journey so incredibly special to me. Tell us about your customers. You are a mom, a Navy wife and an entre- preneur. How do you balance it all? Being a Navy spouse, I have had to become I took over my dad’s Desert Diamond business creative when it comes to work. We move every in 2004. The most rewarding part of my busi- few years and doing something online has been ness is helping my customers create their dream a godsend. In 2014 I became a Rodan + Fields piece of jewelry for a fraction of the cost that Skincare consultant, I fell in love with their they would pay at a high-end jewelry store. Cus- skincare and it seemed like a fun side business tom creations are so fun because we are creating to add to my Desert Diamond business. Both something that is one of a kind and often comes businesses are done entirely online and not only with a personal story. One customer, a US Naval do they provide two streams of income, but they Officer, came to me to make pendants for his keep me inspired and motivated. I love helping wife and two daughters. He was set to retire and women connect with products that make them wanted to honor his family at his retirement sparkle and glow. ceremony with personal gifts. We went straight How can people contact you? to work on ideas for his wife. We agreed on a design that would incorporate the “nautical If you ever need help with creating that knot” signifying his career in the Navy and we special gift for someone or if you just want to added the birthstones of his two daughters to splurge and have something made just for YOU, the pendant. For his two daughters we designed please feel free to contact me via my website: anchors adorned with desert diamonds. It is not ■ LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
4 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 LOCAL DOCTOR WINS FITNESS COMPETITIONS IN LAS VEGAS By Mia Bertelsen Dr. Melinda Silva looks stunning in her red swimsuit. “A lot of people are afraid to take a new Today I sat down with Dr. Melinda Silva at her “So I was in despair and through that sad- journey because they might fail. The journey is not the destination, it is the process of getting medical practice in Chula Vista, California. Dr. ness, of course, you don’t take care of yourself. to the destination. One of the first things that Silva is a bioidentical hormone specialist who And then COVID hit and I gained the “COVID I needed to change was my diet. If I was going is highly trained and uses her medical knowl- 10” then the “Quarantine 15” and in my despair, to be in fitness shape, I wasn’t going to eat sugar edge in both holistic and traditional medicine I let myself go. All four of my kids were home which was really tough for me. Some studies to come up with a personalized health plan for and I wanted to bake and cook comfort foods. show that sugar addiction is stronger than her patients with a goal of feeling sexier, looking One of my favorite memories of my father is heroin. My fear of walking in public in a bikini younger, leaner and stronger. Her vast medical cooking with him. In my culture, we celebrate was greater than my desire to eat that cookie! I experience includes being a specialized Board life with food! figured out what I needed to do and it was very Certified physician with more than 23+ years of multifactorial, not one thing that helped, but a clinical experience and fellowship training in “A friend of mine, Brett Davis, asked me while lot of changes that helped me to get to my goals. Integrative and Functional Medicine. Get ready I was doing a podcast, ‘what is wrong with you? Fitness is not just the physical strength, but the for an amazing look at her personal journey You don’t have your joy that you usually have, emotional strength. Harder than pumping the that started with the death of her father and the your spark.’ I told him that I am just sad. I physical iron, was the motivation and discipline deep sadness she felt. She took herself from this didn’t practice self-care. I didn’t know how to to not eat poorly.” very low point in her life and turned it around come out of it. I used up all my energy for work to create personal growth. and my family. He said, ‘let’s change that and do Her diet was mainly plant based, and consist- some physical training and some exercise so you ed of whole foods like vegetables, low glycemic Dr. Silva is not intimidated by challenges and can focus on something positive.’ fruits as her natural sugar, healthy fats and lean is always pushing herself to reach the next goal. meats. She increased her consumption of water “When I was going through hormonal changes, “During this journey when I focused on my greatly. “When I took care of my body physical- I didn’t want to take synthetic hormones that physical strength, it tremendously helped my ly, I was really nourishing my soul too,” Dr. Silva have been proven to cause cancer,” she ex- emotional strength. You can’t divorce the two. reflected. plained. “So ten years ago I left my very com- It is the strength of my spirit and of my soul. It fortable job at Kaiser and took a chance to offer was hard for me to exercise just to exercise. I Her training schedule was every day before this life changing treatment to other people. It am very results-oriented and when he told me work and weekends. “I had to get up before 6 was a risk and a challenge, but my father helped about a fitness competition in four weeks, I am to train for at least 45 minutes with a very me to realize that there is no greater risk you thought to myself there is no way that I could focused workout,” she said. “I had done weights should take than the investment in yourself.” be ready in that short amount of time. He said, before, but I didn’t have a trainer. Having two ‘yes you can.’ So I convinced myself that I could personal trainers made all the difference for me, Her big risk to change jobs has paid off and do it. Even though I knew I wasn’t going to especially because I have injuries and physical her patients are so grateful to have her on their be perfect in four weeks, I knew I was going to limitations from previous car accidents.” She team. “Sometimes it is the simple steps and be better than I was at this moment and that’s worked out with her personal trainers in a choices we can make that can make a big dif- what was important. I accepted the challenge ference,” Dr. Silva explained. “I am a medical and committed to succeeding. doctor who helps people to lose weight. I don’t have a weight loss clinic. It is very, very differ- ent. When I talk to someone about weight loss I want to know their goals. The weight scale is a guidance for us, but we shouldn’t be so occupied about the number. Most women will tell you to the pound where they feel the most com- fortable. It could be any number and it doesn’t really matter. They know it and that is what I trust. Where do you feel your ideal weight is? The solution to weight loss is very multifactori- al and there are a lot of moving pieces. Simple changes can get you in the right direction. If somebody wants to lose weight, I can make one change in their diet that can help them to lose five pounds in a month. It could be so simple like avoiding potato chips this month. If I can get them to commit to one simple change, then they can see that other changes they can make are cumulative. “For me, this journey started because my heart was in despair,” she shared. “I had lost my father on February 27, 2020 right before the COVID shutdown hit and I wasn’t expecting it. He was doing so much better after suffer- ing three strokes in a week two years prior. He was getting stronger, he was talking, laughing and smiling. He was such a good provider as a grandfather, father and as a husband. He was just one of my greatest heroes. For him to leave so abruptly, it was hard. I still remember the last time I saw him was a Tuesday morning and I would have breakfast with him every Tuesday. He looked at me straight in the eye and said, ‘I am good.’ And right before I left he added, ‘I love you and thank you.’ Little did I know, those would be his last words to me. It is a sweet memory and the best parting gift to know that he was at peace when he passed. It was just like my dad to not have my last memory of him to be negative. “He also encouraged my mom to go out that night to celebrate a friend’s birthday. His last words to her were, ‘enjoy yourself, have fun and I love you.’ And so my mom left and when she came home, he had passed. So she never saw him suffer. It was the greatest gift that he could have given to her. I felt that somehow he had done that on purpose. I don’t know how he did that, but my dad would do things for us and take care of us, even at the very end of his life. LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 5 Dr. Silva is the Runway Model Champion and the Sports Model Champion. private garage gym and outside at Imperial The first competition was on October 3rd, again and having a goal of doing this once a year Beach Fitness. She credits the support from her 2020 in Las Vegas and she won the title of “Miss to keep herself in shape. She is in maintenance two trainers as key. Brett Davis, an amateur World’’ from AAU (Amateur Athletic Union). right now and has gained about four pounds. champion bodybuilder, kept her accountable It is an amateur bodybuilding fitness competi- Over the winter holidays she ate what she want- for daily training and was a great emotional tion. She was the Masters Overall Champion in ed to (in moderation) and is ok with the few support. Jewelyn Merrill, professional champi- the age category of 55-59 years. pounds she gained. She also took a break from on bodybuilder, helped her with a personalized going to the gym and working out with a train- nutrition plan, posing and training specific body “When you are presenting yourself, confidence er each morning. She rides her Peloton bike dai- parts. does matter,” she shared. “If you are feeling like ly for at least 15 minutes. She doesn’t neglect a winner, you are more likely going to be a win- keeping her arms strong and loves a Peloton Cardio was really important for Dr. Silva to ner. If that is what you want, you have to really ride that incorporates upper arm exercise in shed fat. She rode her Peloton indoor exercise feel it.” between bouts of cycling. “I think it is very sexy bike for 30 minutes at night. “I would think for women to have strong arms,” she said. “And about what I was putting in my mouth and how The second competition included AAU and that was the one thing I didn’t have before the much time I would have to spend on my Pelo- ICN (I Compete Natural) and was in Las Vegas a fitness competition.” ton bike to burn it off,” she laughed. “Thinking month later on December 7th. ICN is based out about weight loss is calories in and calories out. of Australia but hosts international competi- “I used all the tools that I have in my office to It is not rocket science. If you use up more calo- tions. There were about 40 women competing get the best body that I could have,” she ex- ries than what you take in, you are going to lose that day, including competitors from Australia plained. “I took natural supplements, I followed weight. It is better for it to not be empty calo- and the UK. Dr. Silva competed in 6 different my own weight loss program that I recommend ries. Some mornings when I was not motivated categories and won all 6 of them! She was to my patients, I used the machines that I have to exercise I could feel my dad’s spirit poking me awarded Masters Overall Champion 2020 for to burn off pockets of fat with CoolSculpting, a and tell me, ‘Come on baby get up. You can do Bikini, Classic Swimwear, Runway Model and non-surgical fat burning device. I built muscles this!’ Even in his death, he was still my greatest Sports Model. She also won USA and Universe with EmSculpt, a non-surgical muscle toning motivator. I knew that this fitness journey was titles. device. But, the very best tools I had were diet not just for me. It was also for the spirit of my modification and regular exercise. The struggle father. It helped me to heal my despair. People “There were girls in the overall bikini category is real and it is a lot of work to get the body that could see the physical transformation, but the 15 years younger than me and I was surprised to you want. My kids were so surprised how disci- emotional transformation was more important win,” she explained. Dr. Silva took home a lot plined I was during my two-month training pe- to me. Especially during this time of COVID, of huge plaques and medals to mark the hap- riod. I ate zero sugar. I was not hungry, because there is so much despair, anxiety, depression py occasion. She wasn’t expecting to win all 6 my food was enough. I also helped a woman to and higher suicide rates. It is just horrible. I am categories that she competed in. “It was just my start up a wine company, Sasy Wines, and I had grateful that my training proved to be a healthy day,” she shared. “All the girls there were gor- no wine, not even a sip, during this time. If you outlet and helped me to cope better through geous and strong, but I could tell that some of want something bad enough, you find a way to this difficult time.” them were not as confident. So I made it a point get there.” to change the energy of the room by sincerely At 57 years old, Dr. Silva was ready for her first complementing the girls. I could find beauty And Dr. Melinda Silva did find a way to get fitness competition ever. She was able to re- in each of them and I shared my feelings with there. Congratulations! We hope that by learn- duce her body fat by 19% in two months! “I was them. Everybody who was there, deserved to be ing about her personal journey, you can find skinny-fat,” Dr. Silva laughed. She explained she there. I felt so blessed that I was able to be there your own inspiration for personal health and was skinny on the outside and fat on the inside. too.” wellness. If you would like to contact Dr. Silva Eliminating sugar and processed food had the her office is located at Village Arts Medical 890 greatest impact on reducing the fat around her More than anything she was in competition Eastlake Pkwy Ste 103, Chula Vista, CA 91914, visceral organs and reduced the inflammation with herself. “I think that helped me a lot,” Dr. (619) 761-1574. Learn more about weight loss, and bloating in her abdomen. This also helped Silva said. “I had so much confidence because I hormones and cosmetics at DrMelindaSilva. with reducing blood pressure and diabetes risk. earned my spot to be there and I knew the sacri- com. ■ fices I made to be there.” Dr. Silva’s future plans include competing LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
6 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 Local TV reporter Jenny Milkowski LovSeps oTthlieght By Jeanne Rawdin always worked in TV news. I went to the University of Illinois in Cham- TV personality Jenny Milkowski embodies a delightful mix of on-air paign/Urbana and graduated with a degree in broadcasting. I studied radio, documentary, writing and even studied abroad in Peru conducting reporter, comedienne and over-achiever. She epitomizes the role of interviews and investigations in Spanish. multi-tasker in the local TV news arena as the morning show host, so- cial media anchor, features reporter and traffic anchor at KFMB TV, San Almost my entire broadcasting and acting career has been in Chicago. Diego’s CBS affiliate, and CW. Along with dozens of other videos on her After graduating from college, I worked in Northern Wisconsin working personal website and social media, she also prominently displays her as a reporter and weather anchor for one year. After that, I came back to blooper reel. It’s obvious that, despite her talents, she doesn’t take herself Chicago and worked at many of Chicago’s top TV stations as a writer and too seriously. For an on-air type, she’s pretty good at poking fun at herself. producer. A two-time Emmy Award winner, she’s currently considered the “social At that time, I studied the art of improvisation and acting at the presti- content leader” at KFMB/CW and was voted “Best TV Personality” in gious The Second City Chicago, as well as other acting studios. While in San Diego in the Union Tribune 2019 Readers’ Poll. Born and raised in Chicago, I filmed several commercials, worked as a digital TV host -- host- Chicago by Polish immigrants, Polish was Jenny’s first language growing ing shows ranging from food to technology -- and was on Chicago’s top up, and she embraces her Polish heritage on air. She started her TV career radio stations delivering traffic reports. For many years, I worked as a traf- in Chicago, where she was ranked the number-one digital talent in the fic anchor and TV host at Fox Chicago--until I left to host my own radio Chicago market. She’s also had several roles as an actress. show called “Jenny Milk and Jay” on WSHE 100.3. It was then that I was offered a dream job in California, hosting and doing my own daily feature Local Umbrella Media recently caught up with her to find out more segments. I report on everything from surfing to restaurants and put my about her past, her present, and where she sees herself headed. own comedic spin on my reports. I love being out in the community and Both of your parents were born in Poland, and Polish is the first lan- bringing a smile to people’s faces! guage you learned as a kid. What was that like? I know you’re a big animal advocate. You were involved in Paws Chi- cago, an animal shelter in the city of Chicago. What organizations are My mom came to the United States when she was 21 years old. Mean- you involved with here in San Diego? while, my father came to Chicago when he was about 7 years old. I was first generation born in America, specifically on Chicago’s Northwest Side Here in San Diego, I created my own fundraiser to raise money for (which by the way, has a huge Polish population). My parents wanted to local shelters. I thought of the #StayPawsitive campaign while working be sure to keep my Polish heritage alive and spoke the Polish language at from home and fostering shelter animals. I got together with a local shirt home. I even went to Polish school on Saturday mornings in addition to company, and we designed a shirt and started selling it, with profits going regular school during the week. I didn’t learn English until I went to pre- to help The Cat Lounge in La Jolla (a cat shelter), and Second Chance Dog school and was surrounded by English-speaking children. I had to learn Shelter. fast! I was fluent in English by the time I enrolled in first grade. How has the pandemic affected you -- good and bad? You’ve talked about Polish foods on the air, including the correct pronunciation of certain dishes. What’s your favorite dish? Honestly, I am very lucky. I am healthy, I am employed. I am happy. The pandemic has been a time for me to reflect and talk more with my It’s really hard to pick my favorite Polish food. But I would have to say family. And let’s face it, I’m saving more money because I’m not shopping kielbasa, also known as Polish sausage, is most definitely up there. That, or eating out. But that being said, I am using my time at work to high- and pasztet, which I used to eat a lot as a kid. In case you don’t know, light small businesses that need our support during this time. My entire pasztet is usually made from cooked liver, beef, pork or venison and family is comprised of small business owners, so helping local and small served in slices on top of bread. has a huge spot in my heart. Can you share a favorite memory from your childhood? Name three things you are most passionate about. Wow, a favorite memory from my childhood? Man, I can barely remem- I am passionate about animals, working out, making people laugh and ber last week, let alone when I was a kid. I’m kidding. Sort of. My child- exploring the community I live in -- and the world. hood was great--I grew up with a younger sister and parents who made What gets you angry? sure we always went on travels and were able to partake in extracurricular activities. As a kid, I was a gymnast, dancer, actress--you name it! My I get angry when people don’t strive to be better and are complacent. I fondest memories including traveling with my cousins and laughing with also get angry when people abuse animals. my little sister. What are your hobbies? When did you figure out you wanted to be in front of the camera? My hobbies include dancing, working out, hiking, reading, writing and I was recently at home helping clean out my parent’s basement when making social media videos! I came across boxes of my childhood items from school. I found a book How do you hope to change the world? I wrote when I was just barely a teenager, outlining what I wanted to be in life. For some reason, it was just always in me to entertain and inform. I hope to change the world by making people smile and showing people I started reading books and writing stories and poems at an extremely that it’s good to be authentic. I also want to further help animals by pro- young age. I remember cutting out Polaroids of myself and sending them moting animal adoption. to modeling agencies when I was 12 years old. There are home videos of Where would you like to be in ten years? my cousins and me playing -- except they were playing and I was pretend- ing to interview them using a hairbrush as a microphone. I guess I never In ten years, I would like to be hosting my own travel show. I want had to think too much about it. I always knew I wanted to be on televi- to showcase cultures and food and activities around the world in a fun, sion and tell stories. Plus, I love making people laugh. quirky and humorous way. When did you get your first job in TV news? To see more on Jenny Milkowski, go to or Jenny My first job in broadcast journalism was straight out of college. I’ve Milkowski TV, or follow her on social media: Facebook, Instagram, You- Tube, LinkedIn, and Twitter. ■ LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 7 Jenny Milkowski on the day she adopted her cat from The Cat Lounge in La Jolla. Her name is Pickle. Jenny says, “Despite the look on my face, I like when people tell me I’m good at stuff and “Quarantine is hard for me. I need structure, pants, and social interaction,” Jenny said re- things.” cently. @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected] LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia
8 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 Photos Courtesy of San Diego Humane Society LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 9 Happy Birthday to Benji the Black Bear! Please join San Diego Humane Society in Where did he come from? COVID-19? wishing a beary happy birthday to Benji, a Benji arrived July 3, 2019 from the California San Diego Humane Society’s Ramona Wild- black bear animal ambassador at the Ramona Wildlife Center! Benji turned 3 years old on Department of Fish and Wildlife (CADFW) life Center is not open to the public. However, February 2nd, 2021 and his caretakers celebrat- as a yearling. He had a neurological health our campuses in El Cajon, Escondido, Oceans- ed him with a cake made of apples, bananas, concern and a history of approaching people ide and San Diego are – with modified opera- grapes and assorted berries, with mashed pota- at the Northstar California Ski Resort in Lake tions during the pandemic. For everyone’s safe- to ears and date eyes! His cake was completely Tahoe. For both those reasons, he could not be ty, all of our services are by appointment only. vegan, made with love by one of the released back into the wild. Our adoption consultations are virtual as well. What are some interesting facts about him? You can make an appointment and learn more San Diego Humane Society’s volunteers. about our COVID-19 modified operations at Along with some stuffed animals and “box Benji serves as an ambassador of his species friends,” there was also a birthday song, card at San Diego Humane Society so we can teach How can the public support your mission? and presents for Benji to enjoy. people about our native black bear, how to co- habitate safely and why it is important to not San Diego Humane Society relies on support Local Umbrella Media spoke with Nina habituate these animals to humans — for our from the community in order to care for nearly Thompson, the San Diego Humane Society’s safety and theirs. 50,000 animals each year, including companion Director of Public Relations to learn more Are you open to the public? Could you animals, livestock and wildlife. To support our about this adorable bear. tell us some details about being open with mission, you can make a lifesaving donation at How long has Benji been living with you? ■ LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
10 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 Neighborhood MEET ANA DETOMMASO: Publications DOG RESCUER HERO Reaching Over 125,000 San Diego Area By Mia Bertelsen On most days you will find Ana busy rescuing her Mailboxes Every Month! next dog. Ana is a resident of Imperial Beach and is constantly on the move. So much so, that she laughs Follow & Like Us Online! that her car has taken such a beating with all the miles she has driven it and the dogs, food and supplies she @LocalUmbrellaMedia has skillfully packed into it! She works in Baja Cali- fornia, mostly in the Tecate region, and organizes all Browse all editions online at of the details to save canine lives. She can’t say no to a dog in distress. People from Mexico alert her of a dog needing help and she takes them to the vet in Mexico, finds them a foster family to help them heal and then places them for adoption in the U.S. She does all of this with private donations, her own generosity and working with rescue groups here. In our next issue we will have a full-length story detailing more on her amazing work. HYPER-LOCAL COMMUNITY Maggie is at the vet getting life-saving treatment. have three locations in Imperial Beach, Chula Vista, PUBLICATIONS Ana shared with me her excitement because a local and Rancho San Diego,” Rubio explained. “We take pride in providing the best customer service. Our staff Local Umbrella Media publishes pet store, IB Pet, has just generously donated 400-500 is constantly learning new things about pet food and hyperlocal, positive, upbeat, pounds of food for dogs, dog treats, a big doggie bed making sure that we make knowledgeable based rec- community publications, focusing and a huge wire crate. “Everything goes to Baja and ommendations rather than just trying to sell custom- on supporting local businesses, it helps so many dogs,” she explained. “I have a lot of ers on anything. We get to build relationships with lifestyle articles, upcoming events, puppies and some of them have mange and the salm- the community by offering free microchipping events, talents and contributions of the on protein helps them to heal. IB Pet is so amazing to donating food to local rescues, and in general getting locals who live and work in our give me a huge donation. I know a lot of people who to know our customer and their fur babies.” communities. need these donations desperately.” Lots of people in Baja have contacted her right away to ask for the food. In today’s business climate the message to shop i ADVERTISING INQUIRIES “I give the majority of it to people who have 30 plus local is strong and so important. “We hope that more BRAD WEBER | 619-375-2889 dogs,” Ana said. people continue to shop local to help small businesses [email protected] in need,” Rubio emphasized. “Rather than eating at a I spoke to Teresa Rubio, IB Pet Marketing and Mer- fast food restaurant, support a local restaurant. Need i GRAPHICS & DESIGN chandising Manager. Teresa learned about Ana’s res- an anniversary gift? Find a local gift shop and shop Provided by MAINE ST. MEDIA cue work through Facebook and mutual friends who small! Amazon and Chewy may be convenient but also have their own rescue. “IB Pet wants to encourage our customer service is invaluable” [email protected] the community to adopt so we can get more pets out of the shelter and off the streets into a forever home,” Meet Maggie: She was found on the streets of Tecate i EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS she explained. “IB Pet loves supporting local rescues by a very kind lady. She reached out to me and of [email protected] with food donations. The more support that local course I couldn’t say no to a dying dog. She was so rescue workers have means the more animals they can anemic and her tick disease was very advanced. So we Brad Weber, Group Publisher save.” gave her an emergency blood transfusion. (See the pic- ture of her at the vet.) Maggie is getting better every MEDIA CONSULTANT “IB Pet is a family and veteran-owned pet store. We day. She can walk around and play now when before C. CHRISTIE CRAIG she couldn’t do any of this. Maggie also has extremely TOM SHESS dry eyes causing her a great deal of pain. Maggie is CONTRIBUTORS about 3 or 4 years old and is 12 pounds. She is ex- MIA BERTELSEN tremely sweet with humans and is good with smaller BART MENDOZA dogs. She is available for adoption. Maggie is a very JEN COBURN lucky pup. She could have been dead by now if not for MANNY CRUZ the compassion of others to help her. (Compiled from JENNY WERTH Ana DeTommaso’s Facebook page) VERONICA TALIA MERILEE KERN Ana is always looking for foster families, adoptive KINSEE MORLAN families and donations to keep their work going. If AMANDA PETERSON you would like to help, please contact her on Facebook FARIMA TABRIZI or you can email her at: [email protected] MARLISE KAST-MYERS RON DONOHO PHOTOGRAPHY JIM CHILDERS FARIMA TABRIZI DAWN SEBAUGH NICKY INCANDELA ©2021 COPYRIGHT BY INSPIRED MEDIA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Local Umbrella Media Newspaper Publications are printed monthly and distributed freely throughout San Diego County. Opinions expressed in articles or advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher. Local Umbrella Media is not responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented in the newspaper. Local Umbrella Media Newspaper Publications are produces and published by Local Umbrella Media, and no part of this publication bay be reproduced or transmitted without permission of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: Paid advertisements contained herein are not endorsed or recommended by publisher; therefore, publisher shall not be held liable for business practices Maggie is healthy, happy and ready for adoption. of advertisers. Publisher not liable for images accepted in good faith. LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 11 Local Umbrella Team Covers Super Bowl LV! Local Umbrella in conjunction with Dr. Richard Ambrozic was proud to launch Regenerative Medicine Magazine Featuring Super Bowl Champion Rob Gronkowski The Gronks hosted Gordie Gronkowski & Dr. Rick Ambrozic incredible VIP parties Rob Gronkowski signed Jersey “#1 Doc” & pre-Super Bowl activities & events Sponsored by Vue Drink Coach Harry Shaughnessy & C. Christie Craig Local Umbrella Media Gordie Gronkowski Volleyball Group Tampa Hotel Super Bowl murals Wrestler Mojo Rawley, Dr. Rick Ambrozic Dr. Rick Ambrozic with reporter Mark Politi & Dr. Rick Ambrozic Dr. Rick Ambrozic, Gordon Gronkowski Sr. (Papa Gronk), C. Christie Craig & Gordie Gronkowski © 2021 NFL Enterprises LLC. NFL and the NFL shield design are registered trademarks of the National Football League. The team names, logos and uniform designs are registered trademarks of the teams indicated. All other NFL-related trademarks are trademarks of the National Football League. NFL footage © NFL Productions LLC. @2021 GRONKNATION. All RIGHTS RESERVED. GRONKNATION Images and likeness used with permission from GRONKNATION. Photographic images in this publication are copyrighted and owned by C4 Lead Machine and Local Umbrella Media. Copyright 2021. All RIGHTS RESERVED. LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
12 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 Comicon Museum Accepts $100,000 Donation The Roddenberry Foundation donated the funds The Comic-Con Museum accepted with our own mission.” that connects people to comics and those who #ThinkTrek in 2021. a $100,000 donation from the Rod- The main lobby of the museum popular art forms. “The Roddenberry Foundation is denberry Foundation that will go toward supporting the 2021 open- will be named after the Roddenber- The Foundation has planned a very pleased to support the devel- ing of the museum’s physical space ry Foundation in recognition of it year filled with initiatives celebrat- opment of the Comic-Con Muse- in San Diego’s Balboa Park. donation. The donation is the latest ing Gene Roddenberry’s legacy and um in San Diego. The Comic-Con of a series of contributions the Com- supporting a permanent museum Museum’s commitment to offering The foundation’s namesake Gene ic-Con Museum is attracting from that celebrates pop culture and the innovative programs that encour- Roddenberry was the creator of those who see the development creative nature of the human spirit age access and inclusivity through “Star Trek,” and the non-profit foun- of the Museum as a much-needed is seen as a fitting way to honor the the work of remarkable artists and dation supports his legacy through participatory and experiential space legacy of Gene Roddenberry and all creators aligns strongly with that of initiatives that encourage innovative the vision of Star Trek creator Gene approaches to create a more inclu- Roddenberry and the Roddenberry sive, progressive, and harmonious Foundation,” Rod Roddenberry said. society. The donation also coincides with the year of the late Gene The Comic-Con Museum in Bal- Roddenberry’s centennial, or 100th boa Park will offer programming birthday. day and night as well as rotating exhibits and venues to celebrate and “We are incredibly honored to promote various forms of popular have received this commitment art. from The Roddenberry Foundation as it affirms our direction in creat- The museum is moving forward ing innovative spaces that foster and with a multi-year renovation project celebrate creativity through comics and renovations will begin with the and popular art forms,” said Melissa creation of the Education Center Peterman, VP of development for with learning-focused labs, classes the Comic-Con Museum. “One of and seminars. the exciting things about comics and popular arts is their ability to The museum will feature 25,000 reflect and recognize many voices square feet of space for rotating ex- of our diverse society and that is hibits, including a 4K video theater something that was so important to and presentation space; a year-round Gene Roddenberry. We are thrilled schedule of programs and experienc- that this funding allows us to honor es such as panels; creator meet-and- Gene’s vision which aligns so well greets, experiential cinema, watch parties, eSports, cosplay shows, concerts and more. OUR MISSION ic-Con and the Museum. They will be shared Educational Programming. Core to Com- by the institution, its stakeholders, staff and ic-Con’s work is using the educational power The SAN DIEGO COMIC CONVENTION volunteers alike. They will also be evident to of popular culture to engage learners of all (Comic-Con International) is a California visitors in each and every offering put forth ages. We accomplish this through panels, and Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation orga- by the Museum. seminars as well as graphic novel clubs, con- nized for charitable purposes and dedicated Access. The Museum is a place where every- ferences for teachers and librarians, how-to to creating the general public’s awareness of thing is made to be accessible. Intentionally classes, and other activities. and appreciation for comics and related pop- placed within reach—physically, intellectual- World Class Events. Each year, we put on two ular art forms, including participation in and ly, and financially. large-scale events that blend education and support of public presentations, conventions, Equity. The Museum will treat its diverse entertainment in San Diego (Comic-Con) and exhibits, museums and other public outreach audiences fairly. Equity is being equivalent Anaheim (WonderCon). In 2019, we celebrat- activities which celebrate the historic and without sameness. Everyone will have an ed our 50th convention with nearly 2,000 ongoing contribution of comics to art and opportunity to get what they need based on programs and panels, including hands-on culture. where they are and where they want to go, workshops, presentations, costuming compe- taking into account their physical, intellectu- titions, art shows, and more. OUR VISION al, and financial abilities. Arts Promotion. Comic-Con celebrates the Inclusion. The Museum embraces diversity popular arts by raising their visibility and The vision of the Comic-Con Museum is to: of all types and is a place where the audience public awareness in an effort to fuel creativ- Thrive as a world-class attraction and gateway has a voice and a sense of authorship. The ity, imagination, and innovation. Examples to popular art, culture, and life-long learning Museum will actively seek to provide oppor- include, the annual Will Eisner Comic Indus- for San Diego residents and visiting tourists. tunities for engagement to all people. try Awards, the Comic-Con Independent Film Serve as a pop culture focal point, enhanc- Festival, Artists’ Alley (showcasing original ing the ways San Diego celebrates its unique OUR HISTORY works by artists at the convention) and Artist place in the popular culture landscape. Portfolio Reviews (where up-and-coming Enhance the economic strength of the com- Comic-Con began in 1970 when a small artists are paired with experts to gain career munity. group of comics, movie and science fiction guidance). Become a sustainable model for equitable fans from San Diego put on an event attend- Community Collaboration. Giving back is of and environmentally-sound community ser- ed by just 300 people. Since then, Comic-Con the upmost importance to Comic- Con. We vice through our practices and offerings. has grown into a global phenomenon and is work with key stakeholders to strengthen our widely recognized as the premier pop culture community through blood drives, charitable OUR VALUES convention in the world. Annually, the orga- donations, and training more than 6,000 nization is focused on: event volunteers annually. These values are the core beliefs of Com- LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 13 BABY BOOMERS USE CANNABIS FOR MEDICAL REASONS TWICE AS MUCH AS MILLENNIALS By Michael Patterson recreational use (42%), followed by tinctures more than millennials For millennials, the average age was anxiety (17%), socialization (17%), (23% Boomers, 10% millennials). 31. Of this group, 63 percent were NHA, OTR/L, CEAS and physical activity enhancement Neither age group preferred dabs employed full-time and 80 percent (17%). or topicals for a use method for completed some type of post-sec- A recent survey by cannabis cannabis (2%). ondary education. For baby boom- company Verilife found that baby The most common method of ers, the average was 59, 66% were boomers (age 56-76 years old) use cannabis use for both age groups The survey was conducted from employed full-time and 79% com- cannabis medically at twice the is smoking (50% millennials, 39% May 29 to June 5, 2020 and in- pleted some type of post-secondary rates of millennials (22-38 years boomers). However, boomers cluded 1,000 current cannabis education. old). prefer edibles, capsules, vaping, and consumers from each generation. Analysis Fifty percent of the baby boom- REDEFINING CANNABIS Cannabis is becoming more ers surveyed said they consumed mainstream and trusted as an op- cannabis primarily for medical recreationally with tion for use to treat medical condi- reasons, with 28% saying they use RELIEF & PAIN MANAGEMENT tions. For the medical community, cannabis solely for recreational rea- a shocking statistic is 61% of boom- sons, and 22% using cannabis for gummies flower topicals ers would use cannabis to relieve both. The figures are completely salves & rubs capsules tinctures pain rather than a prescription opposite for millennials with 49% PATCHES chocolates BATH BOMBS drug. This shows that the public said they use cannabis recreational- trusts cannabis as a medicine more ly, 22% saying they use for medical + MORE! than a prescription drug. If your reasons, and 29% using cannabis medical practice is not addressing for both medical and recreational MISSION VALLEY SORRENTO VALLEY cannabis as a medicine for your pa- reasons. tients, eventually your patients will 1299 CAMINO DEL RIO S. 10150 SORRENTO VALLEY RD. either seek other medical advice to One area in which both age SAN DIEGO CA 92108 SAN DIEGO CA 92121 use cannabis or will use cannabis groups agreed was on the medi- and not tell you. If patients cannot cal benefit of cannabis, with 92% (619) 906 - 5546 (858) 380 - 4637 trust their physician enough to of millennials and 89% of baby verbalize they are using cannabis, boomers agreeing that cannabis then eventually the patient will has medical benefits. Also, if they find another physician. are given the option, 68% of mil- lic #: c10-0000323-lic / c10-0000634-lic Cannabis use with seniors and lennials and 61% of baby boomers boomers will continue to increase. would choose using cannabis for With cannabis being legal for med- a medical condition rather than a ical purposes in Florida (with over prescription drug to relieve pain. 350,000 medical cannabis patients and growing 5,000 patients per The medical conditions millen- week), we are seeing an average nials use cannabis for were chronic patient age of 52 years old. I have pain (27%), migraines (13%), nau- been educating medical profes- sea (11%), arthritis (8%), weight sionals and the public for years loss (8%), autism (8%), and irritable that cannabis is an accepted form bowel syndrome (4 %). For boom- of treatment for many medical ers the most common medical ailments. Traditional healthcare conditions were arthritis (15%), must understand that patients now chronic pain (13%), cancer (11 per- have a choice of which healthcare cent), migraines (8%), weight loss practitioner they use and patients (8%), and autism (7%). are driving the trend to acceptance of cannabis as a medicine (regard- In regards to using cannabis rec- less of how the mainstream medi- reationally, millennials said the rea- cal community thinks). son for use was relaxation (34%), social reasons (23%), anxiety (22%), sleep (9%), and enhancing physical activity (9%). For boomers, relax- ation was the primary reason for LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
14 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 FourADDING Little Paws DURING THE PANDEMIC Coco is model-perfect! By Sharon Sardina ed them to be surprised because So, you’re telling me we are sup- remember mom always said NO posed to stay home all day, every DOGS!! Pandemics make you do day, and finally get organized, and silly things, don’t they?! tackle all those honey do lists? No way! I mean yes, those things are Our puppy was born April 10, all great, but this would be the best 2020 and we were able to bring time to get yourself a brand-new her home June 2020 and named puppy to add to the family. her Coco. You can follow her at I bet you know at least one per- cocogirl_the doodle on Instagram. son who welcomed a puppy during She has been one of the best things the pandemic, am I right? What to happen to our family. She is so better timing when sports have loveable and at a time where my been halted, school is now online, kids weren’t sure they could make our lives have become a complete it on one more walk with mom or bore, then to add four little paws to forced bike rides, she brought so the family. much joy to their lives. I always swore to myself we would never own a dog. I mean The best time to bring a pup- NEVER!! I would say over and over py home, was no doubt during a again to my boys how we didn’t pandemic. We didn’t have sports have time for a dog because we to worry about, we had all the were never home since we had two time on our hands, we were home boys in continuous sports, and re- 24-7, which meant the kids were ally who would walk the dog, feed home to help (ha! still working on the dog and pick up the poops if this part) and she has turned our my kids weren’t home?? Ha! frowns into happy smiles. Thank Here we were in the middle of a you, Coco, for completing our pandemic in May 2020, and all my family. friends were posting pics on Face- book or Instagram of these cute On a side note, our family sup- new dogs they welcomed to their Sharon’s family is complete with Coco. ports adopting shelter dogs too. We just were unable to find the breed family. So, I started doing some the Goldendoodle, their little faces by and instantly fell in love with we wanted at the shelter. The web- major research on dogs, joined are so cute, but I loved how they mom and dad. We went through a site from the ASPCA (American every dog group Facebook had to had low shedding and were hypo vigorous questionnaire and inter- Society for Prevention of Cruelty offer and started asking around. My allergenic dogs. I have one son view and we were chosen! While to Animals) is a great place to start main question was, “Will I survive with allergies so this was a MUST! going through this process we kept your search: puppy stage?” Our top pick was We found a local breeder close it a secret from our kids. We want- adopt-pet/adoptable-dogs-your-lo- cal-shelter ■ LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 15 Dr. Mason Harrell and his daughter, Eleanor, need your help. Photo: Jackie Lynn Photography/ Paging Jeff Bezos By Jackie Gutierrez that gets better,” Mason explains, “My biggest ability to what it should be – that can happen.” Standing in his neighbor’s yard, Harvard-ed- fear is that she’ll regress during puberty, to the Within the first months, they raised almost extent that she’ll become catatonic. That’s a ucated, double board-certified M.D., Mason possible effect of KS.” $200,000. Still, millions more are needed to find Harrell, wept. His neighbors cried too. a cure for intellectual disability and autism. Her diagnosis sent Mason into a pretty bad “It was the best Christmas morning ever,” depression. He couldn’t do the things he need- “We’re using KS as a model syndrome to Mason recalls. “We went outside for a walk, and ed to, like learning about KS. He couldn’t read solve intellectual disability, to correct the code,” Eleanor fell in the yard. Usually, she’d cry until through his tears. His best friends helped him details Mason. “Partnering with the world’s you help her stand up or scoot herself to an review the literature. Once he pulled himself top experts, including Harvard-affiliated Bos- object to pull herself up - not that time.” together, he started networking. ton Children’s Hospital, we believe it’s possible within our lifetime.” Mason is a veteran who’s been called upon by “I knew it was time for me to do something,” elite organizations, including the World Health Mason said. “We went to Europe to speak with To accelerate the process, Mason and Geoff Organization and the Massachusetts Institute of Dr. Kleefstra. I needed to talk to the expert and sent an email to Jeff Bezos to get Amazon to of- Technology. He’ll tell you that Christmas morn- ask what I could do to help.” fer a round-up purchase option on Rare Disease ing was one of the most amazing moments of Day, Feb. 28. The co-founding fathers posted his life. Dr. Kleefstra directed Mason to Geoff Rhyne, on social media asking for help in getting Jeff another father to whom she’d recently spoken. to read the email, counting on the degrees of “For the first time, Eleanor, my 2-year-old One LinkedIn message connected the two. They separation. daughter, pushed herself off of the ground - on joined forces with a Ph.D. biomedical scientist her own,” he beams. “It was a wish come true.” at Illumina and three other fathers to create the “It’s like writing an email to Santa Claus,” nonprofit IDefine, committed to identifying Mason grinned. “We know it will take helpers Eleanor has Kleefstra Syndrome (KS), a rare life-changing treatments and cures for those to get Jeff’s attention. We know it sounds crazy, genetic disorder that negatively impacts physi- with rare genetic disorders. but we believe if we all work together, we can cal and intellectual abilities. Her EHMT1 gene change the world.” is compromised. It regulates many genes, affect- “We want our children to define their own ing all organ systems, especially the brain. futures; that’s why we named it IDefine,” Mason Visit for more information and to clarifies. “If we can restore their intellectual dis- learn how you can help. ■ “A genetic cause of delays is not something LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
16 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 THE BEST VALENTINE’S DAY GIFTS ARE HoBt Comhobcsolate By Mia Bertelsen ful honey sugar shell filled with loose leaf These delightful chocolate bombs of sweetness are explod- tea and pieces of dried fruit and lemon. ing all over social media. Your special valentine is sure to They smell amazing! My tea bombs love getting a gift of this chocolate heaven in their mug. It are $6 and hot chocolate bombs prices is a sphere of decadent chocolate that can be filled with lots range from $3-$6 and can be made in of ingredients inside. It can have cocoa mix, marshmallows, a variety of flavors such as Mexican instant coffee mix, candies and more. You just drop them in a Abuelita chocolate, French vanilla glass of hot milk or water and watch them burst open. These cappuccino, dark chocolate, milk hot chocolate bombs are a perfect treat for the cold weather. chocolate, white chocolate, salted caramel, peppermint candy cane Creative chefs who make them have tons of how to vid- and strawberry. eos on YouTube and Tik -Tok that claim that they are easy to make, but don’t be fooled. It takes an experienced hand “Like all my desserts, my hot to make them perfectly. The final touch is to add colorful chocolate bombs are made to toppings of sprinkles, white chocolate or candies to decorate order (always fresh) and last one them before they are drenched in your drink. month in their package. They come in sizes small and large. All If you do a search for these delightful treats online, you will come decorated in holiday colors find so many creative chefs who are selling them. with sprinkles and chocolate driz- zle. I also make snowman bombs, I spoke to Magda San Martin, from San Diego. She is a Grinch bombs, unicorn bombs and mother and a grandmother who spent her life in the kitchen my very popular concha bomb, which and loves baking. “I’m a wife of 30 years and a mom of six is made to look like Mexican sweet and grandmother of two,” she explained. “So baking cook- bread.” ies, pies and cakes was something I taught myself. In 2020 due to the starting of the pandemic several of my adult kids When I asked her if it is easy to make were laid off and furloughed. So to be able to help my fami- them, she shared. “It took me a few tries ly a little, I increased my client base by advertising Maggie’s to get comfortable making hot chocolate Homemade on Facebook and Instagram. I tend to have a bombs, due to the delicate chocolate shells steady stream of cake and pie orders throughout the holiday that can break and it can take time to per- seasons, but business really took off with the hot chocolate fect the technique.” bomb craze last October. From my understanding hot choco- late bombs have been around for a few years now. Maybe it’s Magda proudly shared that in December just me, but I didn’t know of them until this past year.” 2020 her hot chocolate bombs were sold at Holy Paleta in both their locations in Little Magda explained that it takes a delicate hand to create the Italy and Bonita. Holy Paleta sells handmade crafted chocolate shell filled with hot cocoa and marshmal- popsicles (paletas in Spanish). The best way to lows. “You gently place it in a mug and slowly pour hot milk reach her is at Maggie’s Homemade on Facebook over it,” she said. “As it starts to melt, you will see it burst or Instagram. open and mini marshmallows in all their deliciousness appear. They are really fun for kids and adults.” I hope you get to try one of these treats soon. I apologize to those of you who are trying to resist She is very creative and offers so many flavors to tempt all this temptation. Eating one won’t hurt! ■ you. “I also make a French vanilla cappuccino bomb that has instant coffee in it and hot tea bombs which are a beauti- LEFT: These hot chocolate bombs look like the classic Mexi- can bread of conchitas. MIDDLE: The Mexican hot choc- olate with cinnamon make these bombs so good. RIGHT: These hearts bombs are sure to delight anyone. LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 17 Heart-shaped hot chocolate bombs are a popular gift this month. LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
18 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 While I think the concept, care and attention other habit-forming behaviors. victim language (“I choose to go to the dentist” given to Valentine’s Day should be the standard for THE SECOND PRACTICE rather than “I have to go to the dentist.” Or, “I every day shared in an intimate relationship (and accept responsibility for eating so that I have a Valentine’s Day simply an excuse to double-down), Make a heartfelt commitment to learning some- healthy body,” rather than “Why did you buy that I thought it appropriate to compose a column for thing new from every relationship interaction. huge bucket of buttered popcorn? You know I can’t both those seeking an intimate partner, and those Notice your defensive moves as they emerge, and resist it.”) already gifted to be sharing one. gradually transplant wondering and truth-speaking in place of defensiveness. Tip: Need some guidance with identifying your Some years back, I set some big intentions for all THE THIRD PRINCIPLE unconscious commitments and beliefs so you can my relationship (family, friends or an intimate part- move beyond them? Visit www.SoulExpansion. ner): I wanted to get free of the old patterns that Relationships thrive in a climate of absolute com or call (619) 832-2750 to enjoy the gift of a had plagued me in past relationships, such as criti- honesty -- no hidden feelings or withheld truths. Complimentary Discovery Session. cism, blame and secret-keeping. I wanted to create a All feelings -- anger, sadness, joyfulness, fear, sexu- THE SIXTH PRINCIPLE relationship that ran on positive energy instead of al attraction -- are okay to discuss with the other up-and-down fluctuations of negative and positive. person, and each person is able to listen, free of Relationships flourish when partners appreciate listening-filters, such as listening-to-find-fault and each other liberally. People grow more beautiful I found it taxing and tedious in earlier relation- listening-to-fix. through our appreciation of them. Relationships ships to go through repetitive cycles of get-close-get- THE THIRD PRACTICE take a quantum leap when each partner practices into-conflict-get-close-get-into-conflict. It took me appreciation of the other person as a daily art form. quite a few years of diligent practice to make those Notice your feelings and thoughts and speak THE SIXTH PRACTICE intentions real, but gradually everything fell into about them to your partner. If there are things place. To live in a space where little or no critical you’ve done or feelings you’re afraid to talk about, Invent new ways to appreciate the other person word is spoken is an incredible thing indeed. It not make sure to speak about those to your partner. every day, and express appreciations frequently. only contributes to peace and harmony, but it also Get familiar with your habitual listening-filters, Live inside questions such as, “What is my partner’s facilitates creativity. and practice summarizing what the other person true essence and how can I invite it forward?” And is saying, with no distortion, then distilling and “What could I appreciate about my partner at this If that kind of relationship magic appeals to you, acknowledging the feelings embedded in commu- moment?” Even in seemingly difficult moments here are the operating instructions, as clearly and nication. (such as conflict), this is a powerful skill to shift simply as I can state them. I have taught these prin- energy. ciples and practices to people in Soul Expansion Tip: Need some guidance with discovering how THE SEVENTH PRINCIPLE sessions and workshops, as well as casually sharing to accurately identify and feel your feelings to with family and friends. If you take the time to completion? Visit or Everything can be resolved with willingness and practice as well as understand the principles, you call (619) 832-2750 to enjoy the gift of a Compli- Love. Love is the ultimate healer and liberator can make remarkable gains in the amount of Love mentary Discovery Session. because only Love is vast enough to embrace its op- and intimacy you enjoy. THE FOURTH PRINCIPLE posite. In other words, you can Love yourself even when you dislike yourself, and the dislike will melt Ready? Let the journey begin: Relationships thrive when people keep their in the larger presence of Love. Whatever emerges in THE FIRST PRINCIPLE agreements impeccably. It doesn’t matter whether a close relationship is the next thing that needs to an agreement seems trivial (“Sorry, honey, but I be Loved. Relationships thrive when each partner commits forgot to take the trash out”) or significant (“Sor- THE SEVENTH PRACTICE to total union with the other person and total cre- ry, but I slept with somebody on my business trip ative expression as an individual. when I was drunk”). There is no such thing as a Love as much as you can from wherever you are. THE FIRST PRACTICE minor lapse of integrity. The last practice is a major key, because sometimes THE FOURTH PRACTICE in the heat of human relationships, you come to Make a heartfelt commitment to your yourself places in yourself or your partner that seem so hard that you’re willing to go beyond all your ego-de- Monitor each agreement you make very carefully, to Love that you have the urge to give up. That is fenses to full unity. At the same time, make a making sure you want to make it in the first place. the moment when Love and only Love can heal. In commitment to going all the way with your own Once you make an agreement, fulfill it impeccably those moments, you simply Love yourself and your individual creative expression. Then, observe the or change it consciously by communicating with partner as much as you can from wherever you are, emergence of your defensive barriers every day. the relevant person. and the miracles come flowing back in. Communicate about them honestly, but don’t THE FIFTH PRINCIPLE take them seriously. In fact, ego-defenses disappear You are cordially invited to the rest of your life! quickly when you turn them into play. People thrive in a climate of 100% accountabil- Take the next step towards Soul Expansion with the ity, where nobody blames or claims victim status. gift of a Complimentary Session by visiting www. Tip: Need some guidance with learning how to One-hundred percent accountability is the shift or calling (619) 832-2750. subdue your ego and live more from your soul? Vis- from “I was wronged” to “I accept full responsibility it or call (619) 832-2750 for events occurring the way they did.” From this Learn how this innovative practice bypasses com- to enjoy the gift of a Complimentary Discovery empowered position, problems can be solved quick- mon bottlenecks faster than traditional therapy to Session. ly, because time and energy are not squandered in a celebrate your purpose with clarity, awareness, and THE SECOND PRINCIPLE fruitless attempt to find fault. personal strength! THE FIFTH PRACTICE Relationships thrive when each partner learns Daniel Allen is a writer, speaker, and spiritual & emo- from every relationship interaction - especially the In any situation, claim responsibility for having tional counselor on the subject of relationships (including stressful ones - instead of running programmed de- created it the way it occurred. Wonder about how the one we hold with ourselves), and an advocate for fensive moves (what I refer to as “drifting”). Some and why you might have wanted it to occur that Love and raising consciousness. For more information or popular defensive moves: criticizing, lying, leaving/ way. Speak in empowered language rather than article suggestions please visit, quitting, sulking in silence, making noisy uproars, email [email protected] or call (619) 832-2750. numbing out with food, drinking, smoking, TV and /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected] LOCAL NEWS |
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 19 coo«ls�ccouolplstciunlpgt·ing· • •Anti AgAinngti AagnindgWanedllnWeesllsness ol TrCFeooaortlamTHreeonatttBmoednyt! r a Hot Body! CoolSculpting®is FDA-cleared to treat visible fat bulges in 9 areas of the body. ulpting®isSmFDarAt w-comleeanre(adntdomterneatoto) have their at bulges isntra9teagriecapslaonfs fat. women (anTdemll uesnyotouosa)whtahveeatdhienir c plans to bLoactatlleUdmiberte-lrleasMisetdainat. fat. ou saw the ad in mbrella Media. BOOK FREE CONSULT K FREE CONSULT Offer Expires March 31, 2021 890 Eastlake Pkwy Ste 103 Chula Vista CA 91914 (619) 761-1574 LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
20 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 Gathering of Art Exhibit International Creativity during COVID-19 has been on the rise as many local artists find them- Women’s Day selves with lot of time to create art. Local artist Jody Abssy shared with us her Is March 8. latest project. Come And Celebrate! “Not far from my precovid life as a Docent at the Mingei International Museum I hunkered down in my detached studio,” Abssy explained. “Instead of feeling the loss of my students and colleagues, I turned my energies towards bringing con- temporary goddesses into focus for all to see. These women are celebrated in cultures around the globe. For the first time in my life I had uninterrupted painting time and I painted with a passion. I had just completed a painting which depicted 50 ancient goddesses. I decided to honor each of these contemporary goddesses with individual paintings.” Why Goddesses? “A goddess embodies a quality that all women have, but that quality is amplified in her,” she said. “Whether it is merciful kindness, erotic power, a relation to earth energies or seeking justice, whatever attribute the goddess has, it comes into full focus when honoring her.” What is the art like? “Each goddess is depicted close to life-size,” she added. “The paintings are in acrylic 24 x 36”.The face of most goddesses is the face of a contemporary woman from that culture. This gives us a better sense of who reveres that goddess today.” The Exhibition called “Gather ye Goddesses” is at Gallery 21 in Spanish Vil- lage in Balboa Park. It will house all that female energy from March 1 – 21, 2021. COVID-19 precautions will be in place in the gallery. Each viewer will get a cata- logue listing the paintings by number and name and a brief story behind the painting. The paintings are for sale. Prints of the goddesses will be forthcoming. Abssy has an aspirational number of 40 pieces to paint. She is still painting and cur- rently working on #32. They will all be on exhibit. ■ Gallery 21 Normal business hours are 10am – 4pm daily. See: for a preview of the painting under the heading ‘Inspired by the Goddess’. Contact Jody at [email protected] (619) 988-7205 LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VVOOLLUUMMEE66||IISSSSUUEE22||FFeebbrruuaarryy,,22002211 2211 LLOOCCAALLNNEEWWSS||LLooccaallUUmmbbrreelllaaNNeewwss..ccoomm //LLooccaallUUmmbbrreelllaaMMeeddiiaa @@LLooccaallUUmmbbrreelllaaMMeeddiiaa AADDVVEERRTTIISSEE||PPrreessss@@LLooccaallUUmmbbrreelllaa..ccoomm
22 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 Ask The Dentist ABOUT I M P L A N T S What are dental implants? Connect From Anywhere Dental implants are titanium posts that are placed into the jaw bone to provide a Join us live or watch on-demand for 6 months strong foundation for the permanent replacement of teeth. They are strategically placed in the area where the tooth/teeth are missing. A crown then attaches to March 15-19, 2021 the implant post by way of an abutment that screws into the post directly. 9 Powerful Keynotes Are there different types of implants? 3 Engaging Panel Discussions Yes, there are different lengths and widths based on the location of the Interactive Networking placement in the mouth and/or the amount of bone in the placement area. This Virtual Exhibit Hall is strategically planned ahead of time using advanced digital software before the implant placement process begins. Depending on individual needs, implants can Luuvie Ajayi Jones replace a single tooth or multiple teeth. Professional Troublemaker: How long does the implant process take? The Fear-Fighter Manual The entire process from start to finish is approximately ten to sixteen weeks. Once the implant post has been placed, it will need time to fuse to the jawbone. After it has successfully integrated to the bone, the crown is ready to be designed, Leadership Pass - $59 $69 made and placed. Discount Code: LOCAL10 How does the dental implant process work? MADE YA Our office uses a very advanced and precise technique to ensure that the LOOK! placement of the implant is exactly where it needs to be in the jaw bone. This ensures the implant’s optimal success. We use digitally CAD/CAM scans and Print Advertising WORKS! overlay it on the CT scan so we can digitally design a custom fit surgical guide. The surgical guide directs the drill in the exact optimal location to avoid any Contact us today! dangerous anatomical structures such as nerves or sinuses when placing the [email protected] implant post. All of the planning leads to very efficient placement of the implant. Placement of the implant is a very quick procedure once the surgical guide has been designed and fabricated in-office. The placement of a single implant usually takes less than 20 minutes under optimal conditions and no incisions are required. This results in a lot less discomfort post-placement. Either a cover screw or a healing cap is screwed into the newly placed implant at this appointment which keeps the gums from filling into the implant and promotes quicker healing. A one-week follow-up appointment is the next step to make sure there is no swelling and to make sure the healing abutment is still tightly sealing the implant. Nine to ten weeks later an X-ray and evaluation of the implant take place. If the implant has properly integrated, the healing abutment comes off and we place a scan post into the implant so we can take digital impressions of the area. This is when the crown is designed. The healing abutment goes back into the implant until the crown delivery appointment. The crown and abutment are fitted and screwed into the implant. We use a “screw-retained” technique which means that there is no cementing inside the mouth. We do this for several reasons: a) most implant failures are due to bacteria collecting around excess cement so, with this method, we have taken this risk out of the equation, and b) we can easily access the implant and remove the crown if there is ever a problem with the crown due to fracturing, etc. This completes the implant process. Will my implant look like a real tooth? Absolutely! We have had great success and satisfaction with matching to the perfect shade and shape of the existing teeth. We pride ourselves on being able to restore implants so they look and feel natural. What are the benefits of an implant versus a bridge? We preserve healthy tooth structure on neighboring teeth with conventional restoration which results in reduced bone loss. Additionally, implants last longer, are economically sound, and are more aesthetically pleasing, especially in the front of the mouth. Lastly, oral hygiene is seamless since it acts and feels like a normal tooth. Call Today To Schedule Your Reservation 858-257-3413 LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 23 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ NEWSBRIEFS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ to take smart risks, think outside taxes and fees owed. highlighting their email flyer out- MAYOR GLORIA the box, and become change agents reach program in the December/ APPOINTS CITY’S for their departments and the City SAN DIEGO January edition of Child Support FIRST CHIEF as a whole. CONTINUING Report, the official publication of INNOVATION EDUCATION the federal Office of Child Support OFFICER Prior to joining the City of San ADDS ‘COLLEGE’ Enforcement. Diego, Brady spent four years work- TO ITS NAME: Mayor Todd Gloria has appointed ing for the San Diego Regional Eco- SAN DIEGO DCSS is using a new way to com- San Diego native Kirby Brady to nomic Development Corporation COLLEGE OF municate directly with parents who be the City’s first chief innovation where she oversaw the research CONTINUING receive Child Support services and officer. As a Black woman, Brady is efforts of the organization. Her EDUCATION also identify Spanish as their pri- one of the few women or people of team’s work focused on analyzing mary language to improve engage- color to be named CIO of a major local economic trends, including The largest adult noncredit edu- ment and access to child support American city. quantifying the economic activity cational institution of its kind in information. of regional industries and evalu- the nation, San Diego Continuing “I couldn’t be prouder to have ating policy impacts. Brady spent Education (SDCE), has added the Jennifer Hellerud, Deputy Direc- Kirby Brady as San Diego’s first seven years working for the San word college to its name. The new tor of DCSS, said the office created chief innovation officer,” Gloria Diego Association of Governments name, San Diego College of Con- outreach materials in both English said. “Kirby’s unique experiences where she managed the long-range tinuing Education (SDCCE), better and Spanish to highlight events, coupled with her creativity, drive, population and housing forecast reflects the organization's status general information, and specific and passion for civic innovation program for the region. and mission to transition adult stu- services and delivered the informa- are going to help our City harness dents to credit college and careers. tion using Peachjar, a company that the data and technology we need Brady holds a bachelor’s in re- specializes in sending digital flyers to stretch taxpayer dollars while gional development from the Uni- SDCCE is the adult education to the parents of K-12 students. providing world-class service for versity of Arizona and a master’s in division of the San Diego Commu- people in every neighborhood.” urban planning from the Universi- nity College District (SDCCD) and Children of the Immaculate ty of Southern California. serves 40,000 students annually at Heart opens new youth facility Brady has been the director of seven campuses in San Diego span- following litigation the City’s Performance and An- REGISTRATION ning from the Miramar community alytics Department for the past OPENS FOR in the north to Barrio Logan in A San Diego organization that year and will continue to lead the COUNTY ONLINE the south. The institution has been helps women and girls overcome department in her new role. Her AUCTION serving adult students in San Diego the devasting effects of sex traffick- experience has provided her with a FEATURING 695 since 1914. ing is celebrating the purchase of deep understanding of the City’s ro- PROPERTIES a new location, a dedicated short- bust datasets and a strong relation- The legacy of the organization’s term residential treatment facility ship with department leadership San Diego County Treasurer-Tax first century of teaching is deep- for minors. across the City to help them work Collector Dan McAllister an- ly rooted in serving immigrant more efficiently and effectively. nounced bidder registration is now populations with basic skills such Litigation over licensing of Chil- open for the 2021 online property as learning English and also serving dren of the Immaculate Heart’s “I’m thrilled to help usher in a tax auction. A total of 695 proper- unemployed populations by pre- planned expansion has been re- new era that puts data and equity ties will be up for sale. paring adults for the workforce. solved, their property has now at the forefront of decision making been purchased, and the group has at City Hall,” Brady said. “Over the Anyone around the world can Adding the word college to the opened its new youth facility, The past year, I’ve seen firsthand the bid during the online property name provides a foundation for Refuge, after successful representa- innovative spirit of so many of our tax auction from March 12-17. To SDCCE’s second century of serv- tion by the Thomas More Society City employees and welcome the participate, bidders must register ing adults, with a continued focus and its special counsel attorneys of opportunity to serve them so they before March 4 at the Treasurer-Tax on helping students transition to LiMandri and Jonna LLP. can better serve the public.” Collector’s tax auction website, college and careers. They must Children of the Immaculate Mayor Gloria shifted the Perfor- also submit a refundable $1,000 The decision to change the Heart offers a housing and rehabil- mance and Analytics Department deposit and a nonrefundable $35 name was years in the making and itation program for adult women to report directly to the Mayor’s processing fee (some parcels may required a thorough process that and their children and sought to office and created the CIO role require a larger deposit). started with insight from faculty expand their services to include a to support his efforts to use data and classified professionals who short-term residential therapeutic to solve complex problems and “We have 53 residential or com- have been serving students for program for sex-trafficked youth. develop innovative solutions that mercial properties, 558 timeshares, decades. When the ministry ran into li- promote equity, advances econom- and 84 parcels of land for sale. If all censing issues due to religious ic prosperity, achieves justice, and properties are sold for the mini- SAN DIEGO discrimination at the California builds a stronger, more resilient mum bid, the county would bring COUNTY CHILD Department of Social Services, the San Diego. in $15,512,100,” McAllister said. SUPPORT national not-for-profit public inter- “Prospective bidders should sign up SERVICES est attorneys initiated legal action. Brady and her team in the Perfor- for e-notifications for our property HONORED FOR mance and Analytics Department tax auction at to receive OUTREACH SALK SCIENTISTS support the City’s ongoing efforts email reminders before important EFFORTS AWARDED $1.2 to use data to drive decisions, devel- deadlines.” MILLION TO op a more efficient financial prac- The San Diego County Depart- STUDY BRAIN tice and offer more online services, Owners of the auctioned prop- ment of Child Support Services AGING AND such as the City’s popular “Get It erties can still avoid going to sale; (DCSS) has been recognized by the DEMENTIA Done” application. they have until 5 p.m. on March 11 U.S. Department of Health and to redeem their parcel and pay all Human Services for its outreach A collaborative team of Salk In her new role, Brady will also efforts in 2020 to be inclusive to all scientists led by Professor John be responsible for creating and members of the diverse San Diego Reynolds will receive $1.2 mil- promoting a culture of innovation community. lion over four years as part of a among the City workforce. She and her team will foster a workplace Federal officials recognized the where employees are empowered child Support department by LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
24 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ NEWSBRIEFS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Network Grant from the Larry L. ended a 14-year postseason drought pay for cookies through Grubhub’s Paul United Methodist Church, San Hillblom Foundation to examine in 2020 with a 37-23 (.616) regular websiteor app. “Girls are involved, Diego, announced they have jointly aging across the life span, includ- season record, their best winning gaining hands-on e-commerce ex- awarded $52,500 in Racial Justice ing age-related neurodegenerative percentage in club history. He pre- perience by using Grubhub’s back- Grant funding to 10 local nonprof- diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. viously served as assistant general end technology to track orders and its that either engage in anti-racist The research will advance our un- manager of the Texas Rangers, manage inventory,” said Carol M. policy advocacy, or provide direct derstanding of aging mechanisms overseeing the player development Dedrich, chief executive officer of services to People of Color in San at the cognitive, genomic and cel- and scouting departments and serv- Girl Scouts San Diego. Diego County. lular levels with potentially direct ing as a key advisor on all player translatability to humans. acquisitions. Through the new E2B (Entrepre- The grants are part of a long-term neur-to-Business) initiative, corpo- commitment by the churches to For this newly funded project, NEW LAW rations, departments, book clubs, anti-racist work throughout San Di- the Salk team will examine the ENFORCEMENT service clubs, and other groups ego, which led to the establishment link between metabolism of the COURSES TRAIN welcome a Girl Scout to one of of their newly created Racial Justice aging brain and cognitive decline. OFFICERS ON their virtual meetings. She delivers Endowment. Neurons use nearly 10 times the COMMUNITY a five-minute marketing pitch and amount of energy as any other POLICING AND provides a secure and personalized The Endowment will announce cell type, making them especially ORGANIZATION- “Digital Cookie” website where the their next grant cycle focus and susceptible to metabolic dysfunc- AL WELLNESS group can order and pay for cook- open applications for it on April 1, tion. The main energy source for ies, and arrange for contact-free 2021. neurons are the cells’ powerhouses, National University has received delivery or donation to deployed the mitochondria, which experi- two grants totaling $700,000 from U.S. military troops. Girls hone Grantees: ence significant deterioration as the California Commission on their presentations and develop • Pillars of the Community the brain ages. The scientists will Peace Officers Standards and Train- valuable skills such as goal setting, • San Diego Young Artists Mu- test whether mitochondrial im- ing to develop courses that will decision making, money manage- pairment is driving the cognitive train law enforcement personnel ment, and business ethics. To sched- sic Academy decline observed in neurodegenera- on the importance of community ule a presentation, email cookies@ • DETOUR (Depositing Em- tive diseases. policing and organizational well- with “E2B” in the ness. subject line. powerment through Out- PADRES readh and Urban Develop- PROMOTE ERIK Faculty experts at National Uni- Cookie fans who know a Girl ment) GREUPNER TO versity in collaboration with law Scout may ask her about her • The Blue Heart Foundation CEO, AND A.J. enforcement and The Institute for Digital Cookie site. Others seeking • San Diego chapter of the PRELLER TO Violence, Abuse, and Trauma devel- cookies may visit National Council of Negro PRESIDENT oped the course curriculum. cookies. Women’s Workshop AND GENERAL • National Sorority of Phi Del- MANAGER Shelley Zimmerman, a chancellor USS GABRIELLE ta Kappa Inc., Delta Upsilon appointee at National University GIFFORDS Chapter, San Diego’s Y.E.S. The San Diego Padres announced and former San Diego police chief, RETURNS TO Program the promotions of Erik Greupner endorsed the programs. “This NAVAL BASE SAN • Man Up Club at Wilson Mid- to chief executive officer and A.J. past year has been an undeniably DIEGO dle School Preller to president of baseball op- challenging time in the history of • Neighborhood House Associ- erations and general manager. The policing across our country, but Independence-variant littoral ation’s Project in-Reach two Padres executives have each with every challenge comes an op- combat ship USS Gabrielle Giffords • Mustard Seed Wood Inc. signed contract extensions through portunity,” said Zimmerman. returned to its homeport of Naval • SD Urban Warriors the 2026 season. Base San Diego on Sunday follow- Zimmerman teaches and guest ing a 17-month rotational deploy- REPORT FINDS Greupner originally joined the lectures on a variety of public safety ment to the U.S. 7th Fleet and U.S. $12 MILLION Padres in December 2010, making and leadership topics. 4th Fleet areas of operation. IMPACT OF this his 11th season in San Diego. LOCAL CANNABIS He oversees the Padres’ business GIRL SCOUTS “I am incredibly proud of the Ga- INDUSTRY operations and leads the growth LAUNCH brielle Giffords team and all they and development of the Padres’ SOCIALLY have accomplished,” said Cmdr. Legal taxation on cannabis yield- business and culture. DISTANCED Rion Martin, the commanding ed a combined total of more than COOKIE officer of Gabrielle Giffords. “From $12 million to the cities of San Prior to assuming the role of PROGRAM Executive Officer to Culinary Spe- Diego, La Mesa and Vista in 2019, CEO, Greupner served as president cialist Seaman Norfleet, we have all according to an economic impact of business operations from Decem- With our county in the purple led and followed one another.” report on the San Diego cannabis ber 2018 through December 2020 risk level, San Diego’s young en- industry by Cal State San Marcos’ and chief operating officer from trepreneurs are foregoing door- For more information on Ga- College of Business Administration. November 2016 to November 2018. to-door and booth marketing this brielle Giffords, visit https://www. cookie season. Instead, they’re The report was developed by the Before joining the Padres, Gre- using both time-honored and default.aspx. CSUSM Office of Business Research upner worked as a corporate and innovative techniques in a socially and Analysis (OBRA) in partner- transactional attorney with the in- distanced manner to provide a con- SAN DIEGO ship with Blue Water Government ternational law firm Gibson, Dunn tactless cookie experience. METHODIST Affairs. The cannabis consulting & Crutcher LLP. CHURCHES group worked with OBRA, an Customers have two new options AWARD $50,000 office that unites faculty expertise Preller originally joined the to purchase Girl Scout Cookies GRANTS TO with student researchers to pro- Padres as executive vice president/ this year, including a partnership NONPROFITS duce business analyses, to collect general manager in August 2014. that allows customers to order and ADVANCING data on the San Diego cannabis Under his leadership, the Padres RACIAL JUSTICE industry. The student team used public records from the three San First United Methodist Church of Diego County cities that allow legal San Diego, in partnership with St. sales of recreational and medical cannabis to examine how it influ- ences community finances, police enforcement and public health. LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 25 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ NEWSBRIEFS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ The report includes research on The RLF loans come with a 3 per- tive officer. Leszczynski brings more The board is aiming to make a the diversity of the cannabis indus- cent fixed annual interest rate and than 25 years of nonprofit profes- final selection and announce the try in the county, revealing that 68 a general term of 54 to 78 months, sional experience to the Automo- new chancellor in late March with percent of cannabis business license depending on the size and use of tive Museum. His experience also the goal of having the new chancel- holders are white and 87 percent the loan. No payments or interest includes more than 15 years of de- lor start July 1. are male. are accrued for the first six months veloping, managing, and reporting and the range of loans available is budgets for community programs FORMER The report also explores recent between $25,000 to $95,000. and over 10 years of fundraising PROSECUTOR TO studies conducted by the National experience. REVEAL ‘ONLINE Organization for Reform of Mar- SAN DIEGO ROMANCE ijuana Laws (NORML) that show INTERNATIONAL Leszczynski prides himself on SCAMS’ cannabis storefronts are not pos- AIRPORT ONE having advanced skills in organiza- itively associated with increased OF THE FASTEST tional leadership, program devel- San Diego County Credit Union crimal activity, as well as national RECOVERING opment, fiscal management, fund- will host “Online Romance Scams,” research on the reduction of opioid AIRPORTS raising, and forging community a complimentary educational webi- overdose deaths in states with legal- NATIONWIDE collaborations. He has a degree in nar presented by former San Diego ized medicinal cannabis. Child and Adolescent Development County Deputy District Attorney San Diego International airport from California State University Paul Greenwood on Wednesday, CITY OF SAN ranked 13 on the top 15 list of Northridge and has a Master’s de- Feb. 10, 2021 from 12:30 to 1:30 DIEGO OFFERS airports recovering the fastest from gree in Business Management and p.m. The online webinar format LOW-INTEREST the effects of the coronavirus pan- Leadership from WGU. allows the community to attend RATE LOANS demic, according to a new travel from the comfort of their home TO HELP survey by FinanceBuzz based on SAN DIEGO and is part of SDCCU Financial BUSINESSES U.S. Bureau of Transportation data. COUNTY CHILD Wellness Wednesdays, launched ADAPT DURING SUPPORT in partnership with the San Diego PANDEMIC “We are a year-long leisure desti- SERVICES County Library System in support nation. People want to come here HONORED FOR of Live Well San Diego. In order to help businesses because of our weather and beach- OUTREACH during the COVID-19 pandemic, es,” said Sabrina Lopiccolo, public EFFORTS Online dating has become in- the City of San Diego is providing information officer for the airport. creasingly popular among single access to financial assistance to cov- The San Diego County Depart- men and women searching for love, er expenses such as furniture, safety In the survey, April shows close ment of Child Support Services but unfortunately, this popularity equipment, website development to 40,000 departing passengers (DCSS) has been recognized by the has also piqued the interest of scam and digital marketing. The financial from the airport. Then in June, that U.S. Department of Health and artists. During the webinar, Green- assistance, in the form of low-inter- number jumped to 200,000. Human Services for its outreach wood will cover current scams, est rate loans, is aimed at helping efforts in 2020 to be inclusive to all romance scams and strategies to businesses adapt by moving their “In April, we were down like members of the diverse San Diego protect yourself while online. Vir- operations outdoors or expanding many other airports -- down 95 community. tual seats are limited and registra- services online. percent,” said Lopiccolo. “Month to tion is required. To register, visit date in October, we are down 68 Federal officials recognized the The city’s Economic Develop- percent.” child Support department by ment Department (EDD) will be highlighting their email flyer out- BALLAST POINT issuing business loans ranging from Lopiccolo added that as states reach program in the December/ BREWING CO. $25,000 to $95,000 to qualified have been lifting restrictions and January edition of Child Support LAUNCHES businesses as part of the CARES more businesses have opened, air Report, the official publication of ‘BREWING FOR Act Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) travel has increased. the federal Office of Child Support DIVERSITY’ with funding provided by the U.S. Enforcement. SCHOLARSHIP Department of Commerce Eco- LENNY nomic Development Administra- LESZCZYNSKI FINALISTS Ballast Point announced the tion. NAMED CHIEF ANNOUNCED FOR launch of the inaugural Brewing EXECUTIVE CHANCELLOR for Diversity annual scholarship The non-forgivable, term loans OFFICER OF SAN OF SAN DIEGO initiative in partnership with the are intended to help entrepreneurs DIEGO COMMUNITY UC San Diego Extension Brewing adapt their business models to AUTOMOTIVE COLLEGE Program. Ballast Point’s Brewing operating under pandemic restric- MUSEM DISTRICT for Diversity scholarship seeks to tions while retaining or creating advance diversity and inclusion jobs. The City may only make RLF San Diego native Lenny The search for the San Diego across all aspects of the brewing loans that are reasonably expected Leszczynski, who joined the San Community College District’s community by providing avenues to be repaid in full. Diego Automotive Museum as the (SDCCD) next chancellor has been for education and opportunities for executive director in January 2020, narrowed to four candidates with future professional employment. “We hope many of the business has been booted up to chief execu- strong credentials in community that qualify will take advantage college leadership. The scholarship will grant un- of this unique opportunity,” said derrepresented students the funds Christina Bibler, director of the Barbara Kavalier, president of St. and tools they need to participate Economic Development Depart- Charles Community College in St. successfully in UC San Diego Exten- ment. “We recognize many busi- Charles, Mo., previously served as sion’s Brewing Certificate Program. nesses are struggling with payrolls, district president of Navarro Col- Interested applicants are encour- overhead and other expenses as lege in Corsicana, Texas. aged to apply online between now they try to adapt to changes in and May 15 at this new environment. As a City Lee Lambert, chancellor of Pima brewing. we want to stand by them to help Community College in Tucson, them modify their businesses as Ariz., previously served as president To learn more about the Ballast they weather this economic storm of Shoreline Community College in Point’s Brewing for Diversity Schol- in the hopes that brighter days are Shoreline, Wash. arship and how to apply, please ahead.” visit, Pamela Luster, president of San Diego Mesa College, previously served as interim vice president of academic services/permanent vice president of Student Services at Las Positas College in Livermore, Calif. Carlos O. Turner Cortez, presi- dent of the San Diego College of Continuing Education, previously served as vice presi- dent of instruction at Berkeley City College in Berkeley. LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
26 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 AUTHOR SPOTLIGHT: Janet F. Williams’ latest romance novel is a dose of fun Staff Report mid-40s, her children are mostly grown, and at affected by what I imagined could be a realistic, Close the cover on those old bodice rippers her midlife stage, it’s not uncommon to take a yet dysfunctional society by including the kinds look at who you are and reevaluate the direc- of social division we’re seeing today, tied in with and make room on your nightstand for a grow- tion of your life. the effects of climate change. I’ve had short sto- ing genre: lesbian romances. Same-sex storylines ries published in lesbian anthologies under Zoe are attractive to straight and LGBT readers alike, You were a radio co-host and have had Amos, my pen name, and others self-published. part of a billion-dollar business with dedicated relationships with men and women. How They’re all available online. imprints. San Diego County author, Janet F. much of your own life did you draw on to Williams, whose novels are written under the develop your story and characters? I published You Don’t Ask, You Don’t Get un- pen name Zoe Amos, will release her latest der my given name, Janet F. Williams. The book book TALK TO ME (Sapphire Publishing) on The radio aspect is closely tied to my own life. is about how to ask for what you want and in- March 1, 2021. Back in the mid-90s, I unexpectedly ended up crease your chances for getting it. Kirkus award- learning board operations and then co-hosting a ed it Best Specialized Instruction Book of the We had a chance to sit down with the author jazz program at KBNN for two years. Let me tell year. It won three awards and is popular because and discuss lesbian romance novels, coming you, it was scary being on the air, but I figured it it’s still relevant today. out in midlife, and the wild world of radio talk out and grew to like it a lot. shows. Find out how much of her upcoming It’s not easy to get your book traditionally novel is pure fiction and how much is drawn As for relationships, I always knew I was gay, published. How did you do it? from Williams’ real life. but when I was young, I dated men because that’s what you did, and I liked men. I also had I did a lot of research and Sapphire was my Tell us a little bit about your book, Talk to no idea how to find gay women. In adulthood publisher of choice because they cater to the les- Me. I experienced a pronounced shift toward wom- bian romance market. They put me under con- en, and on that gray scale we call sexuality, I’ve tract before assigning the book to their editor, Talk to Me is a lesbian romance that explores moved to a place where I’ve been exclusively another plus. It doesn’t always happen that way. what it means to come out in midlife. The story interested in women for twenty-some years. starts when Claire applies for work at a fictional If you were casting the movie version of San Diego AM radio station to start a new life. What do you hope readers will take away your book, who would play the leads and You might say Claire is “newly” gay; she’s already from Talk to Me? why? out and separated from her husband. She lands a job as a call screener and has no idea what’s My primary objective is entertainment—I For Claire, I’d say Sarah Paulson. She has this she’s getting into with Marly, the lesbian hostess write stories I want to read. As an author, I prim side, but can break out of it for her excit- of the radio show, Gayline. At first, everything know you have to rewrite and edit, rewrite and able moments. And for Marly, it’s gotta be Kate seems normal, but when Marly launches into edit—it never stops, so you better like your sto- McKinnon with her crazy energy. Both of them outrageous dialogues, Claire realizes Marly is ry. Romances are often dominated by the same have the comedic timing and versatility needed a shock jock! This is a huge departure from tropes. Instead, I had an idea for a lively original for the roles, for ad-libbing, and for when it gets Claire’s former life as a housewife and mother of story where the protagonist had to resolve a serious. They’re the right age, both gay, which two older teens. She stays at her job because she strong family conflict in addition to her finding for the sex scenes, um, okay, I’ll just stop there. can’t deny the attraction she feels to Marly, even her way to the woman she desires. This story has while she struggles to settle her upended fami- elements anyone can relate to, no matter their What are you working on currently? ly relationships. Without saying too much, it’s sexuality, or even if they weren’t interested in There’s the romance at the car dealership, the an over-the-top comedy drama, and definitely romances. I think a lot of us could use a dose of romance with corporate subterfuge, a road trip follows the romance genre. fun right now and some extra love. I hope read- adventure, short stories, a non-fiction book on ers finish with a smile, a few warm fuzzies, and giving and a memoir. I’ve considered writing Why was it important to tell the story of a a better understanding that people often share a prequel to Superior, which supposedly takes woman who comes out later in life? the same emotions over life’s ups and downs. place after the Second Civil War. Yow! Maybe that was too prescient. I felt this should be talked about because Is this your first novel or do you have oth- Where can readers find Talk to Me? it happens all the time and it’s a topic often ers? It’s available for Kindle pre-order on Amazon side-stepped in the lesbian romances I’ve read. and at for a March 1st re- People come out at all ages, sometimes well into I self-published a futuristic novella, Superior: lease, and will soon be available in paperback. ■ their senior years. In Talk to Me, Claire is in her Adventure Romance, that takes place in Michi- gan’s Upper Peninsula. The romantic element is LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 27 MBUINASNLILCOEJTVTAHAZCTRZDRIOOAEAUNANNGTCIDNEHE CBaamlleiltl.e PMhoctPohCerresdoint:STaorlioqisJtohwnisthonSanDiego San Diego is famous for its mild weather and The Nutcracker, and the dance and music to- the founder Rudy Van Gelder who was the beautiful beaches, but the local jazz and ballet gether often tell a story. Jazz is an American art recording engineer for many of the legendary communities do not draw as much attention. form that evolved from blues, folk and other Blue Note jazz records in the late 1950s and However, that is changing with a synergistic popular music forms, and is often an abstract early 1960s. The recording is free from any collaboration between the San Diego Ballet form rather than attempting to tell a specific technical defects and the mix has perfect bal- (SDB) and our local jazz music community. story. At first glance the combination of ballet ance of the instruments with the close presence Under the direction of artistic director Javier and jazz may appear to be an odd couple, but that makes you feel like you are in the room Velasco, SDB has created new programs and the result that we hear (and seen in the live with the musicians. Any music or dance lov- commissioned original music for the enjoy- dance performances) is a complimentary rela- er who seeks a high quality recording will be ment of local audiences. Most prominent tionship that advances the boundaries of both pleased with the sound of this recording. among the works are two suites for dance, dance and music. composed and performed by the legendary Personnel: saxophonist Charles McPherson. An innovative The British journalist and historian James Charles McPherson – alto sax recording of these original compositions is now Burke stated that new ideas and advancements Terrell Stafford – trumpet available on a CD entitled Jazz Dance Suites. in human arts and sciences are the result of the Lorraine Theresa – voice interaction of ideas from separate and distinct Jeb Patton & Randy Porter – piano Charles McPherson began his musical career realms that combine to produce a new idea Billy Drummond – drums under the tutelage of jazz pianist Barry Harris, through their synthesis. Jazz Dance Suites suc- David Wong – bass and achieved fame playing alto saxophone with ceeds in this synthesis: it tells a story through Yotam Silberstein – guitar bassist Charles Mingus for 12 years. Charles sound and dance, and is also thoroughly enjoy- Jazz Dance Suites has received a number then embarked on a successful solo career able as abstract musical art that stands on its of awards including a Top Jazz Recording for that continues to the present day. Charles has own independent of the story. 2020 from DownBeat magazine, a Top 20 Jazz toured throughout the world and appeared on Recordings of 2020 from Glide Magazine, one over 70 LP and CD recordings. In 1978 Charles Jazz Dance Suites includes a variety of mu- of the 10 Albums You Need To Know from moved to San Diego and lives here with his sical styles: Bebop jazz (that Charles is usually JAZZIZ, and more: https://charlesmcpherson. wife Lynn Sundfor-McPherson (a classical pia- associated with), beautiful ballads, Latin and com/reviews/ nist and teacher), and their daughter Camille African influences, big band and a taste of Wynton Marsalis, a longtime admirer said, McPherson, a professional ballerina in her Middle Eastern scales and textures. It contains “Charles is the very definition of excellence in 9th season as a soloist with San Diego Ballet. a mix of composed melodies and improvised our music. He’s the definitive master on his Charles’ collaboration with SDB began 5 years solos, with a variety of voice and instrumental instrument. He plays with exceptional har- ago through their Jazz/Latin Series initially combinations. The compositions are new and monic accuracy and sophistication. He per- supported by San Diego Foundations Creative imaginative while respecting the jazz traditions forms free-flowing, melodic and thematically Catalyst grant. The end result, Jazz Dance of the past. Charles has brought together some developed solos with unbelievable fire and an Suites, is dedicated to and inspired by Camille. of the top jazz talent from both the East and unparalleled depth of soul.” West coasts to perform on the recording. For more information on Jazz Dance Suites Ballet is a traditional dance form from Eu- and to order a CD or download digital files, rope that is usually associated with romantic The audio quality of the recording is out- please visit era music such as Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake or standing. Most of the tracks were recorded at the renowned Van Gelder Studio, named after LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
28 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 SOMETIMES JULIE FEBRUARY 2021 BY BART MENDOZA © MUSICSCENESD // MUSICSCENESD.COM Where Are You? Recording and releasing a new album work on Where Are You?, with a bit of can be a difficult proposition at the best luck early in the project. “We laid the of times, but the past year has seen even foundation for the album in the months more challenges for musicians. Indie rock- right before the first stay-at-home order,” ers Sometimes Julie, have just released Sorenson said. Sessions were held at Pa- their fourth album, Where Are You? with cific Beat Recording Studio with Grammy a video due soon for key track, “Own Kind winning producer Alan Sanderson (Roll- of Savior,” but as with much of the world ing Stones / Fleetwood Mac) engineering. at the moment, it’s anything but business “We are very fortunate to have been able as usual. to lay down the initial tracks then, be- cause we have not been in the same room “We are planning to get all of Sometimes with everyone in the band since then,” she Julie back together to rehearse as soon said. Completing the remaining overdubs, as we all feel safe, probably once we’ve such as percussion, guitar solos, saxo- all been vaccinated,” said singer Monica phone, etc., was accomplished with social Sorenson. “The whole band hasn’t been distancing and isolation, or recorded re- together since March 2020, and I really motely at band members’ home studios. miss my band family.” She notes the group, which features Sorenson (vocals) and The mixing and mastering process was songwriting partner Rick Walker (guitar) also affected by social distancing. “Andy with Bruce Paul Allen (bassist), Antho- Machin of Bigrock Studios did both re- ny Sarain (keyboards, sax, flute), Alberto motely, with input from Rick and me on Moreno (lead guitar), and Dave Fuller video conference calls. The process was (drums), has kept in touch with venues “so unique, to say the least, but we couldn’t that we are ready to hit the ground run- be happier with the results. The passion, ning as soon as things open up again for and overall quality, really shines through,” live band performances,” she said. “Not be- Sorenson said. ing able to perform live has certainly been hard on us mentally and emotionally, but Where Are You? is not named for a song, it is a small problem for us in compari- instead its title is taken from the second son to what many other people are going tune on the album, “Knew it All Along”, through during the pandemic.” with lyrics written by Sorenson and Allen. “This song, like so many of our songs, is The band has used recent downtime to a conversation,” she said. “In the moment LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 29 of the song, it is about two people flects a hope for connection amid all ing part,” she said. She notes that trying to connect in a romantic way. of the noise.” Walker handles the business side of But the idea of the album is bigger Sorenson considers the music biz things for the band. “Don’t get me than romance. With what is happen- to be difficult but ultimately re- wrong - I want Sometimes Julie to ing in the world right now, we can warding. “I know there is a business be successful from a business stand- all be lost in our own minds, preoc- side to music, but I really just stay point - but to me, true success is in cupied or even willfully distracted. focused on the creating and connect- creating something beautiful and The question “where are you?” re- meaningful, that people relate to and connect with. If we do that, then the rest will fall into place,” Sorenson said. “Every opportunity to create, record, and perform is a gift.” LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
30 February, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 Taang! Records San Diego has quite a few homegrown stock of collectables and new bands as record labels, but one of the best well as San Diego music from Buck O known, Taang!, is actually a transplant. Nine to Frankie Laine.” The shop is in- Headquartered at their retail location, deed a treasure trove a collector could 3834 Fifth Avenue in Hillcrest, the get lost in for days. label, which has 222 releases to date Does Taang! Have a particular sound? was founded by Curtis Casella in Bos- “No,” said Casella. “We’ve put out a lot ton, circa 1984, moving to San Diego of different sounds over time; power- in 1992. At least initially due to a local pop, glam, hardcore, shoe gaze, punk, band. ska, ambient and so on.” “I originally came to sign (punk band) The label has been largely focused on Battalion of Saints,” Casella said. At reissues in recent years, in fact one of the time he had stores in Boston and their next releases is a Negative Ap- Los Angeles. “They were open for sev- proach demos collection, with upcom- en years. I was tired of going back and ing Record Store Day releases set to forth, so I moved to L.A. where I had a include The Lemonheads, The Bruisers DJ gig at the first online radio station, and Negative Approach. But they are Spike Radio.” still working with new talent. “We re- While in San Diego to sign the band, cently signed a band from Pittsburgh, Casella “found an abandoned building, Killer of Sheep,” Casella noted. with 706 as the address. 706 is the mag- When it comes to formats, Casella con- ic number for rock n roll,” he said. 706 siders vinyl to be king. “It’s 85% vinyl Pismo Court in Mission Beach soon in the U.S. 10% CD and 5% cassette,” became legendary to music fans. “I was he pointed out. “It varies a little from drawn to it,” Casella said. “The area at country to country, but it’s in that the time was the wild west.” Casella range. That said, in Poland and Malay- lived above the store. “I’ve got some sia cassettes are the favorites, believe it great memories in Mission Beach,”” or not,” he remarked good naturedly. he said. “Motorhead played a private The next year sees Taang! busier than party there. Sublime played our shop ever. “Right now I’m pressing twelve when we first opened.” titles that have gone out of print in the Many of the labels touring bands were past nine months ,” Casella said. “And regulars at defunct venue, Cane’s, in- then theres another twenty five that cluding The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, need to be pressed.” Indeed, the label Dropkick Murphy’s and Stiff Little has been so busy, some rumored plans Fingers. have been abandoned, but due to a Now located in Hillcrest, how import- good cause. “As far as the store goes, ant is the store to the Taang! empire? we were going to do a cafe in the back, “The store sells all the titles of course, but at this point we have to expand as well as band merchandise,” Casel- the store,” Casella said la said. “But the store also has a large LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 2 | February, 2021 31 Music Notes Beloved North Park the February issue of the same night. Rare Bird venue, Queen Bee Art & iconic British Magazine, includes contributions Cultural Center needs Mojo (#327). from fiddler Bobby Furgo our help! A Go Fund Me page has been set up (Leonard Cohen, Nancy to help keep the doors Sinatra) and guitarist open, with a pair of Mike Butler (Billy Bob fundraising events in the Thorton’s Boxmasters) works, Charlie Arbelaez & with production from the Friends February 10 and late Grammy-winning a Valentine’s Vintage Sale on February 13. www. 1960’s rockers Iron Butter- producer David Bianco The album includes a live fly’s In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (Tom Petty, Lucinda Wil- bonus track, “Straight to queen-bees-for-the-love- album has been reissued liams, Bob Dylan) and the Top.” of-the-arts co-producer/engineer Ben New albums include: Moore. The first single is Chuck Charles – Hi Ya, “The Misfits.” The Slashes - Embalmers Blush, jazz guitarist Pat- Blues favorites Black as the latest in the Mo- Ratt frontman Stephen rick Yandall - Someday Market III will be fea- bile Fidelity Sound Lab Pearcy will be filming Somewhere, David Yuter – tured on the Broadstairs Original Master Record- part of his new docuse- Volume 1 Blues Festival live stream ing Series Ultra Analog ries, Backstage Past, in from Broadstairs, U.K. the LP 180g Series San Diego this month. weekend of Feb. 19-21. Deathgrind band Cattle L.A. Edwards song “Trou- Airing on ASY TV, the New Singles include: The Decapitation have re- ble” was featured on the show will include a look Dreamcoats “Love Game” leased a new video, for CW series, Walker. The back at his days as a lo- & “Chill With You,” the song “Finish Them”. network also made a cal rocker with Mickey StainGlass “Step Inside,” The track is from their custom music video with Ratt. Pearcy also recently alt rockers Sky Walker latest album, Death At- clips from the show. A released a video cover of “Orange and Gray,” Rob- las and features footage new album is scheduled Duran Duran’s “Girls on ert Rankin Walker with a of the groups 2019 tour for March. Film.” cover of 80’s classic “No- of Australia. During the Kenny Loggins has writ- where Girl,” originally trek Cattle Decapita- ten an exclusive tune, by the British new wave tion raised more than “The Great Adven- band B-Movie $25,000AUD for the Co- ture,” for the San Diego bargo Wildlife Sanctuary, Zoo Kids TV channel. to help with extensive The non-commercial, damage done by bush- closed-circuit TV net- fires that year. work will also be using his “Danny’s Song,”“I’m Alright” and “Go Fish” for upcoming videos. Scott Samuels is releasing New Videos include: Al- most Monday – Live For- a new album, Sunshine ever, Hip Hop / rapper and Starlight, in March. Benjiboy Dom – “Filthy”, The first single is a cover indie combo Cambrian Shores – “So Fine” re- Andra Day portrays jazz of Bay City Rollers clas- corded live at Rock ‘n’ sic “Rock and Roll Love Roll San Diego, Thea The Letter,” written by Tim Band – “The Worm,” War- Moore. ish - “Say To Please” singer Billie Holiday in On March 12 Pacific Re- the new film, The United cords is releasing Grape- States vs Billie Holiday. Out fruit Moon: The Songs of via Hulu on February 26 Country rock singer Sara Tom Waits (remastered) Petite releases a new al- featuring legendary rock/ Hot Snakes song “I Need bum, Rare Bird, on Feb- blues singer Southside A Doctor” is the lead ruary 26, complete with a Johnny and LaBamba’s track on the free cover virtual release party live Big Band, led by trom- mount CD included with from The Belly Up Tavern bonist Richie Rosenberg. LOCAL NEWS | /LocalUmbrellaMedia @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE | [email protected]
ThiTnhkiinnkginogf osfeslleilnligngyoyouur rhhoommee?? I’d loIv’delotovefetoatfuearetuyreouyoruhrohuosueseoonnmmy next sneegxtmsegnmt oenf tToHf ETHAEMAEMREIRCICAANNDDRREAAMM, , a NaatNioantaiolnTalVTVShSohwow! ! IN ESCROW IN ESCROW SOLD TTnnTnhheehexxiiIIxttnn’’iddItn’ssdkkseellkooelggiiovvnngimmvneemggegeettaaetoonnaonooNNttoNfftfeeooffaaeofaaattffatfssiittsitooTToTuueeuennHHnHrrrlleeaaeEElllliiyynnTTAAooVVggMMuurrSESEyhyhhRhRRoooooooooIIICuCCwuuwwuuusAssAA!e!!reerrNNNooohhhDnDDnnCRoRoomiaRRemmnmElmmocEEyAhyyaAAoetMeeSMM?a,??n,,ta Fe Jean Riley IINNEEISSNCCRERSOOCWWROW IINNEEISSNCCRERSOOCWWROW 858-598-3888 2902 Suncrest Dr, 1037 White Alder Ave, San Diego, CA 92116 Chula Vista, CA 91914 [email protected] Beautiful Spanish Bungalow Elegant Home in Prestigious w Large Yard in North Park Eastlake Woods Community BRE# 02004228 Call Your TV host and Realtor, SOLD JEAN RILEY at 858-598-388P8acific Village at to see if your house qualifies for SeRaasoncnh7o Penasquito @THEAMERICANDREAM JJeeaaJennaRRniillReeiyyley 2902 Suncrest Dr, 8855885--55899-5889--33888-38888888JJeeBwCaaEawJnnNel@@wlaEY.nCCSoF@eeouITnnClrdttSeTeeBnrrVOytmmeJFhreaamoccaLsSSnaItScDD.caTS..occnDImNood.cmmGoRmeWalItToHr, A 1037 White Alder Ave, POWJEERAPNLRAIYLEEYR:wwwww.SBBwRRoEE.lS##dBRo00BE22l#dy0000JB244ey0a22a0J22t884ne2a.2c8no.cmom Sa2n920D920ie2SguSonu,cnCrceArset9st2D1Dr1,r6, 110C03h37u7lWaWhVhiitsietteaA,AlCdldeAre9Ar 1vA9ev1,e4, LATEST JEAN RILEY TV EPISODESBeauSatSinfauDnliDSeigpeoag,noC,isCAhA9B92u211n161g6alow BweBaLeuaatruigftueifluYSlapSradpnaiinnsihsNhBoBurtunhnggPaaalolrowkw ElegCaChnhutulaHlaVoVimsitsaeta, iC,nCAPA9r1e99s119t4i1g4ious EEllaeesggtalaannktteHHWoomomeoedinisnPCProersemtsimgtiigouiunosiutys w wLaLragregeYaYradrdininNNoortrhthPPaarrkk EEaassttllaakkeeWWooooddssCCoommmmunuintyity Call Your TV host and Realtor, 858-598-3888Wtoorskeweitihf yaotuopr hporoudsueceqruraelailftioersin the country JECCAaalNlllYYoRouIuLrrETTYVVahhtoo8st5a8n-d59RR8eea-a3lltt8oor8r,,8 to seJeJEiEfAAyNoNuRRrIhILLoEEuYYseaattq8u5al8if-ie5s98f8o--r33S88e88a88son 7 Extra marketing exposure on National TV and totoseseeifi@fyyoTouHurErhAhooMuusEseeRqIqCuAalNifiDesRfEfooArrMSSeeaassoonn77 @@TTHHEEAAMMEERRIICCANDREEAAMM Social media vs. your conventional agents Property sells faster and at higher price point BBPPEEOONNPBWWEEOGEFFNxeWEEIIEptTTeyFRRSSrotEIuTOOnrRPPSepFFgrOLLooPLLtpFAAiaIIeLSStrLYYotATTyrIsSIIEEoYNNTnRRGGIENTV::RGWW! :WIITTHHITHAAA LLLAAATTTEEESSSTTTJJJEEEAAANN RRIILLEEYYY TTTVVVEEEPPPISIISSOOODDDEEESSS Work with a topSpArNodDuIcEeGr OreaCltOorUiNnTthYe country The American Dream San Diego 2 - S7-E9 EWxotrraWkPmwooriaktwrhkweaeittthirnoagpPtepolxrpaoppdyoruseoucdrreeurcooreenfrarNlRetoaaerlttioioanrnltianhlEetThsVceotacuaonntudtenryt™ry Featuring Jean Riley ESoxtcriaEalxmmtraaerdmkeiaatrivnkseg.tiyenoxgpueroxscpuoornesvuoerenntoNionanNtaioal tnaioganleTanlVtTsaVnadnd PSorocpiSaeolrmctyiaelsdmeiallesvdfsiaa.syvtoes.uryraoncuodrncavotenhnvitgeionhnteiaorlnpaarglicaeegneptsnotisnt PErxoppePerrtrotnpyeesgretoylltssiaeftalolsrtfsearstaenrdanadt haitghhiegrheprripcreicpeopinotint EGxept eEyroxtpunererpgtrnooetpigaeotrottiyrastoonrsTV! JEAN RILEY PPGeoot wwPGyoeoeeut wryrropePPSSurorAArllppaaNNePSroyyrADDltpeeyaNeIIEEyrorrDtGGneyIooOOETorGffnVCCoO!TRROOfVCeeUU!RONN8aawJeUeTT5llwNaaYY8EEnwTl@-Yss.E5SttCos9aaeltnd8ttateeB-et3y™™remJ8™ea8ac8nS.Dc.ocomm BRE# 02004228 The American Dream TSahTneheDAAimemgeoreirc2iaca-nnSD7Dr-erEea9amm FSaeSanatnDurDiienigeggoJo2e2a-n-SSR77-ilE-eE9y9 FeFaetautruinrigngJeJeaannRRilieleyy The American Dream San Diego 2 - S6 E6 JJ8EE5JAA8E-NNA59NRR8IIRLL-3IEEL8YYE8Y8 Seth Robinson, Jean Riley, [email protected] John & Elizabeth Finley [email protected]@oelCndetBenyrtmeJreamacanSc.DcS.oDcom.cmom wBRwEww#w.0Sw2o.0Sld0o4Bld2yB2J8yeJaena.cno.cmom SAN DIEGO, CA BREB3#R6E0#2C0O0204M02M4228U28NITY PUBLICATIONS THROUGHOUT SAN DIEGO. LOCAL POSTLAPOLCECAULRSPTMOISMTTEARLNCOU.ST3O1M7E5R 125,000 MAILED DIRTEheCAmTeLriYcanTDOreaHm OMES EVERY MONTH. *********ECR *W**S*S**E**D*DEMC**R**WSSEDDM**** F O L LOW u S TO DaY!@LO CTSSSAaeahLTStnneUahhnMeDDARBDAiimeeoRimggbeeEgoorienLiorcsL22iacoA2a--nnM-nSS,DESJ66Drd6eerEEaIeaEA66nam6mRI LilOeyc, a Lu m b r e L L a .cO m LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER JSoeShtehnthR&oREbolibinzisnaosbonen,th,JJeFeaiannnlReRyilieleyy,, *********ECRWSSEDDM**** JoJhonhn&&ElEizliazbabeeththFFininleleyy PRSRT STD 33663CC6OOCMMOMMMUUMNNUIINTTIYYTYPPUUPUBBBLLIILCCICAAATTTIIOOIONNNSSSTTTHHHRRROOOUUUGGGHHHOOUUTT SSAANNNDDDIIIEEEGGGOOO... U.S POSTAGE PAID SAN DIEGO, CA PERMIT NO. 3175 LOCAL POSTAL CUSTOMER *********ECRWSSEDDM****
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