OPERATION COCHISE GREEN U.S. FORCES COUNTER THE TET OFFENSIVE WITH SWEEPING OPERATIONS IN POPULATED AREAS ALONG THE COAST OF VIETNAM. MASSACRE AT AN DON Who was at fault? Aggressive Villagers or Nervous GIs? The Battle of Nu i Go X a y Decisive Victory for the Americans or... just a Roadbloack for the North Vietnamese? 4 5JUNE 5, 1968 CENTS YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION $10.00
The magazine for BAE bootlickers, tryhards, memelords and incels alike. Warning, farbs read at your own risk. You may come correct after reading this publication. Road Ambush...................................................................Marc Strasburger 4 John’s Shitt y Experience.......................................................Jon Van Ness 6 A Memoir from Big Foot 6..................................................Liam Wachter 12 Page 6 Golden Showers......................................................................John Pedulla 20 The Soul Man......................................................................Mike O’Donnell 22 Page 22 Cochise in B/W..............................................................................Joe Sabia 30 Raid on Outpost Monica....................................................Michael Notch 40 Page 30 Bloodbath at Cochise.......................................................Kasey Caminiti 44 Fred’s Dumbshit Rant........................................................Fred Wachter 46 Letter from the Political Officer........................................Ken Sliviak 48 USGI Awards...................................................................................................... 50 Publisher and Editor Liam Wachter Editor Kasey Caminiti Art Director Liam Wachter Page 3
Pictured here is Squad 2-2. The average age for the “ Young Bloods” was 21. photo by FRED WACHTER looking back at the ROAD AMBUSH written by MARC STRASBURGER My first Recovering from the shock of the scene, Barkoff immediately attempted to render aid to the near- BAE event was Operation MacArthur last year. I at- est man as I swept for enemy. Once seemingly clear, I tended first as an RTO then as radios were downsized I reached down to aid to SFC Van Ness just in time to see became a rifleman. This year at Operation Cochise Green an AK muzzle and camouflaged pith helmet pop up from I was squad leader of second squad, second the trash pile on the opposite side of the road. After a platoon... The “Young Bloods”. short burst, Barkoff and I were flat on our backs, cementing second platoon with 100% casualties. For some of my guys, this was their first BAE event and for one it was his first time shooting an airsoft gun. They seemed to take training well and came prepared to fight in the woods for the weekend. My most memorable moment of Cochise was Saturday morning’s ambush. We were tasked with providing security for the engineers to clear an obstacle so the deuce could head to Outpost Monica. 2nd platoon was hit by an ambush. Our squad had just passed a shallow curve when heavy fire and grenades hit us from the right. Two of our six rifles jammed, we were all hit at one point or another and only two of us; Barkoff and I, were able to move. Barkoff’s rifle was down and the enemy backed off. So 2nd platoon forms a security detail photo by JOE SULLIVAN we moved to hopefully bring the medic up and get our on the road right before the am- squad back in the fight. Unknown to us first squad was bush. They took massive casualties entirely wiped out. As we came around the curve, seeing and were forced to regroup at an every man laying in the dirt, groaning from their wounds LZ back down the road. an audible “holy sh*t” left my mouth. Page 4
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SHJoIhTn'Ts Y E xperience written by JOHN VAN NESS “ WE TOOK THE LONG WAY. IT WAS DUMB.” Page 6 photo by KASEY CAMINITI
Here is my AAR of Cochise more picks. I let guys dig their own a thing or 2. We had some problem Green. I’m sure I’ve spelt holes in hopes their pride would kids and one in particular I knew was some shit wrong but no make them work harder. 2-1 took not going to make it. I was right. Af- one accused me of being the north flank which made sense ter the training I told the guys to relax smart. as they had an mg. Everyone else before we briefed and stepped off. kinda just started nabbing spots. At The company was briefed by bat- Thursday- I arrived at 1000 Linked up this point I knew it wasn’t going talion hq that our mission was of a with Cj and we raised our tent with to remain to plan. We worked till humanitarian type and my platoon Dave t and tyce. Afterwards, I started about 2000 I believe then came was to act as a QRF if needed. building the gate and guard shack. back for drinks and food. The mu- I told my guys to rest a minute before Post duty was rough while building seum guys made hot chow which we stepped off. Everyone formed up and I quickly learned to start delegat- was a great surprise and morale and took some pictures. The officers ing duty as an SFC. A few hiccups boost for the guys. Afterward I and NCOs said their parts. We rolled and the gate was up. Ate some lunch. made sure everyone was good then out. Got a team from both platoons To go took guard post till 2am. I tried to to a work party at the OP. Upon arriv- sleep. It was a rough start. Our platoon was ing I learned half the tools and man fairly sloppy and had some trouble power would be taken for road work. Friday- Up at 530 got some food moving cohesively. After swinging That left me a few tools and 5 men. and hung about. Got my shit around the village we heard shout- We started hard and quickly learned SQUARED AWAY. Some more ing and some gunshots. Our help what was going to and not going to fresh meat was showing up and wasn’t needed so we moved to the work. First order of business was a training needed to be done. Bear OP. Once at the OP we took 10 and strong TOC in the center and a quick took my platoon to train. My pla- started working again. 1st platoon perimeter. After an hour or so more toon(2nd) had a crumby showing arrived at the OP later and we orga- men started coming in with saws and and in hindsight I should have been nized the outpost to 2nd platoon to tougher but on my first squad. The the north and 1 platoon to the south guys who did show really needed with command in the center. We it though and I hoped they learned also set up...continued on page 8 John and Bear train some of the men from second platoon. photo by LIAM WACHTER Page 7
a listening post to the west of the OP Saturday- Before returning to base tasked with taking our battalion outside the wire. It had no comms and we learned there was a missing commander on a nice tour of our out- was abandoned later on. That night PAVN player on the field. We went post. Second platoon was now at full we fortified to positions and dug in. back with the lot and me and a few strength minus a medic(which sucked It was a long night and 2-1 and their other players got medical supplies all weekend btw) we also trimmed machine gun kept hearing noises. together and headed out again. a little fat. We ran security for the They took some shots and traps went By now we’ve had one guy with engineers clearing the road and upon off but nothing came of it. A few mad a blown up gallbladder and an- seeing a road block we realized we minutes and an illuminating round other in shock from a well placed are in an ambush. Now I hold myself also yielded nothing. At first light a grenade. We didn’t know what to personally responsible for the poor small raid hit our southern flank and expect. We took the deuce out to handling of the ambush. There were blew it wide open. Grenades and look and stopped at the crossroads. a few things I could have done in that small arms came from the south east Just after a short walk away a few moment but as the platoon NCO I and at least 5 men were hit. I person- guys were called back to find him get my orders from my PL. We took ally crawled to all their positions to and the rest of us by the truck. He a squad with one squad on security get them back in the fight. I came to said a coyote chased him and he to clear the roadblock and spring the a man named Assad from 1-2 and he lost his way. He was a little shook photo by JOE SABIA was moaning and shaking. I asked up but returned to his camp to play what happened and he confirmed on. What a champ. I threw a coke John getting ready for the next mission. He what I saw which was a direct gre- bottle in their camp. Wouldn’t be was eventually to lead men on an assualt nade hit in his foxhole. It went off in the last thing I threw. We got back that destroyed Viet Cong positions. his hand under his crotch. He was in and enough time to eat and repack pain and shook up but said it wasn’t before it was time to go out again. ambush. We didn’t know how deep an emergency and he was good. I was fairly jealous of all the fngs in the trap we were and in an instant Fucking love that guy. After the en- beating off around camp and now what felt like the entire PAVN came gagement we went back to the LZ and I began to realize this is my fight. down on our platoon. We were all rested up and reflected from the ass Running on cigarettes soup and wiped out within a couple minutes. whooping we had received. If I said I ehh hours of sleep I was ready to Taking maybe one or 2 with us. Super slept 2 hours that would be too much. kill some fucking commies. humiliating. Luckily our battalion and not going to work. commander and his motorcade were The company reformed and were virtually unaffected by the ambush Page 8 and after re grouping we cleared the road and headed to the outpost. Once at the outpost we started working a
a little more and rested up some. Now we gotta go bring the fight. We were informed that the PAVN are hold- ing up on a hill southwest of our OP and gotta go take em out. 2nd Compa- ny loads up then we march our asses through a swamp and up a giant cliff. While marching I eat total shit. A cou- ple of my guys get stung by bees and we hit some traps. It was fun. At the base of the cliff the company gets dis- organized and the enemy takes advan- tage. We get hit in the open and have to scramble to maintain advance. One of my smokes starts a fire and I have photo by LIAM WACHTER photo by DARIUSZ WNOROWSKI Shown here, John clearly having trouble with his trousers. starts a fire and I have to run up the cliff to put it out. After making it to the top I realize I lost a few mags and now my gun won’t feed. This is going to shit fast for me. Back down the cliff I find my mags. I get back up the hill again and back with my guys. I take a couple guys and the mg from 2-1 ...continued on page 10 Page 9
and we move right. We start taking My PL sent me and 2-2 on the left Positives: fire and I immediately get pinned flank of the village. I got within -best airsoft event EVER down. I call to McKenna to supress 100ft and Hail Mary’d an eg67 into -there is honestly too much to list and I throw a grenade and move up to their ranks. It was close but I don’t it’s probably gonna be talked about neutralize the enemy position. I kill think I got anyone. The rest of the for a long time. 2 and hear more up the hill. I get hit platoon opened up but our squad -very thankful so many people and get revived by Nikki Zabbz and got cut off and eliminated quickly. chipped in to help and do their part. It we start to move up the hill. I should Even our platoon RTO was down(I really is all the little things. have fallen back because McKenna didn’t know he was attached to -vehicles were fucking awesome. disappeared and me and Nick didn’t me). Sam’s crazy ass came and get far. The two of us bleed out and I revived me but we both got pinned Negatives: got to hang with my buddy Jeff for a down and eventually eliminated. -people getting there late and/or being few minutes. Nick and I link back up 2nd squad bled out and regrouped lazy with the company medic at the CCP at the CCP. After taking a minute -players need to police their belong- and get back in the fight which is all we headed south on the right flank ings-THIS INCLUDES TRASH. but over. We took the hill. Back to the to link up with our platoon. No *also guys don’t unload your fucking outpost we go. We took the long way. sooner than we start to move and rucks and gear like it’s a week long It was dumb. we are engaged by enemy below hotel stay. a ridge line in front of us. We take KEEP YOUR BELONGINGS FILED Back at the OP we are organized one casualty and I kill the 2 of AWAY and built a fucking base. We weren’t them with a few grenades. We link -some players need to come for the gonna get fucked tonight and we back up with our company and team mentality and not just the expe- did all kinds of improvements from finish clearing the village. That’s rience clearing brush to moving the LP to where the game ended. -I didn’t get to play PAVN the best the southwest corner to keep the I realize I’ve lost a canteen and year ever for them. weak side safe. Field phones were set double back to look for it. In doing -I had to be a raging asshole for 3+ up and that son of biTch Assad was so I find some car keys (lucky days to people I don’t know. Not back out looking for BLOOD. We fucking guy) no canteen though. sorry though because I can guarantee hunkered down for the night and we Someone already picked it up and if anyone of them listened a little bit kept quiet and kept watch. We used it was returned to me later. I hur- they learned something. spotlights and starlight scopes to try ried back for the debrief. We did -I have to wait a whole year to do it to find the enemy before they got too some awards. I had an egg and a again. close. The outpost was hit again but PBR. breakfast of champions. Af- the enemy never got close enough to terwards I packed all my shit then John is all smiles here as the make it count. We killed at least one helped fix Dariusz tire. Took down battalion CO looks over his troops. and played some spooky music. Our the guard shack. Got Kerber’s shit illumination was all off target. Lots together said my goodbyes then of noises in the night. I slept the best rolled out. couple of hours of sober dirt sleep in my life. Sunday- I woke up around 6 and photo by KASEY CAMINITI chilled about. Made sure my platoon was packing up then took a shit in the woods. It was not good. I carried some of that shit with me for the rest of the event. Were packed our rucks in the 2 1/2 and went to go burn that fucking village DOWN. we got on line at 830 and swiftly moved in catching the PAVN off guard. Page 10
photo by KASEY CAMINITI Page 13
Wachter checking his watch. He was constantly worried about timetables the entire operation. photo by DARIUSZ WNOROWSKI written by LIAM WACHTER A little background 10th May 1968 I just got word from the battalion HHC that a new crop of about me before I became Big Foot 6. I was on my third FNGs will be arriving and assigned to my company. Some tour in The Republic of Vietnam, my second with the were but most were not jump qualified. These new men 173rd. I arrived at Dak To in August 1967 and was assigned were fresh from the world and the NCO cadre knew what to a company. In June during Operation Greely, Compa- they were getting into. ny A, 2nd Battalion, 503rd Infantry Regiment was utterly destroyed. I was given command of that company as it 12th May 1968 was getting rebuilt. Four months into this tour, Operation Experienced men returning from R&R arrived with the MacArthur began. After bitter fighting for ground known new troops. LZ English needed to expand quarters for as Hill 875, I was one of the few experienced men in the the influx of troops. That was the primary task for the regiment left. Hoping to be assigned a staff position and new boots. With construction underwa, my NCOs were get my ass out of the field, I didn’t get my wish and was worried about the lack of discipline within the ranks of transferred to Company B within 2nd Battalion. The Bravo Company B. Bulls, that’s when I made the switch from Astro 6 to Big Foot 6. My task was to command the company as the veter- an NCOs trained the FNGs arriving at LZ English. After some action during the Tet Offensive, my unit was 13th May 1968 part of a counter operation named Cochise Green. It began In response the new boys got in-country training. For the in April 1968. My memoir begins a few weeks into the record, we never had disrespect for rank amongst the men operation during May. in Company B. But we did have issues FNGs usually ar- Page 14 rive to the bush with. Noise discipline, not covering their
areas of responsibility and spacing on patrols. Morale was be hostile as they just witnessed their ancestral village get- high nonetheless and the boys enjoyed a movie with the ting destroyed. It was made clear that this was in no way a locals. The Green Berets, everyone says it’s a great movie kill mission. but it got boring towards the end in my opinion. I’m no The plan had two parts in which 2nd platoon was transport- movie critic though. ed to an LZ south west of An Don. They would then form a horseshoe west and north of the ville forming themselves 14th May 1968 into the anvil element. Then 1st platoon would then sweep At this point my company was rotating two platoons into the village as the hammer element. They would also back and forth between LZ English and Outpost Monica. be escorting the engineers attached to us. Lt. Senn would I’ve tried to alternate as much as I could between the el- be leading the 2nd platoon with 1SGT. Diamante. I would ements along with my Company First Sergeant, Michael patrol with the rest of Company HQ to the ville attached to Diamante. This time we decided to leave my XO back at 1st platoon, they were led by Lt. O’Donnell. LZ English with 3rd and 4th platoons as we took 1st and 2nd platoon’s drop into the LZ was pretty uneventful and 2nd out on their two day patrol. These two elements had they were able to move into position forming the “anvil”. Lt. the most new guys that needed experience. After some O’Donnell led his men in the village of An Don. You could training in the morning we were given a mission from Lt. clearly see that the rooftops were blown out of almost every Colonel Wachter (No relation to me). domicile. By the time I reached within hearing distance of the ville, it was clear that the inhabitants were not happy GIs from the 173rd sweep An Don. photo by JOE SABIA They met some resistance from angry villagers. What happened next is up for speculation. 1500hrs The Sweeping of An Don with us. I ordered O’Donnell to round the civilians up near Battalion wanted us to execute a bomb damage assess- this burlap table they were using for wood. Perhaps some ment of a village that was hit by artillery. The twist was sort of cache, maybe trying to take inventory of what they that this village was supposed to be uninhabited and it had left after the destruction? The one thing I noticed right was also hit by mistake. A fly by reported a fire pit and away was that everyone in the village was of fighting age people on the ground. It looked like they were trying to and male, except one bearded old man. At this point the rebuild the village. Our task was to assess the damage and villagers were non compliant with our direction. One of relocate the refugees. Sounded like a real cluster fuck to them grabbed for PFC Asaad Ali’s web belt. Ali felt that it me. Apparently Company C called in the wrong coordi- was a threat to him and others due to the fact he had a frag- nates and hit the wrong village. Either way it should have mentation grenade strapped to his webbing. After a short been empty. We were informed that the people there may tussle, Ali pushed the civilian away and opened fire, severely wounding the attacker. Once the ...continued on page 16 Page 15
gunfire started, the rest of 1st platoon raised their rifles 1800hrs Outpost Monica and forced all of the village inhabitants onto the ground. SFC John Van Ness did a great job overseeing the con- I immediately disarmed PFC. Ali and tried to calm things struction of Out Post Monica. Its purpose was to over- down. Unfortunately PFC. Ali was the company interpret- look a crossroad smack dab in the middle of the sector. er. By this time Lt. O’Donnell started checking each villag- It would act as a staging area for us to patrol and react to er one by one. Most had their identification cards on them. anything near An Thien, An Don and the woods leading SP4 Scribner, the platoon medic attended to the wounds to the old missionary. With 1st and 2nd platoons both of the attacking villager. With the situation thought to be within the wire of the OP we settled in for the night. under control I took a step back to call in the transport Battalion did order us to send a patrol out to An Thien element waiting outside the village. before it got dark. 2-1 was sent out to sweep the area All was going somewhat smoothly considering how this but found nothing. At this point we hunkered in for the sweep started. With that, SP5 Wikander opened fire on an- night. Throughout Friday into Saturday we did have pe- other villager! I did not witness what happened but it was rimeter probes. We were also visited by the local political reported a stick had been thrown at him so he returned officer who read some of our mail. Leadership in the fire killing the assaulter. I will go on the record stating company agreed that they were probably testing our lines that I will support any litigation against Wikander but I for weakness and potentially will be attacking us in the morning or the next night. photo by JOE SABIA Wachter looks on as his plan breaks down. The 15th May 1968 plan was to peacefully sweep the village and 0530hrs The Morning Raid provide aid to these refugees. We were abruptly attacked at dawn by a PAVN raiding party. Our southern perimeter was almost overrun and will not commence a court martial from this incident. It we took five casualties. We also counted five PAVN KIA was reported to the best of my knowledge in my report to after the firefight. All seemed well as the smoke cleared. command. Then we heard shouting from the most southern posi- We eventually were able to run all the ID numbers and the tion. PFC Ali took a grenade to the crotch and hand, he people at the ville checked out. The next part of the oper- was apparently suffering from shock. SP5 Patrick Farrell, ation was to relocate them by loading them on the trans- the company medic, tended to his man and immediate port truck. As we were loading the men onto the truck, medevac was called in. The majority of the company re- one grabbed SP4 Simpon’s rifle attempting to pull the turned to LZ English to rest and fit a little bit after being trigger and kill him. The security detail then retaliated and shaken up. opened fire, killing three assailants. We did what we could and pulled out of the abandoned village. I was transport- 1200hrs The Escort ed by jeep to Outpost Monica while 1st platoon patrolled At this point I wanted to address the company before our south towards an old missionary that saw enemy activity. next mission. I wanted to point out a few things that we Page 16 needed to work on as a group and make sure everyone had knowledge of a few things such as what a Mad Min- ute was. I also wanted to express how impressed I was for the commitment and morale that the troops kept up so far. Our mission was fairly straight forward. Escort the REMFs from battalion HHC from LZ English to Out- post Monica. The MSR we planned to use had not been cleared all day and Charlie had run of the entire AO up until now. We were expecting an ambush of some sorts. Scouting parties usually signalled to enemy units that we were coming. Our plan split the escorting force
into three elements from Company B. At the tip of the uneventful. Well, it was until we started to hit boobytraps. column with the engineers clearing the road ws 2nd Pla- That delayed us a bit. The plus behind that delay was PFC toon. In the middle was Company HQ and a small detach- Asaad Ali was able to catch up to his unit. He escaped ment of troopers on the trucks. In the rear serving as the the aid station in time for the push up the hill! With the maneuver element, 1st platoon. It was stressed that if we company in position, we started to move up the hill. Com- got hit that 1st platoon needed to react quickly. If I recall pany HQ was in the center of both platoons leaning more correctly, 1SGT Diamante was with 1st platoon on this towards the left flank. mission. We took intense enemy fire from the right flank and 2nd About 20 minutes into moving on the road an obstacle was platoon sprung into action. 1st platoon spotted a few Viet spotted. As the engineers were working to clear it off the Cong sprinting to their left so they pursued. Between the road, a Viet Cong spotter was seen observing our forward gunfire, explosions and yelling; this was probably the most element. With that intense fire from all sides of the road intense action we’ve experienced during the operation. hit our positions. The truck transporting the LTC was hit When my element crested the hill I noticed three of the on its right side but we were able to fend off and kill the company RTOs were very close together. I tried to delegate sapper team that hit it. 1st platoon moved up the right side and get men back with their units. We established a CCP of the column to flank the PAVN ambush team. It seemed that they got side tracked because they saw people in photo by KASEY CAMINITI buildings from the village to our north. During this time, 2nd platoon was getting hit hard and they took massive ca- sualties. By the time 1st platoon secured the high ground overlooking the killzone 2nd platoon was in, it was too late. I called in two more squads into LZ Donald and rein- forced the left flank of the road. Once the obstacle was cleared, Company B proceeded to- wards the outpost. I chalked this fight to a draw. We were able to complete the mission but took a lot of casualties. We did score a decent amount of kills on the PAVN am- bush team though. 1600hrs The Battle of Nui Go Xay For the last several weeks, 2nd battalion had been sweep- Senn looks over as Wachter briefs the men of company B. ing areas in the sector for this supposed hidden Viet Cong stronghold. LRRPs a few days later reported a mass of with a mixed unit to triage the wounded. With Farrell men and supplies moving from the woods of Nui Go Xay. treating men at the CCP and 1st platoon securing the area, It was the last area that was not searched in force by any I swung to the right flank to link up with 2nd platoon. grunt unit. That’s what our next objective was, to sweep a They had a vicious battle with dug in PAVN soldiers. By hill peeking out of Nui Go Xay. We were expecting enemy the time I reached their line the fighting was just about contact based on the intel provided to us. dying down. I moved the company from Outpost Monica to the eastern foot of the hill. 2nd platoon took the rockier face of the hill When 2nd platoon reached the top of the hill we counted on the right flank as 1st platoon took the left. The strategy 20 or more dead enemy. We also uncovered a tunnel. It was to have 1st platoon swing around from the south and was destroyed by artillery fire but the engineers made sure destroy any enemy force on top of the hill. 2nd platoon with some C4. 1ST platoon regrouped with the main force was to assault and suppress any positions that might be and we returned to Outpost Monica. embedded into the hill. If there was nothing up there, then the hill would have been thoroughly swept. 2000hrs Critters or Guerrillas? The patrol we executed towards the staging area was pretty It was uneventful until it got darker for the men at Out- post Monica. The friendly political officer did not visit us but we did get a few pot shots ...continued on page 18 Page 17
photo by LIAM WACHTER 1st platoon led by Diamante push up the hill during the Battle of Nui Go Xay. Intense fighting saw a large amount of casualties inflicted on the PAVN side. Many of the troopers came away scarred after the fight. directed towards our positions. Men all along the perim- justed and egressed east towards An Don and Hot Rod. 1st eter heard sticks and leaves rustling so we were opening platoon was ordered to secure the transportation column. fire into the darkness all night. I wasn’t sure anything was Once there they would provide security and break out out there all night but we did have a few confirmed sight- towards their next objective. 2nd platoon would patrol east ings of men outside the wire. towards the village. We accepted that anyone occupying We had a 50% watch the whole night until daybreak. that town at this point would be enemy insurgents. We Around 0700 we were preparing for our next patrol. were right. 2nd platoon seemed to have caught the PAVN force off guard and pushed into the edge of town. I had to 16th May 1968 pull them back though because Red Leg began to shell the 0800hrs The Battle of An Don area. As 2nd platoon was working to pull back a bit, 1st We utilized Hot Rod before our next patrol but loaded platoon assaulted the village from the south. I ran to link him up with our rucksacks and gear. Outpost Monica was up with Lt. O’Donnell and ordered him to swing behind then to be destroyed as the battalion was ordered to move 2nd platoon to the west and attack from the north. Lt’s on to another sector. We were then given orders to patrol Senn’s men regrouped and were preparing their assault to the north of Outpost Monica. Before we were able to but PAVN forces began to attack. They were fairly easily step off Hot Rod called in that he was broken down on mopped up by 2nd platoons lines. the MSR south of An Don. He wasn’t sure if it was an By the time 1st platoon was in position to the north, 2nd IED or just bad luck. Since we were the nearest unit to his platoon executed a charge into the village. I made sure that position, we had to alter our patrol. Immediately we ad- SP4 Shouldis called into Red Leg to lift fire so we don’t get any of our guys hit. The push into the ville was intense but by that time we reached the center, the resistance was min- Page 18
-imal. By pulling our forces out of the ville we drew some of the PAVN out from their cover. The village was secured. We were ordered by command to destroy what was left of it and search for bodies. About 15 enemy confirmed KIA. Company was then to stand down at LZ English for some well deserved R and R. On a personal note, I was really hoping to be promoted to major on this tour but with that incident regarding the civil- ians on my record, I am not so sure. Either way I am done with this country and war. photo by KASEY CAMINITI “It was made clear that this was in no way a kill mission.” These following men will be recommended for awards and commendations: PFC Asaad Ali: Distinguished Service Cross / Promotion to E-4 SFC John Van Ness: Soldier’s Medal and/or Bronze Star SSG Chet Wilkie: Army Commendation Medal SP4 Scott Shouldis: Bronze Star SGT Joe Sullivan: Army Commendation Medal SGT Marc Strasburger: Soldier’s Medal PFC Kyle West: Soldier’s Medal SSG Joseph Napoli: Army Commendation Medal / Soldier’s Medal PFC DJ Scribner: Bronze Star CPL Michael Mueller: Soldier’s Medal CPL David Sharp: Army Commendation Medal SP5 Robert Wikander: Army Commendation Medal *Rescinded* Page 19
GOLDEN SHOWERSNO RAIN AT OPERATION COCHISE GREEN STILL CALLS FOR written by JOHN PEDULLA It was the dead of night and I had laid down for the I was of course surprised to hear that the man stand- ing tall above me was nobody else by my battle buddy night after a bad headache came over me, probably due George. Who I had previously left at his station on the to me wearing too much and overheating. I laid on my perimeter. Perhaps this was his revenge on me for leaving makeshift bed which was made up of 2 ponchos. As I him. It was either a curse or a blessing that I was laying tucked myself under my poncho liner and poncho, I on ponchos; the blessing was they where not mine and drifted off to the sound of crickets and the snoring men rather Georges, the curse was the piss puddled on the around me. I then dreamt of more pleasant things than poncho. Because I’m not lightweight myself, the piss ran what was going to happen to me. It wasn’t the most com- down onto me. I was quick to my feet as to not fester in fortable sleep but definitely not the worst until my sweet someone else’s urine. slumber was awoken prematurely Like Forrest Gump getting a handy from Jenny. At first I heard what sounded like a full canteen being emptied right next to my head, “whoever the fuck is which was odd as the emphasis the whole event was to stay hydrated. I’d soon come to realize that I was infact taking a piss next to my dealing with someone a bit too hydrated. The sound head–move right now.” continued at which point I felt 2 splatters of liquid hit my left cheek! I proceed to calmly say ”whoever the fuck is taking a piss next to my head move right now.“. Pictured left, David “George” Costanza hydrating with his buddies. Hydration was an important facet at Operation Cochise Green. photo by LIAM WACHTER Page 20
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The Soul Man This issue’s centerfold brings soul to the GI’s with his heroics and eating a grenade. Page 22
photos by JOE SABIA written by MIKE O’ DONNELL Let me tell you the story of Asaad, a.k.a “Chop Meat,” as he is affectionately known to the troops of Company B. A Philly native and newcomer to BAE, Asaad fully embraced his immersive role in Vietnam, even acting as interpreter for 1st platoon on a humanitarian mis- sion. At 5AM on Friday when the PAVN forces decided to make a full frontal assault on the half awake troopers at OP Monica, he found himself bearing the brunt of their violence. A TAGinn R2B grenade landed in his hole on the southern perimeter in the receding darkness, rolling under his leg and into his crotch. Before he could return to sender at those commie bastards, it exploded in his taint, burning his hand and delivering a massive concussion to his sizable manhood. By the time his fellow platoon members repelled the attack and reached his bunker, Assad was in legitimate physical shock. The staff EMT was called, and Asaad was returned to the base field hospital via Deuce; a rocky ride which did him no favors in the pain department. We were all thankful that his injuries were not worse and for the professionalism of our medical personnel and staff members. He overcame his shock and was ordered to spend the day resting. He was okay. But morale was dented and 1st platoon left short by the Fresh Prince’s leave. However, our story doesn’t end there. Later that day, as the troops of Company B halted their patrol on the way to the massive hill assault, a familiar voice called out from the road next to them. The platoon turned, confused. “Trooper, who are you with?” the silhouette whispered loudly, hunched over at the edge of the tree line. It was Asaad, patched up and rucked up with a look on his face that said Rock n’ Roll MF. He had serendipitously found his platoon minutes before the biggest assault of the weekend. Assad was greeted with warm cheer, ball jokes, and a proud lieutenant smiling ear to ear. Despite his injuries, Asaad was one of the first troopers up the sheer cliff face assault and the only one to do it with a ruck on. For his actions, he was awarded BAE’s coveted “Ate Shit” award, and was deemed “Chop Meat” by his platoon mates. In every way, Asaad is an example of the top tier of player we want to attract at these events. Say whatever else you want about the man, but you can’t say he doesn’t have balls. -Lt. Hollywood Asaad after getting wrecked by a grenade. Page 23
Asaad with his bro Isaiah pose for the camera at LZ English. Page 26
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GoTohed ViBAEtions T-SHIRT AVAILABLE NOW! ON THE BAESHOP www.baeairsoft.com/product/good-vibaetions-t-shirt
OpeirnaBtiloanckCaoncdhiWsehGitreeen Page 30 Not everything at the event was black and white but Joe Sabia explored Operation Cochise Green with a roll of monochrome.
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Raidon Outpost Monica THE PAVN POINT OF VIEW ON ATTACKING THE GI POSITIONS Page 40 A column on Viet Cong patrol along a pond near An Don, Binh Dinh Province. photo by CHRIS JOHNSON
photo by SAM GIBEAU Notch poses for the camera before sneaking into enemy written by MICHAEL NOTCH At 21:00 a recon lines. and psychological ops were launched against OP Mon- Monica at about 05:00. We proceeded to observe the ica. Two, two man teams would recon OP Monica for defensive line while waiting for a whistled attack signal weak spots, and the political commissar with two man from the XO raiding squad. security team (Sam joined), would read letters from the families of the GI recovered from a downed helicopter At the attack signal around 06:10 all three members with a bull horn. Unfortunately the group stepped off from Team Michael simultaneously tossed grenades from the village to late, and not enough daylight to do into OP Monica. Upon detonation, Sam and \"3rd man\" any good recon. 1 recon team and comiasar team RTB, suppressed the OP while Michael ran into the first line of The other recon team stayed out, one member was re- foxholes and gunned down 3 surviving GI's before being covered unharmed by a PAVN patrol around 01:00 Sat, shot dead by the lone surviving GI on the line. The third Comrade Jay remained MIA out in the woods. member’s M16 jammed and was subsequently hit, Sam exchanged gunfire from the elevated position for about At 03:30 Sat. Two 3 man raiding teams were to infiltrate 5 minutes before also being hit by machine gun fire. OP Monica. Comrade Michael led one team, Comrade During the raid the spooked GI on the far side of the OP Sam and one other was assigned to the same team. The were shooting across the OP hitting several GI, in one of company XO commanded the other. Traveling light many GI blue on blue incidents. A poor GI also received while dodging GI recon by fire, Team Michael was able a grenade to the crotch, he fortunately recovered and to reach an elevated position about 25' to the east of OP returned later. Page 41
Tired of sleeping with your head in the grass? Get yourself a cot! vintage cots are available contact the bae staff
Bloodbath at CochiseKasey Gives us Insight on the Female Experience Page 44 photo by LIAM WACHTER
written by KASEY CAMINITI I woke up on muffled radio signals, and cries of coyotes. My cot-mate Rufio was on edge both emotionally and physically as he the morning of Cochise Green prepared to journey slept perched on my shoulder. At around 6:00am I heard back in time to 1968 and document the brave boys in the familiar voice of Cj back on base, tasking men with green. Unfortunately my wake up call that morning assignments. Still? When do they take a break? Through was a code red. Aunt Flo came to town. The red army the haze of the morning I picked up murmurs of a lost stormed the castle. I got my period. man and a blown up ball. Following my rose-colored morning, I pulled it togeth- photo by JOE SABIA er just as I imagined Catherine Leroy, the badass war photographer I planned on emulating, would. I arrived on base a few hours later with only the necessities: one thick white headband, a pile of green garb, two Pola- roid cameras, a backpack full of film, my dog Rufio, and a handful of tampons. photo by CATHERINE LEROY Pictured here is the real Catherine Leroy before she jumped Caminiti snapping shots with her assortment of cameras. with the 173rd during Operation Junction City in 1967. The organized chaos felt exhilarating as I watched some My immediate reaction to the GI base at Cochise boys get shipped back out to search for the lost man and Green was shock. Rufio and I explored the grounds others grab a stretcher and med supplies for the man with in disbelief over how many big ass tents there were, a blown up ball. Spoiler alert: The man’s ball was not what the tents were filled with, and what surrounded blown up. them. That morning’s unmistakable energy was sustained all I saw retro-chic lawn chairs positioned outside tents day, fueled further as I captured these guys animated- for a quick lounge in between missions, stacks of ly recounting their faults and feats of the last 12 hours Charlie Brown paperbacks from the sixties inside during their regroup at base. tents, and clotheslines proudly lined with both communist flags and sweaty clothes. The world I With tiny glass Coca Cola cans, stockpiles of vintage knew was gone. I had been transported (willingly) Playboy magazines, and a fighting spirit, Cochise Green to Vietnam in the sixties and I had a job to do. did not disappoint. Plus, the porta-potty was a totally righteous touch for this photojournalist. Friday night was a sensory overload featuring the dramatic sounds of artillery and illumination flares, photo by KASEY CAMINITI Some of the boys from Company B taking a break at their hooch. They are hanging uniforms to dry and a souvenier PAVN flag on their tent lines. Page 45
Fred's Dumbshit Rant written by FRED WACHTER Page 46 photo by KASEY CAMINITI
sOMETHING TICKED OFF FRED AND HE'S REALLY MAD AND HE'S GONNA LET US KNOW Number 1: I’ll start with this one. I don't how may fucking times I was asked the whole event event \" You know where Liam is?\" No, I don't know where fucking Liam is, he is 30 something years old and my time of respon- sibility of having to watch over him has been fucking long gone. Number 2: These really got on my nerves.....”Hey a....Have you seen a Helmet laying around”.....”Has anybody turned in a speed loader”.....”you haven't seen a my spoon have you?” Are you fucking serious?...I'm in the TOC.....How the fuck would I know where your shit is? Be responsible for you own shit and leave me alone. Number 3: Then we get the genius that decides that dead center of the TOC is the best place for his fucking mermite while he leaves on patrol. Number 4: I bought a box of a dozen pens for the TOC staff and Registration....I left with four. Number 5: While we are all striving in the base to be as period correct as possible, there are guys fucking leaving Farby shit all over the base. Fucking plastic water jugs, piles of wire, pallets at the front gate etc. just to name few. I mean.... come on guys....... Number 6: And now the clincher of all Dumb Shit......I don't how many times I've stressed NOT to smoke weed on the base as the owner’s son’s house is less than 100 yards away and the owner actually does like to come into to see what's going on as she is very interested in what we do....well....I see three GIs standing at the edge of the mined field on the south side of the base. So I decide to take a walk over to interact with them and what do I smell? Yep you guessed it...reefer !!! There they are, in full view of the owner’s house at the bottom of the hill a 150 yards away, smoking a joint. I mean WHAT THE FUCK ? You three know who you are and you are the recipients of the Dumbest Shit of the Event Award.....Congratulations!!!!! Overall the Dumb Shit wasn't so bad. I had a great time as usual. The comradery of all involved is what really impressed me and I was honored to be a part of it. To me it seemed the event was a success and moral on both sides was high to the very end on Sunday morning. And there you have my perspective......... photos by KASEY CAMINITI Fred conversing with the men before a patrol. By this point he had a lot of dumbshit built up that pissed him off already. And we we only half way through the event. Page 47
photo by LIAM WACHTER Fighters from the 22nd PAVN Regiment are all smiles before the set of to impede American operations in their sector. The man in the shorts would be promoted during this campaign. The man in white was also awarded for his exploits. A Letter from the Political Off icer written by KEN SLIVIAK Report to the Political HQ COSVN C On the recent actions taken against the Imperialist 503rd Infantry Rgt.173rd Airborne Brigade On the 14th of this past month we arrived near the village of An Don and rendezvoused with the 22nd Regiment PAVN and local NLF forces already operating in the region. These units were resupplied with rations courtesy of a ROK Marine Division that was destroyed by the Regimental Sapper Company two weeks prior. After a debriefing of their most recent operation distinguished members of the 22nd Regi- ment PAVN were presented with the following awards: Comrade Chris Johnson was promoted to the rank of Senior Lieutenant, and placed in overall command of forces in the An Bac region. Comrade Roman Kamensky was promoted to the rank of Sergeant Major, and placed in command of all reconnaissance operations. Page 48
Comrades George Melendez and Zachary Boylan were both presented with the National Libera- tion Front’s Hero Award First Class for their heroic participation in every military action against the Imperialist 503rd Infantry Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade since their arriv- al in our beloved homeland. Following the presentation of these awards, and a small celebratory dinner of fried rice, canned meat, and kimchi orders were issued for an urgent retaliatory mission against the Americans who earlier that day massacred the entire population of the innocent Hamlet of An Bac. Information found at the scene indicated that this brutal attack was carried out under the orders of the American Criminal of War Lt. Michel O’Donnell, commander of the 1st Plt. B Company, 503rd Infantry Regiment 173rd Airborne Brigade. A reward of 100 pounds of rice was issued for confirmation of the death of Lt. O’Donnell, with an addition of two Water Buffalos should he be captured alive. A combined scouting and propaganda unit were sent out that evening and located an Amer- ican outpost where members of B Company, 503rd Infantry Regiment 173rd Airborne Brigade had taken shelter for the night. The propaganda unit was able to broadcast to the Americans various letters from their family that had been recently captured, as well as current news from the American homeland. The demoralizing effect of this news resulted in almost a doz- en American soldiers either deserting their posts or surrendering outright to our forc- es. During this time the scouting party was able to locate and identify the strength of the American defenses, and this information was used to plan for an assault on the outpost at dawn the next day. At sunrise the next morning, a select group of sapper infiltrators was able to successfully overrun the American Outpost, killing the entirety of the small Imperialist garrison. It was later confirmed that the American units were the 1st and 2nd Platoon of B Company, 503rd Infantry Regiment 173rd Airborne Brigade. Unaware of the fate of the remote outpost, the remainder of the American B Company, 503rd Infantry Regiment 173rd Airborne Brigade attempted to move additional units and vehicles loaded with supplies through the area in an attempt to resupply and reinforce their units there. This attempt was met with another astounding defeat of the American forces, who were ambushed along their way. Once again every member of the American units were killed off, including the command element of B Company, 503rd Infantry Regiment 173rd Airborne Bri- gade and their parent Battalion. Having successfully destroyed an entire American company during two operations conducted within less than 24 hours, our remaining PAVN and NLF forces crossed into Cambodia where they awaited resupply and reinforcements moving south into their area. Respectfully submitted by, Đại úy Thái Nam Thanh Senior Political Officer COSVN C Assigned to 22nd Regiment, PAVN Page 49
USGI AWARDS TteathxhhweeecaserspepdpoteiasidrwioitaentirvavdaelesnrasydattorcanteothemeveamootftiftaetesmdmrkoeosrtnnahatlesbwsywteihatgsehsnteelervidiBkevAtneeEotnfs.toothTratehhfamefit.neaIafgnflfdwolwrgeeBt’iAvcvpEeoeuunestlevtdeieonnnw.mtbesey.wnTmothouheslastdteahdmlaioevsnnepglwaweyiretedh Ate Shit Award: Awarded to PFC ASAAD ALI fall or hit during the event Given to the trooper who takes the worst TLheaissthFoanrobryiAswparreds:eAnwtaerddteodtthoeCtPrLooJOpeErSwAhBIoAtakes Coming Correct the most serious 1st Platoon MVP: tAawkaersdtehditsohPoFnCorD,JpSeCrRfIoBrNmEeRd at another level in his platoon The trooper who 2nd PfolrathoiosnpMlVaPt:ooAwnabrydeexdetcouCtPiLngMcIoCmHmAEaLndMsUaEbLoLvEeRthe minimum asked MVP USGI of the War: Awarded to SP4 SCOTT SHOULDIS and CPL DAVE SHARP US faction Voted by the BAE GI Staff as men who stood out for their service to the Page 50