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Home Explore How to check Practice Test Detailed Analysis?

How to check Practice Test Detailed Analysis?

Published by infinity meta, 2022-08-26 03:14:01

Description: How to check Practice Test Detailed Analysis?


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Egnify is the online teaching platform your students, teachers, and staff will love. Everything you need to teach online anywhere, anytime to anyone. Connect Live Assignments Reports Teach ing made easy Doubts Analysis Practice Tests

Practice How to check Practice Test Detailed Analysis? Log in to with your login credentials. After logged in you will be in home Page. Page 1/22

Practice Under Topic performance for each topic we show the following: i) No. of questions asked. ii) Marks scored out of total marks. Step 2: Subject Wise Click on the all subjects button to see the dropdown with subjects. Page 8/22

Practice Difficulty: Shows the question of whether easy, medium, or hard. My time: Will give you how much time you have spent on that particular question. Page 16/22

Practice Avg time: Shows the average time of all the students spent on this particular question. Accuracy: Shows the percentage of students who answered correctly for the particular question. Page 17/22

Practice Step 6: Topic-wise Difficulty Level Here you can see the total number of questions given from that topic. Here you also can see the distribution of attempted questions to that particular difficulty level. You can check how many correct, wrong and unattempted in that particular difficulty level. Page 18/22

Practice Behaviour Analysis: 1) Subject wise Time Analysis Click on the subjects to see the number of questions and time spent on that question. Click on the difficulty level to check the number of questions and time spent. Page 19/22

Practice 2) Question Analysis Click on the Time Analysis dropdown. Click on the subjects to see the number of questions and time spent on that question. Page 20/22

Practice Click on the correct/ wrong / unattempted to see the number of questions and time spent. Click on the difficulty level to check the number of questions and time spent. Page 21/22

Practice 3) Subject Time Spent This doughnut graph gives the distribution of time spent by the student across each subject in minutes. 4) Subject wise CWU Time Spent This doughnut graph gives the distribution of time spent by the student across questions which he/she got Correct (green), Wrong (red) or left bu(grey). Click on the subjects to check the time spent on subject wise correct/ wrong/ unattempted questions. Page 22/22

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